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01x09 - Full Hearts

Posted: 12/14/06 14:46
by bunniefuu
Is there something happening between you and Riggins?



You gonna steal a cr*pple's girl but you won't fight a cr*pple, huh?

You're a coward, Riggins! Always will be!

I would like to tell both of you that I'm going on a date with Matt Saracen.

Boys think about sex every single minute of the day.

You are sweet and I don't want to see you get hurt.

I love you, too, Dad.

All right. How much?

Three hundred.

A month?

Try a week.

All right.

Can I pay you next week?

You're good for it.

Grad Y: He's going to need a little financial assistance because of some exams that he's gonna have to take.

Let's show him how much we love him and we want him to make us all proud.


Congregation: Amen!

All: (SINGING) Thank you, Jesus.

Choir Leader: (SINGING) Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. My worship is for real. My worship is for real. Say, Lord, I love you!

Lord, I love you! Lord, I love you! Lord, I love you!

My worship is for real My worship is for real Lord, I love you!

Lord, I love you! Lord, I love you! Lord, I love you!

My worship is for real. My worship is for real. Yes! Yes!

Yes! Yes!

Yes! Yes!

Grad Y: Romans 2.16 tells us, "If we turn away from God and begin to worship foreign gods, God will surely know."


You know how he will know it?

Hebrews 4.12 tells us that, "God will discern "the thoughts and the intents of our hearts. "

All: Amen.

There are secret things that belongs to God, but the revealed things belongs to us.

All: Amen.


Brother Brian, our prayers are with you this Friday.

We are praying that God will give you the strength to run all over Gatling this Friday.


Corrina: Amen!

Choir Leader: (SINGING) My worship is for real Say thank you, Jesus

Congregation: Thank you, Jesus Thank you, Jesus Thank you, Jesus My worship is for real My worship is for real Lord, I love you! Lord, I love you!

Hey, there, Lyla.



I'm sorry.

There are no words that could ever express that, but I am so sorry.


Did you have sex with him?

How many times?

Jason, please.

No, come on.

How many?

You can go.


On Radio: This is Slammin' Sammy Meade talking Panther football.

We got a caller on the line. Chuck, what do you know?

On Phone: Hey, Sammy.

I got a bad feeling about this game Friday night.

I mean, Gatling looks mighty hard.

Road games are never good, but heading over there to Gatling is like going to another planet, you know what I'm saying.

I do. I do.

I mean, it's inner city. It's tough. It's the hood.

And that Junior Silverio makes their defense brutal.

That's Silverio. And I'll tell you what, they don't call that defense "The Black Hole of Gatling" for their good looks.

But we do have an interesting situation with Smash Williams.

Now, Gatling is his hometown. It's where he grew up.

And he's going against his childhood rival, Junior Silverio.

Yeah. Yeah. That Junior isn't a middle linebacker, though.

He's your worst nightmare.

Corrina: Brian! Get those cleats off my table!

Where's your mind at, boy?

They're talking about Junior like he's the second coming.

He ain't got nothing on me.

Well, you just let them talk.

You do your talking on the field.

Sheila: Hey, Mom.

Are we staying the night in Gatling?

I want to see if Jennifer and Nicole still live there.

Yeah, Momma. Can we go and see the old house?

We are not going to fool around.

We're going to watch your brother play.

Can we go see Dad?

We're not going to no cemetery.

We moved away from there for a reason.

Now y'all hurry up.

You make me late again, you gonna be walking to school.

Almost ready for school?


She's on the phone right now with Matt Saracen.

I don't think this thing is going away.

I have not even had my coffee yet.

Well, I'm just saying...

I don't want to talk about this right now.

I think it's becoming a thing.

I mean, it's a thing, and you know what thing it is?

It's that thing that we always knew was gonna happen to our little girl.

It's that thing.

That thing is happening now.

Well, at least she's not interested in a serial k*ller or one of the Riggins.

I've got the keys.

Come on, honey! Let's go.

All right, let's go.

Let's go.


Student 1: (EXCLAIMS)

Get off me, man!

