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06x07 - The Domino Effect

Posted: 01/09/24 09:42
by bunniefuu
- Lisa, you got to clean
- out this closet.

What for?

You just did.

I'm looking for the card table.

Well, look out in the garage.

That needs cleaning out, too.

This is serious.

My buddies are coming over

tomorrow night for dominos.

Oh, no, they're not.

My ladies' book club

is meeting here.

I'm not giving up

my dominos night

for some "woe is me,

I don't have a man"

relationship book.

And I'm not having your

little bone-slamming buddies

interrupting our discussion.

- Well, if you got
- out of the house

- You wouldn't need a
- relationship book club.

- Well, maybe if you were
- in a relationship

- You wouldn't be so bitter
- about relationship books.

Well, my guys are coming

over, and that's that.

- My girls are coming over.
- That's that.

Well, that's that.

- I'll take the kitchen;
- you take the living room.

Yeah, and don't have your

"stellas" distracting my guys.

Don't you worry.

They're allergic to Rogaine.

♪ I do my own style

in my own time ♪

♪ how different

we have come to be ♪

♪ even though I'm glad

to be with you ♪

- ♪ I got to feel
- what's real for me ♪

♪ Like you got to do

what's right for you ♪

- Wesley:
- Jordan, I heard you got lucky.

I'm talking about Tia

and tamera going to Chicago.

- Yeah, isn't
- that something?

- They're at the model
- United Nations conference.

Now that's what I call

perfect timing.

Every honey at Michigan is going

to be at this homecoming dance.

You guys are free agents.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- We don't play that.

- We're true to our women,
- right, dog?

Oh, you know it.

Now, tyreke, I heard

you and Tia broke up.

- Who are you being true to?
- Yourself?

Uh, Wesley...

- Brother, you don't know
- Tia and I like that.

We have a relationship

- that you couldn't
- possibly understand.

- That's right
- because I know both of them

And I don't understand.

You guys are so whipped...

Not going to the biggest

party of the year.

We're not whipped, okay?

Now we're going

to the dance.

We're just going solo.

I get it.

Why bring sand to the beach?

A couple of players.

- A couple of hungry players...
- Later, man.

That brother has issues.


Hey, guys.

Hey, Simone.

Why the long face?

I'm so frustrated

- I'm this close to turning in
- my resident adviser badge.

- I've got a couple of homesick
- freshmen in my dorm

- Who are on the verge
- of dropping out.

- Ooh, man, you got
- to be kidding me.

So, what's the problem?

Well, they're really shy girls

- who are having a hard time
- fitting in.

There they are.

Over there.

If they could just get somebody

- to take them
- to the homecoming dance

- I know they'd think twice
- about leaving.

- But who you going
- to get to take them?

- Jordan: - Yeah, must be somebody
- Pretty desperate.

Or two really nice guys

who are going to the dance

all by themselves.

No. Don't even

think about it.

Okay, you know what?

It would mean so much to them.

- You two could keep these girls
- in school.

- Who'll keep us
- out of the hospital

When Tia and tamera find out?

You know, guys,

this isn't a date.

This is an act of mercy.

It's charity work.

Couldn't we just write a check?

Come on.

It's just a lift

to the dance

so they don't have to walk in

by themselves.


You said no one will

think it's a date.

Of course not.

Come meet them.

Not a date, right?

It's just ride, man.

We're like cabbies.

Cee cee? Ginger?

I'd like you to meet

my friends Jordan and tyreke.

Hey, what's up.

Uh, not much.

Hey, uh, well...

- You know what?
- Jordan and I...

We're riding together

to the homecoming dance.

- And we were
- wondering...

- Yeah.
- If you guys would like

A lift.

With the two of you?

Uh, in the same car?

If that works for you.

Well, what do you think,

cee cee?

I think we have dates.

Wait till I tell my mama.

Tell your mama what?

- That we got dates
- with two fine men from Michigan.

Thanks, guys.

Good going, guys.

- I think they just might stay
- in school.

Oh, you think so, huh?

- Lisa:
- Oh, hey, Jordan.

Hey, Ms. Landry.

- You know how I can reach
- tamera in Chicago?

