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01x09 - Man is Condemned to be Free.

Posted: 01/07/24 12:56
by bunniefuu
[bell ringing]

[HIRATA] First, let's go over what we already know.

The school provided two tents that each sleep eight,

so we have some shelter, two flashlights, one box of matches,

backpacks, and amenities for everyone in class.

And sunscreen for anyone who wants it.

A whole week with only the basics?

A survival test on a desert island, for real?

Just proceed as we discussed.


And get over yourself, too.

We both know that ever since the rumor went around

that you tried get into the student council

and got rejected,

Sakayanagi's faction has achieved dominance.

This is a great opportunity for the both of us.

[HIRATA] So, we have to find our own food.

A test of survival, outdoors.

Ending at noon, one week from now.

[YAMAUCHI] But remember what the teachers told us?

We can still go swimming, have barbecues,

and all that other fun stuff.

[HIRATA] No, we can only do that if we spend

the S-points they gave us, which would be a waste,

considering what we could buy.

Food, drinking water, tools to cook with.

So you aren't gonna buy those things?

Look, if we have any S-points left at the end of the test,

then they'll be added to our class's total point score.

If we can tough it out for the whole week,

we'll get , a month!

Thirty thousand, guys!

[KARUIZAWA] What's that?

[HIRATA] A list of things we could lose points for.

Illness and serious injuries.

Pollution of the surrounding environment.

Absence at morning and evening roll calls.

v*olence against, or stealing from other classes.

[KARUIZAWA] But we can gain more points, can't we?


There are certain "spots" around the island

we can claim as our own to get bonus points.

"Freedom to choose," is the theme of this test.

Don't ya think?

Sure seems that way.

If we do this right, we could close the gap

between us and the other classes.

This thing is so restrictive.

But there's a penalty for removing the ID watches.

I don't think it's wise to risk it, y'know?

There are special sensors and GPS devices

hidden in these things.

So they can find us quickly if there's an emergency, I bet.

Hey, Hirata, don't you think we should

be able to spend some of our points, within reason?

[HIRATA] Hm...


We should refrain from using points for as long as we can.

Don't you realize how difficult that's going to be?

[SHINO] Are we supposed to go to the bathroom in this?

[SATO] I'll, like, die!

[HIRATA] A basic toilet?

I'd prefer to tough it out.

That won't be a problem for me, personally,

but I don't think some of the other girls can.

[AYANOKOJI] A basic toilet.

You use a hyper-absorbent polymer sheet to solidify waste.

Each one can be used many times.

I think.

That might be hard on the women.

[SUZUNE] That's very likely.

Come on, we can just tough it out and use this toilet!

You're not listening!

I'm saying that some of the girls

might not be willing or able to do that!

We can buy a regular toilet with points.

See, it says so right here on the list.

[KARUIZAWA] That's perfect!

[HASE] Yeah!

[SATO] We totally have to!

[SHINO] Let's buy it right now!

[YUKIMURA] You can't just decide that.

We shouldn't be able to spend collective points

without a majority vote.

[YAMAUCHI] A majority vote!

That's a great idea, Yukimura!

[IKE] This is our chance to score some major class points!

We can do without the fancy toilet.

What the--?

Women are emotional creatures

who become irrational when they get triggered,

so you shouldn't indulge them, Hirata.

Say that again, jerk!

Hey, relax. Do you wanna prove the guy right?

[SATO] Think about it from our perspective for a minute!

[SHINO] I'm not gonna go to the bathroom where...

This doesn't bode well.

This test is shaping up to be

much more complicated than I thought.

I don't know if we can cut it.

[AYANOKOJI] Ike, Yamauchi, and Sudo went on an expedition.

They're looking for a place to camp,

and any of those "spots" that were mentioned.

[AYANOKOJI] You're not having a good time?

[SUZUNE] This isn't exactly my forte.

On many levels: for one, roughing it.

And, two, having to be around people.

[AYANOKOJI] I can understand that.

Even though it pains me, I guess I've got to admit

the hypothesis you posed to me once upon a time

was eerily accurate.

This school will test us on a metric

involving more than academics.

That's what you said to me.


Ike and Sudo volunteered to go explore the forest

in search of a camp site.

I wouldn't even know how to handle that.

Are you going to be okay, despite everything?

[SUZUNE] Doesn't matter.

If Classes A and B are searching for these "spots,"

we would be wise to do the same. Don't you think?

[AYANOKOJI] Aiming for a higher class is harder than I thought.

[SUZUNE] Well, yeah, but don't you want what it offers?

