02x08 - Tattoo

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister, Sister". Aired: September 6, 1995 – May 23, 1999.*
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Starring Tia and Tamera Mowry as identical twin sisters separated at birth who are reunited as teenagers.
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02x08 - Tattoo

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, Michael, yeah,

I know what you mean.

When you're 15 and you

don't have a boyfriend,

- it seems like
- the whole world is a couple,

- And they have this secret code
- only they can understand.

You know!

You know you know!

I know you know.

I didn't say it was

a brilliant code.

Oh, that's so sweet.

- Well, I guess you
- can't blame her.

- I mean, Michael's
- cute, adorable,

And has a great smile.

Not that I noticed.

Yeah, Michael.

See ya, Michael.

Bye, Michael.

That was Michael.


- Listen, uh, do you want
- to go out tonight?

- I thought you had
- a date with Michael.

- He has to work.
- Come on, we'll catch a movie.

I don't know.

I hate going to

the movies Saturday night.

Watching everybody

hugging and kissing,

while I'm picking jujubes

out of my retainer.

- Well, okay,
- here's what we'll do.

I'll bring a sweater,

put it on the empty seat,

and we'll tell everybody

our dates are getting popcorn.

That's really dumb.

We'll need two sweaters.

♪ Talk about

a two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew

how much I missed you ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let... you... go ♪

Hi, girls.

You think this is too sexy?


I better go change.


- Tia, I know that
- I'm embarrassing you.

That's why I do it.

Hey, Lisa, um,

didn't you see

that movie quiz show?

Yeah, I saw it with Terrence.

What's it about?

I said, I saw it with Terrence.


I'm sorry.

That must be him.

- I think I should
- sit right down here

- And wait for him
- to come to the door.

- Now, that is
- the ladylike thing to do.

Like I'm a lady!

Bye, girls!

- Bye!
- Bye!

- Come on, let's get
- to the movies.

This is going to be so fun.


Oh, hi, Michael.

You don't have to work?

No, I'm not doing anything.

- Great!
- I'll see you in 20 minutes.

This is going to be so fun.

- Let's see,
- what am I gonna wear?

One, two, three, four...

- Oh, tamera...!
- If I'd have gotten to five,

I was gonna k*ll you.

It's a Kodak moment.


- Weren't you
- going out tonight?

Yeah, I was almost

out the door with Tia

- until she gets
- this call from Michael.

Michael, Michael, Michael.

Dad, please.

I got an idea.

Why don't the two

of us go out?


- Yeah, we'll have
- a lot of fun.

- Maybe go play
- miniature golf,

Go to the planetarium.

- Why don't I put on
- my feetie pajamas

- And we'll go to
- a drive-in movie?

I'll get the blankets.


You don't go out

with your father

on a Saturday night.

Will you try and understand?

I know, I know,

I'm just an old fogy

whose daughter

is too embarrassed

to be seen

with him in public.

You really do understand.

I want "death" here,

"hate" here,

and across my chest: "Mom."

Michael, what are

we doing here?

I just like to look

around, that's all.

What kind

of sick, demented...

But quality people

would come here?

I think it's cool.

If you were gonna get a tattoo,

which one would you choose?


Like I'd ever do that.

I think you'd look

kind of hot with a tattoo.

Me? Hot?

- Well, let's take
- a look over here.

Let's see, uh,

there's a plane crashing,

a wolf eating a baby,

and an open grave.

- This is not
- a happy place, is it?

Look at those two.

They're getting

tattooed together.


- "His and her"
- rattlesnakes.

That's love.

We should do this.

- What?
- Are you kidding?

- A great way to show
- how much we love each other.

People would see...

Wait a minute.

Could you back up

a little?

No! Back to the love part.

Michael, you said you love me.


Well, you never

said that before.

I'm sure I have.

- No, I would've written
- that down.

- I keep track
- of all that stuff.

I love you, Tia.

- Glad we got that
- out of the way.

No! Not so fast.

I want details.

When was the first

time you knew?

- I guess the first
- time I saw you.

Well, what did I say?

What was I wearing?

Hmm, I don't remember.

Oh, that's so romantic.

Tamera! Tamera!

Michael... Michael...


Oh, hey.

You were dreaming

about Michael?

Oh, yeah!

Michael Jackson.

The whole Jackson family.

Except LaToya.

So, how was your date?

You're not gonna

believe this.

We got a tattoo!

Mine is a half-heart

that says "Michael",

and his says "Tia."

