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05x13 - The Laws

Posted: 01/09/24 09:21
by bunniefuu
- Hey, guys, um,
- come on in.

I'll go put some music on.

- And I'll
- get the lights.

Oh, that was so romantic.

I mean, all those men

just sacrificing their lives

- on the Titanic,
- just so the women can be saved.

Hey, you know what?

- If we had been there,
- I would have held you in one arm

And used the other

to swim us to paradise.

Oh, that's so

sweet, tyreke.

Steven, would you

have saved me?

- Baby, I'd have
- given up my seat

In the lifeboat for you.

Hold up.

How'd you get

in the lifeboat before me?

Uh... I was keeping

your seat warm.

- We are so lucky all of us
- can hang out like this.

- I mean, there are
- a lot of couples

Who can't go out together

and get along as well as we do.

All I'm saying is

a woman is just as capable

- of going down
- with a sinking ship as a man.


If you give me your

seat, I'll take it.

- Oh... so you'd
- just leave me in a ship

While you paddled away

with a bunch of women?

- Make up your mind
- either you want to drown

- Or you want to be
- in the lifeboat.

I want to be in the lifeboat,

but I want the right to drown!

You're impossible!


Then again, there are some

couples who should go out alone.

♪ I do my own style

in my own time ♪

♪ how different

we have come to be ♪

♪ even though I'm glad

to be with you ♪

♪ I got to feel

what's real for me ♪

♪ like you got to do

what's right for you ♪

- I didn't mean
- to make you angry, Tamara.

- Well, and I didn't mean
- to be unreasonable.

And you weren't, and that's

what I like about you.

You have strong opinions.

- Well, that's what
- I like about you.

- You like that I have
- strong opinions.


- Anybody want to hear
- my strong opinion

About your opinions?

Diavian, I'm just glad

they stopped arguing

because I don't want

anything to get in the way

- of us going
- to that 702 concert.

- We've got it
- all planned out.

We'll have dinner

- tomorrow night
- at Barry's pizza.

- Yeah, and I got
- a two-for-one coupon.

And then after the concert,

we'll go play laser tag.

Yeah, laser tag!

Uh, excuse me?

Barry's pizza?

Laser tag?

- Why is this
- the first time

I'm hearing about this?

Because this is the first time

we're telling you.

Well, guys, um...

- Maybe we don't like
- laser tag.

Maybe we want to go dancing

after the concert.

- Why are you
- trippin'?

- We can dance
- at the concert

And then after,

we'll dance on

over to laser tag.

Why does everything

have to be your way?

- Everything doesn't
- have to be my way.

Yes. It does.

- Tyreke:
- Okay, guys

Let's settle down.

Yeah, calm down,

tamera. He's right.

You women always

get so emotional over nothing.

"You... women"?

Being a woman has

nothing to do with it.

You're only saying that

because you're a woman.

Well, now, I'm saying this.


What's this?

What was that all about?

Man, you know

how women get.



- You agree
- with him?


- No. No, no, no.
- What I said was

- "you know
- how tamera gets..."

- No, no, no, no, no,
- you did not say that.

You said, "you women."

You did say "women."

- Sit down.
- Sit down.

- You take care
- of your woman.

Sit down.

- All right,
- listen, Tia.

- Don't go getting
- all emotional.


- Can you believe
- these guys?!

Now, hold up, Tia.

My baby didn't say anything

- because you know
- your boys are buggin', right?

Oh, baby, you know

it's all good.

"It's all good"?

Isn't it?

You guys are all alike.

Like what?


I don't know, man!

- Aw, don't play
- dumb, tyreke.


- Let's go, Tia.
- Yeah.

- We have to make sure
- tamera's not too emotional.

Yeah. You know

how we women get.

- Jordan:
- Aw, nobody...

Oh. Dim lighting.

Soft music.

You know, back in my day,

we used to do this with girls.

They're upstairs.

