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01x04 - Dawn of a Miserable Morning

Posted: 01/09/24 10:47
by bunniefuu
Don't. Please don't. For God's sake, stop it.

We're going to be late. We're going to be late.

We're going to be late. Hurry up and get dressed.

Here you go. Oh, what am I kidding? Geez, Chill out, Marco.

It's like four in the morning.

I'm being m*rder*d. Hello. Michael, I have

your lunch all bagged up and waiting in the kitchen.

Good morning, Michael. Sleep well? Yes, ma'am, I did.

Excuse me, but is that my uniform

you're washing? It sure is, hon.

I'm just giving it one last scrub for good measure.

I can't believe how filthy it was.

Thanks, ma'am, but I can take it from here. No, you won't.

What's your job as a student? To get educated.

So what's my job as a mom? To do the laundry.

Is that clear? Now eat your breakfast and get to school.

But I can't go to school without my uniform.

I totally forgot to keep panicking. Come on, Ryuko.

It's the big day. Big day. No way. It's your big day.

You're hiding your pizza's food. Don't worry.

We'll drop your uniform off later. Yeah, We got this.

Wait, Ryuko. These assassins can't hear me.

You're the only one who can.

Huh? Please don't leave me. I'm begging you.

Hang in there seconds. Okay. What's that?

No way. Did you give your uniform a name?

Boy, you must be really lonely.

Wait. Even more reason to get you to school.

We need to find you some friends quick.

But everyone wants to k*ll me.

I'm sorry. He's that good. How are you? Goes abandoned me.

Oh, that feels nice. The wrinkles are melting away. Oh.

What's with everyone? They're acting like a bunch of lemmings.

Today's when the no stars of Honnoji

Academy risked their lives to get to school.

It's a day of reckoning. It's a day

of death. It's no tardies day.


Wait. No tardies day. What the hell is that?

Hahahahahahahaha. Do I detect some confusion? Ryuko. Matoi.

Fight me a late jerk. My title

is chair of the disciplinary committee and my name is Irigonegaray.

Pay attention, new girl. You are participating in no Tardies day.

Once every semester you will be required

to run an obstacle course designed by the disciplinary committee.

It begins at a.m. when the siren goes off in the slums.

No star students will then have to evade

the disciplinary committee's traps on the way to school.

The objective is to make it to the academy.

By the time the first bell tolls at : a.m..

But if you happen to be late, you will be expelled on the.

What the hell? That is not a regulation uniform.

But my car is still in the laundry. It's getting delivered.

Spare the excuses. The evidence is clear.

You left her school in a slovenly outfit.

You're a disgrace to the Academy And Lady Satsuki.

It's a mortal insult. It is so not.

She was asleep till a minute ago.

It's normal for people to wear pajamas

when they sleep, isn't it? It isn't.

You know it, and you can't deny it.

Maybe you don't know about pajamas. Is that it?

Don't you wear them when you sleep? No, I sleep in the nude.

You'll catch. What happens if there's an emergency and people need punishing?

You'd be at home in bed

from now on. Please wear pajamas like everyone else.

No star. What's your name? My name is Mako Mankanshoku

and my jammies have Mt.fuji two hawks

and three eggplants on him unconscious.

I'll remember that. Matoi. I've decided to overlook

your choice in wardrobe for now,

but I'm curious as to how you

think you'll be able to reach the school without your precious Kamui.

Behold, the disciplinary committee's impregnable barrier. Oh, my God.

Look, Ryuko. That's what the city's been turned into.

An amusement park. I've never seen anything like this.

You see what time it is? We've

only got three hours before first period, huh?

The way you talked it up, I was expecting something scarier.

All right, then. I'm up for this.

You hear that? I'm going to bust

through all the lame traps you made.

We'll see. Students, your commute begins.

Sit close to me, Marco.

You're not wasting any time on the traps. Up you go.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Congratulations on clearing the first checkpoint. I forgot

to mention use of the no star cable cars is prohibited.

Obey the rules and stick to the prescribed route.

See you up at the academy. Maybe more traps to go.

He's trying to psych us out. Come on, Marco.

Look, it's our classmate, Michael Ogawa. Are you okay?

Can you get up? Can you move?

Well, if it isn't my unconscious.

A motto. He the new girl in class.

I caught my arm in that horrible

trap. It hurts, but I'll live.

It'll take a lot more than this to stop me.

Whoa. Take it easy. Here you go.

