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06x06 - Bum Rap

Posted: 01/09/24 09:40
by bunniefuu
Ah, Lisa, I need your opinion.

Ain't nothing you can do

about that hook head.

- I'm talking
- about the suit.

I'm on my way to

a press conference

for senator heally.

Oh? What about?

- Well, remember
- when pandemonium

- Broke out at
- Pontiac state college

- During a crushing
- melons concert?

Yeah, but they were tearing

down that stadium anyway.

- Those kids did
- that school a favor.

My point is I'm supporting

the senator's brand-new bill

banning wild concerts

- on college campuses
- in state.

Oh, ray. Oh, come on, now.

There's always been

a little pushing and shoving

at those concerts.

Remember when the bump

used to be in?

There was always somebody

knocking somebody else down.

- And it was always the ones
- with no rhythm

Who got hurt.

Have you seen the lyrics

- these kids are
- listening to these days?

- Now, listen to
- this. Um...

"I'm-a k*ll for it,

chill in it

lay on a blanket

on the face and

drill in it."

I can't figure

if they're talking

about sex, v*olence

or construction.

"In the throat, in the thigh

- ♪ 'Cause I'm shady
- with the ladies ♪

♪ I got player haters

on me, but... ♪

Mama, mama. Mom! Ma.

Come back.

Oh. Oh, I'm sorry, honey.

I went a little old school

on you, huh?

I'm sorry. You don't know

anything about that.

Oh, and neither do you.

I am old school.

Ray, there is nothing

wrong with being UN-hip.


- I'll have you know I was once
- on the cutting edge.

- Back in the day,
- I was the first to wear

- A members only jacket
- in my area.

Yeah, and you the only member

still wearing one.

I know somebody better

give up some wheaties

before I go wikki on them.

♪ I do my own style

in my own time ♪

♪ how different

we have come to be ♪

♪ even though I'm glad

to be with you ♪

- ♪ I got to feel
- what's real for me ♪

♪ Like you got to do

what's right for you ♪

- Tia: - Tamera, I really
- Need your help.

Anything, sis.

Okay, um, I need a couple

of really rugged guys.

Can't help you there.

You know what?

- You're right.
- You can't.

- Sometimes a woman
- gets in a bind

- Only a man can
- get her out of.

Oh, well.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey,
- dry your tears.

- Big men on campus
- right here.

- That's right. - What do
- You need?

- Us to k*ll a bug?
- Change a flat?

How about going without food

or sleep?

- Girl, you better
- stop playing.

- Guys, I'm doing
- a psychology experiment.

I really need one guy

who can go without sleep

and another guy who can go

without food for four days.

Only four days?

- sh**t, when I was two,
- I got lost in the basement

- For a week and survived
- by sucking my thumb.

I don't know.

I need men with physical

and mental stamina.


You know, like marines?

What? I am a trained

security escort.

- sh**t, staying
- alert and awake

- Is a part of my
- everyday game.


- Okay. But this
- is important.

You guys are going

- to have to give
- me 100 percent.

- Is that all?
- sh**t, let's do this.

Okay, now, the first

thing we have to do

- is check your endurance,
- so let's head

Over to the track and

do a couple of laps.

A couple?

My man can do ten.

Baby, don't help your man.


I'm sorry.

See you around, sis.

Ten laps.

Have fun.

Hi, tamera.

Hey, Carla. What's up, girl?

- You know I'm the political
- editor for the campus paper.

Yes, I know.

I'm doing a random survey

- and I'd like to interview you
- if that's okay.

Sure. Survey away.


Recently, senator heally

proposed a bill banning

music acts deemed offensive

from state college campuses.

That is crazy, man.

The next thing you know,

they'll burning cds.

You'd have to be

a radical, fascist bonehead

to support a ban on music.

- You feel that strongly
- about it?

Yes, I do, and you can quote me.

Oh. Now, you do realize

that your father is in support

of the senator's bill?


So let me get this straight.

You're saying that

ray Campbell, republican

candidate for State Senate

is a radical, fascist bonehead?

Is that right, tamera?

I'm not tamera.

I'm Tia.

All right, all right,

listen. Tell me again...

How long have we been doing this

experiment, for like two weeks?

Two days. And quit asking me.

- You know, I'm starting to think
- this whole experiment

- Is nothing but Tia's ploy
- to punish you

For not taking her back

after she dumped you.

- Dog, you need to lay off
- the Terry mcmillan books, man.

Hey. You got to know what they

read to know what they need.

- Hey, guys.
- Hey.

- Oh!
- How's it going?

Well rested.

Not hungry?

No, no, no. I'm full on life.

Good. Because my grade

depends on this experiment

and I'm counting on you two

to keep each other honest.

No problem.

Jordan has chips in his bag.


What? Who put those

chips in my bag?

I've been set up;

I don't even like...

Sour cream and onion.


Admit it, Jordan; You

can't handle the chip.

And how about you, tyreke?

I'm cool.

Yeah? Because after

I haven't had any sleep

I'm just like... yawning...

And yawning.

Yeah, like that.

I ain't yawning.

I'm singing.

- Oh, la, la, nothing, man...
- You know you was yawning.

