02x16 - Judgment Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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02x16 - Judgment Day

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: last spring,

Seven down-on-their-luck miners
returned to the frozen north...

Man: let's rock 'n' roll.

...to hunt for gold.

It's payback time!

Narrator: the hoffman crew was
heading for failure once again.

Man: jack! Whoa!
Watch it!

Turin: oh [bleep]

Narrator: but through blood,
sweat, and tears,

The crew dug deep
and pulled game-changing gold

From the klondike dirt.

Holy smokes!

Looks real good.

81 1/2 Ounces, guys.

Narrator: now, for the first
time in two long seasons,

The hoffman crew has a chance
to turn a real profit

And become legitimate
gold miners.

[Bleep] hey, you know what?
This is not a game!

the question is, can they do it?

Stop. Right there.

Turin: the season's over.

down south at porcupine creek,

The dakota boys just
may have hit the jackpot

In the nick of time.

Just packed with gold.

And across the creek,
17-year-old parker schnabel

Has one more chance to save
the big nugget mine.

if there's nothing in this dirt,

I don't know
what the mine will do.

Narrator: up at quartz creek
in the klondike,

It's the end of september.

The other miners have packed up
for winter and are long gone.

To turn a profit for the first
time in two seasons,

The hoffman crew desperately
needs new pay dirt,

But winter is tightening
its grip.

It is frozen hard as a rock.

But I want to get to that
100-ounce mark.

Well, we aren't gonna know
till we try.

Todd: that's right.

It's either that
or pack up and go home,

And I'm not quite ready
to do that yet.

Narrator: for the last
four months, the hoffman crew

Has fought to strip gold-rich
pay gravel from their claim.

This is a whole nother
ball game.

Narrator: after clearing
over 13,000 yards in cut 1,

They stripped another
8,000 yards in cut 2.

Last of cut 2 right here
in a pile.

Narrator: the first two cuts
produced 81 1/2 ounces of gold

Worth $130,000.

Now cut 3 is their only chance
of hitting their 100-ounce goal,

But the ground is rock solid.

Dave, get us frickin' at least
200 or 300 yards of dirt

Out of here.

That'll put us
over the top.

We're gonna give it
our best -- best try.

Leave it all on the field.

Don't keep it "best try."
I want it.

I want 200 or 300.

It's cold.
The ground is frozen.

Dave, get me frickin'
300 yards out here.

Come on.

Look at this.

[ Groans ]

I can only do
what I can do.

I mean, it's solid.

I mean, if gold is there...

Push it harder, dave.

...i'll get you a couple
hundred yards, okay?

It's okay to push it.
Man: you went this far.

Look at what you've done
with that thing.

300 More yards.

A guy can only do
what he can do.

Push it.
I don't care.

I'll push that dozer
to its limit, then.

You can do it.

It's your equipment.

Do your best.

Gold mining is about pushing
and overcoming.

You know, you either love it
or you just kind of...

You want to get out of here.

Some of my guys want
to get out of here.

Narrator: the hoffman crew
has beaten the odds this season,

Covering their running costs.

But this year, the crew is
dead set on making real money.

If they can, they will prove
themselves as gold miners.

Getting to 100 ounces means just
as much to me as everybody else.

It might even mean more to me.


I just don't like the idea
of this little dozer.

I mean, I'm slipping
that track real bad.

But todd said he wanted gravel
out of here,

So I'm doing the best I can.

This little dozer was designed
to push dirt, gravel,

Not solid ice.


Oh [bleep]

Dang it!

[ Engine shuts off ]

[ Groans ]

[ Sighs ]

Oh, man, it's done.

I knew it. Gosh dang it!

Argh! Get out of the way!

Hey, you know what?

This is not a game!
This is not a game!

I just destroyed
a $60,000 piece of machinery!

I'm not playing any games!

Just back off
and leave me alone!

We're done, thurber.
That's it.

What happened?

I told you I can't take a dozer
to failure like that.

It's done.
I blew a seal.