- She never paged me
- with the number.

I have the number to the hotel

- but she'll be in conferences
- all day. What's up?

Nothing. I just wanted to call

and tell her something...

Real funny that happened.

Well, I could use

a good laugh right now.

Tell me.

Well, it is funny.


- You see,
- Simone told me and tyreke

About these poor,

pathetic homesick freshmen

that needed a ride

to the homecoming dance.


- Well, you know,
- being the gentlemen that we are

- You know, we offered
- the poor things a ride.



This is where it gets funny.

You're going to crack up.

You see, they misunderstood

and think that we're

their dates to homecoming.

Isn't that funny?


- You think tamera'll
- find it funny?

Uh-uh. She gonna k*ll you.

I know.

Oh, please be there.

Please be there.


Tamera. I caught you.

Hey, baby.

You would not believe

how great this mock

United Nations is.

Sounds fun.

- I wanted to talk to you
- about something.

- Hurry up. We're
- going to be late.

- Oh, um, Jordan?
- I've got to go.

Tia and I have an emergency

- peace conference
- at baskin-Robbins.

- It's important;
- it's about homecoming dance.

Oh. Guess what?

- We may be done early
- and can catch a flight back

In time for the dance.


Need to put yourself out.

No. It's just a dumb dance.

You're right.

Well, um... you boys better

be good now.

I've got my spies

on the lookout.




Somebody's about to get dumped.

I just hope it's not me.

Cee cee:

Hey, guys.

Look, about

the homecoming

situation, right?

- Oh, I'm glad you
- brought that up.

Look what my mom

sent me... a moneygram.

What for?

You going out of town?

No, it's for my

homecoming dress.

It's my baby-sitting money

from the last eight years.

Well, look. Wait, wait, wait.

- Now, we can't let you ladies
- spend your last dime on dresses.

- There's something
- I need to say.

- Wait. Let
- me go first.

Guys, for the first time

- I really feel
- like I belong here.

Me, too.

I mean, it's all because of you.

Thank you so much.


- See you tomorrow
- at 8:00.



- This is definitely
- not good.

No, not at all.

Here we go, fellas.


All right.

- Why are you carrying
- the tray?

- You said there were women
- in the kitchen.

And that's where

they're going to stay.


- Yeah. I told Lisa
- her and her little hen party

- Were going to have
- to keep quiet.

Wait. You said that?

- You've got to put your foot
- down, show them who's boss.

That's right.

- Keep them in the kitchen
- where they belong.


You trying to get me k*lled?

Oh, Elise, it is so good to have

you back in the book club.

And just where have you been

for the last two months?

I had a man.

- Well, he must have wriggled
- off the line if you back here

With us.

- Well, the one good thing
- about a book is when you

- Fall asleep with it
- on your pillow

- You know it'll be there
- when you wake up.

And it doesn't snore, slobber

- or scratch you
- with its toenails.

I hate that.

- Lisa, you have
- another guest.

Oh, hey, Nadine!


Sorry I'm late

- but I had to finish
- the last chapter.

Well, in that case, you can

just start the discussion.

- Lisa, may I
- remind you

The living room is

off-limits to the

lonely hearts club?

And may I remind you

that this is

a testosterone-free zone?

Now scat.

My pleasure.

Girl, you sure handled him.

Well, you got to put

your foot down.

Let him know who's boss.

Well, we're here.

Dead men walking.

Whoa. Hey.

Will you calm down?

Calm down, man.

Yeah, okay.

Now, tamera is

not going to find

out about this.

- She's got spies
- all over that dance.

- Well, if she
- does, so what?

All right, anybody

that sees us with

those sad girls

has got to know it's

just a mercy date.

- You got my heart
- palpitating.

Aw, man.



- Cee cee:
- Come in.

Hey, guys.

We're ready.



So what should

we do first?

Dance? Walk around?

- Hide behind
- one of these trees?



I said, uh, look,

there's Tyrese.


Ooh, I love his cd.

- Why don't you go
- get an autograph?

- Before he runs
- out of ink.

We'll be right back.

Take your time.

All right, look,

if we play it low key

- maybe we can make it
- through this dance unnoticed.

What's up, players?

