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06x11 - Twins or Consequences

Posted: 01/09/24 09:46
by bunniefuu
Now, this is what I call living

the college life.

You know it.



Man, I am so glad

my midterms are over.

- I've got one
- more... chemistry.

- But that's not
- going to stop me

From what I came

to college for, huh?

The parties!

The parties!

Okay, okay

here's the party plan:

We're going to roll

into the freshman

mixer at 7:00.

- Slide into the delta
- party at 8:00.

Mm-hmm. Fall into the

kappa jam at 10:00.


- When do you plan on studying
- for your midterm?

Tomorrow night


The '70s party.

The '70s party.

- Oh, okay, okay,
- but the twin who graduates

Is not going to support

the twin who doesn't.

Oh, please. And you know

what I say to that?

No problema.



♪ I do my own style

in my own time ♪

♪ how different

we have come to be ♪

♪ even though I'm glad

to be with you ♪

- ♪ I got to feel
- what's real for me ♪

♪ Like you got to do

what's right for you ♪

Oh, thanks.

- Tamera, you look a little tired;
- are you getting enough sleep?

Oh, sure, if you count

class time.

Bye, dad.

Come on, Tia.


Just kidding.

Oh, thanks, ray.

What do I look like,


You won't believe

who got nominated

at my club meeting last night.

Vivica Shaw.

That witch wants to be

a member of the professional

black women of Detroit.

Well, she is black...

And she is a professional.

- Well, I don't care how hard
- she works for the money.

That backbiting floozy

- will never get to be
- a member of my club.

Ooh, two tickets

for the wynton marsalis concert.

Ooh, I've been trying

to get these for months.

Well, who sent them?

The backbiting floozy.

A typical vivica bribe.

She obviously doesn't know you.

- Well, you obviously
- don't know me

- 'cause I'm going to be jamming
- with wynton.



It's my fault. It's my fault.

- Pass it to me.
- There it is.

You mean, "air" it is.


- Man, we gonna
- k*ll you guys.

This court gonna look

like a crime scene.


All right,

well, look, fellas

- I got to get to work,
- but, uh, I got to apologize.

- I know my skills
- was gone today.

No problem, man.

Everybody got they off day.

Still my dog.

- All right.
- All right.

We got to drop tyreke.

- Quit tripping, Jamal;
- you heard the man.

- He's had a bad day,
- that's all.

- It's a bad day to have
- a bad day, man.

- We lose one more game,
- and we out of the playoffs.

What are you

trying to say?

- What I'm trying
- to say is we need

- Somebody who can hit the jumper,
- like my man over there.

- Oh, no, no, no,
- I'm not hearing that.

- Tyreke is my boy.
- Come on.

Yeah, well, your boy is...

How can I sugar this?


Straight up.

Oh, gosh.


Party over here.

You stayed out all night?

Oh, my gosh.

I fell asleep.

But this afro feels

like a fluffy pillow.

- Girl, you better come back
- to the future

And go take your midterm.

Tia, I've been studying

for the last four hours

and I can't remember

anything from the last three.

At times like this

I wish I had a twin.

Forget it.

Uh-uh. Tamera, I am not

taking your midterm.

Oh, come on, Tia.

This is what we do.

We're twins. Come on.

- I mess up,
- you take the test.

- Yeah, well,
- not this time.

- Tia, but chemistry is,
- like, your favorite subject.

To me it's a test.

- To you,
- it's like a... fiesta.

Bye, tamera.

Come on, Tia.

- If I take that test,
- I'll walk out with an "f."

Please? I need your help.

I promise

this will be the last time.

- Yeah? Well, that's what
- you said the last time.

I was in high school.

- You know what
- a liar I was.

This time I mean it.


Please... please,

please, please, please?

Okay. Okay, okay.

But this is the last time.

Thank you.

Good night.


It's noon.

Well, then you better get going.

You don't want to make me late.

Hello, Lisa, vivica.

Hello, ray. You look well.

Well, I was...

- So, Lisa,
- everything's arranged.

My station will plug

- the club's children's hospital
- benefit for free.

Well, that's great.

- With enough publicity,
- we'll be able to raise the money

- To build a new game center
- for the kids.

By the way, how's the new

member selection going

at the club?

This is our toughest year.

We have so many

qualified candidates

and so few openings.



Well, I'm off to ladle

soup to the homeless.

Oh, but before I forget

I got you two

seats on the ice

for the red wings

game next week.

Oh, vivica

you shouldn't have

but I'm glad

you did. Thanks.

No problem.


Good-bye, vivica.

Oh, good-bye, ray.

- Can't you see
- what she's up to?

