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02x06 - I Don't Want to Die

Posted: 01/08/24 18:57
by bunniefuu

School life is monotonous.

Every morning I get out of bed and run

my daily training regimen out on the grounds.

Once I get back to my room, I do some magic drills.

Santova keeps begging me to teach him how to make figures,

but I've gotten pretty rusty in these last few years.

I need to practice some more first.

I ate breakfast and lunch with Zainaba.

The university offers cuisine from all over,

and a lot of it suits my palate to a tee.

It still falls short of the Japanese cooking,

I remember, but there are more than

enough similar dishes to keep me satisfied.

Elena Leese gets plenty of one on one

time with her fellow students and goes

out on the town at night for extracurriculars.

You got to give it to her. Her stamina is impressive.

Burial magic is used throughout the world.

In the afternoons, I take beginner level

classes in healing, divine, and barrier magic.

Roxie taught me a little about barriers when she was my tutor,

but at the time I was satisfied

just to know they existed and more

or less tuned out the rest.

So starting over from the beginning ought to be helpful.

After class, I head back to the library

and research teleportation until it gets dark.

I've gone through a lot of books,

but teleportation is considered a forbidden art,

so it's rarely written about in detail and never instructionally.

In fact, exploring the teleporter labyrinth, the Bookmaster

Fitts told me about might be the best source on the subject.

I've worked out a daily routine and

I've finally begun to settle in.

But my unfettered Shogun of the night still refuses to be manly.

One might say he is extremely fettered.


Do you mind if I join you?

Not at all. Here. I even saved the seat for you.

Please sit. It's wonderful to see you again.

Thank you very much. I feel like this guy really gets me.

How's your research going? It's a little hard to tell.

Is that a book on teleportation?

Indeed. I had been looking into the disaster myself.

Someone I know went missing, too. Oh.

I'm sorry, that's awful. I don't know what else to say.

It's all right. As a matter of fact,

I've recently confirmed that he's alive. Oh, really? That's great.

Yes. I never got the chance to search for him personally,

so it was quite a relief.

That being said, I if you don't

mind and this is just a suggestion.

What is it? I would like you

to let me help with your research into the displacement incident.

I'm often busy though, so I could only pop in occasionally.

But if that doesn't bother you, that's fine.

Of course, I'd be delighted. It's a pleasure

to have you on board. Oh.

No. Pleasure's mine.

Oh. Well, let's get started.

I thought this book could help us identify

trends in where people ended up after their teleportation.

Look at this. My heart.. Fluttered.

It seems like. Am I seriously feeling this way about a guy?

I think Master Fitz and I have gotten closer,

but there's still a lot I don't know about him.

I've been meaning to ask, do you

wear those sunglasses all the time?

Sunglasses? Oh, right. You mean these? Yes,

but I can't tell you why. Sadly, apologies.

It's okay. I have another one, though.

What floor of the dorms do you live on?

Oh, well, that's a little odd too.

I actually sleep in the girls dorm since I guard Princess Ariel.

And that doesn't, like, cause problems or anything.

No. It's fine, I have permission. And besides,

I would never cause problems for Her Highness.

Dorms are segregated by gender, but servants

and slaves of the opposite sex are allowed in with permission.

As a student, Fitts doesn't fall into either category,

but it's not surprising that the school

would make an exception for Princess Ariel's guard.

So I've noticed that you talk to me pretty normally.

Oh, what do you mean? You seem

to be known as a man of few words.

Yes. In truth, I'm awfully shy.

I feel like he starts way too many conversations

with me for that to be the case.

Oh, I also meant to ask, have

you been casting without incantations since you were a child?

You're full of questions today, aren't you?

Yes. A long time ago, my master rescued me with voiceless magic.

Which is why I asked to start learning from him.

He's an amazing person and I still

look up to him to this day. I had a master like that. I'd

love it if I got to meet yours one day.

Yes. Well, it would be hard to introduce you. Yeah.

Why do you say that?

His smile definitely makes my heart skip a beat or two.

I was sure I didn't swing that way.

Well, I have business with Princess Ariel.

Understood. I can't wait to work with you again.

Silent fits. Man of mystery. I don't

know why he's so willing to help me,

but I'm not fussed about unravelling that right now.

Following the man, God's advice brought us together,

so maybe sticking with him will eventually

lead me to my cure. No reason to worry.

Master, please teach me how to sculpt figurines.

Then there's this guy, a figurine pervert

who would be banned from your local comic shop.

Oh, just look at you. You put the natural world to shame.

I am prepared. This man loves..

Figures. Loves them. But hey, I can see where he's coming from.

I might have enjoyed a figure or two in my past life.

You gave me your word, did you not, master?

Why must you refuse yet again to begin my instruction?

I did promise him. And I have been brushing up.

I just haven't wanted to make the time.

This isn't what I came here to do.

Zainaba. Understand? My tutelage will be strict.

Yes, master. I'm ready. Very well. You've proven your resolve.

I shall now impart the secrets of my art. Thank you sir.

And thus our great figurine enterprise began.

Uh huh, uh huh, uh.

Huh uh huh, uh huh.

Uh, sorry. So maybe yourself. If only I were more skilled.

Well, hey, there's another way. Yes. Teach me this other way, master.

Okay. For this, we'll try to use as little magic as possible.

Oh, what are we going to do with that? Well, carve it up.

Chiseling carving. It's not any easier than using magic,

but it's primitive, tried and true.

People with no mana at all have been doing it forever.

Spectacular. Master, I believe that even I can learn this art.

Sanaba just isn't very good with his hands.

His supernatural strength makes delicate, detail oriented work something of a challenge.

It's too hard. I can't do it.

