02x11 - Rock Bottom

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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02x11 - Rock Bottom

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: with their gold-mining
season slipping away...


...three crews race

To find enough gold
to turn a profit.

We're not gonna reach our goal
of 100 ounces

If we don't hurry up.

Narrator: at quartz creek,

The hoffman crew is
finally running good dirt...

Really good.

Narrator: ...and seeing...

...good gold.

we hit a pocket of gold.

Turin: I'm ready to make
some real money.

Narrator: but they are
about to run out of pay dirt.

And the only machine
that can get to more...

Jack: whoa!

...is on its last legs.

At porcupine creek,

After a mining inspector
shuts them down,

"Dakota" fred and his son
take it out on each other.

I'm leaving.

Dustin: don't be
such a [bleep]

And 17-year-old
parker schnabel's first season

As the man in charge
grinds to an abrupt halt.

One of the bearings that run
our trommel has locked up.

Narrator: at quartz creek
in the klondike,

The hoffman crew has
just 50 days left

To find 80 more ounces of gold

To hit their 100-ounce goal.

Remsburg: right on!

After three months
of digging in their pit,

They've finally hit bedrock,

Where the richest gold deposits
usually collect.

look at the color.

People say you get

Into that mauve-looking,
pink-looking stuff,

And you're on it, baby.

So, to be honest with you,

I can't believe
we hit bedrock.

I mean, we've talked
about it for...

[ Chuckles ]

So long that it's like,
you know, freaky.

So, there's gold in this,
and there's gold on the bottom.

Hopes and dreams -- that's
what gold mining's all about.

A hope and a dream.

Narrator: so far this season,

The hoffman crew has pulled
only 20 ounces of gold,

Worth just $32,000,
from the klondike dirt.

Big deal.

They've dialed in
their wash plant

And moved 10,000 cubic yards
of dirt.

For the last six days,

They've been feeding
their wash plant

With what they hope
is prime pay gravel

From the layer
just above bedrock.

Jack: let's go.

Now the hoffmans
are 100 days

Into the 150-day
mining season.

If they can get to $160,000
in gold,

They'll be able to go home
with money in their pockets.

They're banking on the dirt
now sitting on bedrock

To give them
their best cleanout yet.

Turin: we're on the best area
right now.

This is the best gold there is,

So I'm ready to get some real
gold, make some real money.

We're probably running

An ounce an hour right now,
I'm guessing.

That's really good.

Todd's working
straight through lunch.

You know,
no one's taking breaks.

We're just going and going.

He's going full-speed,
so I'm not gonna stop him.

Doumitt: the plant's running
good, being able to keep up.

I think we're gonna do
really good, too.

I think we'll have a real good
cleanup this time.

The scuttlebutt around here

Is that it will be
the best cleanup we've had.

Narrator: after running
for six days straight,

They finally power down
the wash plant.

hey. Come here.

I think we're gonna have
a double-digit cleanout.

I'm going for 10 ounces.

Narrator: todd is convinced
this cleanout will prove

They can still hit
100 ounces.

we hit a pocket of gold.

I got really good gold
in here.

the hoffman crew needs

A whopping 80 ounces
in the last third of the season.

To stay on track, they need
10 ounces, worth $16,000,

From this cleanout alone.

Thurber: chunk!

we got a chunk, thurb?

A chunk.

Let's clean out
and figure out what we got.

This cleanout's the most
important one we've ever done.

Hoping for more gold each time.

Narrator: they remove the miners
moss from the sluice box...

Oh, lordy!

...and take it over to
the gold tent for processing.


in those three tubs

Is hopefully, at least,
10 ounces of gold -- at least.

Once I get one bin,
then I'll switch it out.

It's kind of anxious.

I hope for the best, hope
for a double-digit cleanout.

We haven't seen one yet,
but I think today's the day.


ooh, I just heard "ka-ching,
ka-ching" going in there.

Doumitt: what we're trying to do
is rinse all the gold

Out of this miners moss.

It sits underneath
the steel riffles.

This stuff's designed
to trap gold.

