02x09 - Behind the Scenes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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02x09 - Behind the Scenes

Post by bunniefuu »

up in the frozen north,

The race is on to find gold.

Oh! Whoa!

Narrator: unemployed and deep
in debt, the hoffman crew

Puts everything they have
into their second mining season.

If we don't make it this summer,
we're done.

Narrator: almost three months
ago, they came to the klondike

And set up a new mining
operation at quartz creek.

Good luck, dave.

They've spent weeks digging down
to pay ground...

That's good gold dirt
right there, man.

Coming down.

...and thousands of dollars

Getting their wash plant
dialed in.

Guys, we're doing it.

We're just starting,
but we're doing it.

Man: yee-ha!

Jack: good lord.

Narrator: over halfway
through the season,

The hoffman crew is
finally on the gold.

To reach their goal
of 100 ounces,

The crew pushes the limit.

Holy [bleep] [bleep]

Easy, jack. Easy, jack.

Jack: what the...

Narrator: 600 miles south

At porcupine creek,

The dakota boys
change their tactics...

The beast says he's hungry.

...and see instant results.

Found a few little flakes
right here.

Dustin: look, I found a daddy.
Holy cow.

And at big nugget,

Teenage miner parker schnabel
does the work of two men...

Parker: uh-oh. Trouble.


Narrator: ...until his mom
shows up on the claim.

Don't you ever
treat me like that.

You think I can't
shut this down?

You're wrong.

At quartz creek
up in the klondike,

The hoffman crew is 83 days
into a 150-day mining season.

we're in the phase now

Where we want to keep running
and efficiently get our gold.

Try that.

That looks awesome.

We're not leaving here
without 100 ounces.

It's time for our team
to dig deep.

Even if we got to sleep
in the cab,

We're gonna run some damn dirt.

I think we can take it up
a major notch.

Narrator: the crew spent weeks
and thousands of dollars

Setting up their wash plant.

Turned into a bigger deal
than what we thought.

they lifted it by three feet,

Got rid
of the hydraulic riffles,

And replaced them
with sluice boxes.

The modifications
finally brought them gold.

Todd: almost four ounces.

Narrator: but to make
this season a success,

They need 100 ounces,
or 25 times what they now have.

Are we gonna make it
or break it?

Narrator: the crew calls in
a gold-mining expert

To make sure the wash plant is
catching every flake of gold.

That's fred dodge.
He's our mining consultant.

You had to leave early?

How are you doing?
Good, how are you doing?

Before something breaks,

I want to have you look
at this sucker.

we got a lot of work done

Since fred last was here
to coach us,

And I've been looking forward
to his return.

[ Indistinct conversation ]

Narrator: first off, fred
inspects the sluice boxes.

need more water.

Yeah, it's low right now.
Todd: it's way low.

That needs water for sure.

Need another 200 to 300 gallons
a minute.

fred spots a major problem.

The whole riffle's packed in.

The gold is supposed to collect
in the riffles.

But if they're full of dirt,

The gold washes right out of the
sluice boxes onto the ground.

It's catching gold,

But we're probably spitting gold
off the end as well.

what do we want to do?

We want to get more pitch
or more water,

Because right now, we're plugged
up, and we're losing gold.


If we're throwing gold
out the sluice,

I'll be sick to my stomach.

Our boxes, the angle needs
to be changed a little bit.

And we need to juice it up
with the water, more water.

Narrator: the first thing
the hoffman crew has to do

Is set the sluice boxes
at a steeper angle.

So our simplest plan now is

To raise the front of the box
a couple inches.

Then we'll go ahead
and fire some water up,

Maybe take a peek.

Let's get the plant going,
and then let's watch it.

He's the man.

He says it needs to change,
we're changing it.

There's no question.

Just go one side
at a time.

Then we'll level off
this side.

Narrator: using the bucket
of the 228 excavator,

They start by lifting
the sluice boxes.