You got a tattoo?


Yeah, me.

- Wait a minute.
- I'm awake, right?

It's so beautiful.

Your mom's gonna rip

your shoulder off!

No, she's gonna be great.

She's gonna be cool.

I'm not gonna tell her.

I can't believe you.

And you know what?

There's more.

Body piercing?

Michael said he loves me.

He did?


You know, tamera,

tonight Michael was so...

Tia, um, do you mind

if we talk

- about you and Michael
- tomorrow?

I'm kind of tired.

Oh, yeah, sure.

Good night.

Good night, Tia.

Here we go.

And lift, and lift, and lift!

And two and three and rest.

Rest? Humph! Wimps.

Hi, Tia.

Oh, hi, mom.

I'm going to the library.

- Tia, did you notice
- that I didn't wait up for you

By the door last night

with a barrage of questions?

Y-Yeah and I appreciate it.

Where'd you go,

what'd you say,

what'd you eat?

Bye, mom.

- Wait a second.
- You're the same size

- As my customer.
- Try this on.

- Take off your jacket.
- I gotta go.

Come on, here, Tia...

No, I have a cold!

Wait a minute.


I know what's

going on here.

You do?

- You got your first
- hickey, didn't you?

You're right, mom,

and I'm so ashamed.


Oh, no, no, wait, wait,

now, now, let me see now.

I'm not real happy about this,

but put some cocoa

butter on that thing.

- I know all the tricks.
- Let me see.

Oh, come on, Tia!

Hickey! Hickey!

What the heck is this?

Well, it's not a hickey.

Start talking.

- Well, you see, mom,
- what happened is, well, well,

I, I don't know to say...

And, well, that's about it.

What are you trying to say?

I'm scared of you!

You better be scared.

How could you do this?

First they rubbed me

with some alcohol...

Tia, Tia, you are grounded!

Look, I know I went

a little crazy.

- You are never
- gonna see that boy again!

I'm gonna see him.

You can't do that!

I just did it.

You don't own me!

I am renting you for 21 years!

Mom, that's not fair!

I don't care.

You're ruining my life!

I hate you!

- You don't hate me.
- Yes, I do!

Oh, no... I used to tell

my mother I hated her.

Now, that was hate.

No, no, you love me.

I hate you!

You love me.

I hate you!

You love me, love me.

I hate you, hate you, hate you!

You love me.

I hate you!

And then what happened?

I can't believe

what I'm hearing.

I'm never gonna

see Michael again.

What am I gonna do?

I can't live without him.

Tia, your mom

can't be everywhere.

You're right.

I'm gonna call Michael

right now.

Tia, put down that phone!

You are not talking

to that boy!

And stop making faces at me!

She's an alien.

Oh, man, I'm supposed

to meet Michael tonight.

Tamera, you've got

to go meet him.

- Me?
- Yeah.

Tell him even though

I can't see him, I'll be

thinking about him.

When I wake up,

when I brush my teeth,

when I comb my hair,

- when i... - Is this gonna
- Be a long day?

Just go!

Okay, I'm on my way.


Here, give him my tears.

Hey, tamera, where's Tia?

She's grounded.

Really? What did she do?

I don't wanna talk about it.

That juicy, huh?

- Roger, it's none
- of your business.

Wait, wait, wait!

Did she flip out

and run around

the neighborhood naked?


- Did she cheat on a test - then run around
- The neighborhood naked?


- At any point,
- was she naked?



I just like to say

the word naked.

Roger, she just

got a tattoo.


I can't believe

my innocent flower

- would mutilate
- her naked body

- In such a vile,
- disgusting way.

Did it say "Roger"?


Then I'm really outraged.

And that's the naked truth.


Tamera, what's wrong?

Listen, Lisa found out

about the tattoo.

Oh, man.

- And Tia, she can't
- see you anymore.


Man, she can't do that to us!

What am I gonna do?

What'd she say?

- Well, she wanted you
- to know that she loves you.

I really love her.

And she's always

thinking about you.

I'm missing her already.

Even though you

are not together,

she'll always be with you.

But she's not with me.

I know how bad you must feel.

I can't believe I'm not

gonna see her again.

This is my fault.

No, it's not your fault.

You didn't even know

this was gonna happen.

I just wish I could hold her.

Oh, Michael.


- All this came
- out of you?

Did you see Michael?

What did he say?

Tell me everything.


Yeah and don't

leave anything out.


