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05x13 - The Tanganyika Green

Posted: 01/08/24 14:14
by bunniefuu







Home. Now.

Perhaps they've gone away.

Ever since Joan passed away,

William goes nowhere except
church and work.

Something must be wrong.
He's probably ill.

Well, maybe.

Anyway, I'll call round and I could
bring him some of that soup

that's left over.


What do you think?

Yes, it suits you -

unreliable, noisy, and good at
getting people into trouble!

Actually, it's not mine.
It's a present.

For Father Brown.

What would Father Brown want
with a deathtrap like that?

Well, you said that your knees
were hurting you.

I thought you should trade
your rusty old bicycle in.

Bucephalus is NOT rusty!

Well, wouldn't you like to keep up
with the fast-paced, modern times?

We can discuss this later.
We have soup to deliver.

Sorry. I'm not expecting visitors.

William, I don't think
you're very well.

But I have just the thing,

so I'll come in and heat it up
for you, shall I?

It's really not necessary.
I overslept, that's all.

Well, I'm not going anywhere

until I know that you're
being properly looked after.

And where is that daughter of yours?

I'm not sure.

Well, when did you last see her?

Last night.

In the woods.

There was a light...
over the wheat field...

A light?

(I think someone's
trying to take her away.)


He did not say "aliens".

That's a relief, cos I'd send
Goodfellow to patrol

the outer cosmos, but his rocket
boots are at the cobblers.

At least pretend to
take this seriously!

Mr Bayley's a solicitor. He is
a respected member of the community.

What would you have me do?
Call Buck Rogers?

The girl's only been
missing since last night,

and during that time I don't
think we've had a report

of a flying saucer!

Help me!

Miss Bayley? What's happened?

It's trying to get out!

What is?

We need to call for an ambulance.

Now, will you take this seriously?!

Let's do a Galli Mainini
test, please, nurse.

Yes, doctor.

We've sedated her. When she woke,
she was very disorientated.

Did she say what happened?

Something about being held c*ptive.
She wasn't making much sense.

It appears she's had a fall,

but there's no sign of head injury
or internal bleeding.

Don't fret. I'll keep
a very close eye on her.

Get her through this,
and I'll gladly waive my fee.

That won't be necessary.


Oh, Mr Bayley's helping me
resolve a legal misunderstanding

with a previous employer -
all very tiresome.

If you'll excuse me.

I'm afraid you'll have
to wait outside.

Surely you can make an
exception for her father.

Sorry. Hospital rules.

I'm not letting Charlotte
out of my sight.

I heard what happened. I wanted...

How dare you?!
I just...

Get out!

Excuse me!

Please, wait.

Are you a friend of the family?

I'm their gardener.

Well, used to be.

Have you any idea how Charlotte
got those injuries?

You think I did this?

No! No.

Just make sure Charlotte's
looked after, yeah?


Don't suppose he could shed
any light on all this?


A fall would explain
the external symptoms,

but the abdominal cramps,
disorientation, tachycardia...

It's like she's ingested
some kind of toxin.

Can you treat her here?

In theory.

We're not
the best-equipped hospital

but I was an army surgeon.
I've made do with less.

The problem is not knowing
what she's taken.

And you think she's pregnant?

The Galli Mainini test.

Abdominal issues, woman her age,
makes sense to check.

The results will be with us in
a few hours.

Until then, we watch and wait.

And pray.

Indeed. Poor girl.
She doesn't deserve this.

Do you know Charlotte, erm,
through Mr Bayley?

No, no. Actually, I treated
her mother, Joan.

Charlotte used to come every day.
She would comfort her, read to her.

She's got a good heart.
I just hope it's a strong one.

I'll do everything I can
to discover what happened.

If you do,
let me know straight away.

Time is of the essence.

Yes. Fear not -
my winged chariot awaits.

Now you just start her up.

I can't believe you're
even considering it!

Here's your book.
And now, thanks to you,

the librarian thinks I'm a
homicidal horticulturalist!

Well, at least they'll never dare
charge you overdue fees.

Did you find out anything
about the gardener?

Yes. His name's Sean Crimp.

The neighbours heard them
arguing a few days ago,

and Mr Crimp was told to leave
the property and never to return.

Do you know what
the argument was about?

The young rogue was probably trying
to lead Charlotte astray,

and William found out.

Well, maybe this was his revenge.

Why take it out on Charlotte?

I think we need to hear Mr Crimp's
side of the story.

I'm sorry, I promised William I'd go
straight back to the hospital.

Well, I'll go with you, Father.

You did say "young rogue",
didn't you?


He is head-over-heels
in love with Charlotte.