Oh, are we gonna throw
some wood under there?


Hey, dave?

Go to the other side.

Come down hard.

Okay, it should settle down
about level there.

Narrator: they increase
the angle of the sluices

From 15 to 25 degrees.

Yeah, I like that.

Now they need to do a test run

To determine if they're
catching more gold.

Fred wants to run 1,000 yards
and check out the changes,

So looks like it might be
a long night.

See if we can
get 1,000 yards in

And do another cleanout
in the morning.


We'll fire up.

[ Engines turn over ]

We made all the,
you know, right moves.

We've taken his advice.

Maybe we're gonna up our catch.

I think we're still
a little light on water.

Narrator: at the intake pond,

The pump runs
at a steady 1,500 rpm.

Todd: want me to go up
about 50 rpm?

Let it go up.

Yeah, fred wants to run
at 1,550.


Let's try
and go up more.

Still use another 150 gallons
a minute.

Fred urges todd to crank
the water flow to the max.

More water.

Now, nearly 3,000 gallons
of water

Run through the sluice boxes
every minute.

Getting close.

Just as the water flow is
starting to look right...

Good lord.
Look at this.

We lost our water.

We got to cut it.

Shut it down!

...45 minutes
into their test,

Todd has to shut off
the pump.

I turned around and, bam, the
water's off, just that quick.

So this whole thing --
that's thick with material.

We run out of water.
Freaking joke.

around the water-intake pipe

Is a screen to keep out
floating debris.

It's completely clogged up
with mud.

The hoffman crew had hoped
to run 1,000 yards of dirt

Through their new
and improved sluices.

But after just 75 yards,

They are once again
dead in the water.

You know, what the heck --
you know, what do we do?

Narrator: down at the big nugget
mine in southeast alaska...

Don't break.

...17-year-old parker schnabel

Is on the hunt
for a new dig site.

He needs gold, and quickly,

To keep his family mine
from going under.

We're looking for a tree
that's cut off

And, like, as a boundary marker.

Narrator: years ago,

Parker's 91-year-old
grandfather, john schnabel,

Marked the boundary
of this claim.

It's in the...mess

Of broken, fallen,
crisscrossed trees.

parker hopes this ancient
forest has never been mined.

But before he can dig,
he has to find out

Where his claim stops
and the others begin.

We're right here.

This is the line
that we're interested in here.

I'll be able to dig right up
to 10 feet within our line.

If you take gold
from someone else's land,

They'll probably sue you.

Some blue ribbon.

We're probably close.

Oh, see, here's the --
there's the marker.

Hmm. It does say "j.s."

Our land.

Somebody else's land.

Narrator: parker's search
for virgin ground

Has him
to the edge of his claim.

Okay. So now we should know
where the gold is.

Well, you never know
where the gold is

Until you dig it
out of the ground.

Narrator: 2 1/2 months ago,

Parker took over the big nugget
mine from his grandpa.

He ran stockpiled dirt that
brought him 10 ounces of gold,

Worth about $16,000.

Parker: this is our
first full week of running,

And we're definitely
making money.

he then spent four weeks

Trying to find
new gold-bearing dirt.

How deep are these things?

Narrator: he failed.

Parker: we need more
than a few flakes.

Parker has found a disappointing
18.7 ounces of gold

In his first season
as the boss of big nugget.

He needs four times that
to save the mine.

Pretty piss-poor.

Narrator: parker is now digging
the virgin ground

Between his mine's property line

And a spot his grandfather calls
emerson trench.

I'm in a hurry because
I don't have much time

And I have a lot of work to do.

The plant hasn't been running,
hasn't been running.

And we're losing money
hand over fist.

parker has to pay $1,000

In wages and fuel every day.

He needs to turn this dirt
into gold, fast.

I mean [bleep] I've done --

This is my fourth load
in, what, 20 minutes?

Load the truck, drive it over
to the plant, dump it.

