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01x12 - Genius Lives Only One Story Above Madness.

Posted: 01/07/24 12:59
by bunniefuu
[bell ringing]

[IBUKI] What the--?

[IBUKI] Ibuki, here.

I've acquired Class D's card, as directed.



Yes, I see. We'll meet up there in a bit.

[KATSURAGI] Class A's final score will be points.

That's ahead of Class B.

And it beats Class D's score by... overwhelming number.

[SUZUNE gasps]

You're finally awake.

[SUZUNE] Where are we? How did I get here?

And why are we together?

I found you passed out in the forest.

I picked you up and brought you here.

[SUZUNE] I chased Ibuki to where you found me.

She's the one who took the key card.

But I wasn't able to get it back from her.

Not in this state.

I see.

[AYANOKOJI] Horikita, you have to drop out.

[AYANOKOJI] I'll figure out a way to deal with

Ibuki and the stolen card.

You can't keep this up any longer.

[SUZUNE] I won't drop out.

We'll lose more points if I do, and we can't afford to.

Especially not now.

[AYANOKOJI] Look, you're sick--

I don't have any choice in the matter.

If we want to reach Class A.

Don't obsess about that.

It doesn't matter.

I want to show my brother I'm not a loser.

But will that do you any good?

Do you think it will change anything?

[SUZUNE] I dunno. But still, this is all my fault.

If I had friends, we could have carried the card in shifts.

But I don't. No one in class cares about me.

It's all my fault. I'm done for.

[AYANOKOJI] Do you mean to say that you're starting

to see the value in having allies?

I won't let this define me.

I swear to you. I'll make up for it.

I'll do it alone if I must.

You won't be able to do it alone.

I hate to be the one to tell you this,

but you aren't strong enough.

Are you saying I should give up?

No, that's not what I'm trying to say at all.

There's no need to give up.

If you can't win the battle alone,

then look for others who can help.

I'll be one of those people.

That's not like you.

You're usually so cryptic, and you...

[AYANOKOJI] Excuse me, ma'am?

[CHABASHIRA] Horikita. What happened?

[AYANOKOJI] She's had a bad fever,

and she just passed out because of it.

She needs to be somewhere she can rest.

[CHABASHIRA] She'll have to drop out of the exam.

Do you accept that loss?


[KARUIZAWA] I heard that Horikita

dropped out of the test.

[SATO] Ibuki's gone missing, too.

Do you think she was responsible for the arson after all?

But, why would she be?

I mean, what would that even accomplish?

Wait, do you think Ibuki could have been Class C's leader?

I have no idea.

But everyone else in Class C dropped out, right?

By now, their leader must be gone.

[HIRATA] Our key card was stolen?


But I haven't told anyone else anything about it.

This confirms that Ibuki was sent to find our leader.

As for the underwear theft,

we can assume that was also her.

Why would she do that?

No, there's no use in trying to figure out why.

What we need to be concerned with now is tomorrow,

when they name our leader, and we lose those points.

[AYANOKOJI] The penalty from our drop-outs

and having our leader guessed is a total loss of S-points.

The fact that they know our leader will negate

all our bonus points, too.

[HIRATA] And that will leave us with only about S-points.

After the test results are revealed,

it won't take long for people to start blaming each other.

[AYANOKOJI] Yeah, might devolve into a bit of a witch hunt.

[HIRATA] You know.

I thought this exam would give us the chance

we needed to bring our class together.

I thought that, if we could unify and do our best,

that it might help forge bonds between all of us.

But, no.

The reverse happened,

and this could be the end of Class D.

[AYANOKOJI] Hirata. I have a little favor to ask of you.

[MASHIMA] Before the test officially ends,

take a few moments to name who you think

the other class leaders are.

[STUDENT A] I haven't seen Kaneda...

[HOSHINOMIYA] All right, guys.

Write down on this form who you suspect

the other class leaders are.

If you don't have any idea, then leave it blank,

just to be safe.

[chuckles] That makes sense.

Should I just leave it blank, then?

Each wrong guess costs us points.

I don't see any need to risk it.

Good call.

We have more than points, anyway.

[SAKURA] Um, hi.

The test is finally over.

Yeah. It's finally over.

Do you have any idea what our final score

on the exam will turn out to be?

There was that thing with Ibuki, you know?

