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06x08 - Greek to Me

Posted: 01/09/24 09:43
by bunniefuu


Hey, you guys!

You just missed

the b*mb step show.

Oh, please, don't be fooled

by the fancy footwork, okay?

- The Greek system
- is just a way

- To Rob you
- of your individuality.

I like being a

little sister to the

gamma psi fraternity.

Well, I'm all about


I know that's right.

I don't have to be part

of a group to belong.

Go ahead and preach.

Well, whatever.

Come on, diavian.

We're going to go see


Not without us.

- You guys
- are breaking up the group.

- We're supposed
- to be family.

Yeah, sis.

We like this.

- Yeah, turn around
- when we're talking to you.


♪ I do my own style

in my own time ♪

♪ how different

we have come to be ♪

♪ even though I'm glad

to be with you ♪

- ♪ I got to feel
- what's real for me ♪

♪ Like you got to do

what's right for you ♪

Hey! Mmm,

something smells... burnt.

Tia, are you cooking


Are you here for a reason?

Yes, I came to tell

my baby something

very, very important.

- Is this about
- our anniversary?

That... yeah...

And I got my first byline

in the school paper.

Well, congratulations, j.

What's the story?

I'm doing an expose

on fraternity hazing.

Jordan, those fraternity rituals

are a secret.

- No one is going
- to talk to you.

I know. That's why I'm going

deep, deep, deep undercover

as a pledge.

And when they try to haze me

- I'm going to expose Greek life
- for what it is.

Oh, my very own

ed Bradley.


I am so proud.

So, now, tell me

what you have planned

for our anniversary.


It's a surprise.

By the way,

Jordan, um...

When is your anniversary, huh?


can you believe this?

Your own sister doesn't know

when our love began.

And she calls herself

your twin.

Yeah, Tia.

- I thought we were closer
- than that.

Hey, tamera.

What you looking at?

It's my anniversary gift

for Jordan.

See, it's a scrapbook

of our first year together.


That's so sweet.

Let me see.


A burger king wrapper?


It was the first time we shared

a double meat whopper

with extra pickles.

That's so sweet.

Maybe you could use

some krazy glue

on those pickles.


Hello, everybody.

- Tamera, look what
- grandma Campbell sent you.

Oh, grandma knows what I like.

And this isn't it.

Dad, you're not pounding

the a.K.A. Drum again.

I told you...

I do not want to pledge.

- Come on, tamera,
- have an open mind.

Been there. Said "no."

Dad, can you please

send this stuff

back to grandma?

Hold on.

I can work with this.

Tamera, you know

grandma's sorority

means a lot to her.

- And it would mean
- a lot to me

- If you would at least
- consider pledging a.K.A.

Okay, okay,

if you put it that way.

I'll consider eating

the pink and green cupcakes.

You'll notice the names

of 16 founders on top.

- Read them and
- then eat them.

Ray, now, tamera has always

made it perfectly clear

- that she doesn't
- want to pledge.

- You need to leave
- that child alone.

- Two of my best friends
- are deltas.

Tia wants to pledge.

- You don't see me pushing delta
- on her.

Well, I guess

you got a point.

Hey, guys. What's up?


- Look what grandma Campbell
- sent you.

- Tyreke:
- How's that article going?

It's not.

- All we've been doing
- is studying at the library.

And I don't think a paper cut

counts as hazing.

Keep up the boot-licking.

- Maybe they'll slip up
- and knock you upside the head.


- Man, the gammas
- don't run me.

I run me, okay?


Gotta run!

- Greetings, big brother
- of gamma psi.

- Is there anything I can
- do for you today, sir?

Yeah, I don't want you

or any of your line brothers

talking to anyone

other than your

big brothers

or the gamma pearls.

You got that?

Sir, yes, sir.

Now, get in line.

Now, up until now

you pledges have been

on summer vacation.

Oh, but big brother ghost

is about to crack the whip.


the real deal

man, are you crazy?

- I heard big brother ghost
- is so tough

- He made the whole line quit...
- School.

