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06x14 - Sweet Talk

Posted: 01/09/24 09:49
by bunniefuu

- Hey, baby.
- What's up?


Can me and a couple

of my frat brothers

- borrow your miata
- and go on a road trip?


- Hey, is that Leonardo DiCaprio
- sh**ting pool?

- Boy made a
- lot of money.

- Hey, would you guys
- quit playing?

- Look, I am trying
- to look for a job.

Oh, did the bank

of dad go belly-up?

sh**t. You know it.

- Here's
- something... "telemarketer."

- Oh, yeah,
- talking on the phone

And begging for money...

- Two of your
- favorite things.

Not helping.

"Food server."

Not helping.

- "A chauffeur
- for an elderly lady."

I am not driving miss Daisy.

Hey, "campus radio host."

Now, this sounds like

something i'd like to do.

You mean something

i'd like to do.

How much does it pay?

More than the nothing

you're making now.

Good morning, Michigan!

♪ I do my own style

in my own time ♪

♪ how different

we have come to be ♪

♪ even though I'm glad

to be with you ♪

- ♪ I got to feel
- what's real for me ♪

♪ Like you got to do

what's right for you ♪

Hey, Ty

blueberry muffins are supposed

to have blue berries, right?

Yeah, hence the name.

Then why are mine green?

Ah, bro. Man, look,

have a bearclaw, okay?

Thank you, thank you.


Dog, what happened to you

this weekend?

Uh... oh.

- I was power lifting
- with the football team

And I overexerted my lower area.

Oh, you hurt your butt.



Hey, Ty.

I really enjoyed ice-skating

with you this weekend.


Oh, yeah.

Tyreke is so funny.

He fell probably ten times

before we even hit the ice.

It wasn't ten times;

it was only six.


Well, I hope

the heating pad helped.

See you later?

- So was the football team
- ice-skating, too?

- I mean, is it part of the whole
- training experience?

Shut up, man.

- Jordan, I can't keep up
- with her, man.

- She got me ice-skating,
- rollerblading, rock climbing.

I mean, if she wanted to k*ll me

- she should have just hired
- a hit man.

- Well, at least you'll die a
- happy man 'cause ginger is fine.

Yeah. Yeah, she's all right

but, man, it's not the same

as when I was with...



Hey, guys.

Oh. Tia.

So, uh, how was

everyone's weekend?

Oh, well, I, of course, was...


Well, you know.

It was the same old, same old.

Well, um, diavian told me, um,

she saw you and...


Ginger ice-skating.

Yeah... oh, yeah.

See, she was going, and, uh...

And then I was going, too

so, you know, we went.

- Will you look
- at the time?

I need to check in.

Wolf den, this is babyface.

I'm still investigating

that 202. Over.

- Man:
- Babyface, we're hungry.

How long does it take

to buy bearclaws? Over.

Uh, Roger.

- I'm going to have to confiscate
- that bearclaw, bro.

Hey, man, hey.


Oh, hi, Tia.

I'm making all your fav...


Oh, well, why not?

No. No, hey.

No, it's no problem, honey.

No, I understand, yeah. Uh-huh.

Yeah, I love you, too, honey.

Okay, bye.

- "Sorry, mom.
- I can't stay for lunch.

I got to stay on campus."

After I sweated out my perm

over that hot stove.

- Lisa, they say
- talking to yourself

- Is the first sign
- of insanity.

I am not crazy.

Denial is the second.

What's going on?

The girls can't make it

for lunch

and I made all their favorites.

Face it, Lisa... Tia and tamera

have lives of their own.

- I was a part of it; Now it's
- "see you when I see you."

- Everybody's always got to go,
- go, go, go, go.

I got to go!

See what I'm saying?

What the...?

Oh! Ooh, how cute.

- Hey, you want to have lunch,
- little doggie?

- Absolutely not. You feed a dog
- and they never leave.

Unlike daughters.

Hey! Hey.

Ooh, you're hungry?

You want some pot roast?

Oh, that is so sweet.

Oh, I'm going

to call you "sweetness."

I think you should

call him "smelly."

Whatever you call him,

he's got to go.