Yeah, we had

a little argument.

Oh, must have been

a big, little argument.

Uh, what was it all about?


We don't know.

- Ray:
- Been there!

What happened?

Tamera and Jordan

- were talking about what
- to do after the concert.

And all I said was,

"you women always get..."

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa.

Let me stop you right there.


When you're talking to women

never... and I mean never...

Start a conversation

with "you women."

But that doesn't make any sense.

I know, but trust me.

- Just let them cool off
- for a bit.

Give them their space.

- They'll be back,
- and all will be forgotten.

Hmm... oh.

- Ray, you must have been the man
- back in the day.

"Back in the day"?

I'll have you know

I still get down

with the foxy ladies.

Oh! Ho, ho-ho!

Uh, Jordan?


You're still the man, ray.

Yeah, yeah.

Yes... tamera?

In case you haven't noticed,

this date is over!

Time for phase two.

Buy them something.

- Did you tell them
- to leave?

- Oh, I told them
- to leave all right

- And you know
- what they did?


They left!

Well... well, did

tyreke say anything?

- No, and the way
- he didn't say anything

- Said everything
- that needed to be said.

Oh, no, he didn't!

Oh, yes, he did!

- Well, what about,
- uh, Steven?

- Oh, please, don't get
- me started with Steven.

- I knew it!
- I knew it!

I don't know what's

up with Jordan.

- You guys,
- he never argued with me

- When we first
- started dating.

- Oh, yeah,
- he did, tamera.

- You just thought
- it was cute.

No, no, no, no,

I thought he was cute.

But he's changed.

- He used to call me
- 18 times a day.

Now, it's down

to one lousy message

on the answering machine.

Hey, you know what?

Tyreke is the same way.

Talking about he's busy working.

Uh-huh. I found out

about tonight's date

from a post-it stuck

on my locker

and to think I actually

thought it was romantic.

Hey, girls.

- I thought your boyfriends
- would be here.

- Well, not up here,
- but you know...

You know what I'm saying.

So, uh...

Well, where are they?

- Well, we had
- an argument

- And they went
- home early.


- Hey, mom,
- you're home early, too.


Did you have an argument

with your new boyfriend?


No man could disagree

with anything

that looks this good.

I ended the date early.


Because it keeps

them guessing.

Guessing about what?

Oh, baby, it's

all right here

in chapter six.

A dating guide

for women

of the new millennium.

Uh-huh. It teaches you

- how to lay down the laws
- to these men

And make them love you for it.

You say "jump,"

they outleap Michael Jordan.

Well, does it really work?

Look out the window

and see if James is still

- waiting outside
- in his car.

Why is he still here?

I left him so stunned,

he forgot how to drive.

- He'll be gone
- in about five minutes.

Any longer than that,

you call the police.

- Give me that!
- No way, girl!

Hey, what are you guys

doing here?

Tia and diavian called

- and said
- to meet them here.

- Tamera
- called me, too.

You know

what this means, right?


Well, no, not-not really.

It means we won.

Ray was right.

All we had to do was

let them chill for a while.

- I'm glad we didn't
- buy them gifts

Like ray said.

- Yeah, 'cause only chumps
- buy gifts.

- Only chumps
- buy gifts.

You right.


- Hey, what's up,
- ladies?


Ease up, mack daddy.

- We didn't come
- down here

- To have nachos
- with you.

Then why are we here?

- We just wanted
- to talk to you guys

About our relationships

- and some ways
- to make them work better.

Mm-hmm. You see, we've

made a list of laws

- that you guys
- need to follow.

- Take one
- and pass it around.

"The boyfriends

consult the girlfriends

before planning any date"?

"No dates for the weekend

- can be made
- after 11:59 P.M. Wednesday"?

"Girlfriends must receive

two 'just called to say hi'

phone calls per day"?

So, what do

you think?

Well, I'm cool.


No, no, no,

heck no!

You women

always coming...

