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06x09 - My Father's House

Posted: 01/09/24 09:44
by bunniefuu
As they say on ESPN, nothing

but the bottom of the net.

- -You got lucky, man.
- -And you got dogged.

And then I got next.

What's up, j-dog?

It's your world, son.

- -What's up, Brody?
- -Good, baby.

Oh, hey, tyreke Scott,

this is James Henry.

- -Hey, man. How you doing?
- What's up man?

- He runs the mentoring program
- I work with.

But I run him on the court.

- The only thing you run
- is your mouth.


- -Hey, guys.
- -Hey, what's up?

Hey, what's up, Tia?

- Hey, uh,
- I've seen the Paul robeson

- Film festival posters
- all over campus.

Yeah, yeah, um,

I guess I'll see you

at the film festival?

-Yeah, yeah.


Um. Unless, Tia.

- Unless,
- you wanted to go together.

-Uh, no thanks.

-No, we both have to go, right?

- So, we might as well
- go together.

- I mean,
- unless you don't want to?

No, no, no.

Why wouldn't I want to? I mean,

we're still friends, right?

- Oh, yeah, yeah.
- And you know friends...

Well... friends hang.



Let me guess.

You gave him your all.

- In fact, you treated him
- like a nubian prince

- And just when you thought
- your vibe was getting strong

- He checked
- the first college honey

That gave him a little rhythm.

Now, he wants forgiveness.

- And the only thing
- you got to give him

Is your friendship, right?

- Uh, you know what?
- Actually, she broke up with me.

- -Yeah, that's it.
- -Oh.

Oh, huh? What? It's my game?


♪ I do my own style

in my own time ♪

♪ how different

we have come to be ♪

- ♪ even though
- I'm glad to be with you ♪

- ♪ I got to feel
- what's real for me ♪

♪ Like you got to do

what's right for you ♪

Okay, move the save the seals

to six o' clock, yeah.

And the ribbon cutting

at the mall at 7:20...

No, no, make that 7:45.

- I need to stop by and pick up
- those giant scissors.

Hold on.

Ray Campbell, how do you slither

into bed and sleep at night?

Lisa, see this? This is

a telephone and I'm on it!

- So I'll get back to you
- a little later, okay?

I can't believe that you voted

- not to give the choir money
- for new robes.

- It's called
- being fiscally conservative.

It's called being cheap, ray.

- Lisa, you should understand.
- You're a businesswoman.

Yeah, you're right.

I am a businesswoman.

- Victory Bible
- full gospel baptist church

- Will be wearing new robes
- at the choirfest.

Courtesy of Lisa Landry, inc.

Great. And just think,

- if the board had given the funds
- for those robes

- You would have
- missed the opportunity

To give back to the church.

- Um-hmm.
- And I also would have missed

The opportunity to do this.

Oh, here I am.

Way to go, sweetie!

My baby got hops, you know.

Go, Jordan. Go, Jordan.

Go, Jordan.

Dog, do you know that woman

- acting like
- she don't get out much?

Yeah, that's my girlfriend.

She thinks I like her cheering

- but I don't have the heart
- to tell her I don't.

Good job, baby.

Thank you, honey.

Sit down now, okay?


- Let's play some ball.
- Come on.

- Tamera,
- you really need to calm down.

- You really need to quit trying
- to act all cool.

- Like, you didn't get
- all dressed up for tyreke.

Girl, please.

This outfit is so old.

Then how come this tag

looks so new?

-Oh, school's out!

-What's up? Come on!

Wow, that's my man!

That's my man!

- Girl, you need
- to save your voice

- For choir rehearsal.
- We have to go.

- Okay, well. I need to talk
- to Jordan first.

- Well,
- we'll just wait in the car.

I don't want tyreke to think

- I'm just hanging around for him,
- you know.

I know that's right.

- See, you don't want
- to seem desperate, hmm.

Excuse me, but, um,

aren't you in my calculus class?

No, I'm still in high school.


Nice game, baby.

Michael Jordan's lucky

you're not 11 inches taller.

- Hey, James,
- this is my girlfriend, tamera.

- -Hey, how you doing?
- -Hello, James, nice to meet you.

