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01x16 - Black Eyes & Broken Hearts

Posted: 02/22/07 20:01
by bunniefuu
Julie, you skipped class?

It was only one time.

Look, Miss Taylor.

We're really sorry.

We'll never do it again.

That color looks good on you.

You should get it.

I don't know.

I don't really have the money for it.

...that you have been invited to training camp in Austin.

No way!

Herc: Coaches evaluate the players and then choose the new members for the National Quad Rugby Squad for the U.S. Of A.

Tyra: He's gonna have these rally girls fawning all over him until spring.

Julie, I'm sorry.


I don't appreciate getting lied to.

Guys like Smash are...

They're fearless.

They're dangerous.

They're like junkyard dogs.

Stark: How do you mean?

Now I'm not saying that all black guys are dumb.

Wave, I'm not Jesse Jackson.

My cause is football.

Look, look, look, look.

Sooner or later, you're gonna have to peek out from behind those blinders.

You boys deaf or something?

I said, "On my whistle!" Ready?


I'm not gonna tell you again!

Get your asses down there on my whistle!

Reporter: So you think that there's a racial problem with the Dillon Panthers?

Smash: Without a doubt.

How so?

Are you saying that black players are being treated differently than white players?

No. It's not about the treatment, it's about the attitude.

Anton: That's right.

All we want is equality and respect.

Players: Exactly. Yes.

Well, there are 16 black players on the varsity roster.

That's more than 25% of your team.

And a lot of them are starters.

Are you saying that blacks aren't getting enough opportunities to play?

No. No. It's not about that. All right.

Players: That's right. Yes.

And nothing being done about it.

You mean Coach McGill?

Yeah, you heard what he said.

Coach McGill has already issued a public apology.

Yeah, but those are just words.

Are you saying you want him fired?

That'd be a good start.

Lawson, Anton.

Seale is gone.

Biggles is gone.

Woods is gone.

Cherry is gone.

Smash is gone.

Grier is gone.

We don't have a kicker.

Anybody else?

Man: Baxter.

Baxter's gone.

We don't have a tailback.

All right.

Coach, I don't know what to tell you.

What we're gonna do is we're gonna dip into the JV.

Matt: On one, ready?

Players: Break!

Three days, gentlemen.

Three days. Let's go.

Fire it up!

Tim: Let's go.

Pick it up!


Blue! Eighty! Blue! Eighty!


Taylor: Tyler!

Tim: Where you going?

Tyler! Tyler!

Tyler! Tyler! Tyler!

What did I ask you to run?

What did I ask you to run?

What's your name?


What's your grandfather's name?


What's your mother's maiden name?

How the hell can you remember all that and not remember the route I asked you to run?

I don't know, sir.


All right, huddle it up.

Come on, bring it in.

Get your head straight, two-one.

Third string or not, you know this!

Hey! Fix your chin strap!

He's good, all right?

Get your head out your ass!

All right, 24, pitch on one.

Taylor: Ready?


Tim: Let's go!

Matt: Set! White! Nine!

White! Nine! Hut!


What do you think you're doing?

Tell me what you're running!

I don't know.

Tell me!

You don't know what you're doing 'cause you're supposed to be blocking for me!

You know how to block yet, JV?

There's no excuses for that crap!

Taylor: Riggins.

You don't even deserve to be out here on this field!

Taylor: Come here! That's a fact! You don't!

Shut your mouth and come here.

Give me a break!

Tim: Coach, I'm taking a hit...

What the hell do you think you're doing?

I need a leader out here.

You're the team captain.

I need you to lead.

You understand me?

I don't need you breaking these guys down.

I need you to set the tone and be the example.

You got me?

Yes, sir.

Can you do that for me?

I can.


Allspaugh! Stager! Burdette!

Get over here.

Listen up.

We didn't call you up from JV to scrimmage out here.

The three of you might just be playing Friday night in Dunston.

You understand me?

I can do it, Coach.

Now, listen. Quiet.

You're gonna stick to him like paint on a car.

You got it?


You are gonna get them up to speed.

Consider yourselves married now.

Congratulations, gentlemen.

Coach Spivey, Smith.

Come here.

I'm with you, Riggins.

Shut up.


Reporter: Coach McGill has already issued a public apology.

Yeah, but those are just words.

Are you saying you want him fired?

That'd be a good start.

You have to admit the stakes are high.

Should the Panthers lose if you guys sit out, that's it. The season's over.