Now we're trying
to un-trap it.

Is "un-trap"
a word, dave?


Narrator: thurber then feeds
the gold-bearing dirt

Into the duplex jig

That separates the light dirt

From the heavier black sand
and gold.

Thurber: hey, that's probably
enough to start, huh?

You feed for a while,
then I'll feed.

We'll trade off.

Jack: okay.

Next they feed the gold-bearing
material onto the gold table.

There it is.

Turin: hey, look
at this gold.

Todd: hey, thurb,
look at that.

We've had solid gold

Coming off of that
for about 20 to 30 minutes.

[ Laughs ]

Remsburg: hey.

it's the moment of truth.

They need at least 10 ounces
from their best dirt yet.

Anything less will be
a major blow

And could just send the crew
home with nothing to show

For five months
of backbreaking work.

Jack: now, pour slow
so we can get it.



Together: three.

if this is not a good cleanup,

We're gonna be disappointed.

I can't let my family starve.

I've got to take care of my wife
and three kids.



Todd: come on, guys.
I think this is gonna be good.

I really do.



Still some in there.



Turin: [ groans ]

Eight ounces.

well, blue said 7.74.

Todd: good guess, buddy.

I expected 10 or 12 ounces
out of there.

We only got about eight.

Come on.

I mean, these guys aren't gonna
make wages

With what we're getting
out of this cut.

[ Groans ]

It's tough when you've got

Little kids at home
and mortgages.

I could just imagine what their
wives are saying, you know?

They're probably asking
the questions.

"How many bills can I pay?
Can we get a new car?

Can we get a new house
with new carpet?"

Who knows?
Pretty tough way to live.

down south at porcupine creek,

Dakota fred's claim
has been shut down by msha,

The mine safety and health

I finally get my four guys

All together
in all the same place,

The equipment is working.

Poof -- in steps mr. Msha.

I'm so pissed off, I can't
even think about it right.

before he can reopen the mine,

Fred has to address all
of the msha violations.

Some have been classified
as significant and substantial,

Meaning there was a significant
risk for injury to occur.

There's some rocks
in the way here.

Where aren't there rocks
out here?

Going down to our sluice box,

He called this
severe and substantial.

I mean, a crippled-up,
old, 70-year-old dude

Can walk down this, you know?

So...that's a severe
and substantial violation.

Narrator: so far this season,
the dakota boys have only found

19 Ounces
of their 100-ounce goal.

Porcupine creek is shut down

Because fred's crew did not go
through on-site msha training.

Man: untrained miners are a
hazard to themselves and others.

the dakota boys can't mine

Till they get
an approved trainer on-site.

Fred: they said, "you're off the
mine site. That's it.

"That's the end of your mining

Until you get
this training done."

We did our training!

We had been cited
for violating a rule, number --

I'll give you this number --

That damn book.

Well, we took our 24 hours
of training in north dakota,

Paul and I and dustin.

We all received
24 hours of training.

I mean, you know,
you bend over backwards

To try to do their thing right,

And then you
still get bent forward.

These people have cost me about
$40,000 to $50,000 in income.

And if I seem like I'm a little
upset about it, you bet I am.

American people ought to be
upset at stuff like this.

Job k*ller?
You're damn right it is.

while they wait on a trainer,

All fred and his son, dustin,
can do are some minor repairs.

I'm not sure what you want me
to even hold it for.

Now wait, don't move it.

And father and son
are on edge.

Let me know
what we're doing first.

are you doing?

I asked you to hold the thing
so I can weld it!

Don't talk to me like that
right now.

Well, don't talk to me
like I'm gonna let it go!

I got my leg under it
and my hand under it. God!

Don't be like that
right now.

I'm just standing there
holding it.

You're not saying nothing.

You're just walking
back and forth

Is what you were doing,
and you're not saying nothing.

I asked you to hold it.
What else do I got to say?

I wanted you to hold it

While I was trying to get
a pair of vise grips.


I need some help with somebody

That will at least listen
to what I ask them to do.

