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06x04 - We Are Family

Posted: 01/09/24 09:36
by bunniefuu

can we watch the news?

You already know the ship

is going to sink.

I know, but seeing it go down is

the best part.

It's so sad.

You girls stilling watching

gilligan's island?

Not anymore.

This cold front from the north

will send temperatures way low.

Mom, it's vivica,

Ray's ex-girlfriend.

As you can see,

it's really hot down south

but if you let mother nature

take her course...

It can be just as hot up north.

Oh, I don't want that

woman in this house.

Thank you.

Her hairdo was blocking the

entire west coast anyway.

There's a dark cloud

over Detroit

where there's a lot

of hot air blowing

thanks to

a tropical depression

named hurricane vivica.

- Clifton, I can't wait for you
- to meet Lisa and the girls.

Ray, I'm really

looking forward

to a quiet evening

with this family

I've heard so many

good things about.

- ♪ Hallelujah,
- it's raining men ♪

Uh, we were, uh...


- Checking out umbrellas...
- El nino might make a comeback.

♪ I do my own style

in my own time ♪

♪ how different

we have come to be ♪

♪ even though I'm glad

to be with you ♪

- ♪ I got to feel
- what's real for me ♪

♪ Like you got to do

what's right for you ♪

- Tamera:
- Well, uh, dad

Your "100 black men"

meeting ended early.

Yeah, what happened?

Only 99 showed up?

- Ladies, this is
- Clifton mcnair

One of Detroit's top

political consultants.

And after tonight

campaign manager

for the next state senator

from the fifth district.

It's me.

After my speech tonight

- on community service,
- the executive committee

- Convinced me to run
- for State Senate.


Ray, you're way too honest

and decent to be in government.

Which is exactly

why I want to run.

I'm sick of these

corrupt politicians

and special-interest groups.

- I know I can make
- a difference.

You go, dad.

Hold it. That's it.

That is the image

that we're selling.

"Ray Campbell, family man

for a new millennium."

Kind of catchy, huh?

No, but I'll vote

for you anyway.

Our first year to vote,

and we get to vote for ray.

Yeah. Remind me to register.

I need to be

in constant communication

with the family

at all times.

Now, star one

means, photo op.

Star two, press conference.

- Star three, put some steaks
- on the grill because I'm hungry.

I'll hit you back

with a star four:

Stop at sizzler.

Before you run up my phone bill

- I need to have some
- discussions with my family

- To see how much they want
- to be involved.

Ray, work with me.

Once you're in the public eye

they're in the public eye.

Public eye?

I feel a new

wardrobe coming on.

You're all right with being

an open book, aren't you?

Oh, yeah, I got nothing to hide.

As long as you avoid the '70s.


It's Clifton again.

Oh, he's just hungry.

- That's the fifth time
- he's paged you.

Isn't it awful?

My dad's only been running

for a week

and it's driving me crazy.

Oh, don't worry about it;

it'll be okay.

- You remember when
- we were in high school

- And we wouldn't
- start studying for a test

- Until midnight
- the night before?

Hmm. Yeah.

We were so immature.

But look at us now.

We got a whole 18 hours

before that exam.


Look, Lawson

you followed me Monday;

you followed me Tuesday;

and I tried to run

you over Wednesday.

Don't you get it?

Get used to it, tamera.

- You're the school's
- Chelsea Clinton.

And you're the school's


That is it!

Now, look, you've been

in my face all week!

Now I'm about

to get in yours!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Look here, Lawson, all right?

I suggest you leave before...

Before what?

We hurt you.

Fine, man.

I got your point;

I'll leave her alone.

You have to get violent.

You've got to

maintain the peace.

Hi, tamera. Carla boatner.

We passed each other

in the bathroom

during the freshman mixer?


- I'd love to intern
- for your father when he wins.

Can you give him my resume?

Yeah, sure.

Thanks, bye.


See you in the bathroom.

I can't believe

I just said that.


Tia, why were you

vogueing for Lawson?

Because, if you just smile

at him, he'll go away.

Yeah, but, if you

thr*aten him, he'll

go away faster.

Just forget Lawson.

Look at this.

I left a note

on my parking meter, right?


the entire world

that it was broken

and some idiot

still gave me

a parking ticket.

30 bucks.

Oh, I can take

care of that.


Baby, I'm connected now.

And if you can't

count on your man

then who else

can you count on?

Can I count on her man, too?

- I still got that ticket
- that needs fixing.