Players? What have you seen?

Nothing but green.

- For five dollars,
- I've hooked

Each couple up

with a photo memory.

Let me get one of

you and your ladies.

- Now, we told you we
- don't have ladies.

- I come correct with my woman;
- that's how I am.

I hope we didn't

take too long.

And who are these lovely ladies?

We're their dates.


Hold it.

Phew, it's hot in here.

Oh, please.

Don't be so obvious.

What? Can't a brother

wipe his brow?

- Since when do you wipe your brow
- with the back of your hand?

- You were
- clearly indicating five.

Five? Thanks

for the tip, ray.

Because a nickel and a nickel

and a nickel is...


Uh-oh. Whoa. I'll get

some paper towels.

I'll help you.

No, you don't.

- Only one cheater
- in the kitchen at a time.

Guard my bones, Martin.

Desperate losers

do desperate things.

I was just about

to page that man

for the third time

but I picked up iyanla's book

and I reread what she said

about... dignity

and I realized right then

that I had to release him

and move on with my life.

- All:
- Mm-hmm.

- That book
- was worth every penny.

- All:
- Mm-hmm.

Well, then where's my $22.50?

I told you to set

that man free last week.

Oh, excuse me, ladies.

- I just want to get
- some paper towels.

Make it snappy.

- But, you know, I have
- to give it up to miss iyanla

For inspiring you.

- Now, I could not have said it
- the way she said it.

You ladies talking

about iyanla vanzant?

Is there another iyanla?

You got a point.

Wasn't it deep

the way she compared

preparing your heart for love

to cleaning a house?

You've read in the meantime?

Oh, it changed my life.

She made me realize

that I didn't clean house

after my first marriage,

but after number two

I started wearing

that dirt devil out.

Uh, I just bet

a sensitive man like you

would love

one day my soul just opened up.

- That's next
- on my reading list.

Why read?

- I've got the book-on-tape
- in my car.

- Well, I've got it in my purse;
- I'll go get it.

Hmph. Looks like somebody's

trying to be wife number three.


And could she be more obvious?


Another puff, daddy?

Eddie's taking

too long.

Martin, you play

something for him.

I am not playing

my partner's hand.

Well, if you don't, I will.

Oh, no, you don't.

I will not have you doggin'

that sweet man's hand.

I'll just play

this one for him.

- Well, what are you all
- staring at?

Pass the nachos.

I'm sorry you're

allergic to my perfume.

No problem. We just

have to maintain

a clear airspace.

Ventilation is key.

Oops, time to scratch.

Yo, let's give it up for Tyrese.

Thank you.

I'll been in the back, and I'll

be right out in five minutes.

We could sure

use some punch.

- Sounds good.
- We'll be right back.


- Has your date said anything
- about going home yet?

- No, but I heard your date
- whisper something about

A midnight breakfast at ihop.

- Oh, no. We better
- fill them up

- On finger sandwiches
- 'cause I spent

All my money

on pictures.



I can't thank

you enough for

what you've done

for cee cee and ginger.

Just look at them.

You guys have

made this a night

they'll never forget.


You know, maybe

she's right, man.

- We should be proud
- of ourselves.

Before they met us,

they were sad and pitiful.

Look at them now...

Bold and beautiful.

Thanks to us, they're

going to graduate, man.

I don't know about you

but I just... I feel

good about myself.

I feel better.

It's tamera.

"Conference ended early.

Plane arrives...

In 45 minutes."

I feel sick.

- How can we get
- Tia and tamera?

I mean, we just can't

dump the girls.

But they can dump us.

♪ Everybody wanting to try

to get to know me ♪

♪ it's my prerogative

to do what I wanna to do ♪

♪ and I couldn't see myself,

babe, with no one but you ♪

♪ I don't want

nobody else but you... ♪

- You guys weren't dancing
- like this before.

That's 'cause we were

holding back, baby.

- Watch out! Robot
- coming through!

- What you know
- about robot?

Hey, my mamma used

to do that dance.

I'm feeling it.

♪ Now I see you

just can't handle ♪

All right, that's enough.

Everyone's looking.

Why'd you stop?

What's wrong?

We are.

