03x03 - The Invisible Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Father Brown". Aired: 14 January 2013 – present.*
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British detective series that follows a Catholic Priest who solves crimes.
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03x03 - The Invisible Man

Post by bunniefuu »

This is fun.

I must say, Lady Felicia, I never
thought that the circus

- would be quite your thing.
- It has its attractions.


I believe we have our
second meeting tomorrow.

11 o'clock. Don't be late.

Father Brown has
a baptism at 12.

Any jitters yet?

Only at the thought of tripping
over on the way down the aisle.

She had a dream.

A premonition.


- Laura!
- Mr. Smythe!

How do you two...?

Mr. Smythe used to
come to the cafe

when the circus
was here last year.

You and your friend...
What was his name?

Mr. Welkin.

These aren't for me, are they?

Laura, I've done it.

- I've made my fortune.
- You've what?

And now I've come back to...

..in the hope that you'll
fulfil our agreement.

- What agreement?
- For your hand...

..in marriage.

"The Invisible Man"

Father Brown
Season 3 - Episode 03

Look, I circled it.

"Hope's Promise."

I couldn't believe it
when I saw it.

Laura Hope.
Hope's Promise.

It was a sign.
Don't you think, Father?

I put everything I had on her
and, bam, she won!

Another sign!
£100 in winnings.

- Hardly what I'd call a fortune.
- I heard that, hairdo.

Laura, what's going on?

- Who's this?
- I am her fian...

What you doing out here?

- None of your business.
- It's completely unprofessional.

The audience isn't
supposed to see us before a show.

Backstage, now.

Meet me here after, please.

Something you want to tell me?

- I...
- Maybe...

you should sit down.

And tell us why Mr. Smythe

thinks you've
agreed to marry him.

Because I...

- I did.
- You what?

And not just him.

Mr. Welkin, too.

What on earth possessed you?

Smythe and Welkin were regulars.

They were funny,
always making me laugh.

And I'll admit
I used to flirt a bit.

- Dead man's hand.
- Are you sure you're not cheating?

An honourable man like me?

Anything else for my two
favourite customers?

Actually, I've got
something for you...

- ..a leaving present.
- You sweetheart!

Do you have a suitor, my dear?

- Are you offering, Mr. Welkin?
- If you'll do me the honour...

Me too.
I'd make you a fine husband.

- You've already got a girlfriend.
- Don't listen to him.

You're the only one for me.

It's not fair to ask me
to choose between you.

I love you both.

So, how are you to decide?
You can't marry us both.

Hmm, that's a tough one.

I tell you what,

whichever one of you first
makes his fortune,

that's the one I'll marry.


- Agreed.
- Agreed.

Well, that settles that, then!

That is the most ludicrous thing
I have ever heard.

Couldn't have been more than
a month after that, I met you.

You didn't think to tell me?

I didn't think they'd take it

Men can be delusional...

especially when they're in love.

I think our best course of action

is to talk to Misters Smythe
and Welkin after the show

and clear up the matter.

- Agreed.
- Yes.

You and a girl like that?

- Meaning what?
- Meaning she's...and you're...

What, she's tall and I'm short,

- is that what you're trying to say?
- Meaning she's pretty and you're ugly.

- Feel better now?
- Well, she's agreed.

Is that so?
What about Enid?

Things have gotten stale between us.

What, so you're just going to
throw her aside?

She's not the one.

If she was, I'd know by now.

I'll let her down gently.

See this girl?
Happy to join the circus, is she?

Wouldn't ask her to do that.

After today's performance,
I'm leaving.

- Excuse me?!
- I'm sorry, Marvin!

- What about the double act?
- The heart

- wants what the heart...
- Don't give me that!

- You've wanted out for years.
- Maybe I have.

Maybe I've had enough of...

prat-falls and custard
pies in the face!

This is a noble profession.

Noble? I'm stuffing balloons
down my trousers!

Making people laugh
is the highest call...

Calling there is.
Yes, I know.

Well, perhaps I've
found a higher calling -

the beating of my heart.