Student 2: I know, I know!

Hey, Saracen.

What you going to do about Riggins, man?

What do you want me to do?

The dude tried to beat up a guy in a wheelchair.

That's as low as it gets.

I thought you were Captain.

Captains are supposed to be leaders.

Step up, all right, man?

Let's do something about this.

Girl: Hi, Lyla.

Tyra: Garrity!


Yo, Garrity, just hold on.

Hi, Tyra.

So, I heard.

What did you hear?

Jason punched out Tim.

Oh, right.

Yeah, yeah.

I heard you were there.

Yeah, I was.

So, why'd he do it?

I don't know.

Maybe just a misunderstanding.

You know guys.

Oh, yeah, misunderstandings.

That's funny.

The rumors are flying, just so you're aware.

Yeah, well, I'm sure they're not true.

Right, well, I didn't even tell you what they were.

You know, I know you and Tim have been spending a lot of time together.

I got ethics class, so I gotta go.


I was wondering if you could give me a little help on this hotel situation.

What hotel situation, Mayor?

For this Friday night.


Gatling isn't exactly rolling out the welcome wagon.

Seems they want to put us up in the Cheyenne Motel.

At the risk of sounding like a snob, I don't wanna get shot in a drive-by this weekend, is all.

Call me crazy.


I don't think there's any worry of that, though.

That's not necessary.

Anyway, there's a meeting set up tomorrow night to work this whole thing through.

Problem is, I've got a prior commitment.

Left solely in Buddy Garrity's hands, this whole thing could spin way out of control.

Buddy can get a tad abrasive when I'm not there to be the yin to his yang, as it were.




Tami, you are the perfect person for this job.

Oh, come on.

What do you say?

You want me to be Buddy Garrity's yang?

Yin, actually.

Well, I...

No, you would be wonderful.

You'd be wonderful.

Oh, well, I don't think I...

You know, that's a...

Oh, thank you so much.


I'll see you all Friday night, right?

Uh, well, then...

Oh, Tami.

Wear something pretty. And, you know...

And you'll have them eating out of your hand.

Oh. All right.

Well, I'll, um...


Babe, got things to do.


A yin and a...

I don't understand what I'm even doing, honey!

Can I just say that you're choosing to date a football player, like, voluntarily?

He's Matt.

He's not a football player.

He's starting quarterback.

I mean, he doesn't buy into the whole jock thing.

He's normal. Relatively.

Yeah, well, we'll see how long that lasts.

You are so jaded.

People change. Fast.

Especially when they're on the team.

Landry: You know, you gotta make a change, my friend.

This is extremely important.

This isn't just a first date.

This is your pre-release party.

My what?

We're on the brink here.

I mean, Dillon is a 500 team right now, but you beat Gatling this Friday, which, good luck with that, by the way, and then you're a winning team again, which is just instant rock star status.

All these things are older than we are.

Well, it's called retro, and the chicks dig it.

Trust me.

Oh, I forgot.

You're such an expert about that.

Your last girlfriend was, what, Jenny Emmel, and that was, like, fifth grade or something?

That's fine.

If you wanna get personal...

I mean, you know that still hurts, and it was, you know, it was a bad break-up, so thank you for bringing that back up.

I appreciate that.


That fine. I mean, I'm just trying to help you out and you wanna get all personal.

All right, well, then let's get back to helping me out and stop this heart to heart.

No, no, no!

What's wrong with these?

This is something that Matt Saracen would wear.

Julie Taylor's about to go on a first date with a football player.

She doesn't want the man.

She wants the myth.

So, you gotta pull out your big g*ns here, buddy.

Now, tell me.

Can you say, Members Only?

Junior Silverio is the key to the Gatling defense.

We shut him down, we shut down this team.

Panthers: Yeah.

Pudnick, get you up here.

Panthers: Go, Pudnick! Pud!

This is him right here. And it would be him, too.

If he was bigger, stronger and could actually tackle, it would be him.


Now, look, we're not gonna run from this guy.

We are gonna go through this bum.

We're gonna punch a hole right through the heart of this Eagles defense.

