03x01 - The Natural

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister, Sister". Aired: September 6, 1995 – May 23, 1999.*
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Starring Tia and Tamera Mowry as identical twin sisters separated at birth who are reunited as teenagers.
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03x01 - The Natural

Post by bunniefuu »

Today is the first day

of the school year

at Roosevelt high.

I love the smell of school

supplies in the morning.

Tamera, get up!

Come on, let's go!

Up and at 'em!

- Come on, tamera,
- get up, get up, get up!

Do you mind?

I'm trying to sleep.


Oh, it's just as well.

I had this horrible nightmare.

Summer was over and it was the

first day of school.

Ooh! Talk about scary.

Do you want to tell her,

or should I?

♪ Talk about

a two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

- ♪ never knew how
- much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go! ♪

♪ Never knew

how much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go! ♪

I hope the school takes

my petition seriously this year

and offers me

that ancient Russian class.

Tia honey,

now, I know your grades

are going to be fine.

You got to study hard

- but, this is your
- sophomore year.

- Have some fun.
- Enjoy yourself a little.

Have fun?

Enjoy myself?

Sorry. I just can't do that.

Your twin, right?


Well, I have to have my annual

first-day-of-school talk

with tamera.

- This year,
- I really have to impress her.

Oh, how you going to do it?

- Well, I'll tell her I have
- high hopes for her

That she has to find her niche.

Find something she can be

excited about.

Am I still too young

to have coffee?

Tamera, this year...

Just try not to miss the bus.

Okay, I finally worked out

the perfect schedule

but, I just can't decide if I

should take biology or physics.

- Yeah, I know what you're
- going through.

Should I have a ho-ho

or a ding dong?

- This year I'll be
- in the glee club

The photography club

jazz band and the school paper.

- When will you have time
- to do all that?

Do all what?

I'll crash the

yearbook pictures.

Whoa, look at him.

He is fine.

Hey, baby!

My locker, 4:00 be there!

- Denise, what
- are you doing?

Give me a break.

I was stuck at a girls' camp

all summer.

Wait a minute, you guys.

Isn't that "boney" Frazier?

- The skinny nerd with the
- thick glasses and goofy laugh?

No way. That is not boney.


The name's rasheed now.

Hey, Tia.


Did you hear that?

He said, "hey, Tia."

Wow. Let's get our bridesmaids

dresses ready, Denise.

Stop it, you two.


- I hope we have
- the same classes together.

I work in the office

fifth period.

I'll make it happen.


- Are you sure you work
- in the office

- And you're not
- just in the picture?

Yeah, I work there.

Heads up!


- Wow! Where'd you learn to
- throw like that?

Yeah! We have the same DNA,

and I throw like a girl.

I don't know. It just happened.

Anyway, boney must have...

All right, who threw this?

Tamera, do you realize you

may have broken Nicole's hand?

Sorry. I didn't mean to.

You have a great arm!

We could use you

on our softball team.

Ow! My hand!

- Nicole, can you
- wiggle your fingers?

Good. Then just

take your mitt off

and soak your hand in ice.

So, what you say?

First of all, who are you?

Coach furlow.

I ran detention last year?

Oh, yeah. Hi!

So, can I count on you?

Well, I'd really like

to be on your little team

but I have too many

after-school activities

as it is.

Sorry to hear that.

What a waste.

Nicole, I told you

to take that mitt off.

It is off.

Oh, my god.

Tamera, why did

you tell her that?

Your only after-school activity

is hanging out at senor taco.

- Hey, I've learned
- a few things there...

Comprendo, hermana?

- I don't understand why
- you don't want to play.

Play softball?

Are you guys kidding?

You get sweaty and dirty

there are no boys on the team

and those high-waisted uniforms

will cut my figure in half.

- You don't know
- what you're missing.

They get travel

to other schools

- they have great
- letterman jackets

And on game days,

they get early dismissal.

Early dismissal?

Coach furlow!

You know, Tia,

when I started softball

I only wanted to get

out of classes early.

But now that I'm on the team

I really like it.

I mean, the girls are great

- and it's something
- I'm really good at.