You make me sick!


What was that about?

Disagreement over a custard pie.

What do you want
for dinner tonight?

Up to you.

You all right?

See you later.

Look, I've won.
I've made my fortune.

There's nothing you can do about it.


I thought you were
an honourable man.

I'm going to slit your throat.

And now,

ladies and gentleman,
boys and girls...

prepare yourselves for the master of
the dark arts,

the purveyor
of forbidden magic,

knower of secrets,

the Grand Wizard Welkin!

There is nothing more precious
to the human psyche

than the belief in free will.

And yet,
this belief can be shattered,

crushed, exposed as nothing more
than an illusion.

To demonstrate this,
I shall need a volunteer.


Come to me.

Some encouragement, ladies and
gentleman, boys and girls!

What is your name?


Are you afraid of pain, Laura?

Of course you are.
You're human.

But today...

you will feel no pain,

none at all.

Do you understand?


Look deep into the light.

Lose yourself in its



Raise your arm.

Place it into the fire.

Into the flame!

How do you feel?

I feel...


You will be mine.

And you weren't scared?


Explain that, Father.

Never underestimate
the power of suggestion.

You're shaking.

What did he whisper in your ear?

He said...

"You will be mine."

This has gone far enough!
When I get my hands...

Try to stay calm.

As soon as Mr. Smythe gets here,

we'll get him to fetch Welkin.

It's time we put
a stop to this nonsense.

Going somewhere?

Marvin told me everything.


Someone there?




Mr. Smythe?!

He tried to k*ll me.

- Tall, like some sort of spectre.
- Evil eyes.

Spectre with evil eyes?

That about sums him up.

Mr. Welkin do that too?

That was someone else.


My ex-girlfriend.

Looks like he's disappeared, sir.

Witnesses reported seeing him
near the knife thrower's caravan

shortly before the attack.

Dust it for fingerprints.

If he comes near you again,

report it immediately.

That's it?

What about some protection?

We don't have
the resources for that...

Inspector, I do think
Mr. Welkin is dangerous.

If he is prowling around

I'll conduct a brief search.

If I were you,
I'd avoid being alone.

Good day.

Do you have a safe place to stay?

I've got a B&B booked for tonight -

- a room for two.
- Look here, you little...

Who are you calling "little"?!

- Mr. Smythe...
- Reggie, please.

Let me do this properly.

For Heaven's sake!

Laura, from the moment
I first saw you,

I knew you were the one...

No, stop it!

Mr. Smythe...


When I offered my hand in

I meant it as nothing more
than a joke.

You don't have to stay with me,
Father. I'll be fine.


Broken hearts need company.

I really don't think
it's safe for us

to be in the same room
as a potential m*rder victim.

You should go.

I'm not leaving you alone
with a madman on the loose.

I suppose we could
have a nice cup of tea

while we wait for the maniac
to arrive?

- Grand.
- I've made a mess of everything.

A great, big, stupid mess.

Everyone makes mistakes.

I don't need your platitudes,

Please leave me alone,
both of you.

I don't think
that will be a good idea.

Until Mr. Welkin is found,
it would be safer if...

I'm not a child!
Stop treating me like one.

Please, leave.

We'll be downstairs.

Call if you need us.

A spectre with evil eyes.
What next?


There's a storm coming.


What's that?
Stop the car!

One snigger out of you...

Not a peep, sir.

Wait a minute.
What's that?


Almost cut myself.

What are you doing?

Showing my appreciation.

For what?

For staying overnight to protect me.

Couldn't leave my damsel
in distress all alone

with her parents away,
could I?

- Your damsel?
- My damsel.

I'm sorry about all this.

It's not your fault men
can't help falling at your feet.

What is it?
I just saw him outside.

Stay here. Lock the door behind me.

- Well, don't go out there.
- I'll be all right.

He went this way.

We've been out
here for over half an hour.

I think we should...

- What was that?
- What?

- I thought I heard something.
- You're hearing things.

Any sign of Welkin?

No. No-one's been in or out.