Stop. Right there.

Come here, buddy.

We're not gonna to 100.
We can't get to -- no! Stop!

Hey, calm down.
Calm down, dave.

Seal went out, todd.

I was babying
as best I can.

We're done.

We'll figure out how to get
that pay up there and run it,

And we'll just try it.

We'll see.
Whatever we get, we get.

If we get 90...

Go for it.

If we get 90,
then that's what it is.

You know,
I said it was done.

Good luck.

Hey. Hey, come here.

I think
the season's over.

Dave, get back here.

south at porcupine creek,

The dakota boys are also hunting
their last gold of the season.

Soon, the alaskan winter
will force them out.

Are you ready to go
this morning?

Let's go get it done.
Let's get it fired up.

[ Exhales ]

Narrator: it's been one week

Since their last delivery
of fuel.

[ Hollow thump ]

Sounds a bit empty there.

Yeah, that's a little close.
Definitely a little close.

All right. We're right down
at the end now.

That's probably got enough
for about a day or two,

And that's about it.

I just don't have the cash
to buy another t*nk of fuel.

We're down to the wire
right now.

We're down to the wire.

over the last three weeks,

The dakota boys have been
pulling gray bedrock dirt

From the bottom
of their 80-foot pit.

There's gold just dripping off
that stuff,

So don't spill a drop of it.

Narrator: they found
68.2 ounces this season

Worth nearly $110,000.

The last cleanout of gray dirt

Yielded almost 18 ounces,
$28,000 worth,

In just two days of running.


The dakota boys

Need to run as much of this
gray dirt as possible.

Like the hoffmans,
they have covered their costs,

And now they want something
to show

For their long, hard season.

But time is not on their side.

We'll run for another day
or two here.

We'll have to kind of watch
that fuel real close.

Dustin: we'll see how much gold
we can get out of the ground

In the short time that we have.

Whoa. I'm getting
into some good stuff now.

That's definitely
gray material, folks.

That is definitely
gray material.

All right.
That's what I wanted to see.

Hey, dustin, check this out.

Something dramatic
has changed here.

See that gray stuff down
at the end of the waterline,

Way down there?

It's gone from 4 feet
above that water down there

To about 8 feet
above that water.

So, it jumped 4 feet.

That probably means
that the bedrock

Also makes a bend
right there.

My thoughts exactly.

Narrator: fred believes the gray
material at porcupine creek

Sits on bedrock.

If this material is rising,

So is the bedrock
under the 270 excavator.

Fred could be on top
of an ancient waterfall

And potentially
millions of dollars in gold

Trapped in the pit,
or glory hole, at the bottom.

You know what I think?

We might be close to that
waterfall area right here.

Dare I say glory hole?

Last season, jack and todd
spent five months

Trying to get down to the glory
hole at porcupine creek.

Now fred's seeing signs
that he's very close.

This is the rock.

It's kind
of a blue-green-looking.

When you see that, you know
it's associated with gold here.

Narrator: but the dakota boys
are almost out of time --

And diesel -- to get
to the glory-hole gold.

I'm just gonna sit here

And dig the rest
of this stuff tonight.

Wash them rocks,
young man.

Sounds good to me.

Narrator: winter is closing in
on the alaskan gold fields.

At the big nugget mine,
parker schnabel's father, roger,

Is digging 50 feet down
in a test hole

Near the top
of smith creek hill.

It's nice to have
my dad here to help out.

Narrator: so far, parker has
only found 34 ounces of gold

Worth around $55,000.

He has to find a new pay streak
before the season ends

To save the big nugget mine.

His 91-year-old grandpa, john,
is checking on progress.

Hey, boss.
Nice to see you up here.

I hope so. [ Laughs ]

This dirt is 10
to 15 feet below

The last test that we took.

This is probably the last
few buckets we'll take out

Of smith creek this season.

After grandpa john's
heart attack,

Parker once again took
over control of the mine.

Parker: the real priority is to
find out what's at smith creek.

