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03x22 - The Audition

Posted: 01/08/24 09:41
by bunniefuu
Oops. Sorry.

- Why do you have those sunglasses
- on indoors?

- When you're cool,
- the sun never sets.

The guy I bought them from

assured me that they were

perfect lady magnets.

- Hey, Roger, nice glasses.
- Come here.

See what I mean?

Yes, sweet thing?

- -Come closer.
- -How close?

That's good enough.

Thanks, Roger.

♪ Shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew how

much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go! ♪

- ♪Never knew
- how much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go ♪

Mr. Mitushka, is it true

- that we're getting
- a new auditorium?

- Well, it's the same
- old auditorium

- We're just hooking it up
- with a whole new flav.

- So, basically you're repainting
- the old one?

- Exactly, Tia,
- but it's no longer

Going to be known

as the auditorium.

- It's being renamed
- in honor

Of one of our school's

greatest alumni.


-Mr. Casey kasem.


Casey kasem,

world-famous disk jockey?

You know, Casey's countdown?


He's also the voice

of shaggy on Scooby-doo.

- Oh! - Oh!
- Oh!

He went here?


- He walked
- these very halls.

Hey, maybe I have

his old locker.

Now, that would be

the b*mb.

My words exactly.

And get this, Casey himself

and his posse will be on hand

for the rededication on Friday.

Now that's the b*mb.

Hey, you guys, look.

- There's auditions
- for two students to perform

At the dedication ceremony

and Casey's picking the winner.

We know who's going to win.

Yeah, marva Blackwell.

Guys, I'm sick

of that marva Blackwell.

- There's got to be
- one of us

Who can beat her out.

All right, you guys

- I've been working
- on a little something.

♪ Did I ever tell you

you're my hero ♪

♪ you're everything

I wish ♪

Thank you, thank you.

Now, everybody just go back

to what you were doing.

Don't waste your time.

- See, some of us
- are stars

And some of us are...

Well, you.

Marva, you're not

the only talented person

in this school.

- So what are you going
- to do onstage?

Your homework?


Maybe I don't have talent

but I know someone

- who can mop
- the floor with you.

- Tia,
- I don't think i'm...

- No, no, not you...
- Tamera.

You guys, she can sing better

than anybody.

- She's got energy, enthusiasm
- and a personality

- That can really light up
- the stage.

Oh, I wish

I were dead.

You know, you're right.

I can sort of see it.

You guys, don't worry.

She'll be dazzling

once she gets past that

"I don't want to live" thing.

So, Eric broke up

with you again, right?

- Now, Tia,
- why do you assume

That that's the problem?

I'm a complicated person.

I think about a lot

of things besides...


I think I have a way

to get Eric back.

Oh, forget it.

I don't want that creep back.

What's the plan?

- And it better not
- be stupid.

You sing in the

talent show audition

win, and then Eric will

fall in love with you.

I thought you were going

to have a stupid idea.

She broke up

with Eric again, huh?

Yes, so, please try

to be sensitive.

Well, I'm sorry, tamera

- but you were too good
- for him anyway.

Besides, there's plenty

of other guys at that school.

Not really, mom.

She's gone through them.

Let's see, um...

There was l.J. Lamar

boney frasier, Kevin tousaint,

Shawn Fordham...

All right, all right.

- Will you stop
- being so sensitive?

Oh, please.

Hello, Lisa.

Well, you seem

pretty happy, ray.

You want to know why?


You finally heard

from that woman you like?

Uh, no.

- You got rid
- of those pounds

- You've been trying
- to get rid of?

Well, actually,

I'm up an l-b or two.

- Got the dent out
- of your Mercedes?

What dent?

Ooh, nothing.

Maybe you should stop while

I'm still relatively happy.

I heard from my accountant today

- and my retirement account
- is up 18 percent!

Oh, that's great, ray.

Here you are,

a man with no girlfriend

a banged-up car,

blowing up like a balloon

and you still find joy

in the little things.

- Would lending me
- ten dollars

- Be one of those things
- you find joy in?

- Lisa, why are you always trying
- to borrow money?

You've got to learn

to live on a budget.

I can live on a budget.

I just do better

living over a budget.

Lisa, sit down.

Look, anyone should be able

to get by on $20 a week

personal spending money.

You can't do that.

I most certainly can.

Prove it.

You want me to?


Okay, I'll prove it.

Look. Here,

you take my credit cards

my a.T.M. Card

and all my extra cash.

Ooh, thanks.

No, no, no.

I haven't finished.

Give me back $20.

- I'm going to make this last
- an entire week.

- You just stand back.
- No problem.

I'm resourceful.

You just watch and learn.

I'm here to collect the money

- for the discovery girl cookies
- you ordered, Mr. Campbell.

That will be $12.

Um... I moved.

I want my money,

you flake!

Hey, give me my change!

Mr. Mitushka?


Why are all these

regular people here?

School policy.

We have to have someone

for you to compete against.

- Besides, there's a lot
- of talented kids

In this school.