Narrator: 17-year-old parker
has been operating

Both the excavator and
the dump truck single-handedly.

With the wash plant now running,

He jumps into a third machine,
a loader twice as old as he is.

Parker: [bleep]

Come on [bleep]

Narrator: one hour in,

A hydraulic hose
in the loader blows.

Parker: it could just be a loose
fitting, but I doubt it.

Narrator: without the loader,
he can't feed the wash plant.

Parker: we're shut down.

It sucks having a breakdown
at a time like this.

Too bad you can't just, like,
use some duct tape or something.

Narrator: parker's day is lost.
He falls another $1,000 behind.

Ugh. Man.

Narrator: up ahead...

Easy, jack. Easy, jack.

...the hoffmans' 400 excavator
goes down in the creek...

Jack: whoa. Holy crap.

..."Dakota" fred goes rogue...

I thought the plan was
to finish over there.

...and parker picks a fight
he can't win.

I can shut this down.

Narrator: at quartz creek,

The hoffmans' wash plant
is shut down.

Their water intake
is clogged with mud.

Jim thurber has
to clear the screen

Before they can test
their modified sluice boxes.

I really don't want
to fall in there.

You can't pump gold
through your machine with that.

It's like pudding.

We have to have
good water to wash,


We got to fix
this issue here.

Narrator: water is the lifeblood
of the wash plant.

Due to environmental

The hoffmans can't extract water
from the creek.

They were forced to come up
with an alternative supply.

What we're trying to do is
recirculating our own water,

Giving it about an hour's worth
of time to come around,

Settle out some of the silt,

And come around
and use it again.

the hoffmans dug two ponds.

Wastewater thick with silt
flows out of the wash plant

And collects in a settling pond,

Where the silt slowly falls
to the bottom.

Cleaner surface water then flows
back to the intake pond

To be reused in the wash plant.

But now, because there is
a lot more water

Being pumped through the plant,

The silt is making its way
around to the intake pond,

Eventually clogging the screen.

We've got our settling pond
that's full of silt.

Our return canal to the intake
pond is probably full of silt.

The intake pond
is full of silt.

The pump filter
is full of silt.

And, yeah, I mean, it's --

The tail's wagging the dog
right now.

Narrator: dave turin, the newest
member of the hoffman crew,

Has a radical plan
to supply the wash plant

With the clean water it needs.

What we're going to do is

We've got real clean water
in our pit where we're mining.

We've got real clean water.

the problem is, quartz creek
runs right through the claim,

Separating the clean water
in the pit from the intake pond.

We're gonna cut three trees,
about 30-footers.

We're gonna put them in there
and build a little bridge,

Get it up over the creek.

And we'll have clean water
here in about five minutes,

And we'll be able to run again.

Narrator: dave's plan
to carry the clean water

From the pit across the creek

Means building a bridge
to support the hose

Which will fill the intake pond
with clean water.

Greg jumps into the 400
to cut down the right trees.

Next, he lays the trees
across the creek.


Dip down in the river
into a deep hole,

Scared the [bleep]
out of me.

You want me to keep going?

I can try
to pull myself out.

Come on.

Let's go!

Oh [bleep]

Good night.

[ Grinding ]

Oh, yeah.
That doesn't sound good.

I don't know
what the noise is.

the 400 struggles,

But greg is able
to put the trees in place.

Now he just needs to get the 400
out of the creek.

Remsburg: oh, man.

[ Grinding ]

the left track locks up.

Remsburg: not good. Not good.

I've got no drive
in my left track right now.

And I'm just hoping
it re-engages.

What's going on, dave?

It's locked up solid.


Can't get it out.
Freaking kidding me.

It won't even budge, todd.

And it's going "click,
click, click," so it's done.

Narrator: the 400
is jack's pride and joy.

Just can't take it

When it's, you know, running
at wide open and stuff.

You got to be careful
with these things.

Let me try it.

[ Grinding ]

Good lord.