I told him you loved him.

I also held him in my arms.

Thanks a lot, tamera.

I really appreciate it.

Hey, I'm your sister.

I'm also

boyfriend-hugging scum.

Tamera, I have

to ask you a favor.

I want you to see Michael

every once in a while.

- Just so, you know,
- I can have

Some kind of contact.

I definitely can't do this.

It's not right.

Okay, I'll see him tomorrow.


No, no, no,

I can't do this.

Look, Tia.

- You and Michael
- belong together,

- And nobody should
- come between you.

- But my mom, - she's not...
- Look, um,

- Maybe we can
- soften her up,

- Like, make
- something for her.

- What's her
- favorite dish?

Anything on a plate.

And stretch, and stretch,

and stretch...

- Ooh, yeah, that's it!
- That's it!

- Oh, ray, what are
- you watching?

Uh, CNN.

Oh, ray, ray, ray.

- Okay, how much
- you want to borrow?

No, that'd be four "rays"

- with a little quiver
- in my voice.

What's the matter?

- I can't believe it.
- Tia got a tattoo.

It's like I don't even

know my own daughter.

I know what you're going

through. I tried hanging

out with tamera.

It's like I embarrass her.

- Ray, what are
- we going to do?

I don't know.

You know teenagers

do crazy things.

- We can't let
- it upset us.

Hmm. How do you

keep so sane?

Uh, I watch CNN.

And up and down

and up and down.

And back and forth

and back and forth...

Freeze frame.

Oh, hi, mom.

I made you a cake.

A cake?

Oh, sweetie,

that was nice.

But don't think

you can buy me off.

Is that German



I'm really sorry about

what I said the other day.

I don't hate you.

I never hated you.

Oh, honey, I know that.

There's no poison

in this, is there?


Oh, baby,

you know, I hate grounding you

and telling you

you can't see Michael again.

It... it makes me

feel really bad.

I know I deserve

the punishment.

Tia, how could you

get a tattoo?

Well, it was one of those

spur of the moment things.

That lasts forever.

- You may think it's like a...
- A work of art,

- But 20 years from now,
- you'll be saying to yourself,

"why did I get

that thing on my butt?"

Mom, it's on my shoulder.


Oh, yeah, right.

Shoulder, yeah.

Yeah... I knew that.

Mom, do you

have a tattoo?


Of course not.

What is it?

A tiger.

You're kidding!

- To this day,
- I can't even

- Look at a bowl
- of frosted flakes.

Hey, wait a minute.

You're coming down on me

and you have one?

Tia, don't you understand?

I let some guy

talk me into it.

- And now that
- guy's long gone,

And I'm stuck here

with a tiger on my tail.

Mom, this is different.

Oh, really?

Tell me, Tia...

Did you want the tattoo?

Well, I guess.


All I know is Michael

and I are in love.

- Well, if you're
- really in love,

- Then you can just
- say "no," right?

- And that's another
- conversation

We're going to have in

the very near future.

But for now, just,

just say "no" to everything.

Mom, I love Michael.

- And I'm always
- going to love him.

I need to see him.

Honey, you're changing so much.

I'm still me.

And you're still

going to be grounded

for two weeks, too.

I deserve it.

And you are going

to get rid of that tattoo.


But, uh...

There's a "but"?

After your punishment is over,

you can see Michael.

Oh, thanks, mom!

- You're the best!
- I love you!

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- We gonna eat
- this cake or what?

Mom, can I ask

you something?

- Yeah, sure,
- honey, anything.

Why a tiger?

Well, baby, it started

out as a little kitty,

- then, over the years...
- Oh, I got it.

Okay, Tia and Michael were

going to get back together,

but Michael and I had

some unfinished business.

I mean, you saw

the way he hugged me.

- It was the start
- of a relationship.

But Tia's my sister.

And even though I liked him,

- I had to tell him
- that the hug meant nothing,

And hope he wouldn't be

too destroyed.

I can see Tia?

Oh, man, that's great!

I can't wait!

I'm going to buy

her some flowers,

get me a new shirt,

take her to the movies.

- Oh, man...
- I can't wait! Ah, yes! Bye.

Michael's here!

Michael's here!

Who is it?

- Michael.
- Michael's here!

I feel like I've been getting

ready for two weeks.

You have.


Hi. Here.

Oh, that's so sweet.

I've missed you.

- You've gotten
- even prettier.

Oh, tamera.

Can you put these in water?

