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04x13 - Little Man Date

Posted: 01/09/24 08:54
by bunniefuu
Well, another Saturday night

and we're off to cheer our

b-ball team to victory 'cause


We're winners!

- And then afterwards, we all
- go to our favorite hangout

Where lately it seems like

everybody has dates but us



We're losers.

- Yep, that's what
- people think

- If you go two
- Saturdays in a row

Without a date.

One more, then it's

three strikes, we're out.

Wait a minute, tamera.

Why should we care so much

what people think?

It's demeaning.

It's humiliating.

- Both:
- It's high school.

Look, everybody, it's

dateless and hopeless.


We got to get a date.

♪ Talk about a

two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew how

much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go! ♪

♪ Never knew

how much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go ♪

Ray, surprise.

Oh, what is it?

- Just a little somethin'
- somethin' to say thank you

- You know, for letting me
- advertise my business

- On that billboard
- you rented.

Oh, Lisa, this is...

My watch.

Uh-huh. I got it fixed for you.

When did it break?

Anyway, I'll be right up there

on that billboard

for all the world to see

wearing one of my fiercest

fashions by Lisa, inc.

This is going to really

jump-start my career.

I can't guarantee you the

ad space is going to work.

Are you kidding?

- I better put a big ol'
- comfy cushion by the phone

- 'cause I'm going
- to get more calls

Than the piggly wiggly

on Turkey giveaway day.

- Tia:
- Whoo-hoo!

About what?

Uh, the moon went down,

the sun came up?


Tia, who cares if we don't

have dates Saturday night?

- We can hang out with each other
- and still have a good time.

Well, tamera, that's...

- Like we can cut the mouths
- out of magazine pictures

And make them talk.

Hello there, little lady.

What's on your dangerous mind?

Well, coolio...

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Uh, I got a date for Saturday.

You what?

Tamera, sit down.

You see, I met this

really cute guy, Kyle

and he asked me out.

And since I'm not

completely crazy

I said yes.

Aw, man.

How pathetic is this?

I can't even get a date

with my own sister.

Tamera, are you

going to be okay?

Oh, yeah.

I'm okay.

I'm going to rise above this.

Maybe I won't have a guy

on my arm Saturday night

but that doesn't mean

I'm going to have a breakdown.

Got to get a guy.

Got to get a guy!


there's one.

Okay, look available.

No, that's needy.

You want a date or a quarter?

Uh, look a little more

hard to get.


You scared him off,

you big dope.

Why can't I get

a guy to talk to me?

Well, for one thing,

you talk to yourself.

No man wants to date

a whacked-out babe.

Roger, I just have

to find a date

for Saturday night.

What? You don't have a date?

Well, it's a fine time

to tell me.

I just said yes

to Vicki karmazian.

You mean that exchange student

with the crossed eyes?

- Hey, as long as she keeps
- her shades on

And hides that

big old snaggle tooth

who's the wiser?

Everybody's got

a hook-up but me.

Oh, buck up, boney.

You want a man?

I got the answer.



- A cool young dude
- passes by.

- You drop this
- at his feet.

"Oh, my, how clumsy

of me, cool young dude."

He hands it back to you.

Then you gaze into his eyes

and you reel that sucker in.

- It's as easy as sh**ting
- pigeons in the park.

Really? Give me that book.

Tamera Campbell, my office, now.

I told you

you'd get a man.

Fashions by Lisa.

Good after...


What's wrong?

Oh... yeah.


Yeah, that'll be fine.


How many designs you..?

Yes, I understand

you're very busy, but...


Oh, ray...

That was Calvin klein.

He saw my billboard

and he wants to meet me

on Monday.

Oh, no.

Don't you get it?

Somebody's obviously playing

a cruel joke on you.

Oh, Calvin klein

couldn't possibly call me.

Is that what you're saying?

Well... yeah.

It's a big billboard

but he can't see it

from New York.

Well, if you read

the fashion section

which you don't

- you'd know that
- he's in town this week

Which he is

and very well could see

my billboard, which he did.

So ha!

Lisa, since you're

making phone calls

could you call

the acme tool company

to see if they'd drop

an anvil on my head?

Oh, honey.

You're not having a real

good Saturday night

are you?

- Oh, tamera, not
- having a date

Doesn't mean that there's

something wrong with you.

It doesn't?

No, at least not until

you hit the big 3-0.

Oh, no, honey.

You're pretty

and you got a good

sense of humor

and a really

beautiful voice.

- Now, sweetheart,
- you'll be fine.

- If you need
- a little pick-me-up

One of my bed pillows

is full of tootsie rolls.

Not anymore.

- Tia:
- I got it!

It figures.

You get the date,

you get the door.