You know what? Jordan was wrong.

You do got game.

- -Don't I though.
- -Uh-huh.

- -Nice to meet you.
- -Okay, bye.

Hey, um, so you want to come

- to church with me
- tomorrow morning?


It's cobbler Sunday, huh?

- Sorry, but I promised my pops
- I'd go to his church.

Okay. Well, maybe next Sunday.

- -Yeah, maybe.
- -Okay?

-All right. Bye, baby.


Been dogged!

- Why is it women always
- want you to do

What they want you to do?

'Cause they women.

Like, when they have a plan

- and they front like their plan
- was your plan.

- But really, you just got sucked
- into their plan.

- Yeah,
- and if you make up your own plan

- Instead of going along
- with their plan,

- They say,
- "you not down with the plan."

- -That's right.
- -Right. Right.

Then you keep telling her

- you're taking her to
- the Paul robeson film festival

Because you're friends, right?

- And then she starts tripping
- on a whole...

My bad.

Unless y'all got a minute?

Pass! Pass!

- Come right on in
- and make yourselves comfortable.

- Pattern cutters over there,
- machines over there

- And baked chicken rolls
- right in there.

- Come on in.
- Yeah, there's plenty of room.

Plenty of room for everybody.

What in god's name is going on?

Oh, well, you got

that name right.

We are doing god's work.

- We're making the choir robes
- right here.

Hey, watch it... ow!

- I thought you were gonna
- donate the money

And have the robes made.

- Well, these fine ladies insisted
- on helping me cut the cost

By making the robes themselves.

- All I had to do
- was buy the fabric.

- Were you going to ask me
- what I thought

About having my living room

turned into a holy sweatshop?

- I only ask questions when I care
- about the answers, ray.


♪ Oh, my lord

what shall I do? ♪

- -Lisa!
- -Hush.


Somebody's trying to work.

Oh, hush, ray.

- Lisa, I need those
- campaign mailers.

Have you seen them?

- I got to get them stuffed
- and sent out.

That's not the only thing

- that needs to get stuffed
- and sent out.

-Oh. Dinner's ready.

-Ooh, great, I am starving.

- Those dinners
- are for robe makers only.

- Lisa, you cooked all
- that food in my kitchen.


♪ Oh, my lord

what shall I do? ♪

Oh, hey, Jordan...

- -Hey.
- -...i just called your house.

Well, I'm not there. I'm here.

So where were you this morning?

What do you mean?

Well, I just talked to your dad

- and he said
- that he was out of town,

- So you couldn't have gone
- to church with him.

Are you checking up on me now?

No, I was just

wondering where you were.


Watching the game.

- And that's more important
- than going to church with me?

- Look, tamera, this has nothing
- to do with you.

I just don't go to church.


Why not?

- Because I don't want to be
- around a bunch of hypocrites,

Acting holy on Sunday

- and acting a fool
- Monday through Saturday.

I go to church.

Am I a hypocrite?

- Look, tamera,
- I don't want to make

A big thing out of this, okay?

Well, neither do I, Jordan,

- but, look,
- I've got to be real here.

- I don't know how far this
- relationship is going to go

If we can't even talk

- about something
- as important as this.

- And I don't know how far
- it's going to go

If you don't get off my back.

Why are you acting like this?

- Look, tamera, I'm not acting
- like anything. This is how I am.

- I don't have anything else
- to say.

Up top. Come on, Jordan.

- That's your real name, right?
- Jordan?

Well, check this out, jor...

You all right, j?

- Yeah. Just got a lot
- on my mind, that's all.

You want to talk about it?

While I have one good knee left?

My bad, man. I'm sorry.

Thanks, man.

First the hip check,

followed by a heavy sigh.

Let me guess.

It's your first year in college.

Got a full load.

Two papers due in one class

- and you're too far behind
- in the other.

- Actually,
- it's about my girlfriend.

That was my next guess.


- Man, she's sweating me
- about going to church.

- And she wants to talk
- about why I don't want to go.

- What is there to talk about?
- I said I don't want to go.

- Why don't you just tell her
- why you won't go?

- I did. I told her
- I'm not checkin'

For all those hypocrites.

Do I look like a hypocrite?