Well, unlike you, ray,

I can handle vivica.

You can't get hit by a truck

when you see it coming.

Is that so?

First wynton,

then free publicity

now redwing tickets.

It's obvious what

she's really after.


Hey, t.

Dog, hey, how you doing, man?

How you feeling?

I'm cool.

You know, I'm just trying

to get my rhythm back.

Uh-huh. Rhythm, right.

Look, the game

of basketball...

Can we sit down, please?

Yeah, yeah.

Anyway, like

I was saying...

The game of basketball

is a team sport

and a team is

like... a jumbo jet.

Now, when an engine fails,

the plane veers off course.

And that's not good.

Right. Right, right, right.

See? So, as the

captain of the team

it's my job

to put the plane

back on course, you see?

- By repairing
- the bad engine.

Exactly, exactly.

You get what

I'm saying?

No, I don't understand.

- And you're
- the bad engine.

Oh, man, you cutting me?

No, no, no, no, no.

You still on the team.

You just coming off the bench.

Oh, you mean,

warming the bench.

That's messed up, man.

What's up?

I think he took it

pretty well, yeah.


Okay, everyone,

please clear your desks.

Take out your pencils.

Inside each booklet

you'll find a copy

- of the school's
- honor statement.

Please read it silently

to yourselves

as I read it aloud.

"On my honor..."

Oh, I'm sorry, professor.



Thank you.

And since you're late

perhaps you'll do us the honor

- of reading the honor statement
- aloud, tamera.

Oh, that's me.


"On my honor I pledge

"that I will neither give

nor receive outside help...

"On this examination...

"And I will uphold the integrity

of this university

by reporting those

who violate the code."

As soon as you've signed

the pledge, you may begin.

Are you all right, tamera?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay.





Tell me all

about my "a."

Well, uh...

I know, my sister.

- You don't want to
- throw off the curve.

So I got a "b," right?


- Well, that's okay.
- That's okay.

- See, a "b" would
- have raised

A few eyebrows anyway.

I can live with a "c."

You didn't get a "c."

You got a zero.

You better mean

zero wrong.

I didn't take your midterm.


Well, I'm sorry

but I could not sign

that honor statement.

I just didn't feel right.

- Oh, my gosh, Tia,
- how could you do this to me?

I thought you had my back.

What? I do.

But there are some things

I just can't do, tamera...

Even for you.

Well, thanks for telling me now.




Oh, hi, vivica.

Come in.

Sorry to barge in

on you like this

but I have great news

and I just wanted to see

your face when I told you.

Well, here's my face.

Give up the news.

Well, you know

how every year

the mahogany fashion expo

comes to Detroit?

Of course, I do.

- You know I read essence, ebony,
- jet and black hair today.

Well, color you excited,

because I, vivica sinclair Shaw

just got you the account

to design all the dresses

for the next show.

You didn't.

Really? Uh, vivica... I...

I don't know what to say.

No words. Hug.


What's all the

celebrating about?

Viv... vivica!

Vivica hooked me up.

She got me the mahogany

fashion expo account.

She did?

Well, actually,

Lisa's talent did.

Now, Andre Jones

is the organizer.

Give him a call

in... a couple of weeks.

Well, thanks, vivica.

Now, you see that, ray?

- I told you she
- wasn't trying

To get back with you.



Oh, really, ray.

You know, you are a caution.

Okay, it's not that funny.

Oh. Oh, ooh, I must go.

- I'm taping
- the first episode

Of my new show,

visions with vivica.


Oh, just a little

psychic thing

I whipped up.

Besides, I don't want

to make you late

for your club meeting.

I'm sure you have

a lot to discuss.


See you later...


I'll see you later...


I can't believe my

sister's tripping.

- I can't believe
- tyreke is tripping.

I can't believe

there's no jalapenos

on these nachos.

She should understand

I did what was right.

- Lose to "o" house,
- we're out of the tournament.

Did anybody catch Buffy

last night?

Hey, sweetie.


Hey, Tia.


You know what?

I got to go.

I've got a class.

I wouldn't want you

to miss that.


I'll see you

later, sweetie.

I've got to bounce.

Oh, you bounce, huh?

Huh? You gonna throw it

all in my face, man?

- Finally, we can talk about
- something other than whatever...

You know, I asked Tia

to help me out

- and she just
- leaves me hanging.

I'm there all season.

- We get to the play-offs,
- and he benches me.

And you know what?

Yesterday, she...

Okay, okay, that's it.

Now, tamera,

you are being too

hard on your sister.

But she's the one

that let me down.

- Oh, my bad.
- You're right.

- How dare she not
- cheat for you.