Constant yawning, food hoarding,

bad singing...

- Sell out.
- Snitch.

Name calling. Okay.



Dopey, happy and doc.

You forgot sneezy.

- So, um, are you
- going to wear

Your mossimo pants

with your dkny blouse?

I'm not sure.

I was thinking about my bcbg

skirt with... your c.K. Jacket.

- Ah, that's going
- to be tight.


- Must be something special
- for you girls to pull

- All those initials
- out of your closet.

Goodie mob is coming to campus.

Goodie mob?

Is that the one who drops

his pants during the show?

That's Usher, mama.

Oh. Well, let me know

when he comes to town.

Ooh, you're in trouble.


Wha-what did I do?


You got the visa bill?

Not the visa bill?

I'm talking about you calling me

- a radical, fascist, bonehead
- in the paper.

Dad, I was misquoted.

And besides, that's just

a little school newspaper.

Nobody reads that.

- It's not like
- it was the, the...

The Detroit...

Free press?

They picked up your quote

from the wire services.

- "Coed calls
- candidate father

A fascist."

- That's a real
- good picture

- Of you,
- though, ray!


I said "fascist bonehead"

before I knew you were one.

I mean...

I'm sorry, dad.

I was tricked.

Apology accepted.

- Now, I've scheduled
- a press conference

- So that you can retract
- your statement.

Wait, dad.

I meant...

I'm sorry for hurting you

but I'm not sorry about

my stand against censorship.

- Tamera, you know i'm
- running for public office.

- You should have
- checked with me

- Before you run your mouth
- off with the press.

- Well, you should have checked
- with me

- Before you decided to support
- that ridiculous bill.

This is not a debate!


- I have set up a
- press conference

For tomorrow morning.

Well, I'm sorry, dad,

but I won't be there.

This is not a

request, tamera.

Dad, I already apologized

for how I said it

but I am not going to apologize

for what I said.


are you chewing your water?

Yeah. It-it digests better

that way.

Hey, guys.

- I heard you told your dad you
- wouldn't make a public apology.

Do you think I'm being selfish?

- Shellfish?
- You got shellfish?

No, no, no, no.

Not shellfish. Selfish.

Ohh. Oh, yeah, yeah.

Don't sell out your views.

Fight the powers that be.

Make lunch, not w*r.

That reminds me.

I haven't eaten all day.

I think I'll get a, a big old

bacon double cheeseburger

with fries

and a diet coke.

That's it.

Bring me back some ice?

Hey, tamera.

No comment.

Hey, Carla.

Do I know you?

Jordan Bennett.

I work on the newspaper, too.

Oh, yeah.

The freshman gopher.

Anyway, tamera

I've got great news.

Because of your

fabulous interview

senator heally has agreed

to come to campus

- for a debate
- on music censorship.

Good for him and good for you.

No, good for us.

It's tonight, and we want you

to debate the senator.

After what you did to me?

- Why would I do
- anything for you?

Tamera, this issue is bigger

than me or you.

- I mean,
- because of your statements

The whole campus is fired up.

Well, uh, if-if tamera's

not interested

I'd be more than happy

to debate the senator myself.

I was captain of the debate team

in my high school.

- They said no one could copy
- my skills.

That reminds me...

The copy machine needs toner.


Tamera, you have the power

to make a difference here.

I mean, don't you believe

- what you said to me
- the other day?

- I'm not saying
- you should do it, baby

But I feel sorry

for senator heally if you do.

Look, tamera, I'll admit...

- I did use
- questionable tactics before

- But that's why I want
- to give you

- A chance
- to set the record straight.

When is it?

8:00, royster hall.

I'll be there.

You'll make


out of him.




Ooh, you touch me

like you know me.

I would have helped you

with that, Lisa.

- Tyreke's supposed
- to help me

But he disappeared.

- You know
- how young people are.

Yeah, I know the young

people in this house

and you were awfully

hard on one of them.

I only asked tamera

for a retraction.

I'm running for office.

She knows better than to sh**t

her mouth off like that.

- You raised tamera to
- have her own opinions.

- Don't get angry when
- she expresses them.


Watch out, now!

What's up, man?

I'm not sleeping, man.

I'm not sleeping, ray. I swear.



What were you doing

on the floor?

I dropped something.

- Yep, and, uh,
- and so I decided to lay down

So I could pick it up

- and then, um...
- I remember how blind people have

- Such a keen sense of touch,
- so I thought

That if I could feel around,

you know, then I could...

Is that drool on my floor?

I'll get a rag.

All right, I'll be there

at 8:00 this evening.

Yeah, bye.

That was senator heally.

- He can't make a debate
- over at Michigan.

I agreed to fill in for him.

Ooh, well, good for you.

Well, who are you debating?

Some student.


Where's tyreke?

That boy done fell

out in my kitchen.

Man, what you doing?!

I need the candy bar!

- Give me the candy bar
- or die!

- You cracking!
- I haven't cracked!

- Okay, guys, stop!
- That's enough.

Oh, um, um... he...

He was too weak to open it.

- Here you go, dog.
- Thank you.

Guys, you can stop pretending.

