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04x04 - Daddy's Girl

Posted: 01/09/24 08:44
by bunniefuu

Tia! Quick! Meat!



Tia, hurry!

Uh, last night's

meat loaf?

Ooh, now

it's snausage.

Fetch, cujo.

Mom, where'd you get

the dog?

- From Jolene at
- the beauty shop.


- Having a dog's a great
- way to meet a man.

- He's walking his
- little something.

- You walking your
- little something.

- Their leashes get tangled up and
- before you know it

You're on to a little


Well, did you meet anyone?

As a matter of fact,

I met a very nice man

but the only date

we'll have is in court.

Cujo ate his chihuahua.

♪ Talk about a

two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew how

much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go! ♪

♪ Never knew

how much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go ♪

But, punkin...

It's not that I

just have a date.

I'm a little too old

for the renaissance fair.

- We've been going to the fair
- since you were nine.

That's what I mean.

I've outgrown a lot of

the stuff we used to do

like... "take your

daughter to work day."

You always looked so cute

behind the wheel of my limo.

The father-daughter dance?

Oh, that's not

until next weekend.

I've been practicing

my lambada...

The forbidden dance.

- Now I know
- why it's forbidden.

Dad, look, I don't want

to hurt your feelings

but a lot of the stuff

we did when I was

a kid was fun, but...

It's kind of corny now.

- The fair is not
- just for kids.

I enjoy it.

I'm an adult.


- I don't want
- to go alone.

Well, dad,

you don't have to.

I bet Lisa...

- Oh, ding-dong.
- I'll get it.

Come on, Tia.

You love sophisticated

stuff like this.

You use grey poupon.

Okay, okay.

Sure, ray.

I'd love to go.

- Good.
- I'll run to the garage

- And get those
- little pointy hats

From last year.

- Thanks, Tia.
- I owe you one.

You owe me two if

he finds those hats.

- Well, it sounds like
- ole jell-o-butt next door

Is finally

putting up a fence.

I saw him sunbathing

last month

all slathered up

with coppertone.

Ew! I haven't been able

to baste a Turkey since.

I'm sorry, Lisa.

- It's just the
- handyman dad called...

To repair the gate

cujo went through?

- Ah! I guess
- ray hasn't missed

The lawn furniture yet.

May I take

thy wrap, milady?

Thou art most kind,

good gentleman.

Oh, Tia...

Ooh, I wish

I had my camera.

You look so cute.

You look like a jackass.


hardeth-har-har, Lisa.

If you understood

history, you would know

this was the height

of fashion around 1215.

Well, it's 5:00, and you

still look like a jackass.

- So, did you guys
- have a good time?

Oh, yeah. It was great.

There was strolling

minstrels and jousting

and much merry cavorting

upon the village green.

Man, I owe you big time.

Honey, got this for you.

He won it

slaying the dragon.

It really wasn't a dragon.

It was just a big old

green sock on a stick.

But that bad boy

put up quite a fight.

Mom, it was so cool.

After ray hit it

about 50 or 60 times

the whole crowd

started cheering him on.

"Go, ray! Go, ray!"

- And then some little kid
- said to me

- "boy, your dad's
- really funny."

- And you said,
- "that's not my dad," right?

No, I was too busy

leading the crowd.

- Both:
- "Go, ray. Go, ray."

Hey, Tia.

Tia, it's okay.

My date ended hours ago.

You don't have to

baby-sit dad anymore.

Oh, I know, but i'm

having a good time.

With who?

Your dad.

Tamara, he's really cool.



Tia, cool's over here.

Ray Campbell is way...

Over there.

Tamara, I know

- but I still like
- hanging with him.

Aaah! That's it.

- That tool-banging,
- butt crack-showing, fix-it fool

Is out of here.

Hey, hammerhead,

would you knock it off?!

Can't stand all that noise.

I can't even play my...


I'm sorry, ma'am.

Am I disturbing you?

More than you know...


Oh, girls

- why don't you
- go out and play?

But, mom, I...

- Get out, get out,
- get out.

Oh, my... Russell.

Oh, it's warm in here.

- Why don't you
- just rustle over there

- And I'll rustle you up
- a cool drink.

Thank you, ma'am.

I think you'll like the gate.

I matched the wood for you.

It's knotty pine.

Oh... did you spank it?

Spank it?

For being so naughty. Ha-ha.

That's very funny.

- I'll have to tell my wife
- that one.


- Um, let me ask you
- a question as you leave.

- Uh, what about
- the drink?

Use the hose.

Look, Russell, now

- how does a girl like me
- get to meet a guy like you

Before a guy

like you gets got?

Oh, well... I met my wife

- when I came to reface
- her cabinets.

It's funny.

My brother's an electrician

- and he met his wife
- on a service call too.