Oh, no, he did not

go there again.

Oh, yes, he did.

Yeah, I'm there.

You women are crazy.

A list of laws?

sh**t, are we going

to take that, guys?

Well, you know...

They sound reasonable...

This is wack!

We're not doing this.

See, girls?

- They just want
- things their way.

- We give them all
- kind of respect

- And what do we
- get in return?

- Nothing.
- Nothing.

Baby, I bought

you earrings.

Oh, no, you...

Now we're talking.

Thank you.

Boy, can you believe

what he just did?

Yeah. It worked.

- Look, baby,
- I bought you a charm.

Look at that...

For your bracelet.

Oh, a little baby hippo.

Give that back!

Don't you see?

It's a trick.

They're trying

to buy us.

Not they're not, tamera.

You guys are cool

with our laws,

aren't you?

- See? You see?
- Listen to them.

You buy them jewelry

- and now they're
- making demands.

- Are you going
- to take that?


No! No, you're not!

- This is only
- the beginning.

If we okay these laws,

there'll be more.

Soon there'll be no more

two-for-one coupon dates.

- You know what?
- He's right, dog.



- I want my
- earrings back.

You can

have them.

- Well, you know
- what, guys?

If you aren't going

to follow the laws

- you leave us
- no choice.

- We're going
- on a strike.



does that mean?

It means, you guys

are going to be dancing

with each other

at the 702 concert.

At least

we'll be there.

Well... fine!


Coming up in here

dressed like g.I. Jane.

Girls, we did

the right thing.

- I know
- that's right.

Yup, and I still got

to keep my little baby hippo.

Excuse me.

- Tia:
- When will these laws kick in?

It's only six hours

till the 702 concert.

We don't need the guys

to go to a concert.

Why? Do you have tickets?


But we've got the cd.

Sing it, girl.

Hey, I'm with it.

- We can pump up
- the volume.

Well, crank it up, then.

- Girl, raise
- the roof.

- All:
- Woop-woo!

Then we can dance

with each other.

I was with you

till I became

your dance partner.

Come on, guys.

Now, look

- in order to be respected
- by the guys

We've got to stand strong

and stay focused.

Now, look, it's all

right here in chapter 12:

"Stand strong. Stay focused."

- Well, is there
- a chapter in there

- Called "this
- ain't working"?

Oh, hey, girls.

Anybody seen

the TV guide?


Lisa, I am so glad

you're up here.

Laverne and Shirley here

- are losing faith
- in the laws.

So, uh, I bet you got

a hot date tonight, huh?

Yeah, with Walker, Texas ranger.

Wait a minute.

What happened to James?

We broke up.

He said I had too many laws.

How many laws did you

ask him to follow?

Just the first 32.

Oh, take my advice, girls.

If you want to have

a mature relationship with a man

do not play

childish mind games.

Excuse me.

- I'm going
- to go call James

And hang up on him.

- Jordan:
- Tyreke, you've got it made.

- It must be nice having
- your own place over your job.

Oh, man, this is cool.

Yeah, this is cool.

Just us guys,

hanging out.

No girls and no laws.

No laws.

That's right.

This is wack, man.

No. Wack is being

a whipped brother.

Stay strong.

- Ray:
- Tyreke?

Yeah. Come on in, ray.

Hey, guys.

- Tyreke, did you change
- the oil

In the white stretch?

Yeah. Right before

I clocked out.

Good. Tonight's the night

of the big concert, huh?

- You guys back in good standing
- with the ladies?

No. We bought gifts, too.

Uh-oh. What happened?

They came up with

this list of laws

- and then Jordan
- said "no way."

Then tamera goes

"we're on strike,"

and here we are.

We're okay with that.

- We don't care
- if they never call.

- Why are you waiting
- by the phone?

That's tyreke's phone.

Oh, guys, guys, guys.

Let me pull up a...

A bucket seat...

Give you some advice.