Okay, next up,

Kevin and knothead.

- Ooh, here we are,
- Mr. Mitushka.

Go, baby.

What about me, dorko?

You too, knothead.

- Hey, rog-man, check out
- the k*ller ending

To my camp song.

Whoo... ow!

Whoo-hoo! Whoo!


- Do you have another guitar,
- Steve?


Oh, man.

It's okay, Kevin.

It happens to the best of us.

It wasn't me.

- He's the one
- who wouldn't talk.

Kevin, maybe you want to go see

the school nurse?

You picked a fine time

to get tongue-tied.


Okay, tamera Campbell,

you're next.

- I don't want
- to do this.

My heart's not in it.

Just do the best you can.

- Just better
- than marva, okay?

Get down with your bad self,


Just go.


What key?

The key of down.

All right, people.


I have the results

of the audition.

Now, of course,

you were all funky and fresh.

But the students

who will perform for Casey kasem

at the rededication ceremony


Marva Blackwell

and tamera Campbell.

You're toast.

You wish, twin girl.


Yes, Eric?

- It was so stupid of me
- to kick you to the curb.

You forgive me?

Well, I don't know.

I was pretty hurt.


-Yeah. I'll call you.

Hey, Tia, did you hear that?

- Eric and I
- are back together.

Now I don't have to sing

in that stupid competition.

- Wait, tamera,
- you've got to sing.

You've got to beat marva.

- I don't care
- about beating marva.

Tamera, you don't care

about anything.

Well, what's your problem?

- Tamera, you've got
- a lot of potential

- But nobody ever
- gets to see it.

- Don't you want
- to get out there

And show what you can do

for once in your life?

No, not really.

So you're going

to let marva

get the spotlight.

Yeah, I guess so.

But you can't do that!

Why not?

Look, I made a little bet

and if marva wins

I'm going to have

to do her homework.

- What's so bad
- about that?

I'm going to have to do it

until she graduates.

Oh, man.

Well, if you do her homework,

who's going to do mine?

Oh, please be a silver dollar.

Please be a silver... dollar.

Oh, a food boy pog!

Dad, what are you doing?

Uh, uh, fluffing

the cushion.

- Lisa's spot is
- getting a little low.

Dad, I've had

better luck

with your easy chair.

Oh, don't bother.

I check hourly.

Oh, man!

Dad, I thought

- you were supposed
- to make $20 last for a week.

Well, not all of my

expenses were fair.

- For example, those
- discovery girl cookies

Are for everyone.

- Yeah. You want
- a vodeodo, dad?


Um, by the way, tamera

- I think it's great that
- you've entered that contest

- And I know you're
- going to win.

Well, thanks, dad.

- Uh, is there
- any prize money?

I only have 50 cents left

and it's got to

last me six days.

Dad, why don't you

- just go up to Lisa
- and tell her

You've run out of money?

What, are you nuts?

Can you lend me some

of your allowance?

What are you, nuts?

Never mind.

- I've got to get
- out of this house

Before I put my last 50

cents in the swear jar.

Excuse me, woman.

Ugh, this is so sad.



You're not stealing

from the swear jar?

No! Actually, I'm putting

a quarter in the swear jar.

I had loose lips earlier today.

I'm glad you're here.

I'm helping the school

arrange for Casey kasem

and I'll need to reserve

your regency stretch limo

to pick him up Friday.

Well, in that case,

I'll extend the school

- my friendly five
- percent discount.

- You think they could
- pay in advance?

- We need a little more
- than a five percent discount.

How much more?

95% more.

In other words,

it's a freebie.

- No,
- those words will do.

What a magical evening.

The house is packed.

And call me crazy

but I think Mary hart

of TV's entertainment tonight

is in the house!


Oh, no.

- It's just Mr. Chadway,
- the art teacher.

- I've got to go look
- for Casey kasem.

By the way, Tia,

I brought my geometry book

in case you want to get

a head start on my homework.

Look, the fat lady

hasn't sung yet.

Not that my sister

put on some weight.

- It's just
- a figure of speech.

Ah, never mind.

You're going to lose.

Well, good luck, tamera.

I'll be

front-row center.

I'll be looking for you.

Tamera, where

have you been?

Tia, Eric's so great.

I've never been happier.

You were supposed to

go on in five minutes.

- You going to
- rehearse your song?

Okay, okay, okay.

- ♪ I'm going down
- 'cause you ain't around... ♪

Wait, tamera.

That's terrible.

- The song is supposed to be
- full of pain and heartache.

But I don't have

pain and heartache.

- If you don't find some
- in five minutes

- I'll give you
- pain and heartache

- Because I'll be doing
- marva's homework

For the rest of my life!

- Well, gosh, Tia, I feel
- terrible about this

But in a happy

kind of way.

- Okay, tamera,
- I'm going to have to do

- Something I
- didn't want to do

But it's the only way I know

to make you miserable.

One word...


Oh, Tia, why?


Of all things, why did

you have to go there?

