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05x10 - Two's Company

Posted: 01/09/24 09:18
by bunniefuu
I love this movie.

Good choice, tyreke.

Well, you know, Tia

as long as I'm with

you, it's all good.

Isn't it, though?

Here it comes, Tia.

Oh... Hercules.


Hercules! Hercules!


Popcorn, Ty?

There's nothing left

but the burnt ones.


Oh... my bad.

I'll just make some more.

'Cause there's

lots more movie.

Just great.

Tia, what is up

with your sister?

Oh... I'm sorry

about the popcorn.

- Man, you should see her
- at the theater.

- She can finish off a jumbo size
- before we find a seat.

- No... Tia, i'm
- talking about us...

You and me and your sister.

What's the problem?

Well, you and me...

And your sister.

Oh... oh, I see.

See, tyreke, usually

we both have boyfriends

- so, you know,
- she's just used

- To all of us hanging
- together, that's all.

- Well, does she have
- any prospects?

- You know, like, is anybody
- calling her?

Look, don't worry, tyreke.

- That's the best thing
- about being twins.

- You know, we can
- vibe each other.

She can always sense

when she's in the way.

'Kay, guys, I got our day

tomorrow all planned.

Okay, first, we're going

to go to the observatory...

Then the arcade...

Following up with a round

of miniature golf.


I think your twin vibe

needs a tune-up.

♪ I do my own style

in my own time ♪

♪ how different

we have come to be ♪

♪ even though I'm glad

to be with you ♪

♪ I got to feel

what's real for me ♪

♪ like you got to do

what's right for you ♪

Ah, morning, y'all.


Tia, how was your date

with tyreke last night?


- Now, I told you what to do
- if a boy gets too close.

- Did your mace jam?
- No.

Mom... not that type of crowded.

I'm talking about the

"tagalong twin" crowded.

- So have you talked
- to your sister?

Well, I thought about it

but, you guys, I don't want

to hurt tamera's feelings.

I mean, I don't want

her to feel left out

- just because I
- have a boyfriend.

I've got a solution.

- Nobody dates
- till they're 30.

sh**t, I may be 30 before

tyreke asks me out again.

Mom, he was sort of complaining

about tamera last night.

Well, never mind

his complaints.

- Now, what's important
- is how you feel about it.

I love tamera, but

she does have a knack

- for butting in at the worst...
- Tamera: Tia, come on.

Tyreke is waiting for us

in front of the library.

You know, part of me says,

"talk to tamera"

and the other part says,

"shut up. She's the chaperone."

Go with that part.

- So where you going
- with all those flowers?

Down to the church.

Thanks to sister dobson,

- I got to replace
- the flowers on the altar.

- Just because she has been
- the church organist

For the past 200 years

she thinks she can go around

- criticizing everything
- and everybody.

- Lisa, I got something
- to tell you.

- And she knows
- my favorite hymn's

- "I got the joy, joy, joy, joy
- down in my heart"

So she refuses to play it,

just to tick me off.

I swear, I'd be

all up in her face

- if she hadn't beaten up
- Deacon brown so bad.

Lisa, Mrs. Dobson died

in her sleep last night.

She died?


You're not just saying that

to cheer me up?

No. Reverend Hoskins

called just a while ago.


I can't believe she's dead.

I have more unhappy news.

The reverend wants you

to speak at her funeral.

Well, I hope you told him no.

I have even more

unhappy news for you.

I told him yes.

- Well, I've got some
- good news for you.

- I'm going to give you
- a head start.

I'll take it.

- Hey, guys,
- what's going on?

- What's going on
- is Jordan has been asking

- For your article
- on recycling.

Now, I hope you've got it.

He'll get it.

She hasn't got it.

You know how Jordan freaks

when you miss a deadline.

I think he is so

cute when he freaks.

Brianna, please.

He is not all of that.

Besides, I mean,

"Mr. King of the paper."

He needs to chill.


It's the king.


What's up, Jordan?

Long live the king.

Tamera, where's your

article on recycling?

Well, uh, right now...

It's up here.

So it's close by.

I see, and when do you think

it'll be... down here?


See, last night...

Have it this afternoon.


Can you believe it?

He thinks he can tell me

when to turn in my article

just because he's

editor of the paper.

Do you hear yourself

when you speak?

So why don't you have it?

You guys, I was going

to write it last night

but tyreke came over.

- Um... excuse me,
- tamera

But... what exactly

are you doing?

I'm talking to my friends.

And you know what?

If you ever left this room

maybe you'd have one.

- Well, maybe if
- you'd do your job

I could leave this room.

- And how do you
- find time to talk

When you haven't finished

your article?

Let me show you.

So anyways...

The three of us

- are going to go
- to the fair this weekend.

I hope they still have

that tilt-a-whirl...

About the fair...

It looks like it's gonna

be the three of us.

No, no, no, look, don't worry.

I'll talk to her tonight, okay?

Hey, sis.

Um, the issue we discussed is,

uh, rapidly approaching.

I got to go.

Who were you talking to?



So what did he say?

Oh, nothing.

Um, tamera, I need

to talk to you

- about something that's
- kind of been on my mind.

