03x07 - Halloween

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister, Sister". Aired: September 6, 1995 – May 23, 1999.*
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Starring Tia and Tamera Mowry as identical twin sisters separated at birth who are reunited as teenagers.
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03x07 - Halloween

Post by bunniefuu »

Two beautiful twins

covered in pumpkin slime...

One of my

favorite fantasies.

- Why are you carving
- two pumpkins?

- We always
- have a contest

To see who can carve the

scariest Jack-o'-lantern.

I'll be the judge this year.

Let's see yours, tamera.



Ugly mouth, bad teeth

- something orange
- hanging out of the nose.

Very nice, tamera.

Why, thank you.

Let's see yours, Tia.


Yuck! What kind

of sick mind

would do something

like that?

I don't know,

I kind of like it.

♪ Talk about a

two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew how

much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go! ♪

♪ Never knew

how much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go ♪

I know... it looks pretty goofy.

But when you're a twin

people always expect you

to dress like your sister.

So this Halloween I went out

and bought the most outrageous

unique, one-of-a-kind

costume I could find.

Hey, tamera,

check out my...

- Hey!
- Hey!

- Why did you go
- and copy me?

I'm not copying you.

- I was just trying
- to be unique.

- You see,
- when you're a twin

- Everyone expects you
- to dress like your sister.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I did that.

We both can't go to the rave

dressed the same.

You're going to the rave?

Yeah. Where were you going

dressed in a costume?

Oh, I don't know.

You weren't planning on

trick-or-treating, were you?

Ha! You're right.

At my age? Ha!

Come on in.

Hi, Tia.

Have fun tonight.

- Don't worry, dad.
- We will.

- Not you, tamera.
- You're grounded.

What? Why, dad?

- After what happened last year
- down on woodward?

- Those kids blocking traffic,
- throwing eggs.

You can't go there again.

I didn't get hit

by a single egg.

Of course not.

You were the one throwing them.

Lisa, you got

to talk to my dad.

He's grounded me

so Tia gets to go

to this party and I don't.

What party is this?

Oh, you know... a rave.

A rave?

Tia never mentioned

a rave to me.

It's perfectly safe.

The police will be there.

Well, at the end.

- Uh-huh. So who's
- throwing this rave?

A kid from school.

Billy... something.

Who are his parents?

Mr. and Mrs... something.

So what do you say?

- Honey, actually,
- you talked me into it.

You and Tia should

be treated exactly the same.

Oh, thanks, Lisa!

She's not going, either.

Well, I'm off to my party.

Mind if I take your car?

Ray, why do you assume

that I'm not going to a party?

Right. I'm sorry.

Have fun.

I'm not going anywhere.

Well, can I take your car?

What's wrong

with your car?

My brand-new

Mercedes convertible? Ha!

I can't drive that

on Halloween night.

Some kids might vandalize it.

Your car, on the other hand...

What are they going to do

fix it?

Fine, fine, fine. Just take it.

But if you so much

as put one bump in that Fender

you pick it up

and throw it in the back seat.

Got it.

So how do I look?

I don't know. That depends.

Who you going as?

Bryant gumbel?

I'm not going as anyone.

"Mr. and Mrs.

Charles thorington

- "cordially invite you
- and a guest

"aboard their yacht

la princesse de mer

for a Halloween party."

Halloween party.

Of course you're supposed

to come in a costume.

- It doesn't say
- you have to.

Tonight, anybody that

shows up in street clothes

is nothing but a stiff,

pompous, uptight


party-pooping wet blanket.

I wouldn't want Mr. Thorington

to think that were I.


I only have an hour

before the party.

- Where do I find
- a costume this late?

Relax. I got

a costume left over.

- One of my customers got into
- that candy corn early.

He's too fat for it.

Oh, Lisa. I don't know

how to thank you.

"You and a guest are invited

"aboard their yacht

la princesse de mer..."

I never been on a mer.

- Okay, Lisa,
- you want to go?

- This is awful
- short notice.

- Let me think
- about it.

Come on, Lisa.

- Okay, I'll go.
- Don't beg.