Are you and your teammates prepared to play on Friday night should Coach McGill be gone?

Yeah. Yes, sir. Yes, we are.

Yeah. We should totally do that.

You did?

Your mom is so cool.

Yeah. So I'll see you at school.


Who was that?


Your father and I have been wanting to talk to you about that.

We have some concerns about this new relationship you've got going with Tyra.

I'm just kind of surprised that's somebody you've chosen to spend so much time with.

Okay, first of all you don't even know Tyra.

And second of all, if this is about the whole cutting class thing...

I mean, you already punished me for that, remember?

Oh, no.

Actually that was your guidance counselor who was just trying to help you make up a grade.

This is your mother talking who knows for a fact that you never skipped school before you started hanging out with Tyra.

What happened to Lois?

Lois. What happened to Lois?

She was a nice girl.

Okay. So first you don't want me dating Matt Saracen.

Now you're picking my friends for me.

So maybe you guys should just home school me.

Honey, I don't like your tone.

I don't like your sarcasm.

And I really don't understand what you see in hanging out with this girl.

She's been suspended from school three times.

Do you realize that?

One time for drinking on campus.

You know what it is?

When there's one person who's involved with another person and that first person is a person who gets in trouble, who gets suspended, who doesn't wear enough clothes, that first person starts hanging around with the second person, who happens to be a pretty darn good kid.

Very smart. Smarter than what I'm seeing right now.

Then the second person who's with that first person starts going on the wrong path, that's bit of a problem.

Do you realize this is the definition of prejudice?

You guys are prejudging her.

And, you know, maybe if you weren't so prejudiced, 16 of your players wouldn't have walked off your team.

Watch your mouth.

Maybe you should think about that.

You know what? Come here a second.

I'm out.

Tami: I don't like the way you're talking, young lady.

You and I are not finished with this conversation.

I mean, coming back to school was fine and everything, but...

I mean, this is a big deal.

National Quad Rugby team.

They only give out 25 invitations.

There's hundreds of players across the country and I'm one of them, so...

Sounds like an amazing thing.

A couple weeks of school is a long time to miss and that's right in the middle of finals.

I understand that. But...

For you to miss a couple weeks, it's gonna be hard for you to come back in and take those finals.

I'll just tackle it all when I get back.

You know?

And, Miss Taylor, if worse comes to worst, then I'll just take the GED.

'Cause that's still an option, right?



Then it works out great.

It just sounds to me like...

Maybe you're putting all your eggs in the Quad Rugby basket.

Yeah, it does.

That's pretty much exactly what I'm doing.

I'm putting every single one of them in.

Landry, this better work.

It will. Okay, I promise.


Nothing says, "I'm sorry" like a mix CD.

I'm a little bit worried about the Bob Dylan.

I mean you gotta try to stay in this century.

Hi. Tyra?

Do you know where Julie is maybe?

That's not what I think it is, is it?

What do you think it is?

I think that's a mix CD.

Yeah, I think you're trying to trade a night in a hot tub with a bunch of rally girls for a five cent CD with a bunch of sappy little songs on it.

I told you that that wasn't gonna work.


Excuse my friend here, but I don't even think we've formally been introduced.

My name's Landry Clarke.

You know, I just wanted to say that you are absolutely right.

Well, how about you two geniuses go back to your little lab and cook something else up.

Something that shows a little bit more remorse.


Here's a hint.

Spend some money.

Spend some money.

Exactly! See that's what I've been... That's what I was trying to tell you.

That's the kind of thing that girls like.

Okay, you can go.

Tyra? I'm not gonna let you down.



That was embarrassing.

You're stupid.

What were you talking to Matt about?

Oh, you'll thank me for it later. Hey.

You wanna go see a movie tomorrow night?

Sure. Yeah.

Tim: The D-line shifts into an odd gap.

Quarterback plays into an outlet play.

What do you do?

Go, Stager.


I know this.

Too late. Play's over.

You waited too long to make a decision and now we lost the game 'cause of you.

We're not going to State and the whole town of Dillon hates you.

You're never gonna get laid your entire life. Fact.

How's that feel right now?

Man, you cr*ck down on your blocks.

Look for the quick toss.


If I wanted you to speak, I would have spoken to you.

Besides that's completely wrong.

All you do is check into your tight end.

Now put your lunch away.

You're not eating.

Neither are you for that matter.

Put it away.