What's left for me?


Oh! Kyle? Wait.

What are you doing here?

We were supposed to meet

at hot rod's after the game.

Tia, my brother just

dropped in from out of town.

He goes to Bronson academy.

That's a really

good school.

He loves it, especially

the basketball program.

He's the star center

on the hoop team.

I don't get

to see him too often

and I'm kind of feeling

guilty about that.

So I need to spend

some time with him.

Sorry, but I got

to cancel our date.


No, no, no, no, no!

Please, please,

you can't do that!

Why don't you just

bring him along?

Really? I don't know.

It wouldn't be

much fun for you.

Oh, sure it would.

Listen, um, I could

bring my sister.

You got a sister?

Yeah, and I've been

feeling guilty myself

- about leaving
- her home alone.

But maybe we ought to get

these two together first

and make sure they get along.

Just tell me one thing:

Is your brother cute?

Oh, yeah, he's real cute.

Then they'll

definitely get along.

I'll see you

after the game.

See ya.



Oh, tamera, I got you

a date with a college guy!

Hey, can you be ready

in five min..?

Sorry it took so long.


Uh, we're not together.

- We're waiting
- for our dates.

Thank you.

Excuse me!

We'll need four

glasses of water!

We're waiting

for our dates!

You made your point.

No, I'm just warming up.

- Ooh, I have to go
- to the bathroom

To check my makeup...

For my date!

Hi, Tia.

Oh, hi, Kyle.

My sister just ran

into the little girls' room

- but she's just dying
- to meet your brother.

Where is he?

Right here.

- Clayton,
- come say hi to Tia.


- This little boy's
- your brother?

Hey, I ain't so little.

On the playground,

they call me "stretch."

So, uh... where's

your little sister at?

Bring her on.

Kyle, could we talk

for a minute?


Say, Clay, why don't you

- go ahead and play
- the jukebox, man?

- Cool, man. Now I can
- get my fugees on

- You know what
- I'm saying?

What's up, Tia?


You said your brother

went to Bronson academy.

- It's a private
- elementary school.

You said you knew.

I was flirting.


Well, he's a great kid.

He'll behave.

Then, why is he taking the tip

off that table?

Clayton, put that back!

Hey, it ain't got

nobody name on it.



Well, well, well...

If it isn't s.W.D...

"sister without date"!


Oh, look. It's j.W.C...

"jerk without clue."


It just so happens

that Tia and I both have dates.

Mine goes to Bronson academy.

He's their star center.

- Tia, I'm really sorry
- about the mix-up

- But would you mind
- keeping your eyes on Clay?

I double-parked.

I got to move my car.

Wait, Kyle, you can't...

And if he gets out of line,

put him right in a time-out.

Tamera, you know what?

They're evacuating

the restaurant.

Don't ask questions

- just head right
- for the car.

Come on.

Aw, what's the matter, Tia?

You afraid I might find out

you're both here alone?

You know what

why don't you just

give it up, sourdough?

We both have dates,

and I don't mean each other.

We're talking basketball

star, buddy boy.

We're talking...

No, tamera.

I'm talking!

We're talking so fine

and all mine.

But hey, why believe me?

- Why don't you meet him
- for yourself?

- Hey, Tia,
- where's my date?

Right behind you.


Look down.

Well, what do you know?


Baby mack just hit the jackpot.



If this is a joke

I'm not laughing.

Tamera, I'm so sorry.

I had no idea.

Oh, oh, this is too good.

This is your date?

Well... hey, there,

little fella.

- So you're a basketball
- star, huh?

Who do you play for...

Burp u?

You ever been bit

in the kneecap?

I'm so scared.

Please, girls

don't let your big, bad

boyfriend beat me up!


Okay, so, uh...

- Which one of you hotties
- got the urge

To hook a brother up

with some chili cheese fries?

Sleep with your eyes open.

- Tamera, it was
- embarrassing

For me too.

I mean, I didn't ask him

to belch "baby's got

back" with his Pepsi.

Besides, you're the one

who gave him those

two straws, remember?

How did I know he'd stick

them up his nose and go:

Okay, okay.

- It was horrible,
- but it's over.

- Okay, I guess
- you're right

But Marlon and his friends

had a pretty good laugh

but you know what?

Why don't we try to put

this nightmare behind us?


Hey, double dip

I found something

I think belongs to you.

- You!
- You!

Clayton, what are you

doing here?

Hey, can't a man

come see his women

without getting

some grief here?

Roger, how could you

do this to us?!

I felt for the poor kid

wandering the halls

- mournfully calling
- your names.

That was me once.

Carry on, little man.

I pass the torch to you

but don't expect

much of anything.

Go away, Roger.

