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05x05 - King of Norway

Posted: 10/06/14 23:30
by bunniefuu
(Theme music playing)

It's over here. Come on. He's still breathing.

Why ain't the sheriff come?

Detained by other business, ma'am.

Had the time when he was up for election, didn't he?

He sent me along as soon as you called, Mrs. Zeller.

Is you supposed to be qualified?

I'm a trained officer of the law.


He's under there.

I was out crabbing. I came back through here.

I saw him.

He waved his hand like he wanted me to join him.

Did he say anything?

I didn't go near him.

All manner of dark doings afoot.

At night there's voices moaning.

Come daylight, you don't know what you'll find.


Do your job.

Misfortune or mayhem?

It's a hog.


A hog.

A dead hog.

It ain't a m*rder*d body?

No, ma'am.

He waved me forward.

Must be his leg.

You gonna tell the sheriff?

Most surely will.

You don't know half of what goes on here.

Well, you see anything suspicious, you let me or Sheriff Lindsay know.

Who are you?

I'm the deputy, ma'am.

You can ask for me, Enoch Thompson.

You don't know what's going on.



Oh, come on.


Oh, f*ck.

(Men chatting)

(Phone ringing)

What gives?

He's either wrestling an alligator, or he's still on the toilet.

Thought the powder was supposed to give you the runs.

My brother don't do nothing normal.


Cockroach! Cockroach!

(Men laughing)

k*ll it! k*ll it!

I got it.

Any progress?

"History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

f*ck does that mean?

A riddle?

Sounds like poetry.

I call Nucky Thompson the other night.

Tell him Luciano's gonna be gunning for him again.

That's his response.

Was he drunk? I mean, if he's anything like his brother...

(Men laugh)

What do I think? It's a message.

It's like a... what do you call it?

An omen.

An omen.

That we need to be on our toes.

All that bullshit with the income taxes.

What are you worried about?

First they pinch Ralphie.

Then they go after Jake.

Ralph: We're gonna beat it, Al.

I mean, f*cking lawyers got them tied up in knots.

So what? I'm supposed to just make it easy?

Now, the whole operation, we've got to move it.

How you mean?

The books, the cash, all that to Cicero.

Al, you got any idea how hard that's gonna be?

By tomorrow.


Why wait, huh?

Get it out of here.

What, you got something better to do?

No, of course not.


That was Owney Madden.

His friend's in town. The actor.

Wanted to stop by and say hello.

(Laughs) They're gonna make a movie about me.

You hear?


It's hot in New York, right?

The weather.


(Knocks on door)

Mr. Thompson?

Mr. Doyle needs to see you straightaway in the office.

Who are you?

Joe Harper, sir.

Mr. Doyle says it's urgent.

Take this down to the car.

Yes, sir.

Has Ronis called back yet?

Well, I'll leave you two to catch up.

(Door closes)

I ain't carrying nothing.

Fella downstairs saw to that.

That wouldn't stop a man who's made up his mind.

Something to reckon with.

You letting that knocker run things now?


His personality suits the operation.

This place worse than my old juke.

Times change.

You always find a way.

Doesn't anyone drink anymore?

I ain't come here for that.

What happened?

Run with some boys for a while.

Storefronts, gas stations.

One night they leave me ass in the wind.

Can't say I ain't earned it.

Done some time.

I heard you were still doing it.

You wrong for once.

I'm sorry for all of it, Chalky.

I ain't come here for no sympathy either.

I don't know where Narcisse is.

You could find him.

That's not something that would do either of us any good.

You can't say what's good for me.

Your family moved to St. Louis years back.

They're living under your wife's maiden name.


Knock on the door, they say welcome home.

You don't know what'll happen.

I'm a wanted man.

Ain't stepped in daylight in more than a week.

Then you can stay here under protection.

I owe you that.

There's no sense looking back.

The only think you can do is start again.

I really believe that.

We ain't schoolboys no more.

We're not dead either.

That leaves a lot of road in the middle.

Maybe you just don't see the end of it.

I have an appointment in New York.

I can't put it off.