So, Tia, you think

you'd be interested

- in tutoring a calculus student
- for extra credit?

Yeah. Yeah,

yeah, sure.

I welcome

the challenge.

Hey, me, too.

Actually, diavian,

you're the student

I want her to tutor.



Show some respect

to big brother ghost.

- The calculus t.A.
- Is ghost?

- I said show
- some respect!

- Greetings, big brother ghost
- of gamma psi.

- Is there anything we can do
- for you today, sir?

Pledges, listen up.

If you fall asleep in class

I'll catch your head

before it hits the desk.

If you try to hide

in your room

I'll be in your closet.

In other words

every move you make,

every class you take

I'll be there to haunt you.

Got that?

- Yes, sir, big brother ghost,
- sir.


Let's get something

to eat.

Hold up.

Did I ask you pledges

to follow us?

- No, sir, big brother ghost,
- sir.


- since I can't
- talk to Jordan

- Would you please
- tell my sweetie

- I made reservations for
- our anniversary dinner

- At chez nous
- tomorrow at 8:00?

- Tamera, I can only talk
- to him about pledge business.

Oh, come on, Tia.

You know he's not

really pledging.

- Okay, okay,
- but don't make this a habit.

I am not e-mail.

Diavian, I want you

to distract the brothers for me.

Hey, I'm with it.

- Tomorrow night,
- chez nous.

Say what?

Chez nous, anniversary

dinner, 8:00.

You ate a rock?

No. 8:00. Don't be late.

Yeah, 8:00.

Don't player hate.


- Lisa:
- Cookies, ladies?

- Lisa, red
- and white.

Delta colors.

- Ooh, they're too beautiful
- to eat.

Fine, more for me.

Not so fast, mom.

- It was really nice of you guys
- to stop by

And share your delta experience.

- It's always nice
- to share our rich tradition

With a potential pledge.

I've been active with the

Detroit chapter since 1983.


Time does fly.

And I've been on

the executive committee

for seven years.


Do you want to tell

this story?

No, you're doing fine.

What's going on in here?

- Oh, ray, you know
- my delta friends

Nadine and Monica.

Yes, how could I miss

- the red and white
- Cadillac in the driveway?

He's just jealous.

Lisa, this is low.

Well, you should know.

I don't want any

delta brainwashing

in my house.

- You're the one who tried
- to brainwash her.

"Grandma's cupcakes."

I'm just trying

to level the playing field.

This is w*r.

Well, just bring

on your big g*ns, little man.

Jamal, it feels like

we've been walking

for hours.

Okay, stop walking!

Off with the blindfolds.

Now, right here is where

the Greek step show

will be held.

- We want this place
- spick-and-span.


Paint those benches,

pick up the trash.

- We want this
- place spotless.

Uh, sir?

Big brother

ghost, sir.

I was just wondering.

How long do you think

we'll be out here, sir?

- Is there something
- in your life

- More important than
- pledging gamma psi?

No, nothing beats this,


Just wondering.

Do you think we'll be out here

past 8:00... sir?

Oh, no, you'll be out

of here by 8:00.

Good. I can make dinner.


Tamara's going to k*ll me

for breakfast.


She going to eat me

like an eggo.

Hurry up, man.


Left, right, left!

Left, right, left!

- Left, right, left!
- Left, right, left!

Left, right, left!

Left, right, left!

Left, right, left!

Left, right, left!

Pledgees, halt!

Okay, the quad

looks passable.

Take a break.

- Meet me outside
- in five.



- Make that four minutes
- and 57 seconds!

56... 55... 54... 53...


I was just about

to call you.

And say what?

- You're sorry that I waited
- in chez nous

- Until the busboys
- started mopping around my feet?

They had us

working all night!

I'm finally about to crack

this story wide open!

And i'm about to do

what you should have

done last night...

Walk away.

Wait! No, baby, no.

- Look, I wanted to be there...
- I really did.

Yo! Ghost is

counting faster.

Let's go.

Tamera, I have to...

Just go ahead.

