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02x06 - Adversity Is the First Path to Truth.

Posted: 01/07/24 13:04
by bunniefuu
Hey, wait!

What do you want?

If you pull out of the festival,

Class D won't have any chance of winning.

Me coming back won't change anything!


After everything I did for those jerks.

Sudo, I've seen first-hand

how seriously you've been taking this.

But still, you aren't blameless either!

If you're just here to lecture me, Horikita,

I think I'll pass.

I don't really want to hear it right now.

You're too old to throw tantrums.

How do you expect to succeed with this kind of attitude?

[KEN grunts] Just shut it!

See? This is exactly what I'm talking about!

Great, another lecture.

[KEN] Give it a rest, already! I'm sick of everyone riding me!

It's all their fault!

With me in charge, winning this sports festival should be easy!

But I'm stuck with this class!

They're dead weight, and all they're doing

is keeping me from crushing it!

You're upset that we're losing in a test you excel in.

That much is clear, but that's not all.

I wanted to show off, I guess. Get some respect, you know?

I needed to prove to them that I deserved to be here.

Just picturing the looks on everyone's faces

who talked smack to me. I'm pathetic.

Growing up, I was always the kid from the trash family.

I told myself that I'd be different.

But every day, I see more of 'em in me.

[SUZUNE] You shouldn't think of it in that way.

It's not their fault.

You can't blame others for who you are.

You have to decide that for yourself.

Life would be so different if we simply inherited

the qualities of our family.

What's that supposed to mean?

[SUZUNE] Your future isn't set in stone.

You can always choose what you want to be.


It pains me to admit, but you're talented

when it comes to sports.

However, at the moment, you're worthless.

Even now, you're trying to run away.

If you refuse to help us win the festival,

you'll only be proving that

you really are trash like your parents.

Well, that's perfectly fine by me!

I couldn't care less about that crap anymore.

[ANNOUNCER AA] Attention students,

the lunch break will end soon.

All competitors, please assemble on the field.

You better get out there.

No, not until you agree to come back with me.

I'll be waiting right here.


Real quick. Could you tie our legs together?

[KIKYO] Mm-hm! You know, it's kinda hard to believe.

Horikita actually chasing after Sudo like that!


Just a sec! I'm almost done tying the knot--

[AYANOKOJI] It's you, isn't it?

You're the person who betrayed our class

by sharing our submission form with Class C.

[KIKYO] I don't have a clue what you're talking about!

Where's this coming from?

I didn't know you liked telling jokes!

It isn't. I saw you taking pictures

of our class's submission form.

I just wanted to make sure I didn't forget my events!

We were told not to take pictures.

Oh, really? Whoops, I totally forgot!


Hope that doesn't make me a suspect!

But that's not the only reason.

What's been happening would only be possible

if someone leaked information to Class C.

Hey, Ayanokoji.

Let's say that you're right and I was the person

who shared our class's submission form.

If you knew I was going to betray everyone,

then why didn't you do anything? Instead, you just let it happen.

Isn't that right?

You could've changed the roster, but you didn't.

What's the point?

As long as a traitor existed in Class D, it wouldn't matter.

What do you mean?

Even if we made changes,

anyone could've checked the form and it would've tipped off

the traitor we were onto them.

But why couldn't you have just kept the roster secret?

And then turn it in at the last second?

That way, if someone wanted to leak it to the other classes,

it would be too late.

Ah, although, if we did that,

it'd just make things super confusing for us, too.

I get it now.

But I'm still not the traitor, you're talking--

[AYANOKOJI] If I asked the teacher who checked the roster,

I have a feeling your name would come up.

If that's the case, why would you come see it again

if you had a picture?

[KIKYO giggles] Color me impressed, Ayanokoji.

You're really something!

I guess there's no point in hiding it now.

You're right!

I'm the one who leaked our submission form to Class C!

So, it was you.