I want you to stay here.

We'll work something out and hope for the best.

Since when you so positive?

I've always been this way.

Take it.

We ain't do no business.

This is between friends.

(Man yodeling)

(Heavy breathing)


(Knocking on door)

Eli: Just a second.


You had me worried sick.

I've been waiting at the station.

I overslept.

What the hell is this?

Well, I'm not positive, but I think it's a baby.

Hello to you, too.

When did...

My last visit.

Labor Day?

I'm seven months along.

And you don't say a word?

All the letters, the phone calls.

You're under enough pressure.

What could you have done?

It's not as if you'd be coming home, is it?


Doesn't matter.

I'm happy.

I'm very happy.

You need to eat.

Take care of your appearance.

And cut down on the drinking.

I'm not.

I mean, I am.

I'm trying hard. I'm doing it.


And now that you're gonna...

I need you, June.

I need you to come out here and bring Dermott, Kathleen.

They're not done growing up.

And now a baby.

What about your brother?

My life's got nothing to do with his.

He wouldn't send the allowance anymore.

I don't want you touching that money again.

I'm moving up the ladder.

Best thing that ever happened to me.

And we'd be together.

It's a blessing.

A chance to start over.

Not everyone gets that.

Are we eating at that awful chophouse?

No. No, no.


We're getting a home-cooked meal.

My partner invited us.

His wife did. She wants to meet you.

(Women muttering)

Are you busy?

What's wrong?


I don't have time. Read this.

It explains everything.

Man: She's in here.

Protect your fur.

Come on, Charlotte.

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no. Don't take my teeth.

No, Martin loves my smile.


Wash it! Wash it!


I got her. Get the door.

Wash it. Wash it. Wash it. Wash it.
Wash it. Wash it. Wash it.
Wash it. Wash it. Wash it.
Wash it. Wash it. Wash it.

(Record playing)

(Fan rattling)


Don't make sense.

Maranzano guaranteed your safety.

He said I have nothing to fear. That's not the same thing.

Maybe Al got it wrong.

Or Luciano was acting on his own.

He runs his mouth, Charlie, but he still dances to Maranzano's tune.

Not if Maranzano was dead.

Al said that, too?

I just told you he did.

Of course.

f*cking hearing loss.

Is Anne here?

She's at bingo.

It's warm for this time of year.

(Scoffs) I had the fan on last night.

Jeez, my manners. What can I get you?

Whatever you're drinking would be terrific.

First thing Anne thinks of when someone walks into the house.

The perfect hostess.

Always tending to the domestic side.

Funny what we take for granted.

Like your health.

Which is why you should retire.

You piss one of them off?

Luciano or Lansky?

It's business, John. I'm in the way.

You hungry? I'll make you a cheese melt.

I'm fine, thanks.

What time you meeting Maranzano?

7:30 at his restaurant.

I'll meet you over there.

We'll get to the bottom of this.

I didn't mean to get you involved.

Hey, we either friends or we ain't.

Obviously Luciano should not be present.

I'll call Maranzano beforehand.

Lay it all out for him.

If nothing else, he's a man of reason.


(Men shouting)

Lindsay: You go out on that call this morning?

You were right about her.

What'd she see this time?

Body under the old Iron Pier.


Hog. Got washed away somehow.

Old biddy's had me jumping the last 20 years.

Next time it'll be the Jersey Devil.

She is the Jersey Devil.


That girl of yours, Mabel?

Mrs. Lindsay approved.

And I defer to her in all such matters.

I don't think her father does.

Of me, I mean.

I'll vouch for your character.

And your salary.

Obliged to sort it out myself.

You ever eat at the Oyster House?

New place in Ducktown? Mighty dear.

That's the point.

He treats me like I'm some beggar boy.

I'm gonna sit down with him tonight, show him I...

Afternoon, Pat.

Mr. Halligan.

If it ain't the law west of the Pecos.

How's that?

Catch the Rolling Chair Robber yet?

I heard he snatched a lady's parasol in front of God and everybody.

We're hot on his trail.

And little Ragged d*ck.