I want you gentlemen to take a good, long, hard look at this.

He's a quitter.

All right?

Anton: Man, you see that kid Allspaugh?

Took my spot. Who knows if I'm gonna get it back.

Be cool, all right?

It's gonna be all right.

Man, I gotta go to college.

I am this close to a scholarship.

What you want me to do?

Kiss that goodbye?

Chill out!

We all got something to lose.

What we gonna do?

But it's a standoff.

All comes down to who blinks first.

Baxter: Now we getting down to it, man.

I know.

Y'all need to stop tripping.

Let's just focus and sell him on it. We good?

Coaches: Yeah.

Taylor: Here's the schedule.

3:45. Let's have everyone out there.

All right.

Thanks, Crowley.

Appreciate the help.

Crowley: You bet.

Guess I missed the memo about the meeting.

Well, it was a defensive thing.

Crowley wasn't defense.

Yeah, but Crowley bought the pork rinds.


Yeah. Tell you what.

I'm not real comfortable about these secret meetings.

Well, I have meetings with whoever I want, whenever I want.

Whether it fits your comfort zone or not, I don't care.

I think I'm entitled to know what's going on with this team here.

I think it was just about the damn stupidest thing you could've possibly done running around saying, blacks this, whites that.

And I apologized!

I did your song and dance.

I did it.

You know what? The only thing wrong with your apology, Mac, was it didn't look like you believed your own apology.

You know people out there are calling you a r*cist right now, don't you?

That doesn't scare me.

That doesn't bother you at all?

No. No, it doesn't scare me at all.

Well, it should.

You know why?

'Cause you wanna know what's sitting on this table right now?

Your termination, that's what.

Landry: You know what, Matt?

Tyra was right about the whole mix tape thing.

That was really, really lame.

That was your idea.

Well, right, but we both knew the risks involved with mix tapes.

They're kind of an acquired taste.

But actually, come to think of it, I'm not really the one that cheated on Julie Taylor, now am I?

I didn't cheat, okay?

Who's side are you on anyway?

I thought you were on my side.

I'm not taking sides here, Matt. You know, Tyra and I, we're just trying to, you know, explain to you that you can't just go around...

"Tyra and I."

You really think there's any chance in hell that...

That she'll even like have a conversation with you?

You know what? Just stop right now before you say something that you may one day regret.


'Cause I can tell you one thing.

Stranger things have happened, Matt.

No, stranger things have not happened.

You know what? I felt something with her.

Now you don't... Don't...

Right. I bet you felt something.

Don't mess with that.

Can I help y'all find something?

Okay. He messed up.

Well, how bad did you mess up?

Diamond bad? Gold bad?

(STUTTERING) Diamonds.

What about this one right here? How much is this one right here?


Oh, this little marquee?

It wasn't diamond bad.

I'm telling you three girls in a hot tub definitely qualifies as diamond territory.

Just reach into those Alamo Freeze pockets of yours...

Landry, I only have $50. Okay?

Oh, how much is that?

This ring is $995.

You know what? Diamonds are stupid.

Think about the Africans.

You know, blood diamonds.

How about a nice pendant or some ear rings?

Think about that.

This one?

Yeah. Yeah, this one.

Yeah, it's a little heart-shaped amethyst.

Matt: Right and that...

That's February, right?

Mmm-hmm. Is her birthday in February?

It is.

Well, then you see, she'll know you remembered her birthday.

How much is the amethyst?

I don't know.

Let's see. It was $100. But it's half-price, so $50.

Landry: How much do you have, Matt?

You have $50.

Take it.

Yeah. Let's...

I'm gonna take that, please.


Hey, guys. Coach.


Hello, Mac.

Hey, Buddy.

How you doing?

Oh, you know.

I been better. Been worse.

Well, whatever happens, it's gonna work out.

All right.

Hey, Buddy.


Those safeties are as big as our tackles.

Run stunts, cross block every chance we get.

Work the angles.

Yeah, well, how are you gonna protect Saracen?

We'll just roll him out of the pocket.

Have him throw short.

Well, who's he gonna throw it to, Eric?

You said on the phone that you had some constructive advice.

Now we cannot win this football game without Smash and the other guys.

You know that.

The Booster Club took a vote and I can't think of any ideas right now, so...

You're gonna have to get rid of Mac.

That's what they voted.

So do it. Get rid of him.

Well, you and him have been friends, what, 20, 30 years?