[KIKYO] Mm-hm! Well, it doesn't matter if you know,

'cause you can't tell anyone about it!

Don't you forget! I have that uniform!

I know my hands are tied.

I wasn't looking to expose you as the culprit.

I was just checking.

[KIKYO giggles]

[AYANOKOJI] This wasn't the first time.

Class C took first place in the last exam because

you told Ryuen that you were the VIP, didn't you?

If I had to guess, he promised you a favor in exchange.

[KIKYO] My goodness!

It sounds like you know everything!

Have you figured out the reason why I'd betray our class then?

I imagine that it has to do with whatever grudge

you hold against Horikita.

[KIKYO giggles] Mm-hm! Amazing!

You really did get to the bottom of it, Ayanokoji!

It's true!

More than anything, I want Suzune Horikita to be expelled.

[AYANOKOJI] Although, I still don't quite understand

your reasoning for all this.

Why do you hate her so much?

[KIKYO] It doesn't matter.

I'll make sure that she gets kicked out

and there's nothing you can do to change my mind.

[AYANOKOJI] It's that important?

So much that you'd sell out your own class for it?

[KIKYO] Absolutely!

I don't really care if I make it to Class A or not!

The only thing I want is for Horikita to be expelled

before the year is over!


[KIKYO] Don't get me wrong! I'm not against moving up!

Once she's been kicked out of the school,

I'd be more than happy to help everyone reach Class A.

I think that would be kinda fun!

I'm looking forward to it, now!

Oh, actually, I just changed my mind

about one part of that plan.

How about...

Since you like her so much,

I'll make sure you get expelled with Horikita!

That way, I won't have to look at your face again!

And once the two of you are out of my life,

I can work with everyone to get to Class A!

I can't believe you actually stayed here.


Hold on, Sudo! Where are you going?

[KEN] Back to my room, where else?

Wait! Over the past hour, I've been thinking.

About what kind of person I am

and what you told me about yourself.

I realized we aren't so different from each other.

Don't make me laugh. We're nothin' alike.

You've met the student council president, right?

Oh, That stuck-up bastard?

Yeah, he's my older brother.

Despite that, he goes out of his way

to pretend that I don't exist.

I disappoint him. And because of my incompetence,

my perfect brother hates being associated with me in any way.

[KEN] Like I'd believe that bull.

You're talented and smart.

That may be so, but I can't hold a candle to him.

[SUZUNE] All my life, I've chased him.

Doing everything in my power to try to catch up.

And because of that...

[SUZUNE] ...I was always alone.

I believed that I didn't matter.

I thought, if I proved myself,

my brother would eventually see my worth and accept me.

I'm exactly like you.

I wanted to use this festival to show off.

I was holding onto some vague hope

that if I could just do well enough, he'd be proud of me.

I thought I was above everyone else in our class.

I realize how wrong I was.

I'm not special or exceptional.

I became someone I didn't like.

I can't do this alone.

Working with our team was the first time

I felt like I could accomplish something worthwhile.

I'll never give up, no matter what.

I'll earn my brother's acknowledgement.

I'll work hard to become someone I can be proud of.

And if on the way, it looks like you're straying from the path,

I'll do whatever it takes to bring you back.

I won't let you run away again.

You're the only one who understands me.

Please, help me lead our class forward.

Trust me, you can become so much more than what people assume.

My entire life, I've heard that kind of

sentimental junk nonstop.

But somehow, when it's coming from you,

a part of me wants to believe it.

So, Ken Sudo. I'll ask again.

Will you help class D win?


Ugh. Damn it!

All right, you've convinced me!

I don't know what your plan is,

but I've got the feeling that going along with you

is the right choice!

I'll be the person you think I can be!

[KEN] Forgive me!

[STUDETS gasp]

[KEN] I'm sorry for losing my temper and taking it out on you.

This is my fault.

I deserve all the blame

for the position our class is in right now.

We're just glad you're back.

