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01x23 - Wake Up and Take a Step

Posted: 01/08/24 15:55
by bunniefuu
[GHISLAINE] You can keep sleeping.

[ERIS] No, I'm fine. Besides, it's dawn.


[VILLAGER A] You grow nice and strong, now.

[VILLAGER A] Things will be back to normal

sooner than we think, I believe it.


[STUDENT D giggles]

[STUDENT A] C'mon, c'mon! Move it.

[STUDENT B] That's your cue to scatter, cockroaches.

[STUDENT A] What're you thinkin'?

--[STUDENT B] Prob'ly udon. --[STUDENT C] Again?

Hey. Didn't you learn not to cut in line

back in elementary school?

[STUDENT A] Still wanna run your mouth?

Hope the tough-guy act was worth it, fatass!

[STUDENTS laugh]

[STUDENT A] Drop dead!

[STUDENT B] That one sounded nasty!

[STUDENT C] At least try to dodge 'em!

[STUDENTS laugh]

Hey, you know what could be fun?


[FATHER] Can we come in?

Hell no!

[BOTH gasp]

[MOTHER] Are you all right, love?

How are your bruises?

[FATHER] I know how hard this must be,

but you can't give in to punks like that!

We'll get those kids expelled.

[MOTHER] Just leave it to us.

You take it easy and rest for now.

[FATHER] Well. Be strong, hang tight.

Your mother and I are going to

talk to the school again right now.

[MOTHER] I'm leaving some food right outside your door.

Please eat it, okay?

[RUDEUS] "Strong." Yeah, right.

[RUDEUS] If I was, then I'd...

[RUDEUS sobbing]

Young Master Rudeus.

I'd say it's high time you got out of bed.

And since you don't appear to be otherwise occupied,

I'd like to enlist your help in a few matters.

Namely, improving our infrastructure.

Our agricultural efforts have suffered

due to our distance from the river.

But I imagine using earth magic to dig

a few wells should be no trouble for you.

What do you say?

We'll also soon feel a greater need

for proper housing, rather than tents.

Unfortunately, we lack the manpower.

Not to mention...

With regard to dear Lady Eris.

I intend to report that she tragically

perished following the teleportation incident.

[ALPHONSE] Of course, revealing that now

would likely hinder our reconstruction efforts.

So the official announcement won't be for some time yet.

I'm real sorry to hear she ran out on you like that.

I intend to restore Fittoa to its former glory,

with or without the young miss.

Then I suggest you leave me alone and get to work.

Given what transpired between you and Lady Eris,

I thought allowing you to rest idly would be a kindness.

But as refugees continue to pour in from Millishion,

we're running short on both tents and food.

So that's it. You're here to kick me out.

On the contrary, I'm here to remind you

that you aren't the only one suffering.

What should I have done differently?

[RUDEUS] Just tell me what you want from me.

You're positive this is what you want?

We can't thank you enough, dear sir!

I'll repay you some day!

Oh, Saint Millis...

Yeah, if you hadn't shown up just in the nick of time,

we all would have been this thing's shit before too long!

No kidding, you must be a crazy high-ranked adventurer

to pull that off!

What's your name?

[RUIJERD] I'm Ruijerd of the party Dead End.

[MERCHANT A] I've never heard of you!

Where are you from?

Judging by the designs on your clothes,

are you a demon?

[ERIS] Rudeus is an amazing person.

He's smart, and talented, and strong.

And he's only getting stronger.

He faces every challenge head-on

and learns something from every failure.

He's amazingly amazing.

You know, as long as he was with me,

I didn't have to be afraid.

Yes, I'm a Superd.

[ALL] A real Superd?

Well, that's... Okay, then.

I've never seen one of you guys in real life before.

I haven't either.

I've only heard of you in bedtime stories.

Can I ask something?

Is it true that you have that gem-looking thing in your head?

[ERIS] So it never occurred to me that he could die.

But he did.

And once I realized I wouldn't have been

able to save him on my own,

I started to worry that I was just a burden on him.

[ALL gasp]

Wow, that looks nothing like I pictured it!

I'm gonna brag to everyone about this when we get back!

[RUIJERD] I see.

So, then none of you fear me, I take it?

[ADVENTURER B] Are you kidding?

How could we when you just

saved our hides from certain death?

No doubt I would have been when I was a child, though.

He's done so much for me,

and all I've done is hold him back.

I relied on him too much, and that's just not fair to him.

[ERIS] I always forget that he's younger than me. Smaller.

You too, huh?

My pop would tell me a Superd would eat me, and I'd jump.

We don't eat children.


[MERCHANT A] No, of course you don't!

And here's the truth: I love Rudeus!

[ERIS] But I'm not fit to be with him yet.

So I'll get stronger until I know I can walk alongside him.

And then we'll meet again and take the next step together.

Jeez, it got cold fast, didn't it?

[ZANOBA gasps] I shall never tire of

marveling at its majesty!

Master Rudeus! I, your humble pupil Zanoba,

will count the days until our inevitable glorious reunion!

I'm roastin' out here!

Bet the boss could conjure up some water

and cool us both down without breaking a sweat.

I hate this!

[LEO barks]

[NIECE] This tastes great!


Now get your elbows off the table.

[NIECE] Can I make a plate to take upstairs?

[FIRST BROTHER] No, leave him alone.

[MOTHER] I was gonna take him this one,

but since you offered, will you go for me?

[NIECE] Yeah, sure! Gimme!

[FIRST BROTHER] Mom. At least wait until after dinner.

[NIECE] I wish he could come out.

I hope he starts feeling better soon.

[FIRST BROTHER] I do, too.


[TAVER cheering] Woxho! Rayqa! Rayqa!

[BOTH] Hit me!

[BOTH] Hit me!

