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01x10 - Mash Burnedead and the Divine Visionary

Posted: 01/07/24 11:13
by bunniefuu
The fight against the Magia Lupus...

Lance was victorious in the battle
with the Third Fang of Magia Lupus, Wirth Madl.

Mash also won against the Second Fang
of Magia Lupus, Abyss Razor.

And now, Dot and Finn's battle begins.

Go to the basement.


That geezer sure likes to boss people around.


I'm leaving this up to you.


- Damn you, where do you—
- You know what?

My name's Love.
I'm the Fifth Fang of Magia Lupus.


Do ya like me?


Hey. Do you like me, or don't ya?

It's just, I barely know you, so...
Right, Finn?


Okay, so... Am I cute?

Hey, hey. Do ya think I'm cute?

Tell me I'm cute!

She's super manipulative.

Hey, hey, hey!

A normie would find this
manipulativeness so revolting.


Am I cute?

But I really love girls like that, damn it!


But I have a future fiancée
named Lemon already.

So I'm sorry, I can't marry you.

This isn't even a conversation!

What? You love someone else?


Do you like her more than Love?


I see.

Then I guess...

you can die.

What an emotionally unstable girl!



Damn it. I knew a double-liner'd
be tough in terms of magic power...

All girls...

are born princesses!

You tell them they're cute!
And you love and serve them!

Any guy who can't do that...

can just die already!

That's so extreme.

I'm scared.

So I'll ask one more time, okay?

Well? Do ya love me, or don't ya?

Geez. We just met, and she says
love her or die. Is she nuts?


Am I cute?

But you know what? I'm totally into it!


But still, I have a future fiancée
named Lemon already.

So once again, I'm sorry. I can't marry you.

Didn't we just go over this?

No, I really am sorry.
Despite my looks, I'm a devoted gu—


Not bad.

What isn't?

This just had to happen.

Daddy said I can k*ll
any guy who doesn't cherish me.

Yeah, yeah. Go tell your daddy...

that I don't care what he thinks!


Don't you understand your magic power
is no match against me?


What? He intentionally aimed short of me
to block my vision.

He's after my wand.

Too bad! You're too weak.
You can't beat me.

I'll tell you one more thing.

The Fourth Fang of Magia Lupus, Milo Genius,
can turn a specified target to stone.

And by target, I mean the person
who opened that underground door.

I'd say it takes effect around two hours
after he's started storing energy.


If you don't defeat me
and get to the Fourth in 30 minutes...

it's the end for that Mushroom Head
because he'll turn into a statue.

Not that you can do anything about it.

Tornegus Cage!

Once you're caught in this tornado,
it's impossible to escape from it!


Having to put up with such weak friends...

Poor Mushroom Head. I feel for him.

Though, it's what he gets
for going up against Lord Abel.

Facing someone
without knowing their strength...

He's clueless. Just like you.

It really is so funny!

It hurts all over. I feel like I'm dying.

Even my bones sting.

I can barely breathe.

This girl's right.

She outclasses me.
There's nothing I can do.

Hey, Dot!

You got a new broom, right?

Trade with me.

B-But... This broom is...

Come on, it's fine, right?

Uh, okay.



Thanks, Sis.

You really are pathetic.
You should fight back.

It's fine.
If I fight back, it just gets worse.

You seriously give up too easily.


That's gonna be a problem
once you get a real friend.

A real friend?

That's right. Someone who'll honestly
get sad or angry on your behalf.

Though, that kinda person
comes around only once in a lifetime.

If you find that friend...
never betray them.

Basically, he's having a delusion!

Does he think he's the main character
or something?


That's so cheesy.

I hate stuffy guys like you.

I really am pathetic.

You guys have gone far enough.

Getting scared while she mocks my buddy.

Come at me, scumbag.

He honestly got angry on my behalf, too!

Meanwhile, I guess I'll deal with you, Freckles.




I can't let it end like this.

Not when you mocked my friend!


What's with his magic power?

He broke my spell?


You're worn out.
You're just being obnoxious!



Cancelled out?

His power's jumped up a level!

How did he amplify magic power so quickly?

Wait. That mark. I've heard about it.

Children born with the Warding Cross
on their foreheads...

Battle demons who unleash their magic power
when their emotions cross a certain threshold.

The Ira Kreuz!

Insulting my friend is a serious crime.

Machine g*n Explomb!

Thirty minutes before he turns to stone?

There's no way
I'll let you two get in his way.

Come at me, scumbag.

Die... 100 times.

He missed on purpose?

I don't like picking on girls.

Get lost.

Before I change my mind.

O-Okay. Thankyu vewy much.

And there you have it!

He was eerily calm for a moment,
but already back to normal.

Still, he defeated the Fifth Fang all on his own.
I didn't know Dot was a double-liner, too.

