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04x10 - Double Exposure

Posted: 01/09/24 08:51
by bunniefuu
Tia: Nah, too glossy.

Eesh! Too little Richard.

Ladies and gentlemen,

we give that two lips up.

-Oh, yes!

Ok, all set for tomorrow.

See, it's going to be

a massive day for us.

Both: School pictures.

You get one shot. And, hey,

if the picture's good,

- the yearbook committee
- might vote you "class beauty."

But if it's bad,

you could end up...

"The beast."

-I sneezed, all right?

But not this year.

This year, I'm going to be

picture perfect.

- Come on, tamera, it's late.
- We've got to get to bed.

Oh, in a minute.

- I'm going to try
- this new moisturizer.

It's called "nefertiti's cream

of the nile."

You know, it makes

your skin perfect and flawless.

Now, I can get

my beauty sleep on.

Oh. Come on, tamera, wake up.

It's picture day.

I'm up.

I'm up. How's my skin?

Oh, oh.

- [Cracks]

♪ Talk about

a two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew

how much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever

gonna let you go! ♪

♪ Never knew

how much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever

gonna let you go! ♪

-So that's a table for two.

Oh! Thank you.

- Ray, we're all set
- for our date Friday night.

- You get a better table
- if you're important

- So if anybody calls you
- "general Powell",

You just go with it.

Lisa, about Friday night...

Ooh, our first official date.

-I'm so excited!

- What would you say
- if I told you I had to cancel

Our date Friday night?

- I'd say can you find
- six pallbearers by Saturday?

- Lisa, a very important
- business dinner just came up.

- Shanley industries
- is interested

In buying into Ray's limos,

and we're meeting Friday

to firm up the deal.

Oh... ok.

- In that case,
- I guess I'll understand.

-So, where are you going?

Chez Antoine.

- Oh, I got
- a better idea.


-How about chez Lisa?

-Chez what?

Yeah! I could make you

a fabulous dinner here.

- Oh, please let me do
- this for you, ray.

- I want to help you impress
- your business associates.

- -Well, I don't think...
- -What?

You don't think what?

You better hope it's:

- "I don't think you should go
- through so much trouble".

- And not: "I don't think
- you're good enough

To meet my fancy friend."

- The first one,
- definitely the first one.


- Then don't worry
- 'cause it's no trouble at all.

Shall we say about eight-ish?

Pepto at nine-ish.

- Are you gonna ask her,
- or should I?

-She ain't my baby.

Tamera, why are you

wearing that ski mask?

'Cause I couldn't see

with my backpack over my head.

Well, honey.

Well, what's wrong?

Ooh, what happened?

I tried a new moisturizer.

- Well, honey, maybe you were
- allergic to it.

Ya think?

I tried everything to hide it.

A new hair style.

A cover-up.

A cover-all.

- But that was
- totally ridiculous.

-So I thought up the ski mask.

Man, I can't be the joke

of the yearbook...


- I just won't take the picture,
- that's all.

Ray, ray, ray, ray,

I'll take care of it.

- I mean, we wouldn't want
- her to do anything rash.

Ok, I go that out

of my system.

I can do this now.

Oh, come on, tamera.

Just forget about it.

It's only a picture.

Yeah, easy for you to say.

Your yearbook pictures

always turn out normal.


- -Oh, no, tamera.
- -Hey, Tia...

- I am not pretending
- to be you, tamera.

Every time we switch places,

something bad happens.

What could happen?

We're only taking

a picture, remember?





-Ok, ok, I'll do it.

- You don't have to get
- all red in the face.

- Ok, ok, now it's totally
- out of my system.

Ok, now, now...

- Now, when they took
- the picture,

You swear you didn't sneeze?

Of course, I didn't,

tamera. You can't sneeze

- and go like this
- at the same time.

-You didn't!

-Tamera, I didn't.

-Look, it all went fine.


Whoo! Speaking of fine.

Both: Wow.

Pico Williams.