- Oh, yeah, sure.
- I was going to suggest that.

- They need
- to go in water.

How about lake Michigan?

Hello, Michael.

Uh, Mrs. Landry,

you look...

Don't even try.

All right.

Now, I'm willing to let

bygones be bygones,

- and start off
- with a fresh slate.

- Thank you,
- I promise I'll never...

- You bet you will never,
- next time she comes home

With something she didn't

leave with, you'll know

the wrath of the tiger!

- Huh?
- Don't ask.

Now, go ahead

and... hug.

- Yeah, that's enough
- for the month.

You kids go out,

enjoy yourselves.

Go out and have some fun.

And remember,

I'm like 7-Eleven.

I'm everywhere!

Tamera, is that dessert

or a desperate cry for help?

- You've been moping
- around the house.

- Can I help?
- Dad, you wouldn't understand.

Just tell me.

I can't.

Sure you can.

Okay, fine.

I can't be with Tia,

because she's in love

- with Michael, and
- I'm in love with Michael.

I hate myself for feeling

this way, but I can't stop.

- I mean, every time I see him,
- my heart is bruised.

It actually hurts...

Just like when people say

they have a broken heart...

I can feel it.

- Geez, I just thought
- you had a pimple or something.

Dad, I feel hollow,

like my kneecaps are empty.

- Sweetheart,
- I wish I could say something

To make it all

go away, or at least

fill up your kneecaps.

Thanks, dad.

- What do you say we just - get out of here?
- Dad,

- We already
- talked about this...

- A Saturday night
- with my father?

- Come on,
- we'll get all dressed up.

- I'll take you to the best
- restaurant in town.

- Dad, there is no way
- I'm going out.

I'll let you drive.

What are we waiting for?

- This was kind of fun,
- oui, oui?

I guess.

- Your mom and I used
- to bring you to this restaurant

All the time

when you were little.

You did?

- Except back then,
- when you said, "oui, oui,"

We knew that somebody's

dinner was going to get cold.

Mom was great, wasn't she?

Oh, yes, she was.

And here I am,

caught up with these

silly problems, and...

Hey, hey, hey...

When you're in love,

it's the most important thing.

I can't believe I have a crush

on my sister's boyfriend.

What kind of person am I?

Give yourself a break.

Now, I never told anybody this,

but before I got married,

I was kind of attracted

to my brother's wife.

You had the hots

for aunt velma?


Well, she used to be quite

a looker before she beefed up.

Anyway, the important thing is

I knew where to draw the line.

- And in the end,
- I ended up meeting

- The love of my life
- at their wedding.

Oh, great... I have to wait

till Tia gets married?

What I'm trying to say is

that you will meet somebody.

No, not like Michael.

He's the best.

I'm never going to look

at another guy again.


That boy over there

is looking at you.

Really? Where?

Ooh, he is

- kind of cute, and it looks
- like his mother's

- Checking you out.
- Hmm.

I've still got it.

- Why don't you go
- and say hello?

- Me? Yeah, sure,
- why don't you?

All right, we'll both go.


Come on, let's go.

Dad, you're serious?

A father-daughter pickup?

That's sick.

Let's be adventurous.

Throw caution to the wind.

And if it doesn't work,

we'll run like crazy.

Well, what'll we say?

Just watch and learn,


- Hello.
- Hi.

I'm ray Campbell.

- This is
- my daughter tamera.

Hi. Well, my name's Renee,

and this is

my boyfriend Bob.

- Well, it's nice
- to meet you.

Run like crazy.

Well, things are back

to normal.

And I'm finally over Michael.

I have a boyfriend.

Well, actually,

I have a few prospects.

Okay, I don't have

any prospects,

but I'm over it.

And the best part is,

is I have my sister back,

and I can talk to her again.

- I had the best time
- tonight with Michael.


Yeah! He picked

me up at 7:00.

- He was wearing
- cool jeans.


- It makes me happy
- to see her so happy.

Then we went to this

arcade, and Michael said,

- "I'm going to score
- a thousand points

- "in masters
- of the universe

And put your initials there."


- I mean, she's my sister.
- I love her.

Then, we went for a walk

and looked up in the sky,

- and he named
- a star after me.

Of course, I knew it was

Venus and it was a planet,

but I didn't say anything

because it was so romantic.

Doesn't she ever shut up?

Next week, we're going

to play miniature golf.

I mean, I haven't done

that since I was a kid,

but it seems like it's

gonna be so much fun.
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