Tia, you can talk to me

about anything.

Okay, well, um...

It's about tyreke.

- And you know
- that the three of us...

We have so much fun

when we're together.

I know that's right.

Well, uh, you know

how when you're

hanging with someone

and, um, someone else

starts hanging with you?

I mean... I mean

you want both people

to be happy

but y-you kind of feel

like one of them

is jeopardizing the relationship

with the other.



I'm so glad you told me.

There's no reason for

you to feel that way.

So you understand?


And don't worry, Tia.

I'm cool with it.

You are?


We're twins.

We're here.

Tamera, I am so glad

we had this talk.

Me, too, sis.

- Hey, tamera.
- Hey, Lisa.

- I think you girls
- see each other more

- Now that you have
- separate bedrooms

Than you did when you shared.

- That's funny, because
- Tia was just telling me

- We don't spend
- enough time together.

She was?


She's all worried

tyreke is butting in

on our relationship.

- Tamera, now, are you sure
- that's what she said?

Of course.

We're twins.

We're here.

We're here.

Well, uh, I really had

a wonderful time.

- Me, too.
- Me, too.


- Pinch-poke,
- you owe me a coke.


Well, good night.

Good night.

Good night.

Good night.

Good night.


Good night.

Good night.

Good night.


She gets it.

Does she?

Well, sure.

Well... good night.

Tia... this just

isn't working for me.

Is this better?

You know, I want to date you...

Not your sister.

Good night, Tia.

- Tia: Then tyreke
- asked me about going

To a hockey game, right,

but before I can say anything

- tamera says,
- "no, we hate hockey."

You do hate hockey.

I don't hate hockey.

With tyreke.

- Girl, you need
- to break it down to her.

You think I didn't try that?

- Look, if you want tamera
- out your little kool-aid

- You need to hook her up
- with her own boyfriend.

Bet. What we need is

the "boy catalog."

True that.

- Where's
- your yearbook?

- Hurry.
- Bring it on.

Okay, okay.

Hey... how about

Devin Palmer for tamera?

I mean, his smile is

working overtime.

- Puh-leeze.
- You'd be smiling too

If you finally got out

of the tenth grade.

What about Lee house?

Brother's kinda fine.

- Mm-hmm.
- Brother's dating Laura Lynn

Regina Henderson, you...

He bought me milk, okay?


Gerald crippens.

Glee club.

Gerald crippens?

Bus pass.

Hey. I know.

You guys...

We can have a party.

Invite all the guys

who make the cut

and let nature take its course.

All: That's it.

- Hey, ray.
- Hey.

Banana nut muffin?

- No, I'm cutting back
- on my calories.

- Well, I need
- all my strength

If I'm going to stand up

at Mrs. Dobson's funeral

in front of that whole

congregation and...


No. I am not going

to lie in god's house.

- I've found a tricky way
- to get around it.

How you going to do that?

Well... for example...

Now, what I'll say is...

"I cannot express in words

how Mrs. Dobson

made me feel."

- But what I mean is
- I got the words

But I cannot express

how I feel in church.

- I don't know, Lisa.
- The words sound all right

But god knows

your spirit is wrong.

Oh, puh-leeze.

- He'll just be happy
- I'm showing up.


Oh, my tooth.

See, god don't like ugly.

Shut up, ray.

I think that nutshell

cracked my crown.

- Ooh, you know...
- Oh, here.

- I don't think I'll be able
- to speak at that service.

Oh, yes, you are.

- I'm not going
- to lie in church.

- Come on. I'm going
- to get you to a dentist.

- Come on. Dr. Wilson's office
- is on the way to the church.

Come on, ray, take it

easy... I'm in pain.

- Oh, come on!
- Ow!

Oh, shut up.


Guess he's in Washington

rewriting the constitution.

No, I did that yesterday.

The right to bear arms

now means "short sleeves

for everybody."

Look, you wanted to talk to me?


Oh. What is this

supposed to be?

It's not supposed to be

anything. It's my article.

It is totally one-sided.

It's about recycling.

There's only one side... do it.

- Why can't you ever just
- take constructive criticism?

Oh, I'm sorry!

I must have missed

the constructive part.

You are always doing that,

turning everything around.

Yeah, well, you do it first!

- And you're about
- to do it again.

- You've got three
- and a half hours

- Before we go
- to press.

- But, Jordan, I have
- this party I have to...

But, tamera,

if the newspaper's

getting in your way

then maybe you

should consider

another elective.

No way.

I like the newspaper

and I'm a good writer.

Then prove it.

And open.

Oh! Lisa, this tooth is

more sensitive than I thought.

- I'm going to give you
- a little more gas.

Yeah... more gas.

Excuse me, Dr. Wilson

- we're a litle
- pressed for time.

Lisa told me about

eugenia dobson's funeral.

Oh, you knew her?

Oh! That woman

- was the worst
- patient I ever had.

She did nothing but complain.

I can't tell you how

many times she bit me.

Kicked me.

Dug her nails into my arm.

- That old biddy even
- tried to strangle me

With my own floss

and she rarely paid her bills

and when she did, it was

in one dollar installments.