- So, you would be on the team
- even if you

Didn't get out early?

What, are you nuts?


"Auto repair...

Wood shop"?

Tia, can I ask you something?

I know. I know.

But, these are the only

open classes rasheed was in.

No, I was wondering

if you could make

me a shoe rack.

That's advanced wood shop.

- We're still on the introduction
- to knotty pine.

So, how are things

going with rasheed?

- I started to talk to
- him in auto shop today

But I couldn't.

You lost your nerve, huh?


- You know, you really shouldn't
- distract a guy

- When he's operating
- a blowtorch.

How's my beautiful all-star?

Great, dad. I might be

the starting pitcher

in the intrasquad game.

- Whoever does good in this game
- makes varsity.

That's what I'm talking about...

Getting involved in school

finding something

you can excel in.

- I knew this was
- going to be your year.

That's why I think

you're ready for this.

- -Whoa.
- -Careful, careful.

What is it?

This is an Ernie banks

autographed model...

My very first mitt.

Looks like the very

first mitt, period.

- Well, it's been through
- quite a bit of use.

Look at that... fine

American cowhide

- sewn back in the days
- when quality really counted.

Oops. We'll fix that

when we get back

from batting practice.

Batting practice?

Yeah. I want to work

on that hitch

you got in your swing.

That hitch... is for the guys.

- Don't keep thinking about guys
- when you're playing baseball.

- Put on your ankle weights.
- We'll go run some laps.

Dad, you think you're getting

a little carried away?

No, no.

Ray, why is there a big ditch

running through

my vegetable garden?

- That's a sliding pit
- for tamera.

A sliding pit? But, dad...

- No butts,
- except your's moving upstairs.

Come on, let's go.

Ray! Ray!

- Remember when you
- asked me to tell you

- When you were getting
- too pushy with tamera?

- Yeah, remember when you
- asked me to tell you

When you were butting in?

- Yeah, so, I guess shouldn't
- tell you

- That you're being obnoxious
- and overbearing

And smothering with tamera.

I don't think that I'm being...

- Wait a minute.
- That's butting in.

I'm good, aren't I?

- We got to get over
- to the batting cages

- Before those little leaguers
- hog them up.

Come on tamera!

Hey, honey.

- I brought you
- some stuff from work.

When did it expire?

Today. But remember

meat usually lasts

a week longer.

Thanks, but sometimes

I wish you worked

for jewelry boy.

- Oh, and save the mixed
- nuts for Saturday night.

Something big has come up.

What, honey?

Well, we're getting together

with bill Davis and his wife.

Who's bill Davis?

Who's bill Davis.

Who's bill Davis?

Only the senior vice president

of food boy.

Oh! So, he the food boy man.

Right. Right.

He's the guy you need to know

- if you want to move up
- that food boy chain.

Bill came by,

and we got to talking

- and he said how much
- he loves to play bridge

So, I invited them to play.

- So, do you know
- how to play bridge?

No, but you said you did.

You can teach me.

What do you think?

- I think those veins in your
- neck are going to pop out.


- I don't know
- how to play bridge.

- -What?!
- -See? There they go.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

- I specifically remember you
- telling me on our first date

- That you were an avid
- bridge player.

- But, that was just date talk!
- I was trying to impress you.


Oh! Don't look at me like that.

- You told me you tried out
- for the New York Knicks.

- Now, that's the kind of lie
- you tell on a first date.

- You dont lie about
- playing bridge!

Who would be impressed by that?

Well, you were.

I was lying!

Now what am I going to do?

We'll just have to learn

how to play bridge.

Guess we better go down

and get some books about it

from the library.

Unless you were lying to me

about having a library card.

- Tamera. If you want
- your curve to break

- You got to snap it
- when you release it.

You got to snap it honey.

Mr. Campbell, I see

you've jumped the ropes

of the parents' section again.

- I don't remember those
- being there yesterday.

They weren't.

Maybe you shouldn't

stand over here.

You're right.

Time out!


Here we go again!

Dad, stop this!

You're not the coach!

I know sweetheart. She can't

give the personal attention

I can give you.

- Besides, you're not gripping
- the ball like I told you.

