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01x08 - Mash Burnedead and the Wolves of Magic

Posted: 01/07/24 11:11
by bunniefuu
Do you...

really think you can just take a gold coin?

From me?
The magma master of Orca dorm...

Rhodes Eamus!

I had heard you were
surprisingly aggressive for an Orca...

But you were nothing more, it seems.

Magically talented, and high self-esteem...

Lang's elite, Magia Lupus,
is filled with students of that nature.

Its higher ranks are clearly
the top students in this school.

I'd rather not play defense
against those with actual skills...

But this school hides
the dorms' locations from each other.

This is to encourage
inter-dorm competition.

That's why...

we're going to figure out where
they are, so we can take their coins.


Were you really listening?

Lastly, it's been a month
since you were admitted.

Here's your dorm robe. Put it on.


You're joking around, right?

Whoa, the logo.

That's not a logo. That's Adler's mark.

And by the way, logos are letters
that have been transformed into a design.


I hope this makes you more conscious
of the fact that you belong to a dorm.

But first...


Big trouble! Tom is...

- Can you hold on? My cream puffs...
- But Tom...

No, my cream puffs...


They went to the infirmary.

Hey, guys...
How are you all... bambooing?

Or are you more like bamboo-it?

Captain's character identity...

What happened? You look so drained.

That's the thing. I don't really remember.

When I woke up, I was here.

Usually I live my life at full throttle
so I fall asleep and bam, it's morning.

I don't dream.

But the night I collapsed...

I dreamt that I was trapped
and stuffed in some dark box.

I was fully conscious but couldn't speak.

I was in that state for hours.

It was such a nightmare.

Captain is so shook up.

I need to eat a cream puff.

Mash, please keep it down.

Are you okay physically?

Yeah. I just feel slightly woozy.


I'm temporarily unable to use magic.

I hardly feel magical energy within me.

It's like someone sucked it out of me...

I see. But in any case...

Why are there so many here?

Yeah. They all seem to have lost
their magic temporarily, too.

Right when our headmaster
got called out to the Bureau of Magic...

Um, Mash. Take this.


What's this?

That's Creamy.
She's a good luck charm I made.

I've been feeling a little anxious lately.

What's with the ribbon?

You're so tactless!

In any case,
don't do anything too risky, all right?


And keep that with you at all times,
and always think of me!


You absolutely have to!

And when you sleep, hold onto it
so that in your dreams, I can...

You beast!

Late night, after lights out in the dorm...

I'm sure the Magia Lupus are behind
these events. What I think is—

Should we really be walking
around school after hours?

You really are a straight arrow, aren't you.

It'll be fine if we apologize later!

Don't leave me alone!

Why are you guys tagging along?


Cause I want coins too, moron!

Don't leave me all alone in that room!

I feel bad for them.
Let's take them with us.

- Huh? Are you really gonna do it?
- I'm so scared!

I'm not sure about this.

Hey! See that!?


It's Lemon.

She looks so cute from behind, too.

Hey, Lemo...


Something's wrong.

Hey, you've gotta be kidding me.


She didn't have any eyes, but she was
so cute because it was Lemon.

I just realized that.

That's definitely magic all right.

- What should we—
- Wait.

She's going somewhere.

We gotta chase her.

She turned that corner.

She's gone.

You're kidding, right?
This is a dead end.

Hey. Did you hear something?

Huh? I didn't hear anything.

No, I do hear something.

Like the sound of wood creaking!

Don't be spouting random bull...

I heard it too. Just k*ll me now!


Stay calm. It's just a spell.


What the hell?

A d-door?

Revealing the door
is as far as my magic can go.

So we need another special spell to open it.

Machine g*n Explomb!

Damn thing won't budge!!

What the hell are we supposed to do with it?



He pried the door open
with the power of leverage.

Anything goes for him, huh?

Lemon is inside. And most likely...

the Magia Lupus, too.

Don't do anything too risky, all right?

I'm sorry, but...

I don't think
I'll be able to keep that promise.

Let's go.

I had no idea the school
had a lower level like this.

It's like a secret base. Right, Finn?


You punk! Keep k*lling
the dramatic tension and I'll k*ll ya!


I'm sorry.

I mean, I wouldn't really... Wait...

Look, I'm sorry too, man.

Mash, don't be so depressed.

Our enemies chose this place as their hideout.

I'm certain this location
gives them an advantage.

Hey, see that?

There's light over there!

An arena?

What is this?

Are you a little slow?


It's an ancient dueling field.

So old that current teachers
don't even know it exists.

Are you one of the Magia Lupus?

Me? No, no.

I'm here at Third Fang's request.

To eradicate intruders like you.

Now, if you want to proceed,
you need to wager coins and challenge me.


