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04x22 - Guardian Angel

Posted: 01/09/24 09:05
by bunniefuu
- Gosh, tamera. I should have
- known

- You were with Vanessa
- instead of choir practice.

If you ask me,

that girl's bad news.

Well, if you ask me,

who asked you?

Tia, I don't know why

- you're always crackin'
- on Vanessa.

She'd give you the shirt

right off her back.

- Where did
- you get that shirt?


She gave it to me

right off her back.

- She was trying it on
- in the mall

- And when I said
- I liked it

She bought it for me.

- Tamera, it looks
- awfully expensive.

I think I still have

the tag in my pocket.

See? It's only $30.


it says $300.

Oh, my gosh!

- Tamera, how could
- Vanessa afford that?

Tia, look, she probably

used a credit card

without noticing

the price.

Oh, man!

If I would have known

I was walking around

in a designer shirt

I would have put on a bib

at burrito boy.

Or at least aimed

for your mouth.

♪ Talk about a

two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew how

much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go! ♪

- ♪ Never knew
- how much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go ♪

Hey, Lisa.

Ma, I thought you had

a lunch date with my dad.

So did I.

Answering machine:

You have one message.

Oh, it better be from you,

you date-breaking


knobby-kneed pumpkin-head.

- Man:
- Hi, Mr. Campbell.

- Just calling from Rosie's posies
- to confirm your order

For two dozen long-stemmed

forever yours roses.

Oh! I forgive you

- for missing our lunch date,
- pumpkin-head.


Oh, lunch!

Oh, I forgot.

I'm sorry, Lisa.

Oh, you better be.

Ray, it was

six months ago today

that you and I had

our first date.

- But instead
- of a romantic lunch for two

- I sat alone in kizzy's kitchen,
- bouncing biscuits off the wall

Pretending they were your head.

- But I'm not mad
- anymore.

- Rosie's posies called and left a
- message about the roses.

So where are they?

Gimme, gimme, gimme...

Uh, roses.

- Um, they should show up
- any minute now.

Oh, good, 'cause I need them.

You know, lately, you've been

missing meals, working late.

If I weren't so

darn good-looking

I'd think you were

seeing another woman.

Excuse me just a minute,

will you?

Hello, Rosie's posies?

This is ray Campbell.

I'm going to need

another two dozen roses.

- Yeah. Deliver them
- to Lisa at my address.

Oh, no, no, no.

I'll pick up

the other roses myself.

And make sure they're yellow.

That's Ellen's favorite.

Hey, tamera.

Vanessa, I've been

looking for you.

Brace yourself, girl.

- You know that shirt
- you bought for me?

- It cost $300,
- and I can't take it back

Because I ruined it.

A moist brillo pad does not

remove stubborn salsa stains.

- It's okay.
- Throw it away.

We'll hit the mall tonight

and get you a new one.

Whoa, whoa.

Say, I didn't sit on your lap

in Macy's last Christmas, did I?

- I just like giving stuff
- to my friends.

- We are friends,
- aren't we?


You are my queen.

I like you too, tamera.

Can you keep a secret?

That shirt I gave you?


I never paid for it.

Quit joshing,

you knucklehead.

- Either you're the greatest
- little kidder on the planet

- Or you're
- totally psycho.

Oh, my gosh.

You're totally psycho.

No, I'm not.

I just love the rush.

Well, um, next time

you want a rush

eat a whole bag

of snickers.

- Meanwhile, you've got
- to take that stolen stuff back.

Or what? You're going

to tell on me?

- Then you'd be
- in trouble, too.

What are you

talking about?

- Maybe I gave you
- the shirt

But you're the one

- who wore it out
- of the store.

- Now if anyone had
- seen you doing that

- What would
- they have thought?

Well, that

I was stealing it, but...

Right. 'Cause you were.

Bet the security camera

- got a real good picture
- of you, too.

- So you better
- keep quiet

Or I'll tell on you.

Call you later.

We'll go shopping.

Trice, you think ray

might be having an affair?

- You better be choking,
- 'cause this ain't funny.

- I'm sorry, but how can that man
- be cheating on you?

He's always here.

Not really.

- This week he's been
- going early

And coming home late.

Well, what about

the physical side?

Assuming he has one.

He doesn't lately.

- He won't even
- hold my hand.

Just this morning

I held out my hand

and he slapped me five.

I don't believe it.

I just can't picture

ray Campbell

with another woman.

I don't know, trice

- I can just feel
- a storm's a-comin'.

And I'm always right.

My grandma Virgil

she used to tell me I had

the gift of second sight.

Once she read my palm...

She said I could see

ghosts and visions.

- That old woman
- was crazy.

Why do you believe her?

She'd been dead

five years at the time.

- Listen, if you
- really suspect

He's cheating on you

- no sense beating
- around the bush.

Be direct.

Look through his pockets

- and sniff his neck
- for perfume.

- You ain't going
- to find nothing

But if you do, I got a sock

full of nickels in my purse.

What are you doing?


Now what are you doing?

I'm looking for candy.

Oh, a root beer barrel.

That's a button.