She can't make it all by herself.

Come on, let's take her up to school with us.

Leave me. I'd slow you down, so just leave me here and go.

Yeah, You got a point there. Well,

guess we'll be seeing you. Oh, the pain.

Gotta block it out. I can't make it on my own.

Damn this useless arm you go.

Jeez. All right, you win. Hang on tight. Okay?

We'll all get to school together. Thank you. My.

No worries. You're a girl who doesn't give up.

I got to respect that. Look, you see

what I see? The second checkpoint.

Are we supposed to get up there?

Oh, we're so screwed. This would be cake if I had Sunset's.

Coming through back alley. But as I was making a house call.

Unless you want a car up your ass. Get out of the way, man.

Oh, that's where you go up there. Hey, we got your uniform.

I can't hold on. Miko, don't let go, okay? It's no use.

Go read something else. Anything else?

Don't die on me, Dad. Too late, son. I'm done for.

Listen to your poor, dying old man. One last favor.

Take this. And. I'll get this uniform to Ryuko. Safe and sound.

I love you, Dad. Rusted pieces. Hang on, Ryuko. I'm coming.

We keep moving.

Oh. Swiss cheese. Cheese.

Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Cheese.

No, Go. Look out now! What's up?

Can I lick your face where you go?

I got you out. And trust me, you go to Rich.

I can ruin your circuits right now.

I'm coming. There you go. Whoa. Speak of the hottie. Going up.

Good. Thank you. God.

Oh, Does anyone watch where they're going around here?

God, that's it. I'm done for, boy.

Listen, you're dumb dog now. So do me a solid and guts.

Guts. Oh, that hurts. Don't bite so hard, you vile Hellhound. God,

what time is it? It's eight. There's only minutes left.

We'll never make it. We can't quit now.

If we don't get up there, I won't

be able to go to school anymore.

Hey, Miko. What are they doing? Pseudo homeroom.

It's where all the kids who gave

up trying to make it to school gather.

They can't face the reality. They'll be kicked

out of school and their homes tomorrow.

So they sit there like zombies and

take roll call. Those poor bastards.

Okay. By the looks of those condos,

something tells me they're going to be super tough to get past.

Hey, look, it's a school bus, right? A minefield.

It can take it. Its armor plated.

That's one star privileges for you. It's passing the checkpoint.

Oh, man, They got it so easy. I want to ride in it, too.

Damn it! Get out of the road! No! Star. Move your car.

All aboard!

Quick question, Miko. Do you have a license to drive?

The key to you, Ian, family owns everything in Hono Town,

so unless Lady Suzuki says otherwise, I

don't need a license to drive.

I'm not losing this thing. I'll show

em all what a no star can do when they push him far enough.

Okay, let's move out. Miss Badass.

I got a h*jacked bus with no stars at the wheel.

They're clearing mines with it. Over. Gotta be that.

You have permission to eliminate with extreme prejudice. Over.

Okey dokey.

You gotta be freaking kidding.

How are preparations coming for the last trap? Where is everybody?


They're not letting up. Thank God this thing's

armor plated. Time for a counterattack. With what? With this?

You gotta get up here and try this.

Get down. Marco, it's not safe.

We're trying to.

Like riding in convertibles.

A little further and we're in the two star district.

I'm coming on. Portrait.

Oh, hey, guys, look it.

It's the school. We did it. We made it.

We still have minutes before first period starts.

Awesome. Piece of cake. Piece of cake.

Michael, you rock so hard. Couldn't have done it without you.

Not at all. I was just backing you up.

But still, you're sweet. Oh, shucks. Hey, come. Ain't no.

Look at that real go. It's got the knees bringing your.

Hey, get over. Here. But why is guts bringing it? Jeez.

Your dad's got the goofiest ideas. Oh, the.


Now we're sliding. Stop. You curse.

Stop! My God. Where are you going? Oh.

The hell? Why did you do that, Michael?

You shouldn't have let your guard down, Ryuko. I mean, ryuko matoi.

I've been waiting ages for this moment, But, Michael,

you fell for my injured. No star

classmate. Disguise but my true identity.

Is the head of trap development for the disciplinary Committee. Michael Ogden.

Trap development, huh? Yes, exactly. I'm an undercover

operative at the academy whose job is to spy

on students and develop diabolical traps to trap them.

My world revolves around designing traps, but after

doing it so long, I'm so over that life.

When I heard your conversation with Gamagori today over the surveillance feed,

I had a flash of inspiration.