Man, I sure wish I was going

to the dance with him.

Elliot: Oh. Hi, Tia!

-Instead of him.

Oh, hi, Elliot. What's up?

Howdy, lab partner.

We still have a date

for the dance, don't we?


it's not a date.

It's more like a, a thank you.

- You know, for dissecting
- that frog for me.

Oh, by the way,

- my mother's going
- to be driving us.

Uh, don't pay attention

if she starts crying.

It's, uh... it's my first date.

It's not a...

- -Never mind.
- -Oh!

- I got to run, or I won't be
- early for my class.


Here it goes.

Hey! It's gorgeous!


Wow! You look like a hotty.

-What's up with that?

- The way the light
- hits you, girl,

-you look like a model.

-I do?

Agree... oh, yeah, yeah.

- Wow! She takes a heck
- of a picture.

Let's see yours, Tia.

- Hey, guys,
- I'm sure it's the same.

- I mean, once you've seen
- one twin,

-you've seen the...

Whoa. What's up with that?


What are you doing?

- Oh, just working
- on our big business dinner.

- Oh, ray, I'm making
- all my best stuff: Hickory ham,

- Greens, corn bread, and...
- Oh! Where did I put

- My special occasion recipe
- for shoe-fly pie.


- Lisa, I really appreciate
- your efforts, but...

- Ms. Wilkins is vice-president
- of shanley industries,

- And I'm sure
- she's expecting something

A bit more vice-presidential.

-Which reminds me,

- please don't kick off
- your shoes at at the table

- And yell, "ooh, child. I've got
- to air off my dogs."

Ray, I do have my standards.

- I only do that
- at the food-court at the mall.

- Ray: Hi, girls.
- -Wow! Goody! School pictures.

- I don't even need to see them,
- just give me a dozen each.

- Well, you won't want to see
- this one.


-Let me see.



Oh... my baby...

Why's your head so big?

Mom, my ankle itched.

- They must have caught me right
- as I leaned forward

- To scratch it, 'cause snap,
- there it is.

- All the kids were
- calling her "e-Tia."

Look, if anybody wants me,

I'll be upstairs soaking

my big old alien head.

-Wait a minute,

- now baby. We can work
- with this.

- We can just put it
- in an extra-large frame,

- And maybe use
- some smoked glass,

- And hang it in the hallway
- where the light's burned out.

Uh, how did yours

turn out, tamera?

Oh... you're going

to find out anyway.

It's not my picture,

it's Tia.

- I had her pose as me
- for the yearbook.

I see.

I know, bad idea.

- But, dad, you don't know
- how hard it is

- To have your friends
- laughing at you.

I bet your sister does.

- Honey, maybe if you'd go
- to the yearbook committee

And told them the truth,

- they'd let Tia use
- her good pictures.


- But I'll just be a big
- blank square in the yearbook.

But, hey, that's a big step up

from last year.

-Hey, e-Tia...

- There's a message for you
- in the office,

And it says,

"phone home."

Tamera, can you please tell me

- when today's going
- to get better?

Right after first period,

- I'm headed straight
- for the yearbook committee.

Oh, thank you so much.

Tia, it's ok.

It's just a picture.

- Now, you know it's going
- to take more than that

To come between us.

Hey, tamera, say yes?


Yes, yes, ye...

Yes, what?

- To going to the king and queen
- dance with me tonight.

Both: What?


But... pico, you only take

- the "class beauty"
- to the dance every year.

That's why I'm asking you.

Haven't you heard?

- Your picture was the yearbook
- committee's favorite.

They voted you "class beauty."

-Hey, e-Tia.

I heard you're going

to the dance with...


You know what?

You guys are so tired.

The cafeteria lady

used that one hours ago.

And then, after that,

pico asked me out.

Did I mention,

pico asked me out?


I just love being

the center of attention.

- -Tamera.
- -Hide me!

- Tamera, don't make me
- come over there.

Oh... hey, Tia.