If we're not gonna work, there's
no reason for me to be here.

That's what I do. I work.

I mean, sitting around
looking at the mine,

Thinking about the things
I should be doing here --

That's just not
gonna cut it for me.

Narrator: at the big nugget mine
in southeast alaska...

[ Whistling ]

...17-year-old parker schnabel

Has less than two weeks

Until he has to go back for
his senior year of high school.

For the first time
in over a month,

He's into some good gold.

So, we dug that way
on last wednesday

And got one ounce,
or just about.

And then we dug this way
on thursday

And got just about two ounces.

So, we want to go that way,

But our property line
is somewhere over there.

Narrator: after a great start
to the season...

Parker: rocking!

Narrator: ...parker quickly
ran out of pay dirt.

I've got everything I need
except dirt with gold in it.

Narrator: he explored
two untouched dig sites,

But struck out on both.

In his search
for virgin ground,

He's been forced
to the very edge of his claim.

Parker is now hell-bent
on finding out

If he can dig any further
in his new, hot location.


He uses gps to find
the edge of his claim.

Here we go.

if he can't dig any further,

He'll be out
of pay dirt again.


I'm standing
on our property line right now,

And it goes that way,
and our excavator's right there.

So, I would go
another 15 feet, probably.

The problem with that is

It's not a real scientific gps,
you know?

It's only accurate
within 30 feet or so.

So, it sucks, but I'm not gonna
dig any further towards the line

Because we're just too close.

Narrator: if parker digs
on someone else's land,

He risks a lawsuit
that could close down the mine.

Parker: I'd rather lose a little
money than lose a lawsuit.

So, that's a bummer.

Now that we can't go back
any further,

The only option is
to go deeper.

There might just be nothing
all the way to bedrock.

It happens.

up in the klondike...

...the hoffman crew is
also nearly out of pay dirt.

They've bottomed out
in their pit.

Turin: I'm at the bedrock,

So now we've only got
about two days of run left.

So, this whole pit here is
just about played out.

Todd: we got 28 ounces
out of this cut.

The problem is
we're out of pay dirt.

Narrator: with just 49 days
of mining left,

The crew needs
to open up a second cut

To get to new pay dirt.

First, the crew has
to remove the vegetation

And an eight-foot layer
of frozen mud

On a new part of the claim.

And time is running out.

be honest with me.

How long is it really gonna take
to get that second cut done?

Well, how long?
What are we talking?

What do you think,

[ Sighs ]
three weeks.


[ Sighs ]

We need this in two weeks,
not three weeks.

This pit took us a month.

Now you want to open up
a second one in two weeks?

not only do I want it,

I think you guys
can do it.

The 400's got to play
a big role.

jack starts clearing trees.

Jack: if we're gonna be able
to give these guys

The money that they need
for the season,

We got to have
that second cut.

Narrator: but if they're gonna
hit todd's two-week deadline,

Jack has to push his excavator
to its limit.

Jack: it's not easy.

The 400's already gone
through one final drive,

And it can't afford
a second one,

So I'm gonna take it easy on it
and just kind of baby it along.

if the 400 breaks down again,

There may be no second cut.

The 400 excavator
has already broken down once.

A week ago, greg got it stuck
in quartz creek.

[bleep] [bleep]

The final drive that powers
its left track seized up.

Ohh, man!

Jack could only manage
a temporary fix.

I put the plate back on,

Sealed it and everything,
so moisture won't get in.

It's gonna be limping along.

Todd: the guys are
already on that cut.

They've got a little bit of it
knocked off already.

We've got to get down to pay
dirt, otherwise we're screwed.

Jack: no.

suddenly, the 400's left track

Starts seizing up again.

No, no, no.

The only way it can move

Is by pulling itself along
with the bucket.

Jack: right now
we're walking a tightrope.


jack has no option

But to shut it down
just when they need it most.

in southeast alaska,

The porcupine creek claim
remains shut down.

Fred: this is fred hurt
calling back.

fred can't reopen his mine

Till he gets
a safety trainer on-site.