I'll find out what's up here.

Narrator: for two weeks,
parker dug in the same hole

Up on smith creek hill
but struck out.


Narrator: now he's digging even
deeper in the same test hole.

If there's gold on smith creek,

He thinks it lies
close to bedrock.

It seems like it's digging
a little bit tougher

Than it was before.

Can you feel it?

You mean
the ground quiver?

Parker: dad?

Roger: yeah?

Are you starting to hit
into some boulders?

It's mostly clay, I think.

This stuff, like,
it's clay and rocks.

There's a big old rock
in it.

And I don't think that
we've seen any of that before.

Oh, okay.

You're just gonna throw it
all away, though, right?


Where are you gonna take this?
To the plant.

Pardon me?

I want to talk to you
for a sec.

Roger is part owner of the mine.

He's not impressed by parker's
plan to run clay-rich material.

Parker has lost
$35,000 already this season.

His dad doesn't want
to throw good money after bad.

I'm concerned

Because parker's not finding
any color where we're at.

You have to ask yourself,
is all this for naught?

You know, parker's spending

A lot of money
of yours, you know,

To try to find gold,

And when you start
committing yourself

To that kind
of an expense,

You have to do it
on the faith

That you're gonna find

A pretty good chunk
of gold down there.

That's a pretty deep hole,
you know?

It just doesn't make sense
that it's just, like, unending.


It just -- I can't help
but think that...

At some point, we have
to find the bottom.

Roger schnabel
doesn't want to dig any deeper

Without proof there's gold
on smith creek.

That's got me nervous --
definitely --

About running out of money,
running out of time.

It's just, smith creek's
been something

That we've talked about
for years.

We have to figure out
what's up here.

Narrator: parker takes fresh
dirt from over 50 feet deep

In the test hole
down to the wash plant.

The future of big nugget rests
on this one final cleanout.

Up at quartz creek
in the klondike,

Todd and mechanic james harness
inspect the broken d8 dozer

That dave turin stranded
in cut 3.

Oh, crap.

He thinks the seal blew
in this piston

That holds the track tight.

That should be
all the way out.

I know.

Will you be able to tell
by looking in there?


Oh, man, this is not good.
Everything's gone.

Internally, the piston
has lost the oil,

'Cause the seal went out.

It's got to come apart.
Oh [bleep]

This thing's wasted, man.
There's nothing we can do.

I'm gonna leave it right here
for the winter.

All right.
Thanks, james.

Sorry, man.

A seal has split

Inside the piston that tightens
the dozer's track,

Rendering the d8 useless.

With only days left
in their season,

James' diagnosis
is a worst-case scenario.

We may have to replace the whole
undercarriage on that thing.

It's a huge job.

It's not feasible to even try.
It's done.


[ Groans ]

Dozer's dead.

I'm out of material with
the plant, and that's it.

I don't believe it.

Well, believe it.

Well --

There's absolutely no more
band-aids, nothing we can do.

Bull crap.

Sorry, dad.

You got to have a pair
of balls, you know?

That's it.
I just wanted to tell you.


Narrator: the hoffman crew

Wants to make a profit
for the first time

And leave quartz creek
as successful gold miners.

Jack isn't ready
to go home just yet.

Jack: sometimes you have to
just do it yourself.

If you quit, you quit, you know?

But I don't like that.

Don't accept it.

My dad didn't take that
very good.

But you know what?

He wants to go over there
and dig me some pay dirt,

Hey, hell, if he can get it,
I'll run it.

Everybody, if they just keep
trying, they'll make it.

But if they quit,
they can't make it.

I know
where the frickin' gold is.

If we get a couple ounces out
of this, push us over the 100.

Doumitt: I can see the gold
sparkling in it, jack.

Jack: I hope so.

It's quite frozen, but
I broke it up as best I can.

We'll find out.

Okay, todd, I'm coming with
the first bucket off of cut 3.

reaching their 100-ounce goal

Will confirm this crew
as gold miners.