- I remember the first time
- she came into this office...

You'll love this story.

I was putting out new

magazines and she said

- "what are you,
- a cheerleader?"

- And I said, "no,
- I'm the dentist."

- Then she tried
- to get my car towed.

- I go to the bathroom
- for three minutes.

- I come back,
- she's on the phone

With a towing company...

- You sure you're
- okay, Lisa?

I think you o.D.'D

on the laughing gas.

Ray Campbell, I'm fine.

- I'll get the seats,
- you get the popcorn.

Uh, why don't we

both get a seat?

We are gathered here today

on the occasion

of the homegoing

of sister eugenia dobson.

Next time, before

you leave the house

two words...

Ask somebody.



It looks like a pigeon's

nesting in her head.

Here to celebrate the life

of sister eugenia

is someone who worked

with her closely

and loved her dearly.

I thought I was speaking.

Sister Lisa Landry.

It's show time!


Who stole my cards?

Oh, never mind.

I'll just speak from my heart.

I'm going to tell you all

what I really thought

about sister eugenia dobson.

- When I think about
- sister eugenia

I think about the

biggest pain in my...

Heart! Heart!

Lisa, we all felt it

when she left us.

I used to come to this

church in a good mood

- and that little
- organ grinder

- Would walk up to me and
- make me want to throw up...

My hands and

praise the lord.

Can I get an "amen"?

- Congregation:
- Amen!

Thank you, thank you.

- Sit down, ray,
- I work solo.

- And while we
- are praising the lord

Let us all sing sister

eugenia's favorite hymn

"I got the joy, joy, joy, joy

down in my heart."

Hit it!

♪ I got the joy, joy, joy, joy

down in my heart ♪

♪ Joy, joy, joy

down in my heart ♪

♪ oh, I got the joy,

joy, joy, joy ♪

Girl, there are enough

guys over there

to start a football team.

- Girl, that is
- the football team. Hi!

Well, I see a quarterback

I'd like to tackle.

Uh... hold up.

He's for tamera.

Well, what about him?


- Could you label
- the guys for tamera

- With a sticker
- or something?

Tamera, where have you been?

We're having

a party... remember?

Sorry I'm late, guys.

- But get this...
- Jordan the jerk

- Made me rewrite
- my article.

Can you believe that?

Well, um, let's forget

about Jordan and meet...


Hey, what's up, Tony?

This is my sister, tamera.

- He and I are
- in history club together.

What's up, Tony?

- I wish Jordan
- were history.

- Just for the record,
- I did not write

- That article again
- because he told me.

- I did it because
- I wanted to.

Can I help you?

Enjoy the food.

- Anyways, Jordan
- was all like

- "but, tamera, you're not
- presenting both sides."

- I said, "recycle...
- There's only one side"

- And then he told me
- to do it again. Do it again?

Please. I am so over him

I just rolled my eyes

and walked away.

So don't you see how

totally unfair Jordan is?

You know what's unfair is

the way Roosevelt

lost to central.

And here to tell us

more about that is Daryl.

You know Daryl, tamera.

- He's on
- the football team.

Tell her, Daryl.

Uh... I'm on the football team.

- Jordan's always talking
- about how we're all a team.

Ha! A team is supposed

to have your back,

not jump on it.

- You know what
- I'm saying?

Not really.

Football players.

- Hey! You guys
- didn't hear

The rest of my story.

Tamera, what happened

to Daryl?

Oh! Oh, oh, he

walked off somewhere.

Anyway, I'm going

to get a soda.

- And then I'll tell you
- what else

Jordan said.

What did I say?


Will you stop

sneaking up on me?

And what the heck

you doing in my house?

I only came here to tell you

- that I think you're a
- wonderful writer,

And this rewrite is terrific.

Well, don't think that you

can come up in my house and...



Well... you got a funny way

of showing it.

- That's only because I
- know how good you can be.

Then why didn't you say that?

- Because you argue
- with everything I say!

I do not!

You do, too!

You're doing it now!

- That's why it's
- so impossible

- For me to tell you
- I like you!

- That's ridiculous
- because I have

No trouble

saying I like you!

You do?



I like you, too.

Hey, tamera, there's a lot

of cute guys out there

on the dancefloor.

- We're all about
- to jam to some Usher.

- So come on, girl,
- let's get our bounce on.

Tia, I'm talking

to Jordan!

- You need me to help
- you throw him out?

No, I need you

to leave us alone.

Three's a crowd.

Get it?

Oh, snap.

I'm sorry.

I guess I should work

on my twin vibe.

- Well, is tamera going
- to come out and dance

- Or is she still
- talking about Jordan?

Uh... i don't think

she'll be tagging along

with us any longer.

Well, in that case...

- Hey, tamera.
- You know, I think

- You see each other
- too, see, see...


- We're a little
- pressed for time.

- Oh, Lisa told me
- about eugenia dobson's funeral.

- I'm sorry, I thought the
- wall was falling down.

I know, it's like,

oh, my god... chicken little.

I think about sister eugenia.

What do I think about?

- Jordan's always talking
- talking how...