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06x03 - Home Court Advantage

Posted: 01/09/24 09:36
by bunniefuu
- I can't wait to get to this
- kick-boxing class

I hope they don't pair me

- with some big brother
- who got something to prove.

Oh, no. Kick-boxing

is not about size.

It's about technique.

Well, we both know

we've got a lot

of technique.

- That's right,
- that's right.

Kick. Turn.

Hey, focus.

- These dudes are about
- to catch a beat down.

Side. Jab, jab.


Good technique

on that dive, guys.

- Bet you'll be
- on time tomorrow.

Yeah, baby!

♪ I do my own style

in my own time ♪

♪ Even though I'm glad

- ♪ I got to feel
- what's real for me ♪

♪ Like you got to do

what's right for you ♪

Hey, Lisa.

Hi, honey.

Have you hired a

new assistant yet?

No, but I've interviewed

some people

I would have fired.

Well, cybil Stewart

looks pretty good.

That woman doesn't need

a job; She needs Jesus.

Oh, here we go again.

Lord, just give me somebody

I can work with.

Hi. I'm Todd banks.

I'm here to interview

for the design

assistant position.

- Well, come on in,
- Todd banks.

I'm tamera Campbell.

Ooh, I hope

she can work with him.

Hi, Todd. I'm

Lisa Landry.

Hi. Let me get you

my resume.


Oh, you graduated from

the Detroit design institute.

Which means fresh ideas

and no bad habits.

- I see here that you
- haven't interned anywhere.

- That's because he's
- been developing his craft.

Todd, um, I need somebody

who has done this before

- somebody who can work
- with patterns

- Somebody who can work
- with a serger

And it looks like you

don't have enough work ex...

Excuse us, Todd.

Lisa, I think

Todd's your guy.

I think you want

Todd to be your guy.

I'm just saying,

give a brother a break.

Tamera, he doesn't have

any work experience.

Neither will Tia and I

when we graduate

- and you know
- the design institute is good.

That is true.

Oh, come on, Lisa,

give back.


Todd, can you start work

- tomorrow morning
- at 9:00 A.M.?

- Make it 10:00,
- and I'm your man.

10:00 it is.

10:00'll be fine.

- Okay. See
- you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.

Why are you smiling?

I'm just happy to see

a brother get a break.

Jab. Punch. Hook. Uppercut.

- Jab. Punch.
- Hook. Uppercut.

Jab. Punch.

Hook. Uppercut.

- Jab. Punch.
- Hook. Uppercut.

- Chud, what
- are you doing here?

I heard this class

was babe central

- so I'm just here
- to get my ticket punched.


- Excuse me.
- Would you come over here

- And help me
- demonstrate

The importance of balance?


See that? She wants me.

Hi. Chud mcgraft.

You okay?

Class, what you just saw

was an example

of a lack of attention

and poor balance.

What you really saw

was a loudmouth jock

get jacked.

Oh, darn, I missed it.

Could you show us again?


Tia, you're up.


Okay, okay. Now I'm ready.

- So, you know, you just
- bring it on, little ninja.

And just play dead.


No, no, no. Todd still

isn't here, ginger, no.

No. you page him

and you tell him

to call you

at your mama's house.

Todd, where

have you been?

Getting this package

- at the post office
- like you told me.

You had to wait in line

for two hours?

Heck, no. I went to Starbuck's

and had a muffin till I saw

the line go down.

- I tried to call,
- but the phone was busy.

- That's because
- all your girlfriends

Have been calling here.

- Don't give out
- this phone number.

- This is a business,
- not the dating game.

Ooh, I spoke too soon.

Oh, hi, ma.

We just stopped

by to see if you

needed anything.

Oh, Todd...

- I forgot you were
- starting work today.

Tamera. Remember?

Oh, um, this is

my sister Tia.



We're twins.

Oh, and this

is our friend

- dia...
- Diavian.

It's French.

Hi, ladies.

- Bye, ladies. - You can wipe
- Off the drool

- On your way
- out the door.

But, ma...

- It's getting
- crowded in here

- And I'm expecting - a fitting model
- Any minute.

Good will hunting!

That's what I forgot.

You forgot to call

the modeling agency?

- Where am I going to find
- a male model

With a 30-inch waist?

- Wish I could help,
- but mine's 31.

Close enough. Here.