What is the big deal?

- We used to do this
- all the time in high school.

High school,

elementary school,

traffic school...

It's all wrong.

Besides, if Tia would

have gotten caught

both of you would

have been kicked out.

You know what?

- Maybe I was
- a little too hard on Jordan.

No. You got dogged.

Ray, this little chat

was such a good idea.

- Well, since you're now
- a member

- Of the professional
- black woman's club of Detroit

- I wanted to be the first
- to say congratulations

And no hard feelings.

Oh, thank you, ray.

That's so sweet.

To me.

Of course.

Ray, have you seen the...?

- Oh, vivica,
- what are you doing here?

Well, ray, invited me over.

Oh, ray...

No, it's not

what you think.

Since we are bound to be

seeing more of each other

- I wanted to
- clear the air.

Oh. Um...

I was talking to Andre

about the fashion expo.

You didn't call

him already.

- Yes. And it's a good thing
- I did, too

- Because he is not
- the person in charge.

In fact, he asked me for a job.


Andre got downsized?

Oh, well... I tried.

You tried to pull a fast one

is what you did.

May I remind you that I am

a respected professional?

I treat people that way,

and that's how I expect

to be treated.

- Blah, blah, blah, and
- your drama continues.

Well, you about to start

a little drama of your own

- called "how vivica didn't get
- into the club."

Well, as clever

as that sounds

it's too little

too late.

The club called me

this morning.

I'm in.

Oh, no, you're not.

- We don't vote for membership
- for two weeks.

Well, somebody is

out of the loop.

Tonya Lewis called me and gave

me the good news this morning.

I believe she said,

"congratulations, vivica.

I'd like to..."

Extend the hand

- of sisterhood
- to a new member

Of the black

professional women's

club of Detroit.

Ray, I can't believe

you would do something so low

so deceitful,

so cruel... so me.

You make me so proud.

Well, I hate to interrupt

your little ha-ha-ha

but I'm leaving.

- Well, that's the best gift
- you could give me, vivica.

Good-bye... ladies.

Hey, yo. There's delvon.

I still feel bad

about tyreke.

- But I'll get
- over it.

Buckley's in

the his-zouse!

- Man, I hope you
- guys are praying

- Because you need
- a miracle.


You know, it'd

be a miracle

- if you were
- to shut up.


( Background chatter

( and cheering )


- Girl: - Come on.
- Work it out.



- Are you blind?
- I got bumped, man. What's up?

Come on now.

Hey, man!

- That's what
- I'm talking about.

- That's all right.
- That's okay, come on.


Let's go, d.

- Girl: - Come on, y'all.
- Just sh**t the ball.

Uh, delvon, bro

you all right?

Yeah, just getting

warmed up.

Come on, y'all.

What's he...?

- All right, I got it.
- I got it.

Just go down. Go down.

- Come on.
- Work it out.

Come on, y'all.

sh**t it!


"O" house, 24;

Buckley, six.

My fault, my fault.



So what's the score?

You don't want to know.


What's up?

Ooh, the game is kind of close.



Good news.

I went to see

professor Braxton.

He's letting me

make up the exam.

How'd you manage that?

I told him I wasn't

myself that day.

Want to come back in?

Man, I don't know.

All right?

I don't want to mess up

your little flight plan.

All right, all right.

All right.

All right, I messed up, okay?

- I messed up,
- and you should be on the court.

Well, thank you,

all right?

- Anyway, Tia,
- while I was there

- I took a look at the honor code,
- and you were right.

- I shouldn't have asked you
- to take the midterm.

Yeah, well, I shouldn't

have agreed to do it.

You know, I can't expect you

- to bail me out
- every time I mess up.


That doesn't mean

I won't have your back.

I just don't have

to be you to have it.

Bottom line, Tia, is

I'll never, ever ask you

to take my midterm

for me again.

- I'll just hold out
- for the final.

Now, who's going

to tell delvon?

If y'all played some "d"

maybe I can get

a shot off.


My brother.

Look here, man,

the game of basketball...

Hey, I just heard

there's going to be

a serious

after-the-game jam.

Well, count me out, d.

- I'm going to study
- for my midterm.

Well, tamera

sounding responsible

already, huh?

Of course. You know me.

- Okay, you better
- be studying, too.

So, uh, you'll be

a little late for the party?

Of course.

You know me.



"I'd like to extend..."

The hand

of sisterhood

to a new member

of the black...



Have some of this.

Thank you so much!

You take the chicken

and you put the

chicken in the oven.

You take the Rosemary


Come back, come back.

Tim, come back. Oh!

- It's professional... the first
- word is professional.