Fred: you can
just leave a message

As to what's the status
of an instructor.

We assume things
are not going well.

Bye, now.

We're just passing time
right now.

That's all we're doing --
just passing time.

It's just absolutely
so demoralizing.

There's nothing else
to do out here.

Might as well go to town
and take a shower,

Get clean
for at least 10 hours.


Drop me off
at the laundromat,

And I'm gonna take
a shower.

well, y'all go do it!

[ Laughs ]

He didn't deserve a shower, huh?
Fair enough.

Oh [bleep]
on the shower!


How many days has it been?
A week?

Fred's being a [bleep]

He's gonna blow a gasket when
you ask to go take a shower.

A shower --
something that small.

Everything breaks down.

We ain't got nothing
but piddling junk to do.

I don't care if it's been 100
days since they had a shower.

Priorities is what it is.

Dustin: you got men out here
busting their ass for you.

Ohh, don't give me
that crap.

Well, I do my job.

I expect others to do theirs,
or something.

I'm already crazy enough
out here.

Yeah, the fact is, you've been
real hard to work with lately.

I don't know what the hell
you're talking about.

Mm, mm, mm.

If this continues, I'm not
gonna be here much longer.

I'm not gonna stay.


And that's part of it
right there -- the threat.

This threat all the time --
"I'm leaving."

I guess that
[bleep] figures.

That's the first time
I've said that [bleep]

I know, but I'm just --

No, that's the first time
I've said that!

Don't be
such a [bleep]

That's the first time
I've ever said that!

Dustin: we're all gonna up
and leave at some point

If he keeps this stuff up.

We're at each other's neck.

if fred can't mine soon,

He's in danger
of not only losing his crew,

But his whole season.

There's absolutely
zero appreciation

For what we're doing.

I know there's been times

That I really bent people
out of shape.

It's their problem, not mine.

Narrator: across the creek
at big nugget mine,

Parker is digging a test hole

At his new site,
emerson trench.

He's out of pay dirt

And right up against the edge
of his claim.

He only has one direction
left to dig -- down.

To save his family mine, he has
to find a deep pay streak.

Parker: the thing is, here,

You dig 10 feet down,
you get good gold.

You dig the next 10 feet down,
and you get half as much.

So you think,
"well, why go any deeper?"

Well, you go deeper because
you've run out of property.

the emerson trench site

Runs from porcupine creek

Right up to the edge
of the big nugget claim.

Parker has already mined

The top 10 feet
across the entire area.

Now he's digging a test hole

To find out if there's
a second pay streak

Below 20 feet.

If there is, he'll strip away

The 9,000 tons of worthless dirt
that lie on top

To get to the gold-rich pay dirt

Parker: so, you're looking
at a 100-by-200-yard area

That you could take
down to bedrock --

Two football fields
down to bedrock.

And this is a test of that.

So, it's good.

It'll give us a good idea
of what's down to there.

Who knows what's below that?

Narrator: parker hauls 40 yards
of test dirt

Across the creek
to his wash plant.

This test will determine

If there's enough pay dirt
in emerson trench

To keep the big nugget mine

if we have a bad day today,

It rules out probably
two years' worth of digging.

It's a big day for the mine.

Narrator: gary grogan fires up
the wash plant,

And the critical test dirt
is loaded into the shaker.

The finer material drops down
into the revolving trommel.

But just as the test dirt

Starts running
through the sluice boxes...

[ Metal scraping ]

...the wash plant locks up.


We've got --
one of the bearings

That run our trommel
is locked up.

So, that's a pain in the ass.

This whole bearing is gone,
and the front one went.

And when the front one went,
it put the wheel to an angle.

This is really not something
that we need right now.

And we're gonna fix this
as fast as we can.

the key to parker's wash plant

Is the revolving trommel
that washes away the pay dirt

And screens out rocks
bigger than half an inch.

The trommel sits on two pairs
of supporting wheels.

Each wheel is held in place

By bearings
that allow it to rotate.

Dirt has packed up
one of the bearings,

And it has seized up,

Causing the wheel
to slip out of place.

