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02x08 - The Wound Is at Her Heart.

Posted: 01/07/24 13:06
by bunniefuu
[KIKYO] This isn't my fault.

Why is everybody so mad at me?

They're the ones with the problems, not me.

All I did was tell everybody the truth.

They have only themselves to blame for rejecting me.

[KIKYO] It was inevitable!

[HIRATA] Okay!

So is everyone on board

with holding study sessions to prepare?

I need the help for sure!


[HIRATA] We'll split into groups.

Kushida, Horikita, and I will serve as our class's tutors.

Group one will meet after class, and group two after club's end.

Each will get two hours.

Let's decide on the groups now.

'Scuse me!

I'd love to help both groups as much as I can!

Thank you for volunteering!

We can do this, guys!


[HIRATA] I'll be overseeing group two.

[SUZUNE] Then I'll take group one.

[GIRLS chuckling]

[HIRATA] As for Kushida,

she'll be assisting both groups whenever she can.

--[phone dings] --[KIKYO] Uh?

Well, bye!

[MIYAKE] Hey, can we talk?

[HIRATA] Oh, Miyake and Hasabe? What's up?

We got paired up together,

but the problem is that both of us struggle

in the same subjects.

I see.

Which means you might not hit the minimum score to pass.

That's right.

But both the study groups have too many people already.

Adding you might do more harm than good.


Things would be a whole lot easier

if we had another potential tutor.

[YUKIMURA] How about me? I could look after them.

[HIRATA] Yukimura? Are you sure?

I want to help our class get through this exam.

During the sports festival, I was basically useless.

[HIRATA] That's not true.

It's a miracle that our whole class

managed to pass the last exam.

I doubt we're going to get that lucky again.

We can't just focus on our strengths.

At this school, if we want our class to move up,

all of us have to be well-rounded.

Yes. That's true.

Smarts. Creativity. Instinct.

This Paper Shuffle will put all those qualities to the test.

None of us can do all of it alone.

What we need now is for our class to come together.

That makes sense.

Favor. I want you to help out Yukimura with his study group.

He's fine on his own.

Just observe and make sure things run smoothly.

Shouldn't be too hard.

Plus, on the cruise ship test,

seemed like you two made a pretty good team.

Having you work together again would be good.

[YUKIMURA] All right, let's begin.

Our study group's first official session.

Just us four, huh?

I guess. Should we jump right into it, then?

Sounds good to me.

Whoa, so you can talk, Ayanokoji.

Hey! You're being rude!

Am I wrong? I hardly ever notice when he's in class.

He takes being "a fly on the wall" to a whole 'nother level.

Still, though. Besides, he did great in the festival.

Yeah, people keep saying that, but I was in the bathroom,

so I didn't get to see him in action.

You raced the former student council president, right?

[YUKIMURA] Since we're on that topic,

no more holding back on us like you did in the festival.

I asked Horikita about it,

and she says that you're good when it comes to academics.

I've just got a decent memory, that's all.

[YUKIMURA] Miyake, Hasebe,

I've already gone over your weakest subjects,

and I've come up with a lesson plan...

I'm terribly sorry,

but specialty cakes have to be reserved a week in advance.

[ISHIZAKI] I heard you,

but you've gotta make an exception this time!

What's his deal?

I recognize him. He's from Class C.

Come on, guys, stay focused on the questions.

A cake, huh?

[AYANOKOJI] That reminds me.

My birthday is coming up soon. Right.

It's actually impressive.

[YUKIMURA] They made almost the exact same mistakes.

So this'll just be like we're teaching

a single person, then, huh?

Class C's gonna be coming up with our questions, aren't they?

Yeah, they are.

As long as we get you two up to speed,

it shouldn't be a problem.

Even if they throw us some curveballs.

It's not like they're gonna stick to the textbook.

You honestly think this study group thing is gonna help?

You have a point.

Teachers will be reviewing the questions

and deciding if they're appropriate.


If we can figure out where the school draws the line

when it comes to questions, it'll be a big help.

[MIYAKE] Yeah, but that's easier said than done.

How do we find that out?

[AYANOKOJI] I think I've got a way.

[AYANOKOJI] For the next step,

we should only turn in questions

that have a good chance of getting rejected.

Stuff that could be considered too hard or tricky.

Whether or not they accept our questions

will tell us where they draw the line.

Yes, I see. That would be valuable.

[AYANOKOJI] How's the question writing coming along?

Hirata and I are making some progress.

And on the other front,

we're sharing study group information, too.

Good. How are things with Kushida?

Pretty much the same.

Any changes in her behavior?

No, and she helped out as much as she could, too.

I know this is something that goes without saying,

but don't let her know about the questions.

Right. Hirata and I are keeping everything secret.

Although it still doesn't resolve

our main issue with Kushida.


Don't worry, I think I've got a way to deal with her.

Ayanokoji, I actually have another favor

I'd like to ask of you.

Which is?

On days when Yukimura's group isn't meeting,

could you stop by and help tutor the members of our group?