Let me show you. Hold this.

Stand right here. Be clear.


Uh, sorry, Nicole!

- Got to wear that
- batting helmet, honey.


- Well, she was crowding
- the plate.

- You don't see anybody else's
- parents out here. Do you?

- If they had a Jewel like mine
- they'd be out here.

Telephone! Time out!

Time out! Telephone!



Aw! Okay, I'll be right there.

- Sweetheart, I got
- to get to the office.

- I'll try to make it
- back if I can.

Now, remember what I told you

release, snap, follow through.

Come on you can do it.

Play ball!

Wait. Time out! Time out!

And again!

- This is more important
- than an old silly limo fire.

Go ahead. I'm here.

Now remember, rasheed

when you replace a fuel pump

make sure that there

are no air bubbles

in the gas line.

- How will I know
- if I'm doing it wrong?

It'll pretty much explode.

Thanks. I'll remember that.

Here's your carburetor.

Oh, thanks.

You know, if you

have any trouble

just call me.

Thanks. I will.



Hey, ma, you don't

need your car

anytime soon, do you?

No, honey.


How's the bridge coming?

Not that good.

I'm playing with

imaginary opponents

and still losing.

I think that east is cheating.

If anyone can master

the complexities

- of the intricate game of bridge
- in six hours...

- I certainly hope
- it's you and Terrence.

I hope Mr. and Mrs. Davis

are dumber than these

empty chairs.

- Oops. Got to get
- to softball practice.

By the way, you were

wrong about tamera.

- My hands-on method is
- really working.

She's out there now

reaching for the stars.

- Tamera, how come you're not out
- there reaching for the stars?

You're supposed to be

at softball practice.

I quit the team.

How could you quit the team?

Dad, I gave it a shot

- and I don't want
- to do it anymore, okay?

No, it's not okay.

- This is a pattern with you.
- You quit everything you try.

If this is supposed

to inspire me

to rejoin the team

it's not working.

- I'll tell you
- what's not working.

- I'll tell you...
- It's not everything you try.

Horseback riding... one lesson.

Saxophone... two toots.

Bowling. Oh, yeah, tennis.

And what about ballet?

Remember what you did

at my ballet class?

The nutcracker, wasn't it?

Yes! In front of everybody.

- I can still hear the snickering
- of the sugar plum fairies

Ringing in my ears.

But, this is different.

- This is something
- you're really good at.

- I know and it's something
- I really liked.

Then why are we quitting?

That's just it. We!

I was fine until you

started coaching me...

Pushing me, stalking me.

I wasn't stalking you.

-Ray? Ray?

-What? What?

I'm glad it's going so well.

- I just want her to be her best.
- What did I do wrong?

- Come on, Lisa
- tell me what you think.

I would hate to butt in.

- It's not butting in when
- someone asks you to butt in.

Okay, well, here it is.

- Ray, you want her
- to do well so badly

- That, you've taken the fun
- out of everything.

- Give the girl some
- room to breathe.

She'll be fine if you back off.

Ah, who asked you?

- Are you sure you want
- to quit the team?

What else can I do?

My dad is driving me crazy.


You know, tamera, a


between a father and a daughter

is a lot like, uh, a


- If your butterfly valve
- is sticking

- You're not going to get
- the proper air-fuel mixture.

What do you mean by that?

- I mean your communication
- isn't flowing.

- And, boy,
- if your ports are dirty

You're asking for trouble.

You mean, I should go

and apologize to him?

No, I mean

if your ports are dirty

you're asking for trouble.

Oh, I thought it was

another one of your

stupid metaphors.

This is a switch.

I'm upset about

an after-school activity

- and you're messing up your life
- over a guy.

Come on, tamera.

- It's not like I'm doing - anything
- I wouldn't do normally.

- Great, now I'm going
- to have to reject this sucker.

Tia, may I speak with tamera?

Oh, sure.

- I've still got to go
- rebuild mom's tr*nny.

Tamera, look, I'm real sorry

about how I've been acting.

- I just wanted you
- to be the best.

- I guess
- I went a little overboard.

- I've got to learn
- to let you find your own way.

