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01x05 - Trigger

Posted: 01/09/24 10:54
by bunniefuu
What do you want? I just wanted

to meet the guy who was up here

looking after our flowers for us.

I figured we'd give you a little thank you for that.

Hey, this is a no smoking area.

As far as I'm concerned, if you

roll with life fibers, you can suck it.

How do you know about life fibers? None of your business, jackass.

He threw a cigarette butt into the sacred flowerbed.

You're gonna pay for that?

Meet my gardening

spec green thumb enhancing two star Goku uniform.

Now that you know what it's called. Prepare to get planted.

Are you kidding? g*ns don't work on Goku uniforms.

Gobble that sucker.

What happening? Where'd my powers go?

There are two things you need to know.

One. I smoke where I want. Please have mercy.

Was only to never interrupt me



White five are synchronized. Callaway seconds.

It's with you people. All anyone does here is take hostages.

You're so cool, Ryuko. Shut up, you.

Your friend is not a hostage. In fact,

she happens to be the biology club's very own human guinea pig.

Impossible. Save your little knives for the frogs.

It'll take more than that to beat me.

Finishing move. Danny Soshite.

Well, that takes care of that. You know, you're the best.

Wow. When do you learn how to shrink

your scissors down? That's so cool.

Yeah, well, it's not really that big a deal.

Your blood's been quite salty lately, huh? It explains your cocky attitude.

You can tell stuff like that from how my blood tastes.

Yes, I can spot any change in your physiology.

Everything from your weight to your BMI.

My BMI is none of your business.

You should still cut back on the croquettes.

I'm gonna eat. What if our damn w*r.

Damn it. Look, I need to keep up my energy.

If I'm fighting all these dogs, don't I?

Throwing tantrums is bad for you, as is greasy food.

God, would you shut up and wipe that smug look off your face?

How can I look smug when I don't even have a face? That's it.

You're coming off, smart ass. That's hilarious.

There you go. You're like a comedy duo,

but with only one person, huh? Oh, gosh.

I'm sorry. You were talking to sunk

heads again, weren't you? My bad.

Anyway, close call back there, huh? It would have sucked

if they cut my tummy open,

cause then if I ate, my lunch would spill out,

and then I'd have to eat everything all over again.

Your lunch is the last thing you should worry about.

If you don't watch your back, you're gonna get


Hey, Marco, come on, say something. Don't worry.

Your friends. Okay? The effects of the needles are therapeutic.

They'll cure any fatigue she has any illness.

When she wakes up, she'll feel refreshed and energized.

Oh, thanks a lot, I guess. But your

uniform will get no mercy. Get out of here.

You bastard. What club are you from? Take off your clothes.

Huh? You want me to What? Let me guess.

You're from the Pervert club, and you're the captain.

You leave your assless chaps at home.

Shut it. There are two things you need to know.

One. I'm not a pervert. Yeah, whatever, pervert.

Two. I won't let you transform any more.

You'll die at this range. So take off your clothes.

Have it your way then.

Hey, where do you think?

I'll be back tomorrow to strip you.

I already know what you're going to say, Tsumugu.

Never interrupt me, am I right? What do you want?

Pull up a seat. There aren't any kiryuin

spies in this style. What do you want?

I want you to leave Matoi alone.

It's a critical time for her. I can't do that.

Except for the Kansai region, Satsuki Kiryuin

has taken over every school in the country.

Do you remember what Dr. Matoi said?

Use the Kamui against the Kirins.

That's what everyone at Nudist Beach signed on for.

All you're doing now is getting in the way.

That uniform is too dangerous. I get that.

But Matoi could prove to be a powerful ally.

If she's consumed by the Kamui, it'll

cause problems worse than the Kurians.

That's why I have to destroy it now

before it turns her into a monster.

People in clothing aren't enemies. Isn't that what Kinu said?

I owe you and I'll do anything you ask.

Except when it comes to a Kamui.

Okay. But if HQ finds out about this,

they're going to take all your gear away.

Then I'll go after that Kamui as a naked

nudist and doesn't change a damn thing.

Stop. Wow, Sis, you're really chowing down?

No, I'm starving. I feel great, though.

My fatigue is gone. I don't feel sick. I feel refreshed.

Here you go. Are we celebrating something special? Nope.

Just felt good when I woke up.

Good and hungry. I went to the butchers

and the grocers and the seafood market.

I bought all they had. Where did

you get the money to pay for all this food?

What money? I put it on your tab.

No. What the hell? I could always

sell Monteiro's organs to pay the bills. Huh?

Oh, do you go? Now hurry up.

Gus is gonna scarf down all your food again,

you filthy animal. Don't climb on me.

Stop digging your claws into me. Stop drooling on me.

And do not break wind on me.

Rico, please do something. Thanks. I'm done.

I have Intel on the stranger who att*cked the gardening club.

His data matches the person who we've been having trouble with lately.

The anti uniform guerilla. He's the one

who's been attacking all our affiliate academies. Yes. I also found this.

His w*apon of choice. Fires, needles. Analysis

shows they're made of a special alloy.

Apparently they have the ability to sever

the connection between a human body and life fibers.

A w*apon that can take out a Goku uniform.

I'll believe it when I see it. We can be sure he's not acting

alone in his att*cks on us.

He's with those pathetic fools who dare oppose Honnoji Academy.

This time, though, his target appears to be Ryuko Matoi.

You're sure about that? He must be after her Kamui.

This is a struggle between a sandpiper and a clam. Nothing more.

In that case, I think I'll change

things up and be the one to cast the net.

Huh? Changing majors from music to fishing, are we? Yeah.

Well, the new girl totally wrecked my biology club.

I think the non-athletic committee should pay

her back for that. If I may, Lady Satsuki. Yes, you may.