- So did this
- repair guy I know...

Yeah, don't let the gate

hit you on your way out.

Thank you.



- Oh, my!
- I think I need a plumber.

You were so right, ray.

I mean, I absolutely

love James Baldwin.

Oh, me too.

I love all

the Baldwin brothers.

Is James Baldwin

- the one in the Cindy Crawford
- movie?

- 'Cause he is
- such a babe.

- James Baldwin
- is a respected author.

Yeah, he wrote

"the fire next time."

Oh! Right, sure!

That must be on

my must-read list

right after I finish

"evod emosenol."

Honey, that's "lonesome dove".



You look great, Lisa.

Going out?

Staying in.

I'm waiting for my repairman.

- Again? I mean,
- we just had one this morning.

Yeah, but he was butt-ugly.

Hey, mom, guess what?

Ray's taking me

to an opera.

Madame butterfly.

That's nice, honey.

What? Well, Tia,

don't you think

your mom will

feel left out?

I mean, if you go

to madame butterfly

with my dad?

- Madame butterfly?
- No thanks.

- I prefer "madame butterworth"
- myself.

No, mom

it's really beautiful.


Anybody still in the dark

as to why I don't want to go?


Thanks, ray.

I'm really looking

forward to this.

Oh, thanks, ray.

This is so nice

for Tia to have a man

to look up to...

Sort of like

a father figure.

It's nice for me too.

- Tia and I have
- a lot in common.

- It's not easy
- finding people

That share my interests.

You're telling me...

I haven't been interested

- in anything you've said
- since I moved in.

-Oh, step aside, ray.

That's my

sump pump man.

Wait a minute.

Our sump pump is broken?

You mean we actually have one?

I'm here about your sump pump.

Ray, it's for you.

- ( Aria from madame butterfly
- playing )

Man, this opera thing

is never going to catch on.

Can I come in?

Honey, you were really quiet

at the dinner table.

I know Tia and I monopolized

the conversation

but you sure you

didn't feel left out?


No way.

Are you sure?

- I mean, I kind
- of got vibes

That maybe you were...

A little jealous.

Oh, come on... jealous?

Of you and Tia?

Dad, please,

I'm not a baby.

I know, I know.

Sometimes I forget

you're not five anymore.

You've grown up to be

quite a young lady...

Unselfish, giving,

willing to share.

I'm really proud

of you, honey.

The hard part is...

Even though you're

too grown up

for those

father-daughter dances

I'm really going to miss them.

I am too.


Um... ray?

I've been thinking.


- You go to
- the father-daughter dance

With me tomorrow night?

Really? You want to go?

Well, yeah.

I've never been to one.

- And it'll mean
- a lot to me.

Tia, i'm...

I'm really touched.

Okay, then...

I'd love to go

to the father-daughter

dance with you.

Oh, Tia,

I'm speechless.

You look stunning,



Oh, thanks, ray.

Oh, hi, punkin.

- Hey, you got chocolate
- on your shirt.

Oh, thanks, dad.

- What you got there, ray?
- Biscuits?


- Tia, got you
- a little something

For your first

father-daughter dance.

Oh, thanks, ray!

It's gorgeous!

Let me pin it on

for you, honey.

Punkin, I know you think

this is all very corny

but I couldn't help myself.

- I got you a little
- something too.

Really? You got me a corsage?

- No, honey,
- you're not going anywhere.

I got you this.

Well, it was standing proud

when I bought it.


Must have got slammed

in a car door.

Come on, Tia.

Let's go practice

our entrance.

- Better hurry up and put that
- into water, honey.

I'm on it.

You see? That's why

we don't buy you a puppy.

I'm sorry.

This is a real nice

thing you're doing

for your sister.

- I know it's
- not easy for you.

Oh, honey,

I'm proud of you.

Yay for me.

I'm reaching for a cookie.

You're not going

to hurt me, are you?

Help yourself.

You know, it's

funny sometimes

how you can just

eat and eat and eat

and still have this big

empty space inside of you.

It's like you just

can't seem to fill it.

Well, I'm working on it.

Please pass the mallomars.

I'm not talking

about you, tamera.

- I was thinking
- about Tia.

That's how she

must feel... hungry.

I'm not surprised.

I ate her dinner.

Tamera, not food-hungry.

Tia has a big empty space

inside of her and...

Only a daddy can fill it.

But I was using mine.

- Isn't there some old dad
- lying around somewhere

She could have?

Oh, believe me, honey,

I been looking.

I know Tia needs a father.

Why do you think I keep throwing

all those bricks in the dryer?

Ray: Your carriage

awaits, milady.


Good night, tamera.

Thanks again.

Yeah, whatever.

What are you looking at,

you scaly home wrecker?


We all love our families,


I mean good times, bad times...