- Oh, ray, I just can't throw
- her back out on the street.

- It's a dog-eat-dog world
- out there.

Maybe you ought to put

out some "lost dog"

flyers around.

- Fine, fine. Ooh, you're
- shivering a little bit.

You want a blankie?

Here, ray, come on.

Hold her while I get a blankie.

- Good doggie,
- good doggie.

See? Cujo has got to go.

I feel the same way.

- And as the host
- of "pillow chat"

- You'll be
- advising students

On love, relationships

and other issues...

I'm with it.

Must be friendly, personable...

That's me.


- And be willing to answer
- questions from the mail bag.

- Oh, 'bout it, 'bout it.
- sh**t me your best letter.


Ah, "my boyfriend

forgot my birthday.

What should I do?"

Oh, please. That's easy.

You know, my boyfriend

forgot my birthday once.

I was really upset

- but he was so cute,
- I forgot about it.

- About five months later,
- he remembered he forgot

- So he bought me
- this present.

It was this necklace,

but it didn't look

good on me

so I tried to take it

back, but it turns out

that even though it was

in a Tiffany's box

it came from target.

What was the question?


- Well, thank you
- for dropping by.

- We'll keep your
- resume on file.

- So should I be waiting
- by the phone?

Not without a year's

supply of food and water.

Uh, tamera Campbell.


Ready to sign on.

So, how'd you do?

Well, let's just say

- he told me to prepare
- for a phone call.


- Now, listen,
- miss Campbell

All the candidates

seem to fall short

when it comes

to the mail bag

- so let's just
- start there.

Pick a letter.

"Blind date... pick me up or not?


Well, crystal,

you've got to play it safe.

Have him meet you at the spot

and go late.

That way you can spot him

before he spots you

and if he's tore up,

you can tear out, okay?

That was great.


Okay, okay, okay.

- What would you
- say to a guy

- Who says he doesn't
- trust women?

I'd tell him to look

in the mirror and ask himself

if the real person he doesn't

trust is looking back at him.

You are so right.

I need to look...

The caller needs to

look in that mirror.

Tamera, you are

the new hostess

of "pillow chat."

Oh! Whoo!

Well, then where's my pillow?

'Cause lady t is ready to chat.

Right there?

Good evening, wolverines.

This is lady t.

What's really going on?

Hi, um, lady t.

This is Brenda

and I am so tired of competing

with Michael Jordan

for my boyfriend's attention.

What should I do?

Brenda, can I be real with you?

Be real, girl.

Guys love sports, right?

Well, that is true.

- So, look, instead of giving him
- the ultimatum

Watch the game with him.

You'll have your man,

and he'll get to watch his.

Now, that's what

lady t would do, okay?

People, it's called


You're on with lady t.

Speak to me.

Yeah, uh, my name is

big daddy smooth b.

Well, um, big daddy,

what's really going on?

I'm in love with two women.

- Sounds like big daddy
- ain't nothing but a big mack.

I know, I know,

so what's a brother to do?

First, you need to get rid

of your player's card.

Let them both know you're

not ready for a commitment.

Now, it may hurt them

but if they find out what

you doing, they may hurt you.

Now, that's what lady t

would do, okay?

Hold up, hold up.

But what about my needs?

You needs to get off my phone.

You're on with lady t.

Speak to me.

Hi. My boyfriend hasn't

called me in three weeks.

What should I do?

- Stop calling him your boyfriend
- and start calling somebody else.

Move on, girl. Move on.

Yo, j, tamera's radio

show is blowing up

all over campus.

- I'm telling you, she's
- Michigan's answer to Oprah.

I know. Just call me stedman.

Look, man, yo, I even called

the other night, man.

- She gave me
- some great advice about Tia.

- I can't believe you just called
- a radio station

To talk about you and Tia.

Jordan, I'm not stupid, man.

- Look, I didn't talk
- about tyreke and Tia.

I... talked about

Malik and rhea.


Smooth, wasn't it?

- How you come up
- with that?

Hey, Jordan.

A'salaam aleikum, Malik.

Whoo! I am beat.

Who knew that there were so many

people on campus with issues?