That's exactly what she said.

No, man, I'm serious.

Do I look like a hypocrite?

Oh, no.

- Don't tell me you're one
- of those church people, too?

- Well, man, there's no such thing
- as church people, Jordan.

Look at bighead Mike over there.

Does he look like church people?

He's in my choir.

So is Talbot and his girlfriend.

- Even some of the kids we mentor
- down at the high school.

- Wait, wait, wait.
- Did you just say your choir?


- I'm the young adult
- choir director

At church of the harvest.

- Well, how come you never
- mentioned this before?

- Because I've heard
- how bad you sing.

Besides, sometimes it's better

to show somebody the spirit...

Not talk about it.

- You ought to come
- to the choirfest,

- If you really want
- to see us throw down.

- Oh, no, no, it's going to take
- a lot more than music

To get me to go to church.

- What you need to do
- is face the music

And talk to your girl.

- Yeah, well,
- I'll think about that

- After I drain this three-pointer
- in your face.

- You couldn't drain a bathtub
- with that shot, brother.

You see tamera and Jordan?

Uh. No, no.

Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.

You think we should call?

- No. No, they're probably
- on their way.

Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.

- -You know what?
- -Hmm?

- -This is fun.
- -Oh, isn't it, though?


- I was just thinking
- the same thing.

- -Yeah.
- -Hey, Ty-Ty.


This is ginger.

Uh, ginger, this is my...


-Hi, my-Tia.

-No, no, no, uh, just Tia.


- -Nice to meet you.
- -You, too.

- So, you going
- to the gym tomorrow?

- -Yeah.
- Cool.

- -Yeah, yeah.
- -Well, I'll see you

- -on the butt-blaster.
- -All right. Okay.

-I don't even want to know.

- You can go sit with her
- if you want.

- Uh, I'm not even thinking
- about her.

Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.

- Hey, look.
- The movie's about to start.

Thank god.

- It's probably going to take
- a few minutes.

-Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep...

-Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep...

Keep checking those polls and...

Good afternoon, ladies.


Uh, why don't you guys

give me a moment?

Maybe make yourself at home

and have a stand.

- Lisa, may I see you
- in the kitchen, please?

You may.

- Cut to the chase, ray.
- I got robes to stitch.

- Yes, and I have work
- that I have to do.

- Where am I supposed to meet
- my campaign workers?

In my bedroom?

- No, we're cutting collars
- in there.

Lisa, I want those women

and those robes out of my house.

Oh, ray, we're doing

the best we can.

Even the lord took seven days.

Now, you cannot rush god's work.

But you can hurry it along.

- That should be enough to get
- some professional manufacturers

And do the work at their place.

Oh, ray, that job will

be done in two hours.

- In that case,
- I'll take that check back.

Uh-uh. It's the lord's money.

- It will make a nice
- little donation

For the scholarship fund.

- You're lucky god isn't
- the only thing I fear.

You're lying.

He did... he did what?

- I'm going to check
- our voice mail.

I checked it ten minutes ago.

- Jordan may have called
- since then.

- Hey, di, can I use your cell
- when you're finished?

- Oh, girl, I'm frontin'.
- They cut me off two months ago.

Anybody want something to drink?


- I'm going to go check
- my voice mail. Excuse me.

Hey, Ty.

-What's up, Tia?

-Um... last night was...

-All right.

-Oh, yeah, yeah.

- We got to hang out again,
- you know.

What about Tuesday?

No, that's bad. That's bad.

Um. Is Thursday good?


-Next weekend?

-That's even worse.

Well, why don't we just

hang out when we can.

- I guess things have changed,
- huh?

Yeah, yeah, I guess they have.

But it's okay.

Oh, it's going to have to be.

Yeah, yeah.

-Well, i'm... I'll see you later.

-Okay. Bye.

Hey, tamera.


- Will you sit down with me?
- I need to talk to you.

Of course.

Look, when I was little...

- My mother made us go
- to church every Sunday.

- We were the first ones there
- when the doors opened

And the last ones to leave.

She was always telling us

how important it was

to serve the lord.

- Then one day while we were
- walking the walk...

- She ran off with one
- of the deacons.