Let me tell you something.

We wouldn't be where we are right now if it wasn't for Mac McGill.

And you know as well as I do Mac McGill is Panther Football.

You don't think I know that?

I know he's not a r*cist.

This is media crap.

But you know what? We got a team and we got one man.

And he'll sacrifice for the team.

So go ahead and do it.

Just get rid of him.

We'll fix it later.


But I'm good at math.

Hey, honey.


Got a guidance counselor emergency.

Well, I'm talking to Carrie here.

We're just gonna be finishing up here.

I got a guidance counselor emergency.

You want me to leave?




Yeah. Thank you.

We'll just be one second.

One quick second.

Right where we left off.

Listen to me.

Everything hangs in the balance right here.

I've got a question and I need some advice from you.

All right.

I need to talk to the guidance counselor, not my wife.

I need some unbiased, clear, honest advice.

Everything hangs in the balance.

All right. Sit down.

Come on. Sit down.

Sit down.


The Boosters and Buddy want me to fire Mac McGill.

I don't want to fire Mac McGill.


Mac McGill is a damn good coach and Mac McGill is important for me in the playoffs.


I thought this was gonna end a while ago.

I didn't think it would go on as far as it did.

I was wrong.

So what's your question?

The question is what do I do about f*ring Mac McGill?

What did he say?

Honey, you heard what he said.

Everyone heard what he said.

I know what he said.

I want to review.

Let's review.

Let's review the events.

About Smash Williams he said, "The black players have a gift for running the ball."

That they're fearless.

Right. Fearless.

They got a gift.

Wasn't there something else about a little phrase?

And he said the thing about the junkyard dog thing.

As far as...

As far as the players like Matt Saracen, he said...

You mean the white players.

Yes, the white...

He said they don't have the physicality.


But he said they have more creative thinking, which makes them well-suited to lead.

That's what he said.

It was a stupid thing to say! I understand.

Well, I mean that as a guidance counselor I gotta say that that to me is a fireable offense.

What he said.

All right.

Well, let me talk to my wife.

Let me talk to the person who cares about me and cares about the team.

And also has to understand the relevance and importance to our future of us winning the regional.

There is nothing more clear to me that your team is way more important to you than Mac McGill.

Is there anyone else I could talk to?

You can talk to your friend.

What does she have to say?

This is not about Mac McGill.

It's not about the team.

This is about you.

And you've been put in this position now where you've got to make the decision.

If you don't fire him at this point, you are condoning what he said.

Well, honey, he said something stupid.

He's not a r*cist.

I know.

He's a friend.

But that is not something for a kid's assistant coach to say, no less for a government employee, which is what he is.

The three of you scare me.

I know.

Taylor: Here. Come on.

She's ready for you.

Smash: On one side, I got Riggins and all them dudes hating on me, and on the other side I got Seale and everybody looking at me like I'm the key to their future.

I'm beginning to wonder whether I should've walked off at all.

What? No.

You stood up for what you believe in, and baby, that takes guts.

Yeah, but what if it don't work, Angela Davis?

You ain't gotta worry about that. That's what they want.

For you to doubt yourself.

Think about what I could be losing.

Yeah, but think about what you're not losing.

Like your rights and your integrity.

You could do so much more with your life besides football.

I don't know about all that.

Well, you don't have to worry about it because Mac McGill is gonna get fired.


How do you know?


Even I know that the Panthers can't win without you guys.

Yeah. Well, you're right about that.

I'm sorry. What'd you say?

I'm what?

Don't let it go to your head now.



Tami: I'll get it.


Hey, sorry to bother you.

Is Coach here?

Yeah, Mac. Come on in.

Get out of the cold.

McGill: All right.

He's right back there.

My dad wasn't a bad man, you know?

He had a couple real passions in his life.

He loved to bass fish and he loved Razorback football.

I remember one time when those poor girls tried to integrate Central down in Little Rock, well, my dad was pissed.

He'd gone down there with his Kiwanis boys probably and done no-telling-what if my mom hadn't stopped him.

Well, those were different times.

I never agreed with it or anything and I never thought it was the right thing to do but stuff like this kind of works its way into you if you're around it long enough, you know?

Mac, I know one damn thing for sure.

You're the one that integrated this team.

Look, I'm a simple man, Eric.

I love my girls, I love working in my yard, I love playing bridge with Susan every chance I get. But...

I know that I screwed this up here.