As a result, the trommel
can no longer turn.

Parker: [ sighs ]

Yeah, I can see the bearing's
laying right there.

While his crew jacks up
the four-ton trommel

To get to the faulty bearings,

Parker races into town
to try to get new bearings.

Until he can get
the trommel turning again,

The future of the
big nugget mine is in jeopardy.

Narrator: in the klondike,
todd has given his crew

Just two weeks
to open a second cut.

They can't make the deadline
without the 400,

And it's dead in the water.

Right on cue,

Mechanic james harness arrives
back at quartz creek.

Welcome back.

I feel almost human.

I'd hug you,
but I'm filthy.

Yeah, man.
How you feeling?

Oh, I'm doing all right.

three weeks ago,

Harness was forced
to leave the claim.

I've overdone it
and pretty much wasted my back.

harness went south to take care

Of his recurring back pain.

See you later.

So, I've got to fix myself
before I can fix anything else.

Doumitt: did you make it
to the doctor's?

Did you?
Any help?

Well, I had two choices.

I either go have
an operation in d.c.

That could very likely
end up in complications

Where I'd lose one
or both of my arms.

I thought with
just a few weeks left,

I better not go
that route.

I'll just get medication
for now and tough it out

And try to make
the best of it.


Harness hardly has time
to unpack.

The 400 is in need
of his expertise.

Todd: yeah, it's good
to have james back.

We've sprung a leak
on the final drive.

It's got a seal in there
that's not going good,

And I need that 400 again.

So I need james
to come through.

Harness: without that machine,
we're in trouble.

And I've never been
inside one yet,

So I'm kind of anxious
to find out how it ticks.

each track on the 400 excavator

Is driven by a mechanism
known as a final drive.

To keep this complex gear system

It needs to be a third
of the way full of oil.

Deep behind the gears
in the main drive sprocket,

A rubber o-ring seals
the lubricating oil

Inside the cylinder.

But the o-ring
in the 400 has failed,

And the oil has leaked out,
causing the gears to seize up.

Harness has
to replace the o-ring.

But first,
he's got to get to it.

Harness: at this point,
there's only one way

To find out
if this is even fixable --

Exploratory surgery
to find out how it ticks.

in southeast alaska,

Parker's performing
his own surgery.

His wash plant needs
a new set of bearings.

The crew drops them
into place.

She's there.

Parker: we need to come out
maybe an eighth.

Okay, if it's straight,
that's perfect.

All right. Good job.

Grogan: perfect.
Right on the holes.

Really? Nice.

Narrator: once they are bolted
into position,

Parker can get his trommel
rolling again.

Looks good.

Now he can finish running

The all-important emerson trench
test dirt.

at least there's still hope.

Sometimes, like my grandpa says,
all you have is hope.

Narrator: if the test dirt
is full of gold,

Emerson trench could save
the big nugget mine.

Emerson trench
has potential to be dug.

And that would take
a couple years.

We don't see a thing yet.

Narrator: parker's future
is riding on this cleanout.

Man: [ coughs ]

Not much.

Parker: I see less dollars
than what we spent.

It's pretty easy math.

Pretty sad.
Pretty sad day.

My last one for the season.
I don't know what to do.

Narrator: parker goes
back to school in a week.

The emerson trench dig
is a bust.

He has no time left to turn
around his first season

As the boss
of the big nugget mine.

Parker: [ sighs ]

Summer's over.
It went by so fast.

back in the klondike,

The hoffman crew
has just 46 days left

Until winter descends on them.

To make any money
in their second mining season,

They have to get
the 400 running.

I got to get a second cut open,

And I got to get
that material up.

So, we're in trouble.

Harness: I've probably got
50 other things

That I'm supposed to be
working on,

And this has got
to take priority.

Narrator: james harness hunts
the leaky seal

Locked deep inside
the final drive.

Harness: we have to either try
to go in from the outside

Or pull the whole track off,

And I don't want to do the track
unless we absolutely have to.