- Look, I want to
- make this up to you.

I want you back on the team.

I don't know, dad.

- Whenever you're around,
- I get so nervous.

- There doesn't seem
- to be an answer.

- Well, what do you want me
- to do?

Not show up for your game?

Oh, dad, you're the greatest.

- Winningham, you left yourself
- open to be doubled.

- Didn't I tell you
- not to bid that low 7 trump

Didn't you read chapter three?

- That was not my chapter.
- That was your chapter.

- I had chapter two...
- The history of bridge.

By the way, bill,

- did I mention that
- bridge was introduced

To england in the

late 19th century?

Who cares?

What's the final score, dear?

37,592 to six.

That can't be right.

When did we get six?

I'm sorry, you're right.

That's a zero.

I've had too much

of this food boy sangria.

- You can tell a lot about a man
- by the way he plays bridge.

And you, winningham

- are the worst bridge player
- I have seen.

- Oh, Mr. Davis, I'm sorry.
- This is all my fault.

- I thought we could give you
- a better game than this.

Please don't blame Terrence.

Blame him?

I want to kiss the man!

It's great to finally see

someone besides us

be humiliated.

My pleasure, sir.

- He's bad at a lot
- of other games too

- -right, honey?
- -Well, yeah.

Right do you stink at golf?

Oh, you betcha.

Well mister, if you're

as bad at golf

as you are at bridge

- you may just get
- that promotion.

- Did I mention I'm really lousy
- at tennis?

Now, you're just sucking up.

Sorry, sir.

Oh, no, I like it.

Well, in that case,

I'm really sorry, sir.

- You're going to go - far in this company,
- Winningham.

Oh thank you, thank you sir.

Thanks for coming.

- -Thank you. Bye.
- -Good night.

Lisa, honey,

you know, all my life

- I've worked hard
- to advance myself

- And how is it likely
- I'm going to get a promotion?

By sucking up and groveling

at the feet of my boss.

Oh, it must feel pretty lousy.

No, it feels great.

Pick it up, tamera.

Go, tamera!

- Tamera's looking
- great out there.

- Yeah too bad
- ray couldn't be here.

He'd be jumping up and down

yelling, screaming

and running out into the field.

- Good thing
- ray couldn't be here.

We got to give him credit

for knowing to stay out of

his daughter's life.

I didn't think he could do it.

Okay, Mr. Campbell.

- Just two outs and a runner
- on first and second.

How'd she get that batter out?

Oh she was just lucky.

She shouldn't throw a change-up

in a situation like that.

Hey, Tia.

There he is.

The hunk formerly known

as "boney."

Hi, rasheed.

- So, how'd that fuel pump
- work out?

Good, thanks.

- I got an "a"
- and better mileage.

- Oh, do you want to come over
- after school

And work on my mom's caddy?

No, thanks.

I dropped out of auto shop.


Yesterday, after

I met Heather here.

I transferred into

all of her classes.

Pretty dumb, huh?

I'll say.

The count's one and one.

Here's the wind-up

and the pitch.

It's a pop foul.

- I don't know if the catcher's
- got enough room.

- If she catches it,
- the game is o...

Roger, what happened?

Did she catch it? Roger?

Don't feel bad, Tia.

Deep down, he's still... boney.

Yeah, I can't believe

I put my scholastic

career in jeopardy

over some guy.

No more. From now on, it's...

Hey, isn't that Carlos

the exchange student

from Chile?

It's over, she won.

Let's go give tamera some love.

All: Go, tigers!

You won!

- Get out of the way,
- get out of the way.

Move! Move!

Oh, honey,

we are so proud of you.

Thanks, Lisa.

- Your dad is going - to be so excited.
- When he finds out

I know, but somehow

I feel he was here in spirit.

Roger, what's happening?

Denise helped me get

all my classes back.

Well, not all my classes.

There was one that I

couldn't get out of.

Come on, you maggots!

Move out!

Move it, move it!

Landry, let's get a move on.

Move it, move it,

move it, move it.

Move it, move it.

About face.

About face!

Move it, move it,

move it, move it!

Double time!
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