Well, you do not have to worry

- about helping those people
- this weekend

Because I just got us tickets

to see "next" in concert.

That's right.

It's this Saturday night.

It's all about us...

You, me and next.

Actually, it's going

to be you and next.

I just found out

I have to work.

On a Saturday night?

Jordan, lady t is

getting so much mail

Mr. McGee has added an

extra night of the show.

Yeah, but what about us?

Jordan, I can't let

my listeners down.

But it's okay to let

your boyfriend down?

Oh, come on.

You have me.

They need me.

Hey, hey, tamera

I really need

to talk to you.

- Go ahead.
- Thank you.

Talk to your sister.

Can I call you later?

Yeah, sure.



I'm listening.

- Okay, um, tyreke's
- been acting

A little weird lately...


And-and I can't tell

if he's flirting

or mad at me.

I'll tell you what I told

my Muslim caller Malik.

Ruff! Ruff!

Right back at you.

Oh, yeah, so you

want to play a game?

I got a game.

It's called "follow the bone

to another home."

You got it?

This is how we play. See?

Get ready...


Ray Campbell!


What are you doing?

- Oh, nothing.
- Just playing with sweetness.

It looks like you're trying

to get rid of sweetness.

I shouldn't be att*cked

by a vicious k*ller dog

when I come home.

Ray, ray

we do not use

the d-o-g word.

Sweetness is

my canine companion

aren't you, baby?

Lisa, did you post

the lost dog flyers?

I drove around,

and I didn't see any.

- Ooh, that's because that wind
- has been so fierce lately.

- They probably
- all just blew away.

That la Nina's no joke.

Yeah, well, we're off

to get a pedicure.

Well, before you

go, take this.

What is this?

Lost dog flyers.

You should post some more.

- But, ray, this picture is
- in black and white.

- My sweetness needs color;
- brings out her eyes.

- I'll have some more pictures
- taken tomorrow

And I'll put them up, okay?

- Look, no, you'll post
- those signs tonight.

With any luck, you will

be gone by tomorrow.

Hey, d, do you mind

if I turn on the radio?

Tamera's show is on.

I know.

That's why

the radio's off.

Lady t.


Don't believe the hype.

Girl, green is

not your best color.

Now, why should I be jealous

of somebody who stole my job?

Oh, come on d.

Tamera is helping people.

- I'm proud of her,
- and you should be, too.

Okay, okay. Turn it on.

I'd rather listen to her

- than listen to you
- talk about her.


even though we broke up

and we're dating other people

I think there's still

something between us

but I'm just afraid

to put myself out there

like that, you know?


You know, trina, you sound

just like my stubborn sister

and her even more stubborn



They've broken up, right?

But it's obvious

they still like each other.

- They won't go forward, but
- they're too afraid to go back.

They are stuck in neutral, girl.

I say get it in gear

and give it some gas... Okay?

Oh, I'll

get it in gear, all right, okay?

Hey, hey, girl,

what you doing?

That was just getting good.

Hey, this is lady t.

It's time for the station

to pay some bills

so they can pay me, okay?

But I'll be right back

after this with next.

Hey, sis.

Tamera Campbell...

How could you?

Easy. They went well

with my outfit.

- I'm not talking
- about my earrings.

Well, then, what's wrong?

You are.

There I am, minding

my own business

when I hear my own

business on the air.

Oh, that.

Tia, look, my listeners

want the real, okay?

- And it is my job
- to give it to them.

Yeah, but you can't...

Tamera, next is here.

What's up, lady t?

I'm t-low.


- How you doing?
- Tweety.

Oh, great.

- Well, you guys just
- have a seat. You're next.

- All:
- We know.

That was cute.

- Tamera,
- back to me?

Look, you had no

right broadcasting

my private life

to half of Ann arbor.

You must be the sister

she was talking about.

- We heard the show
- in the limo.

Give it

some gas, girl.


We're on in five.

- Can we talk
- about this later?

Oh, yeah, I'll call you.


We'll be listening.

Hey, we're back.

Whoo! Wasn't that a fun walk?

Ooh, I worked up

quite an appetite.

I know you did.