I'll never let you get through!

Very well.


Let me.


'Cause you know that I hate
good-lookin' guys to death.

I see.

Go get 'im.

Good luck.

Hey, you know what?

You have a fan club, don't you?

I do. What of it?

Jealous rant incoming.

Most definitely so.

Very likely.

Livin' the dream, are ya!? I'll k*ll ya!

As expected...

You could say his jealousy
is even invigorating.

What a pitiful creature.

What? You're jealous of my attractiveness?

I am, so what!?


You can be jealous and all that.

Well, since you lack both a good face
and good brains, I don't see how I could lose.

Rose Whip.

Though they came here to rescue Lemon,

the ugly battle of Dot Barrett, envious
of a handsome boy, was about to begin.

This is the Bureau of Magic,
the Magic Realm's highest legal authority.

Mr. Wahlberg.
I apologize for the sudden call.

No need for apologies.

But the fact that you called for me means...

That's right.

Six of death row's most notorious inmates
have escaped from Hecatrice.

The prison guards were slaughtered.

And they were assisted by...

Innocent Zero.

Meanwhile, in the underground arena,
Dot was jealous of the handsome guy.

Eat this!


You guys beat Silva
the second-year, didn't you?

A-Actually he maybe kinda
beat the crap outta me.

It's a shame a guy like him
is a double-liner.

But magic capacity is worthless
if you don't use it right.

I'll say this outright.

I'm a lot tougher than he is.


Well, I'm definitely not gonna lose.

How do you intend on winning?

Like this!


What are these?

Marks on the ground?

Hey, might wanna watch your step!

This is a conditional spell.

It's got five times
the expl*sive power than usual!

There's no way I would fall
for such an obvious trap.

Not me.


A guy like you is sure to fall for it!

How does he intend on making me
step on these marks?

Is there a way to move me from this spot?

I won't fall for that trick.

Rose Whip Absol.

Machine g*n Explomb!

Damn it, it's not working!


My wand!


That hurts!

Those thorns have completely
immobilized your body.

That tacky bandanna with those goofy eyes?

And lacking sense in magic to boot.

You ultimately failed in making me
step on these marks, too.

You really are a far cry from handsome.

My next attack will definitely finish you off.

Stop it!


I never said anything about
making you step on the marks.

Explombomb is nothing more
than a time b*mb.

Didn't think I'd confidently set time bombs
right in front of your face, did ya?

I'll k*ll ya eightfold!

H-How can I, to someone like him...

Don't judge everything
by their looks, pretty boy!

You did it, Dot!

There's no way I'd lose!

Yeah! Bring on the next guy!

This punk. Striking an attractive pose,
even in defeat...

He sure is unwavering.

I don't exactly hate that.

Is it over?

Wh-What the hell!?

I'm getting sucked into the ground.

Please, save my baby.
At least spare this one.

I assume this means our enemies
have no intention of letting us g...

I'm sinking! I'm going to sink!

I think these guys...

are even more insane than I am?

Their plan is to split us up
and hunt us down.

The double-liner first-year...

I was more interested
in seeing Mushroom Head.

That magic earlier was his, huh?

So this is the upper echelon
of Magia Lupus.

The first-year double-liner, huh?

Being scummy is totally inexcusable, okay?

I am the Third Fang
of Magia Lupus, Wirth Madl.


Being worthlessly weak
is absolutely inexcusable. Got that?


Two single-liners? Easy-peasy! Hurray!

I'm the Fifth Fang
of Magia Lupus, Love Cute!


And I'm the Fourth Fang, Milo Genius.


T-Two double-liners. We're done for.

Thank you for bringing me into this world,
Dad and Mom. I'm sorry.



Don't give up before we've even started.

It's a super underdog victory
if we can get through this.

I'll show you the power
of the protagonist, you side characters.

Wow, so cool!
You really sound like a main character!



Where is everyone?

Did you get separated from your friends?

You're from that other day...

It has been a while.

Come to think,
I had not introduced myself yet.

I am the Second Fang
of Magia Lupus, Abyss Razor.


I hope you will remember me.

Oh. Yes, thank you.

How you moved about the other day...

It was quite impressive.

Oh, um, thanks.

I noticed it back then.

You're unable to use magic, aren't you?


Th-Th-That's not necessarily t-t-true.

You seem a little agitated.

Wh-What makes you th-think that?

I'm not.

You don't have to worry.

Just like you,

I am someone abhorred by this world.

You must have your reasons for being here.

But I, too, have my reasons.

Huh? You sound like
you're planning to defeat me.

I'll beat the stuffing out of you.

With all I've got.

In order to rescue Lemon,

Mash and company's battle against
the Magia Lupus was about to begin.