How's the hat game these days?

Sailing right along, sir.

You're a slick one.



It's us.

Commodore: Come in.

Lou. Leander.

Have a cigar, Jacob.

You, too, Deputy.

Much obliged.

See our friend just now?

Looked a bit out of joint.

Had a... proposal, I guess you'd call it.

What's that?

Mr. Halligan wishes to renegotiate certain terms of a long-standing agreement.

Got the idea in his head that I'm beholden to him for what I built with my own two hands.

That won't hunt.

It's a g*dd*mn squeeze from New York and I won't stand for it.

How are you set?

What are we talking about?

Keeping this town in the hands of those who own it.

Mr. Halligan has his friends.

They're not my friends and I don't want to see them around.

We'd need to deputize some men.

Let's say about 20.

Post them at the train station, the ferries.

Regular checks at the hotels.

Anyone we don't like the look of, see 'em off.

Just enforcing the vagrancy laws.

Nothing illegal about it.

That's one order of business.

What's the other?

Let's you and I discuss that.

Wait out on the porch.

Commodore: How's he getting along?

Lindsay: He's a good boy. Works hard.

Keeps his mouth shut.

Commodore: A bit of a mooncalf to me.

Lindsay: What's the task at hand?

Commodore: Keeping this town in the hands of those who own it.

(Recorder playing)


♪ Make new friends. ♪


Huh? Yeah, very catchy.

And very appropriate.

You think so?

I can play "Greensleeves," too.

The supper will be getting cold.


Chester, that would sound better much further away.

Luciano doesn't know your name.

Let him say what he wants. He can't prove anything.

That didn't stop Capone from sticking a g*n in my mouth.

Yeah, well, that's just poor leadership.

You think you won't be implicated?

You know all about me. He'll go to work on you.

You'll fold.

Hey, whoa, where do you get off saying...

You'll fold and it won't help either of us. Think about that.

Then what do you want to do?

I, for one, refuse to be ruled by fear.


Coming, dear.

Well, I'd just like to say how pleased we both are to have been invited to your home.

Eli tells me you're a wonderful cook.

What else would he say?

Smells delicious, doesn't it?

The baby, you wish it will be what?

A boy?

Well, we have four of each, so... we do need a tiebreaker.

Though either, truly, is a blessing.

As we well know ourselves, don't we, dear?

What is it we know?

That boys and girls each add their own magic to a family.

Hmm, where do people get these illusions?

(Whispers) My real mother died.

She was a ballerina.

Such a charming little bungalow.

George here built it himself.

Is that so?

A kit from Sears...

The roof leaks for always.

Oh, well, maybe Eli can help. He's very handy.

This is true?

You come during daytime maybe.

When husband is not at home or working, making the pickups.

Sounds like a two-man job to me.

Maybe it's better if I...

He fixes washing machine and then he breaks it.

The belt snapped, dear, on its own accord.

Only one man is needed.

The way they make things nowadays, such shoddy workmanship.

May I have the flatbread?

Thank you, Mrs. Rothstein.

Mrs. Thompson.

Old Rumpus Associates?

It's a holding company incorporated in New Jersey.

Funds from an out-of-state bank will take longer to clear.

Considering the unusual nature of the settlement, I'd like to make sure the money's in place first.


I'm sorry?

I said no.

This is the deal. The only deal.

In order to protect my client's interests...

Give me that.

We appreciate your discretion in this rather unfortunate incident.

You're right where you belong, aren't you?

Perhaps I am.

Conors: Let me see you out.

You've been married this whole time?


You routinely associate with criminals?

So it would seem.

And now I'm involved as well.


Will I have the privilege of thanking your husband personally?

He does nothing from the goodness of his heart, sir.

You should know that from the outset.

Well, what does he have in mind?

It's not always easy to tell.

But you can begin by setting up an account for him.

Under an assumed name.

For what purpose, exactly?

To set about shorting the stock of the Mayflower Grain Corporation.

(Piano tuning)

(Men shouting)

I rode the rails.

Back in '09.

Reading to Buffalo.

Mighty frigid up there.