[AYANOKOJI] This again?

[SUZUNE] There are just too many people.

It's hard to keep track of everyone.

[AYANOKOJI grunts]

Are you all right?

[SATO] Whoa! I haven't been to the school's library before!

Have you, Ayanokoji?

[AYANOKOJI] I've been many times.

[SATO] Oh, really? You must love studying, huh?

[AYANOKOJI] I do it to k*ll time.

Don't you have any hobbies or anything better to do?

Hey, so... am I a problem?

[AYANOKOJI] What do you mean?

I was wondering if it was all right

for me to work my way into the study group like I did.

I don't mind at all. It's good that you came along.

And if you ask Horikita, I'm sure she'll say the same.

That's not exactly what I meant.

[SUZUNE] I need for everyone to stop the side chatter

and focus on studying.

Right! You won't hear a peep!

Yeah, for sure!

Hey, so what should I be doing to get ready for this exam?

You lucked out.

Your partner is here,

so why don't you just go along with Ayanokoji?

[AYANOKOJI] Are you sure about that?

My test scores aren't that much better than Sato's are.

That's a great idea! It'll be fun!

[AYANOKOJI groans]

I like how, no matter what,

you're always so calm and collected.

It makes me wonder what you were like in middle school!

Wait a second, when did those two get so cozy?

Almost like they're dating or something!

Yeah, right!

[SUZUNE] Hey, Ike, Yamauchi.

Quit goofing around and get your notes out,

we're starting soon.

Everyone ready?

[ALL] Fine.

[alarm beeping]

[SUZUNE] That's enough for today.

[YAMAUCHI] Ah, it's finally over!

Well, thanks for coming, everybody!

Bye, Horikita!


Wanna walk back to the dorms with me?

Sorry, but I still have a few things I need to take care of.

Aw, that's too bad.


Well, I'll see you tomorrow, then.

What did you have in mind for dealing with Kushida?

[SUZUNE] I've been thinking it over.

If I hadn't come to this school, none of this would've happened.

Kushida would've gotten along with the whole class.

Not only that, she would've whole heartedly

helped the class to move up.

Thing is, that possibility was stolen from her

because I'm here.

And I know it's not my fault, of course.

But it does involve me.

What will you do?

I've got a plan for how to deal with her.


[SUZUNE] Kushida, sorry for making you wait.

[KIKYO] So, what were you talking to Ayanokoji about?

That is none of your business.

You know how much I love secrets.

The reason you're trying to have me expelled

is because I know about your past

since we went to the same school.

Have I understood things correctly?

Yup! That's exactly it!

It's really too bad, Horikita,

and I'm sorry that it's had to come to this.

It doesn't matter what I have to do,

I'll make sure what happened stays buried in the past.

I only heard rumors, nothing more.

But you know I can't take that risk, don't you?

[SUZUNE sighs]

How about we place a bet?

Sounds interesting!

We'll use the Paper Shuffle.

If I manage to get a higher score than you on the exam,

then I want you to promise

that you'll stop trying to sabotage me.

I see!

What happens if I get a higher score than you?

In that case, I'll voluntarily drop out of school.


And we'll only be comparing our individual scores, correct?


I'll have to pass! That's not very fair!

I don't think I've ever beaten you head-to-head

when it comes to overall test scores before!

I've already considered that.

Which is why I'm proposing that we compete

in just one subject from our finals.

And I'll even let you choose the subject.


So it'll be fair.

Sounds good, but how are we going to make sure

that both sides follow through with their end of the bet?

What if afterwards, the loser pretends

the bet never happened in the first place?

That won't be a problem.

I've gotten someone to act as a witness for us.

[KIKYO] A witness?

Sorry for the delay. It's been some time, Kushida.


Well, that's surprising. I can't believe you remember me.

Don't read into it. I just never forget a face.

Does this ease your concern? I trust that he'll be impartial.

Plus, you know his reputation.

I'm sure that you also place some degree of trust in him.

[KIKYO gasps]

Are you okay with this bet?

It's not my business.

I'm only here to serve as a witness, nothing more.

[KIKYO] But it's your sister we're talking about!

If I score higher than her,

then she'll have to leave the school!

[MANABU] She's the one who first proposed the terms of the bet.

She'll have to deal with the consequences.

You want to play for keeps. I like it.

I'd rather get this over with already.

Okay. Let's see who can get a higher score.

The subject I choose is math. You said I could pick, right?

[MANABU] Then it's done.

There will be severe consequences

for going back on your word.

No exceptions.

I'll be looking forward to the finals, so good luck to you!

Let's both give these exams our best efforts.

Good luck to you, too, Ayanokoji!

Come on, you don't think I'm that stupid, do you?

He's been listening from your cell phone the whole time!

Don't be shy! Why don't you join us?

[KIKYO] So, if it's okay with you two,

I'd like to propose another condition onto our little bet.

What do you mean?

It's just a suggestion,

but if I b*at your score on the math final...

...I'd like for Ayanokoji to withdraw from school as well!