Is he?

Well, he didn't even offer
to buy me a drink.

His eyes lit up when
I mentioned her.

After that, I could barely
get a word out of him.

Maybe he kidnapped Charlotte,
and then she escaped.

Why poison her?

And why didn't William Bayley
call the police?

So, what now?

I think we need to
examine his garden.


Erm, nothing that fits
Charlotte's symptoms.

Well, what's to say it's a plant?

You can find all manner of things
in people's bathroom cabinets.


What is it?

I need to go to the hospital.

Ergot is a fungus,

and its effects might explain
the uterine contractions.

You think she was trying
to abort an unwanted pregnancy?

Well, it's possible.
The fungus grows on wheat,

and the last time she was seen,

she was heading towards
the field by her house.

Ergot's used for treating migraines.

Charlotte's mother
suffered from them.

Perhaps she found some around
the house and took it by mistake.

Either way, let's keep this to
ourselves until we've spoken to her.


..will she survive?


We'll flush out her system,
give her some calcium chloride.

Her heart rate's
already stabilising.

I've been trying to persuade William
to go home and get some rest.

I'd prefer to stay. I'll telephone
you the moment she wakes.

She couldn't be in better hands.

Dr Ashley's a w*r hero -
saved more men than penicillin!

Nurse, what have I said?

Prone to exaggeration.

I'll prepare Charlotte's treatment.

He's won medals for it
and everything.

Speaking of the doctor, here.

I asked him to prescribe you this.
It'll help you sleep.

As you're so keen
to get rid of me...

The moment she wakes.

She's all I have left.


What're you doing here?

Can I have sixpence?
They're showing Monsters From Mars

at the village hall.

We can't afford to throw money away
on silly films. Now go home!

Just a minute, young man.

I think I might just
have a sixpence in here...

Thank you!

You didn't need to do that.

Oh, it was entirely my pleasure.

Is that your brother?

Yes. It's just the two of us
since mother passed away.

Not easy on my wages.

We're always here to
help if you need it.

Well, in that case,
would you mind going along

and keeping an eye on Nikhil?
In case he gets scared.

I'd go, but I'm on the late shift.

I was thinking more...
We'd be glad to!







Who's there?


Who is it?

Answer me!

Go away...

Leave me alone!



It's aliens!


Perhaps he overslept again.

He was exhausted yesterday.

Holy Mother...

Door was locked from
the inside, windows bolted.

No other way into the room.

Looks like natural causes.

Heart att*ck, probably.

Report from the station, sir.

A telephone operator reported
a 999 call from here last night.

"The gentleman said something
about aliens coming for him,

"then the line went dead."

That's what she said, sir.

Did you notice the dilated pupils?

He's right, sir.

Looks like the man's d*ed of fright!

What're you still doing here, Padre?

Er, we thought you might want
us to give a statement.

I don't.

Inspector, may I be the one
to inform Mr Bayley's daughter?

I am a friend of the family.

Be my guest, so long as you take
this nosy parker with you!

Yes. With pleasure.

Beware the Devil's Trumpet.

What does that mean?
Get out!

As soon as you're feeling better,

we can discuss
the funeral arrangements.

Thank you.

I can't even think straight
right now.

That's hardly surprising.
And there is no rush.

Charlotte, what happened to you?

How did you get your injuries?


I can't remember.

Miss Bayley needs rest.

Yes. I'll come back
and see you later.

Father, a word? In private.

Yes. Of course.

I shouldn't be telling you this.

The pregnancy test was positive.

If she took ergot in an attempt
to abort the pregnancy,

it's a criminal offence
and I should report her.


..there's no sign of a miscarriage,

and I'm not willing to cause further
distress to a scared, young woman

who's already lost her father.

Are you?


Perhaps a vow of
silence is in order.

If we don't ask, she won't tell.

We're done here.

"Beware the Devil's Trumpet"!

Have you lost your
marbles, Sergeant?

That plant, sir. Devil's Trumpet
is a nickname for thorn apple.

Sends you mad, apparently.

You've got hidden depth, Sergeant.

Mad enough to believe you're
being att*cked by aliens.

Maybe not "natural causes",
then, sir?

Will you be OK if I go on my break?

I'll pop by as soon as I'm back.

I forgot to ask - is there anyone
you would like me to contact?

Mr Crimp, for example.

He came to see you the other day.
He seemed very concerned.

You must think I'm very wicked.

For falling in love?

Sean's probably still angry at me.

We were supposed to elope.

I changed my mind.

The baby?

Oh, don't blame Dr Ashley.

I made my own deduction.