Get the d8
and pull it out.

Narrator: the d8 is
the only piece of equipment

They have with enough power.

Jack: let me try
to get it far out.

Turin: you want to try
hanging on to him?

Hold it. Back up.

Jack? Jack?

Easy, jack. Easy, jack.

You're gonna bend
the t*nk. Easy.

Go ahead and pull.

Jack: not doing it.

Stop. Hang on.

Okay, hold on, jack.

Narrator: if they can't get
the 400 out, they can't mine.

And if they can't mine soon,

There is no chance of hitting
their 100-ounce goal.

It's locked up solid.

Narrator: at quartz creek,

The left track of jack's
beloved 400 is locked up.

And it's stuck in the creek.

Jack: oh!

the only way to get it out

Is if dave can get
the two vehicles in line.

Turin: hold on, jack.

Set down
and swing your carriage over.

There you go, jack.

There you go, there you go,
there you go.

Good. That's good.


Holy crap.

Don't tip it over,

Dave and jack finally get
the 400's tracks

Facing the right way.

Then they try the d8
one more time.

Jack: put the ripper down,
and I'll try it.


This time, the 400 and the d8
are lined up.

They get the 400 to dry ground,

But the left track
is still locked.

It's a major catastrophe.

We can't be without it.
We need it.

This thing is really --

It's a critical piece
of equipment for us.

down at porcupine creek

In southeast alaska...

[ Horn honks ]

...dakota fred
and his son, dustin,

Welcome a new member
of their crew.

Hey, fred.
Fred: hey, what's up, dude?

Truck driver and family friend
darren zuck is back.

About [bleep] time
you showed up.

What's up, dude?

How are you doing, man?
How are you doing, man?

Good to see you back.

So, how long
you here for?

September 15th.

There you go.
That's a good day.

I'm looking forward
to that day.


I just hope you don't think
you're on vacation.

This is a working
[bleep] place.

[ Laughs ]

Narrator: dakota fred
sunk his life savings

Into porcupine creek,

Then lost his home to historic
flooding in north dakota.

Holy cow.

desperate for gold,

Fred dug dirt from a wide area

Around the hoffmans'
old glory hole.

Feed that plant, feed that
plant, feed that plant.

Narrator: fred's plan paid off.

In just one week,
the father-and-son team

Recovered over $30,000 in gold,

More than the hoffmans made
all of last year.

[ Laughter ]

18.9 ounces in seven days.

Back to work.

The beast says he's hungry.
The beast says he's hungry.

[ Laughs ]

Narrator: the dakota boys are
on track to hit fred's goal

Of 100 ounces,
worth around $160,000.

But dustin thinks he has a way
to pull in even more gold.

Some days we get great gold,

And some days we get
very bad gold,

Like, really, like,
slim pickings.

We don't know
where it's coming from

Because we dig
in so many places.

for the past two months,

The dakota boys have been
digging dirt from two areas --

One close to the wash plant,

The other on the far side
of the glory hole.

One side or the other --
one's creating big flakes,

And the other one
is doing super small.

dustin is dead-set

On determining where
the big flakes are coming from.

For one whole day, he insists
that fred digs exclusively

On the side of the pit
closest to the wash plant.

If we just process that dirt,
we run it today,

We find out
where all our gold's from,

Get the most for our dig,
you know?

Narrator: eager to meet or beat
his 100-ounce goal,

Fred agrees to his son's plan.

Fred: feeding dustin
some of this gold soup here.

As long as the system
keeps going, I'll be happy.

That's some good stuff there.

Everything is going great
right now.

Nothing better to do
than to wash some rocks.

[ Laughs ]

but just two hours in,

Fred deviates from the plan

And drives over to the far side
of the pit.

[ Sighs ]

Fred: what now?

I thought the plan was
to finish over there.

We agreed today that we'd stay
over there the entire day.

I wanted a little break
from that.