This is the last event!

So, let's give it everything we've got!

Let's end this festival with a bang!

I think I'm going to need someone

to stand in for me during the race.

I'm afraid I won't able to do very much with my leg like this.

Yeah, that's true.

Hey, Kushida. Would you mind going?

Sure, no problem!

Sorry to spring this on everyone.

But I think I'll have to sit this one out, too.

You see, I twisted my ankle

during the -meter dash earlier this morning.

I thought it might feel better if I rested it,

but it still hurts.

That's not good.

It sounds like we'll need to make a last minute substitution

for the boy's team.

It's fine. I can run in his place.

[STUDENTS cheering]

[IKE] Go, Ken! Be one with the speed!

[STUDENTS cheering]

From what I observed earlier in the festival,

I assumed your class was beyond salvation.

Although, that no longer seems to be the case.

What happened?

[AYANOKOJI] They found themselves

someone to rally behind.

You can thank your sister for that.

[MANABU] I see.

[AYANOKOJI] Our class is only getting stronger.

[MANABU] I'll believe you when I see it for myself.


[AYANOKOJI] That's right.

Didn't you want to see what kind of person I am?

I could show you.


If you are interested,

I suppose I could be convinced to indulge you with a race.


Catch you later, president!

Um. 'Scuse me!

Trust me on this.


[AYANOKOJI] Before we race, I wanna give you a warning.

[MANABU] What is it?

You shouldn't hold anything back.

Here, Ayanokoji!

[STUDENT D] No way!

[STUDENTS cheer]

[AYANOKOJI] For as long as I've lived,

I've never once had to run with all my strength

in front of other people.

[AYANOKOJI] Right. I'll go even faster.

[STUDENTS cheering]

[STUDENTS chattering]

[SOTOMURA] Wow, I guess everything kinda worked out!

Too bad our class ranked dead last, though.

[IKE] That's true!

Forget that!

All that matters is our team won!

On top of that, pretty much every single class

ended up going negative, points wise.

So it's not that bad.

[KARUIZAWA] You were pretty fast there.

Nah, everyone else was just pretty slow.

That so?

Shame I couldn't b*at the class president in the end.

[KARUIZAWA] It's not like it's your fault though.

The guy running in front of you tripped and fell.

A loss is still a loss.

You're probably the only one here

who's upset with second place.

[KEN] Yo, Ayanokoji! You're one hell of a runner!

Don't tell me that you've been holding out on us

this entire time.

I still can't believe you kept up with him till the end!

I really misjudged you, dude!

It was nothing, just a surge of adrenaline.

[SUZUNE grunts]

You really expect us to believe that?

You liar.

I gave it my all during the last event

and this is how you treat me?

That really hurt.

[SUZUNE] If you ran like that from the start,

we wouldn't be in last place!

So don't give me that crap!

[SUZUNE] It's my fault that we lost.

I failed.

I have to do better.

Although, I feel like this sports festival

was the key to helping me grow.

Ugh, just listen to me.

Going on about something as sappy as

"learning from my mistakes."

If it makes you a better person, then is it really that bad?

This class will become stronger.

I know, eventually, we'll get to Class A.


What's wrong?

I never thought you'd say something like that;

it gave me goosebumps.

Me neither. It's not like me at all.

Right. This isn't going to be easy.

There are gonna be plenty of problems

that we'll have to deal with.


We'll just have to take things as they come.

Thanks for today.

Wow. Look who decided to come after all!


[SUZUNE] If I turned tail and ran,

I don't think I could ever forgive myself for it.

Let's get this over with.

I like the fight in your eyes!

Feeling nice and confident now, are we?

There's just one thing I wanna deal with first.

How long are you gonna keep up that act?

Huh? What are you talking about?

[SUZUNE] You can stop playing dumb already.

You're who betrayed our class.

That's why Class C had such an easy time b*ating us.

In exchange, you had Ryuen help you.