Well, milkbone, it is.

I'll be right back.

Bone appetit.

That's probably u.P.S.

With sweetness' new waterbed.

Oh, hello.

We're the carpenters.

- Oh. Ooh, I love
- your sweater.

Thank you.

- And we've come
- for the dog, pretty.

Well, thank you... handsome

but there's no dog here.

See? I told you. Let's go.

But the dog in this flyer

looks just like my pretty.

- Honey, if the woman said
- there is no dog

There is no dog.

- That's right.
- I did not post any flyers.

No, but I did.


She is not pretty;

that's sweetness.

- Kelly, I really don't think
- that's our dog.

- Oh, Ron carpenter,
- don't be silly.

This is pretty.

- Yeah, Ron, don't be silly;
- this is pretty.

You mean cujo.

Oh, be quiet, Ron.

You've never

liked her.

Let's go home, pretty.

Mama's got your waterbed

all nice and warm.

Bye-bye, sweetness.

Thank you for returning

pretty to me.

Yeah... thanks a lot.

Bye-bye, my pretty!

Okay, come on, guys.

There are no more tickets

to the next concert

so, please, stop calling.

I mean... keep calling

but I am not ticketmaster, okay?

Speak to me.

Hi, lady t.

This is Michael

- and I've been dating
- this girl since high school.

Oh, so you must really like her?

- I do, I do,
- but lately, it seems

Like she likes her new job

more than she likes me.

- We never have time
- to just kick it anymore.

That's nonsense.

Nobody's ever that busy.

I mean, even lady t has

to turn off the mic sometimes.

- Well, I hope
- my girlfriend's listening.

Look, why don't you plan

a really special evening?

- Maybe then she'll realize
- what she's missing.

- Well, I got us tickets
- to the next concert

But she told me she has to work.

Oh, wow. You sound like a really

caring and considerate guy.

I mean, your girlfriend

obviously doesn't know

what she's got.

- If my man got me tickets
- to the next concert

I sure definitely wouldn't be...


You know what, caller?

I'll bet wherever

your girlfriend is

she's wishing she was with you

at that concert tonight.

Thanks for calling.

Thanks for listening.

Hey, an important message

for all you listeners out there:

- Since so many of you
- were not able

- To get tickets
- to the next concert

Why don't I let you enjoy

the entire cd...

Uninterrupted for

the rest of the show?

- Enjoy it with
- the one you love.

I know I will.

Yeah, yeah.

What? What?

Come on, y'all!

Party with next.

Come on.

That's right.


What? Yeah, come on, y'all.

I'm r.L., this is tweety

- and this is
- my big brother, t-low.

Y'all gonna party with us?

Yo, chill as day, baby.

What? What?

Sing along, y'all.

Come on.

♪ Oh, you're dancing

real close ♪

♪ All the slow songs

you requested ♪

♪ you're dancing

like you're... ♪

♪ Ooh, it's almost like

we're flexing ♪

♪ But I know you can tell

I'm excited ♪


♪ Step back, you're

dancing kind of close... ♪

Look, I'm so sorry

about busting you out

on the radio.

Yeah, well, just promise

me you won't do it again.

You got it.

Hey, I thought lady t

- was suppose to be
- on the air tonight?

Hmph. Tonight, lady t

is taking her own advice.

♪ I try,

but I can't fight it ♪

♪ oh, you're dancing

real close ♪

♪ Cause I'm gonna want you

now and here ♪

♪ the way that you shake it

on me, huh! ♪

- ♪ Makes me want you
- so bad, baby ♪

- ♪ what'd you tell her
- to do? ♪

- ♪ Step back, you're
- dancing kind of close ♪

- ♪ I feel a little...
- Coming through ♪

♪ Now, girl,

I know you felt it... ♪

- Oh, that was a fun walk,
- wasn't it?

I worked up an appetite.

I bet you you did, too;

come on back here.

If she wanted to k*ll me

- she should have
- just hired a hit...

- Instead of giving him
- the ultimatum

Watch the game with him.

You'll be...

That what it is.

Whoo! That was a fun walk.

I worked up an appetite.

Come back here!