They're always there for us.

Yeah, unless you have

a father-stealing sister

- who's looking to ruin
- your life.

Today on woolery...

"father-stealing sisters

- who are looking
- to ruin your life."

- Thank you,
- ladies and gentlemen.

- Please welcome,
- all the way from Detroit

Tia, tamera

and their father ray.

Excuse me, Chuck.


But he's my father.

- Then why do you suppose
- he's taking Tia

To the father-daughter dance?

Because I believe

in sharing with my sister

and I'm mature enough

not to let it get to me.

- ♪ Nyah-nyah-nyah-
- nyah-nyah-nyah ♪

♪ I'm dancing

with your daddy. ♪

Ooh, I'll k*ll her!

Hey, hey, hey,

stop it! Stop it! Stop it!

Sit down! Sit down!

Sit down, tamurry.

It's tamera.


- Did the big,
- bad sister-wister


my itty-bitty baby?


I'm your daughter,

not her.

Is that really true, tabooly?

Tamera. It's tamera.


You see,

it seems Tia and ray

have so many intellectual

pursuits in common.

You, on the other hand,

don't know who James Baldwin is

you big dope.

- Lisa:
- Uh, question!

Chuck, question over here.

Yoo-hoo! Lisa in the house.

Go ahead, Lisa.

Where all the men at?

Isn't this love connection?

- No, no, Lisa,
- this isn't love connection.

Do you have a question?

That was my question.

- Yeah, but long as I'm up,
- long as I'm up...

- Tamera, she brought this
- all on herself.

- She should have
- went to that

Renaissance fair with her daddy.

Wait a minute.

You didn't want to go.

He ain't my daddy.

Thank you, Lisa. Thank you.

Get off me. Don't touch me.

- Sweetheart, are
- you ready to go

- To the father-daughter
- dance?


Excuse us, tamambo.

It's tamera.

- No, actually,
- it's tonight.

Got to go.

You're the best, ray.

You can call me "dad."

What about me?

You can call me "Mr. Campbell."

Wait, wait, please,

don't go! Don't go!

Let me go, tanana!

I've got to get

Mr. Campbell back.

Wait, wait,

wait, Lisa, wait.



Dad, please don't go.

I have a tummy ache.

- Well,
- I'm not surprised.

- You ate everything
- in the fridge

But the baking soda.

- Baby, maybe you
- should get to bed.

- -Lisa will look after you...
- -No, no.

I want you.

We can do stuff

together like...

Like search the newspapers

for grammatical errors.

You love that stuff.

Just, please, don't go.

- I promised your sister
- I'd take her to the dance.

- With your blessing,
- remember?


Ray, it's okay.

All of a sudden

I'm not feeling

too well either.

Maybe it's catching.

Uh... I don't think

I can go to the dance.



Don't worry.

- I'll take care
- of her.


And I'll take

care of her.

Young lady, I'm waiting

for an explanation.

I'm sorry, dad.

I didn't want

to hurt Tia, but...

I didn't want

to lose you.

- Lose me? What in the world are
- you talking about?

Well, all of a sudden

it's like you and Tia

are best friends

and I get the feeling you think

you've got the wrong twin.

What? Sit down.

That's ridiculous.

- I mean, I think
- Tia is terrific

But no one could replace

you in my life.



- You been keeping
- all this to yourself?

If you were hurt,

why didn't you say something?

Well, I couldn't.

You would have all thought

I was just a selfish little baby

and... I just want to be mature.


There's something I have to say.

Me too.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

You are?

You are?

Wa-wait a minute, Tia.

I know why i'm sorry.

I ruined your chance to go

to your first

father-daughter dance.

What are you so sorry about?


For hogging your dad

and making you feel bad.


I never had a dad.

And it was just so great

being with yours

and doing all that

father-daughter stuff.

I guess I didn't stop

to think how you felt.

But I wasn't trying

to steal him from you, honest.

Are you kidding?

Take him.

Feel free to use him

any time you want.

- What are you
- sitting here for?

You're going to be

late for the dance.

Why are you crying now?

'Cause... I...

Feel... good.

Why are you crying?

'Cause... I...

Feel good too!

I'm so happy!

I'm so happy!

Oh, tamera, good,

you're still up.


I saved you

some milk and cookies.

Aw, you didn't have to do that.

What kind of cookie?

So you and Tia have a

good time at the dance?

Yes, we did.


I saved the last dance

for my best girl.

♪ Don't you know

I get lost in your arms ♪

♪ I'm caught up

in your tenderness ♪

Funny sometimes

how you can just

eat and eat and eat

and still have this

big empty space

inside of you.

- It's like you just
- can't seem to fill it.

Well, I'm working on it.

Please pass the mallomars.

I didn't mean you, honey.

Snot came out of my nose.