Maybe that's Roger.

- I told him
- he can come over

And watch some

videos with us.

Oh, no, it's just

some trick-or-treaters.


Let's squirt them

with some silly string.


Tamera, they're just children.

Oh, I guess you're right.

Boy, no party,

no scaring little kids...

Why don't we just

skip right to Thanksgiving?


Trick or treat!

There you go.

You all look so adorable.


I don't mind.

No big deal.

- I'm not about
- to stoop down

- To the level
- of those kids.

These kids are toast!

Whoa! Steve, Denise,

what happened?

That kid in the clown suit

got me right in the mouth, man!

You're on my list, bozo!

Listen, Steve's car

broke down.

Can we ride to the rave

with you two?

Go ahead, tamera.

- Tell them
- the bad news.

Let's go!

What? You know

what our parents said.

- We were
- specifically told

Not to go to that rave.

- We're not going
- to the rave.

We're driving Steve

and Denise

to the rave.

Of course,

when we get there

we have to go inside

- just to make sure
- it's the appropriate environment

For these

two young teens.

But we're not

going to the rave.

- What idiot
- will fall for that?

Sounds like a plan to me.

Your dad's car?

You're going to

drive the Mercedes?

- Don't be
- ridiculous, Tia.

- I'm not
- responsible enough

To drive an expensive

car like that.

You're driving it.

Oh, no, I'm not.

You're the one that got a

hundred on the driver's test.

- We're just going
- to bloomfield hills.

It's not like we're going

to downtown Detroit.

Dad left us the keys

in case of emergencies.

If this is

not an emergency

I don't know

what an emergency is.

I think that's obvious.

Look, we'll just

leave a note

on the door for Roger

saying, "come on in.

Back soon." Okay?

- Cool. We're outie,
- we're outie.

Well, i'm not outie.

You guys are outie.

I'm innie.

Well, fine, Tia.

You can stay here.

When Roger comes over,

you sit in the dark

- and watch scary
- movies with him.

Okay! Okay!

I'm outie! I'm outie!

Are my ears on straight?

- I want to make
- a good impression.

- This evening
- is important to me.

Yeah. You look

great, ray.

Well, how do I look?

- Is that the best
- you could do?

I told you, it's

a Princess costume.

- There are probably
- a lot of people in there.

I'm sure you won't

look too silly.

There's nobody

in costume, Lisa.

You were completely,

absolutely, 180 degrees wrong.

- What are you
- talking about?

I look fine.

- Thank goodness I talked to
- Mr. Thorington over the phone.

- He doesn't know
- what I look like.

- I'll just
- try and disappear.

- Yeah, just try
- and blend in

With all the other

giant rabbits.

May I get you a drink?

- I'll take
- a white wine.

I never met this man

- so I don't know
- what he's drinking.

Lisa. Lisa...

Wine, club soda...

Carrot juice?

Nothing, thank you.

- I got to get off
- this boat.

Is that a costume?

No. I work here.

First mate.

- Have we left the dock yet
- have we?

We just did, sir.

We're late getting under way

but don't worry.

- We'll be out on the lake
- for the full four-hour cruise.


Four hours?

Okay, we're almost there.

Billy's house is just

half a block up.

- Well, then,
- we should be there

In a couple of hours.

Okay, so I'm driving

a little slow.

A little slow?

Tia, we just went

over a speed bump.

We did?

Here it is. That big

house on the right.

You mean the dark house

with absolutely no lights on?

Or no decorations

or people or music?

All right! Let's kick it!

Steve! There's

no party here.

I don't get it.

I wonder what could have

caused everyone to leave?

Hi, guys.

Still wondering?

Hey, I thought you were

coming over to our house

to watch scary movies, Roger.

- That's before I found out
- they let anybody into the rave.

So what happened to it?

- Billy's parents
- got mad and canceled

So they moved it to some

kid's house in Farmington.

Okay, no prob.

Yes, prob!

Where's Farmington?

- It's not near
- downtown, is it?

It's here in the suburbs.

- Just follow that blue car.
- They're going.

No way. I am not

following a blue car.

Blue! Blue! Blue! Blue!