-Well? The day's almost over.

- Tamera, have you told
- the yearbook committee

The truth yet?

You know...

That is why I need a secretary.

So I could turn to her and say,

"madge, remind me about

the yearbook committee."

But, hey, no madge,

-no remember.

- No problem,
- you can go right now.

No, Tia. I can't.

- Pico promised to set off
- a stink b*mb

In the teacher's lounge.

Just to show how much

he likes me.

Hello! He likes me.

Tamera, my picture got

voted "class beauty."

It just happens to have

your name under it.

Why don't you say it loud

enough so everyone can hear?

Fine. Look.

There's the committee.

Uh, excuse me, guys.

- My sister has
- an announcement to make.



What do you know?

Stink b*mb!

Wow, Tia.

That dress is really great.

Oh, you want it? Take it.

You take everything else.

- Girls, you ready
- for your big dance?


-Ooh! Look at you.

Look at you.

- Lisa, you look like
- a cross between a librarian

-and... another librarian.

- I look ok, don't I? I'm trying
- to make a real good impression

- On this buttoned-up
- business lady.

Mom, you look fine.

Very dignified.

Ah, good.

- Ooh! My dress shield's
- on the move.

- -Have a great time, Lisa.
- Lisa: Hum-hum.

Um... you girls

work things out yet?

Oh. Well, tamera's got it

all worked out.

- I mean, she's going to the ball
- with prince charming,

And I got Elliot the frog boy.

Mom, I can't believe

- she's letting me go
- through this t*rture.

- Well, your sister is not used
- to getting all this attention.

It made her kind of crazy.

- But it's not all her fault now,
- I mean,

It was your pretty picture

that made her cinderella.

What am I supposed to do?

Just live with it?

Not for long.

Trust me baby, now,

- tamera knows now she's getting
- props that she didn't earn.

- It may feel good to her today,
- but soon she'll figure out

- It's just a big old bucket
- full of nothing.

Ooh! Oh...

I found my dress shield.

Uh, Tia, you look

a little down.

Is there something I can do?

Oh, that's nice, Elliot.

But... no.

Oh, well, you know,

when I'm depressed,

you know what I do?

I boogie.

- Elliot, where did you learn
- to dance?

- I got the "homeboy
- hip-hop at home" tape.

- Come on. Usually,
- it's me and granny

- So you got some big
- orthopedic shoes to fill.

Tia: Ok!

Anyway, I think

I want to be a singer.

- You know, so I can
- touch people's lives.

-How about you?

-You like this ring?

Yeah, I found it.

Uh... yeah.

It's nice.

Wow! Uh, dancing makes

me really thirsty.

- Yeah, me too. I'm going to get
- myself some punch.

-No, thanks. I'm fine.

Oh, well, hello there.

Uh, come in.

Uh, make yourself at home.

Uh, who are you?

Oh, ray, don't be silly.

I'm charlemagne Wilkins.


Well, you're, you're so red.

Well, I don't usually

dress this way at the office.

- I guess not. It'd probably
- set off the sprinkler system.

Who's that?

Uh, charlemagne Wilkins,

this is Lisa.

Uhn, Lisa lives here.

Well, you see, our kids... ahh!

Not our kids...

Humm, you see...

For the past few years, we...

Uh, she's cooking dinner.

So, will Mrs. Wilkins' husband

be joining us?

Oh, he passed on some time ago.

You sure he ain't just hiding?

Sit down, ray.

Let's get better acquainted.

- Ray, I need to see you
- in the kitchen.

- Now?
- -If you want to keep this arm.

-Hum, pardon.

Oh, you are going to tell me

what's going on.

- I swear I've never seen
- her like this before.

She's usually all business.

- Yeah, well, she's all up
- in your business.

- Looking at you like
- you're a pork butt

- Hanging in the window
- and she's a tail-waggin'

- Tongue-hangin'
- hungry dog outside.

- All right,
- so she's a little friendly.