- We should have
- just been honest

- With you guys
- from the beginning.

Go ahead, Jordan.

Well, the truth is...

- The reason we went
- soul train on you guys

- Is because we wanted
- to turn you off

- So we could leave
- early and pick

- Our friends up
- from the airport.

Well, why didn't you

just say so?

I mean, we don't mind

if you leave.

Are you sure?

We didn't want to

ruin your evening.

Actually, you've been

slowing down our evening.

- Yeah, we've been turning down
- dances all night.



From who?


Let's go. Drop it.

We can go.

Okay, I'll see you.

That's gratitude, man.

- We risked our necks to keep
- these girls in school

- And they're ready to dance off
- with that coke-drinking crooner.

♪ I know the situation's

shady... ♪

I drink coke.

I'm hurt!

I'm deeply hurt!

Big six coming in... pi-ya!

Mark us down for two dimes.

You guys lose...

- Again!
- Again!

This is ridiculous.

- Now where's Ken
- with those beer nuts?

- Ooh, a beer sounds good to me;
- bring me a cold one.


"Suddenly we see

"that love costs all

we are and will ever be.

"Yet it is only love...

That sets us free."

Speak, brother, speak.

May I speak with you

a minute, please?

What is it? What is it?

Can't you see

that Ken is exhaling?

Yeah, yeah!

Why you trying

to stop our flow?

Can't you see we

healing in here?

- Well, you have to hold up
- all of your healing

- 'cause I need Ken back
- at the dominoes table.

- Ray, I was coming
- right back.

- It's really not
- a big deal.

- Now, see? See?
- If you were a better host

- They would not be
- abandoning ship.

Lisa, I really wasn't

abandoning ship...

- Go back
- to your dominoes table.

I thought we agreed to

have separate parties.

Yes, well, I can't help it

- if my party's
- more stimulating than yours.

Oh, yeah?

What about proud Mary in there

eating all my beer nuts?

Well, that kitchen door

swings both ways.

- You know, you've ruined this
- entire evening for everybody.

- Oh, if anybody's ruined it,
- you did.

Am I right?

Uh... ooh!

Where'd they go?

You've run everybody

out of the house.

♪ About your plans

to make me blue ♪

♪ with some other guy

you knew before... ♪

Hey, is everybody on for

the black ski summer next month?

I'm down.

What were we

arguing about?

- You were the one
- who was arguing.

- I was just trying
- to throw a party.

And it looks like I did.

- Ray, put on
- the parliament.

I'm feeling funky-delic.

♪ ... oh, ii heard it

through the grapevine ♪

♪ oh, I'm just about

to lose my mind ♪

- You had to find the
- perfect parking space.

- I didn't want my car
- getting dinged.

It's a classic.

- A classic
- piece of junk.

You need to get

a windshield.

Wait a minute.

Where are the girls?

- Are you sure
- they said gate 23?

I know how to read a pager.

Excuse me.

Are we late for flight 1522?

- No, in fact,
- you're early.


That flight was delayed

- until tomorrow morning
- due to fog.

That is just our luck.

What? Man, look

on the bright side.

- Everything worked
- out great.

Cee cee and ginger are

at the dance having fun

and most importantly

we didn't get in trouble

for taking them.

Yeah, I guess

you are right, man.

So, uh, so what do

you want to do now?

We celebrate.

That's right.

- All weekend
- we've been doing

- What women
- want us to do.

It's our time

now... man time.

Yeah, it's all

about us men.

That's right.

- Want to go watch
- the planes take off?

- Yeah.
- Yes.

Tamera, are you sure you

told them gate 32 and not 23?

Tia, I know how

to dial a pager.

See? They're not

here either.

- I can't believe we rushed
- back for homecoming

- And they're not even here
- to meet us.

They better not be

watching planes take off

or they're in

so much trouble.

You got that right.

♪ I don't want no crew,

I just want you ♪

- ♪ I'm from watts,
- so I'm ghetto ♪

♪ If you live by the Nana,

then you die by the Nana ♪

♪ nobody knows

how far I will go ♪

♪ 'Cause nobody makes me feel

like you do ♪

♪ I don't want nobody

but you... ♪