We promised we would

take them to the party.

- What are we supposed to do,
- just leave them here?

Okay, okay, okay!

Get in, Roger.


I stayed in your hotel

once, Mr. Thorington

but now that I know you

I feel guilty

about stealing your towels.

- That's quite
- all right, Lisa.

And those hangers

were useless.

You know, you seem like you

like to travel in style.

I bet you use a lot

of limousines, huh?

Yes, I suppose I do.

Well, you really ought

to meet a friend of mine.

He owns a limo service

- and he would give you
- a great deal.

- I would love to meet
- any friend of yours, Lisa.

Have him see me sometime.


Oh... the rabbit guy.

Hi, Mr. Thorington.

- Look, I'm sorry,
- but an ex-friend of mine

- Told me this was
- a costume party.

I figured that was it

- or my bodyguards
- would have made

- Key chains
- out of your feet.

Mr. Thorington,

I'd like you to meet...

Fred! Fred hopper.


Ray, why did you

make up a name

and a bad name at that?

I almost sold him

on your limo service.

I just want to get

through this evening

- without anybody knowing
- who I am.

Okay, I'm sorry.

- I was wrong
- about the costume

- But maybe you wouldn't
- feel so silly

If you just learned

to laugh at yourself.

I wouldn't feel so silly

if I didn't have a big,

fluffy white ball on my butt!

You know, you really

are a wet blanket.

I'm not. I just happen

to smell like one.


- I couldn't help
- noticing you.

I bet.

Guess you shouldn't wear

white after labor day.

You're very funny.

- I wish I'd had the nerve
- to wear a costume.

You do?


Somebody's got

to liven up this party.

Yeah, they're just

a bunch of wet blankets.

That's for sure.

I'll introduce you.

Oh, okay.

Everyone, have you

met... Fred, isn't it?

Right. Fred hopper.

- My friends
- call me hoppy.

I love your costume.

I guess I'm just a chicken.

- If you're a chicken,
- I should have come as a rooster.

This guy's a nut!

Hey, better have one

of those carrot juices.

Oh, never mind.

I'll just hop over

and get one.

- Guys, this can't
- be right.

- We just went
- over a bridge.

We're not heading

for downtown, are we?

Relax. Just follow

the blue car.

Blue! Blue! Blue!

Blue! Blue!

Oh, my gosh.

Look at all those cars.

They can't all be going

to the rave... can they?

Uh... what's

that sign say?

How's it going, eh?

Welcome to Canada.

- All:
- Canada?

Outstanding costume, dude.

- Oh! Just follow
- the blue car.

The blue car's

going to the party.

I hate the blue car!

It's a stupid car!

- Do you folks have anything
- to declare, eh?

Yes, I want to declare

that I never wanted

to go to the rave.

- My friends
- talked me into it.

- Oh, just
- get over it, Tia.

Listen, do you know

where Farmington is?

Isn't that a suburb

of moose jaw?

Hey, you hosers!

Where's Farmington?

- I couldn't
- help overhearing.

- You kids going
- to Farmington, Michigan?

That's right.

- Do you know
- how to get there?

Well, I usually

don't get in the car

with a bunch of strangers,

but you kids look okay.

Hang a u-ie and head

back over the bridge.

Uh, we won't get

in trouble, will we?

I sure hope not.

I got 300 Cuban cigars

stuffed down my pants.


A little faster, honey.

Try and make that light

before it turns red...


Yeah, Tia.

You're embarrassing us

in front of the smuggler.

Well, I'm sorry.

I've never driven

a getaway car before.

- Oh, you're doing
- fine, sweetheart.

Hang a right over here

- and pull over
- at the first guy

Who looks like he might

be named Vladimir.

- There's a guy
- that looks nervous.

That's my man!


Here's a little something

for you, fellas.


smuggler dude.

Hey, these have

gone bad.

Steve, they're

not chocolate.

Tell me about it.

Wait a minute.

- How do we get
- to Farmington?

Oh. It's, uh... that way.

But where are we now?




Let's roll.

- Tamera:
- Whoa!

- All:
- Hey!




