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Sex Game (2024)

Posted: 01/06/24 21:38
by bunniefuu
(foreboding music)

(foreboding music continues)

(distant bird squawking)

(foreboding music continues)

(water rushing)

(water gushing)

(water flowing)

(device beeping)

(device alarm sounding)

(device alarm sounding)

(device alarm sounding)

(device alarm sounding)

(water rushing)

(device alarm sounding)

(device alarm

sounding continues)

(unsettling foreboding music)

(water rushing continues)

(device alarm sounding)

(device beeping)

(unsettling foreboding

music continues)

(device beeping continues)

(blow landing)

(man yelling)

(ominous music)

(water splashing)

(water splashing)

(ominous music continues)

(foreboding music)

(man panting)

(man panting continues)

(man yelping)

(menacing music)

(man gasping)

(man panting)

(menacing music intensifying)

(static hissing)

(bits of music

cutting in and out)

(groovy wistful music)

We've been alone for awhile

Me and my heart, we're tired

As long as you're

away from us

We're just living

in the past

As long as you're

away from us

I'm c*ptive in my heart

And there's a good chance

We won't survive

What have we done to us

What made the curtains fall

Now I can only say,

the show must go on

(groovy wistful music continues)

As long as you're

away from us

I'm c*ptive in my heart

And there's a good chance

We won't survive

We've been alone for awhile

Me and my heart, we're tired

Now I can only say,

the show must go on

(groovy wistful music continues)

As long as you're

away from us

I'm c*ptive in my heart

And there's a good chance

We won't survive

We've been alone for awhile

Me and my heart, we're tired

Now I can only say,

the show must go on

(birds chirping)

(foreboding minimal music)

(birds chirping continues)

(foreboding music continues)

(birds chirping continues)

(grass crunching)

- