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05x15 - Ladies in Waiting

Posted: 01/09/24 09:24
by bunniefuu
Dad! Dad! Are you here?!

Lisa! Come down here!

Everybody! I have great news!

Check it out.

I got a b-plus
on my algebra test.

I was totally shocked.

I already came up
with three excuses

before I realized...
That's not a "d"!

What's up, tamera?

This better be important.

You scared me so bad
I almost buttonholed my thumb.

Sorry, but when you guys
hear this news

you are going to freak.

I just got accepted
to Northwestern!

Oh, baby!

That's wonderful.

Oh! Your first college
acceptance letter.

Oh, nothing could top this news.

Tia, Northwestern

is a terrific school.

Thanks. I am so glad
I applied early

- but I am still
- holding out for Harvard.

I am sure that letter
is already in the mail

the schools will crawl

all over each other
to court you.

Mom, these are
colleges, not men.

Well, hey, begging
is begging, baby.

Get it wherever you can find it.

Tia, you should hear

how excited your sister was.

Really? But I just
opened the letter.

How did you know?

Oh... must be that twin vibe.

Congratulations, sis.

Thank you, tamera.

Let's go celebrate at dinner.

Oh, great idea, ray.

Anywhere you want to go.

Shoo. Potato mountain,
here we come!

That's terrific.

I got a one potato,
two potato coupon.

I'll tell them later.

If Northwestern
is worth a dinner

a b-plus ought to be at least
worth a peppermint Patty.

Hey, what's up?

Um, tamera.

Are you okay?

I mean...

You seemed a little down
at potato mountain.

No, I wasn't.

Tamera, you only ate half
of your yam-burger.

I guess I am a little upset.


Do you realize that
this time next year

you may be in New York City

taking classes from the best
professors at Harvard?

And I'll be here

at junior college

taking basic English
and history.

Well, actually...
Harvard's in Boston.

And geography.

Tamera, um...

Why don't you apply
to some four-year colleges?

It's not too late.

Tia, we have the same face

not the same brain.

You're major college
material and I'm not.

That's the difference
between you and I.

You and me.





It's okay.

- Tia:
- Tyreke, are you sure you're okay

With me going away to college?

Are you kidding?

I am so proud of you.

I figured if you save
five dollars a week

by next year you'll
be able to visit me.

Provided you fly coach.

With a Saturday night
layover in St. Louis.

Returning Monday...
excluding holidays
and blackout dates.

- You figured all that out?
- Uh-huh.

Then you're going
to breeze through Harvard.

And stop worrying.

I'm cool with everything.

I got to get to work.

Okay. Bye.

Give me a hug.

I'll see you later...
Have a good day.


University of Michigan?

You are so lucky, Jordan.

Me? They're lucky

I'm taking that full
journalism scholarship.

Everybody's going to be
going away to college but me.

You know, you should
apply to Michigan, too.

It's too late
for early admission

but I think you can get in.

Not according
to the guidance counselor.

Mr. Ryan said

no four-year college
would even look

at my application without more
extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities
aren't everything.

He's tripping.
What's your grade point average?

Two point five.


Well, that-that's okay, you know

- as long as
- your s.A.T. Score's really high.

What was it?



You think
you could say something

more encouraging than "oh"?

Maybe we should revisit
that activity issue.

What did he say?

Only that
I should have finished one.

Well, you're
on the school newspaper.

Right. I was on
the softball team.

Well, until I quit
to be a cheerleader

but I quit that
to devote more time

to breaking my
streetfighter III record.


Keydokey. All right.

I'm sorry. It's
just that I don't
have anything else.

What did you put on
your application?

Well... Michigan was really
impressed I was an eagle scout.

They said it showed leadership

and the ability
to solve problems.

Do you have anything like that?

I was a frontier girl.

You get the golden oak?

I just needed
three more merit leaves...

Camping, fire safety
and first aid.

How long would it take you
to earn them?

Hold up, Jordan.

I quit the frontier girls

when I was 12.

Look, I'm just
trying to help you
get into college.

Now, it's up to you.

How badly do you want it?

Okay, if I do it,

you promise not to tell anybody?

You have my word,
frontier girlfriend.


Oh, sorry.


I'm going to be late.

Okay... uniforms.

Oh, where are those uniforms?


Girl, you are not 12 anymore.


Hi! Who is it?

I need to talk
to you a minute.


I'm kind of on my way out!

Well, I'm kind of on my way in.

I need to talk to you
about your school plans.

Look, honey, I know we settled
on you going to a junior college

but I was thinking...

Maybe you should give more
thought to a four-year college.

So if you could go

anywhere right now,
where would it be?

Uh... the video arcade.

Tamera, this is one

of the most important
decisions in your life

and you don't have
a lot of time left to make it.

I know, but if you don't get
there right after school

hog all the machines.

Tamera, look...

It's time you start acting
like an adult!

And I'm going to take back
my play station until you do!

Tia got another
acceptance letter yesterday.

Yeah, this one's
from rice university.

Oh, yes, a fabulous school,

but you know Tia.

She's still waiting
to hear from Harvard.

That's her first choice
so she's holding out.

- You're proud of Tia,
- and so am I

But didn't you already
tell your mother this?

My mother?

- This is the bloomingdale's
- catalogue lady.

Hold on, Debra.

I think I better take this

in another room.


is a little sensitive.

Hey, dad.

Nice hat.


Yeah. Um...

Hat sale at the mall.

Tamera, you've been
going to the mall

every day for the past
two weeks after school.

When are we going to sit down

and talk about college?

Oh, yeah, we should do that

only I'm still coming down
from that hat sale.

Can we talk about it later?

Yeah, whatever.
It's only your future.


See you.

Huh! Howdy, ma'am.

You down for a little

Very funny, Jethro.

Check it out.

I finally got
my last merit leaf.

I'm going to get the golden oak.

Way to go, tamera.

This will look great
on your college app.

The awards ceremony

is tonight at the Lincoln hotel

so I had to buy a new uniform.

Kind of goofy, huh?

No. You should be proud
of yourself.

You tell your family yet?

Are they coming to the ceremony?

No. I told you, I don't
want them to know.

But this is a big deal.

Not compared to Tia.

I mean, it's not like
I've gotten into Michigan yet

and this may not even
make a difference.

The point is, you did it
and it wasn't easy.


I am the only one in my district

who qualified
for the golden oak.

That's right, those 12-year-olds

didn't want none of my baby.

I know that's right.

And my girl doesn't care
who knows.

I'm going to shout
it from the mountaintop.

It's time to represent.

You better recognize.

Let's call your daddy in here.

Hold up, now.

Remember, you're the girl.


It's all about you.

I am the girl.

Go get my dad.

Wait. Never mind.

I'll call him myself.


Now we're talking.

What is it, honey?

Here it is.

Dad, now I know you think

I've been just hanging
at the mall too much

but... I haven't.

Drumroll, please.

You guys!

It's here!
The letter from Harvard!

Where's mom? Ma!

I'll call you back,
Debra... it's Harvard.

Open it! Open it! Open it!

Don't keep us waiting, baby.

What it say?

I didn't get in.


Oh, no, they...
They didn't reject my baby.

They rejected me, mom. Okay?

Tia, I'm so sorry.

Well, it's okay, now, baby.

That was Harvard's loss.

Tamera, can we talk later?

Tamera, I'm really sorry.

I know this is...

Fellow frontier girls...

This night is
very special to me.

Tamera, can
I come in?

Ooh... come on in.

Man... I can't believe it.

I mean, I worked so hard

to get into Harvard.

You know what?

Sometimes life just
isn't fair, you know?

Tell me about it.

Hey, where are you off to?

Oh, um... I was supposed
to meet Jordan at the mall.


Wait... wait a minute, tamera

but you just came back
from the mall.

Yeah, well,
that was the lower level.

Now we're going to do
the upper level.

Well... tamera, um...
I think that, you know

you can give up
cruising the food court

the one time your sister
really needs to talk.

I mean, maybe you don't realize

what a disappoint
like this feels like.

Excuse me?

I... don't know

what disappointment is?

Well, yeah.

This is Harvard, you know.

And I'm really, really
sorry for you, Tia

but you've been
accepted to what?

Five other colleges.

That's not disappointment.

Disappointment is watching Lisa

hang up your seventh
honor roll plaque

next to my one perfect
attendance ribbon.

But tamera, I...

Tia... you remember the
eighth grade spelling bee?

The one where I studied
for two months

so I could beat you

and then I lost
in the first round?

Yeah, yeah, I remember.

Uh, you misspelled "misspell."

It was a trick question!

You got an easy word...


Uh... "Titious!"

I'm sorry, okay?

No, no, no, Tia...

You have no idea
what it feels like

to be the sister of someone
who gets all the attention

and all the praise.

I get it, tamera.

No, Tia, you really
don't get it.

There are only two
people in this world

who knows what it feels like...

Me... and LaToya.

LaToya and me!

I... no, me.

LaToya and me.




Oh, hi, Tia.

Is tamera here?

No, she left half an hour ago.

Wait, I thought
she was with you.

Oh, right, right, yeah

we were supposed
to go dancing, yeah.

No, she said you were
going to the mall.

I'm buggin'. It's me.

See, we... we were
supposed to go dancing

at the mall, you know

and-and with the floor slippery
in front of Mrs. Fields...

Jordan, what's going on?

Where's tamera?

Something happened to tamera?

No, no.

Tamera said she was
going out with Jordan

but he's not telling
where she is.

Well, where is she?

What's the matter?

Nothing's the matter.
Tamera is fine.

She's probably waiting
for me at the hotel.

That didn't come out
the way I meant it.

Boy, you better say
what you mean.

I'm sorry, but this
is privileged information.

Some things are sacred

like the trust between
a guy and his girlfriend.

You know, I understand, Jordan.

There's one relationship
even more sacred.

The one between a father

and his m*rder victim.

- It all started
- when Mr. Ryan told tamera

She needed some extracurricular
activities, right?

Now, I'm just sitting
on the side.

And I'd like to thank
my mommy and my daddy

and my grandma lyn
and my grandpa Dave

and, uh...

This is where I started,
so... I guess that's it.

Wow, that was good.

You got any extra jokes?

Why don't you tell them
about setting your hair on fire?

That cracks me up.

And now that we've awarded
all the merit badges

it's time for a very special
part of our program.

Oh, I just love this.

A very extraordinary girl...

Excuse me...

A young lady

is receiving our highest honor...

The golden oak.

At 17 years of age

she's become
the oldest frontier girl

in the history of our troop
to receive this coveted award.

Let's give a big frontier howdy
to tamera Campbell!

Thank you, wrangler Betty.


Fellow frontier girls,
ladies and gentlemen...

When I first decided
to rejoin this troop

I thought the whole idea
was pretty lame.

I mean...


I mean lame in a good way.

Anyway, well...
Once I got into it

I learned a lot about the value
of hard work and persistence

and... how to make
a mean s'more.

Psst, hey, there she is.

We came just in time.

Ooh, doesn't she look adorable
in her little uniform?

Why didn't I bring my tripod?

Although they couldn't
be here tonight

I'd like to thank my family.

Especially my sister, Tia.

See, 'cause I always
wanted to be like her.

She's inspired me
to go after things

that I never thought
were possible.

Including this award.

And, um, I'd also like to thank

my boyfriend, Jordan

for all of his support.

That's right, I have
a boyfriend, okay?

And he's really cute.

Once again, thank you.


That's our frontier girl!

Over here,
honey... smile!

She said I was cute.

Did you get it on camera?

Go, tamera!
Go, girl!

Mom, I just don't know.

I mean, Howard university
is so far away.

Well, what about Northwestern?

It's in Chicago.

Yeah, but it's still
a day's drive.

Oh, honey, now,
you've been accepted

into some really good colleges.

But if you're having
second thoughts about going

because you don't want
to leave tyreke

then I want you
to know something.

I am not above kidnapping him

and locking him in a dirt
basement till you graduate.

You know, I'm going
to leave now.

Shut up and eat pie.

No, mom, that's not it.

I mean, tyreke,
he's great with it.

I mean, he wants
whatever I want.

That's right,
Mrs. Landry.


The thing is, most people

they spend their whole childhood
with their sister

but tamera and I

we've only known each other
for a few years.

So I was thinking...

Since tamera's going
to a junior college here...

Why don't I go
to the university of Michigan.

That way, you know,
we can still hang out.

I see.

And you had nothing to do

with this decision?

No. No, no,
no, ma'am.

Whatever Tia wants
is fine with me.

Yeah, mom

the university of Michigan

it's one
of the top-rated schools

in the country.


Okay, you have my blessing.

Thank you, mom!

Cool! Oh...

Um, university of mi...
That's a good school.

You better get back
and keep eating that pie.

Yes, ma'am.

- Mailman.
- And guess what's in here.

- A letter from the university
- of Michigan.

That's the one
I've been waiting for!

I just love this!
Open it!

No, wait... ray,
get your video camera.

No, I don't want
to wait... open it.

Did you get another
college acceptance letter?

Which one is it this time?

The university of Michigan.

But it's not official yet.

It will be as
soon as you rip
that thing open.

Drumroll, please.

Use your teeth, girl.

I didn't get in.

- What?! - I can't
- Believe this.

Oh, you know, that does it.

It's going to get ugly

up at the university
of Michigan.

Ooh, I'm 'bout to kick me
some Wolverine butt.

Where my keys?
Now, hold it, mom.

I didn't get in because...

This is for tamera.


Read it! Read it!

"Ms. Tamera Campbell,
we are pleased to inform you

that your application..."

You did it, tamera!
You're in!


That's wonderful!

Honey, why didn't
you tell me you
applied for school?

I don't know, dad.

I guess I really didn't think
I had a chance

and I didn't want you
to be disappointed in me.

Pretty dumb, huh?

Dumb? Tamera Campbell's
going to be a freshman

at the university of Michigan.

She's no dummy.


We might be going
to college together.

If we don't get into the dorms

I can always pitch us a tent.

- Oh, no, you won't.
- Uh-uh. No, honey.

Yes, I can.

Couldn't get the door open.

You just get with a troop,
and I'll s... I'll s...

I'll redo that line.

I understand, Jordan.

But there's one thing
even more sacred.

Like the relation... ship...


Well, you know,
we can still h... you know...

What... what... what...

Hang out.

Hang out.