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04x01 - When a Man Loves Two Women

Posted: 01/09/24 08:39
by bunniefuu
Whoa, Tia. Two words:


And your outfit is toe-up.

Both: Cool.

See, we're going to need

the worst clothes we've got

- 'cause the annual
- Roosevelt high

- Summer's-over-school's-
- a-comin' car wash

Is a-comin' up.

Anyway, the best part

about the car wash is:

You get to ask a boy you like

to be your bumper buddy.

Yeah, and if you choose right,

today's bumper buddy

could be tomorrow's

prom puddin'.

Actually, I've already

got a boy in mind

for the car wash.

Don't laugh, but...

It's Roger.

Oh, really!

In case you haven't noticed

Roger changed a lot

over the summer.

He's, actually, sort of...

Well... cute.

Did I just say that?

-Say what?


Get this.

As my bumper buddy

I actually kind of think

I might like...


I mean, in one summer

he went from

as if...

to all that.

Now, he's really...

Well, cute.

Did I just say that?

Say what?

Oh, nothing.

Both: I'm going

to go out with Roger.

Don't tell my sister.

♪ Talk about

a two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

- ♪ never knew
- how much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go! ♪

♪ Never knew

how much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go ♪

Students, students,

don't forget the car wash.

"You make it dirty,

we'll make it purty."

Hey, Roger.

What's up, Roger?

Looking good.

Hi, Roger.

Man, my brother...

- Just tell me where
- the transformation chamber is.

I know, Michael, my brother.

- Kind of takes
- your breath away, doesn't it?

Now that I've had me

a big mackin' attack

- for the first time,
- I'm the man.

- Mike: Oh, yeah.
- -Mike, I think it's time

- I put the new Roger
- to the test.

- Tia, you don't want
- to go out with me, do you?

As a matter of fact,

I do, Roger.

- Huh? You know I was
- talking about me, right?

I know.

Hey, we can go out

for an early dinner Saturday.

- -Yeah, sure.
- -Cool.

See you later, sweet thing.

- -She said yes.
- -To who?

- To me. I'm going out
- with Tia Landry Saturday night.

- Roger Evans...
- You have got a date

With the girl of your dreams.

What you going to do now?

Ask her sister.


- How about a late
- movie Saturday?

I'd love to, Roger.

Naturally, honey dip.

Who's the man now?

- Two women,
- one Saturday night.

k*ll me Sunday.

- But life will never
- get better than that.

- Uh, Roger, you think
- you ought to be doing this?

- You know,
- you got a point, Mike.

- Do those sweet girls
- deserve to be played like this?

Both: Go home, Roger.

Both: Go home, Roger.

Excuse me, tamera...

- -Get out of here!
- -Now!

Both: Go home!

Beat it, pervert!

Game on.


Hello, psychic friend?

- I know you charge
- $3.99 a minute

- So forgive me
- if I'm talking fast.

- I was wondering
- if there's a man in my future

- 'cause you don't know
- how long it's been

- Since I had a date!
- And I was wondering

- Could you do me
- a little something

'cause I really need to meet...

You know, actually,

you got a sexy voice.

Are you single?

Uh-ooh-ooh... sorry, lady.

Oh... hi, baby.

Well, what'd you do today?

Not much.

This and that.


Well, honey, wait a minute.

- Come on, now,
- sit down over here

And you just tell me

all about this boy.

- How do you know
- there's a boy?

Oh, I know that look.

I've had that look.

It's either a boy

- or a overturned twinkie
- truck on the freeway.

So, tell me,

tell me, tell me.

Tia: Okay, well...

- It's a boy
- and he's really cute and...

That's about it.

Hi, ray. Bye, ray.

Well, my head is just reeling

- from all that information
- I just got.

I got the same thing

when tamera came in.

She's got a new boyfriend too?

I guess, but she won't tell me

anything about it.

I'm only the father.

You know, ray?

- We should make an effort
- to meet these boys

And their families.

I'm impressed, Lisa.

What a nice old-fashioned idea.

Oh, snap out of it, ray.

- I was just hoping one of them
- had a nice single father.

Or uncle, older brother...

Young grandfather...

- Nephew,
- cousin with some benefits...

Ooh, I've got a date

Saturday night.

So do I!

Who's yours?

Uh... I know this is going

to sound weird


- I'm a little embarrassed
- to say it.

- No, no, no,
- that's not weird at all

'cause I feel the same way.

Maybe mine will drop by

after our date.

Wait'll you see him, tamera.

He is so cute.

Wait'll you see mine.

He's so smooth.

So, Tia... are you cold?

Not really...

But it's sweet of you to ask.


Oops, I'm sorry.

That's okay.

- -Hey, is that a raccoon?
- -Where?


My eye.

Sorry about that.

I guess I'm a little nervous.

I really like you, Tia.

I like you, too, Roger.

Oh, no!

Oh, my gosh,

it's almost 8:30 p.M!

Um, Roger, I promised tamera

- that she could have
- the car for her date.

He doesn't drive.

