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01x02 - It's Almost Time for the Boss to Spawn, So...

Posted: 01/07/24 11:31
by bunniefuu
So since Mr. Tani's
scouting the area,

we can focus on the enemy in front.

We might be able to rack up some kills.

My head hurts.

The next map in particular...

Wait, I can hear someone talking.

I told you, I'm not turning on my camera.

Who is that?

You're getting annoying.

Hey, sorry.

I'm gonna AFK for a sec.

Be right back.

What is...

going on here?





Don't tell me I...

Don't tell me it was a one-night stand?

Is that what it looks like?

No, not really!

Well, long story short...

it was either take care of you...

or abandon you on the street.

But even I thought
that might be too inhumane.

I am truly, deeply sorry.

I'll thank you properly, no matter—

Just leave right now,
and we'll call it even.

Right! I'm leaving right now!

By the way,
about your puke-covered clothes...

I washed them
and hung them up in the bathroom.

And I also paid your bill
from the izakaya.

I'll pay you back
right this minute!

This is bad.

Excuse me. Where's the bathroom?

Out the door and to the right.

There's just no excuse for this.

Well, I don't think
I'll be seeing you anymore...

but take care.

Now I've gone and done it.

Not to mention, I spent the night
at the apartment of a man I just met.

Forgive me, Mom back in Gunma.

I'm so wiped.

I've got to work on my paper.



I was wearing a necklace, right?

Huh? Where'd it go?

Not here.

About your puke-covered clothes...

I washed them
and hung them up in the bathroom.

Don't tell me...

I dropped it in Yamada's apartment?


Akane! Hello!

Rurihime! Hello!

Yamada! Where's Yamada?


I know I still had it on
at the izakaya.

If I dropped it,
it must have been afterwards.

So it had to have been when I
took off my clothes at Yamada's place.

What am I gonna do?

That necklace was the first present
I ever got from Takuma.

What's this? Are you frozen, Akane?

Are you not feeling well, maybe?

Ruri will be happy to hear your story!

Since Ruri is everyone's master,
she wants you to depend on her!

Oh, Rurihime, you're always such a cutie!

Oh, I see.

You got dumped by your boyfriend,

and now you've lost
your precious necklace.

Ruri gets it.

After all, Ruri gets
tons of presents from her fans,

and they're all so precious to her!

And each one is memorable in its own way!

But lately, I've been running out of space
to store them all, you know?


- Huh?
- Oh!

Yamada! Hello!


Yamada's here!


- Yamada!
- Yama! Ya! Yamada!

Yamada, come over here,
and let's talk about romance!

It's almost time
for the boss to spawn, so I can't.

You're going after the boss again?

Since it's double drops for now.

What? Until when?

They're so into it,
I can't a word in edgewise.

I guess I'll have to PM him.

Hey, he noticed?

That was quick.

Can't he be a little more...

Come talk with us, Yamada,
and help me cheer up Akane!

- I'd rather not.
- That's mean!

Anyway, what I'd like to discuss
is the fact that the guild's storage...

is always stuffed to the brim
and unusable.

What? Hey, you're right!
It's bursting with items!

I haven't been checking it at all!

I always clean it out,

but the next thing I know,
it's full again.

How strange is that?

If it's not at Yamada's,
does that mean it's at the izakaya?

I wonder if someone's
putting items in there out of goodwill?

Oh! That would be me—

What? This trash, out of goodwill?

"Trash" is too harsh!

A guild member must have added
those items to help out the beginners.

Even a newbie
who just started three minutes ago

would have better gear than that.

Now, now!

What if it's a guild member
who happens to be online?

He or she would be crushed
to see this chat!

- It's me.
- Oh!

Akane > I thought the old armor and gear
might come in handy for the beginners...

Akane > I'm sorry...
They're in the way, aren't they?

Rurihime > No, no, they're so not!!!!!!1
You really are a kind soul, Akane!!11

- They're in the way.
- Yamada!

Well, I'm the one who has
to clean up that trash all the time.

Stop calling it trash!

Akane was only trying to help, all right?

Try to be more selective.

Because there's only so much storage.


Seriously! You could have been
a little nicer about it, you bad boy!

Bad! Bad!

Rurihime > Oh...

Rurihime > Really, now! Yamada, you dummy!
Akane's not used to gaming yet,
so try to be nicer to her!!


Did I step on something?

No way.

I hate you, Yamada!


I'm sorry.

I wasn't thinking.

I've finally come to my senses.



I want you to have this peace offering.


That makes me so happy, Takuma!





What a nightmare.

More like a prophetic dream, I'd say!

Momo, are you sure
you're not enjoying this?

Oh, not really.

Since your Takuma stories
are getting kind of old.

And that wasn't even a genuine laugh.

Anyway, I'd love to hear
about the hot gamer nerd!

Did you really spend all night with him,
and are you sure nothing happened?

You're going there again?

I told you, nothing happened.

Yamada just helped me out, that's all.


That reminds me, what am I going
to do about Takuma's necklace?

I think I dropped it
at Yamada's place, but...