Jack works hard to scrape up
over 300 yards of pay gravel.

Chris stockpiles it at
the wash plant, ready to run.

But after two hours,
even jack, in his beloved 400,

Can dig no further.

Jack: I think that's it.
Just too froze.

We did our best.

Maybe just that little bit
that we ran out of here

Has got enough ounces to put us
over the 100 mark.

I hope so.

Narrator: after 12 hours,

The dakota boys are still
running material

Through their derocker.

They're in a race
against the alaskan winter.

Fred: how you doing there,

Dustin: doing good.

It got real dark out here,
didn't it?

With every scoop, fred gets
closer to the glory hole

That eluded
jack hoffman last season.


Man, that stuff's
some hard stuff.

Four scratches

To try to get one bucket
of material out of there.

Hey, fred, the pump's
not pumping right now

On the derocker.

Just check the canal.

We probably
ran out of water.


I can see the canal.
It's full of water.

Oh, crap.

The engine's running?

Engine is running.

I'll be right there.

The pump is spewing water.

No water is making it
to the wash plant.

[ Engine shuts off ]

[ Groans ]

Looks like we busted
a seal, fred.

Holy cow!
Look at all the damn water.

It's leaking like
a sieve.

Son of a [bleep]

[ Sighs ]


I mean, that is a critical
piece of equipment right there.


Well, they can't fix
a seal out here.

There ain't no damn way.

We got to separate the pump
and the motor.

Oh, come on.

We can't get any parts
to fix this thing?

[ Sighs ]

I could probably fix it,

But we're talking four,
maybe five days,

Especially out here
in the field.

So, you think
this is the end?


I don't know
what else to say.

Well, if that's
the end of the season...

That's what it looks like.

I really hate
to tell you that.


I'm sorry to disappoint you,
but that's...


Narrator: there's no quick fix

In the middle
of the alaskan wilderness.

Fred is out of time.

Winter is about to freeze
porcupine creek.

The busted pump signals the end,

Just as the dakota boys
were finally close

To discovering porcupine creek's
glory hole

And potentially millions
in gold.

To shut down right now
just really is a letdown.

We got into
some really good stuff.

There could've been
pots of gold in there.

We're gonna just think about it
all...winter long.

[ Thunder crashes ]

Narrator: less than a mile away
at the big nugget mine...

Parker has stockpiled the dirt

His father, roger,
dug up on smith creek hill.

There's just
16 yards of material

To run through the wash plant.

I'm nervous.
This is the last test.

This afternoon, I'm gonna talk

To my dad and grandpa
about smith creek,

And, you know, if there's
nothing in this dirt,

I don't know
what the mine will do.

I'm scared.

Narrator: gary grogan
fires up the wash plant.

It's the first time

Parker has run
clay-rich ground this season.

Gary pushes hard to keep
the wash plant running smoothly.

The clay sticks together
really tight.

You can see I'm getting
a dirt buildup on the pan.

It'll probably stay like this
the whole run,

Because looking at the material
he brought down,

It's got a lot of clay
mixed in with it.

Narrator: the final test
of smith creek dirt

Lasts just 45 minutes.

Parker: done. Beautiful.

gary works water into the dirt.

Only the heaviest material,
including any gold,

Should stay in the sluice pan.

The whole future of the mine

Rests on this final material
bearing gold.

We don't see a thing yet.

It doesn't look like
there's anything in it.

If there was more
than half an ounce,

We probably would know by now.

It's too bad about this.




And confusing.


That's down...

55 Feet.

We haven't hit
bedrock yet.

[ Chuckles ]
I don't know, you know?

It just -- I would think that
there would be some gold in it.

I don't know
what it means.


Narrator: but there's still
one area of the wash plant

Parker hasn't cleaned out.

What the [bleep]

Actually something in here.
That's weird.

This is the --
this is the little sluice

That's fed out of the jig.


There's quite a bit in here.

That's -- wow.

See, that's, like,
not bad at all.

That's not bad at all.