But I'm not a model.

- Yes, and I'm not
- a patient woman.

You created this problem.

Now slip those on.

- I want to
- check that hem.

You girls want something?

- Mm-hmm. A little
- more a.C.

'Cause it's about to

get hot up in here

- okay?
- Yeah.

- It's about to get
- empty up in here.

- Now you girls
- run along now. Now!

Why do you get to

have all the fun?

This is not fun.

This is my work.

I'm a professional.

- Todd:
- Okay. I'm ready.



You know, tyreke...


You almost look

like a real cop.

You think so?


I mean, all you need

is a badge, a g*n

and a bigger flashlight.

You'd better watch out,

little lady.

You haven't made it

to your car yet.

You know, I'm really

happy that the school

has this escort service.

Pardon me... officer?

At your service.

I'm trying to find my car.

- Can you tell me
- where section k-four is?

That's no problem, man.

- Just go over
- to this elevator, take a left

Right there... oof!

Give me that bag!

- Get out
- of the way, baby.

I got him.

- You break my back,
- I'll sue!

Hey, shut up.

Wolf den,

this is babyface.

I got a robbery suspect

apprehended at parking lot "f"

level b-five.

I'm requesting backup.

And a chiropractor!

- Both:
- Shut up!

Thank you, sweetie.

Just hold it.

- Todd, I just sat
- in a restaurant for a hour

- Waiting for a client who said
- he spoke to you this morning

And canceled the meeting.

Good will hunting.

I forgot.

You seem to do a lot of that.


- Where are the patterns
- that I asked you to cut out?

Oh, I didn't forget.

- I just
- didn't do them.

- I was afraid
- I might make a mistake.

Let's... let's

just get started.

And I want to

remind you about

that textile show

tomorrow night at the marriott.

It's vital that you be there.

Sorry, Lisa, I can't.

One of my buddies called

- with free passes
- to rock 'n' bowl.

Well, Todd...

I wouldn't want

career advancement

to get in the way

of your bowling average

- so why don't I just give you
- two weeks pay

And we call it even?

You firing me?

- Todd, you're not ready
- for this job

And I am not ready

to do time for m*rder.

You firing me?

Let me put this in words

that you can understand.

Good job hunting.

Okay. This

ball goes

right there.

Tia, you cannot do that.

Hey, guys... check out

this picture in the daily.

- Now, you can't tell
- that's tyreke laying face down

- In the parking garage,
- can you?

No, but you can

clearly see his name.

There's a picture of us?

And a headline.

"Caught on tape:

Security stumbles

as coed captures criminal."

There's an episode

for america's dumbest criminals.

Tyreke is going

to be so embarrassed.

Poor tyreke.

What's up, y'all?

Oh... not much.



Uh, all of the above.

Quit fronting, okay?

- Now, look, I've seen the paper
- and I'm not tripping.

Now, do y'all want

to get something to eat?

'Cause it's my treat.


Uh, do you want

to join us, Simone?

Uh, no, thanks.

I'm a senior.

- I already know the mystery
- behind the meat.

Well, hey, tyreke,

you don't have to twist my arm.


I mean...

If you're treating, I'm eating.

- Man, can y'all believe
- Lisa fired Todd

After only two days?

- I don't know. I guess
- when push came to shove

He couldn't do it.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
- "when push came to shove"?

Now, what is that supposed

to mean?


- Just that he fell down
- on the job.

He didn't fall.

He was pushed!

Wait a minute.

Are we talking about Todd?

- You know what?
- Just drop it, okay?

- You need to count
- to ten, man.

Hey, what's up, family?

- Is anybody related
- to him?


What do you call

a security escort

with a flashlight?

I don't know, man.

What do you call him?

You don't.

You call Tia.

Oh, you got jokes, man?

Well, what about this one?

- What do you call a
- jerk with a big mouth?


- Now, you got
- jokes, man.

- Why aren't
- you laughing?

I was kidding, man.

- Tyreke, you're way
- out of line.

- Oh, I get it,
- I get it.

- You defend yourself and
- you're some kind of hero.

- I do it and I'm way
- out of line, Tia?

- Man, all y'all
- are wack.

- I'm out.
- What?

And I've tried

calling him

e-mailing him...


Tia, don't sweat it.

It'll blow over.