- You're going
- about this

All wrong.

What should we do?

Tell them you're sorry.

Hey, I like that plan.

No way. They're the ones

trying to tell us what to do.

Why should we apologize?

Oh, so you want

the long version.

- Look, talk it out
- with the girls.

Tell them how you feel.

Listen to their point of view.


Tell them you're sorry.

- I was with you
- up until the "I'm sorry" part.

I can't do it.

Suit yourself.

I got to get back to work.

Maybe you should bring

a sweater with you tonight.

- You can drape it
- over the chair next to you.

Maybe people will think

- your dates
- have gone to the bathroom.

- Wait, wait.
- Hold up, ray.

Check it out.

- Just how sorry
- do we have to be?

Somewhere between

cards and flowers.

Well, I'm not crawling back.

Once you get down on your knees

you end up with footprints

on your back.

That's all I'm saying.

Tia, you won't believe

who I saw diavian

all lovey-dovey

with at the mall.



You don't say.

No, I do say.

- And then when
- I confronted them

They said the problem

was between Jordan and me.

How you doing, tamera?

Hey, tyreke.

So, anyway, diavian was

all up on Steven like...

Like you're

all up on tyreke.

Why is he here?

We're about to eat?

Tia, how could you do this?

Well, we're both

kind of hungry.

Tia, how could you sell

your sister out like this?

Look, I didn't, tamera.

Now, this is really

between you and Jordan.

And you and Jordan

can't solve your problems

if you don't talk.


All it takes

is a little



I think the boy

can eat his own cookie.



It's Jordan.

Now, you see what happens

when you stand strong

and stay focused?

Now, let's just see

what he has to say.


- Here. Take these
- stupid concert tickets

Because I'm not going.


Don't tell me

to take those tickets.

You take them

and take somebody else.

- No. you take
- somebody else.

- Don't tell me
- to take somebody else!

- Well, fine. Then
- take yourself!

Here's your ticket.

- Well, fine,
- but I'm paying for it!

Fine. 38 bucks.

38 bucks?


No problem.


I owe you...


38 bucks.



Well, at least

they started talking.

- You're having
- a good time, Tia?

You know I am, tyreke.

And so is

my little baby hippo.

Oh, I got my man

and my new earrings.

It's all good.

Well, being by yourself

is even better.

Anybody want

the last jalapeno?

Aw, sh**t!

Somebody change seats with me.

Did you hear something?

Oh, no, no, not a thing.

I asked who wanted

the last jalapeno.

Oh, great.

Anybody want to change seats

with me?

Been there, said that.

- They're not
- talking to us.

Well, then, I guess

I'm sitting here.


Don't ask me.

I'm not talking

to you either.

Ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to the blues shack.

Right now put your hands

together and welcome 702!

Yo, what's up, Detroit?

We're going to start off

with one of our slow jams.

- Yeah, so this is
- for all the couples out there

- That's trying
- to get it together.


You want to dance?

No, thanks.

I've got diavian.

Can you believe them

giving up their principles

just to be together?

Yeah. You don't see us

acting that way.

That's because we're too mature.

You're right about that.

- We're mature enough
- to have arguments and still...

You know...

Like each other.

I'm not going to

argue with that.

You know, tamera

you and I have evolved

to a level of understanding...


Just shut up and

ask me to dance.


But first,

you shut up and take this.

A little lifeboat?

Yes, and as long

as you wear this necklace

I'll never let you drown.

But you'll always

have the right to.

♪ I just don't know

what to do ♪

- Tamera, don't go
- getting all emotional.

You called me tamera.


Hold up. "Emotional"?

You don't even know

which one's which.

I am Tia, okay?

Oh, no, he didn't.


- I'm always
- doing the...

Thank you.

Hey, guys.

- Tyreke, you change the wa...
- The oil...

- The oil
- in the white stretch?

Yeah, yeah I did it. Just...

We're not taping this, are we?