Our whole plan
was to find out

What was in that rock
and what is in this rock.

And now we messed that up.

Gee, I made a mistake.

We'll never know
if we keep doing this.

We'll never, ever know.

Narrator: the big nugget mine
is at a standstill.

Parker's loader
has blown a hydraulic hose.

He's no closer to running
his first test dirt

From the virgin ground
up at emerson trench.

We just have a breakdown.
It happens.

It's a horrible time.

I'm screwed.

parker's dad, roger schnabel,

Takes charge
of fixing the hose.

Roger: hey, parker?
Parker: yes, sir?

I can't unhook this

Because dirt's gonna get
in my hydraulic system.

So I need to clean it out.

In order to clean it out,
I need some air.

sh**t at
the right spot.

Parker: he always knows
just what to do

And what needs to be done,
and I don't.

I just let him
do it his way,

And I'll just get
the tools he needs.

Oh, instead
of your way?

I do it wrong?
[ Laughs ]

Parker's in luck.

There's a spare hose
in the shed.

[ Engine turns over ]

we fixed it. I'm happy.

Narrator: with the future of
the mine hanging in the balance,

Parker now wants
to run the wash plant

For a full 10-hour day

To test the dirt
from his new dig site.

Parker: it's not over yet.

You know,
we have to work a little harder.

I'll just bring as much dirt
as I can to the plant.

parker gets his grandpa, john,

To continue feeding
the wash plant.

He hurries
back up to emerson trench.

I'm going so fast because
I need to feed the plant

Because we're running
10 hours today,

And I don't want my grandpa
to have to work his ass off.

* And another one down,
and another one down *

* Another one
bites the dust *

[ Sighs ]

The coffee's wearing off.

I'm falling asleep.

Narrator: after a tough session
in the loader,

Parker's 91-year-old grandpa
calls it a day.

Parker now operates the loader

As well as the excavator
and the dump truck.

Parker: holy [bleep]

Uh-oh. Trouble.

Oh, geez.

Narrator: unannounced,
parker's mom, nancy,

Shows up at the mine.


What's up?

You just came to say hi?

Just looking at the job.

I'm doing the pan today.


Hold on, hold on.

I'm, like, doing stuff.

I know you're doing stuff.

The rumor
on the street is

You're kind of
wearing yourself out.

What? I'm fine.

Parker may be running
a gold mine,

But to his mom, he's still
just a 17-year-old kid.

I'm concerned about him
right now.

And is, you know, he okay?
Is he safe?

Is he too tired?
Is he not eating?

So we'll see how far
that conversation gets.

The thing about gold mining
is you can work 24/7,

And if you don't --

If there's not gold
in the dirt, there's no gold.

You can't get any.

Don't be a jerk.
I'm serious.

I am concerned about you.

And I'm telling you
I'm fine.

And I'm serious, parker.

I'll take you home.

Good luck.

Don't do that.
[ Chuckles ]

Parker fails to realize

The biggest threat
to his mining season

Might just be his mom.

What are you waiting for?

don't you ever --

Don't you ever treat me
like that.

What kind of crap are you
talking about?

You know what I'm talking about.
What did I do?

First of all you just acted
annoyed that I'm here.

No "hi, mom, how are you"?

I get
the sullen 17-year-old.


Will you stop swearing?

Here we are,
letting you up here

All the time
doing all this stuff.

You don't think that I worry
about you constantly?

You were working
14-hour days.

I don't work
14-hour days.

Well, you said you did
on facebook.


If you k*ll yourself,

We will not be able
to live with ourselves.

You know,
there's a cost to us.

I'm your mother.

You give me
that kind of crap,

You think I can't
shut this down?

You're wrong.

You're wrong.
I can shut this down.

I'm gonna go talk
to john.

[ Engine turns over ]

Well, that went well.

Parker is really capable.
He can do a lot of stuff.

But he's 17,
and I'm his mother.

I need more respect from him.

I can take him home.