You know, the way that clay

Packed into the pan
and in the chute,

That might've had something
to do with it.

Narrator: the clay in the test
material clogged up the pan,

The key gold-catching area
on parker's wash plant.

This forced gold and black sand
to wash over the top of the clay

And down through the duplex jig,

Where it was caught
in the jig's sluice box.

That's definitely
a big change.


And everything was clean.

So, that's out of today.

That's out of today,

Okay. Well, then...

we've got some big news.


After months of failure,

Parker has finally found gold
on smith creek hill.

Parker: there's gold up there,

And I'm willing to bet
my next summer on this dig.

I mean, this could secure
the future of the mine.

Narrator: at quartz creek in
the klondike, the hoffman crew

Is running the 300 yards
of frozen pay dirt

Jack scraped from cut 3.

It's their last chance
to find 100 ounces of gold,

A goal that will prove this crew
as profitable miners.

Last few scoops, guys.
Coming down to the wire.

Hey, plant's looking good.

Got a few ice balls
coming through.

Nothing too large yet,
but keep an eye on it, bud.

Todd: you got it.

safety officer jim thurber

Sees chunks of frozen ground
in the dirt

That could cr*pple
the wash plant,

But todd still has 50 yards
of cut-3 pay dirt to run.

If I pulled up a half-ounce
short, I'd be pissed,

So everything --
I got to run everything.

Ice balls, basketballs,
dirt balls --

They're all going in here.

I don't want to have any regrets
when I go home.

Look at the size
of that ice ball.

That's big, coming off the end.

Oh! No way.

the ice chunks pass through,

With any gold still stuck
inside them.

A lot of money right there
in those ice balls there.

You know, it doesn't take
too many of these things

To make an ounce.

Todd: my last bucket right here.

[ Whistles ]
shut it down.

[ Engine shuts off ]

How does it look, thurb?

Narrator: every last grain
of gold this season

Is in the wash plant's riffles.

Man: there's a beauty
right there.

Man #2:
well, that's gold.

Todd: a nugget, huh?


Narrator: the cut-3 dirt
just might hold enough gold

To get the crew
to their 100-ounce goal.

Jack: that one's full.
That one's full.

That one's full.
That one's full.

That one's full.
That one's full.

That one's full.

That one, that one, that one,
that one, that one.

There, there.
All of there.

There's gold in that one
real heavy.

I would say
that, this far down,

That's the best
we've seen so far.

Narrator: the hoffmans
need 18 1/2 ounces

From this final cleanout.

If they can get enough gold
to actually make money,

These men will have finally
proved themselves

As gold miners.

I'd really like
to see 100 ounces.

It would validate everything
that we've done here.

I can hold my head high
when I go home.

Down in alaska...

The big nugget mine
is shut down.

Three generations
of schnabels meet

To decide the future
of the mine.

This is what we got off
the pan this morning.

Not much, was there?

And then I went
down below the jig,

And that's what we got
out of the little sluice.

That's pretty nice.

That's what you dug
out of the hole?

Yeah, a 45-minute test
out of smith creek.

That's really encouraging.

Smith creek will have
bigger gold than that.

I'll be darned.

[ Laughs ]
I don't believe it.

It's pretty impressive.

Narrator: they found
the half-ounce of gold,

Worth nearly $1,000, 55 feet
down in parker's test hole.

To get at the gold that deep,
parker will have to excavate

Thousands of yards of dirt
on smith creek hill,

And he'll need a lot of money --
something parker doesn't have.

I think that if he's gonna
mine smith creek,

I would think that he needs
at least front money,

A minimum of 100,000,
preferably 150,000 bucks.

Do we want to invest the money

To get down
even to that elevation?

To me, no, I see too big a risk
and too small a reward.

I understand your position.

Do you have an opinion
about that?

Well, I don't care
about the money,

'Cause I can't take it
with me.

I might as well spend it
while I'm here.

Are you saying you want
to fund the mine next year?

I'm willing
to give it a try.