Well, I'm sorry.

You mean Lulu,

the little puppy that ran away?

Oh, no. Lulu!

That's right, tamera,

relive it, feel the pain.

- The poor little guy
- won't come back

- And he probably never
- found a good home.

Tia, we did

everything we could.

We put posters


It did no good.

Tamera, what are you

smiling about?

Well, remember we put

one of those posters

on the telephone pole

in front of Donna

Brock's house?


So she had a

big brother Otis

who had a best friend

named... Eric.

Oh, you're hopeless.

I miss Lulu.

What is it, Roger?

- I've got to get
- tamera depressed.

I know. Maybe this

will do the trick.

- Look who's
- getting hugged up.

This is terrible.

Tamera will de devastated.

And that young man

who passed through that arch

grew up to be Casey kasem.

Thank you. Thank you very much,

fellow rough riders.

And so now it's with a great

sense of pride and honor

that I hereby dedicate

the brand-new

Casey kasem center

for the performing arts

formally known

as the auditorium.

- So now, Casey, if you'll
- please cut the ribbon?

All right.

Um, where are

the giant scissors?

Mrs. Finkle, where

are the giant scissors?

- Doggonit,
- don't shake your head.

You had them.

Yes, you did.

We don't really need

giant scissors.

But it's fresher

when you cut them!

But, hey, it's your

auditorium, so go, baby.

Mrs. Finkle...

Thank you very much,

Mr. Mitushka.

I have the honor and pleasure

to introduce the finalists

for the first annual

golden Casey award.

Ladies and gentlemen:

Please welcome marva Blackwell.

♪ When I have

a brand-new hairdo... ♪

- Roger: So, when are you going
- to tell tamera

About marva and Eric?

I'm going to do

it right now. Okay.

- Uh, tamera, I have
- to tell you something.

Tia, will you give up?

I've never been happier.

I'm sorry. I hate to see

you lose your bet to marva

but now what Eric

and I are back together

nothing you can say

will bring me down.

So, what did you

want to tell me?

Uh... do your best

and whatever happens,


and remember tamera,

you're a terrific person

- and you don't need a guy
- to make you happy.

Oh, thanks, Tia.

That makes me feel great.

And now, it's time

for our other finalist...

A gifted young lady

who can really sing the blues.

Tamera Campbell.

Well, is she devastated?

- Oh. I just
- couldn't do it.

Are you crazy? You're

going to lose the bet.

Yeah, but I'd rather do

marva's homework forever

than hurt my

sister's feelings.

This is more touching

than the Lulu story.

♪ Is slowly, slowly

driving me insane ♪

♪ Everything's

been going wrong ♪

♪ why'd you have

to say good-bye? ♪

♪ I can't stop these tears

from falling from my eyes ♪

♪ 'Cause you

ain't around, baby ♪

Both these finalists

are wonderful talents.

But I've made my decision.

The winner of the first annual

golden Casey award is...

Tamera Campbell.

Oh, tamera, you

were incredible!

Oh, honey, I almost

believed that you were

a washed-up, depressed,

down 'n' out loser.

Well thanks, Lisa.

See? I told you they

were here, Mrs. Finkle.

Oh, tamera, honey,

you were fabulous.

- You should be
- so proud of yourself.

- I would take you
- out to celebrate

- But I don't have
- any more money left.

- Ray, don't worry
- about that.

- I got your wallet
- right here.

- You're going
- to take us

- To a really nice,
- expensive restaurant.

Well, great! Hey..?

Ray, there you are.

- I didn't finish
- telling you

The story about funkadelic.

Run like the wind, ray.

There were five guys

from Philadelphia...

Tamera, you

sang so beautifully.

How did you get over

your happiness?

- I just thought
- about Eric and marva

Hugging and kissing.

All of a sudden, I got

overcome with misery.

Tamera, I'm so sorry

you found out.

Who told you?

- What are you
- talking about?

I was just imagining

the worst possible thing

so I'd feel bad.

- You mean they are
- back together?

- Yeah, but remember
- what I said?

You don't need a guy

to make you happy.

Yeah, you're right.

I've got my sister,

my family and my friends.

- Yeah, and things
- could be worse.

Remember when you lost Lulu?


I'm sorry, tamera...

Tamera, I can't thank you

enough for winning that bet.

- I sure didn't want
- to do marva's homework.

Yeah. That would

have been horrible.

You done with mine yet?

In a minute.

Oh, Tia, by the way,

- you never told me what the
- other half of the bet was.

What does marva have

to do since she lost?

- I thought I
- mentioned it to you.


Hey, marva!

You missed a spot.

- I think I have a way for you
- to get Eric back.

Oh forget it, I don't want

that creep back.



- Tamera, I think I have a way
- for you to get Eric back.

Where'd she go from?

Where is she going..?

What's the plan, and it

better not be a stupid idea.

- What you do is, sing
- in the talent show audition

- Win, and Eric will
- fall in love with you.

I thought you said

there was... darn it!