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04x03 - Gimme a Brake

Posted: 01/09/24 08:43
by bunniefuu
Ooh... Tia.

How about this for a

Saturday night date?

Dreamy. Mm!

And what a body!

- Hey! Get your minds
- out of the gutter.

We're talking about a car.

Yeah, and we really

want to get one.

We've earned it too.

We got part-time jobs.

- We slaved...
- We saved...

We kept our grades up.

She kept her grades up.

Now, don't you think

we deserve one?

Ah... you're easy.

But now... can you help us

convince our mom and dad?

- Hey... hey,
- where you going?


- Both:
- Come back!

♪ Talk about a

two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

- ♪ never knew how
- much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go! ♪

♪ Never knew

how much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go ♪

- Car keys, car keys,
- car keys...

- Ooh, what you
- got there, ray?

Ooh, donuts.

Sure, help yourself.

- They only
- cost me $125.

Ooh, you got taken.

Ain't no jelly.

I'm sorry.

But because your car

is in the shop again

- I went a tad over
- the speed limit

- Trying to
- return my car

- So that you
- could use it

And I got, well

- nailed by the
- highway patrol.

- Right in front
- of the dairy queen.

- You went
- to the dairy queen

And you didn't bring

me back a dilly bar?

I hope that whatever you

had to do this morning

- is a matter of
- life and death.

Thanks for the keys.

Got to go.

You're going to the mall,

aren't you?

Well, it is undie Sunday

at the panty shanty.

Couldn't you wait

till this afternoon?!

- But that's when
- the girls needed the car.

- They're getting
- a toenail touch-up.

That was important to them.

What am I supposed to say?


- It's a handy
- parenting tool.

You ought to try it

once in a while.

I would, but you've

worn it out.

- Excuse me,
- but I happen to believe

You can't raise a child

without setting limits.

- There is a limit
- to limits.

- If you set a child
- on the right path

Eventually, she'll be

walking on her own.

Yeah, walking all over you.

That is not true.

- Do you see any Nike footprints
- on my back?

I don't think so.

I'm hard as a rock.

I'm tough as nails.

Mom, can we buy a car?

Sure, baby.


- Dad, before
- you say no...

It's too late.

- We've been down
- this road before.

I don't think you girls are

ready for the responsibilities.

Yes, we are.

Look, we've even got

the down payments.


Ooh, and all these years

- I've been
- going through Ray's pockets.

Well, girls, I really

am impressed, but...

- When have you been
- going through my pockets?

- Oh, ray, let them
- have the car.

When I was Tia's age

- oh... every day
- I used to walk by

Milt's motor mall

on my way to work.

- And he had
- this little red car

In the showroom window.

Zesty little thing.

And I thought that car

would change my whole life

if I could just have

that little red car.


- Mm-mmm, but I
- couldn't afford it.

My daddy was a poor man

but I'm sure he would've

wanted me to have that...

That little red car.

Oh, god.

- Both:
- Yes! We're getting a car!

Slow down... slow down.

- Lisa and I
- have to decide

- What kind of car
- you're going to get.

But you two never

agree on anything.

Well, usually, but...

- Well, something
- this important

I'm sure we can set aside

our petty little differences.


Lisa, aren't you the least

bit interested in car safety?

I must be.

I been listening to

a crash test dummy

for three hours!

- I care about the girls
- as much as you do.

Oh? Well, I didn't see you

- talking to car companies
- all day.

Look, I prepared

this simple little chart...

Ooh... that's

a cute little pointer.

Let me see that.

As I was saying...

- According
- to the latest tests

Conducted by the military

the safest car

on the road is...

Ray, teenage girls do not want

to cruise for boys in a t*nk.

Unless you live in pookaslavia.

- No, the kids' first car
- should be, uh...

- Let me see,
- I don't know...

Let me guess... zesty.

Mmm... with a splash

of sassy.

Yeah, sassy cars

have better horns.

You know,

in all of my research

I can't believe

I overlooked horns.