The experiment is over

but I do have a little

confession to make.

You see...

This experiment wasn't really

about food or sleep deprivation.

Wait a minute.

So you set us up?

Exactly. And you two

just got me an "a."

You see, my thesis was

to see that men will endure

extreme physical discomfort

- to prevail
- in a competitive environment.

Man, that's stupid.

Who won?

Who won?

Who won?

Don't be ridiculous.

Who won.

I won.

Now, you know what points

senator heally's

going to make, okay?

So the key is to stay

one step ahead of him.

Oh, great.

Here comes dad.

And here goes me.

- I'm glad you're here,
- tamera.

You are?


You know, sometimes

I have to remember

that you're an adult now.

It's a little hard

seeing your baby grow up

and become a woman

with her own opinions

but that is no excuse

for trying to tell you

what to think.

For that I am very sorry.

Thanks, dad.

And you know

I would never...

Hurt your campaign.

I know you wouldn't.

- Carla: - Will the two
- Debating parties

- Please take their places
- on the stage?

Well, wish me luck.

Well, wish me luck.

- For what?
- For what?

Let's give

a warm welcome

- to Michigan freshman
- tamera Campbell

And her father, the republican

candidate for State Senate

Mr. Ray Campbell.

Mr. Campbell is


- senator
- Richard heally

Who initiated a bill

that will ban music acts

- from performing
- on state college campuses.

Acts that use

explicit lyrics.

Everyone, please.

- There'll be plenty of time
- for comments after the debate.

Why don't we start

with you, tamera?

Well, it's very simple.

Senator heally's bill

is nothing more

than a violation

of our constitutional right

to free speech.

The bill is

not about free speech.

It's about keeping people safe.

From what?

The freedom to make

our own decisions?

No, from musical groups

that incite dangerous behavior.

Music doesn't cause v*olence.

People do.

And it's the state's


to keep people safe.

And what would "the state"

protect us from next, huh?

Textbooks, magazines,

comic books?

What if one day

"the state" decides

that Casper is not

such a friendly ghost?

Good joke.

- I don't think
- she's taking you

Very seriously,

Mr. Campbell.

I guess those students injured

at the crushing melons concert

don't mean much.

That's not exactly

what she meant, Carla.

Dad, don't argue with her.

She's really good

at twisting the truth.

Hello? This is not about me.

Can we please get back

to the issues?

Well, I think we all agree

- that public safety
- is important...

I agree.

But the answer

is not blanket censorship.

- Then what do you
- suggest, tamera?

Each university

could form a committee

to assess the risk factors

of each group, if any

and take

the necessary precautions.

Tamera, that's

a very good suggestion.

Thanks, dad.

This is a political debate,

not a family reunion.

Carla, here's something

you can't argue with:

This debate is over.

Wha...? Wait.

Uh... since clearly

our speakers

let their family ties color

their ability to discuss

the issues, I'm going to say

that this debate is over.

Dad, there was a day

when radio stations would

not play a James brown song.

- Really? I'm surprised
- they knew what he was saying.

- Good god!
- Good god!

♪ And I say you're

my beginning, my end ♪

♪ you're my sista,

lover and friend ♪

♪ god is

your light from within ♪

♪ it shines

through your beautiful skin ♪

♪ and what they say

'bout you ain't true ♪

♪ there's no me

if there is no you ♪

♪ yo, I'm quite single

and occasionally, I... ♪

Dad... what are

you doing here?

- Well, I've been doing
- a lot of talking

About this music.

- I thought I should do
- a little listening.

- ♪ Also, some conversation,
- companionship... ♪

Do you have their cd?


- Good. I think I'll listen
- to it at home.

Enjoy the concert.

- Thanks for
- coming, dad.

- ♪ It's carlito from a couple
- of days ago, you sound tired ♪

♪ Forgive me

if I'm calling too late ♪

- ♪ but what better time
- to relate minds-state? ♪

- ♪ Has anyone ever told you
- you got beautiful skin? ♪

- ♪ I just wanna be,
- there's no need ♪

- ♪ living and learning
- are our only obligations ♪

- ♪ equality, honesty,
- independence, intelligence ♪

- ♪ emotion and devotion,
- humbly seeking to hear god ♪

♪ At one time, my mind

just couldn't conceive ♪

♪ a woman had to dress

a certain way to believe ♪

- ♪ but in the same breath,
- allow me to say ♪

- ♪ that if you believe,
- young lady ♪

- ♪ I was attracted
- to your class ♪

- ♪ and you deserved
- every compliment ♪

- ♪ now, remember our
- indifferences make us the same ♪

- ♪ or many of you won't even be
- able to take care of yourself ♪

- ♪ and, love, when I look at you,
- I see my reflection ♪

♪ So I offer my love,

affection and protection... ♪

♪ 19-years-old, worth more

than her weight in gold ♪

♪ but it was all my fault,

so don't cry ♪

- ♪ understand, if down the line
- I want you back ♪

♪ Just promise me

you'll find a new man ♪

- ♪ hope she found
- what her was looking for ♪

- ♪ I wanted to be
- more than friends ♪

♪ You're my beginning

my end... ♪