It fell off my jacket.

- You know, ray,
- I've been thinking.

- We don't play
- enough games together.

I've got a good one.

- It's called
- "finish the sentence."

Lisa, I don't really want

to play any games.

- You're right,
- ray.

Let's not play

any games anymore.

Ray, just tell me...

- Now are we cruising
- on the love boat

- Or going down
- on the Titanic?

What are you talking about?

Every time we start heading

in the right direction

- I can feel you
- just holding back.

It's like there's

something in the way.

Or someone.

Now, ray...

You need to tell me

how you feel.

Because if we can't commit,

then we just ought to quit.

Maybe you're right.

I am?

Lisa, I'm not being

fair to you.

I need time to think.

Oh, man.

I'm never going shopping again.

Leave me alone, Vanessa.

- What are you trying
- to do to me?

Ray: Tamera, where did all this

stuff come from?

Stuff? What stuff?

Hello, tamera.

I'd like to go to sleep

- but there's a stack
- of snow tires

Where my bed used to be.

Check out the threads.

- Mr. C, you ought
- to help yourself.

- There's about
- 50 more of these

Hanging over the bathtub.

Pumpkin, is there something

you want to tell daddy?

I didn't steal any of it!

I swear!

Man: Police have just arrested

mall thief Vanessa Daniels.

Also sought

is this accomplice.

All right, I did steal one

dinky little $300 shirt, okay?

But I didn't mean to.

You believe me,

don't you, daddy?

Get me the police.


May I come in?

Dad, are you going somewhere?

Uh, yeah.

There's someone

I have to talk to.

But I wanted to check

on you first.

Are you all right?

You didn't eat

your dinner.

Well, neither did you.

Well, I figured that was 'cause

Lisa squeezed a whole bottle

of dove for dishes

on your rice-a-roni.

Yeah, well, Lisa's

not too happy with me

right about now.

I don't much blame her.

Lately, I've had my mind

on another woman.

Whoa, dad.

You just went right past

a teenage stop sign.

No offense, but I don't think

I should be hearing this.

Honey, I'm talking

about your mom.

It was 15 years ago

this week

that we lost her.

So I've been spending

a lot of time by myself

at church.

I went to some

of our favorite places

like the bistro d'amour.

That's where we had

our first date.

You were just a toddler

when she passed away.

Do you remember

much about her?

A little.

Mostly I remember

sitting on her lap

at the piano

while she sang to me.


She was so happy

when we adopted you.

- She loved you
- very much.

I wish she could have seen

what a lovely young lady

you turned out to be.

Well, I'm glad

you feel that way, dad, but...

What if I did something

not so wonderful?

Something... I don't know,

let's go for broke... bad.

I don't think we have

to worry about that.

You're daddy's

perfect little girl.

Thanks, dad.


Sweetheart, I'm sorry,

but I've got to go.

- So you have
- a nice night.


Well, decide which one

of these you want to sing

- and just bring it
- to next week's choir rehearsal.

- You know, there's a rumor
- going around

- That you have
- a twin sister.

- Well, sorry,
- reverend Thomas.

I told tamera that you wanted

to work with us tonight

but she flaked on me again.

Looks like I'll be singing

that solo solo.

Tia, are you all right?

Reverend, what do you do

when you find out

someone you love

just can't be trusted.

Oh, now I'm sure tamera

will come through.

No, no, no, I wasn't

talking about her.

Never mind.

Looks like I'm going to have

to work this one out myself.

Ellen, it's me again.

- I feel like I'm back
- in high school

- Pestering you
- every five minutes.

But, honey, I need you.

I am so lost.

I don't want to break up

my family

but I may not have a choice.

Lisa's right.

I can't give her

what she needs...

- Because I'm still in love
- with you.

- Tia, wait.
- Wait, wait, wait.

I really need to talk.



Me too, tamera.

Listen, um, I was going

to go to church

and sit alone

for a while and think

but I guess I can do

the same thing at rocket burger.

So, do you want to come?

Are you kidding?

I'm already there

and waiting for you.

I got it.

Oh... hi, Vanessa.

Tamera, you didn't answer

the phone last night.

We were supposed

to get together.

- You know, you are
- absolutely right.

I am a great disappointment

to you as a friend.

If I were you, I'd have

nothing to do with me.

Um, listen, Vanessa...

- I don't want to be rude,
- but we were just on our way out.

What? Tamera...


- You're hanging
- with me, remember?

No, i'm...

I'm sorry, Tia.

I guess I can't

go with you.

Uh, well, I'm sorry, too.

Have fun with your friend.

Uh-oh, I'm smelling amway.

May I help you?

Oh, thank goodness.

You can see me?

Oh, you must be Mrs. Goslin.

- I wasn't expecting you
- till tomorrow.

- But sure,
- I can see you now.

Whoo, I can see why

you'd want me to make you

a whole new wardrobe.

Whoo, girl, who died

and left you that dress?

I'm not Mrs. Goslin, Lisa.

I'm I'm afraid

I'm the other woman.

Why you home-wrecking,


- trying-to-steal-my-man-
- behind-my-back hussy!