[TAVERN cheers]

Foolish mortals! Victory is mine!

I did it! I did it! I did it! [cackles]

I am unstoppable!


That ought to settle your debt, but now I'm broke.

That's just great.

Now, now, don't waste precious time dwelling on details!

Let me instead commend you for your selflessness!

I'll happily reward you for your aid!

I kinda doubt that.

We've already established that you're completely penniless.

Though, I would like you to pay me back somehow.

Well, as luck would have it.

You just happen to be speaking with

the Great Emperor of the Demon World...

Kishirika Kishirisu!

I may be short of coin,

but I can bestow a demon eye upon you!

[sighs] I remember now. In that case,

I would prefer that you use your eyes

to find someone for me, Your Majesty.

What? You would use your one wish for the sake of another?

Bravo, how admirable!

Who is it you seek?

Your long-lost lover or something?

That's not it.

I'm looking for the missing family

of somebody named Rudeus Greyrat.

Just leave it to me, then!

What was that name again? Greyrat?

Oh! Ding, ding, ding, got 'em!

[ROXY] Huh?

It's Daddy!

[PAUL] Aisha.

It's been a long time. I've missed you, my lord.

[PAUL] Lilia.

[PAUL] It's all right. I'm here now.

What about Mommy? I don't see her.

Master Rudeus did say that she was still missing,

but I'd hoped...

[PAUL] Norn, your mom is waiting for

your big brother to come get her.

So just you wait.

We'll be together before too long, 'kay?

[KISHIRIKA] Ah-ha! The father, the maid,

and the two little girls

have been happily reunited in Millishion!

That's amazing!

[KISHIRIKA] Now, the mother is, uh...


[KISHIRIKA] Nope. Can't get a good look.

So, you can't see her?

But I thought you could find anyone, Your Greatness!

[KISHIRIKA] Sorry. But I do know her approximate location!

Then where is she?

[KISHIRIKA] I believe

she's on the Begaritt Continent, in the Labyrinth City of Rapan!

At any rate, she is alive, isn't she?


And what about Rudy?

[KISHIRIKA] Hm? Right, hang on a sec.

Ah! Rudeus is back on the Central Continent!

And boy oh boy, he's looking depressed! [cackles]

Perhaps some food he scavenged disagreed with him!

Oh, is that so?

Pardon my earlier impertinence, Your Majesty.

I appreciate your help.

[KISHIRIKA] Think nothing of it!

Consider us even!

Now, fare thee well! [cackles]

[ELINALISE] The Begaritt Continent, hmm?

But if Zenith really is alive,

you have to wonder why she hasn't contacted anyone.

[ROXY] Hard to say.

But she could be in some kind of trouble.

[ELINALISE] What should we do about her son, then?

I'm not sure.

It does worry me a little to hear he's been depressed, but...

[ROXY] If I know Rudy, he'll get back up

on his own before too long.

[RUDEUS] People don't bounce back that easily,

no matter how many chances they get to do it.

It's easier to fall into a hole than it is to climb out of one.

I was surrounded by people who loved me.

Who reached out to me.

And I rejected them.

I was trapped by my own paranoia.

Convinced that, regardless of what they told me,

they were all laughing at me behind my back.

I used to dream, if I had just one more chance,

I could get back to normal. Do things right.

But, too little, too late.

No one reaches out anymore.

And why would they? I won't actually change.

And no one would notice if I tried.

So, might as well keep dreaming. Right?

[RUDEUS] Keep dreaming.

[RUDEUS] Gotcha!

[PAUL] Hey, Rudy!

[ZENITH] Oh, no.

[RUDEUS] That was too easy, Father!

I get the biggest dinner plate tonight!

[PAUL] I beg to differ! That was only if you won!

[RUDEUS] I landed a hit, so I win by decision!

[PAUL] Ah! Not so fast!

[PAUL] All right, listen up!

Throwing mud in my eyes is cheating!

Yeah, but you were the one who taught me

to pursue victory by "any means necessary"!

[PAUL] Ha!

Master Rudeus.

[RUDEUS] Oh, yay! Thank you, Lilia.

My lord.

[PAUL] Yes, thank you.

My goodness, you got so dirty out there!

[RUDEUS chuckles] Yeah, sorry.


Ah. Guess I'm a little bit sleepy.

You're not getting sick, are you, Mother?

Why don't you go to bed early?

I'll clean up in here!

Will you, now? Well, okay!

I might just take you up on that.

Please do!

[ZENITH] But promise you'll come wake me up

when you're done here, okay?

Yeah, I can do that!

I would be happy to take responsibility for waking you!

[RUDEUS] Father!

[RUDEUS] I need you to take responsibility

for cleaning the floors!

Huh? Yeah, sure. In a sec.

Hey, sleepy girl.

[RUDEUS] Father, you should know this by now!

We need to be as efficient when it comes to cleaning

as we are with training, so I'm gonna need you to...

[ZENITH] Thank you so much, Rudy.

Yeah, it's the least I can do for you!

You're my mom!

[ZENITH] Rudy?


[ZENITH] I love you.

[RUDEUS] That's right.

[RUDEUS] I have to go. I...

I have to find Zenith.

[ELLEMOI] Rudeus Greyrat, you say?

[CLEANE] How does one become a Saint-class

water mage at age five?

And without incantations, no less?

Provided that's all true,

I would love to recruit him, but...

[LUKE] It does sound so exaggerated

it's almost laughable.

But you would like us to believe this is not hyperbole,

based on personal experience?

[FITZ] I would. Yes.

Then tell me, what exactly is your relationship to this man?

[FITZ] He is my savior, my mentor,

and my first friend.

And, truth be told...

[FITZ] If I had to pick one thing,

he's the person I respect most.