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01x08 - Coronation

Posted: 01/07/24 10:46
by bunniefuu
Today at 21:00

Coronation of Her Majesty Dorothea

New Imperial Coronation

Starting Soon

New Imperial Coronation

Starting Soon

The coronation will begin shortly.

Looks, it's Little Redia.

He's so cute.

Oz here. No problems on the Central Avenue.

It's a peaceful night.

The 23rd emperor of the Redia Empire,

His Majesty, Emperor Goethe,
brought about the Gear Expansion.

Through it, human civilization
made rapid progress,

and we gained the strength to carve out
a new future for ourselves.

We no longer need the power of the witches.

Our scientific and military might
seized dignity for humankind.

And the kind Emperor Goethe always extended

a hand to us as he walked
with us side by side.


Not even our beloved emperor
could overcome his illness.

He brought prosperity to
our nation—nay, the world,

and the people of Redia have endured
sleepless nights without our emperor.

But that ended with last night.

Our nation welcomes its new monarch.

Ten, nine,

eight, seven, six,

five, four, three, two,


Please welcome Her Majesty, Queen Dorothea!

Coronation of Her Majesty, Dorothea

Standing ovation!

Incredible outfits. Thank you!

I'd still follow her even if she raised taxes!
In fact, I'd love to pay more!

The new queen is super young! Totally my type

I see only hope in this country's future

What a historic moment! I'm euphoric
that I'm getting to see it in real time

No one can replace her! Too cute!

Has a fan club been established yet?!! I'd totally join lol

Long live the queen \[^o^]/ Long live the queen \[^o^]/

Y-Your Majesty! Oh... oh... [speechless]

I haven't been this excited in a while.
Beauty heals the heart.

Little sister of the people,
wife of the people, fave
of the people lol As the
queen, she can be all of them!

I looove the queen, too!

Whoaaa she's so pretty

She must be a goddess

Is she a fairy?

Is she a goddess?

The supreme goddess!

So pretty!

So cute!

I want to become a road so she'll step on me

I'd gladly lick her shoes. Her legs, too.

Stop turning "queen"
into a brand new fetish lol

I'm not getting monarch vibes from her.
She must be a goddess or something.

How was someone this beautiful born?
She's on another level...

Hello, everyone! I love all of you!

A witch and the monarch of humanity?

What has the world come to?

She exterminated her own kind with
science while ruling the world as its queen.

This witch known as Dorothea...

is even crazier than predicted.

Meanwhile, in the Wastelands of the Southern Hemisphere

Huh. Her Majesty Dorothea is divine.

But this kinda feels like...

Head of the Redia Empire
National Intelligence Agency
Senior Director Shirousagi

my childhood friend
has become the school's idol.

I know. The mission comes first, right?

He's a smart kid.

He broke the device he took
from Yamato, so I can't use it to trace him.

Fine, then.

I'll have to find him the hard way.

The boy loved by a goddess.

So, what are you going to do?

Just so you know, I'm not
going to stop seeking revenge.

I actually have a suggestion.

There are kind people like
Mr. Punch and his friends, so...

So I should avoid
fighting people like them?

I don't think so.

I've allowed you to accompany me,
but let me make one thing clear.

Don't get in my way.


Also... Also!

Uh, y-yes?

I want to confirm your
"Love Magic" makes men fall

in love with you so you can control them.

Is that correct?


Then why didn't you cast that magic on me?

That day, in Redia,

when we first met.

Ophelia must've ordered you to kidnap me,
even if it meant using that magic.

After all, that would've
been the most effective way.

But you didn't cast any spells on me.

Why not?

Why did you try to convince me instead?

Because you wouldn't have liked our
first meeting to go like that, would you?

Yeah, that would've sucked.

Sand Land...

It's a small town, but it's in ruins.

Maybe there's no one here.

Wait here.

I'm going to look around. Got it?

What? Hey, wait.

I'll go with you.

I won't get in your way. Please.

Anyway, what's with the bag?

Oh, this?

Mr. Punch gave me a bunch
of things to take with me.

I've got canned goods, dried bread,
bandages, blankets, and drinks.

Drinks? You mean alcohol?

Also, look! This thing is amazing!

Just watch. Let me turn it on.

Tada! It's a snowman tent.

Mr. Punch said...

It's a little cramped
for a young couple though!

When he gave it to me.

But I tried it out, and it's actually
surprisingly large and warm inside.

Uh-huh. Well, I'm going now.

Wait, what?!

It really is a ghost town.

I wonder if there are actually ghosts here.

No signs of fighting.

So why isn't anyone here?

This seems to be
the biggest building in town.

Hopefully, we can find some information here.

Is it some kind of store?

I'm not sure.

It's pretty run down. Watch your step.

Yeah, I kno—


Wait! I can't see where I'm going!

Ow! The floor bit me!



I'm so sorry...

I told you to be careful.

If you're too noisy, I'll leave you behind.

Do you need help, miss?

Do you need help, miss?

A gh-gh-ghost?

Adonis, it's a ghost! An actual ghost!

Welcome to the Sand Land police station.

The current time is 13:22.

For lost articles, turn right
at the end of the hallway.

For traffic, head straight ahead.

For residential problems, head left.

Do you have your citizen card?

Huh? What?

It's a hologram.

Mr. Hologram?

You know him?

It's just a three-dimensional image.

This is ridiculous. Let's keep going.


I see.

The people who worked here were
police officers who protected everyone.

Yeah, not that there's anyone
to protect anymore.

Well, we mean no harm. Excuse us.

I'm leaving you behind.

Hey, wait.

Welcome to the Sand Land police station.

The current time is 13:23.

Jail cells.

Neither of us have pleasant
memories associated with these.

Oh, my beloved Sasha.


Sorry, Adonis.

Hush. I hear something.

Your eyes are clear and beautiful.

A song?

Even if the light in them goes out,

we'll still have good morning kisses,
humming in the evening,

and the love we shared
as the stars fell around us.

Um, excuse us. We have some questions.

I'll turn them into a song...

Excuse us!

Excuse us!



Wait! Who are you?

What? There should be
no one left in this city.

Don't scare me like that, damn it.

U-Um, we're merely travelers passing through.

I thought my heart was going to stop.



Why did you come here?

As you can see, there's nothing here.

Are you touring abandoned ruins?

We could ask you the same thing.

Why are you the only one left here?

Because I'm a prisoner?

Huh? We're leaving already, Adonis?

We have no business here. Besides...

This place disgusts me.


No business here, huh?

That's what they all said
when they left this city.

The Gear Expansion...

They said humans couldn't
live such old-fashioned lives

now that witches had been wiped out.

The future of humanity... Hope and pride...

They packed up all their grand fantasies
and moved away from this place.

Doesn't it remind you
of the start of the witch hunts?

In this age, we all follow
whoever raises their voice first.

Is there a metropolis nearby?

The city-state of Mamuta is
about 70 kilometers east of here.

I see. Let's go, Doroka.


Sorry to have interrupted your song.

Wait for me, Adonis.


Hey, wait up!

That man is going to starve to death.

There's nobody left in the city.

I know he's a prisoner,
but maybe we could free him.

It's none of our business.

Th-Then, how about we give him
some of the food Mr. Punch gave us?


Was that cell locked?


What that married couple needs isn't food.

Married couple?

What they need is peace and quiet.

I should keep singing my song, Sasha...

It's all right. They're all gone now.

All the people who accused you of being
a witch and locked you in here are gone now.

From now on,

we'll be together.

I'm sorry I couldn't
protect you then, Sasha.

This city only needs enough
room for those two now.

Now let's go...

to Mamuta.