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02x10 - People, Often Deceived by An Illusive Good, Desire Their Own Ruin.

Posted: 01/07/24 13:07
by bunniefuu
People, often deceived by an illusive good, desire their own ruin.

N. Machiavelli, "Discourses on Livy"

In the end, no one from any class was expelled in Paper Shuffle.

I think that's pretty nice.

I wouldn't exactly enjoy seeing people from other classes expelled.

I mean, it'd be great if we could all get along,

but the way the school works makes that kinda hard, huh?

Indeed. If we don't dominate the other classes,

they'll dominate us in turn.

I guess...


Kinda rare to see the leaders of Class A and Class B hanging out like friends.

Aren't they basically rivals?

Well, that's Ichinose. She can get along with anyone.

To be honest, she makes me kinda uncomfortable.

You don't like Ichinose?

I wouldn't go that far.

She just seems way too perfect at everything.

It's kinda like, how can she even be real?

A person needs a few flaws to be likable, y'know?

When someone seems like a total saint, it kind of raises alarm bells, yeah.

But... I'd like to believe some people like that exist.

If we make it to Class C, Ichinose will be our next target.

It's best to keep her at arm's length.

But let's talk more important things!

It's almost Christmas, y'know.


What do you want to do for Christmas?

I don't see why that's especially important.

Let me think...

It's important!

For one thing, I'm seeing lots more couples in school.

Kiyotaka-kun... D-Do you have plans for Christmas?


Look at you, Airi!

Is someone issuing an invitation?


How brazen!

Th-That's not what I meant!

I'm just... curious about what he's doing.



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nd Season

of the Elite



Wow, for real?

Yeah! And then—

What's up?

Oh, nothing!

Someone from Class C was tailing you?

Yeah... Any advice?

They're unlikely to do more than that.

You can safely ignore them.

Sure. I will.

And while we're talking...

Did you do what I asked for?

Yeah, about the someone-or-other who's been stalking your study sessions lately?

I saw 'em, just like you said in your email.

But the girl wasn't from Class C.

I'm pretty sure she was from Class A.

Class A?

Yeah. I took a picture. I'll send it.

But why would Class A want to—

Oh, come on!

Class A...

On Sakayanagi's initiative, perhaps?

Yeesh. What's with those Class C jerks?

What's up?

They've been tryin' to pick fights with me in the hall all day.

You didn't harm any of them, did you?

Heck no.

I didn't give 'em the time of day.

When I give my word, I keep it!

He's quite a faithful dog.

He's risen to the level of basic decency, I suppose.

Still, Class C's been growing more active, haven't they?

I've heard of a number of other students being provoked.

They lost a great deal of points to us in Paper Shuffle.

Sufficient reason to take drastic measures.

I wonder what they're after now.

I think you know.

Ryuen-kun is trying to identify Class D's mastermind.

You, you mean?

I don't think Ryuen-kun is buying that ruse anymore.

How can you be sure?

Unlike the other students, he hasn't approached me at all.

I see.

Do you have a plan to fight him?


Leaving me out of the loop as usual, I see.

But... you will help me, won't you?

With bringing this class to Class A?

Yes, as long as it remains necessary.

Raymond Chandler

What is this?

It's due back today.

Would you take it to the library for me?

Why should I?

You said you wanted to read it, didn't you?

If you want to check it out after me, this is the most efficient way.

Obviously, if you refuse, I can easily stop by the library and return it myself.

Though under those circumstances, I can't guarantee when such an

in-demand yet understocked novel might end up in your hands.

But I don't mind wasting my time visiting the library myself and—


I'll take the assignment.

Please do.

You can turn it in any time today,

but make sure you do it.

If the book ends up overdue, I'll—

I know.

Emily Brontë


Ayanokoji-kun from Class D, aren't you?


Here you are.

Thank you very much.

Are you fond of Emily Brontë?

No... I just saw this filed in the wrong section,

and I wanted to put it back where it belongs.

I see.


Raymond Chandler's , right?


It's such a masterpiece!

Have you read anything by Dorothy Leigh Sayers?

No, I haven't gotten around to it.

Well, then,

Whose Body?

I really recommend this, the first novel in her Lord Peter series.


I just... You looked like you were looking for a book to check out.

I hope I'm not being pushy.

It's okay.

As long as I'm here, I'll try it out.

That's wonderful.

There's no one in Class C I can talk about books with.

Are you sure, though?

Isn't there someone in Class D you're fervently searching for?

Aren't I on the suspect list?

No need to worry there.

I'm not at all interested in all that fighting.

I see.

I think it's best if everyone gets along.

What a strange coincidence.

There you are, Ayanokoji.

Can I help you?

Come with me. We need to talk.

You know, I'm supposed to be meeting up with friends.

I'm afraid this talk is non-optional.

It regards something extremely important.

Reception Room

A reception room?

You have a visitor.

A visitor?

Your son is here.

I'll be going now.

You've come, Kiyotaka.

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nd Season

of the Elite



It's been a year and a half.

Why not have a seat?

I can't imagine staying long enough to need one.

A man's dead because of you.

Do you remember the butler, Matsuo?

He told you about this school,

and helped you escape me.

I was forced to dismiss him as punishment, of course.


Last month, he died in a fire he set himself.

It's left his son out in the cold, I'm sure.

One result of your insistence on defying my orders to enroll in this school.