I'll never be able to sculpt like you do. Master.

So yeah, that's what I was up to all of yesterday.

But you can already make figurines with magic. Yeah.

See. Oh. Are you kidding me? That's amazing.

Oh, nope. I can't do it. That's

not something your average caster can imitate.

I suppose it isn't. And it's difficult to teach.

We also tried carving blocks of clay, but you can imagine.

Yeah, he'd be too clumsy for that, right?

I don't know if it'll help, but I heard

something around the Ossa and Capital that sounded

like it might be a similar type of case.

A similar case to Zainaba. You mean?

Yes. They wanted some personally crafted item,

but they lacked the talent and skill to do it themselves.

Okay, how did that person get around it?

Well, if I recall, they just got a sl*ve to do it. Oh.

Never would have crossed my mind. I'll

see how Zainaba feels about that.

Then maybe go to the market during our break next month. Great.

Whatever you decide, I hope it works out.

Is something wrong? No, I just I have

some time off too. Next break. Oh, good. You earned it.

Uh, well, in that case, would you care to join us?

That okay? I wouldn't be intruding. No, of course you wouldn't.

And I'll be happy to treat you

to a meal in exchange for all your advice.

All right. I think I'll take you up on that.

I'm Fitz. It's a pleasure. I am the third prince of the

Sharen Kingdom. My name is Zainabu.

Zanzibar. Master Fitz is the one who proposed

the solution for your benefit. Show him proper respect.

Understood, sir. I'm sorry. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Zanzibar. Sharon, third Prince of the Sharon Kingdom.

At your service. Do forgive my.. Indiscretion.

That's quite all right. Really. Please. I take

no offense, Your Highness. Don't mind me.

I guess we ought to start moving then, huh? Are you ready?

I see many fine displays. Master. Where shall we begin?

No idea. I've never done this before.

Maybe just start by looking around.

Oh, wow. So many of them are actually naked and so big.

You know, they got like that.

Uh, spoken like a true virgin. Yes,

yes, I was one of you once. And now.

Now I've got other things to worry about.

Are are you used to seeing people like this? Rudeus.

Oh, I'm sure you'll get more comfortable

with it once you gain some experience.

Sure, if you say so. But wait,

does that mean you have experience then?

Master. These warriors are of no use.

We need to be looking for someone

who's both magically gifted and naturally adept with their hands.

Okay, so who's known for their dexterity? Maybe dwarves, I guess.

And, well, if you intend to tutor them in magic,

I think you should pick a child

who doesn't know any yet at all. Not if you can help it. No,

it can make voiceless magic easier. Oh.

Can it really? And if you start

learning to cast by the time you're about five years old,

it will do wonders for your mana capacity.

What makes you say that? Most people

seem to believe that mana capacity is set at birth.

That's what the textbooks say. But anecdotally,

my master's case and mine proved them wrong. It can expand.

I knew it, I always suspected, but if

I started casting around or ,

that would explain my mana pool for sure.

Well, if we know who we're looking for,

we should try to find a merchant.

Hmm. Yeah. We don't see dwarves of

any age around here very often.

That might be a little hard to find for you.

If it helps, they don't have to be a dwarf.

They just need to be naturally dexterous.

But we're also teaching magic, so it's

more important to find someone young enough to pick it up.

Huh? Hey, we do have one. See that six year old dwarf girl?

Looks like the whole family went into

sl*very to cover her parents debts.

She's the only one left. She's in pretty poor condition.

Malnourished, though feeding her regularly will fix that.

She only speaks beast God, and she can't read or write.

But what six year old can?

Works for us. Would you let us meet her?

Here she is.

All right, come on.

If you want my professional opinion, I can't recommend her.


Mizugaki PBS. Neruda's Yerkish.

Shaddy. Yabu. Shuji us. Massaquoi. Do you okay.


Master. What's the problem? Just look at her.

She's in despair. It's like she's lost all hope.

Or that she longs for death.

Oh, then you've seen such people before, I take it. My.

I used to all the time.

That's how I used to look. Empty. Helpless.

I knew it would never get better

and I just wanted to give up.

Your goal will depart.

Boeotia. Rigaku. Bias. Nihonshu.

When you pay your cheduba Bagus.

I can only do so much to save this girl.

I mean, sure, we could buy her

and take care of her and give her a job.

What kind of salvation is that? It's probably not what she wants.

No one is going to save her

by forcing her to do something against her will.

And if that's all I can offer her,

I could at least ask if she wouldn't rather just. Lucas.

Bush boy.

Shashi the boy.

All right, then it's settled.

That's enough. It doesn't have to be. I want to live.

I don't want to die. It's just fine for now.

Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow.

Rudeus. What's her name? I don't know how to ask..

Us.. Your.. Next Sasha. How's your guide?

Debut is a U.S.

Celtic U.S. Goetschius Bazaar retail sales. Me.

Bazaar of the Holy Steel and what?

Oh, of course, dwarves don't get proper names until they turn seven.

I think we are going to have to call her something, though.

Yeah. So why don't we pick out a name right now?

Something cute. She deserves something cute.

You got any suggestions? Mm. Yes. Julius.

Julius. Isn't that traditionally a man's name?

Yes. That was the name of my sweet

baby brother who tragically died by my hand

because I didn't quite realize my own strength.

Well, she is a girl, so maybe

we should at least make it Juliet.

Very well. I have no objections.

A lovely name. Lisa, you are Juliet.

Should it? Juliet. Julie.

We decided that Julie

would live with Zainaba and help him do whatever

he does that he needs help with.

But during the day I would teach

her languages and incantations was magic.

And just like that, we had a brand new routine.

We'd all be making figures together in no time.

Lya. Lya. You.