- Doesn't mean
- he doesn't have it going on.

Roger, your pants are ringing.

Talk to me.

Oh, yeah.

I'll be home

in about ten minutes.

So, I'll see you then,

sweet thing.

Uh, mom.


Lisa, my date

just called me mom.

- I wouldn't care if a man
- called me chucklebutt,

Long as he call me.

Let me use that phone.

Hello, psychic friend?

Yeah, let me speak to dionne.


- Jermaine?
- Oh, yeah, well, whoever.

- Now, look,
- when am I going to meet

That man you promised me?

Really? That soon?

- Ooh, got to go.
- Thank you, psychic friend.

- You tell dionne I said
- "you go, girl."

Whoo! I'll get it!

It's my man!

Whoo, come on in here

and rock my world.

Hello, I'm Inez Williams

and I'd like to tell you

about our church.

- Praise the lord.
- Sorry you can't stay.

Oh, wait. We have bingo

and barbecues...

Oh, yeah,

god bless, bye-bye.

Williams: And a singles night.

Singles night, ooh, hallelujah!

Oh! Come on in!

So, tell me,

how many single men

do you have in your church?

Michael, Oliver,

Robert, Reggie...

- Oh, enough said!
- See you on Sunday.

Oh, thank you.

So, who was that at the door?

The answer to my prayers.

You know, ray...

I had a vision.

I know what's missing

in my life.


- So, you did a little talking
- to the man upstairs.

- -There's a man upstairs?
- -Hey, hey.

Easy, easy, girl.

I'm talking about god.

Oh, yes... him.

- Well, he definitely
- sent me a sign

So tomorrow I'm going

to the north hills church.

Lisa, that's a wonderful idea.

- I been thinking
- about trying another church.

We'll all go.


- God didn't say nothing
- about no all.

- And besides, church is no place
- for the family.

Lisa, don't be silly.

Remember, a family that prays

together stays together.

Yeah, well, why can't y'all

stays together at home?



Tamera, you look cold.

We could turn up the heat.

Yes, we could.

- -Hey, is that a raccoon?
- -Where?

Ow! My eye!

Tia, I really like

this guy a lot

but I get the feeling

there's someone else.

Another woman?

Whoa, if someone

messed with my man,

girlfriend's going down.

Now, you see, my guy...

- Ah, you know, Lisa,
- this was a wonderful idea.

- It's about time we did
- more things as a family.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah,
- just don't sit near me.

I want to go up front.

- I want to be closer
- to the lord.

Tia, Tia, now,

honey, usually

- I would be all up
- in your business

- But I'm trying
- this new parenting thing

Called trust, so just tell me:

This mystery date of yours

- he was a gentleman,
- wasn't he?

Yeah, of course he was.

Although he did

try to kiss me.

But don't worry, mom.

I kept my eye on him.

Good, baby, 'cause you know,

men are animals.

Hey... Lisa's going on safari.

So, um...

- Inez,
- where are all these single men

- -you told me about?
- -Oh, right over there, dear.

That's Mr. and Mrs. Singlemen

and their lovely children

Inez: Reggie, Oliver...


- But I came here to meet
- an unmarried man.

- Well,
- if you meet one, honey,

Lock the door.

- Little old lady,
- I think you better run.

Reverend: And now, if you turn

to page 21 in your hymnals.

This song is one

of my personal favorites...

So, give.

- Who's your bumper buddy
- going to be?

Well, hang on to the pew.

It's Roger.


Roger who?

How many Rogers do we know?

Well, I'm hoping

more than one

'cause Roger's

my bumper buddy.


You're the other woman?

-No, you're the other woman.


Stand back, dad.

This could get ugly.

♪ I've got peace like a river

in my soul... ♪

Tia, tamera!

Please, ladies!

-He's my man.

-He's mine!

- -Oh, it's on, sister-girl.
- -You got that right!

- I'm about to double
- my wardrobe.

- -Excuse me?
- -Yes!

- You shouldn't
- have said that to me!

- I would never
- have came here...

- Let go of me!
- Take your hands off me!

She lied!

♪ I've got peace like a river

in my soul... ♪

Fighting in church...

- I've never been so embarrassed
- in all my life!

- Especially when the reverend
- took out a cell phone

And threatened to call 911!

What do you have to say?

I don't want to hear it!

Your behavior was appalling!

You are so right, ray.

You girls ought to be ashamed.

I'm talking about you too.

- Well, I didn't start it.
- That old biddy gave me a wedgy.

Yeah, and Tia's trying

to steal my boyfriend.

Wrong! Tamera's trying

to steal my boyfriend.

He's mine!

Well, excuse me

while I go knock

some sense into her.

- Wait a minute. You two
- are seeing the same guy?

We have to discuss this.

- Come back down here,
- young laddies!

I mean business this time!

I want you right down here!

This used to mean something.

Oh, ray, don't get

your boxers in a bunch.

- Ooh, trust me...
- Doesn't feel too good.

Oh, so it's okay

if our daughters

are fighting over

a man in church?