Sean doesn't even know I'm pregnant.

The argument between your father
and Mr Crimp - was that about you?

Father caught us kissing.

He fired Sean on the spot.

The police think your father
d*ed of a heart att*ck

but I think he was poisoned.


Yes. His pupils were very dilated.

There is a plant in your garden
- a thorn apple -

which contains atropine, and...

Well, the symptoms fit.

Could Sean have...?

No. It must have been someone else.

Not in the mood for company, Father.

Not even Charlotte's?

She's awake?

And asking after you, but she's
afraid you might be angry with her.

Me, angry with HER?

I thought she didn't want
anything more to do with me.

Let's get you some coffee
and we'll go and see her.

Sean Crimp, I'm arresting you

on suspicion of the m*rder
of William Bayley.

You're not obliged to say anything,

but whatever you say may be
taken down and given in evidence.

m*rder?! I haven't done anything!

Right, son, up you get.

Tell Charlotte it's not true!
Come on, this way.

The thorn apple.
Grow it yourself, did you?

No. Neighbours heard you and
Mr Bayley arguing. What about?

No comment.
He fires you. You want revenge.

You poison him.

So you didn't go anywhere
near the Bayleys' house?

Cos we've got witnesses
who saw you leave the village hall

not long before Mr Bayley's death.

We also found a footprint in
the flowerbed outside his study -

matches your shoe size!

My footprints are probably
all over the garden!

But he fired you days ago.

This one... was fresh.


All right. I went there.



To convince him to let
me and Charlotte marry.

And I'm guessing he said no.

I never got the chance.

Mr Bayley wouldn't open the door.


Who's there?!

'He started yelling,
like I was this wild beast.'

Who is it?!

Answer me!

I gave up and I went home.

Admit it - you poisoned him!


Not now!

With respect, sir,
you really need to see this.


Just up here, sir.

Don't you ever give up?

Hoping to have a chat with you
about Sean Crimp.

I was afraid you'd say that.

Charlotte Bayley wants to know
if you're going to charge him.

So it's true, those two are an item?

Yes, well, if it was, erm,

Sean would hardly choose
a m*rder w*apon from the garden.

That would make him
the most likely suspect.

You're suggesting someone
PLANTED the evidence?

Good one, Inspector.

You give the average criminal
too much credit, Padre.

In my experience,
they're mostly half-wits.

Right, here we are, sir.

What am I looking at?

Right there, sir.

Flaming Nora.

It's very kind of you.

I've been tinkering with my

and I would very much value
your opinion...

I see you've eaten already...
Hello again. Hello.

Well, this will keep.

Cooking helps take my mind
off things.

It's so horrible what
happened to Charlotte.

I didn't know you knew her.

We're old friends.

My mother worked as
a cleaner for Mr Bayley.

Sometimes I'd tag along.

But then mother got sick,

and Mr Bayley dismissed her
without a second thought.

Oh, thank you.

Did you hear about
the symbol in the field?

What symbol?
Burnt into the ground,

but no-one seems to know
what it means.

I bet it was the aliens!
What does it look like?

Nikhil, aliens don't exist anywhere
but in your foolish imagination.

But... If you've finished,
go do your homework.


Sorry. He's a good boy, but...

Nikhil believes there's
alien technology out there,

which could help bring
our mother back.

Oh. And your father?

He returned to India
a few years ago.

If it ever gets too much for you,

you know there's always a warm
welcome for you both at St Mary's.

We're not Catholic, I'm afraid.

That doesn't mean you can't
join me for a cup of tea

or a slice of cake, now, does it?

They'll see.

Good morning.

More sightings of the symbol, sir.

Mrs Bagshot says someone's
even painted it on her outhouse.

Then find out who's doing it
and lock them up!

I'm off.

The thing is, sir,
people are getting nervous.

You know, they're saying
it's from outer space.

I thought, seeing as
it's a celestial matter,

we should speak to
Father Brown, and maybe...

Catch the vandal!

And don't mention aliens again,
unless you personally see

little green men walking along
Kembleford High Street!

Yes, sir.


Alisha! Come look!

Yes, all right. If you could just
please speak one at a time!


Your attention, please!

I can assure you there is
nothing to worry about.

But, to allay your concerns,
I will dispatch all the men

at my disposal to investigate
the flying... thingamajig.

In the meantime, for your own
safety, please return home.

Come along, ladies and gentlemen.

Stay here. And keep calm.

And if I'm not back by midnight,
call the army!


whatever it is, it's gone.

Oh... I'm really sorry
I woke you, Father.

I only wanted to make sure that
you were all right.

That's very kind of you.