[MASHIMA] Right! All remaining classes are here.

I formally declare the test complete.

All scores are in, and everything's final.

[RYUEN] Hey.

You wouldn't say goodbye without me, would you?

[ICHINOSE] What's Ryuen doing here?

[KANZAKI] You mean he stayed on the island, after all?

[KEN] Ryuen's here, but Ibuki's not?

[KARUIZAWA] Yeah, why is that?

[KATSURAGI] You did an excellent job, Ryuen.

You helped Class A earn over S-points.

Allow me to offer a hand in gratitude for your hard work.

Just wait.

You're all about to witness something very interesting.

[KATSURAGI] What do you mean by that?

[KATSURAGI] If we hang a curtain over the entrance

to the cave, and hide everything in there,

then the other classes won't have a clue what we're doing.

This is a bold plan you've conceived.

Very risky.

And it's the only way I'll apply myself.

The school can shove its test.

I absolutely abhor hard work.

[RYUEN] On the first day of the special exam.

I forged a contract with Class A.

Class C would buy and transfer S-points'

worth of goods to Class A.

And, I would give any information Class C

collected on the other class leaders to Katsuragi.

Regarding the other leaders.

I will need more than just your word on their identity.

I need you to show me a photo of their key card.

That, or get me the card itself.

Right. Sure thing, man.

One thing though, when you form an alliance

with someone, shouldn't you trust them?

[RYUEN] That's right. I need you to truly hate me.

'Cause If you don't... won't fool anyone.

Take a hike.

[RYUEN] Next, I sent Ibuki and Kaneda to work as spies.

Ibuki in Class D, and Kaneda in Class B.

[RYUEN] Then came the revelry.

[RYUEN] We spent all of the S-points we had left

after the trade with Class A.

Then I had everyone except

Kaneda and Ibuki drop out. I alone remained.

I went into hiding, deep in the jungle.

[chuckles] You must really hate Katsuragi, am I right?

[RYUEN] I was working with Sakayanagi's faction

from Class A, too. One of the guys in that camp

was intentionally abusing a spot on the island

to reduce his own class's points.

He was human garbage, but remarkably forthright.

Enough to tell me who his class leader was.

[RYUEN] What I hadn't planned for was Ibuki's

digital camera breaking.

It was an unfortunate kink in the works,

and forced Katsuragi and me to verify

Class D's key card in person.

[KATSURAGI] It's genuine. Good job.

Your obligation is complete.

Care to know who Class B's leader is?

Naturally, B holds their cards close.

So all evidence is purely circumstantial.

Unless you have verifiable proof, I don't care.

Ryuen, you smell like a dead animal.

Take a shower, set yourself on fire, whatever works.

[SAKAGAMIAKANE] Ryuen. Are you there?

[RYUEN] Is the test finally over?

[SAKAGAMIAKANE] Kaneda and Ibuki

have dropped out as well.

[RYUEN] I see.

[SAKAGAMIAKANE] Anyway. Let's close this out.

Of course.

[RYUEN] Class A's leader is Yahiko Totsuka.

B's is Chihiro Shiranami.

D's is Suzune Horikita.

[SAKAGAMIAKANE] Honestly now, you say that you hate it.

Any kind of exertion or hard work.

But, look at you.

You're like a soldier who's just fought an epic battle.

You're dirty, injured.

The others talk about your determination

in seeking victory.

Why don't you quit your babbling already, teacher.

Now that I've guessed every class's leader,

that will subtract points from each of their scores

and negate their bonus points.

Class A will only gain a paltry points

from this test.

As for Class C's points--

just from naming the leaders.

Combine that with the points we gained

from securing spots, and we'll b*at Class A, for sure.

[RYUEN] That means I win again.

[MASHIMA] And now, the time has come.

I will reveal the results of the special examination.

[MASHIMA] Coming in last: Class C, with zero points.

[RYUEN] What?

[MASHIMA] Next, in third place: Class A,

with points.

In second: Class B.

One hundred and forty points.

Finally, in first place: Class D,

with points.

[gasps] First place?

Huh, really?

[IKE] We did it!

[CLASS D cheering]

What on earth?

How could that have happened?

[KOENJI laughs]

Well then, it looks like

you had a great time on the island.

[KOENJI laughs]

Shut your mouth, Koenji!