We thought we saw someone
on the field coming this way.

I'm going back to check on Laura.

- Where's Smythe?
- Well, he's in his room.

- He said he wanted to be on his...
- Help!

- Holy Mother of God.
- Call an ambulance.


..Ut a peccatis liberatum

te salvet
atque propitius allevet.

I never should have left him alone.

You sure he couldn't have
got past you?

We were outside the whole time.

Rear exit's open.
Lock's unbolted, same as here.

He must've made Mr. Smythe

unlock the doors
with his mind control.

Still here, Mrs. McCarthy?

You too, Father.
This is a crime scene.

The windows were secure.

What about the air vent?

Too small for Welkin
to have got through that.


Was he burning this
when he was att*cked?

I'll take that,
thank you.


I believe you've been
looking for me.

Arthur Welkin,
at your service.

A sing-a-long?

Yes, it was a grand old time.

Lovely people,
the Kemblefordians.

You're not from here, are you?
I can tell. City boy?

What was the name of this pub?

Why are you all the way out here?
That's what I want to know.

- I'm asking the questions.
- Let me guess...

..running away from something?


Domineering father.


That's it.

What was the name?

The Cloak and Dagger.

That's apt, wouldn't you say?

You threatened Mr. Smythe's
life this morning

and later threw a knife at him
after the performance.

- Nonsense.
- Then why did he say

your name before he died?

Did he?
How sweet!

By law, a man's last words

are considered to be the truth.

- It's known as...
- A dying declaration.


Perhaps it was a declaration
of love.

We shall never know.

That was Jez Watts.

Him and the lads
were in The Cloak tonight.

- Yes, and?
- Welkin's telling the truth.

He was there
at the time of the m*rder,

singing along in front
of about 30-odd regulars.

I believe that means
you'll have to release me,

unless you believe
I have the power

to be in two places at once?

Good morning, my dear.

How are you after
last night's excitement?

What do you want?

To claim my prize.

- That was just a joke.
- It was your word.

But the agreement was you had
to make your fortune -

that was your word,

The fortune I have to offer
is worth more than money can buy.

You will marry me

and with great
willingness of spirit.

You were romantically involved
with Mr. Smythe, is that right?

Must've been very upsetting
when he jilted you.

I didn't k*ll him!

But you did punch him on the nose?

He deserved it after what he did.

- And you are?
- Marvin Morris.

I've got a motive too.

- Want to hear it?
- Please.

Reggie was a backstabbing,
small-minded, petty...

Stop it!

He walked out on Enid,
walked out on our double-act.

Where were you both
at the time of the m*rder?

Having a stroll in the fields.


In the dark?

With a storm on its way?

I was upset. I needed some air.


- We didn't see anyone.
- How convenient.

Well, until this case is over,
no vanishing acts, please.

Maybe I should run down to the cafe,
see where she's got to.

If she's much later,
Father, you'll have to cancel.

How was she this morning?

Tired. Barely said a word
before she left for work.

Let's go down to the cafe together.

Good morning.

I don't believe we've been
properly introduced.

- I am...
- I know who you are.

- Laura, what's going on?
- We've some wonderful news.

Tell them, my dear.

We're getting married.

- You're what?
- You heard her.

Tomorrow morning
we'll leave with the circus,

and shortly thereafter,
join in blissful union.

Have you gone mad?

I'm sorry, Nicholas.

I understand
you're her former suitor.

I do hope you'll be a gentleman
and bow out with grace and decorum.

Outside, now.

Clearly not.

No, Nicholas.

I want to talk to Laura alone.

Anything you say to Laura
you can say to me.

Do you really want to marry this man?

Rather an impertinent question.

I know it seems sudden, but I've
never felt so in love before.

- What?!
- Yesterday,

you were
terrified of Mr. Welkin

and now you say
you're in love with him?

I can hardly believe it myself,
but Arthur's shown me a side of him

I hadn't seen before -

warm, caring, funny.

Yes, I have a wonderful
sense of humour.

I want to marry him.

And there you have it.