And I don't think he thinks
I would really do that,

But I would.

Narrator: at quartz creek,

The hoffman crew's trusty
400 excavator is crippled.

No 400 means no digging

And no gold.

Todd, you sure you want
to be a gold miner?

On days like this,
you should just stay home.


The left track
is locked up.

Inside the final drive,

There are broken parts
jammed between the cogs.

Jack: did it come loose?

Thurber: no.

The other way?




Guess it didn't have
enough oil probably in there,

And that's what happened.

Any time you open up your
machine and you see rust,

Probably been without oil
for a long time.

out in the klondike,

Replacement parts are expensive
and could take weeks to locate.

We took all the gears
out of the final drive.

I put the plate back on,

Sealed it and everything
so moisture won't get in.

the final drive is still broken,

But at least now
the track can move freely.

I got one track that drives.

So the bucket has to help pull
the 400 anywhere it wants to go.

We're down, but we're not out.
We can keep sluicing.

Narrator: over in the pit,
the crew is about to find out

If dave turin's plan for a clean
water supply will work.

They're going to pump water
from the pit

Across the bridge over the creek
to replenish the intake pond.

Turin: fire it up.

[ Engine turns over ]

Todd: seems to be
working good.

That clean water that's coming
out of our cut over there,

We're pumping into here.

Our water's nice and clean
on this side, and so we'll see.

Narrator: a fresh supply
of water in the intake pond

Should stop the screen
from clogging up.

But it's 7:00 p.m.

With their season slipping away,
the crew has only one option.

Here's the deal --
I'm ready to run

If you guys want
to continue to run.

yeah, we can run.

Why don't we
just double-shift it?


Narrator: in 12 weeks,
the hoffman crew has found

Just four ounces of gold,

Worth a pathetic $6,400.

They now have less than nine
weeks to find over $150,000,

The money they need
for each guy to turn a profit.

It's just keep running

And now do whatever
we have to do to get it done.

Gold fever --
whatever the hell else

Would make you do this
at 11:00 at night?

it's still light this far north.

But eventually,
mining consultant fred dodge

Decides to call it.

Well, it's about midnight,
I guess.

But we'll let
the water clear out

And see what it looks like
in the morning.

Narrator: the next morning,
the crew runs a test

To find out if their modified
sluices are catching more gold.

Fred dodge feeds the jig
with gold-rich material.

Dodge: we only got about
360 yards through their plant,

But it's enough to do a test.

Yeah, I'm kind of nervous
about our cleanout.

But, you know, what can I do,
you know?

Did you see them start
to catch a little better?

Did it feel like it was catching
a little bit better?

Well, it should be,
because your riffles

Weren't locking to the point
they were previously, todd.

So this will be
a good test?


Hopefully, we gained 3% to 5%,
maybe 10%.

You know, over the summer,
that's a lot of gold.

Narrator: for the hoffman crew,
recovering extra gold

Could be the difference
between boom or bust.

The key is how much gold
we're catching, you know?

If there's
just not gold in there,

I'll probably have
to sell equipment, regroup,

Get an investor, and then try it
again on another creek.

I have no idea how this season
is gonna end.

down at porcupine creek,

The dakota boys shut down
their derocker.

the boys are gonna do a cleanout
up here, a little minor one,

Just to give them a little
look-see, see what's going on.

Narrator: dustin is ready
to test his theory

That the near side of the pit
contains the best gold.

Now we pick out the flakes.

[ Laughs ]

That's a flake right there.

That's what I came
back here for.

Another pound of that.

Here, you haven't found
a flake, yet, have you?

Found plenty of flakes.

Haven't found a nugget,
you [bleep]

You go ahead
and pick them out down there.

I'll pick them out up here.
How many have you got?

I found two little flakes
right here

That I pulled
out of there.

Just little tiny [bleep]

Look, I found a daddy.
Holy cow.

That's awesome.
That's a big one.