Doesn't surprise me

coming from a woman

- who uses the house of god
- as a single's bar.

- Looking for a man in church
- does not make me a hussy.

- What do you think all those
- other women were there for?

Oh, that's ridiculous.

Those decent,

god-fearing women

are there looking

for a road to heaven.

All: Hi, ray.


I brought your favorite.

- All right!
- Now I can get my soda on.


you've got to talk to Tia.

She thinks you like her.

Isn't that ridiculous?

That's crazy.

Tamera, you know that

I only love you, baby.

- So, see you later
- at the car wash, bumper buddy.


Bye, bumper buddy.

Hello, Roger.

- Um, I hope
- you were telling tamera

She's wasting her time.

Tia, you know that

I only love you, baby.

Do I smell barbecue nachos?


These are for you.

- Thanks.
- So, see you later

- At the car wash,
- bumper buddy.


'Bye, bumper buddy.

- Man! Do you realize
- you're going to have those two

Fighting over you

at the car wash today?

Oh, yeah...

Life is good.

Here you go, ray.

My special bean casserole.


Oh, boy.

Another bean casserole.

Tell you what.

- Why don't we freeze
- this till later?

- When was the last time this
- place had a good cleaning?


You two are working it again?

We're just taking care

of this poor man.

Ray: Well...

That's very sweet of you,


He's so starved

his clothes are practically

hanging off of him.

You wish.

And this house is a sty.

- Give me that.
- Give me that!

Give me that hoover.

I can do his cleaning for him.

And I can feed him too!

- -Well, thank you, Lisa.
- -Shut up.

Oh, that's my cobbler.

Might be my sweet potato pie.

Could be my pop tart.

Boy, Mr. Campbell

three women waiting on you.

This is all right.

Well, it ain't half bad.

- You know
- I was a little nervous

- About you finding out,
- but now, ,

- After seeing you
- with all your women

I realize we're two of a kind.

What are you talking about?

- Tia and tamera...
- I'm dating them both.

- Wait a minute. You're the boy?
- The reason they're fighting?

They're fighting over me?

Give me five up top, bro.

You going to leave me

hanging, Mr. Campbell?

- I am the man, right,
- Mr. Campbell?

Yeah. The dead man!

-Hey, is that a raccoon?

I know where you live!

No, you didn't!

Little old lady, you did not

throw out my bacon fat.

You got to go home.

Get out. Get out of here.

- Get out of here. Out!
- You, too!

- Oh... just as soon
- as you finish those delicates.

I do not want any pew-hopping,


man-hunting hussies in here

messing around with my...


- If anything
- is going to be heated up

It's going to be done by me.

- Lisa,
- if I didn't know any better

- I'd say you were
- a little jealous.

Me? Jealous?

Ooh, that's a good one, ray.

I see.

You know, that bean casserole

made me a little thirsty.

I could sure use

a glass of milk.

Could you?

How about a couple

cookies to go with that?

Oh, I could go for that.

- Good. While you in there,
- get me some peach cobbler.

Excuse me.

You're washing my section.

This is my section.

- -No, it's not!
- -Yes, it is!


I knew him first!

Yeah, and you didn't want him!

You didn't want him either!

You didn't want him first!

- Both: All right,
- all right, all right!

Tia, Roger loves me,

so just get over it.

No, Roger loves me.


Hey, are you guys

talking about Roger Evans?

Both: Yeah! He loves me!

- Oh, no he doesn't.
- He loves me.

Both: What?

Wait a minute.

Roger said he loved me.

-No, me.

-He said me.

Tamera: Wait a minute.

Roger went out with all of you?

Girls: Uh-huh!


We have been so stupid.

I know.

Tamera, we shouldn't

be fighting each other.


You take the five on the left.

I'll take the little one.

-No, no, no, tamera.


They're not the enemy.

The enemy is...

Hey, my little bumper buddies.

Miss me?

Not from this distance.

I'm so glad we're back

to being best friends.

Yeah, and we're never

going to let a man

come between us again.

Hi, girls.

- Roger,
- what are you doing here?

- Yeah, and why are you coming in
- through the window?

- Uh, I didn't want
- to disturb your dad.

He is asleep, right?

I think so.

I hope so.

- Girls,
- I just wanted to let you know

That I'm sorry if I hurt you.

I was just trying to be cool

and I acted like a fool.

You girls deserve to be treated

with decency and respect.

Thanks, Roger.

So will you forgive me?

Both: We forgive you, Roger.

Good, 'cause I got a box

of tic tacs and time to k*ll.

Both: Go home, Roger!


A little help here, people.

Ray, it's 4:00 in the morning.

- You going to get me
- that peach cobbler?

- Nope.
- You going to get me some milk?


- Then, what we have
- is a stalemate.

Hmm, you got that right.

If we both jump up

on the count of three

- then nobody wins,
- nobody loses.

Good, 'cause I got to go potty.

Both: One, two, three!

- So, ray, you going to get me
- that peach cobbler or what?