Oh, Fred!

- I can hardly
- keep up with you.

- You should have seen me
- during hunting season.



- I like the cut
- of your jib, mister.

- Didn't Lisa tell me
- you owned a limousine service?

That's right.

How would you like

- the contract
- to provide limo service

To all my hotels in the area?

- Oh, that would
- be great, sir.

- Yeah, I was
- going to go

With this drip,

ray Campbell

- but you're more
- my kind of guy.

Well, actually, sir...

Call me tomorrow, Fred.

Mr. Thorington,

I am ray Campbell.

You're the stiff I talked to

on the phone?

Pull the other one, Fred.

It's got bells on it.

- No, sir.
- Actually, look.

- Let me show
- you some I.D.

- Oh, sorry. The bunny suit
- doesn't have pockets.

Next year, I'll wear

a kangaroo outfit.

He never stops.


Please. Tell

him who I am.

Fred hopper.

Hey. Thanks

for coming, Fred.

Well, good-bye.

It was really great

to meet you.

You know, most of the men

I know are such phonies

- but you're so
- real and honest

- And comfortable
- with yourself.

I'd, um, really like

to see you again, Fred.

Oh, too bad.

She could have been the

next Mrs. Fred hopper.

Steve, put that out.

- You're going
- to k*ll us

- With that
- secondhand smoke.

It's firsthand smoke.

I'm not inhaling.

Besides, there's nothing

like a fine cigar

after a couple hundred

fun-size snickers.

Just be careful

of the leather, okay?!

- Is this the way
- to the rave?

Forget the rave!

- We're going to try
- to get home before my dad.

- There's woodward.
- That'll get us home.

- No! Don't go
- down woodward!

Why not?


Cover the upholstery!

This could get ugly!

- Oh, my god.
- Get us out of here.

What am I supposed

to do? We're trapped.

They're your people,

tamera. Talk to them.

Stop it, you animals!

This is my dad's car!

Steve, where'd you get

the green makeup?

It's not makeup, man.

- I think I'm going
- to be sick.

Oh, no!

Aim for the map pocket!

Are you guys sure you

got all the egg yolk

off the windshield?

Yes. Your dad's car

looks perfect, tamera.

I got to get home.

- My mom is going
- to k*ll me.

Mine too.

- She doesn't
- like for me

- To associate
- with wild kids.

So you ready to go watch

some scary movies now?

No. Just go home, Roger.

Gee, thanks

for inviting me over.

I really had a great time.

Ernie! What are you

doing here?

What happened?

Oh, hi, Tia, tamera.

Oh, I guess

I must have fell asleep.

Man, this rave was the b*mb!

I'll say.

- I have a feeling something else
- is going to explode.

My father!

Yeah, that's what happened

to Billy schmidlap's father

so we moved the rave here.

Schmidlap! That's his name.

- Tamera, if you
- ever want to see

The outside of this

house again, clean!

Clean as if your life

depended on it.

This was

the worst night

of my life.

How can you say that, ray?

You were the life

of the party.

- You found out you were
- funny, interesting

Exciting, sexy

and charming.

Well, that's true.

And you learned

a valuable lesson, ray

and that lesson is:

- From now on,
- whatever you do

Just don't be yourself.


Oh, hi, girls.

How was your Halloween?

No big deal.

I'm sure your evening

was better than mine.

Well, then relax, dad.

Yeah, put your paws

up. Watch the news.

And woodward Avenue

was the site

of the usual Halloween

hijinks tonight

as thousands of teenage

ghouls and goblins

roamed the streets

looking for mischief.

Uh, ray?


- What does your
- license plate read?


- Hey, give that
- back to me!

- My dad's going to k*ll me
- if he finds out.


Any sixes?

Go fish.

Girls, you know

that taking my car

was a very serious matter.

- That's why Lisa and I
- grounded you for the month.

- Now, you were invited
- to a party tonight...

Daddy, can we please go?

We learned a lesson.

- We'll never
- do it again.

- Who's throwing
- the party?

Hi, girls.

Let's party.

Any nines?

Ah, go fish.

Told you.
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