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05x17 - Young at Heart

Posted: 01/09/24 09:26
by bunniefuu
No lie, tyreke?

Wc is here in Detroit?

This Friday night,

in person, at club infinity.

Man, we are so there.

- Wait, wait. Uh. Hold...
- Hold up, y'all.

Um. Club infinity

is a 21-and-over club.


- Look, tamera, I want to see
- wc in person

- But I am not going to get
- in trouble because of it.

Now, Tia, look,

going to an over 21 club

isn't trouble, trouble.

It's just trouble!

Yeah, well, the real trouble

- is getting into club infinity
- at all.

- True that.
- -Ladies, will you relax?

-Crashing a club

is all about attitude.

- You just have to act
- like you own the joint.



Tia, I've got 19 years

of experience to your 17.

-Allow me to demonstrate

how to walk the walk.

- Okay. Go ahead.
- Yeah.

- Dang, dog,
- what's up with your legs?

Tyreke is showing us

how to walk the walk.

Yeah. He said, uh, you know,

- it'll help us
- get into club infinity.

- Well,
- if that's the walk,

I don't want to hear the talk.

Oh, you got jokes. It's too bad,

- jokes won't get you
- into the club.

- Neither will walking
- like a peg-legged chicken.

- Now, check it. I'm not trying
- to sneak into any club

- That won't let me in
- because I'm underage.

- -Then don't go.
- -You see,

- Because the club people think
- that by putting

A 21-and-over tag on the place,

- those of us who are underage
- will want to go even more.

- Now, that's wack. I'm not even
- going to try and do it.

Not even to see wc live?

-Wc? Wc?


Show us that walk again, dog.

- Watch. It's all with the bop
- in the back.

- -Bop in the back.
- -Bop in the back,

- And then you got to point.
- That's the most important...

- -Oh, you gotta point.
- -Hey, what's up?

- You gotta point like you know
- somebody.

- Give him a point and just keep
- with the bopping. You bopping?

♪ Sister, sister

sister, sister ♪

♪ I got my own mind I do

my own style in my own time ♪

♪ how different

we have come to be ♪

♪ even though I'm glad

to be with you ♪

- ♪ I got to feel
- what's real for me ♪

♪ Like you got to do

what's right for you ♪

♪ Sister, sister

oh, sister, sister ♪

Oh, sh**t. I don't feel

like dealing with this today.

- -What?
- -That.

Oh, mom, they probably

won't even notice us.

Tia, please. Look at me.

- How could they
- not say something?

- Now, when they start telling me
- how fine I am and everything.

I just want you to nod politely

and keep walking.

-Just go.

-Remember, nod and walk.

- Yo, sexy, can I help you
- with your bags?

- No, diggity,
- I want to bag it up.

- Excuse me, baby, can I talk
- to you for a minute?

- I... I don't think so.
- We're in a hurry.

All due, ma'am.

- I was talking to the honeys
- behind you.

-Oh, yeah.

-There are no honeys behind.

What? My babies?

-You sick little pervert!

-Calm down, moms.

- -"Moms?"
- -Whoa! Ho...

- Hold up now, lady.
- We sorry, okay?

Oh, you sorry, all right.

Hitting on children.

- Lisa... Can we
- please go to the car now?

- Yeah. Can y'all please
- go to the car?

- We'll go to the car when I say
- we go to the car.

Let's go to car.



- -Hi, dad.
- -Hi, girls. Hi, Lisa.

Yeah, whatever.

- -What's wrong with her?
- -Uh.

- We ran
- into some construction workers.

Oh, and they hit on her?

Not exactly.

- Don't be talking about me
- like I'm not even here.

- If you got something to ask me,
- just ask me to my face.

Okay, Lisa, what's wrong?

None of your business,

you... you nosy man.

- Why don't I go to the kitchen
- with Aaron?

-Who's Aaron?

-Some man.

Yes. More specifically,

- he's a computer consultant,
- I hired.

Who can't consult without me.

- I cannot get over the nerve
- of those hard hats.

- All our taxpayer dollars
- being wasted

On those loudmouth

potbellied jerks.

Well, actually, Lisa,

- -they were in pretty good shape.
- -Yeah.


-Come on, tamera.

Let's go meet the computer guy.

- Oh! Aaron Paige,
- this is my daughter, tamera

- -and Lisa's daughter, Tia.
- -Hi.

- -Hi. How you're doing?
- -Hi. You're...

I think we met before.

Doesn't your brother...

-Malcolm. Go to Roosevelt?

-Yeah. So did I.

- Oh.
- -Old lady, Carmichael,

- Is the person who inspired me
- to get into computers.

But she teaches English lit.

- I know and the way she taught it
- inspired me

To get into computers.

- -Oh.
- -Oh, yeah.

- Right now,
- we're downloading our database

- So our software
- will be compatible.

-Ain't that right, Aaron?

-Well, no, not really, ray.

- But we are downloading database,
- aren't we?


- Aren't we doing something
- with data?

- -Yes, we are doing something.
- -See? I knew it.

- Hey, dad. Um. Can Aaron upgrade
- my desktop?

- Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Mine, too.

- I've been wanting
- to add 32 megs of ram.

- -That would be so chill.
- -Yeah.

- -More megs would be chill, yes.
- -No problem, no problem.

- Um. I have another appointment
- in about half an hour.

- But pop off your cables.
- I'll take your cpus with me.

-Aw, you're the b*mb.

- -Oh, you're the boss. Thank you.
- -Oh! All right!

- Sounds good. Look,
- while they're gonna get

- Their cpus,
- I'll go get the computers.

Yeah. You do that, ray.

-Huh. Oh!

-You still here?

Sorry. I can see,

I'm in your way.

I'll just power down and split.

- Oh, uh, don't you think
- you want to save your file,

- Back it up on a floppy
- in case you crash on shutdown?

Oh, you're right!

- So you know a thing or two
- about computers, huh?

- Pretty surprising
- for an old woman like me, huh?

- Well, I don't see an old woman.
- I just see a pretty face.

Maybe, we should start over.

-I'm Lisa.

-Hi, Lisa. I'm Aaron.

- And I never forget
- a beautiful woman.

- Are you sure
- we've never met before?

You know, before this afternoon,

- I would have thought
- you were flirting with me.

- Oh, but I am. I guess,
- I'm just not doing it very well.

- Oh, no, you're doing fine
- for somebody

Who hasn't been around too long.

So exactly how long

have you been around?

I'm 26, but, hey, to me,

- you know,
- age ain't nothing but a number.

Well, that's an interesting

philosophy. Tell me more.

- Well, I could talk to you
- for hours

- If you'd just give me
- your phone number.

- I don't go around giving out
- my phone number to strange men.


But you don't seem that strange.

Uh, 555-0126, that's my home,

and my office...

- You might want to get a pencil,
- darling.

Oh. Ooh.

- -Five-five-five-0102...
- -I got it.

And my pager's 555-0180.

- -You want my fax?
- -Hey!

- -Five-five-five...
- -And remember,

When we get to club infinity

it's all about the 'tude, okay?

- And if the peg-legged
- chicken walk doesn't work...

-I've got ids.

-Wait. Ho... hold up, you guys.

Um. I am not down with fake ids.

- These people aren't fake.
- They're my cousins.

Uh. Jordan, shouldn't my ID

look like Tia's?

What's your point?

- -We're twins.
- -We're twins.

Just don't stand together.

Jordan, my guy has hair.

Man, and it's gray!

No. See, this...

-So? I have dreads.

-Oh, man, please.

We will not need these wack ids.

- I told you, I would get us
- in the club infinity.

Well, however we get in

we gonna be jammin' tonight.

- -Yeah!
- -Yeah!

-I'll get the engine started.

Mom! Ray!

- I thought you guys
- were going to the movies.

We are.

- The soundtrack to the movie
- makes you want to jam.

Yeah, that's right.

- I thought you were going
- to see amistad.

We are.

You see, jammin'

is now slang for cryin'.

- Yeah, yeah, they changed
- the meaning last week.

- Yeah and, uh, we better leave.
- So, we won't be late.

- -Bye!
- -Bye!

- Bye. That still does mean
- you're leaving, right?

Yeah, we outie.

Have fun, but not too much.


- I'm so glad, I'm not young
- anymore, aren't you?

- Ray, what the hell
- are you talking about?

- Most days,
- I don't feel any different

Than I did when I was in my 20s.

- So who's to say,
- what's young and what's old?

That would be me.

I'm old and proud of it.

Hmm. Yeah, whatever, Grady.

Isn't it about time

for your matlock marathon?

I don't watch, matlock.

- -I watch, diagnosis m*rder.
- Oh!

Maybe I'll take a nice hot bath

- and have some hot tea
- and read a new book.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, good, good.

- Don't you worry
- about keeping me company.

- 'Cause, I'm going
- straight to bed.

- Good idea, because you look
- a little worn out, too.

I got your worn-out.

-Oh! I wonder

who that could be at this hour.

I'll just get that

before I go to bed.

- -Oh, hi, Aaron.
- -Hi.

- -I'm ready to go.
- -You sure about that, Lisa?

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, now,

I know what you're thinking

- but I am not worried
- about our age difference.

Well, maybe a little at first,

- but I say,
- you're as young as you feel.

Right now I'm feeling it.

- Oh, that's cool,
- but what I was going to say is,

- You sure you want to go
- wearing slippers?

Oh, yeah.

-Now, that's better.

Those look like dancing shoes.

- -Oh, we going dancing?
- -Oh. Hottest spot in town,

Club infinity!


- Party over here!
- Ain't nothin' over there.

- Man,
- looks like they checking ID.

- Better get yours out,
- cousin glenda.

- Don't sweat it.
- That's my girl, Desiree.

Your girl?

No, no, no. She's my girl

in a hookup way, Tia.

-Hookup way.

- Let me do all the talking.
- Watch me work.

What's up?

-Desiree, how you doing?

-What's up, reke?

- Hey, you think you could hook me
- and my friends up?

Hey, you know it.

Just show me some ids.

- -Ids?
- Uh-huh.

Okay. Uh, yeah, no, no, no, no.

- Sure, sure, sure.
- No problem. Excuse me.

Uh. Rasheed.


- -Rasheed!
- -Oh, that's me. Oh.

- Maybe I can be
- of some assistance.

Here's my ID.

Hmm. What happened

to your dreads, rasheed?

-They fell out.


- -I don't think so.
- -No, no, it happens.

- He... he can tell you.
- It happens all the time.

- It's a hereditary thing.
- Bro, why you...

Hold up. Hold up.

- Hey, man. You don't know him.
- Chill out. Go, brother.


- I'm sorry. It looks like,
- it's not going to happen.

Well, who's up for amistad?

You see these brand-new shoes?

- They walking into that club.
- Excuse me.

Uh. Good crowd tonight?

Yeah, because the other

over-21 club was dead.

Yeah, whack.

Oh, not so fast. Now, I know,

you're not just going to walk

right past me, glenda.

-Well. Uh...

-girl without a shout out!

Glenda, it's me!


- Your home girl.
- From beauty school?

-Uh. Oh! Yeah! Desiree!

How you doing, girl?


- Good. Oh, you look different
- without your blonde hair.

- Girl, I couldn't keep up
- with them roots.


You never said you had a sister.

- You two look enough alike
- to be twins.

- Yeah,
- we get that a lot.


- Desiree!
- -Uh-huh.

-Um. This is, uh...


Okay. All right. You know, what?

- We'll talk more later
- after the show.

- -Y'all go on in.
- -All right, thank you!

- -We... we with them.
- -Power to the people, brother.

Excuse me. Sorry.

-Whoo. Yo, we in. We in

and you see how simple that was?

You kidding, right?

- I say we just find a table,
- okay? Let's do this.

- -Oh, we'll be right back.
- -Okay.

Oh. Hey, tamera.


- Hey, ex... excuse me, sir.
- Um,

Have you... have you seen a girl

-who looks exactly like me?


- She's standing right next
- to you.

How you doing, sweet thing?

Uh. Maybe you should switch

to coffee, bro.