[AYANOKOJI] What do ya mean?

[SUZUNE] The guarantee you'll get the job

or university you want.

I assumed that anyone who came to this school

did so because they wanted that.

[HIRATA] A class of more than people.

An unfamiliar basic toilet.

You really think there won't be any trouble?

We'll just have to make the best of it all.

Sharing a primitive toilet

is guaranteed to bring up problems.

I think spending points in moderation

is the best course of action.

Reckless self-deprivation and uncertainty

will stress everyone out, which increases conflict.

Not to mention the hygiene issues.

The girls need peace of mind.

It will make them more likely to succeed in the exam. Y'know?

Yeah, you're right.

[AYANOKOJI] He would never argue against solid logic.

I think it's time for us to start searching the forest

for a good place to set up our base camp.

I agree.

[HIRATA] Where we decide to camp will definitely

affect how and when we have to spend our points this week.

Are there any volunteers to help me search?

Oh, right here!

I'd be honored to help, if you'll have me!

Aren't you going to join the fun?

That's the last thing I wanna do.

And you?

Volunteering to help those guys look?

I've gotta say, I'm quite surprised.

Not taking any kind of role

makes you stand out from the group.

[HIRATA] Thanks a lot, Sakura. That makes nine.

Let's proceed in teams of three.

[KOENJI laughs]

Ah, yes, I am so beautiful.

And melding with the exquisite environment around me

only enhances my stellar looks.

I'm the pinnacle of beauty.

[AYANOKOJI] Excellent athletic ability, and no sign

of reticence about the outdoors, either.

What's his story?

[SAKURA] Ayanokoji. Walking in this jungle.

It's pretty difficult, isn't it?

[AYANOKOJI] Yes, and it's incredibly hot, on top of that.

Hey, are you gonna be okay?

I'm fine. Don't worry!

Well, that's good.

Let's pick up the pace.

Uh, yeah.

Koenji sure is amazing, right?

[AYANOKOJI] Yeah, and it's not just his athleticism.

He's insanely confident all the time, too.

Koenji, wait! Don't go too fast, please.

[KOENJI] No need to worry.

A little jungle like this is no match for me!

What's that supposed to mean?

As long as the sun is still shining,

there's very little chance of getting lost

while wandering around a forest like this one.

It's intriguing.

That's why I'm having the time of my life!

[AYANOKOJI] He keeps speeding up.


[SAKURA pants] Don't worry about me, really. I'm okay.

[AYANOKOJI sighs] Huh, lost sight of him again.

I wonder how fast that guy was flying through the tree tops.

It's crazy.

Do you think this is one of the paths?

[AYANOKOJI] It certainly looks like it.

[SAKURA gasps] Wow.

I wonder if that cave is one of the spots they mentioned.

Most likely.

[CHABASHIRA] There are multiple "spots"

scattered throughout the island.

Each time you gain possession of one of these spots.

You will earn a single bonus point for your class.

However, you can't spend any bonus points

during the test period.

They'll be added to your class total

after the test has finished.

Each declaration of possession of a spot

lasts for eight hours.

Only the class leader has the authority

to declare possession.

You said class leader?

That's right.

This key card is used to take possession of a spot.

Only the leader gets one.

Also, you can't change leaders

without having a legitimate reason to do so.

In addition to that,

on the last day of the test, when we take roll,

for each class leader you are able to correctly identify,

your class will be allotted a whopping

bonus points, right then and there.

[SAKURA] Fifty bonus points?

[KEN] So if we guess all three classes' leaders,

we'll get bonus points?

However, for each incorrect guess,

you'll lose points.

This is a high-risk, high-return game.

It's in your best interest to try to find out

who the other class leaders are, but also to make an effort

to conceal your leader's identity.

[AYANOKOJI] Spots are important, I guess,

but moving too hastily to secure them

could result in your leader being revealed.


[YAHIKO] We sure got lucky this time, right, Katsuragi?

Securing a spot like this so early in the week?


I've had my eye on it since before we landed.

Finding it was expected.

Another thing. Be careful what you say and do.

Oh, right.

We don't know who might be eavesdropping out here.

So, take extra care not to accidentally reveal anything.

As leader, it's my responsibility

to manage our class.

Yeah. I'll be careful.

Before we docked today,

the ship took a slow lap around the island at a distance.

That was a hint.

[YAHIKO] How was that a hint?

Even from that far away,

I could see there were paths cut through the jungle.

Then I knew I just had to find the shortest routes.

You could tell what the school

was trying to do just from that? Brilliant, as usual.