The only way to challenge Lady Satsuki

is to have a Kamui that's as powerful as hers.

I decided to steal your Kamui right then and there.

With your uniform. Why? I could be a two star.

No, Be one of the four elites.

Wait. No. I could steal the throne from Lady Satsuki herself.

I'll be the new Empress of Honnoji Academy,

and I will gorge on all the

luxuries the Academy has to offer.

I can hardly wait. Miko, if there's

one thing I can't stand, it's a fricking liar.

Give it back. That's a ryuko's uniform, not yours.

She needs to have it because when

she puts on her uniform, she transforms like this.

She acts all shy, but she really likes it.

In fact, she loves when it happens.

Oh, that's right. Her transformation sequence. I'm

going to try it right now. Remove. Apply what?

Whatever. If you think you can transform so easy,

knock yourself out, you deceitful bitch.

I did it for, like, five synchronized. Is that good?

Oh, come on. She figures out the life.

I was thinking crap on the first try.

To do that. Forgive me, Ryuko. But this girl has no shame.

If it means having power, If it means getting to me.

Dog. I'll gladly take off all my clothes. Yes.

It's flooding into me.

Now, who should I try my new stray powers out on? I know.

How about I start with you? Oh.

What's going on? Why can't I punch her?

The hell's your problem? It's like my body's turned to stone.

What's causing this? Sangats. It's you.

Yeah. I was just kidding. I swear it was a joke.

I'm sorry I tricked you. What's up?

I thought you were going to try out your new power.

Please. No, I'll give it back. I'll give. f*ck

yeah. What's wrong with this thing? It won't let me move.

Get off me! Damn it! Stupid, f*cking damn stupid!

Get off me! It just got washed.

So maybe it's got too much starch in it, you dumb ass.

Her blood was absolutely filthy. I'm sorry I was late. Nah,

it's cool. It's not like you cheated on me or anything.

Oh, look what time it is. We got five minutes before the.

We have to hurry. I don't want to be late.

I don't want to be expelled. Hurry, hurry, hurry. Hurry, hurry.

I hit my head on nothing. Oh, what the.

What the hell is going on around here? Ha ha ha.

Gotcha. I had a feeling you'd get past me, so I.

Find this trap as a contingency. A fake stool.

So long, suckers.

Hahahahaha. It's all over for you.

I call this trap. Begin at the beginning my masterpiece.

Once it starts rolling, there's no stopping it. Like hell it's over.

I'll just come over there and beat

the living hell out of you and I'll

keep right on beating you till you tell me how to stop it.

Not if I'm dead. I won't. Are you crazy? Get back here.

I might have failed to steal your kamawi,

but I'm still a member of the disciplinary committee.

My work is done here, and I die

knowing you'll have a tardy on your permanent record.

It's my final act of defiance. You didn't beat me.

We're running out of time. This thing's coming apart.

Marco. Hurry. Put me on. Oh, right. I forgot.

Life Fiber synchronized. Come on, second.

What the hell? How do we get all the way down here?

This ain't nowhere near the starting line.

Even with my help, you'll never make it up there In time.

You'll be late. Oh, my God. This

is the station where the non-stop express

rope thingamajigs are that only the rich

kids can ride to get up to school.

Oh, I always wanted to ride in one.

It's nonstop. Hey, you know, stars aren't allowed.

Shut your hole and get this thing moving. Step on it.

Hurry, bucko. Get in. We have to pay

the fare to ride it first. There's no money.

Oh, well, I'll just leave some of

the yummy croquettes my mom made.

Oh, who cares? Just get in here already.

Yay! I'm ready. A. Time we got.

After that relate then expelled the way we're going to be expelled.

I'm going to get us to our

homeroom on time, even if it kills us.

Damn it, I hate all that power in my hands.

Oh, well, it's cool. I'll just play the good subordinate.

Another chance will come along soon enough.

I saw and heard everything. Oh, good. A.

So you wanted to overthrow Lady Satsuki?

You have more ambition than brains. Sir, I was wrong. Forgive me.

Never. You're exposed. You don't deserve to attend Honnoji Academy.

Get out of my sight.

Damn her. We've only got s. The case. For the station.

Okay. Next is Matoi. Ryuko. Matoi.

Ryuko. Matoi.


The man is usually silent. But when

he corners his prey, he says only one thing.

Take off your clothes. Next time on k*ll LA. k*ll. Trigger.