I hope whatever you got was worth it.


My goodness!

Someone from our class must've spilled the beans!

Hirata? Ayanokoji?

[SUZUNE] I don't get it.

We're the only ones here right now.

Why don't you quit pretending already?

Pretending? Whatever do you mean?

I actually didn't recognize you when we first met.

However, the more I saw you,

the more you reminded me of someone

I went to middle school with.

That's right, though I was a bit more

of a problem child back then.

And since you've managed to piece together

that much by yourself,

I imagine you've figured out what I'm really after, then.

That much is obvious.

Your goal is to try to get me expelled from the school.

But you have to be careful with how you do it,

because I know your secret.

Right on the money.

However, I don't think I have to remind you

that if you tell even a single soul about me,

then everything will come to light.

And if that happens,

you won't be able to keep your precious big brother out of it.

Why take the risk when you could just ignore me?

You know I don't pry into matters that don't concern me.

I don't get it.

In order for me to truly become the person I want to be,

I can't take any chances.

I need to get rid of anyone who knows about my past.

Oh, really?

Tell me, that list includes me, doesn't it?

Maybe one day, you never know!

I'd like to see you try.

[KIKYO] I'm glad I can tell you this to your face.

You're going to get expelled, and It'll be because of me.

I'd even make a deal with the devil, himself.

You heard her.

[SUZUNE] I see.

You got the better of me this time.

And what about the sports festival?

Did you plan that out, too?

It's gotta be all about you, huh?

But let's say that you're right.

I'd be more than happy to indulge

in your little fantasy story.

Here it is.

Before the festival even began, I had Kikyo here

take a picture of Class D's roster and send it to me.

Afterwards, I based my class's roster around it.

Ensuring that we had the best matchups against you.

I'll admit that was a brilliant move.

But you got lucky, too.

[RYUEN] What luck?

The fact that I got taken out of the festival due to my leg.

Not to mention Kinoshita getting injured that badly.

There's no way you planned for both of those to happen.

[RYUEN] Don't tell me you seriously think

that was just coincidence.

[SUZUNE] But how?

[chuckles] It's true, she really did trip and fall.

But a tumble like that's only gonna give you

some scrapes and bruises.

That's why I had her act like she was badly hurt.

Then afterwards, I made sure she didn't have to pretend anymore.

I made it worth her while.

I see. Got it.

By the way, I've been recording all of this.

This plan of yours ends here and now.

If you try to blackmail me or go to the student council,

I'll just let them listen to what you have to say about it.

Heh. You never cease to entertain me

with your little schemes, Suzune. It's so cute.

But I already told you at the start.

All of that just now, was a hypothetical scenario.

Of course, I was only playing along.

I can always cut around that and only keep in the parts

where you talk about your plan, you know.

I guess you could do that. I'll just give them this.


It's funny.

I've been recording our conversation, too.


Time for you to grovel, Suzune.

[inhales, sighs] Very well.


[RYUEN chuckles] Well now, isn't that interesting?

[RYUEN] Hey, Suzune.

I gotta hand it to you, whoever's pulling your strings

is truly something special.

They planned this whole thing out from the very beginning,

and we've been dancing to their tune.

[RYUEN] If we wanna crush Suzune Horikita

and the rest of Class D,

I've come up with the perfect plan to trap her.

And it's practically fool proof.

The first part of the plan is to put you

in the obstacle course event with her.

Do whatever it takes to bring her to the ground.

After that, I'll injure you for real, she'll think

she hurt you, and then we'll blackmail her.

Where did they get that?

It looks like Class C has a traitor, too.

[KIKYO gasps]

[RYUEN] They played us for fools, Kikyo.

Anticipating our every move,

even accounting for your betrayal.

[RYUEN] Not many people could've successfully pulled this off.

I swear, no matter where they run or try to hide,

I'll find them.

[RYUEN] Suzune, you're off the hook, for now.