Go away, Roger.

Except that.

Clayton, we've got

to go to class.

- Now? But I got
- a little something

For you...

Kind of a present.


- Well, uh, give us
- our present

But then, we really

have to go, okay?

Cool. Come on.

Check it out.

You like it?

"Like it"?

Clayton, this is

so embarrassing.

Yeah. Everybody's

laughing at us.

Go away.

Go away.

This is ridiculous.

- Somebody like
- Calvin klein

Would be staying

in a fancy hotel.

Something smells funny.

Probably me.

I got on c.K. Cologne

from the neck up

- and obsession
- from the neck down.

- I figure whichever way
- the wind blows

He'll be impressed.


Yoo-hoo, Mr. Klein!

Lisa on the stoop.

What do you want?

Make it fast.

I'm missing kirk.

Um, i'm-I'm sorry.

I'm fashions by Lisa, inc.

I have an appointment

to see Mr. Calvin klein.

Oh, no.

Let me guess:

That's your ad

down the block?

Why, yes.

You see, there, ray?

- He saw my billboard
- from this very house.

Excuse me.

- Delmar, you big
- dumb moose!

You been

at the phone again?!

- Man:
- No, ma, I swear.

Ow, my ear!

All right, all right.

- I was just
- having some fun.

- Delmar, you're
- 42 years old.

Get out of those pajamas

and get a job!


This was just a...

A joke.

Calvin never called me.

Go ahead, just say it.

Say what?

"I told you so."

- I was just
- crazy to think

That Calvin klein would

call somebody like me.

Oh, no, you weren't.

Lisa, listen

I believe in you

but big business can be

full of disappointments

and I was worried that you

weren't ready for that.

I can't bear

to see you hurt.

Oh, ray.

I'm going to

be all right.

I don't need Calvin klein

to tell me how good I am.

I know it

and one day, I'm going

to see my name in lights.

Maybe sooner

than you think.

What's it say up there?

"Chun king takeout."

I could use an egg roll.

No, I mean the billboard

next to that one

the one that's

all lit up.

"Fashions by Lisa... inc."



Oh, no.

Don't get up.

I'll get it.

Hi, Ms. Landry.

Uh, is my brother here?

Why, no.

Come in, Kyle.

- Hi. Are you looking
- for Clayton?

Who's Clayton?

- My brother.
- Have you seen him?

How would I know?

I'm only seeing you

for the first time.

- Clayton's the little
- eight-year-old boy

The girls went out with.

Wait... you girls went out

with an eight-year-old?

Ray, please, go make

a sandwich or something.

We'll talk later.

Nobody tells me anything.

- Tia:
- Sorry, Kyle

But we haven't seen him

- since we chased him out
- of our school this afternoon.

You what?!

Yeah, dad.

- He embarrassed us
- in front of our friends.

- We had to tell him
- to leave us alone.

You said that?

Oh, man.

He probably ran away again.

"Again"?! That child

has run away before?

Who, Clayton?

- Yeah, from our grandma,
- from school.

- Since our mom died,
- he feels like nobody wants him

And that's just not true.

Oh, we're sorry.

But you see, you guys,

people were laughing at us.

Oh... so you were worried about

what your friends were thinking.

- I mean, the fact that you hurt
- a little child

- That didn't matter
- as long as you look good

- In front
- of your friends.

Girls, don't you realize

- that all that
- really matters

Is what you think

of yourselves?

So, let me ask you something:

What do you think

of yourselves right now?

Let's go help

look for him.

I knew it.

There he is.

- Hi, Clay.
- What do you say?

Um, how'd

you two find me?

Well, when you

weren't looking

we slipped a lojack

in your pocket.



- We figured you'd go
- to the same place we did

When we ran away.

You ran away?

Oh, we bolted,

all right

but we didn't go

through with it

and we're really glad

we caught you

before you caught

that greyhound.


You told me to go away

and leave you alone.

Oh, oh, come on, man.

- We say that to
- all our friends.

Yeah. Sometimes to people

we don't even know.

Hey, you!

- Go away
- and leave us alone!


So you saying

we're friends?

- Well, that's up
- to you, Clayton.


We hurt your feelings

and we're sorry.

We'd like to make it

up to you.

Is there anything

we can do?


Tamera, people

are laughing at us.

Oh, yeah?

Let's give them

something to laugh at.

Yeah, this is fun.

- You know, this is
- the best date night

We had in weeks.

Too bad Kyle couldn't make it.

But my other two brothers

are going to love you.

Uh... other brothers?

Uh... other brothers?

Yeah. Bobbie and Timmy.

Here they are.

Hi there.

Hi there.



- Do "the fish",
- do "the fish".

He's so cute!