So, the only way
to get in here

Is to go in through the front
and see what I can find.

This has to work.

The future of the whole season
depends on this machine.

Without it, we can't break
through the ice

And get to where we need to get
to get to the gold.

Every part on this thing
is so heavy.

It could really hurt you.

Narrator: harness works
through chronic back pain

To take apart the final drive.

Harness: the gears are gone.

Something's gone through here
that tore this up.

All three of these gears
are gone.

A chunk came out
of this piece right here.

And that chunk went through
the rest of the teeth,

And it took bites out of them.

So this won't last.
That's not good at all.

Narrator: harness now not only
needs to fix the leaking seal,

He needs replacement gears,
as well --

Hard to come by
in the middle of nowhere.

Harness: there's none of these
final drives around.

There's only a few around
the world that are used.

Jack: so, I'm going to town.

And it would be an absolute,
drop-dead miracle

If there's parts.

You know, we're in dawson.

Narrator: while jack begins
the hunt for spare parts...

I'm not even halfway done yet.

...harness continues to unpack

The layers of gears

In his search for the root
of the problem...

it's coming, but not easy.

Narrator: ...the leaky seal.

right now we're sunk.

The seal that we need to replace

Is on the back side
of these bearings.

So we can't get to it.

Todd: james, what do you think?
How bad is it?

The track's got
to come off.

I didn't want
to take it off.

So, it's the worst-case
scenario, unfortunately.

Narrator: taking the whole track
off is a big job.

And it will have to wait.

I'm not doing too well.

I am in a lot of pain.

There's a limit that I can go,

And then I just can't do
any more.

And I'm about there.

it's 8:00 a.m. In the klondike.

The 400 is broken down,

And jack still hasn't found
replacement parts.

After working hard
the previous day,

Harness is still in bed.

Todd: we got to get
on that second cut,

Otherwise we're dead
in the water.

Narrator: with their season
nearing the end,

Jack and thurber pick up
where harness left off.

They now have to get
the left track off the 400.

[ Groans ]

The track is holding
against the pin,

So we got to drive
that pin out.

Then the track will release.

And the only way
you can get it apart

Is with this humongous hydraulic
setup I got.

It'll do 100,000 --
I think he said 100,000 tons.

But, anyway,
it's big, you know?

Narrator: they use the 228
to hold the hydraulic ram

That will push out
one of the track pins.

That's good.

that's got to pop out.

That's the right way.
Go back.

Jack: is it moving?

I'm hoping it's yes.

It's going.
[ Clang ]


Ah, good.

I think it went.
I think it did.

How's the sprocket
on this side?

Just keep going back.

Jack and thurber

Finally unroll
the 6,500-pound track...

No, no, no.

Hell, that's funny.

...to get
to the broken seal.

Jack: yeah.
Well, there it is. Look.

The whole thing is caused

By this o-ring right here.

It's cracked,
plus it's been frayed.

Narrator: with just 44 days
of the mining season left,

Dakota fred's crew down at
porcupine creek is all smiles.

Oh, yeah.
Look at this.

This is the first time I seen
you smile all well.

Oh [bleep]
I'm smiling every day.

The first time the sun has shone
this long in four weeks.

Narrator: the crew is relieved
because fred finally

Has safety instructor
john ballard on-site.

[ Indistinct conversation ]

His training session
is the only thing standing

Between the dakota boys
and gold mining.

Msha says every one
of these things

Must have nuts on them,
must be secured.

Make sure your fire extinguisher
is accessible.

Narrator: after going
through the training,

The crew finally gets
the green light.

Okay. We've done
our site-specific.

You guys had
your hazard training.

You've got
a good, safe site here.

You've got a good crew.

So, what we're
gonna do now is sign off

The 5000-23 msha form

Showing you have had
your site-specific.

Be sure and push hard.

That shows
that I am certified now.

I've had my on-site,
specific training.

It's a good deal. It's got
my signature and everything.

Fred: did they give you
a d-minus on it?

What did you get
for a grade?

I got an a-plus.


[ Laughs ]

We're set and ready to go.