That's why you got me.

A sassy horn should

sound something like...

Ahh... toot-toot

ahh... beep-beep

ahh... toot-toot


Ooh, yeah, like that.


what do you think?

It's beautiful!

- Like the one
- in milt's showroom window.

Where did this car come from?

From me.

I got the hook-up.

Roger's uncle owns

a used car dealership.


Rasheed's repos.

- He let us bring this
- over here

On one condition.

I have to

find him a date.

Ms. Landry, that's

where you come in.

All right, girls,

get out of the car.

Can't... release wheel.

Love... car too much.

- Lisa:
- Well

It is a zippy little car, ray.

Yeah, real zippy.

Even I might want to pop

a wheelie in this bad boy.

I shudder to think

what teenagers would do.


Please, ray...

We really love it.

- And we promise
- to be careful.

And we'll keep

one foot on the brake.

Just like grandma.

- Lisa:
- Oh, as usual

You be the rain

and we'll be the parade.

- Never mind him,
- girls.

You worked hard for this car

so I'll help you buy it.

- You will?
- You will?


You can't even afford

the air for the tires.

- Well, life is full
- of sacrifices

- And there's
- no sacrifice too great

For these children.

Oh, please...

Thanks, mom, I love you.

Lisa, you're the best.

- Room for one more,
- ladies?

Go away, Roger.

I'm working it here.

Ray, if you're not willing

to kick in the money

I'll find it... somehow.

- I could always
- sell blood.

- Of course, I'll have
- to live off

That juice and those

cookies that they serve.

Sounds like a plan to me.

Ray, you're really

going to make me work.

Okay, okay

I'll have the car checked out.

If it's safe

I'll... I'll split

the cost with you.

You got a deal.

- I'll split it
- 30-70.

- What?
- 20-80.

That's my final offer.

Oh, ray...


Uncle rasheed will

give you a fair price.

- Ever since
- that 60 minutes expose

- He's been
- on his best behavior.


All right, Tia

we are mo-bile.

Yes! This is so cool!

Ahh... toot-toot, hey

- ahh... beep-beep, hey...
- Ah, toot-toot...

Yeah, yeah, beep-beep.

Girls, if you want

to keep this car,

you'll have to be...

- Responsible.
- Responsible.

We know, dad.

Ray, you're going to have

to learn to have more faith.

I trust my baby.

- The most responsible
- child in the world.


I'm free!

- Tia...
- I can't believe this.

- You're totally
- out of control.

Who are you?!

A car owner!

Tamera, I never knew

it could be like this!

My car!


Whoo! I feel like

I can do anything!

Can you get us to senor taco?

I'm hungry.

Andale, muchachas.

On my way.

Meanwhile, everybody...



Will you quit acting crazy.

We're going to lose the car.

Oh, can't... lose... car...

Love... car... too... much.

Then get a grip.

- You're breaking
- the rules.

- What?
- You break them all the time.


I bend them.

Watch and learn.

Man... were those mounties

cool or what?

I can't believe

we actually drove to Canada.

Why not?

Dad never said

we couldn't leave

the country.

Uh, I don't know, tamera...

I think we bent too many rules

and now we're going

to miss curfew...

After all the promises

we made our parents...

I'm starting to feel really bad.

Oh, I guess you're right.

Well, let's head for home.


Uh... which way's home?

I can't see any road signs

through this fog.

Wait! See those lights up ahead?

- Oh, yeah, yeah,
- it looks like the mall.

Well, okay, then!

Well, as responsible

car-owning adults

we should give dad a call

and tell him we're safe

and we'll be home soon.

Then... shop for jeans.

- Whoa...
- Whoa.

What's that?

It sounds like we're

going over a bridge.

Since when is there

a bridge to the mall?

Stop the car.

Tia... is it me

or is the mall moving?

Wait... I see a sign.

"No... littering.

Keep lake erie beautiful."

Oh, my gosh...

If that's the lake

then this must be...