You understand?

Panthers: Yes, sir!

It is going to be a w*r.

And we're gonna make a statement that's gonna lead us all the way to State!

Panthers: Yes, sir!

Bring it in.

Let's go! Let's go!


Yeah, baby! On three, baby!

One, two, three!

Panthers: Hut!

Player 1: Yeah!

Player 2: Whoo!

Bradley: What's up, Street?

What's up, fellows?

Me and the guys wanted to come by.

Hey, man.

Oh, yeah.

How you doing?

Player: What's up, man?

Ain't you all supposed to be getting ready for Gatling this week?

Yeah, man.

You been getting Saracen k*lled back there, I hear.


You got my message, man?

Yeah, yeah.

I got your message.

If there's one thing we don't allow, it's for somebody to hit our quarterback.

Riggins didn't hit me.

I hit him. And I am fine.

So don't make anything of it, all right?

Where did all the pictures on the wall go, man?

Just... I've been here for a while, man.

I just wanted to change things up, you know?

The nurse outside told us that we're your first visitors today.

Where's Lyla? She's just not around or what?



Riggins and Lyla?

You know me and the guys always got your back.

We're gonna take care of this, man.

Look, I'm just asking you to watch her for a couple hours, okay?

She'll be fine. And I'll give you Julie's number.

It's just, she doesn't like the idea of being alone at night. So...

You know, I'm really thrilled about the idea of being left alone with your grandmother at night.

You know how I feel about the whole situation...

Landry, my grandma is not a witch, okay? She's just not.

Hey, Matt.

Come here.

Hey, Lance.

How you doing?

Uh, it's Landry.

Huh? Yeah.


Can I talk to you for a second?

Uh, yeah.


What's up, Coach?

Big date night tonight?

Oh, yeah.

I mean, uh...

I'm gonna have her home early right after the movie.

Oh, I know you will.

I know you will.

What's going on with Riggins?


What do you mean?

What I mean is, I have eyes.

I wanna know what's going on out there.

With all due respect, sir, I just don't really feel it's my place to say anything, so I'm not going to.

You know what? I appreciate your allegiance to your teammates, but you're also team captain.

So, if there's something going on out there that's going to affect his game Friday night, I suggest that you tell me.

Well, it's just a rumor.

What kind of rumor?

About someone he hooked up with or... Maybe.

Someone he hooked up with?

And I don't even think it's true, so that's why I don't really want to...

Who is it?

Spit it out.

Doesn't need to be anything between us.

Spit it out.

With Lyla.

Lyla Garrity?


All right.

Can I go now?

Yeah. Have a good time at the movies. Hey.

My daughter and I talk a lot.


Hey. Jordana called.

They invited us to a barbecue tomorrow when we get to Gatlin.

Hold up. You're gonna put Brian and Junior in the same room?

Look, they might be enemies on the field, but off the field, the Silverios are still some of our best friends.

Huh. Then why'd you move us away from them?

Because Dillon is safer, that's why.

Yeah, and whiter, too.

You move us to Dillon to get us out the ghetto or to get away from Dad?

You don't know what you're talking about.

No, I really wanna bring it up.

Like, we should talk about this.

You need to shut your mouth.

Momma, I'm serious...

Take your smart mouth and your plate and get away from my table.

Don't talk to me like that.




Evening, Coach.

Wait, wait, wait.

Is that a Members Only jacket?

Uh, yeah.

Well, what do you think?

You think it okay?

Hey, Matt.

How are you?

Come on in.

I'm fine.

How you doing, ma'am?

Tami: Great. And you look nice.

Well, thank you.

Um, is Julie here?

Is she ready?

Hey, Matt.



Tami: All right. Um...

You know what? You look really nice.

Dad... Thanks.

Tami: Let me just have a quick word with little Jules.

Why don't y'all go wait in the living room and, um, we'll be...

Just a sec, okay?

Matt: All right.

Just come on for a stroll for one second so that we can talk.

Why don't you take your Members Only jacket off and hang it on the coat rack?