Not the weather, the broads.


(Buzzer sounds)

(Buzzer sounding)

See who it is.

I hear you can tune a piano, but can you tune a fish?



He's looking for somebody.

Gavin Lynnquist. United States Marshal.

You were here last week.

And you weren't.

I'm looking for the previous owner, Albert White.

Colored fella, goes by Chalky.

What'd he do?

He has a noticeable scar across his face.

Let me guess. He swiped a watermelon.


k*lled a prison guard at a work farm in Maryland.

Also the convict he escaped with.

See? I knew there was trouble behind those eyes.

Mr. White is a known fugitive.

You could be charged with aiding and abetting if you harbor a criminal.

And if I turn him over?

Well, then you have nothing to fear.

May even be a reward.


I'm gonna hold you to that.
Come on.

Right there.

Albert White.

Put down the knife and raise your hands.

You! Albert White!

Put down the knife or I'll sh**t.

Hands above your head.

Turn around slow now.

Name's Jenkins, sir.

That's not him.

A scar, you said.

That isn't him.

One co*n's good as another is what I always say.

Come back anytime now.

Oh, there you are.


Let me get that.

It's a woman's work.

I'm gonna stand on ceremony in your condition?

The boys will do it. Come on, George.

Very well.

Relax. Listen to the radio.

It's almost time for Rudy Vallee.

My Kathleen adores him.

I have an idea. Can we play it, Mother?

Play what?

The record.

I am tired of the record.

Please, please, please.

Have your childish pleasure.

(Music playing)

Let's just take it one step at a time...

I am not running anymore.

...before you box yourself into a corner.

I'm not running.

It's rattling around in his head. He's not gonna let it go.

I am not running.

You can't just keep...

What's wrong?

♪ There I sat in a Chinese hat ♪
♪ With black men, yellow, and brown ♪
♪ Plinky Plinky Poo said, "Quietness, please ♪
♪ Pakee Pakee Poo will sing" ♪
♪ And music of the day in an Oriental way ♪
♪ Was played by Wing Ling Ping... ♪


We are alone.

We are all alone.


♪ Chanky Chewy sat next to me... ♪

What happened?

I don't know.

Eli, what's wrong?


Let me clean this up.

I'll get it.

I just...

You remember now?

Remember what?

Oh, Jesus.

Will someone tell me what's going on?

You lie to yourself.

Excuse me?

Okay, look, we need...

Who are you to say anything about lying?

We got to go.

You lie. You lie. You lie.

But I will tell the truth.

Your man and me, we f*ck.

You see, in the kitchen on the chair.

f*cked and f*cked and f*cked.

When husband is at work making the collections.




Abigail, go to your room.

She said bad words.

(Knocking on door)

I will answer it.

That woman...

You need me here?

Let's take a ride.

This isn't a good time.

We got to talk...


You, too...

Sheriff Thompson.

(Music playing)

(Dice rattling)





(Changes station)

(Voices speaking on radio)

Dr. Cotton?

What did he do to you?

Butterscotch Krimpet.

I saved it for you.

Is it your mouth?

Did he...

The sickness was someplace else.


They've given me a first grade class.

It's just what I've asked for.

They can be an unruly lot.

No, they're the perfect age.

Just hungry to learn everything.

And free from old prejudice.

What is lacking among the schoolchildren in Camden?

You said you wished for me to choose my own path.

Did I?

This town is set to be a comer, Mr. Jeffries.

Good place to stake your claim.

In all your vast experience?

Well, yes. If you don't mind my saying so.

I think it's a young person's duty to go where opportunity most presents itself.

Why aren't you heading off to the Klondike?

Enoch isn't going to the Klondike, Father. That's absurd.

I'd go if that's where ambition led.

I won't allow that.

There's nothing but rough men and bear grease.

There's riches to be found right here.

Atlantic City has doubled in size over the last decade.

10,000 tourists coming in every day when the season's on.

He's going to mine people instead of gold. That's much easier.

From bellboy to deputy sheriff.

Every story has a beginning, sir.

I have a mission for you.