Let's speak in my study.

Let me perform the ceremony.

I can fit you in tomorrow afternoon.


Any other priest
would make you wait six months.

You're willing to break protocol?

I've been known
to bend the rules.

We'd have to delay
our departure.

Only for a few hours.

Very well.
Tomorrow it is.

What have you done to her?

Merely stirred her passions.

- I'll k*ll you.
- That would solve nothing.

Laura, what is this?
I don't understand.

Goodbye, Nicholas.

You understand that, don't you?


You're not seriously
going to marry them?

- Of course not.
- He's hypnotised her.

He must have.
She wasn't herself.

Even the most suggestible person

can't be hypnotised
to marry against their will.

There must be something
else going on.


There's only one thing for it -

I need to talk to Laura...
on her own.

Home, sweet home.

It's lovely.

Don't worry, my dear,

I shall be the
perfect gentleman...

..until after we're married,
of course.


Excuse me.


You did it, didn't you?

- Did what?
- k*lled Reggie.

If I had, I'd have thought
you'd be thanking me.

He might've been an idiot,
but he didn't deserve to die.

You did it
and I'm going to prove it.

My dear, if it's not an imposition,

I'd like you to do
something for me.

Let's say Enid Flay
climbed through the air vent.

How did she get up there?

Either Marvin Morris helped her,
or she used a ladder,

then she stabbed him,
unlocked the door and escaped.

Come in.

Sorry to disturb you,
but I've just come from the circus.

I saw something -
something terrible.

Enid Flay,

I have a warrant
to search your...


What a surprise.

What can I say?

I love the circus.

Search it for what?

We'll see.
Shall we?


Clear, sir.

I haven't done anything!

Oh, yes? Had some company, have we?

This is harassment.

What have we got here?

Someone put that there!

That's what they all say.

I'm taking you both
in for questioning.

- Sergeant.
- Come on, you.

How did you know
to search the caravan?

Enid invited Laura for tea.
She saw the knife in the cupboard.

- That's a lie!
- And also none of your concern, Father.

But if Enid k*lled Smythe,

why did he say Welkin's
name before he died?

Probably because he didn't want
to incriminate his girlfriend.

You're clutching at straws.

And you, once again, are stepping
way outside your bounds.

- What about the burnt fabric...?
- Goodbye, Father.

There's something
you need to know -

Laura Hope
is under Welkin's influence.

She's been coerced
into marrying him.

Well, Welkin has an alibi.

He was at a pub sing-a-long
at the exact time.

A sing-a-long?!

Apparently he does a raucous
Knees-Up Mother Brown.

So, unless you have an explanation

as to how he can be
in two places at once,

I suggest you go back to St Mary's
and allow me to close this case.


It belonged to my mother.

I thought it was bad luck for the groom
to see the bride in her wedding dress.

Well, I don't believe
in that superstitious nonsense.

I believe only in love.

Love is the real magic.

You are so beautiful.

I'll leave you to undress, my dear.

What are you doing here?

Tell me what's happening.

Exactly what it looks like.

That you're being
forced into marriage?


Tell me why you're doing this.

I'm paying penance.


What for?!

- Arthur!
- Laura, no, please.

He just barged in.

Father Brown, I'm beginning
to get the impression

you're having second thoughts
about marrying us.

Not at all.

Are you sure?

We can always marry elsewhere.

I gave my word.

Tomorrow it is.

Very well.
If you'll excuse us,

we have a wedding
to prepare for.

We've examined the knife -
no fingerprints.

But the blood type
matches Mr. Smythe's.

This is your last chance
to tell the truth.


We spent the night together.

The night Mr. Smythe was k*lled?

But we didn't k*ll him.

You've lied once already.
Why should I believe you now?

Do you really think,
if I did it, I'd be stupid enough

to leave a blood-stained
knife in my caravan?

Murderers have made
many stupid mistakes,

- you won't be the last.
- I'm not a m*rder*r.

You had means,
motive and opportunity.

I'm charging you with
the m*rder of Reggie Smythe.

