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06x22 - Fly Away Home

Posted: 01/09/24 09:58
by bunniefuu
Oh, please, what was I thinking?

Ooh! One stiff wind

and I'll be airborne.

Ohh, ooh!

Oh, goodness.



Oh, there you are.

What are you doing?

Having second thoughts.

Mom, what are

you talking about?

We have been here as

a family for six years.

And now you're going

off to New York

with the w.N.B.A.

And tamera, she's

going off to Africa

- with your
- natural father.

- And I'm getting
- ready to live

- With a man
- I hardly even know.

Oh, but really love.

Mommy, everything

is going to be just fine.

No. Everything's

going to change.

Why can't things

just stay the same?

Mom, do you remember

what you told me

when ray first

suggested we move in?

That he was only

after my body?

After that.

You said, "Tia, this

will change everything.

Why can't things

just stay the same?"

Mommy, look

at what a wonderful

change that was.

And this will be, too.

How did you get

to be so smart?

- Oh, this package
- just came for you.

Oh, better be

my wedding shoes.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Let me see.


- Mommy,
- they're gorgeous.

Oh, won't they make

my feet look tiny?

They better.

They're a size five.


Push. Push, Tia!

Come on! They'll fit.

I'm trying.

♪ I do my own style

in my own time ♪

♪ how different

we have come to be ♪

♪ even though I'm glad

to be with you ♪

- ♪ I got to feel
- what's real for me ♪

♪ Like you got to do

what's right for you ♪

One, two, three.

One, two, three.

- This isn't
- going to work.

Get up.


Hold it.

- You just going to have
- to get you some braids.

Tamera, in Africa

the rule on safari is

you take it, you carry it.

I thought you said

you were only packing

the bare minimum.

- Matt, once we went to the bottom
- of the Grand Canyon.

- It took three extra mules to
- carry the girls' bare minimums.

Those mules were old.

- After our trip to Hawaii,
- two skycaps went on disability.

They were old, too.

Well, tamera, looks like

we'll be all loaded up...

in three or four more trips.

Matt is so sweet.

You got to love him.

Are you girls talking about me?

- Roger, you are supposed
- to be a surprise.

- I told him this
- house was off limits.

I know, but tamera and I

have some unfinished business.

Come on, girl.

Once, for old times' sake.


Go home, Roger.

Ah! Just like old times.

Follow him.

I won't let him

out of my sight.

- Well,
- I've given it a lot of thought

- And I've decided
- to accept the offer.

Yeah. I'm looking forward

to working with you as well.

Yeah. See you in Lansing.

See who in Lansing?

That was governor engler.

- He wants me
- to come to the capital

And head up his commission

on campaign reform.

Dad, that is such an honor.

Why did he pick you?

I mean, he was... he was

really smart to pick you.

Wasn't he?

Leaves me only three weeks

to square my business away

and close up the house.

Close up the house?

- What are you
- talking about?

- Well, the governor has asked dad
- to the capital

To clean up politics.


We're all

leaving home.

- Isn't that
- great, mommy?


Closing up the house?

Well, yeah.

- I mean, with the
- girls out of town

- And you gone,
- I might as well.

- No, wait. No, wait.
- Now, hold up.

We just need to slow our roll.

Slow our roll?

- Mother, your wedding
- is in an hour

- And you don't have
- any shoes to wear.

Well, don't just stand there!

Come on! Let's get to the mall!


Get my purse.

Get her purse!

Get my purse.

- Here. I don't
- carry a purse.

Excuse me.

Excuse me!

Bride coming through.

Hey, Tia,

how about this one?

- No, mother, that's
- too junior miss.

Um... how about this one?

Too old miss.

Bonjour, madame.

Mademoiselle, you're

looking for something

- for a particular
- occasion?

Oh, yes, yes, yes.

- My mother, she's
- getting married

For the first time.

- Ah! How nice
- of her to wait

Until you're old enough

to give her away.

Could you please

give me the mate

to this shoe?

Step on it, pinhead.

- We got to get
- to the church.

Would you relax?

- You have
- waited this long.

Mother, you know...

Good grief! This

is our fourth store.



This could work, huh?

Good. Buy it and let's go.

Um... excuse me.

- I'd like the mate
- to this shoe, please.

No. No.

You want this one?

No. No. I don't.

Oh, yes, you do.