Dot, you're amaz...


Sorry! I'm sorry, Dot!

I thought I could let you
take care of two single-liners.

But I come back to find this?


The Fourth Fang.

He gave up his petrification spell
to face us.

It's not like these guys
ever proved to be much of a challenge.

Especially guys like them.

Damn it.

Caught me off guard.

Can I even fight the Fourth like this?

The Fourth Fang is a prodigy, the only
first-year student among the Magia Lupus.

It's the end for you.

What the...

Was that a sword!?

That magic...

Damn it. What happened?

Why am I...

My magic was broken in an instant.

Wh-Why is he here?

Divine Visionary... Rayne Ames!

Wait, Rayne. Why are you here?

Divine Visionary, Rayne Ames.

Adler dorm's ace!

Divine Visionary or not,
he's still a student.

There's no need to panic.

R-Right. Okay.

Let's talk about this.

We've both got our reasons.



Don't waste my time.

You piece of trash.

He's a student like us, isn't he?

This is what a Visionary
is magically capable of...

Maybe I should defect to Adler for now.

No, no, no. It's too different.
There's too much of a difference.

It's not what you think! I had no choice!

I regret being unable
to stand up against him! Forgive me!

That so?

You regret it?

The most important thing
in this world is actions. Not words.

I don't trust the words of a scum like you.

It's best to teach your type...
through pain.

So that you never think about
making the same mistake ever again.

I heard he's in Adler like us.
So he's on our side, right?

And what are you guys doing here?

Hurry up and get out.

I'm going to drag the details out of him.


Spill it.

Dude's harsh.

Hey, didn't you hear me?
I told you to spill it.

But what brings a Divine Visionary here?



The geezer said
Innocent Zero's pawns are here.

No doubt they're concealing
their power to hide.

But where are they?

Gettin' nutrition. Gettin' nutrition.


That's not magic.

But this immense pressure...

It must be him.

Need to hurry.

Hurry, and...

I'm short on time.

I'll make this investigation quick.


This creature will measure
your true magic power.

I can tell by magic power levels
if you're really a student or not.


These eight legs of mine have tallied
the power of thousands of magic users.

If you're a regular magic user,
Master Rayne will let you scuttle on by.

No way.

Excuse me. What was that so suddenly?

That's pretty dangerous.

Stranger danger. So barbaric.

Did he...

use any magic at all?


No, no, no, no.

I miscalculated.
A bug in the system. That's all.

He's not registering on the Arachnabus.

Could he be...

Three Percent Partisan.


He made a chair out of my partisans.

You're kidding me.

Arachnabus has lost sight of itself.
It's even stopped using spider puns.

As I expected, this guy isn't using magic.

He's not one of Innocent Zero's men.

I'm getting miffed.

Just one more test.

Ten Percent Partisan.

This is not a spell Master Rayne uses
against a student. This guy is fini...

Practice swings?

Could it be...

Is that...

a bunting stance?

He's bunting
all of Master Rayne's att*cks and...

tapping them out of commission!

That was dangerous.

Wait, what does this mean?

What's your name?

Mash Burnedead.


We have a unique new student.

He's in a very unique situation,

but he has a heart that is quite strong.

I'd like it if you could look out for him.

His name is...


I see. You're him.

Allow me to apologize for my rudeness.

I am sorry.


Not forgiven.

It's not much of an apology,
but take this.

It's a magic kerchief
that will heal your wounds.

Oh, okay.

So you like rabbits?


Thank you very much.

Be careful while you're at it.

You're going after Abel, right?

How did you...

The old geezer said
you wanted to be a Divine Visionary.

Naturally, you'd run up against Abel.

He's definitely going to be one of this year's
Divine Visionary candidates.

It's fair to say his doll magic far exceeds
what's required of a student.

I was surprised you could block
my elementary magic with your bare hands.

But without any magic,
you're going to have a tough time.


But I can use magic...

In any case, he holds
most of the coins in the school.

Beat him and they'll all be yours,

bringing you a lot closer
to becoming a Divine Visionary candidate.

Our world has no shortage of problems.

For allies, I want people
who are strong on their own.

You said you wanted
to be a Divine Visionary.

Then do it, even if it kills you.


I've got other things to do.
Watch yourself.

Um... Thank you for everything.

This is all for my own sake.
Don't get me wrong.


He's probably a good guy.

He's a curious child who puts his friends
ahead of his own goals.

It could be that
he's just the simple sort.

Though meeting him seems to have
saved your younger brother.

You can become a Divine Visionary
even if you can't use magic.

And to do that, prove that you're greater
than any magic user.

This must be it.

Do I push or pull to open this door?

Oh, I push to open.

Must you destroy every door you enter?

I tried to knock,
and this is what happened.