I never saw her again.

Jordan, I am so sorry.

- I said to myself,
- if this is what church is about,

I'm never going back.

-And I haven't been since.

-Ah, Jordan.

You can't blame church

for what your mom did.

- So if she ran away
- with a teacher...

You wouldn't go to school again?

You see? This is why

I did not tell you.

I knew you wouldn't understand.

- I'm trying to understand,
- Jordan.

Well, then let me help you.

- Think of all the neighborhood
- gossip

- My family had to pretend
- we didn't hear.

- Or how embarrassing it was
- to go to that church,

Sunday after Sunday.

Come here.

I want to forgive her

but I can't.

Well, I'll pray that you do.

- Let's all thank
- Lisa Landry

- And the victory Bible church
- again for hosting

-this year's choirfest.

- Listen, listen. Hold on,
- hold on. Watch this.

This is the part of the program

- where we have a little
- something special for you.

- Right now, we're going to put
- together different members

From each choir to remind you

- that it doesn't matter
- what church you worship,

- As long as you worship
- somewhere.

Nice robes.

Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.

- I feel you right now.
- What you say?

Come on, come on, come on.

- I wonder if I can get
- a witness up in here.

-Can I get a witness up in here?

- Yeah!
- -Can I get a witness up in here?

- I feel a revolution coming on.
- Come on.

- We're getting ready to do
- a new thing up in here. Come on.

One, two, three, come on.

- ♪ Say, do you want
- a revolution? ♪

- ♪ Say, do you want
- a revolution? ♪

- ♪ Say, do you want
- a revolution? ♪

- ♪ Say, do you want
- a revolution? ♪

Check it out, listen.

- ♪ Sick and tired of my brothers
- k*lling each other ♪

-That's right.

- ♪ Leaving babies
- with their mothers ♪

- ♪ to every man that want to
- lay around and play around ♪

- ♪ listen, partner, you be
- man enough to stay around ♪

Come on, come on.

- ♪ Sick and tired of the church
- talkin' religion ♪

- ♪ and yet they talk about
- Each other makin' decisions ♪

No more racism.

- ♪ The solution, come on
- come on ♪

- ♪ say, do you want
- a revolution? ♪

- ♪ Say, do you want
- a revolution? ♪

- ♪ Come on, what you say?
- What you say ♪

- ♪ say, do you want
- a revolution? ♪

- ♪ To make a dollar
- it makes me want to holler ♪

- ♪ the way they do my life
- the way they do my life ♪

- ♪ there's gonna be
- a brighter day ♪

♪ all your troubles gonna

pass away ♪

- ♪ a revolution's coming
- yes, it's coming ♪

- ♪ Say, do you want
- a revolution? ♪

- ♪ Say, do you want
- a revolution? ♪

- ♪ Lift your hands up
- and lift them up ♪

- ♪ come on, do you want
- a revolution? ♪

Listen to this right here.

- ♪ What you feelin'?
- What you want son? ♪

- ♪ You know Jesus
- is the true son ♪

- ♪ 500 days left until
- the new millennium ♪

- ♪ you feelin' 'um
- trumpets sound ♪

- ♪ sky cracks the last
- the first, the first, the last ♪

- ♪ so don't be caught slippin'
- brother ♪

- ♪ 'cause when I see him
- brother ♪

- ♪ they say we move too much,
- we do too much ♪

- ♪ ain't no stopping
- what we're doing ♪

- ♪ But they can't break me
- 'cause I'm down with Christ ♪

- ♪ All my real life
- say throw your hands up ♪

♪ Throw your hands up

throw your hands up ♪

- ♪ all my real life
- I say throw your hands up ♪

♪ Throw your hands up

throw your hands up ♪

- ♪ all my real life says
- lift your hands up ♪

- ♪ all my real life says
- lift your hands up ♪

- You don't want
- to seem desperate.

- Now, come on, baby,
- so I can say my line.

'Cause you wanna...

Let me do it again.

- See, you don't want
- to seem desperate.

It took too long.

You really need to quit...

- Nothing but the...
- Oh, sh**t.

- Nothing but the bottom
- of the net.

Nothing but the bottom

of the net.

Can we do my part first?