-Enormously friendly.

-All right, downright frisky.

-But she's here to talk money.

I don't even see

her as a woman.

- Ray Charles
- could see her as a woman.

Lisa, tonight

is very important.


please be nice, huh?

All right, I'll behave.


- So you know, it was
- a big decision for me.

I'd worn a fade for years.

- But I felt it was
- time for a change.

Hey, it's working for me, huh?

Uh, pico, can I

ask you something?

Don't you care about anything

besides your looks?

Sure, your looks,

-miss "class beauty."

-Wait a minute.

Is that the only reason

why you asked me out?

- So what do you care?
- As long as I asked you, right?

Uh, excuse me for a minute.

I need to freshen up.

- Well, while we're waiting
- for dinner,

May I offer you chardon-naked?

-Uh, I mean,

chardonnay, chardonnay

either one would be

fine with me.

I pick wine.

-Wine would be fine.

Ray, if we're going to be

in business together,

you are going to have

to loosen up.


-Let's start with this tie.

Well, charlemagne, I...

-Good evening.

Well, Lisa,

that's quite an outfit.

- Well, just a little something
- I picked up

- On the champs ze le zeze
- boozoo zoozee.

That's in Paris.

When, when were you in...

-Shut up.

Ah, Paris.

Hun, I have a little

pied-a-terre in Paris.

Ray, you must come.

Uh, no.

I must go

and light the candles.

Lisa, dear,

I am picking up some

very strange signals.

I can't imagine

how it could be possible,

but are you and ray dating?

Well, no, not yet, but we...

That's what I thought.

Take some advice

from me, dear:

Aim lower.

Is that low enough?

- Well, the candles are lit;
- let's sit.

-Ray, get my coat.


Ladies, what's going on?

She thinks she's going on.

Coming in here looking like

the fleet just came in,

- clinging to you like saran wrap
- on a wet cantaloupe.

- Come on, ray, we're going
- to chez Antoine

For some decent food.

Uh, charlemagne, I think...

Well, don't.

Are you coming, or not?

- Funny thing,
- it looks like

- I'm not going to be
- that busy after all.

Care to join me

for dinner?

Then you're not mad at me

for busting up your deal?

Oh, no. I'm not interested

in her deal.

- I'm not interested
- in that woman either.


- -Really?
- Really.


- Oh, I pity the guy
- that ends up with her.

You know, Tia,

if my vote counted

for anything,

you'd be queen tonight.

Aw, that's really

nice of you, Elliot.

You know what?

One good thing about tonight,

I got to know you better.

- Hey, let's go wait
- for your mom on the curb.

Tamera, you are so lucky

to be with pico Williams.

- This has to be the best night
- of your life.

-Does it show?


- the ballots have been counted
- and it's time to announce

The king and queen.

- You know,
- pico is always voted king.

This makes you a shoo-in.

All right, listen up.

- This year's
- king and queen are...

Pico Williams

and tamera Campbell!

Tia, wait!



there's something

I have to say.

Sorry i...

Class beauty...

Tia: I never meant to...

- someone else's...

-Tia Landry!


- Here, take it. It's shiny.
- Look at yourself in it.


I don't deserve this.

You only voted for me

because my picture was chosen

"prettiest in the class."


it's not my picture.

It's my sister's.

Tia Landry should have been

voted "class beauty."

- 'Cause she's got plenty
- of both.

I was a little late, huh?

Well, you got there.

Hey, what do you say?

One for the yearbook?

I'm with you.

- Ms. Wilkins is vice president
- of shanley industries,

And I'm sure she's expecting

something a bit more

vice presidential.

That reminds me,

- uh, please don't sit
- at the table

- And kick your shoes off
- and yell:

"Ooh, child, I got the..."

- Charlemagne, while
- we're waiting for dinner,

Hum, may I offer you

some chardon-naked?


I mean, chardonnay.

Either one would be

fine with me.

Yeah, well...

I pick wine. Fine...