Excuse me.

- -Tamera?
- Tia?

- -Tamera.
- Tia!

- Excuse me. Coming...
- Excuse me. Tia!

Whoa. Quadruplets.

Cool. There's quadruplets here?

- -Girl, just keep on moving.
- -Where?

Look, it's much safer here.

Well, look who's here.

My honeys from the street.

- Your crazy mama isn't here,
- is she?

No, but our big,

crazy boyfriends are.

Ugh. What kind of club is this?

- All the guys up in here
- want to hit on you.

Girl, I worry about you.

- Oh, excuse me. Could you
- hold this table for me?

- All right,
- let me find my people.

Ya'll... hey. Wait a...

-Bro, you think you're...

-j, j, man, you find anything?

- Yeah. I found out
- the over-21 crowd can be cold.

- Look, let's find the girls.
- Come on.

Hey! Tia... Tia! Tamera!

Listen. Whoo.

- Hey, did you guys find
- a good table?

You know what?

- -We don't really need a table.
- -Yeah, yeah, we'll be partying

- -as soon as wc comes out anyway.
- -Mm-hmm.

You didn't find a table.

- Yeah. But it's at the pizza hut
- down the street.

- Ladies
- and gentlemen, here's the group

You've all been waiting for.

Put your hands together

and show your love for wc!

♪ It's the jankiest

the jankiest ♪

- ♪ still gettin' my stalk on
- walk on ♪

- ♪ one about the feds on camera
- with the folded bandanna ♪

♪ It's me the d-u-b-c

night train sipper ♪

- ♪ two fingers split i'ma get her
- once again I bring her ♪

- ♪ skip, skip throw it up
- throw it up ♪

- ♪ swole up thought I told ya
- 'bout this mad circle soldier ♪

- ♪ all stars lost pieces
- khakis and linens ♪

- ♪ the og godfather
- with the blue feather in it ♪

- ♪ the shadiest, what's crackin'
- who got the sackin' ♪

♪ Fool what they goin' for

everybody's on the floor ♪

- ♪ make way for the cutthroat
- with a beard long as Moses ♪

- ♪ walkin' through yo camps
- and striking ♪

- ♪ a straight vet connect g*ng
- is my set ♪

- ♪ since a rook I did
- everything in the book... ♪

Oh! Oh, Aaron.

- -Oh, that was an exciting ride.
- -I'm sorry about all the bumps.

Oh, no, that was the best part.

- I haven't ridden on the back
- of a motorcycle since I was...

Boy, that was fun.

Should I get us a table?

- Oh, table, my foot!
- I came here to dance.

Let's get our groove on.

- ♪ ...still out bangin'
- the streets ♪

♪ Players get jacked

from thinkin' I'm acting ♪

♪ now bow to the shadiest

hood patrollin' west rollin' ♪

♪ 7 figure n*gga

still hi-fi growin' ♪

♪ money foldin' running

nothing but trues ♪

- ♪ jumping out the fo'
- in the corduroy house shoes ♪

♪ Wc a g been in

these streets for years ♪

- ♪ been loccin' since the force
- md's were singing "tears" ♪

- ♪ now what the hell
- a new Jack got to say to me ♪

♪ I was sagging way back

when kday was the beat ♪

- ♪ at uncle jamms army
- jackin' fools for filas ♪

- ♪ when run dmc
- and jam master first bust ♪

- ♪ we was throwin' up the dub
- outta Nissan trucks ♪

- ♪ raised by a crew of real
- riders and knick kickers ♪

- ♪ that never ran on ya but was
- quick to put them hands on ya ♪

- ♪ man, y'all better
- figure us out quick ♪

- ♪ ain't no rappers
- here we felons ♪

- ♪ trying to make money
- at this here

♪ Not just clownin'

we got thousands ♪

♪ still out bangin'

the streets ♪

Hey, watch out.



- -Mom?
- -Mom?

- -Tamera!
- -Lisa?

Lisa? Oh.

- -Aaron?
- -Aaron?

- -Hey, who's Aaron?
- -Hey, who's Aaron?

-Mom. Mom.

