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01x06 - Mash Burnedead and the Magic of Iron

Posted: 01/07/24 11:10
by bunniefuu
Mash and the g*ng were
supposed to defeat forest scorpions

for their outdoor class.

By the way, they look like this.

But Silva from Lang dorm
for some reason came to pick a fight.

What will you do, Mash?


What the hell is going on?

The difference in magic power is too big.

Shroom Head looks like
he ain't gonna be of any help.

I gotta think. Think.

How can I save that girl?

Hey, now, was that it?

What a letdown.

What'd you say?

I said it's a letdown
if you don't do anything.

You piece of scum.

So now...

I'm willing to give you guys one chance.


A chance?

Yeah, that's right.

Endure five hits from my magic,
and I'll leave that girl alone.

Of course, I'll follow the school rules
and bet one silver coin, too.

How about it?

It's not a bad deal, is it?

Hmm? Well?

Not up for it?

That condition is insane!

All right.

You got a deal.

You can't! If you do,
a serious injury won't be the end of it!

I'll be fine. It's only five hits.

What you talkin' about? It's not just you.
For that Mushroom Head over there, too.

He ain't got nothing to do with this!

Oh, yeah? You don't get to decide that.

All right.

I'll take his hits, too.

Can't complain about that, yeah?

What a riot!

Can you endure ten hits?


This is a problem I got myself into.

I'll get through it somehow.

Iron Fist.

This might be bad.

How's that?

You think you can endure ten of these?

Iron Fist!

I'm not done yet!








Actually, there's a certain boy
threatening me.

I don't know what I should do.

Bet I look like an idiot.

Even I get it.

It all was too good to be true.

But because I'm an idiot...

I can't fully doubt anything.

Like that girl's tears.

I'm surprised you endured it.

As a reward, the last one
will be an extra big one!

Iron Fist!

What a pity.

But did you really think
you could endure—

Ten hits.

You're done.

This guy...


that promise...

I ke—


You idiot.

Idiot, idiot, idiot!

Just how stupid can you really be?

Of course you can't stay standing!

I got a clean hit on you with my magic!

Shroom Head...

take that girl, and run.

I'll somehow make everything work.

Iron Fist.

What are you blathering on about?

Shroom Head...

please, take that girl—

What an idiot.

I know you're under my charm spell,

but I didn't think
you'd be this desperate.

Come on, don't say that.

This guy is truly an idiot.

Basically, he's having a delusion!

Does he think he's
the main character or something?

That's so cheesy.

I hate stuffy guys like you.

But, well, seeing you like that
totally cracks me up.

Dissed by the girl
you sacrificed yourself to protect!

This guy is the sorriest excuse for a man!


You guys have gone far enough.

Bring it on.

Now it's my turn
to take that ten-hit challenge.

Come at me, scumbag.

I wonder if Mash is all right.


He's got to be all right. He's Mash.

That's right! He even bested
that professor during the entrance exams.

There are different types of magic users.

White Mages excel
at scholarship and support magic.

Red Mages excel at combat.

Mash has been facing White Mages so far.

But any Red Mage past their first year
is really tough.

Double-liners are not uncommon.

Among them,
those that equal or surpass Mash...

are a dime a dozen.

Well, well, well.

That's quite a statement.

What really pisses me off
are people like you and this guy...

hypocrites that are weak, but act tough.

Seeing guys like this,
I just wanna completely mess them up,

mess up that disgusting pride
and mentality.

When they realize they were tricked
and are left helpless,

their faces start twisting up.

It totally cracks me up!


My clothes are slightly singed
thanks to him.

Don't make a fool of me, you scum!

You think you can win against me?

I earned two gold coins
during my first year!

My base power
is way stronger than you guys!

And you're in high spirits,
saying you'll k*ll me?

Go ahead and try, you lowlife!

Come on! Come on!
Where'd that energy go?

Go on and k*ll me!

Triceps Magic...

Ballista Knuckle.

Triceps Magic, huh?

I've never heard that before.

Are you serious?

Don't make me say it again.

Me and you are on...




I-I earned two coins last year
as a first-year.

My magic is top-tier
among the second-years.

I have the skill!

Crap, crap, crap!

I absolutely can't win. Me?

No good. I can't stand.
I have no strength in my body.

I can't tolerate one more hit!

What the hell is this guy?

He sat down? Why?

That makes two.


You're going to endure ten hits, right?

Show me how much better you are.

You have eight more to go.


Think you can go for the third hit?

Damn it, this is bad, really bad.

Any more hits ain't good. I'll die!

I have to come up with some plan.



Its forehead stone is star-shaped.

Perfect! Forest scorpions worth
more than one silver coin exist!

If I can escape while the giant
forest scorpion fights Mushroom Head...

I'm busy right now.


You gotta be kidding me.

I earned two gold coins in my first year!

I can't let them keep mocking me.

Why don't we call it quits?

I kinda feel bad for you.