- Pal, if my daughter says
- she doesn't want the shoe

She doesn't want the shoe.

Your daughter specifically

asked for this shoe, pal.

I did not.

- Oh. Oh!
- And I suppose...

I suppose I just

imagined a girl

with long hair,

your face

that same

snooty attitude.

- Oh, great.
- Thank you.

- You found
- the shoes.

Oh, my gosh.

This is where

it first started.

Where what started?

My god!

Our family.

Don't you recognize us?

We met here

in this same store

six years ago. Uh-huh.

Oh, wait. Wait...

A minute.

Huh? Huh?! Of course!

Is your name sondra?

No. Lisa.

I was here with Tia.

That's the day

that we found out

she had a twin.

- Oh, it's a day our
- family will never forget.

I'll never forget it.

- I was wearing my hair
- in a cute little Bob.

- I think I was wearing
- a chambray shirt

Belted at the waist.

Yeah, that was in back then.

Honey, did you

get your sweatshirt?

- No. That salesman
- yelled at me.

Excuse me, sir.

- There appears to be
- a slight misunderstanding

Concerning my daughter.

- Oh, you mean
- that troublemaker.

Yo, pinhead!

- Where do you get off
- being rude to my daughter?

That's it. I'm calling security.

- There's no reason
- for that.

No, let him call security.

- I'll do it for him.
- Security! Security!

- That's it.
- I'm out of here.

- Come on, tamera.
- Let's go home.

- What are
- you doing? Mom!

You let go of my baby!

- What do you mean,
- your baby?

This is my baby!

- Get your hands
- off her!

Who are you...?!



- Both:
- That girl has my face!

After that,

we moved in with ray.

And the girls, they got

to be together at last.

And they say

these things

only happen on TV.

Well, now I'm getting married

Ray's moving to Lansing

and the girls, they'll...

they'll be a continent apart.

Oh, our family will

never be the same again.



Mommy... mommy...

I feel your pain.

Cash or charge?


Hold it.

Great shot, guys.

- We do look smooth,
- don't we?


- Ooh, hey! Don't
- you clean up good.

Back at ya.

I'm here to see...

Oh! A man about a seat.

I am the man.

All right.

Let's go.

Catch me later, okay?

Hey, guys.

- Hey, uh...
- Either of you

- See Lisa
- and the girls?

- Nope.
- Not me.

The church is nearly full

and I can't find them anywhere.

You're not supposed to.

- It's bad luck to see the bride
- before the ceremony.

- Right. And you
- know how long

- It takes women
- to get dressed.

- First, they've got
- to lift it and snap it

Separate it and cross it

- pull it up,
- cinch it in

And control it all for 18 hours.

- How do you
- know all that?

I watch lifetime.

So, Lisa, are you

a little nervous

about your

honeymoon night?

Nervous? sh**t!

Victor and I have been...

Praying our hearts out.

Oh... oh,

hello, reverend.

Hello, Lisa.

Are we almost ready?

Oh, yes, we are.

Girls, we'll join you

in the vestibule.

I'd like to have a word

with your mother.

Oh, of course.

- Just don't forget
- your bouquet.

Okay, I won't.

Have a seat, Lisa.

Weddings are such

joyous occasions.

But, Lisa, yours is a

particularly happy one for me.

It is?

Oh, my, yes.

I've watched you with ray

and the girls over the years

and I know how much

your family means to you.

Oh, it does.

- Whoo!
- It's everything.

Yes, it is!

Those who allow their

families to slip away

are nothing more

than lambs

without a flock...!


On the cold and jagged rocks

of life!


You go on.

- I got to
- get my flowers.


Ohh! Oh...

This isn't right.

I can't leave my lambs

to get hit in the head

with some jagged rocks.

Oh, there's a church

full of people waiting

and I'm not the kind of woman

to hightail it out of there

when nobody's looking.


Taxi! Tax...

Won't even pick you up

in a wedding dress!


Hey! I've got the right-of-way!

Don't you make me

call Johnnie Cochran!

Hey! Hey!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Hey! Whoo!


I don't mind telling you...

The mood is ugly in there.

She's standing me up.

I knew it was

too good to be true.

- Lisa's upstairs making sure she
- looks perfect for you.

- Tia went
- to hurry her up.

- Well, what's
- taking her so long?