Only me!
Saw your light on.

Oh, I hope I'm not
interrupting anything.

I beg your pardon?!

I just wanted to make sure
you were OK, Father.

Cos you don't think it
really was a...?

Do you?

Of course not!

The whole thing was
probably just a silly hoax.

Yes, or maybe it was some sort
of rare weather phenomenon.


Inspector. Cocoa?

No, thank you. Here on business.

We've found no sign of
the spaceship, or whatever it was,

and I wondered if...

So now you want Father Brown's help?

I'll happily listen to any
hypotheses that you have to offer.

After all, visitations from
the heavens are your department.

Oh, I'm certain it wasn't
"from the heavens".

What was it, then?

Cos I've had every copper for
miles out looking for it.

A distraction.


Sergeant! Wake up!



You! I should write you up!
Asleep on the job!


Where's my keys?


I went to see it.
I recognised it straight away.

It's a warning.

Who from?
The Intergalactic Alliance.

Different planets working together
to protect the galaxy.

It means there's going
to be an invasion!

What, the Intergalactic Alliance
are about to inv*de?

No, the Droxidians are.

I am completely lost.

The Droxidians are crossing
the galaxy

destroying everything in their path.
In this story,

the humans find the symbol and arm
themselves, ready to defend Earth.

We need to do the same!

That's why I wanted
everyone to see it.

Why didn't you tell the police?

I tried. Inspector Mallory
called me a "guttersnipe".

I hesitate to ask this,
but do we win,

in the story?

I don't know.

What do you mean, you don't know?!

My sister confiscated the latest
edition before I could finish it.

I think we know what we saw in
the sky last night.

Nikhil? You up there?

Something wrong?

I'm presuming Charlotte
asked you for your help.

Excuse me?
To get Sean out of jail.

You needed everybody to be looking
in the opposite direction,

and you certainly got OUR attention.

You knew that rumours
of alien activity

were spreading around Kembleford.

So, using the instructions from
Nikhil's comic book,

you created your very own spaceship.

A few fireworks to make sure
everyone noticed, and you had

the panic and disorder you needed
to sneak Sean out of the cell.

All that stood in your way
was poor Sergeant Goodfellow.

You are mistaken, Father.

Perhaps we should call
Inspector Mallory.

Breaking a suspect out of custody,
causing mass panic!

All I did was make the lantern.

It was Charlotte who broke Sean out.

Can I help you, Miss?

Oh, let me help you with that.

Did you...? Did you...?

But Charlotte wouldn't have been
able to leave the ward

without your help.

And I have no doubt you supplied the
sedative stolen from the hospital...


..and as a nurse, you must
have known how dangerous that was.

'She begged me to help her.'

She was terrified Sean would
hang for k*lling her father.

Did Charlotte say
where Sean had gone?


Just that he was going to lie low
until things calmed down,

then she'd join him.

We need to talk to Charlotte.

Sean needs to give himself up
before things get any worse.

Well, if we're in a rush, I know an
excellent means of transportation.

You take the scooter.

My bike's just outside.

And what about me?

No! No, no, no! Absolutely not!

See? I told you it'd be
over in a flash.

That has been the longest
journey of my life.

Is Charlotte with you?

Isn't she here?

Apparently she's discharged herself!

She really should be
under observation.

Well, don't worry.
We'll find her

What on earth do you think
you're doing?

Ask around. See if anyone knows
where she's gone.

He'll k*ll himself.

It's time to embrace the future.


Oh, I can't look!


I thought you I'd find you here.

Please, let us go before
the police find us.

Oh, the police will catch up
with you eventually. Stay.

And let me prove you did
not k*ll Mr Bayley.

By telling the truth.

The night your father d*ed -

was that the night you were
planning to go away together?

Yes. I slipped some of my mother's
sleeping medicine into

father's night-cap, waited until
he'd gone to bed, and then left.



He must've followed me.

We've got to go.

I can't leave him.

Please, let's just go.

Go back to your place - I'll come
as soon as I can get away.

Forget about him!
He's my father!

Your injuries.

Was that your father?

It was the medicine.

He didn't know what he was doing!

Don't defend him.

I took Father home.

He was ranting and raving, and...

..when I said I loved Sean...

..he started hitting me.

He wouldn't stop,
so I told him about my baby.

Then what did he do?

He went really quiet, and then said
he'd make me something to eat.

When he walked into my room
with a sandwich,

I thought everything was
going to be all right...

but when he left,
he locked the door behind him.

I knocked and shouted for him
to let me out, but he wouldn't come.

Eventually, I just gave up
and fell asleep.