Crap, crap.
I didn't even imagine Silva losing.

What should I do?
At this rate, I'm gonna be...

I'm sorry.

He made me do it.

I was scared and couldn't disobey.

I truly am sorry.

I'm such a terrible person, aren't I?

It's all right.


Men are total suckers.




...treat everyone equally.

This guy's got some screws loose.

Mash, are you okay?

You're all beat up!

It's nothing.

So you fought that second-year
named Silva after all?


That's amazing, Mash!

You even defeated a star-stone scorpion.

That's two silver coins!

That's amazing!

You went that far just for me.

Aren't you going at a good pace
since you started, Mash?

I'm sorry.

No, thank you.

Let's hurry over to the Nurse's Office!

What an idiot.

That's so cheesy.


you look pretty banged up.

Are you okay?



What's wrong with this guy? Freaky!

Help me!

Shroom Head.

Sorry for getting you
caught up in all that.

Thanks, man.

That's not like you.

Yeah? Shut your damn mouth,
or I'll k*ll you for real!

I totally felt embarrassed as I
squeezed those words out of my mouth!

Give me a break!

I'm not giving a break or anything.

I'll k*ll you!

You were targeted, Mash.

I overheard something earlier.

Lang is hunting for coins,
and they're mainly targeting Adler.

That second-year named Silva must have
picked a fight with you because of that.


Lang dorm is made up
of the upper crust and their cronies.

They're so-called moralists.
They value birthright above all else.

They'll do anything they can
to prevent us nobodies

from getting into the Bureau of Magic.

Looks like it's starting.

The great w*r for the coins
against Lang's elite, the Magia Lupus!


Magia Lupus.

I thought of a story idea like that
back when I was about 12.


I see.


One from Pierced Eyebrow
and two from the giant scorpion.

With five silvers,
I finally have a gold coin.


That light makes your face—

My eyes!

Wait, I didn't know we had separate dorms.

Of course we were separated.

You know we were sorted
right after entering, right?

Oh. Now that you mention it...

We will now sort the new students
into their dorms.

Touch the unicorn's horn,
and through your magic power,

it will read your thoughts and ideas
to select a dorm that suits you.

First up, Egalt Vansom.



I sense willingness in you
and wisdom to match.

You are most suited for...

Orca dorm.

All right!

- Thank you very much!
- Next, Alben Smith.



Dauntless courage and a pioneering spirit.

It's Adler dorm for you.

Hmm. You have strong magical power,
radical ideas, and a challenging nature.

You belong in Lang dorm.

Heh. Centuries have passed
since I was given this role.

Not once have I misjudged,
as I can read people's thoughts.

- Now, keep them coming!
- Next, Mash Burnedead.


Oh, I need to control my power. Sorry.


Wait, he's only thinking
about cream puffs.

What's with this guy?

Isn't there anything
other than cream puffs?

Seriously, what are you thinking about?
What's with that face?

No, this is bad. Several centuries
into dorm selection at our academy,

not once have I
been stumped for an answer.

Okay, let's try this again.


A cream puff is a confection
where batter is baked into a hollow shell

and custard cream is packed
into the empty space inside.

Especially for Choux Au Craquelin,
where gooey cream fills a brittle shell.

And if one were to make an analogy
with humans, it's someone

- harboring kindness within strength—
- It's suddenly gotten eloquent!

Cream puff lovers go to Adler!

That... was a leap of logic!


Oh, yeah, there was that.

So that was...

- Mash.
- This guy.

I see.


Lang's elite, the Magia Lupus,

are a group
of seven distinguished students.

That Pierced Eyebrow
must be one of their lackeys.

They've been grabbing up coins
to sway who the Divine Visionary will be.

Since you have a coin...

keep your distance from Lang,
and stick with dormmates whenever you can.

Okay. I will.

But Lance's warning was in vain...

and Mash found himself lost in school.

Where's the next class?

Here it is, I think.

Should I push or pull to open this door?


I always get it wrong.

Do I push or pull? Hmm...

I-I'm sorry!

I'm terribly sorry!

Look, you said you wanted to join us,

and that's why Lord Abel
gave you a chance.

Furthermore, you let Adler take a coin.

O-Once more! Please give me one more chan—

You misunderstand.


I gave a chance?

That makes it sound
like I expected something out of him.

Oh, man, sorry 'bout that.

Humans worthy
of making this world go round...

must be chosen individuals.

Perfect education.
Overwhelming talent. Noble bloodline.

We're collecting coins
to create a world free of impurities.

But what about you?

You can't even become
a sacrificial pawn for our objective.

Pathetic wretch. You have my sympathy.

It must be hard to go on living,
knowing that you're worthless.

But rest assured.

You no longer need to think
about such things.

The Divine Visionary should be me.

Not some riffraff from Adler.



A world free of impurities.

It will be my—


I couldn't figure out
whether to push or pull this door open.


Also, you know
that's a doll you're talking to?

Thank you
for bringing that to my attention.