The dock!

The dock!

Tamera, what do I

do? What do I do?


Put it in reverse!


Put it in drive!


Put it in run!

Tia, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

Are you okay?


Even more important...

Our dream car's okay.


Take a look at this

and tell me what you see.

What the heck's a rolox?

Uh, look, it's three minutes

to 9:00 and they're late.

I told you this car

thing was a bad idea.

Ray, at the sound

of the tone, shut up!

Excuse me

for being concerned,

but whenever tamera

misses a curfew, it usually

means she's up to something.

- Tia is with her, remember?
- I trust my baby.

- You should have
- more faith in yours.


Okay, now, Tia...

You got it straight?

When they say, "hi, girls.

How was your evening?"

We say...

We sank our car!

No, no! We say...

"Great, no problems

with the car."

They won't suspect a thing.

Oh, they'll suspect, tamera.

Especially when we drive

away tomorrow...

And there's no car around us!

Okay, okay, um...

I have a plan.

We're students, right?

We go to the bank,

get a student loan

- we rent a tow truck
- and some scuba gear

- And a couple hundred
- hair dryers...

- Tamera!
- What?!

Listen to yourself!

It's hopeless!

We're going down!


Girls? Is that you?

No problems

with the car.

We're going to bed.

No problems

with the car.

Girls, your home.

- Lisa:
- In one piece

And on time too.

Check your rolox.

So, where is it?

Where's what?

The car.

Oh, it's...

Out back.

Out front.

Out front.

Out back.

Out back out front, where?

The back of the front

of Roger's garage.

Roger's garage?

Well, why is it in there?

Because... it might rain.

Nothing's worse than

a wet car, right Tia?

Well, good night.

Girls, girls.

Wait a minute now.

Did something happen tonight?

If so, now is the time

to talk about it.

Dad... Lisa...

Everything's fine.

I can honestly say

we did not break one rule.

Well, then, all right.

Good night.

Night, baby. Night.

How could you say

we didn't break one rule?

Because we broke them all!

Girls, you're going

to be late for school.

- We'll be down
- in a minute.

Where you been, ray?

Oh, uh, just went out

for a little jog.

In your suit?

When I run, I mean business.

- Ray, I may have
- been born

At night but not last night.

Where you been?

Well, I snuck over

to Roger's garage

to see if the girls' car

was really there

but the door was locked.

Why didn't you stand on

that tonka truck

and look in the side window?

How did you know there was a

tonka truck by the side window?

'Cause I got my big toe caught

in the cement mixer.

So you didn't buy

their little story, either.

What happened to

"you've got to trust

your child, ray

you've got to believe

in your baby"?

- Oh, I believe... I believe
- that if that child is lying

Her little teenage butt is mine.

There's no excuse for lying.

I don't care what

they did to that car.

Even if they took

that car and they...

- And they drove
- into a lake.

- Even that.
- Even if they...

Man: Detroit police fished

in lake erie this morning

and caught a big one.

An abandoned red,

1993 Mazda miata...


on the antenna!

That's their car!

No, no, no, it can't be.

- They wouldn't
- hurt that car.

Nearby campers saw nothing

though one heard a girl shouting

"oh, gosh, Tia,

my dad's going to k*ll us."


Oh, that car!

That little red car!

I'm really going

to miss those girls.

Oh, no, ray, let's give

them one last chance

- to tell the truth
- and if they don't...

Dead girls walking.


Can one of you guys

give us a ride to school?

- Ray:
- Ride?

You have a car.

Don't you?

Oh, yeah, that's right.

- It's so new
- she forgets.


Come on, tamera,

let's go.

- Roger!
- Roger!

The one and only.

I came by to see

if I can get a ride

- to school,
- sweet things.

Well, that's interesting.

I thought your car

was in Roger's garage.

It is.

In my garage?


Maybe you should go

wait by it.

In my garage?

Come on, Roger.

We'll give you a lift.

It's in my garage?