I'll fund it for 50%
of the gold we get out of it.

[ Laughs ]

I'll take it.

it's been an uphill battle,

But parker has proved there's
gold at smith creek hill.

Now he has
his grandfather's support

To continue hunting
for the pay streak.

With just days remaining in
his first season as the boss,

Parker managed to keep
the big nugget mine in business.

Narrator: at porcupine creek
in southeast alaska,

The dakota boys run their
cleanout trommel one last time.

With their pump broken
and derocker shut down,

They load the last processed
dirt of the year.

Fred: here we go.

We're down to almost
the last bucket.

Hey, dust, shut it down!

[ Engine shuts off ]

No more cleanouts.
No more trommel.

No more sluice boxes.

That's the end.

Before their pump busted a seal,
the dakota boys were convinced

They were close to
the porcupine creek glory hole

And millions in gold.

This looks really good.
Really good.

Hey, fred,
what do you think?


Very nice there, dustin.

Just packed with gold.

He's digging in the right spot
at the very end.

[ Laughs ]

Narrator: the gray material

From the bottom of the pit
is full of gold,

But the question is, how much?

Fred desperately needs
to turn a real profit.

Three months ago, he lost his
home in north dakota to floods.

Wound up spending most of
my savings on this operation.

After about 50 ounces, basically
we broke even this year.

If I wind up with 75 ounces,

I'd be happy, happy, happy,
happy, happy, happy.

There it goes.

Gold, folks.

after four hours of panning,

They are finally ready
to add the gold

To their season's total.

Are we ready
for the moment of truth?

Right. Wow!

80.4 ounces.

Feel that.

That's a lot of gold.

The final cleanout
is 12.2 ounces.

The dakota boys' season total
is now 80.4 ounces, or $128,000.

After their running costs, they
clear 30 ounces, or $48,000.

I really pushed myself to make
sure that we did this right.

Well, I appreciate it.
I always have.

Maybe sometimes, some days,
I didn't say it,

But I guarantee
that I always felt it.

8 Ounces of gold.

Dustin gets 10% of the take.

There you go.

Thank you, fred.

All right.

Hopefully I worked
hard enough for this.

And I appreciate it.

Thank you.

After a year
plagued by breakdowns,

The dakota boys managed
to turn a profit

In their first mining season
at porcupine creek.

In the final days,
they found their richest ground.

When you see the yellow stuff
coming out of that ground,

That's the proof in the pudding.

Goodbye, porcupine creek.

Narrator: 600 miles north
at quartz creek,

Todd and jack hoffman

Are deep into their final
cleanout of the season.

Reaching their goal
of 100 ounces

Will mean
this crew's first real payday.

To do it, they'll need
their largest cleanout ever --

18 1/2 Ounces.

This is better concentrate than
what we've had in the past.

It's a lot better.

Right there, you know,
it's about 25% gold.

I don't know.
Pretty thick band of gold.

But I don't know if it
had 18 1/2 ounces in it.

God, it's gonna come down
to the wire.

Narrator: while todd and jack

Run the last scoops
of concentrate

Through the gold table,

The crew gathers ice blocks the
wash plant couldn't break down.

Jim thurber has a plan to
extract every last flake of gold

From the cut-3 pay gravel.

It's a little crazy,
trying to melt it,

But it's about the only way
we're gonna be able to tell.

Stand back, now.

Man: all right.

Whoo! Hey, hey!

It's a great idea, thurb!

Definitely worth
a couple hours of time

To go through this
real thoroughly.

It's gonna help the total.


That's why
I didn't do that.

It's really hot,
steamy rock.

It looks like
good material.

I mean, you'd think
there'd be some in there.

Narrator: after torching
every ice block they can find,

Thurber pans
the steaming gravel.

Thurber: oh, my word.

I can't believe
what I'm looking at.

That's drop-dead fantastic.

Narrator: back in the gold tent,
jack shuts down the machines.

Todd: yeah,
I want to see this one.

[ Inhales sharply ]

Just tip it up.