You know what?

Sakayanagi's got nothin' on you, dude.

Hold on for a second. Something's odd.

What is it, Katsuragi?

Um. What's up?

Nothing. Let's get moving.

We shouldn't stay here too long.

[AYANOKOJI] That was a close call.

[AYANOKOJI] Sorry, Sakura.


[SAKURA groans]

[AYANOKOJI] Are you okay?


I'm okay.

[AYANOKOJI] Those two guys.

They're in Class A, right?

[SAKURA] Uh, yeah.

Hey, Ayanokoji?

Does that conversation mean that bald guy

is Class A's leader?

So, we just learned an invaluable secret, didn't we?


I'll report it to Hirata later, when we get back.

He ditched you? Well, that's Koenji.


And it's not like I have the ability

to control a person like that.

As I'm sure you're aware.

[HIRATA] Good news, everybody! Ike and the others.

They found a great spot at the head of a river!

Why don't we go meet up with them!

This is it!

Don't you think it's the best spot ever?

[KARUIZAWA gasps] The water's so clear!

--[HIRATA] Thanks, you guys. --[KIKYO] It's beautiful!

[SHINO] It's a lot cooler than I thought!

[HIDEO] You think we can drink it?

I know!

There it is.

Useless to me.

Only the class leader can take possession of a spot. Huh.

So, assuming we wanna set up our base camp right here,

we had better discuss taking possession of it.

[IKE] We should, shouldn't we?

If we do, we get unlimited access to the river,

and we'll also get points every eight hours!

Although, it isn't quite as simple as that.

The leader's gotta renew possession to get those points.

That's right. If another class sees them do it...

Can't we just, like,

surround them while they renew it?

Good idea! What do you guys think?

[MATSUSHITA] Yeah, that sounds like a plan!

[HASE] We have enough people to block them.

[STUDENT A] Yeah, form a ring around them!

Last question then.

Who'll be our fearless leader?

[MITA] Let's see.

I think Hirata should be our leader!

[STUDENT A] Hirata's the natural choice.

Hey, guys. I have something to say!

I've really been thinking about this a lot.

People like Hirata and Karuizawa stand out,

even if they don't intend to.

And the person we elect as our leader

should be someone who flies under the radar,

but they need to be responsible, too, right?

Only one of our classmates fits both requirements.

And, that person's Horikita.

[KIKYO] What do you think?

I'm in favor!

Horikita, if you'll accept the role, I'd like you to have it.

What do ya say?

If she won't,

I'd be happy to be the class leader.

[SUZUNE] Ugh, fine, then. I accept the position.



That addresses the issue of bathing and drinking water

for the whole week. Huh?

Yeah. I guess.

It looks drinkable, anyway.

[KARUIZAWA] Are you sure this is safe to drink?

I mean, it is a river.

[SHINO] What if there's bacteria?

[HASE] Can you tell?

[IKE] What's the matter with you guys?

We found a freakin' river!

There's no way we're not going to use it!

[HIRATA] We do have some time.

There's no need to make a hasty decision about it.

[KARUIZAWA] Uh, yeah!

[SHINO] He's right.

[HASE] Kinda risky, don't you think?


You have experience in the great outdoors?

Yeah, I do. My family loves camping

and we used to go every weekend when I was little.

I have no problem with drinking river water.

[IKE] Sometimes you can tell if a spring is drinkable

just by looking at it.

Ayanokoji. Could I talk to you for a sec?

Before it gets dark,

I'd like you to gather some branches for us

to use as firewood tonight.

Yeah, okay. I'll get on that right now.

Wait! It's too dangerous for you to go on your own!

[AYANOKOJI] I'll find someone to help me.


[SUZUNE] Despite being the big man in Class D.

He still has to rely on you to help him.

Pathetic, isn't it?

[AYANOKOJI] It wouldn't k*ll you to help out a little,

too, fearless leader.

We both know there's nothing that I can help with.

I'm useless right now.

But if an enemy or other objective turns up,

I'll be happy to offer my thoughts.

[AYANOKOJI] Hey. I'm gathering branches.

You could help.


[YAMAUCHI] Listen, Ayanokoji.

I think I'm gonna go after Sakura.

Let's face it: Kushida is way out of my league.

Yes, and?

But a girl like Sakura--

if I can convince her that I'm a sensitive, caring guy,

I just know she'll fall for me.

[AYANOKOJI] Is that why you decided to tag along and help?

Hey, Sakura, are you tired?

Do you need help carrying those?

Must be such hard work for a girl,

and you might hurt your sweet little self.