Ryuko Don't wear me today.

Why that stranger was after me. So as long

as you don't wear me, he won't come after you.

Yeah, well, Satsuki is the one I'm after.

And if I don't take her out, we're both going to be screwed.

So I kind of need to worry you to get her.

Oh, yeah? Is anyone else as weirded

out about her talking to her uniform as I am?

Son, the cute ones are always a little crazy.

The poor thing doesn't have any friends at all, does she?

That's why her uniform means so much to her.

She is kind of weird, but so what?

That's even more reason for us to accept her.

Go on. I'll catch up later. Why? Please.

Okay, I will. But first, I want to tell you,

Sanchez isn't the only friend you got around here.

Because you got me, too. Sienna bit the.

He scares you, doesn't he? Shut up.

You can't fight if you're not in the right state of mind.

Oh, my God. Would you quit analyzing me?

You're just a piece of clothing. So for once, can I wear you

without getting a lecture? A piece of clothing.

Crap. He's coming. So no more nagging. Got it.

Life fibers synchronize.

I thought you weren't going to let me transform.

Hope you got a plan B.

Here's a piece of advice. It takes

a lot more than strength to win a fight.

Oh, that didn't work a minute ago. So how come you.


in the early doors.

Okay, great. Now what? Keep on rockin go clubs.

Remasters where the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu plus the Hall of

Gardening. We the backyard division of the gardening club.

And I'm the shifty Yakuza Tower. Tower a.

You messed up our garden. You gotta pay for that.

The way you spoke earlier. I'm surprised

you sent your weakest clubs down there.

Yeah, well, it wouldn't be any fun

to just beat her out, right?

I doubt you'd do it any different.

This is a chance to study our opponent.

Whatever we learn today, we can apply

to the real battle. Lady Satsuki's planning.

I didn't know you were so diligent. I'm impressed.

I've known Lady Satsuki longer than the rest of you.

And that's why I know how she thinks.

So instead of evaluating me, go collect

some data on them. Hop to it. Four eyes.

This. You got to be faster than that, pervert.

Oh, Why do you have time to set all these traps?

Where do you go? Would you shut up? I'm a little busy here.

I reached my limit. I'm sorry.

Oh, it's it gets.

It's about time those jamming rounds started working.

I can't believe how many it took.

Yeah, but that's a combo for you.

Bastard. Whatever. It's over. You're kamui's power

has been neutralized. Now take off your clothes.

You're right. I'm not going to strip down because some pervert says.

There are two things you need to know.

One. There once was a woman. She

believed people and clothes weren't enemies.

But she was a fool. And in

the end, she was betrayed by clothing.

To the road you're heading down leads to the same fate.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

I guess not. Oh. Go. You go. I'll distract him.

Now. Do you get it?

It never cared about you. It was trying to escape.

You're wrong. I'm not. It was running

away because it was done with you.

She was trying to protect me. Like hell it was.

He was protecting me. It's a parasite.

Look what you've gone and done to Ryuko's uniform.

That's the only piece of clothing she has.

Do you have any idea what it's

like to only have one set of clothes? How? That even.

Who invited the cleaning lady?

Ryuuko loves her uniform more than anything on the planet.

She's always talking and whispering to it.

It's creepy, but it's true. And that's

my whole family's creeped out by it.

But it's cool because that's what a person

does when they only have one set of clothes.

And if you take away the clothes of a person who's like that,

it's the same as taking away their bestest friend.

This uniform? Yes. This uniform is her friend.

People in clothing can't communicate and they

can't be friends. It's impossible. No, it's not.

Up until now, the only friends I had

were the ones in my head.

Real one so she can be my friend.

She can be friends with close to. That's why it's not impossible.

Shame on you. You have to take better care of your friend.

Thank you. Marco.

Well, I better get back to cleaning.

I got busted for sleeping in class again. The by.

Okay, so where were we? All right, hand it over.

The only way you're going to get him is if you k*ll me.

Then you give me no other option.

Don't you touch her. If you do, I'll make you pay.

Wait. It. Talks.

Are these two? Friends.

Your battle with the company was, in a word, magnificent.

Unfortunately, the melody you've been playing has gotten pretty boring.

Be a doll and hand him over.

Just give you the kamawi, huh? Yep.

And yourself too. If you don't mind.

WOMAN There are two things you need to know.

One, I'll never let you people catch me.

Two, I'll never hand them over to you.

You can't escape.

And after all that, you let everyone get away.

What's the status on the anti uniform guerrillas Combat data.

I've completed the analysis and I found a pattern.

Excellent. I'm so glad Yakuza understood my intentions.

Don't forget to thank her for it.

Uh. Oh, d*ck. Catch.

Huh? I'm here.

Oh, thank God. Actually, you should thank that stranger.

Damn it. I can't believe I got my ass handed to me like that.

We're both in tatters. Don't push yourself.

Sandcats. I don't know how, but we need to get even stronger.

I mean, we can get stronger, but only if we're together.

You said I was just a piece of clothing,

remember? That's not what you are.

You're my friend.

But don't measure my BMI anymore.

Not going to happen. Whoa. I thought we were friends.

Yes, but you still need to lose some weight.

I need to lose. Okay, back off, man.

Thanks a lot for getting my toy out of that jam.

I guess your debt to me is paid in full.

Now that doesn't even begin to. What

are you talking about? We're square.

Besides, I have a rule. I only keep the ladies on the hook.

Well, there are two things you need to know.

One, I'm only giving her a chance.

And two, if things start going south,

I'll be back to rip it off her.

The Academy's athletic committee chair, Suzanne Agama,

one of the elite four, Suzanne Agama,

a man we've run out of time introducing.

Suzanne Agama. Next time on k*ll LA k*ll,

don't toy with me on a whim.