So, when Mrs McCarthy and I came
the following morning... were still upstairs?

I had this pain in my stomach.
I was scared I was losing the baby.

I knew I had to get help.

I couldn't open the door,
so I climbed out of the window.

That's when I fell.

I think he fed you ergot.

He poisoned her?

Well, I don't think
he wanted to poison CHARLOTTE.

It was the baby.

Who else had access
to the thorn-apple?

I mean, anyone could've got in,
but not many would recognise it,

let alone know what atropine
could do to someone.

There were always clients
coming and going,

though I don't recall
any plant experts.

Maybe it was another sort of expert.

Where did your father
keep his files?

Have you found her?
Yes. And she filled in some blanks.

Why did you burn
the symbol into the field?

I told you. To protect Charlotte.

But you could only have done
that on your break,

and Sean Crimp hadn't
been arrested yet.


You must be mistaken.

I think you wanted the police
to chase aliens,

and not the real culprit.

I'm so sorry!

What for?

Please don't tell anyone. If I'm
arrested, who'll look after Nikhil?

What are you talking about?

Mr Bayley's prescription.
I must've got the proportions wrong.

Father Brown said it was
atropine that k*lled him.

I remember that was
one of the ingredients.

No, no. Don't be ridiculous. Why
would I have prescribed atropine?

It's used for eye examinations.

You must have misread
my handwriting.

Oh, I doubt it.

How else do you explain it?

I think Alicia gave Mr Bayley
exactly what the doctor ordered.

Are you suggesting I deliberately
poisoned my patient? Why?

Because he'd found out your secret.

Your demobilisation certificate,
dated last month.

Where did you...?
Dr Ashley left the army years ago!


But without permission.

Did you ever wonder why such
a talented doctor ended up

in a cottage hospital
in the middle of nowhere?


Were you really prepared to let her
think that she'd k*lled a man?

The truth is...

..I deserted.

You told me you'd won medals!

I did.

Every man has his breaking point.

Mine was June 13th, 1944.

I won't bore you with the details.

So... what?
You've been hiding here ever since?

Thanks to Mr Churchill...

..all deserters finally
have an amnesty,

and so you employed Mr Bayley
to prepare the papers.

You k*lled Mr Bayley to stop him
telling people you're a deserter?!


I k*lled him to stop
him hurting Charlotte.

I don't understand.

He was a vile bully.

Bayley didn't know if the ergot had
worked, so he tried to blackmail me

into performing an abortion,

threatening to tell the Board
of Governors, my patients, everyone,

about my past if I refused.

So when Alisha asked you to prepare
something to help him sleep,

you took your chance to silence him.

He had already put Charlotte through
agony, and whether I agreed

to the abortion or not, he was
determined to k*ll her unborn child!

Can't you see he deserved it?

Judgment is God's alone.


Where was He while I was sawing off
men's limbs in Normandy?

I suppose you'll tell the police.

I rather hoped YOU would.

And hang? No, thank you.

Well, given
the extenuating circumstances,

it would be a custodial sentence.

Still, I'd prefer to leave.

I've made a new life before.
I can do it again.

And Sean Crimp...

..who may be punished
for your crimes.

I'm sure you can convince
a jury of his innocence.

I'd rather you would.

I'm a coward, Father.
Thought you knew already.

I don't think that.


Do the right thing.

I'm sorry I'm not the man
you thought I was.

Are you prepared to go back
to hiding in the shadows,

living in fear and guilt?

The deserter's lot, Father.

What was Dr Ashley
doing on your scooter?

Going on the run.

Oh. Well, I could always
buy you another one.


Inspector Mallory has decided
not to press charges

about your unlawful
escape from custody.

Or assaulting a police officer.

How did you manage that?

Well, Alisha bore witness
to Dr Ashley's confession,

so Inspector Mallory, knowing
the real culprit was still at large,

is happy to brush
everything under the carpet.

Do you think they'll
find the doctor?

Dr Ashley managed to stay under
the radar for the best part

of a decade,
so I wouldn't be too optimistic.

So he'll just get away with it,

Well, I wouldn't say that.

Constantly looking over
his shoulder,

fearful of every knock on the door.

Running away was his crime
AND his punishment.

Thank you, Father.

For everything.

I was wondering if we could ask you
just one last favour.

It would be a pleasure.

But wedding plans will have to wait.

What you need is a good long rest,

and I'll come by this evening
with some dinner.

I think I might...
I might do a curry,

if I can get Alisha to lend
me some of her ingredients.

Would you all excuse me, please?

Why can't she stick
to strawberry scones?

The poor girl's been
poisoned once already.

I like curry.