You realize that we lost whole point

because of you, right?

[laughs] Oh, just calm down.

I was laid up with a very nasty cold, my good man.

What was I supposed to do?

You damn vain punk. Cut it out!

Dry off and stop glistening!

[CLASS clammoring]

[SUZUNE] Wait up!

You better tell me exactly what's going on here.

[SAKAYANAGI] It all played out more or less

the way I expected it would.

The Katsuragi faction is finished,

or they'll lose a great deal of influence, at least.

That's right.

And if we're united going into the second term,

then Class A is going to be unstoppable.

[HASHIMOTO] Katsuragi's here, so I'd better hang up.

[SAKAYANAGI] Yes. Again, nice work.

[STUDENT C] How are you going to atone

for this one, Katsuragi?

[STUDENT D] Signing that contract

was an enormous mistake!

[YAHIKO] Don't forget every single one of you

signed off on it, too!

[HASHIMOTO] This is just pathetic, Katsuragi.


How dare you criticize Katsuragi

when you're probably the reason we failed!

I don't know what you did, but why don't you try going to--


You spoke to Ryuen, did you not?

I know you sold the name of Class A's leader

to that opportunistic scumbag.

[HASHIMOTO chuckles]

[KANZAKI] Second place, huh?

[chuckles] Yeah it is still a loss, unfortunately.

Class D really was the only clear winner in this exam.

Hey. Remember the first day?

What the teacher told us? She said to keep in mind

anything in this school can be bought with points.

[KANZAKI] Yeah. I do recall that.

[ICHINOSE] It may be really expensive,

but it can still be bought.

You can be in any class you want,

if you pay the price.

I apologize.

[RYUEN] Well. I've figured it out.

The reason they got that high score,

and why our score ended up being zero.

[RYUEN] It's because we guessed it incorrectly.

Class D's leader.


Well, you weren't our leader anymore, Horikita.

Wh-What? But the card!

[SUZUNE] What the...? What's your name doing on it?

Just before the test ended,

I had Class D's leader changed.


You can't just change leaders,

unless you've got a really good reason.

Which obviously means, if you do have a really good reason,

you are allowed to switch.

[AYANOKOJI] Our leader's health was failing.

That's as good a reason as any.

Because of that, when Ryuen and Katsuragi

named you class D's leader, they were wrong.

It was me.

Wait, you conceived of this whole plan

by yourself, didn't you?

Yeah, I did.

[AYANOKOJI] I knew Ibuki was a spy,

so I destroyed her digital camera.

That meant she would have to steal the key card itself,

which would be much harder than taking a picture of it.

[AYANOKOJI] Then I waited until your condition

had sufficiently deteriorated.

[AYANOKOJI] I promise to give you Sakura's email address,

but you've gotta do something for me.


[AYANOKOJI] I got you to show me your card

while Ibuki was watching, staged a distraction,

got you to go to the waterfall.

And thus, Ibuki was lured into stealing your key card.

[AYANOKOJI] Then, I started the fire

to throw the camp into chaos.

Giving Ibuki the opening she needed to escape.

I knew their plan had always been for her

to sneak away from the camp and show Ryuen the card.

Then you convinced me that I should drop out,

and made yourself the leader.

Yeah, but that came later.

At first, I'd planned to amass points

by occupying all the spots.

But then I saw Katsuragi leaving

one of the spots with Class A's key card in his hand.

[SUZUNE] So, that means Class A's leader was Katsuragi?

[AYANOKOJI] No. Katsuragi is a cautious person.

He would never do anything that careless.

He wouldn't even occupy a spot when someone

might be around to see him.

It was just a performance to hide the truth.

That someone else had occupied the spot,

without checking it in with him first.

That's how I was able to infer

that Class A's leader was in fact Yahiko,

who was with Katsuragi at the time I saw him.

And as for Class C, I was well aware

that Ryuen had never actually left the island.

[AYANOKOJI] When we went to pay Ryuen a visit,

he had a two-way radio on the table next to him.

Ibuki was in possession of one just like it.

If Ryuen was indeed still in contact

with Ibuki that way, it meant he still had to be on the island.

After that, I was certain that Ryuen was Class C's leader.

That's what made me change my tactics.

I switched from a spot occupation strategy

to a leader identification strategy,

and used you as a pawn.

But I left Class B alone.