Truth is I'm still trying to get used to a man that's 10 years my junior sitting in a seat that I thought would be mine one of these days.

And I know that I handled that wrong.

And I'm sorry.

I love these boys.

I love this team.

And I'm not gonna do anything to stand in the way of it.

I'm not gonna do anything to hurt it.

I know y'all got a real good chance to go to State.

What are you doing?

My resignation.

Oh, come on.

What the hell are you doing?

Hey. It's too hard as it is.

Thanks for the beer.


Tami: Thinking about Mac?


Seems like it'll be easier for you now that he's turned in his resignation, don't you think?

I know what's easy and I know what's right.

The guy's given up 20 years of his life for that program.

And yet he's willing to sacrifice his ego and half his damn pension.

But I still have to do what's right.



All: Coach? Coach? Coach!


I'll start talking when y'all stop.

First of all, it's a damn shame that we're here this morning.

We should be focusing on tomorrow's game.

And I'll tell you what, that's exactly what we're gonna do, 'cause Mac McGill's gonna stay as offensive coordinator of the Dillon Panthers.

That's it.

Thank you very much.

Reporters: One more! Coach!

So I guess this is it, huh?

I guess so.

You're really gonna do it.

You're not gonna play?


All right. If you need to hear it, I'll say it, Williams.

We need you, man.

We need our leader back.

You know this.

This team needs all of us.

As far as leader goes, why don't you look in the mirror?

Oh, man, you and I both know I'm not a leader.

Didn't you hear anything Mac McGill said, Rigg?

You're white.

Means you were born a leader.


Jason: All right.

That's everything.

Baby, it's only two weeks.

I know. I know. I know.

Why can't I take you again?

Because it's really far out of the way and I don't want you driving at night, and...

It's really a big deal.

You know, I just gotta focus.

Gotta get my head into it.



Let's go.


You'll call me when you get there?

I promise.

I'll call you every day. Okay?


Jason: Hey. Whoa.


Did I do that?

We gotta make like Tommy Cruise, huh?

I got several disreputable women waiting for me in Austin.


I love you.

Catch you later, Miss Lyla.

I love you, too.

Jason: What the hell is wrong with you?



Hey, what time's the movie at?

I think it's like sevenish or something.

You mind if we make a stop at the women-with-low-self-esteem palace?

My sister owes me a bunch of cash.

Yeah. Sure.

That's cool.


That son of a bitch grabs my ass one more time, I swear I'm gonna kick him in the head.

Excuse me, honey.


Okay, so it's Landry again.

Which means it's Matt. And it's the third time he's called.

All right, honey.

You gotta wait till the fifth call.



I do like him.

Fine. Go ahead.

Answer it.

Do whatever you want.


Hey. Hi.

Look, I really...

I really need to talk to you.

In person.


Did you take my baby oil again?

Where are you?

I'm at the Landing Strip.


It's that strip club.

Tyra had to pick up something from her sister.

What did she just say?

Did she say Landing Strip?

Nah, I didn't say anything.

(STUTTERING) Look, can I just come by and meet you?

'Cause I really need to talk to you.



This Mac McGill mess?

It's over. It's done.

You hear me?

No. No. It can't be done.

I started all this.

I'm up to my neck in it, but it's my fight.

Plus everybody taking their cues off of me.

Look, I gotta stand in front of them and be their leader.

You quitting football to try and make a point about racism in a small Texas town.

Y'all ain't the Million Man March.

You are 17 and you got a brilliant future ahead of you and I'm not gonna sit here and watch you throw it away trying to teach a lesson to a bunch of fools.

You know how you get back at people that think like Mac McGill?

You get back on that team.

You play like the star that you are.

And you get recruited by an A-list university.

Go on and get your degree.

Now you get up from here, get you something to eat, and get your butt into bed 'cause you're going to that game tomorrow.

What about everybody who said they weren't gonna play?

You're a leader, honey.

They'll follow you.

Landry: Okay, man.

First off, you gotta act like you've been to just a million strip clubs.

Like see? Her?

Like naked ladies?

That's no big deal. Right?

Matt: Look, Landry, I just want to get in here and then get out of here.

Right, and secondly, look them in the eye, not in the rack.

That's a huge mistake.



Matt: I'm sorry.

Hey, Tyra.

Hey, how's it going?

I was...


Just wondering if maybe I could buy you a drink?

Strawberry daiquiri or...