Sorry, what?

Hang your jacket up, Matt.

All right.

Julie: But...

This is not actually what you're gonna wear on your date.

But this is what people wear on dates, not that other dress.

I know, but, baby, this is not what you wear on dates.

And you can't even walk in those shoes. Come on.

I love you. Come on.

You want a beer?

No, thanks.

I'm driving.

I was joking.

Julie: So, um, have you heard good things about the movie?

Oh, yeah.

One of my people recommended it. So...

You mean Landry?


Uh, can I get...

Can I just get two for Eragon, please?

I'm sorry, sir.

Eragon is sold out.

Oh, I'm Matt Saracen.

Q.B. One?



And I thought that you have tickets for football players.

Not since Reyes started a fight in the balcony.

It took three security guards to break that one up.

Well, yeah, but he's not on the team anymore, so it's okay.


It doesn't matter.

The show's sold out.

Matt: Just tonight?

Uh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Just a second.

Matt, it's, um...

"Your people" is calling.


Whoa, whoa, I told you, if anything goes wrong, just turn on the Discovery Channel.

She'll be all right.

Okay, okay.

All right, all right.

I'll be right there.

Um, we gotta go back to my house.

Look, um, I'm really sorry that we had to come back here.

It's just...

It's only gonna take, like, a second, so...

Okay, get out.

Look, look.

I swear, I did not touch her.

We were watching TV.

She started flipping out.

Well, where is she?

Where is she?

She's in the clo...

She locked herself in the closet.

What closet?

Right over here.



I'm gonna come in, okay?

Mrs. Saracen: I'm not gonna let him touch me like that!

I did not touch her.

Don't worry, it's all right.

Grandma, I'm gonna have to come in there, okay?

Mrs. Saracen: I want Joel! I want Joel!

She asked for him before.

Yeah, it's my grandfather.

Your grandpa's been dead for six years!

I know, I know that. Jeez.

(WHIMPERING) Joel... Joel... I want Joel.



You in there, Darling?

Mrs. Saracen: Joel, is that you?

Oh, it's me.

Hey, sweetheart, I'm gonna need you to come out of there, okay?

Mrs. Saracen: Joel, sing to me. Sing our song.

(SINGING) Mr. Sandman Bring me a dream Make her complexion like peaches and cream And then I'll know my Ionely nights are over Sandman Sandman I'm all alone So please turn on your magic beam Mr. Sandman Bring me a dream

Both: Mr. Sandman Bring me a dream Make her the sweetest

Both: That I've ever seen


Matt: That's our song.

Now, that's how we do it.

Mrs. Saracen: Oh, Joel.

Oh, that bed looks good.

Matt: There you go.

See you in my dreams, okay?

I love you.

I love you, too, okay?

Mr. Sandman.

Go and have sweet dreams so he can come.

All right, get some sleep.

I'll just get Landry to take me home.



Ly-Ly? You in there?

Coming in, precious.


You didn't come down for breakfast.

You're late for school, honey.

Carpe diem.

Daddy, I'll be right down, okay?



Seems like you got home mighty early from your date last night.

How was the movie?

Was it good or...

You realize we can't talk about these kind of things, right?

Oh, right, sorry.

Lost my head.


We never went to a movie.

And, no, we weren't parked somewhere or anything.

Matt just got a call and he needed to help out his grandma.

Sorry about that.

It was sort of okay.

It was, like, the first time I actually got to see the real Matt Saracen.


I totally blew it and that stupid jacket didn't help any.

Well, Matt, there's no reason to blame the couture, just 'cause you couldn't pull it off.

I end up singing to my grandma.

Look, all I asked you to do was watch her for a couple of hours, Landry.

Okay, listen, Casanova.

You singing to your grandma was probably the only thing that you did right.

Oh, yeah? Why's that?

Well, I mean, Julie totally bought it.

She told me so on the way home.

What did she say?

Well, she said that it was sweet and vulnerable.

Sweet and vulnerable?


That's what she said?

Great. Sweet and vulnerable is like a kitten, Landry, not a boyfriend.