We're gonna be running hard
and going deep.

[ Laughter ]

Dustin: yee-haw!

Narrator: the dakota boys
are back in business,

But they only have
a little time left

To get the 81 ounces of gold

They still need
to hit their goal.

[ Laughs ]

Good bucket.
Good bucket.

All I can see is gold soup
going out here.

We're gonna dig some gold!

You can't keep us down
that long, msha!

It won't be too much longer

I'll be down in the bottom
of that pit.

I got a full crew.

We're back at it.
We're processing.

I'm happy.

[ Laughs ]

Hi-ho, silver, and away!

at the big nugget mine,

Parker's mining season is over.

He plans on spending
his last week before high school

Checking out the bigger mining
operations up in the klondike.

I'm ready to go to dawson.

It will be nice to see how
things work at other mines.

Narrator: with his first season
as boss behind him,

Parker totals up his gold.

33 Ounces.

It looks like a lot of gold,

But we spent a lot of money
to get it.

Narrator: parker found
$53,000 worth of gold...

But he spent
a lot more than that

To get it out of the ground.

Parker: I think for me it's not
so much about the dollars.

It's just trying to do my best

And make my grandfather
and my family happy.

I come out here
and give it everything I've got.

I feel like I've done my job.

Narrator: the only thing left
is for parker

To turn the mine back over
to his 91-year-old grandpa.

John: when does school start?
Tuesday? Next tuesday?

Parker: next monday.
Next monday.

You've only got
a few days.


[ Laughs ]

And I want you to be...

Well, I'll take care
of it.

...in charge
and in control.

I understand that.


Even though he fell short,

Parker holds out hope big nugget
can still break even

In his grandpa's capable hands.

If we don't have
any big breakdowns

And if the ground can give us
an ounce a day,

Then we'll break even.

up north in the klondike,

Jack has hit the jackpot.

look what we found!

Todd: no way.

Dude, no way.

Check it out, todd.

This used final drive

Has all the parts they need
to fix the 400.

Look at that thing.

What does that weigh?

Uh...dave and I
picked it up.

About 1,100 pounds.

Oh, yeah, right.
[ Laughter ]

Woman: yeah, right.

They were off
and laying right there

Just the way you see it.

So, you drove up
to some guy's mine,

He had one off, and you
backed up and took it?

This is just one of the --

It's one
of the several miracles

That has happened
on our freakin' mining career.



The whole thing's cool.

Todd: I wouldn't bet
against my dad.

I mean, he did just find
a final drive off a machine,

Ready to load
in the back of his truck,

A short drive from here.

And we looked.

There was eight of them
in the whole united states.

I mean, the guy's
got nine lives.

That o-ring's good.

Narrator: after a day's rest,
harness is back at it.

This is looking good.
It looks nice.

Every little second
counts right now.

After the new o-ring is lubed
up, it fits like a glove.

Can you just hold that
right there?

Harness: yeah.
Can you?

They replace
the broken gears

With the used gears
from the spare final drive

And bolt the cover back on.

they oil the cylinder

To stop it
from seizing up again.

All right!
[ Laughs ]

Let's go.

Jack: we went to hell and back,
you know?

It looks like a good repair,
and we're gonna find out.

Todd: start it up!

Okay, okay!

[ Engine turns over ]

Now we're getting somewhere.

Narrator: with the 400
back up and running,

The hoffman crew
can finally get back

To digging out a second cut.

They have just 44 days left

To get their 100 ounces of gold,
or $160,000,

Out of the ground.

If they can beat the odds,
each man will go home,

For the first time
as gold miners,

With gold in their pockets.

it's good to see it running.

Jack's in his happy place,
you know?

He's on that 400, and it's good
to see it back in the pit.

Jack: what I'm proud of is that
our team is working good.

So, there's just a lot
of things

That are going in our favor
right now.

Todd: I think god's got us here
for a reason.

I don't know what it is --

Maybe just to learn
how to mine.

But in that second cut
could be a pile of gold

The size of a frickin' pickup.
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