Oh, no.

That's a bad idea.

Tyra: Took you long enough.

What? Every song had to be a ballad?

What the hell I tell you about bringing your friends in here?

I was really hoping...

Could I...

Excuse me.

I'm sorry about this.

Could I have some singles, please?

Matt: What do you want singles for?


I mean for tips, Matt.

These women are working hard. Right?

I mean what? Were you just...

Were you born in a barn, Matt?

Okay. Just go. Just go.

You want any nachos?

No, man.

They're two bucks.

All right. Look.

I got a lot of stuff that I really want to talk to you about.

I know and I want to talk to you, too.

Good. 'Cause there's something I really want to give you and it's kind of...

Can we just wait?

It's just kind of gross and depressing in here.

All right, y'all.

I'm ready to go.

Yeah, that's fine.

Tyra: You done?


Yeah. Yeah, that's...


Where's the other one?



Have I seen you here before?



Well, I'm Agent Thomas.

You have ID on you?


Tyra Collette.

Landry Clarke.

Matt Saracen.

Your parents are here.


My grandma's here?

Mr. And Mrs. Clarke vouched for you.

They'll take you home.

Let's go.

But what about me?

Just these three.

Let's go.

Well, then, I'll just wait here.

Not an option.

Let's go. Move it.

Thank you for your expediencies.

Julie: Just go. I'll be fine.

Will you call me later?

Yeah, I'll call...

Move it, people, let's go!

How long we gonna sit out here?

Little bit longer.

All the other parents have picked up their perps.

Why can't we pick up ours?

'Cause I would like our perp to sit in there and think for a minute about what she's doing sitting in there.

Julie: Look, anytime you guys want to say something, that'd be great.

Oh, really?

Is that the way you want to start the conversation?

You really want to know what I have to say?

You're grounded for starters.

Fine. Whatever.

"Fine. Whatever"?

What the hell were you doing at a strip club, Julie?

We were waiting for Mindy.

You were waiting for Mindy.

Tyra's sister.

Tyra's sister?

She works there.

Of course, it's Tyra's sister.

Of course she works there.

You are so totally judgmental about anything to do with her, aren't you?

Yeah, you know what, I am judgmental.

I am judgmental about a woman who takes her clothes off for a living and as a result, my daughter is not allowed to hang out in strip clubs.

No. We weren't hanging out at the strip club.

Tyra had to go get money that Mindy owed her.

Tyra had to go get...


Do you have anything to say about the situation?

Yeah. First of all, it's important that you're okay.

Second of all...

She's not okay!

...let me tell you something.

She just spent the entire evening watching Mindy make an honest living.

All right then! You talk to her!

She is not okay, Eric!

I told you what happened and we weren't hanging out at the strip club.

But you're too busy looking down from you ivory tower at Tyra's family...

You want to see what it looks like from my ivory tower, girl?

You're not hanging out with Tyra Collette anymore!

You want to punish me like that.

That is not a punishment.

That is a rule.

Whatever. You know what? Good night.


Nice input.




Turn around.

Turn around.

Got any more room on that bus?

Listen, son...

No, you listen.

I'm here but that don't change a thing.

I know who you are.

Announcer: Welcome to Dunston Valley, folks.

The second round of the Texas high school championship playoffs.

These Cardinals were not expecting Smash Williams and the other Dillon players who had gone MIA to be here tonight. But here they are.

Now these Dunston Valley guys have a nasty reputation for getting it done anyway they can.

Hey, Williams.

You made it.

You're gonna wish you stayed home.

Yeah, we gonna see about that.

Yeah. We gonna see about that.

What did that guy say?

Nothing. Come on.

Come on, baby!

All right, Gentlemen! Listen up! Listen up!

Take it right to them.

Let's have a good, clean game.

Now let's have some fun, what do you say?

Players: Break!

Set! Green! Twenty! Green! Twenty! Hut!

Smash cuts through the defense to run up the middle.

He breaks a tackle. Oh! And a big hit!


Man, we knew this was gonna be a physical game...

Taylor: Cut it out!

... and the Cardinals aren't wasting any time bringing the smack.

They're getting it on right now.

The Panthers though are no strangers to hard hitting and head knocking, folks. I'll tell you that.

Black! Ten! Hut!

Saracen looks to his left. It's a swing pass to Smash.

The 40! The 35!

And it is touchdown Williams!

Touchdown Smash Williams!