- No. I told you
- not to use

- Your grandmother's
- handicap sticker

Because there's

nothing wrong with you.

Ty, you know I'm pigeon-toed.

Oh, ray, are you

sure we should have

come back here?

You know I am sort of

persona non grata.

- That's water
- under the bridge, vivica.

Besides, the girls are

spending the night on campus

and Lisa is out.


You read my mind.

You know, ray, I'm so excited

you're running for office,

and I'm even more excited

that you've agreed

to do my little show.

Well, how could

I pass up an opportunity

to discuss my campaign

issues on television?

I'll get us some ice.

Mmm. Hurry back.

What's up?

Um, oh, nothing.

I'm on my way out.

With two drinks

in your hand?

Okay, um... you caught me.

I, I got a problem.

- But I'm going
- to beat it.

- I'm on my way to
- a meeting right now.

Did you forget

about me, boo?

- Vivica?
- Vivica?

Ray, you do have a problem

and I can solve it for you

in 12 steps.

One, two, three, 12.

Hold it, hold it.

- It's not what
- you're thinking.

Vivica's here on business.

- Oh, then it is
- what I'm thinking.

My business, if it's

any of yours, is that

ray, has agreed

to appear on my show.

I convinced

the station to let me host

a "meet the candidates" forum.

I am more than just

a weather personality.

You're right. You're also

a two-faced, two-timing

- two-sizes-too-small-wearing,
- two-bit ex-con.

You know, I don't have time

for this nonsense.

Boo, I'll see you

at the station.

Oh, and, uh...


Have fun at the

costume ball.

I'll win first prize

'cause I'll be

wearing your face!

Ray, I cannot believe

you are falling for this.

Ray, she's obviously

trying to use you.

Guys, I'm not stupid!

Except I'm using her

to get something I need.

Well, just go on downtown

like every other man.

- I'm talking
- about free publicity.

Geez, dad, you don't need

her kind of publicity.

Any publicity is good publicity

- as long as they spell
- your name right.

Well, it's hard

to misspell "boo."

They are raising

the roof out there.

I just thought of something.

Since we were planning to spend

two hours asleep anyway

why don't we take one of those

hours and party in our pjs?

Okay! Lead on, macduff!

You know, Carla, dancing

with you in our pajamas

has been a big dream.

Well, wake up.

I'll call you, okay?

Hey, Simone.

Chud, I have a taser

and I'm not afraid

to use it.

- Well, I'll catch you
- when the batteries are low.


You're looking pretty foxy.

Thanks chud.

Um, I hear they're dropping

water balloons off the roof.

I'm there.

Jordan, wake up.

I wasn't asleep.

I wasn't asleep.

It's hard to study

with you snoring.

Well, I'm going to go

to diavian's room

to catch some zs

before the exam, okay?

All right.

Nightie night.

Good night.

- Jordan:
- Tamera, I can't wait

To see your dad

on the wide-screen TV.

- Hey, hurry
- up, guys.

- I saved you
- two seats.

So, you think

your dad's ready?

My dad was born ready.

Yeah, I hope he was born brief.

I have a test in a class

I've never been to.

Okay, pardon me.

Corn nuts coming through.

You mean a corny nut

coming through?

Welcome to

vivica Shaw's spotlight.

Tonight we're going

to meet the candidates

from the fifth district

for State Senate...

Former school superintendent,

John burnley.

Local businessman, ray Campbell.

And city councilwoman

Martha Hicks.

Candidate Campbell...

Your slogan is "a family man

for a new millennium."

What exactly does

that slogan mean?

Exactly what it says.

I believe in putting

family first.

But obviously not putting

a wedding first.

What do you mean?

I'm talking about that woman

you've been shacking up with

for the last six years.

Shacking up?

He's got my vote.

Guys, guys,

he's not shacking up.

My mom's just living with him.

Whoa! Yeah.

Mr. Campbell

would you care to respond?

Yes. The lady councilwoman Hicks

is referring to

is Lisa Landry,

the adopted mother

of my daughter's twin sister.

I see.

Would that be the twin

whose ex-con boyfriend

runs a ticket-fixing scam

or the party girl twin

who spends the night

in her boyfriend's dorm?

I will not dignify those lies

with a response.

Would you care to respond

to the non-response?

Here is the enlargement

of the voided parking ticket.

And here's

the wild daughter partying

in her nightie

and another one of her leaving

her boyfriend's bedroom

in the wee hours of the morning.