Well, calm down. I mean, you gotta take what you got and work with it.

You know, drop the whole quarterback-macho thing.

You clearly can't pull that one off. And, you know, you use the sensitive, artistic thing.

So you think there actually might still be a chance that she's kind of, maybe, like, a little bit...

Singing to your grandma may be the one thing that gets you into Julie Taylor funhouse.


Don't tell me you haven't thought about that one.

That's just wrong.

We're just gonna have to tell those people that they're gonna have to provide first class accommodations for us, just like we gave them when they came here.

And it's as simple as that.

That's what we do.

Well, I think, you know, it's gonna be important not to put them on the defensive.

And I'm not sure that, that's gonna be the best way for us to get what we want.

Oh, Tami. You know how these people are.



They don't like us.

Well, I still think that we might want to just give it a little bit of a different approach, just sort of, you know, tip it on its head a little bit, if you know what I mean?

I know. I know.

And I see why my daughter loves you, though.

She speaks so highly of you.


She's a sweet girl.

Yeah. Have you seen anything lately with her?

Anything different?

She got some big problem or something?

Well, um...

She's not eating and she just seems distracted.

You know, I'm thinking maybe it's just that teenage girl thing.

But I... What do I know?

I think as a parent, the best thing you can do is, uh, just don't try to fix it.

Just be there for her.

Just let her know you love her.

That's good.

You know, you and I are gonna make a great team.

Because I can tell, you just k*ll them with kindness...


...and I'll just put a little pressure on them...

All right.

...and see if we can squeeze some nicer digs out of them.

Okay. All right, then.

You need to get the lead out of your ass by Friday.

Come on, let's go. Push.


Don't worry.

I'll be ready for prime time just like Dad taught me.

Would you shut up about Dad and stop bringing him up.

Look, we're going to the city where he died.

And I don't know why we're not allowed to talk about him.

Don't you think that's weird?


Mom might hate him, but that doesn't mean I do, all right?

I remember the guy who taught me how to throw a spiral and took us fishing.

Your point is?

And gave me my nickname after I crashed my bike into the water heater.

Well, you know what? I remember other things, Brian.

Don't matter, Sheila.

He was our dad.

I don't see what the big mystery is.

The only mystery is how you can move your mouth so fast but your legs are moving so slow. Come on.


Brian, let's go.

Oh, my God, Brian! Breathe! Breathe!



Yeah, clean as a whistle.

At this point, I'm thinking it's just anxiety.

You been under any stress lately?

Yeah. We got a big game coming up on Friday.

Oh, yeah.

Gatling defense.


I'd be stressing, too.

All right, just get some rest, okay?

And you'll be fine.

And take it to them, okay?

Yes, sir.

All right.


See? No big deal, so just chill.

Oh, please don't tell me to chill.

Since when did you start having anxiety att*cks?

You know I always get excited before games.

And does your face always break out, too?

Look, you either tell me what's going on, or Momma's gonna find out.

Come on.

Look, it's just some pick-me-ups I've been taking.

I got them from a trainer.

It's all legit.


What, from some fake bodybuilder at some stupid gym?

Look, don't check me on this, all right?

I know what I'm doing.

It's just gonna give me a little edge.

Boy, since the time you were nine years old, it's been all about you.

You never have to do anything around the house...

Look, Sheila...

...just so you can practice.

Somebody's gotta step up and be the man of the house now that Dad's not around.

You are gonna get into trouble.

Do you not understand this?

Look, Sheila, let me just be clear with you, all right?

Football is my life.

It's all I got in this world.

All right?

I need your help.

Are we cool?

For now. All right.



How you doing?


Better than you.


You got Gatling this weekend.


Well, you know what? We're gonna be patient with the offense.

We're gonna take what we can, is what we're gonna do.

I know you're busy, but I just wanted to let you know I played in that scrimmage the other night and, uh, I think I did pretty well.

I heard you did. I heard you threw the ball well and I heard you gave them hell, and I'm sorry I couldn't have been there.

Did you, uh...

Did you hear anything else?