And the gold from the torched
ice blocks pays off.

Well, there's about an ounce
in here,

And I'm gonna need it, I think.

Narrator: thurber's plan
could've netted another $1,600.

Jack and todd gather to total up
their gold one last time.

You ready?


If their last cleanout
is 18 1/2 ounces or better,

They'll reach their goal.

With 100 ounces
of klondike gold,

These men can finally
call themselves gold miners

After two long seasons.

6, 7...


This is our final total.

Let's see
what we get here.

Right now, it's 80.

83, 84, 85...

Narrator: quartz creek.
The klondike.

Todd and jack hoffman
are about to reveal

Their gold total to their crew.

To make real money this season,

They need 18 1/2 ounces
from the last cleanout

To hit their 100-ounce goal.

It wasn't like we thought.

About 12 ounces.
That was it.

Turin: 12 ounces?


Brings us up to 93 1/2,
you know, so...

Todd: we pulled up short.

But it's nothing
to be ashamed of.

We aren't going home
with our heads hanging

Or anything like that, you know?

You can be proud of yourselves.

I'm real happy with that.
It represents a lot, you know?

I know -- I know
we set that goal.

Narrator: the hoffman crew
didn't hit their 100-ounce goal,

But they have only failed by the
standards they set themselves.

Turning a profit of $40,000
in just their second season

Should still earn them

The respect
of the klondike's gold miners.

I'm happy with it, jack.

I'm proud of what we did.

93 Ounces?
That's a lot of gold.

I never thought
I'd see 93 ounces.

I think we did good.

Thurber: that's awesome.

Little bit of an increase
over last year.

Things could've been different,
things could've changed,

The dozer could've lasted
one more day,

But we gave it our best shot.

Well, I wanted to get
100 ounces for you, dad,

But that's about the best
we could do right now, I think.

I'm happy with it, you know?
You guys are...

...the best friends
anybody could want.

Thank you, you know?
There's nothing else to say.

Narrator: in only
their second season mining,

The hoffman crew
has found $150,000 in gold,

Seven times more
than their rookie season.

At dawn the next day, jack gives
each man his share of the gold.

Hey, I have some things
for you guys.

Little jars.

They're really clean,
5-ounce jars.

It comes up to, right today,
at about $8,000.




Greg. Chris.

Thanks, jack.

I'd like to make it 10 to 15
times what that is next season.

You deserve a whole lot more.

Todd: good luck.
Man: thanks.

Travel safe, huh?

All right, you guys.

Thanks, jack.

Narrator: the hoffman crew

Has battled the klondike
for five months.

They're going home
with 5 ounces, or $8,000.

It's the first real payday for
these men in two long seasons.

[ Laughter ]

They're no longer rookie miners.
They're gold miners.

This is my gold,
what I worked and toiled for.

We've overcome a lot.

hey, we got to roll, man.


To get some gold from jack,
it gives hope.

Maybe next season,
we hit it big.

Well, we fell short
of a goal that we set,

But I don't feel any shame
in our 93 1/2 ounces.

With things freezing up,
we could've done a lot worse.

We could've been 40 ounces
short, compared to a few.

I'm ready.

There you go.

We've gained some respect
from some guys around here,

That when we came in,

They thought, you know,
"here comes the clowns,"

And we showed them that we can
learn how to do things right.

We're almost
full-time miners now.

[ Engine turns over ]


We now have gold.

These guys are fighting
a financial fight.

But they actually
are going home with enough

That they can make
their payments at home.

Next year, we'll win.
We're gonna win.

Todd: good job, guys.

We kicked some serious butt
this year.

Next year, we're gonna do it

Proud of everybody.

We'll be back.

I'm happy, very happy, of what
we did and how we did it.

I need to go home and prepare to
straight kick ass next season,

Because I'm going to get
1,000 ounces in season 3, okay?

It's gonna be about $1.3 million
to $1.5 million in gold.

I'm gonna frickin' show you
I can.
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