- You know, I say we better
- get out of here

Before the crowd parts again

- and your moms
- is in snatching distance.

- -I'm with that.
- -I'm with that, too.

-Whoa! Whoa! Who's Aaron?

-Just let it go, tyreke.

Now, where'd they go?


Excuse me a minute,


-Excuse me, Mr. Wc.

This'll only take a second.

Hello! This on?

- Now, I know
- you're in here somewhere.

- And I'm not going
- to embarrass you

By calling out your names

because you know who you are,

and you know you're underage.

- So get your young butts
- out of here.

I mean now!

-I'm finished.

-So am I.

- Thanks for running
- the crowd off.

Oh, you're welcome.

I love your cd.

♪ Not just clownin'

we got thousands ♪

- ♪ still out bangin'
- the streets ♪

♪ Players get, whoo

from thinkin' I'm acting ♪

Ah, perfect.

"Chapter five. Nirvana.

The night was still

and nothing could

break her silence..."

What the...

- -Lisa?
- -Are the girls here yet?

- -No.
- -Oh,

I must have beat them.


- Lisa, you sure you never drove
- a motorcycle before?

- I didn't know my bike
- could do a two mile wheelie.

- Well, it was either that,
- or stop at the red light.

Aaron, what are you doing here?

- I wass just bringing Lisa home
- from our date.

Actually, she brought me.

-You two went on a date?

- Oh, never mind that.
- Never mind that. They're here.

- I thought you were in bed.
- I've been tiptoeing around here

- -all night.
- -Well, I lied, okay?

- There's a lot of that
- going around.

Tia! Tamera! Now!

- Now, you're in enough trouble
- as it is,

So get on in this house!

- Don't y'all even think
- about kissing those boys!

-Yes, ma'am.

-Mom. We are so, so sorry.

- -You are so, so grounded.
- -Grounded?

- -And no phone.
- -No phone?

- -And no TV.
- -No TV?

- Dad, don't question her.
- You're making it worse.

Ray, you won't believe

where I ran into them.

On the back of your chopper?

Can you just get past that?

They were at the club infinity.

- -You're kidding.
- -I wish, I were.

- There I was getting my groove on
- with Aaron.

- Then I bumped into Thelma
- and Louise

- With their little knucklehead
- boyfriends.

- Getting your groove on
- with Aaron?

- -Don't change the subject.
- -Oh, here's your invoice, ray.

-Thanks, son.

- Can we just not lose focus here?
- Now, this isn't about me.

It's about them. Now, I belong

in that club. I'm way over 21.

You can forget that way over.

I'm so disappointed in you.

- You lied to me so you could go
- to some club.

You should be so ashamed.

- I am, okay?
- Now, what about them?

- -I was talking to them!
- -Oh.

Look, mom, ray.

- We were wrong to lie
- to you guys.

- But we only wanted to see wc
- in person.

- Yeah and we didn't do anything
- 21-and-over.

Well, wanting to see a band

- is no excuse
- for breaking the law.

- You had no business
- being in that club.

- I mean, you have plenty of time
- to grow up.

- You wanna live your life
- so fast.

I know, that's right.

You tell them, Aaron.

- I... I was talking about us,
- Lisa.

- I don't think
- it's gonna work out.

- -What?
- -No, no, no, no.

It's not you, it's me.

You got it going on and all,

- but if this is a typical night
- for you,

I don't know if I can keep up.

I'm sorry, Lisa.

-Oh, I understand, Aaron.

- You're not the first man
- I ran into the ground.

Hmm, you won't be the last.

- Well, I hope
- you've learned your lesson.

- Yeah, I got to find a man
- who can keep up with me.

- -He was talking to us.
- -He was talking to us.

- The computer sultant...
- Consultant.

He's a sultan of soul.

-He's a sultan of Brunei.

-He's an oil... magnate.

Cumba sultan laude.

He is the all-majesty,


- -All sultan.
- -Okay, Tim.

- -Okay.
- -And why are you laughing?

- -Because i...
- -you had no business

- -being in that club.
- -It didn't make sense.

Uh... oh, nobody knew but you.


-I knew. I knew. I knew.