Seek out and purchase me a pack of Fatimas.

You wish me to be absent.

I wish for a pack of Fatimas.

May I smoke one?

I'll whip you if you do.

You're completely monstrous.

(Whispers) Be steadfast.

Mr. Jeffries...

I'll talk and then you can say what you want.

Now, I've never denied Mabel anything because I knew it was pointless.

She is quite willful.

I don't know what she sees in you, and I say that with no intent to offend.

You seem diligent and earnest

and you have certainly demonstrated persistence.

I should admire those qualities, but somehow I don't.

I wouldn't expect you to.

Why is that?

We're fighting over the same thing.

One of us is bound to lose.

I mean to marry Mabel.

I mean to provide for her and the family we'll raise together.


By getting myself ahead.

Prove it.

I can't prove it to you sitting here.

Prove it to yourself.

I don't have to prove what I already know.

I don't think you do know.

Oh, I think you talk a bold line.

I think you have a nose for figuring out what people would like to hear, but I don't think you know what you are.

Well, sir, I suppose we'll both find that out.

I smoked one anyway.

I expected nothing less.

(Speaks Italian)

It's bold.

And you, Mr. Thompson, you are bold.

Enough to come here and stand before me now.

Then we're not waiting for Mr. Torrio?

When are you going to get rid of Charlie Luciano?

He disappoints me.

That is true.

He'll come for me again and then he'll come for you.

When one sits on the throne, that is to be expected.

I do not take such things personally.

What's more personal than a man trying to k*ll you?

Fides. Trust.


The foundation of the Roman Empire.

Didn't Caesar get a knife in the back?


Still, I prefer to deal only with Italians.

Where does that leave me?

You are Malta.

An island unto yourself.

Loyal to Rome, but exempt from Roman law.

And Roman tribute as well?


Mr. Torrio assures me that you're a man who knows how to return a favor.

But we can hear it from him.


(Woman screams)

Get out of my way!

(Tires squeal)

(Woman screams)

(People clamoring)

(Man coughing)

(Owl hooting)


(Dog barking)

May I come in?

Sorry to disturb.

Is something wrong?

No, ma'am. Just county business.

Come sit down.

It's all right. How's Ruth?

Back on her feet. Baby's thriving.

Glad to hear it.


The jobs you do for the Commodore...

What jobs are those?

That have their own rules.

I could help with those.

No one asked you to.

I'm offering now.

That's not how it works.

Go home.

It's late.

We'll talk about it some other time.

I do appreciate you taking the time for me, Dr. Cotton.

I know how burdened you are.

What an awful lot of responsibility.

I don't regard it a burden.

A chance to help those unable to help themselves.

And I wanted to tell you personally that I've made a full recovery.

You have? When?

There wasn't an exact moment.

But I'm seeing clearly now.

Thinking clearly.

What is it you want?

I'm sure there are formalities to observe, but I'd like to start the process.

Which process is that?

The process of being released.

Why were you brought to us?

I took someone's life... in a state of temporary insanity out of grief.

You know you were ill?

I do.

And now you know you're not?



How do you know what you are?

How do you know?

The concept of temporary insanity is troublesome.

Some might say convenient for the afflicted.

Rational before the act, rational after, but in that one instance...

It was the jury's decision.

Where does insanity go?

Malaria, syphilis, tuberculosis, these linger in the tissues.

They hide from sight only to reemerge.

They are in the body forever unless they're rooted out.

I'm better.

I've been helped.

I'm grateful.

But are you cured?

Are you cured?

We'll find what's inside you.

We'll fix it.

You don't need to worry about that.

Could you not do that?

Do what?

Stare at me.

Am I making you uncomfortable?

The event you're thinking about... that was an accident.

Plain and simple.

You mean like a streetcar hitting a horse?

A man getting his head crushed in a metal press?

A gas expl*si*n in which bystanders are literally torn limb from limb?

That's what your having sexual relations with my wife was like?


I don't know about you, but... my life is a f*cking shipwreck.

Well, land ho.

Put that away.

We need you sober.