Could you hold these? Thank you.

You're a dab hand
with the lock pick.

Beginner's luck.

I don't understand why we're here.

Laura said something
that made me wonder.

Wonder what?

What are you looking for?

I'll know it when I see it.

Laura's room?


What was here?

I think it was a lamp.

So it broke.
So what?

You said Laura had
trouble sleeping,

the night of the m*rder.
Well, it's hardly surprising.

How was she when you
got back to the house

after you'd left the B&B?

Scared witless.
Jumping at shadows.

I think I know what Mr. Smythe
was burning.

Try to stay calm.
Father Brown always has a plan.

You do, don't you?

Here they are now.

Well-wishers -
how nice.

Let her go.

However you're doing it,
let her go.

Trust me.

Let's go in, shall we?

Why did the lamp
break in your bedroom?


The lamp in your bedroom window,
why did it break?

The wind.

I saw tread marks on the window sill.

He's wasting our time.

I know why you're doing penance.

You k*lled Mr. Smythe, didn't you?

- What?
- Don't say a word.

- He knows nothing.
- I know enough.

Mr. Smythe didn't stay
in his room that night,

that's why he was so insistent

that me and Mrs. McCarthy
left him alone...

so he could come to you.

He broke the lamp...

..climbing through your window.

I think I know what happened next,

but why don't you tell me?

It was an accident.

I didn't mean to k*ll him.

I thought it was Welkin.

He told me not to call
an ambulance,

said it wasn't serious.

He wanted to go back to the B&B
and pretend that Welkin did it,

get him arrested
for attempted m*rder.

So you dressed his wound with this.

I found it in your sewing basket.

You have to go to hospital!
I'm fine. It barely hurts.

What are you doing here?!

I wanted to see you.

I understand you
don't love me,

but at least let
me do this for you.

He gave me the knife
and went back to the B&B.

Where he removed the dressing,

no doubt realising his wound was
far more serious than he thought,

burned the evidence,
then cried bloody m*rder.



That doesn't explain
why you agreed to marry him.

Yes, it does.

You saw it all, didn't you?

How else would you have got the

Then you went directly to the pub
to give yourself an alibi.

Why didn't you go to the police?

After I'd already
covered up what I did?

How's that going to look?

Besides, I thought
it was a just punishment

after what I did to Mr. Smythe -

hell on Earth with Mr. Welkin.

You're not a m*rder*r.

You don't deserve hell on Earth,
or anywhere else.

This doesn't change anything.
She k*lled Smythe,

and if she doesn't want to go to
prison, she'll marry me.

And with great willingness
of spirit.

Is that what you think love is?


How does a priest know anything
about love?

Mr. Smythe knew what love was.

You know nothing about me.

I know you're a charlatan

with a bag of cheap tricks.

What I feel for Laura
is not a trick.

It's real.

If that is so,

then why are you so
blind to her suffering?

You are not the person
who should be doing penance...

..you are.


Goodbye, Mr. Welkin.

- It's over.
- No, it's not.

I have to confess
to Inspector Sullivan.


I won't let someone else
pay for my crime.


She's right.


I have something to tell you.


It's a confession...

from Welkin.

He says that Smythe snuck out
of the B&B and confronted him,

so Welkin stabbed him.

- That's not...
- Where is he now?

I have no idea.

And this note...
is for you.

"Laura, my love,

"this confession
I make in your honour.

"It is my sacrifice for you...

"I shall disappear
and never be found,

"for who can find a phantom?

"Without love,
that's all I am.

"I am nothing.

"I am hollow.

"I am dust."

My heart's thundering.

That's a good sign.

She'll be here any minute.

Now, you should be inside.

Well, Father, when are you going
to tell us what happened?

I don't know what you're talking

Why did Laura agree to marry Welkin?

Like Mrs. McCarthy said,
he had strange powers.

It was the hypnotism, I knew it!

You look beautiful.

- I'm a bundle of nerves.
- That's a good sign.

I'll go and tell the ushers
she's here.

Deep breaths.
Good luck.


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