Yeah. Yeah, I heard.

Sorry I laid your fullback out.

You all right?

You know, it's just...

You think you know someone and then you don't.

Just don't.

I didn't come here to talk about that and I want you to know, you know, you don't have to be alone with it either.

I want you to know that.

Oh, thank you.

I understand.

I appreciate it.

Anybody but her!

Your brother's a jackass!


I hope Lyla was worth it, little brother.


You have the best barbecue I've ever tasted in Gatling.

And I swear, if you ever repeat that to anybody, I will deny, deny, deny.

But it is...

We don't have anything that comes close to that in Dillon.

Oh, we know.

Oh, I'm sure you do.

All right, Dwight.

Could you just quit flirting with the coach's wife, and let's get down to business right here, all right?

Now, this roach motel, fleabag motel, just ain't gonna fly.

Put us in a wing, just rent us a wing at the Remington, and we can just move on from there.

And here's another thing...

The Remington is a five star hotel, Buddy.

That's not even a starter.

You know what? When we bring that entire town of Dillon over here, which you know is gonna happen, this place is gonna be sold out, concession business is gonna go through the roof.

Now, I bet if you picked up the phone and called the hotel and explained that to them, they would bring those rates down.

You sure you don't coach football?


I leave that to my husband.


To what do I owe this visit?

Oh, nothing really.

I just figured we're the only two left in town.

So, I'd stop by and rent a movie.

Then I had a better idea.

Figured what the hell?



What else am I doing tonight?



Jordana: Oh, hey, Corrina!

Hey, Junior.

What up, man?

Long time, no see.

No doubt.

Smash: You telling me you have a barbecue in the hood, everybody just show up at your house?

Yeah. But, hey!

Remember Tom Corwin?


Doing a bid for 10.

Armed robbery.


Seems like you and me are just about the only guys from the hood that got a decent shot.

But, you know, coming back here, it's just something.

It just opens up old wounds.

Michael was the reason we stayed here.

And after he died, I thought it was better for us to leave.

I hate to admit it, girl, but sometimes I don't even miss him.

I know I don't miss staying up late at night and wondering whether he coming home or not.

I actually think we might be better off with him dead.

Brian? Brian!



That was awful!


Oh, come on.

Do it again.

Yeah! Oh, my God!


No way.

Here's to good friends in Texas.

Texas forever.


I'm the perfect Lyla Garrity! Go Panthers!

God. Can you believe that's all these people talk about?

You think you'll ever forgive him?

Will you ever forgive her?

Here's to real friends in Texas.


Lord, have mercy.

You know you missed bed check.

I know.

I'll talk to Coach and smooth things out. But where you been?

I went to go see the old house.

I'm sorry, Momma.

Let me ask you something.

What all do you remember about that night?

Dad's accident?


I remember it was late and Dad was coming home from work by himself, and some lady ran a red light and never stood a chance.

Uncle Rookie showed me the pictures once.

You're right, it was late at night.

But he wasn't coming home from work and he wasn't by himself.

Who was he with?

Doesn't matter.

You don't know her and I didn't either.

No, your daddy wasn't a perfect man.

And Lord knows, we had our share of problems.

But I just need you to know that I loved him.

And he loved you.

I know I still get angry sometimes, and then I get sad, and then I say stupid stuff like I did tonight.

He'd have been so proud of you.

There wasn't a person in the world your daddy couldn't charm.

You got that from him.

I just thank God you got the best parts of him.

Announcer on P.A.: Please welcome the Dillon Panthers!

And now, your own Gatling Eagles!


Y'all going down!

Y'all on the wrong side of town, now! This is my home!

Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!

You all ain't ready! Yeah!

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about, baby! Let's go!

Man: Hey, get the hell...


Man: Get them out of here, Ref! Get them the hell out of here!

Taylor: Let's put our heads together right now!

We knew this is what was coming, and we knew this is what they were gonna bring.

Now, let's go give it right back to them.

You understand me?

Panthers: Yes, sir!

Play smart tonight.


Hey, I'm right here, Coach.

Take them out.