- Obviously, pledging
- to some fraternity

You really don't want to be in

- is a lot more important
- to you than I am.

- Tamera, now, you know
- that's not true...

J, let's go.

If I don't go, I'll get

my line brothers in trouble.

I'll try

to call you later.

Oh, hi, sweetie.

Want some cake?

Mama... what's all this?

All what?


Mom, I appreciate

your enthusiasm, but chill!

Just... mom!

You've made your point.

Oh, for crying

out loud...

This is ridiculous,


- You just jealous
- 'cause I thought of it first.

He's right, mom.

Come on, Tia.

You need a breather.

I know.


You two are completely

out of control.

About what?

Don't ask me...

She talking to you.

- Look, trying to pick a sorority
- is hard enough in itself

Without all this pressure.

I told you

to pull up, ray.

Oh, go eat cake.

Will you two cut it out!

Well, he started it.

Mom! Mom!


Now, after doing

a lot of thinking

I've made my decision.

Let him down easy, baby.

Ray, I'm not pledging a.K.A.

Oh! Too bad, so sad.

Too bad, so sad.

Mom, I'm not pledging delta,


Ha-ha-ha! Oh, boy.

- Too bad, so sad,
- too bad, so sad.

- Oh, grow up, ray.
- You make me sick...


- Now, look, all the information
- you gave me

Made me realize that pledging

is a bigger commitment

- than I'm willing
- to make right now.


Thanks for the memories.

- I don't know,
- brother ghost...

I think somebody here

is pretending to pledge.

- Keith:
- I think so, too.

- Let's show him
- some love...

Gamma psi style.

( All clapping, banging,

( barking like seals )

Well, the least he could

have done was said "bye"!

Works every time.

- Are there any real pledges
- in line?!

Me, sir!

I can handle anything:

The beating, the paddling...

Bring on the abuse, sir!

Is that what you think

pledging is all about...

Beating and paddling?

No, sir!

There's branding, too.

Jordan, man,

you got it all wrong.

The word "fraternity"

means "brotherhood"

not "beat down."

We're not saying

that hazing doesn't happen.

It just doesn't happen here.

But... if hazing

is what he wants...

Let's give it to him!

As a matter of fact...

Let's give it to all of them!

No, sir, big brother, sir!


Step forward and

grab your ankles.


- Now, lose the blindfolds,
- stand up

- And take your punishment
- like men.

Pledges, you are here

to give these

lovely ladies an evening

of ballroom dancing.

Keith, I don't think

this skinny one

can hang with me.

Give him a chance, miss Danes.

Forget ballroom dancing.

- They look like
- they can do

A mean tootsie roll!

Ladies, it's

strictly ballroom.



What's this all about?

This is the...



anniversary dinner.

Come here.

This is so sweet.

So, you got the story?

Mm-hmm, got my story.

Yes! It's over.


But it's not over.

What do you mean?

Well, see, the more I tried

to find the bad in gamma psi

the more I found the good.

In fact, I want to be

a part of it.

I'm pledging for real.

- But wait a minute...
- If you're still pledging

- Won't you get in trouble
- by being here with me?


I'd risk anything

to say "happy anniversary."

- Keith:
- Pledges!

Happy anniversary.


All right, let's hear it for

the nupes of kappa Alpha psi.

But now it's time

for some real steppers...

The pledges of gamma psi!

♪ Well, we're gonna

set it out... ♪

I said, my brothers!

- ♪ You're looking good
- today ♪


♪ Well, the gamma brothers

look good every day ♪

♪ I'll be a gamma psi brother

till the day I die ♪

- ♪ wake up, wake up,
- wake up, wake up ♪

Please tell my sweetie

that I need, uh, uh, uh...

- For our
- anniversary dinner

- Um, at chez nous
- tomorrow at 8:00.


- What the heck
- did she just say?

I was trying to

make it work!

And she spit on me...

- I was trying to
- make it work!

I'm sorry.

That's okay.

- They messed
- up anyway.

- They-they-they-
- they... yeah.