You're just right for him.

He's very lucky to have

found you.

I'm trying real hard to hate you

but I'm one step away

- from asking you
- if you want some pound cake.

Lisa, I need you to give ray

a message for me.

I don't want to stand

between you two anymore.

Tell him I said good-bye.

- Why not
- just tell him yourself?

I've been trying to

for a long, long time

but I just can't seem

to get through to him.

Mmm, I hear that.

Lisa, if you and ray fall apart,

this family falls apart.

I want you all to stay together.

Well, all right

but there's no point in you

leaving here empty-handed.

Now, can I help you find a man?

Lisa... tell ray

he needs to let me go

not just for his own sake,

but for tamera's.

She needs a mother.

She needs you.

I know, but with...

- Wait a minute,
- my head is spinning.

- Let me get ray
- and the three of us

Will sit down and talk

about this together.

No, I can't stay.

Tell ray what I said.

And if he doesn't believe you,

bring him to church.


Anyway, I caught mom

snooping around my room

so I need to stash some

of my freebies here with you.

This sweater would

look great on you.

Oh, really?

Let me see.

Oh, what am I saying?

Get rid of it. All of it!

- I'm not keeping
- this stolen stuff in my house.

You already are.

- Like that shirt you stole,
- remember?

- Lisa, this is ridiculous.
- Who is this woman?

- She wouldn't even tell you
- her name.

- Tamera:
- All right, Vanessa.

I didn't mean

to steal the shirt.

- I'm not letting you
- push me around this way.

I'm telling my dad the truth.

Are you crazy?

No, I'll just explain

- you tricked me into wearing it
- out of the store.

And I'll pay back

every penny of that $300.

- I don't care if I have to ask
- my grandchildren

To spot me the last 20.

So here... walkman, tapes,

all the stuff you swiped.

Take it and get to steppin'.

Tamera, you're confused.

- I didn't "swipe" any of this.
- You did.

At least that's the way

I'm going to tell it.

Go ahead.

It's your word against mine.

Oh, please.

Who's going to believe you?

We voted outside.

We pick her.

- Hi, Mr. Campbell,
- we were just...

I know what you were "just."

- You were just headed out
- to get yourself a job

- So you could pay
- for all that stuff you stole

And I was just about to call

your mama, so you just get!

Go on. Huh.

Oh, I'd like to be there

for your "welcome home, baby."

I'm sorry I got

all mixed up in this.

I was so stupid.

- Tamera, why didn't you
- tell me what was going on?

Well, I tried to last night

- but it's like you weren't
- even listening.

Oh, honey, I'm sorry.

I didn't even notice.

I guess I'm just

so wrapped up

in my own problem.

Speaking of problems

- you're about
- to have another one.

- What is this picture
- doing here?

I gave it to tamera.

It's one of my favorites.

You have more?

Boxes full.

I put 'em away years ago,

hoping it would help me heal.

Lisa, this is Ellen

my wife.

She was beautiful,

wasn't she, Lisa?

Lisa, what's

the matter?

- You look like
- you've seen a ghost.

No-no-no-no-no, I know

what a ghost looks like

and there was no way

that I was offering

pound cake to Casper.

- Come with me,
- come on.


Now when I saw my grandma Virgil

- I knew
- she was a ghost.

Her little orthopedic shoes

never even touched the floor.

- But this woman
- in my kitchen...

- She was just as alive
- as you and me.

Well, me anyway.

- She said I should
- bring you to church.

What are you guys doing here?

Oh, hello, baby.

I'm looking for her.

Has she been in here?

Lisa, this is impossible.

Ellen was not

in our house today.

Ellen was at our house?

Oh, no, mom,

then you know.

Know what?

About you and Ellen.

- Come on, ray.
- I heard you on the phone.

Ellen's who you bought

the yellow roses for.

Tia, that's true.

Ellen was my wife.


I bought the roses

to bring them here

- and put them
- on her grave.

I-I didn't know.

I thought that she...

- Honey, I know what you thought,
- 'cause I thought so, too.

- I'm getting
- a funny feeling here

- Because this woman here
- is the woman that was at...

Oh, come on, Lisa.

- You thought
- you saw Wesley snipes

At pic 'n' pay, remember?

Yeah, Lisa, you chased

poor Wesley

all the way to his car

- until you realized
- it was Ms. Collins

Tamera's gym teacher.

- There is a logical explanation
- for all of this.

What's this?

I don't know.

It wasn't there

a minute ago.

I was working on

a whole different song.

This looks

kind of familiar.

Let me see.

What, ray?

What is it?

It's Ellen's.

See, look it...

There's a little heart

she drew up in the corner,

with our names in it.

She used to sing this to tamera

when she was a little baby.

Let me see.

I remember.

It was Ellen,

wasn't it, ray?

- She's been
- the other woman

All this time.

Yes, Lisa. I'm sorry, but...

Ellen was the first woman

I ever fell in love with

and after all these years

I just still can't believe

she's never coming back.

Oh, but she did come back, ray.

She... she wanted us

to be a family.

And she said that

you needed to let her go.

It's time, ray.