Frank: The prohibition officer you drowned, the justice investigator you shot while fleeing custody.

And a lot more I'm guessing won't be hard to find.

Special Agent James M. Tolliver.

k*lled in the line of duty.

I don't know who that is.

That's funny. We found his teeth all over your living room.

Some colored broke in.

He the one knocked up your wife?

Nobody cares about your problems.

End of the road, gentlemen.

You can cooperate with us...

Or you can see how things look from inside the gas chamber.

What do you want us to do?

There isn't a court in Cook County that would put Alphonse Capone in jail.

They're all in his pocket.

But he can't fight the Bureau of Internal Revenue.

We're making a case for tax evasion.


You think this is a joke?


Not with all the penalties and interest.

He has to report the money, legal or not, otherwise...

Five years in a federal penitentiary, minimum.

If we can prove the income.

Key to the count room.

Combination to the safe.

We need the ledger books.

You're gonna get them for us.

Why don't you do it yourself?

Because we're the expendable ones.

Capone's out all night showing some Hollywood types around.

Skeleton crew at the Lex, so it's as easy as it's ever going to be.

You're making a drop-off.

Excess cash.

Then what?

Do what you need to.

But you're getting those books tonight.

And he goes to jail?

He certainly won't otherwise.

You both wore badges.

Here's your chance to earn them.

Those ledgers are written in code.

Yeah, well, you met Ries.

Fella who keeps the books.

He's screwy about bugs.


He's agreed to cooperate.


Haven't you?

Get them off of me! Get them off of me!


It's a f*cking slaughterhouse.

The bulls roped off the entire block.

There's no telling who's dead and who's alive.

Who were the sh**t?

Better you don't know. Keep out of it.

Well, I'm involved now, ain't I?

We're grateful for everything you done.

Your advice, your counsel.

And as the syndicate moves forward, it'll only get stronger.

And your involvement will be an important part...

(Phone ringing)


We waited for you, John.

For quite some time.


I called. Didn't you get the message?

Actually, I did.

And now I have a message for you and the two pissants you're in league with.

I will not rest until I see you in your graves.

Are you gonna do your job or what?

I pay taxes like anybody.

You tell the sheriff that.

He needs to come sort out doings here.

I don't feel safe in my own bed anymore.

The things that go on at night.

You can hear them.

You can hear the... you can hear the souls all moaning.

Ronis: Bad news, I'm afraid.

I've been calling you for days.

Inquiries had to be made about something they say did not occur.

Just tell me.

Miss Wheet was detained at the roadblock outside Havana after curfew.

There was a dispute with the soldiers.

She fired a g*n.

She died on the spot.

I don't believe it.

That will not change what happened.

I want the names of those responsible.

I'll pay whatever it costs.

There are no names, Mr. Thompson.

Then who will be called to account?

No one, I am afraid.

(Music playing)



Come to see about a girl.

Then you won't be disappointed.

Need to pat you down.

Had a ruckus few nights back.

Fine by me.

Only looking to make one kind of noise.

This way.


First room on the left.

Evening, Clarence.

Evening, Mr. Jake.

Clarence: New rules.

Got a little rough. Got to pat you down.

Jake: Amelia here?

Yeah, Amelia here.

Alicia, too. All your favorite girls.

Jake: Sophia as well?

(Conversation continues indistinctly)

Hey there, darling.

Woman: How you doing?

Let me take you upstairs.


Woman: Come on, don't be shy.

Woman #2: I know you see something.

Woman: Oh, come on back.


(Music playing)

♪ If you want your soul set free ♪
♪ Lift your voice and sing with me ♪


♪ If the devil grabs your hand ♪
♪ Here's one thing that he can't stand ♪


♪ Walking down to the river ♪
♪ Singing a hallelujah song, oh, Lord ♪
♪ Up jumps the devil before you ♪
♪ Just keep ploddin' along ♪
♪ Tell old Satan how you feel ♪
♪ Get the devil off your heel ♪


♪ Keep your spirit ♪
♪ Way up high ♪
♪ Look up to the sky ♪
♪ Stand up and shout ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Oh. ♪