And just like that, Dillon takes the lead.

Put up or shut up, baby.

Put up or shut up!

Cheerleaders: Go! Go! Go! Team Blue!

Crowd: Defense! Defense! Defense!

Defense! Defense! Defense!

Hertsack cuts off tackle.

He cuts inside... Oh! He goes down hard.

You keep the clock running.

We move the chains.

That's all we gotta do.

Give it to Smash.

He can run on the ball.

All right?

Let's get it going!

All right, all right.


Touchdown, and Dunston Valley ties this game up.

Saracen drops back.

He's got Smash on the outside!


How did you not see that?

No foul, Coach. No foul.

How did you not see that?

That is another no-call, and the Panthers can't seem to get a break tonight.

Smash Williams off to the left.

He's got some space. He picks up a nice block.


Face mask! Face mask!

How can you not see that?

Did you not see that?

Off the field.

How can you not know that?

Off the field or I'll throw you out.

He grabbed my face mask!

I've heard of letting them play, folks, but this is starting to get out of hand real fast.

Come here! Smash! Smash!

Smash, get over here!

Get over here!

Listen to me.

I see what's going on.

Do not let them get in your head.

You understand me?

Yes, sir.

Play your own game.

Look at me.

Play your own game, son.

Yes, sir.

Get in there.

Come on! Let's go!

Early in the fourth quarter, this has been a real seesaw battle, folks.

Dillon with the ball, up by four, with a chance to put this thing out of reach right now.

Black! Ten! Hut!

It's a draw play to Smash. He's got some room up the middle!

Oh, he breaks a tackle! He's inside the ten!

He's gonna score!

Touchdown! Touchdown Panthers!

Oh! And Smash is absolutely drilled in the end zone with one of the latest hits I have ever seen.

You like that?

You like that?

Next time I'm gonna break you in half.

You hear me, you lazy ass tar baby?

Smash: What you say?

You made me say it, boss.

You ain't got nothing.

You ain't got nothing...

Oh! And Tim Riggins just leveled the Cardinal linebacker!


Holy cow! This thing is getting out of hand.


Oh, this is an all out brawl on the field!


Jack Langer with the athletic board.

It's totally crazy out there.

I'm calling the game.

Dillon wins.

No! No! Coach, don't go in there!

You stay! You started, now you stay!



Coach, the game's been called! No, we're playing this game!

We're playing this game!

This is our field!

We're playing.

No! We're playing!

We're playing!

This is not who we are.

This is not what we represent.

I don't teach that crap!

These coaches don't teach that crap!

Y'all are gonna take responsibility for your actions, I guarantee it.

Does that mean we're done?

Are we out of the playoffs?

UIL considers three full quarters a complete game.

We were ahead at that time, so we get the win.

But that is no damn reason for celebration!

So wipe those smiles off your faces, damn it!

What I want you to do right now is I want you to gather up your gear.

There's no changing.

Go get on the bus.

We're getting the hell out of here. Let's go. Right now!


Man 1: You suck!

Man 2: Get out of here, Riggins!


All right, just sit down and shut up. Calm down.

What's the problem, Officer?

I'm gonna need the two of you to step to the front of the bus here for me.

Right over here, fellas.

Taylor: We got a problem?

Nobody step foot off this bus.

What can we do for you?

We're looking for one of your players.

One of my players?

Smash Williams, Coach.

There's a whole lot of witnesses saying he threw the first punch.

Now we've got an aggravated as*ault complaint and we are bringing him in for questioning.

You're telling me that you're gonna blame one of my players for what happened out on that field tonight?

This is police business, Coach.

This ain't got nothing to do about football.

Now you go on there and get that boy right now or we will go in there and drag him out ourselves.

It's your call.

Well, here's my call.

You got a warrant, Officer?

'Cause if you don't got a warrant, we all know that you ain't gonna get on this bus.

I can go get a warrant.

That's fine.

We got all night.

We'll get you next year, Coach.

Let's go.

I'll see you at film.

I'll be there, Coach.


Hey, Mac.

What happened back there with those cops?

They made a mistake, son.

Just like I did.

I'll see you at practice Monday.

Can I...

I was really worried about you on the field.

I... You don't need to worry about me.


In a fight I just kind of stand in the back and just yell stuff.

I got this for you.

It's beautiful.

It's my birthstone.

Look, we've kind of been going out for a while but we never really made it official.


Will you be my girlfriend?