Huh? What do you want with a gift
from the guy who jilted you?

You're still not over him.

Well, I guess that's who you are.

Always scheduling things around him.

You started playing online games,
which you had zero interest in, for him.

Come to think of it,
when you first started going out,

didn't you make him
homemade box lunches?

I think overall, you're too much.

I won't talk about Takuma anymore,
so please just stop.

As long as you see the light.

I'm going to go home
and do the laundry, and then...

I wonder what's on TV tonight?

No plans tonight.

It wouldn't be any fun
playing that game alone.

They're in the way.

I haven't logged in since that day.

Is that snarky afro
having a good time nerding out?

I'm sorry, Akito.

Sorry to stop you
and waste your time like this.

Um... uh...

You see...

A high school girl...

confessing her love, I guess?

Oh, to be young again!

You are one popular guy, mister!

I confessed to an upperclassman, too,
when I was in high school.

- I'm in love with you!
- I have a girlfriend.

That good-looking Saito,
I wonder how he is?

Um... listen.

Are we done here?

It's been about seven minutes
since you stopped me.

Can we take this up again another day
after you've organized your thoughts?


Sorry, but it's almost time
for the boss to spawn.

Excuse me.

Come back here!

Oh, of course you've forgotten, right?

I'm Akane, the one you helped out
at that online game event!

Oh, the lady who got hammered
and puked at my place.

I'm really sorry about that.

No, forget that!

That was pretty harsh of Yamada, huh?

Anyone could see
that that was a confession!

You should have heard her out.

I was being confessed to?

Maybe instead of gaming, you should learn
about the subtleties of human nature?

People say that all the time.

So you're in high school, huh, Yamada?


Come to think of it, you were drinking
soda the whole time at that izakaya.


What grade are you in?

I'm a third year.

Hold up, that's a Tosei Academy uniform.

So you're smart, Yamada?

That school is so tough to get into.


I wanted to see you again.

Sorry. I found it later, but...

I stepped on it.

The heart is in two pieces.

Thanks for going to all this trouble!

So you've been carrying it around
all this time?

Well, I heard that we lived
near the same station,

so I figured I'd run into you somewhere.

I guess I should have logged in!

That must have been a hassle!



I was planning to toss it anyway,
so don't worry about it!

All right, I'll be going now.


Please use this.

You don't have to return it.

Well, then, excuse me.

The rain that started yesterday
in the Kanto area

will be moving northward,
so it will be sunny today.

Tonight's going to have a full moon.

Please use this.

I was planning to toss it anyway,
so don't worry about it!


Hello! It's Tagawa Express!

You have a delivery from Mrs. Kinoshita!

We'll just bring it all inside, all right?

Thank you for your business!

About your room here, Akane,

since I'd like to turn it
into my training room,

please take back
all your belongings, okay?

Thank you!


what do you need me for?

Help me, Momo! It's so cluttered,
I have nowhere to stand!

My mom sent back my stuff out of the blue,
but can you believe how much there is?

What am I supposed to do?

What a drag. Toss it all.

Start with that humongous bear!

Wait! I have fond memories of that bear!
Memories of my grandma!

- Memories of my grandma!
- Shut up!

- Grandma!
- All right, next!




These two things are just clutter.

Where do you want to put them?

The umbrella's new,
so you'll still be using it, right?

This necklace is broken,
so can I throw it away?

Try to be more selective.

Because there's only so much storage.


Be selective.


I can't hold onto every single thing
that's precious to me.

So you ended up not tossing that one, huh?



I'm throwing out everything else.

Because I don't need them anymore.

All right! How about we hit
the barbecue place and live it up?

On you, of course, Akane!

Money's tight,
so I'll have to ask you to go easy.


Yamara! I'm here to return your umbrella!

Oh, wow! He really is hot!

I'm Momo!

Nice to meet you, Yamara!


Huh? Something bothering you?

No, it's just... I don't know what to say.

Yamada, I'm so sorry that Akane's
always making trouble for you.

But if you'd like,
you can take this opportunity...

to go out with me with marriage in mind!

I'm seriously
this close to calling the cops.

Didn't I say
there was no need to return it?

I mean, this is actually annoying.


The umbrella. Right, I hear you.

But aside from that...

I came to thank you!

The day of that event...

I'm so glad you were there, Yamada.

If I'd been alone,
it would have been really rough for me.

I'm really...

Are you all right?

...thankful to you!


Okay! We'll be leaving
before you call the cops on us!

I'd appreciate that.

Come on, Momo! We're going home!

Walk like a big girl, okay?

Momo! Watch your step now!

By the way...


The guild master was worried about you...

saying that you
haven't logged in since that day.


well, if you're ever free sometime...

I'll do it!

I'll do it right away!

I'll log in as soon as I get home!

What about you, Yamada?

No, I'm going to bed.

You're not going to play?

- I'm going to bed.
- You're not gonna?

I am... marrying him.


There's so many now.

What should we do, Yamada?




Hey! What's wrong?



Yamada! Yamada! Yamada! Yama—