All right.

dustin's theory is spot-on.

Today was the proof.

We only dug here, pretty much,
and that's where it came from.

Pick a spot and stay there,
damn it.

Yeah, just stay there.
I want to know where it's at.

It's a big day
for the dakota boys.

They now know the best gold

Comes from the side of the pit
nearest the wash plant.

everything is in place.

There should be no reason
we can't reach our goal of --

We're gonna try to get
at least 100 ounces this year.

We'll see what happens
in the end.

at the big nugget mine...

...parker schnabel
is about to find out

If the dirt from his new
dig site contains any gold.

It's going pretty good.

I'm feeling positive about
this dirt from emerson trench.

Hello. This is
indeed a surprise.

Narrator: parker's mom, nancy,
is worried that her son

Is cracking
under the pressure,

And she's ready
to shut him down.

He's stressed out.
He's not getting the gold.

He's not sleeping well.

You know,
it feels a little weird.


Let's put it that way.
Yeah. Yeah.

He's not finding the big gold
like he wanted.

And I'm worried about that
for him.

Feelings get to him,

And he has days that he's
a little disappointed,

And then days
that he feels optimistic.

And we have to learn in life

That we sometimes
have to have

along with happiness.

Right, right, right.
You remind him of that.

Parker will come out
all right.

Parker's very resilient.

Nancy: oh, here he is.

Narrator: parker arrives
with a test pan

From his new dig
at emerson trench.

John: hello. Hello.

Grandpa is going to --
oh, you did get it.

Oh, what are you
gonna do with all of that?

[ Laughter ]


I think I've made up
for it.

I think you have, yeah.

Let's call it that.

Hug it out?

Not really.
Yeah, you do.

[ Laughter ]

if we got an ounce here,

We got probably another
half-ounce in the jig --

In the little sluice.

parker's got gold.

But with only 60 days left,

He needs at least one ounce
in his test pan

To be sure he can get
his season back on track.

It's nice
to see some gold.

All right.
I'm gonna go weigh it.

There we go. Bingo.

That's an ounce and a quarter.

Plus, really, it will come out
to quite a bit more than that.

Narrator: with gold still
sitting in his wash plant,

Parker should get about
two ounces from the test dirt.

Emerson trench just may save
big nugget mine.

Parker: we're on a roll.

Hopefully we can keep it up.

Narrator: up at quartz creek,

The hoffman crew
is about to find out

If fred dodge's modifications
to the wash plant

Have improved efficiency.

They're putting
their gold-bearing concentrate

Through the gold table.

Should we water up?
No, no, no.

Water pulsing
on the vibrating table

Causes black sand to wash away

And leaves heavier gold
to collect in a channel.

Definitely a string of gold
going there.

That's why we're all here,
is for the gold.

We need it.

Their ambitious goal
of 100 ounces this season

Means they must extract
about $4 of gold

From every yard
of pay gravel.

To know they are headed
in the right direction,

They need close to an ounce
of gold in this test.

Ounce and three quarters,

Pretty good. That's better
than I thought.

Ooh. That's better.

We've gone from $3.28 a yard
to $5.90.


So we've just
about doubled it.

that's pretty good.

[ Laughs ] that's
a half-ounce an hour.

That's better.

All right, that's good.

the modified sluices

Are now catching nearly
twice as much gold.

They can now expect
almost five ounces a day.

The hoffman crew is on track
to end the season

With a staggering 300 ounces
of gold,

Worth nearly
half a million dollars.

We're pretty dang close
on this setup right here.

She ain't pretty,

But she's kicking some ass
right now.

Narrator: against all odds,
the hoffman crew

Has turned their second
mining season around.

We've been through
a lot to get to this point.

All our boxes
are catching gold.

I mean, I'm just super proud
of where we're at.

We're burning daylight,

So, dave, will you
put this flag up?


We trust in god,
and we trust in our family...

And, hate to say,
we trust in gold.
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