But, tamera,

I embarrassed tyreke

- in front
- of the whole university.

- I should've never flipped
- that guy.

You know, uh, girls

you know, now,

I know you're all grown up now

- and you don't
- really need my advice

- But, uh,
- I-I would just...

- Can I just share a thought
- with you

- You know,
- woman to woman?


Are you crazy?!

You did

nothing wrong, honey.

You just defended yourself.

- I'll bet you nobody will mess
- with my baby again.

I know that's right.

Tell tyreke.

He's the one who's tripping.

Well, he's got to trip.

He's a man.

Girls, let me school you

on the male ego.

- No matter how tough a man may be
- on the outside

On the inside, he's just

as fragile as this egg.

- Ooh!
- Ooh!

And just as messy.

Well, mom

- if tyreke's feelings are hurt,
- then why won't he just tell me?

Because he's a man.

He... he could fall off a cliff,

get run over by a mack truck

slam his thumb in the car door

and still get up, saying

"hey, it's all good."

Well, that's wack.

Well, wack sometimes

is the way of the world.



Well, hello there.

What can I do for you?

Are you Lisa Landry?


Save it for the judge.

What is it, mom?

I don't...

I can't believe it.

Todd is suing me.

For firing him?

For sexual harassment.


You called

for an escort, ma'am?

Wow. This is a surprise.

A surprise?

Well... you were so upset

the last time I saw you

you were ready to bite off

somebody's ear.

Girl, you're funny.

So you're not still mad?

No! No, I'm not mad.

I'm not mad at you,

and I'm not even

mad at chud.

But even if I was, all right

I wouldn't let my feelings

get in the way

of doing my job.


I don't know if I could be

that mature.

Oh, see, that's the difference

between men and women.

- I mean, you guys get
- so emotional

Where, men... we like to let it

out and just let it go.

So, if you fell off a cliff,

got ran over by a mack truck

slammed your thumb

in the car door

you would just jump back up?


Because it's all good.

Good morning.

- All:
- Good morning.

I'm George Dixon,

the arbiter.

By agreeing to this arbitration

- both parties waive their rights
- to a jury trial

And my decision will be binding.

Is that understood?

- Both:
- Yes, Mr. Dixon.

It's clear over here,

Mr. Dixon.

- Ms. Landry,
- you're representing yourself?

Yes, sir.

The truth is my counsel,

and the truth shall set me free.

Mom, pace yourself.

Mr. Dixon, I'm being represented

by my father, t.C. Banks.

He had to run to his daddy.

I got this in the bag.

Good to see you, t.C.

I admired your work on that

supreme court appeal.

Your bag's got

a big hole in it.

Mr. Banks, as the plaintiff,

you will begin.

Thank you.

Mr. Dixon,

this is clearly a case

about the flagrant abuse

of power.

My son, fresh out of college,

was a victim

of this frustrated, middle-aged

employer who took advantage

of his youth and naivete.

Uh! I object.

That is slanderous.

I am nowhere near middle-aged.

You want to show me

your driver's license?

The people rest.

Continue, Mr. Banks.

Todd, now, I know this is going

to be difficult for you, son

but, please, tell George...

Excuse me...

Mr. Dixon what happened.

Well, it all started after I

spent hours at the post office

for Ms. Landry.

Good morning, Ms. Landry.

I brought you the mail.

- Mm-hmm. What
- took you so long?

I stopped by Starbucks

to get you a muffin.

- It's cranberry.
- Ooh, my favorite!

- I'm going to have to reward you
- for this.

Sit down that package.


Slower. You know how I like it.

Okay, mama, where is it?

Yeah. Where's the stud muffin?

Whoo! Show me

the honey baby.

I forgot the honey.

I'm sorry.

Oh, baby, there's not

a sorry bone on your body.

Ooh! My sentiments exactly.

Oh! Ho-ho, here, slip these on.

But... Ms. Landry,

these are way too small

and I'm not a model...

And I'm not a patient woman.

Now, put them on.

It's show time!

- Diavian:
- Better work it, boy.

Work it.


Ooh! Cut on the a.C.

'Cause it's about to

get hot up in here.


you ain't seen nothing yet.

It was so degrading!

He's lying!

- Too bad you weren't
- this creative on the job.

- Ms. Landry, did you
- or did you not require

- My son to squeeze into those
- trunks against his objection?