These never-before-seen photos

are a vivica Shaw's spotlight


Get a close-up.

- Councilwoman Hicks has raised
- the specter...

This whole thing

is a nightmare.

Poor ray.

She called me an ex-con.

I hope my dad isn't watching.

I want a burger.

Mom, I am not living in sin.

Now, you know we adopted

those girls.

Oh, I've got to go.

My lover's here.

Mom, get up. Mom!

I was just kidding.

- I'll talk to you
- later. Bye.

- Have you heard
- from the girls?

- Oh, yeah.
- They're on their way home.

This is exactly why I didn't

want to involve my family.

Just hear me out, ray.

We're going to play

the sympathy card.

- We'll dress the girls in
- matching Laura Ashley outfits.

- Lisa, you wear
- a big old church hat.

Clifton, don't you think

I've put my family

through enough?

Okay. I'll be in my office

working on another

campaign strategy.

"Ray Campbell, troubled man

for troubled times."

Maybe not.

Mom, ray

what she said about those

pictures were all lies.

- You don't have
- to tell us that. We know.

- I'm sorry this
- had to happen.

Look, it's not

your fault, ray.

Don't worry, ray.

- It's going to take more
- than a conniving councilwoman

To get to us.

- This may be the tip
- of the iceberg.

If she's playing

hardball this soon

- who knows how low
- she'll sink?

No matter what, we are in it

to win it, right, girls?

I'm in.

I'm sorry, guys

but I just have

to think about this.

What's there to think about?

I've been followed,



And publicly humiliated.

I'm sorry it's

so hard for you

but that's the cost

of running for office.

Dad, that's just it.

You're running.

Not me.

Tamera, please, sit down.

You look like a duck

in a sh**ting gallery.

Keep it up.

I think I can hit her.

- I think she'll
- hit back.

Tamera, just ease up

on the stressing.

Chud, please.

You have no idea

what I'm going through.

Chud knows.

- Remember last year
- when that auto dealer

Got accused of racketeering,

embezzlement, perjury and fraud?

My dad.


Weren't those

just allegations?

No, it was all true.

But our family stood by him.

He may be a crook,

but he's still my father.

- Tamera, at least
- what they said

About your family

isn't true.

Yeah, but it's still

so embarrassing.

Embarrassing's going

on a family trip to the beach

with your dad wearing

an electronic anklet.

Oh, gosh, I thought

I'd find you here.

- Well, it's the only place
- on campus

Where there isn't a camera crew.

- Well, you don't have to worry
- about that much longer.

Ray's called a press conference.

He's dropping out of the race.


You know what?

I need to talk to my sister.

Will you guys, excuse

us, please? Please.

Uh, this is my room.

Yeah, yeah, and I love what

you've done with it, bye.

You know what?

Maybe you didn't hear

what I said.

- Your father is giving up
- his dream

Just because he thinks

it's hurting us.

He's right... you've seen

what we've been through.

Yeah, it's been tough,

but I can hang in there.

But I'm not you.

No. You're not...

- Because, if you were, you'd be
- a little less selfish

And little more supportive.

Well, what you should be

is a little less in my business.

I don't believe you.

He's your father

and right now

I'm acting more

like his daughter than you are.

We didn't hear a thing.

You told her.

All right, let's get

this press conference

under way.

- Are you sure you
- want to do this?

I have to.

I want to thank

all of you for coming.

I entered this race

to win at all costs

but I discovered

that the cost was too high.

Thanks to a political system

that emphasizes mudslinging

and lies over integrity

and real issues...

- You're a
- little late.

No, I'm not.

There is nothing

- more important to me
- than my family.

- And because I - love them so much...
- Dad?



I'm tamera Campbell.

Ray Campbell is my dad.

This is my sister Tia

and her mom Lisa.

When it comes to love

and support...

There's no closer family.

- And we're not going
- to let the lies

- Of a desperate
- councilwoman

Drive the best man for

the job out of the race.

I hope that the support

of my family

will earn your support,

and, if I win

- I promise to make
- my decisions based

On the community's needs

not the nonsense

of political pundits.

So, ladies and gentlemen

I give to you

candidate ray Campbell...

A man with a dark past,

leading us to a bright future.

Work with me.

I can't wait for you to meet...

Who lives here? Hello?

- But the executive committee
- has convinced me...

What? I was making it work!

They didn't know!


And guys...



What are you doing here?