This ain't their house! This is my house!

Panthers: Yeah! My field!

My blood is in this house.

They wanna live with pain?

We gonna give them pain!

We taking this house back tonight!

Panthers: Yeah!

Sportscaster: You talk about slobber-knocker football, this has been one ferocious match-up, a defensive battle.

And here we are in the fourth quarter, dead locked at 0-0.

Bring that Smash Ball, baby!

Smash Williams has been shut down, Saracen's been contained, and Tim Riggins has been beaten like an old rug.

Come on, Blue! Let's go, now!

And the punishment being handed out by Gatling's huge middle linebacker, Junior Silverio.

First and 10 on their own 12.

Saracen hands off on the right to Smash.

Oh! And he's hit immediately by Silverio!

Announcer: Junior Silverio on the tackle.

Sportscaster: Saracen drops back.

He's got Smash Williams open on the left for a screen!

Oh! And he is hit by Silverio again!

Announcer: Silverio again on the tackle.

Put him on his back right now! You put him on his back!

Sportscaster: They have to be careful here, standing near their own goal line.

One! High! Hut!


Oh! And Riggins is hit! He's hit by Silverio for a safety.

And that is two points for the Gatling Eagles!

Hey, it may not be pretty, folks, but it might be enough and... Hold on. Hold on.

Looks like... Looks like Riggins is hurt.

Being helped off the field by Smash and it does not look good.

It has just gone from bad to worse here for Coach Taylor.

Girl 1: Hey, slut!

Riggins is over here.

Girl 2: Hey, Riggins is that way.

Girl 3: What are you gonna do, huh?

Girl 4: That's what I thought.

Hey, Lyla.

Does Riggins prefer boxers or briefs?


What are they saying?

I don't know. I don't know.

I can't...

Girl 3: Who's next?

Eenie, meenie, miney, moe.

He's a grease ball!

What was that?


Girl 3: Damn, bitch!

What the hell is going on?

I don't know.

I'm going down there.

No, wait, wait, wait.

This one's me.

This one's me.

I'll be right back, baby.

I'll take care of this.

Announcer: Twenty-five yard kick-off return.

Buddy: Lt'll be all right.

First and 10, Gatling from their own 40 yard line.

Honey, what happened out there?

What's going on?

You gotta tell me, baby.

What is it?

I lost Jason.


I was unfaithful, Daddy.


We all make mistakes and we grow up.

But you're my little girl.

You're my daughter, and I want you to always remember that.

You've never left a game before.

It's only a game.

You're my daughter.

All right, offense, on me!

On me. Listen up, now.

Listen, we got one more shot at this. Let's make it count, you understand?

Let's go get them! Let's go! Let's go!



It's time for you to give the best you got.

You got one more in you?

Yes, sir.

All right, then.

Let's go.

Sportscaster: Well, this is all she wrote, folks.

Taylor: Go, baby.

Taylor has 13 seconds left to work with.

Hold on a second. I think Tim Riggins is coming onto the field.

He's really digging deep here, tonight, and showing his teammates what he's made of.

Way to tough it out, Riggs.

Smash: All right, Riggs.

Player: Let's do this.

Matt: Let's go, gentlemen.

Guys, listen up.

We're going pro right, 28 shovel. On one. Ready?

Panthers: Break!

Sportscaster: And the Dillon faithful are on their feet.

Let's see if Coach Taylor can put some lipstick on this pig.

Blue 80!

Get ready! Get ready, Smash!

Blue 38!


He pitches it off to Smash. And Silverio's got him in his sights...

(EXCLAIMING) And he is laid out by Tim Riggins!

And he has sprung Smash Williams down the left side!

Come on!

Do you believe in miracles, folks? Because I just saw one! Touchdown Dillon Panthers!

And that is the ball game! Dillon wins! Dillon wins!



Such a great game!

Um, I gotta go.

How's the shoulder?

I'll live.



Yeah, you will.

Hey, baby.

Let's go home, Momma.

Let's go home.

Yes, baby. Let's go home.

Let's go home.

Let's go home.