No. He didn't have to squeeze...

- Your daughters lined up
- for the peep show?

No! I kicked them out.

- Aha! So you could have him
- all to yourself!

No! That is not what happened

at all.

- Ms. Landry, let's hear
- your side of the story.

That's right, mama,

speak the truth.

You can trust Lisa;

she never lies.

- Mm-hmm.
- Go ahead.

- Now, out of the goodness
- of my heart

- I gave his old worthless son
- a break

- And this is what he gave me
- in return.

Todd, you're back.

- I was so worried something
- had happened to you

At the post office.

Something did...

There was a line,

so I boned out to Starbucks

and hooked up

with some of my gs.

Ooh, that's good.

Friends are so...

Friends are so important.

By-the-by, did you happen

to pick up my package?

Oh, yeah.

Ooh! Ooh-ooh!

- You're lucky
- it fit in my pocket.

It almost got left.

- Everyone should be
- as prompt as you are, Todd.

That model's over an hour late.

Good will Smith.

Brother forgot to make

that call.

Ooh! Now, this presents

a real problem for me.

Not that you should feel guilty.

Oh, I don't.

Ooh! That's so healthy.

- Oh, but where am I going to find
- a male model

On such short notice?

Well... the honeys do tell me

my body's bangin'.

Ooh! Then, um...

Would you mind

trying these on for me?

Yeah, as long as you put

a little somethin'-somethin'

in a brother's check.

- Uh, excuse us for
- interrupting, mommy.

Our homework is done

- and we thought
- we'd start dinner

- If that was
- all right with you.

Oh, my goodness, a man!

Uh, uh, if it's

too hot for you, sir

I can turn up the a.C.

Come on, ladies,

let's get this party started.

- Todd, Todd, this is a workplace,
- not the full monty.

You'll have to leave.

There's nothing to see in here.

Go on, go on.

I don't think my mother

- will ever let me come
- over here again.

Whoo! Neither will mine.

- And that's
- exactly how it happened

So help me...

Well, that's how it happened.

- Yes, but you have
- conveniently omitted

- One crucial element,
- Ms. Landry.

What do you mean?

Oh, you know what I mean.

You fired my son because

he refused to accompany

you to a hotel room.

Lisa, you didn't tell us

- you were trying to get
- your groove back.

That was a textile show

at the marriott.

Like I'd be interested in that

old, broke-down Tyson wanna-be.

Oh, the verbal abuse continues.

I'll show you verbal abuse!

All right, all right!

I've heard enough.

Mr. Dixon, if I'm guilty

- of any crime,
- it's giving a job

- To somebody
- who wasn't ready for it.

Finally, an admission of guilt.

- In my opinion,
- you're both guilty.

You of bad judgment.

The wisdom of Solomon.

And you

of bad acting.

Sexual harassment

is a serious charge

- that could destroy
- someone's reputation.

It should not be used

- for retribution
- for losing one's job.

Preach on.

And as for you, Ms. Landry

as an employer, it is vital

that you not put yourself

- or your employees
- in a compromising situation.

Yes, sir.

All right, this case

has no merit. Dismissed.

- Yes!
- Yes!

Way to go, dad.

Don't think you're staying

home without paying rent.

All right, mommy, you won!

Uh, Ms. Landry, one other thing.

I'll see you outside.

- Oh. Okay.
- Thank you.

I believe these are yours.

Oh. Thank you, sir.

But, you know, i'm...

I'm still a little fuzzy

on the issue

of sexual harassment.

All right.

Let's say, you were my boss,

and you were attracted to me.


Oh, oh, I'm with you.

It would not be a good idea

for you to ask me out on a date.

- Oh. What if
- I weren't your boss

- And I was attracted to you
- and I asked you out on a date?

Now, what would that be?

My pleasure.

I was hoping you'd say that.

Okay. Come on, tyreke, flip me.

No way.


- You're my partner;
- you have to flip me.

Tia, no.

- You might get hurt,
- and then end up

Mad at me.

Tyreke, I won't!

I promise.

Now, would you please...?

I can't believe you flipped me.

Tia, wait a minute.

Okay, mama, where is... It?



Keep it going.


That's your...

That's my...

No. No, no, no.

Todd still is not here,

ginger, now.

No... no!

No, you page him, and you

tell him to call aba...