I can't agree to that.

That's too bad! Oh, well!

Fine by me.

I accept. I'll throw in my lot with Horikita.

I don't need you to step in. This has nothing to do with you!

[AYANOKOJI] Tell her that.

[KIKYO laughs]

I'm so glad you agreed to join in!

I'm sure.

[KIKYO laughs]

Just one thing. I have a request of my own.

I'd like for you to tell me everything.

What did you do in middle school?


[AYANOKOJI] Don't you think that I have a right to know?

After all, I'm putting myself at risk

over a secret I'm not even privy to.

Furthermore, you've been acting under the assumption

that Horikita already knows everything.

So that's why.

Telling us what really happened

doesn't actually change anything.

I'm not interested in digging around in Kushida's past!

I get that you don't care, but I do.

How 'bout it?

It's fine.

If you'd rather keep it to yourself,

we can just call the whole thing off.

[KIKYO] You want to know that badly, huh?

[KIKYO sighs]

[KIKYO] So tell me, Ayanokoji. Do you know what it feels like?

To realize that you're better than everyone else around you?

It's an incredible feeling.

[KIKYO] In elementary school,

people would always lavish me with praise,

even over the littlest accomplishments.

If I got the best grade on a test,

or finished first in a sports event,

I'd instantly become the center of attention.

They'd call me amazing, incredible, and cute!

I loved those moments of being in the spotlight,

of being seen.

I wanted everyone to notice me. I needed everyone to praise me.

It was only when I got that attention

that I felt like I was worth something.

I think they call it a "desire for recognition."

For some reason, I felt it more strongly

than those around me.

I began to crave it.

Eventually, I started to get less and less recognition.

No matter how hard I worked,

whether it was in academics or sports,

everyone stopped paying attention to me.

[KIKYO] Then I came to the realization:

I just had to do the things nobody else wanted to do.

"It's okay, I'll tutor you!"

"I'll help you with that!"

"I'll be there for you!"

I'd do whatever I could to be nice and friendly to others.

I made sure I was everyone's best friend.

The most popular person in class!

I was needed and trusted!

I felt that wonderful feeling again!

Ah! It was pure ecstasy!

It didn't last.

You see, always putting everyone else's needs

before my own... was painful.

[KIKYO] And that pain only got worse.


[KIKYO] It hurt, but I couldn't stop.

I had to suck it up.

[KIKYO] If I wanted to stay popular,

I couldn't throw away what I had built.

So I endured it, day in and day out.

But it had become unbearable. I snapped.


[KIKYO] I needed an outlet to release all the pain inside me.

So I created a blog!

It was the one place I could let everything out.

I didn't have to pretend anymore!

It was like magic; I could finally breathe again.

It was the perfect answer.

Until one day, a classmate happened to stumble across it.

Even though I didn't use any names,

they could tell exactly who the posts were about.

[KIKYO] Eventually, everyone in class figured out

that I was the one who wrote

all those awful things about them.

Then, the attention became negative.

They wouldn't listen.

After everything I had done for them,

the entire class turned on me without a second thought!

Even the boys who said they liked me!

And the girls who cried on my shoulder after they got dumped!

I mean, those boys were gross

and there were so many times I wished they would just die.

And if those girls wanted to know why they got dumped,

all they had to do was look in a mirror!

The entire class was against me.

My back was against the wall. I had no other choice!

I did what I had to do; I used my w*apon.

I told them everything. I held nothing back.

I even revealed things I hadn't written about in my blog.

[KIKYO] That he had been cheating with someone

from another class.

And that she had been badmouthing her friends

behind their backs!

I brought all those dark secrets

that lurked inside them to the light.

Then, naturally...

Did you think I wouldn't find out

that you're messing around behind my back?

[BOTH shouting]

[KIKYO] Just like that,

all the anger they had pointed in my direction

suddenly turned in on themselves.

That's the way it had to be!

Since there's no way they'd go back to praising me.

I hope that answers your question!

[AYANOKOJI] So she used the "truth."

It's certainly effective, but it's a double-edged sword.

[KIKYO] To be perfectly honest with you,

I don't know Class D all that well.

But I've gathered enough secrets to really shake things up.

If I felt like it.

Looking back on it,

my only real mistake was venting online.

You never know who's looking at it

and they could get a screenshot of it even if you delete it.

Things are better now!

Anytime I'm feeling angry or stressed out,

I just use my words instead!

[KIKYO] I swear to god, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!

I wish you would just drop dead, Horikita!


All that for attention? What's wrong with you?

[KIKYO] Of course! It's my purpose in life!

There's nothing I love more

than being noticed and praised by everyone around me!

And whenever somebody tells me a secret

that they've never shared with anyone else,

I get this feeling inside me that's simply indescribable!

[AYANOKOJI] A monster consumed by her "desire for recognition."

Since you know about my past,

I'm sure you can see why I want to keep it to myself!

Don't forget your promise!

If I b*at Horikita,

the both of you will have to drop out of school.

I'm looking forward to it!