I determined eroding our friendly alliance

with them would be detrimental to us in the long run.

And, to be honest,

there was already a spy in Class B.

So, I knew that their leader would be revealed,

even without any action on my part.

And you surmised correctly.

Their leader was identified, costing them serious points.

Yes, if another class guesses your leader,

it costs you points, and all your bonus points

are negated, as well.

You really put one over on everyone this time.

But, I don't get it.

You claim to have no interest in ascending to Class A,

so why did you help me?

I can't figure out what motivates you.

Why do you do it?

[HIRATA] There she is! Horikita!

We've been looking everywhere for you!

How did you do it?

We heard that you're the only reason Class D won this thing!

Hirata told us everything you did!

He said that you're the one who figured out

who Class A and C's leaders were. That's awesome!

[MATSUSHITA] Thanks to you, we've got tons of points now!

[SATO] You're amazing! What a genius!

--You guys, wait. --[SHINO] Ibuki was the one

who started the fire, and when she ran away,

you chased her in the rain, right?

--[SUZUNE] Um, well. --[MATSUSHITA] And he told us

that's the reason you're under the weather!

[SATO] So cool! You're the best friend ever!

Friend? What are you talking about?

Horikita sure is popular, huh?

[AYANOKOJI] Yeah, I guess so.

I really do hate her.

Because, for better or for worse,

she has nothing to hide.

She and I are opposites. So...

Well, most people are more like you.

Me, included.

[KIKYO] Hey, Ayanokoji?

[AYANOKOJI] What is it?

[KIKYO] If you had to make a choice, like,

who you would be with...

You would choose Horikita, wouldn't you?

[AYANOKOJI] I don't know.


[phone chimes]

[CHABASHIRA] First, please allow me to congratulate you.

I am genuinely impressed.

Oh, so now you're satisfied?

Then tell me something.

Is it true that an outsider attempted

to get me expelled, or did you make that part up?


I won't play this game, and I refuse

to do anything else for you until I have proof.

Have you forgotten that I know

every little thing about you? Come on, now.

Don't you think that that's proof enough?

[CHABASHIRA] Icarus' wings.

What about 'em?

[CHABASHIRA] Icarus wanted to fly in order to be free.

But he only did it because his father taught him

how to make the wings and take flight.

He couldn't have done it alone.

The poor boy wasn't flying of his own accord.

Now, don't you think that sounds a little bit familiar?

That man who called me,

who I am sure you've figured out by now is your father,

said, "Someday, Kiyotaka will choose to leave the school

of his own accord."

Fly too close, and you'll burn your wings,

then plunge into the sea and drown.

We both know that won't happen.

Poor, little Icarus.

What will your next move in our little game be?

I think you know the answer to that.

"Poor" Icarus? He didn't heed Daedalus' warnings.

[IBUKI] You would have gotten

hundreds of thousands of points every month until graduation?

From the very beginning, that contract was

the only thing I was after.

The bonus points were just a part of that goal.


I don't like it when people try to get in the way

of what I want.

[RYUEN] Class D.


[SUZUNE] I... I've been looking all over for you.

Oh, it's you again.

What do you want this time?

I heard from Hirata.

When you said who Class A and C's leaders were,

you also told him I was the one who figured the whole thing out.


[SUZUNE] And then after the test was over,

you asked him to do something

to bring the class back together.

Are you trying to use me as some kind of cover?

Horikita, remember what I said to you

a long time ago? I told you that you need allies.

Is that why you did all of this?

I'm finally starting to see a real change in you.

Why's it always your fault?

Look, I acknowledge that we are allies,

but I'll only do it grudgingly, so don't get any ideas, okay?

And you better not act like we're all buddy-buddy

once we get back to school, or trust me,

there'll be hell to pay!

It's just for our goals.

We're working together to get to Class A!


Despite that, I have to tell you.

Thanks for your help.

Not that I need you or anything. I am fine without you!

[AYANOKOJI] But, Horikita.

I've never considered you an ally.

Not even for a second.

Not you. Not Kushida. Not Hirata.

People are nothing but tools to me.

All of them. I don't care what I have to do to win.

[AYANOKOJI] I don't care what I have to sacrifice.

In this world, winning is everything.

[AYANOKOJI] And in the end, I'm going to win.

[AYANOKOJI] That's all that matters.