Son, why don't I take you next

door to the rectory

for a little soul searching?

Yeah, that's

what I need...

Guidance from the father.


And Jack Daniels.



Guys, mom's gone.

I can't find her anywhere.


- Oh.
- No.

- I got an idea
- where she might be.

- Girls, I want you
- to figure out a way

To keep our guests occupied.

- Guys, I want to make
- sure the reverend

- Keeps filling Victor
- with the spirit.

Hey, what are you

going to do, ray?

- I'm going to do
- what the best man does.

- I'm going to make sure
- there's a wedding.

- Well, if you're
- not back in an hour

I'm going to tell everyone

to go ahead and eat.


Somebody got dumped.

Honey, nobody could dump this.


Case of cold feet?

Case of coming to my senses.

I'll have a pink lady.

- Girl, I ain't
- made one of them

Since Donna summer left

her cake out in the rain.

- Is that the one
- with the sloe gin

Or the Tequila thing

with that little umbrella?

- 'Cause I ain't
- got no umbrellas.

Well, just give me a coke.

With extra cherries.

Now, cherries, I got.

I don't think

this place has changed

since I was in my 20s.

And that was nearly...

ten years ago.

Girl, this place ain't

changed in 20 years.

I don't like change.

Every Friday night

we still have

a "bump with a big,

fat woman" contest.

Well, it's nice to know

I can come home

to the old neighborhood

and everything is the same.


You from around here?

Where you live now?

I don't know.

Hold up.

I remember you.

Big hair, tight skirts

string of guys around

you all the time.

You sondra, right?

No, Lisa.

Lisa Landry.

Foxy Jones.

Welcome home.

- ♪ Boom-de-adda, boom-de-adda,
- boom-de-adda, boom-de-adda ♪


♪ Boom-de-adda,

boom-de-adda ♪

All right.

♪ Boom-de-adda,

boom-de-adda ♪

Now, the bride's side.

♪ Boom-de-adda,

boom-de-adda ♪

- You got to sing
- the "boom-de-adda's."

♪ Boom-de-adda,

boom-de-adda ♪

- ♪ boom-de-adda,
- boom-de-adda, boom... ♪

Don't you worry, Lisa.

- We're going
- to get you

- Right back in the
- swing of things.

We're going to hit

the hot spots together

find ourselves a couple

of fine young men

and show the world we're

still some bad mamma jammas.

- You got your
- own place?

My ex-husband's

sleeping on the sofa.

To be honest... foxy

uh, I'm not quite

the party animal I used to be.

Ain't no thing

but a chicken wing.

It'll come back to you.

- I can score you
- a little something

- To put the zip
- back in your grind.

- You ready
- for another?

No. I think

I've reached my limit.

It's time for me

to go back where I belong.


Girl, marry him.

How did you find me?

Well, I went back

to my old neighborhood

on my wedding day.

And what did you find there?

A bunch of yesterdays, and

not a tomorrow in sight.


Lisa, before you

start telling me

- all the reasons you
- shouldn't get married

Let me tell you the one

reason why you should.


Lisa, for six years

- you've put your
- life on hold

- So that our daughters
- could be together.

You uprooted yourself

and moved in with

a cantankerous bachelor

and became the mother

that his daughter

always wanted

- and the good friend
- that he always needed.


- And now that our
- daughters are grown

- And practically
- on their own

It's time that you

took your life back.

Because if there's anybody

- who deserves happiness
- in this world

It's you.

Are you finished, ray?

I got a man waiting

for me at the church.

Well, then why

didn't you say so?

- I never stop
- a cantankerous bachelor

When he's paying me

such a nice compliment.

Bye, ray.


♪ B-i-n-g-o,

and bingo was his name-o. ♪

So tell me again

why they singing in there?

- Well, because they're
- so happy you're

Getting married.

Oh, hey, that's great.

- Whoo, there's a lot of love
- in this room, man.

There's a lot of love.

Yeah, almost too much.

Okay, Vic, wedding's

about to start.


- I hope they saved me
- a seat in there.

Whoa, you need a tic-tac.

Come on.

Well, mom...

This is it.

Time to take that

walk into the future.

Girls, no matter how far

I may walk

I'll never be too far

to pop you upside your head

- in case you
- start thinking you're grown.



- Okay, okay. Whoo,
- let's get the party started.