Your reaction to the death of a benefactor is shockingly indifferent.

You surely don't really expect me to feel guilt over that, do you?


What in the world inspired you to enroll in this school?

I might agree with the premise that you gave us the ultimate education.

All the more reason

I took interest in the "worldly society" you rejected as pointless.

There can be no path greater than the one I laid out for you.

I intend to choose my own path.

I refuse to waste any more time here.

Notice of Withdrawal Advanced Nurturing High School Principal Signature I hereby request permission to withdraw from this school for personal reasons.

Sign this, Kiyotaka.

I see no reason to withdraw from school.

I'm ordering you to do it.

The only place in which your orders were absolute

was within the White Room.

The White Room has resumed operations.

Then what do you need me for?

I haven't yet had the fortune to witness a talent comparable to yours.

You are my finest, most prized possession.

I hope you're not about to say "because you're my son."

You wouldn't be deceived by such a transparent lie.

True enough.

This is my final warning.

Sign the withdrawal form.

You're in no position to refuse.

Excuse me.

It's been quite some time, Ayanokoji-sensei.

Sakayanagi, eh?

It's been quite some time.

It's been seven or eight years since I left my position as your secretary

and took over for my father here as chairman.


I believe this is our first time meeting, Kiyotaka-kun.

A pleasure.

The principal told me everything.

You're here to get him to withdraw?

I am.

When a parent makes a request,

the school has an obligation to fulfill it immediately.

You're incorrect.

This school, at least, prioritizes its students' independence.

An interesting turn of phrase.

What do you mean by that?

I know that the entrance exams and interviews here are formalities.

How did Kiyotaka, who was not originally intended for acceptance,

end up enrolled here?

You're as well informed as ever, Ayanokoji-sensei.

A recommendation was given in secret,

which resulted in his acceptance.

Which suggests that

without that recommendation, he would have been rejected.

It's true that his name was not originally on our acceptance list.

I personally chose to approve his enrollment.

And now that he is a student here,

I have a duty to protect him.

Until he personally states a desire to drop out,

I cannot approve of his leaving.

You know very well that that's pure sophistry.

I am duly chastised.

You'll have your way, then.

But this one time, and no more.

You'd do well to remember that.

I leave him in your care, for now.

I suppose he withdrew out of respect for me.

It's been hard for you, hasn't it?

No, not especially.

Mr. Chairman, may I ask a question?

There's a student enrolled in Class -A...

Arisu, you mean?

She's my daughter.

But obviously, I don't give her special treatment.

As this school's prime authority,

I follow the rules and protect the students within those rules.

Which means the only help he can offer is what falls within those rules.

I've known about you for a very long time.

You know all about the White Room, then?

Don't worry about that. Focus on your studies here.

I think you'll soon see the purpose of our educational policies.

How did the meeting with your father go?

Don't bother trying to feel me out.

I now know that you lied to me.

You have no connection to my father.

What makes you think that?

Let's put an end to this ridiculous deception.

My conversation with the chairman confirmed it.

You're particularly obsessed with reaching Class A.

You hadn't been gifted with the right students in the past,

but this year, you were.

As a supervising teacher, you heard about me from the chairman,

and you decided to use me to rise through the ranks...

Even if it meant lying to me about knowing my father.

But his appearance here today has exposed your lies.

I see.

The chairman is giving you special treatment.

You could never have me expelled.

Which means I have no need to do as you ask of me.

You're going to stop trying for Class A?

Even as the other students are, at last, beginning to unify?

At the very least, I have no further need to get involved personally.

Please don't contact me for reasons involving your personal feelings again.


What are you going to do now?

Incoming Call


I was just thinking about you.

Yeah, right.

You only call me when you want something.

That's true.

Have Manabe and the others tried anything with you?


Wait, you just called me to check in about that?


While I've got you, can I ask something?

I just want to make sure...


How come you don't tell people how smart you are?

If you came out like Yosuke-kun, you'd get tons of support.

And the people in the class would probably like you way more!

You might even become a schoolwide celebrity!

Just like at the sports festival!

I've preferred to stay in the background, and I prefer to remain that way.

It just feels like a waste.

You're so—



The real reason I called was to apologize.



I've caused you a great deal of trouble in the past.

Huh? Where's all this coming from?

I have no further need to work to increase Class D's standing.

My motivating factor has ceased to exist.

Oh? So you're gonna lie low from now on, huh?

Yes. I'll leave the rest in the hands of Horikita and Hirata.

Gotcha. Sounds like you're free now, huh?


Which also means this will be

my last time contacting you.

my last time contacting you.

Sorry. What was that?

You didn't hear me?

This is the last time I'll be calling you.

Understandable, I'm sure, since I'll have nothing more to ask of you.

Oh... yeah.

I guess... that makes sense...

Obviously, if something unforeseen happens, I'll help you as promised.

In the interest of clearing up evidence, please erase everything

except for the emergency address I gave you.

H-Hang on...

I've already erased your contact information myself.

Hang on a minute!

Why do you have to be like this all of a sudden?

What do you mean?

I mean, I get it,

but... it just feels way too cold.

Our relationship was a transactional one from the beginning, wasn't it?

You don't like being my pawn either, do you?

Well, no, but...

Lingering regrets?

H-Heck no!

Then there's no problem whatsoever.


In Call

Call Ended

Call Ended