Uh. It's fine I'm okay.

Hey, what's the matter?

Wha--? What the heck is your problem?

Oh. Nevermind, it's fine.

[YAMAUCHI] Hey, everything all right?

Just leave me alone. I don't need help.

You must be in a lot of pain, though.

You're Ibuki from Class C, right?

Did your classmates do something to you?

[YAMAUCHI] The three of us are students from Class D.

You can come back to our base camp with us, if you want.

[SAKURA] Yeah.

Didn't you hear me?

I don't need your help.

And I'm in Class C, which means I'm your enemy.

We can't leave you out here all alone!


[SAKURA] Mm-hm.

We'll stay right here with you.

When you can walk, we'll let you go.

[IBUKI] How stupid can you be?

You shouldn't trust me.

No one in my class would dream of doing this.

[IKE] You can't start a fire with branches alone, see?

But if you build it like this, I think it'll light up nicely.

And there we go!

Experienced camper, huh?

You sure know your stuff!

That's the most basic of the basics!

Anybody can do it once they know!

That's pretty cool!

[KIKYO] Hey, we're back!

[KIKYO] Do you think... that this one's edible?

I don't know about that.

They could be blueberries!

Hey, those are bog bilberries!

Are you the one who found those, Kikyo? Awesome!

[KIKYO] So, Kanji.

Do you know what those brown things are?

I'm pretty sure that those are figs!

They're deliciously sweet, like nothing else.

Man, this brings me back!

[KARUIZAWA] Oh, really?

Ike, you know all about this stuff.

It's so reassuring.

[AYANOKOJI] Check out the fire.

Ike started that, too.

[KIKYO] Kanji, you really are amazing!

[SATO] I agree!

[HIDEO] He did such a great job starting the fire...

[YAMAUCHI] He found the river, too!

[INO] I'm grateful that we have someone

so experienced in our class!

Hey, Karuizawa. Sorry about before.

Wha--? Where did that come from?

I just remembered something.

The first time my family went camping,

the bathroom stuff was hard.

I complained to my parents the whole time.

It must be even harder for girls, right?

[AYANOKOJI] Ike can admit he was wrong

without getting worked up?

That's impressive. He's a better man than me.

[KARUIZAWA] I'm sorry, too, Ike.

We've gotta push our limits now and then

if we wanna have any points left at the end of all this.

[HIRATA] Hey, you guys. Can I say something?

I think it's important for us to trust and rely on each other

as much as possible until the end of this special test.

So, here's my idea.

Of the S-points,

let's aim to have of 'em left by the end.

What do you guys say? Is that doable?

You mean you want to spend points?

[HIRATA] If we didn't have Ike, and had to buy it all,

food and water. That's every meal for

every single one of us for seven days.

The most efficient way would be the rations

and mineral water set.

It's ten S-points each for one meal for all of us.

What do you think?

He's pretty spot-on.

I've been turning those exact numbers

over in my mind all day.

Did you share that bit with Hirata?

[SUZUNE] Of course not. You're joking, right?


A hundred and twenty S-points is more than you might think.

After all, remember the test results from earlier?

Think of those numbers.

Class A's total points changed by how much again? Uh, I forgot.

It was points.

And that's if we do the very least.

For every day that we can find food and water on our own...

...we'll be able to save S-points on those days!

[HIRATA] If we can make it the whole week without

buying drinking water, we can save

points that way alone.

Oh, that's good.

[IKE] Let's give it a sh*t, Hirata!

[HIRATA] All right, then, sounds good.

Let's all do our best!

[AYANOKOJI] Sorry about this.

Just a little bit longer.

See. Those guys by the fire.

They're discussing what to do with you now.

[IBUKI] You shouldn't go out of your way.

It's just a matter of time before they cast me out.

I wouldn't be so sure.

We have a few trusting types.

[KIKYO] Your name's Ibuki, right?

Here. You should eat.

[IBUKI] You're all idiots. Every single one of you.

Oh, just eat. What harm is there in that?

We can have a talk later, too, if you're feeling up to it.

[KEN] Damn that stupid punk! Koenji!

[STUDENT B] How could he do this?

[STUDENT ] He's a selfish jerk!

[STUDENT D] How will that affect our points...

[KIKYO] What happened?

Koenji said he was feeling sick and went back to the boat!


According to the rules of the test,

his illness alone will cost Class D S-points.

Koenji will be out of the game,

and he's required to stay on the ship and recover.

He can't come back.

[KIKYO] Oh, no!


[KOENJI] The moon is beautiful!