Well, can we

k*ll them now?

Come on, come on,

posse up.


Let them go.

Lisa, we have to teach

these kids a lesson.

- We'll teach them a lesson,
- all right.

Just leave it to me.


- Lisa, when it comes
- to those girls

You're just an old softy.

You cold, cold-hearted woman.

Haven't those poor girls

suffered enough?

Nope. Not till they stop lying

and fess up to mama.

Where are they?

It only takes 15 minutes

to walk to the store.

Perhaps it's that ten-mile

trip to the dry cleaner's

that slowed them down.

Oh, come on, Lisa.

Can't we show them

a little mercy

and let them know

we're onto them?

- You know, maybe chain them
- in the basement

Toss down

some of your pot roast.

Too easy.

We've got to take this

slow... and rough.

Here they come.

Oh, god.

We're back.

Here's your 27 cans

of cling peaches

in heavy syrup.

Yeah, when they say "heavy,"

they're not kidding.

Ooh, girls, I'm so glad

you got that little red car.

You can run all kinds

of errands for us.

- Girls,
- you all right?

- Yeah, because
- if there's any problem

- Any little problem
- at all

You can tell me.

Tell me, Tia,

tell me.

There's nothing

to tell, ma.

- Yeah, everything's
- fine.

No, it isn't.

I think we've made

a mistake, Lisa.

- Lisa:
- No, ray.

No, no, no. This isn't

peach cobbler weather.

What I've got a hankering for

is pumpkin pie.

Oh, me too!

Welcome to the

dark side, ray.

Oh, yes.

- Oh, and not canned
- pumpkins either.

No, fresh ones

from that patch

out there on route 40.

Yeah, big, fat, roll-'em-up-

to-your-car pumpkins. Uh-huh.

I need about 20 of them.


- And girls,
- I promised Mrs. Cooper

You'd stop by and pick up their

three-legged rottweiler

- and take him to the vet
- for his sh*ts.

Oh, just remember, no matter how

much psycho fights

- don't loosen
- his muzzle.

And by the way,

- I want you to stop by and pick
- up our new piano.

It's a steinway.

How much does

a Stein weigh?

- Well, you're
- going to need

To hook it up to a u-haul.

And on the way home

you really got to g*n it

to get up that hill

or else you'll just roll back

and fall into the lake.

Stop! Stop! No!

Not lake! We'll talk!

We'll talk!

Okay, we confess.

Our car is dead.

We sank it in lake erie.

Ray, I think we have

no choice.

Oh, my gosh!

Our beautiful car.

It's back from

its watery grave.

Uh, this is

going to be

one of those good news/bad news

things, isn't it?

- Nope. It's pretty much
- all bad news.

When I was your age

I would have moved

heaven and earth

- to have me a car
- like that.

- But you, you go and you dunk it
- like a tea bag.

Well, I think you should

just kiss your little

dream car good-bye.

But even though

you can't drive it

- you can continue
- to pay for it.

Including the repairs.

- Lisa: Welcome
- to the world

Of responsibility.

- Tell them what else
- they've earned.

No cd, no TV,

no stereo, no phone.

In fact, we've cut off

all electricity to your room.

That seems fair.

Yeah, after what

we did to our car.

Tia, that's not the only reason

we're punishing you.

It's what you did

- after you
- sank the car.

Threw up?

No, tamera, you didn't

come to us and tell us

you were in trouble.

And you lied.

Part of being

a responsible grown-up

is knowing when

to ask for help.


Too late.

I'm sorry, dad.

I guess we weren't as grown-up

as we thought we were.

Yeah, you were right.

I'm sorry, mom.

I'm sorry, dad.

We've blown it for good, huh?

Are we never

going to get a car?


Sure, some day.

But sometimes you have

to wait a little longer

to get your dream car.

Lord knows, I waited

long enough for mine.

Ahh, toot-toot!



I'm free!

I'm free!

Ooh, I'm lost.

Ooh, light.

That looks like the mall.
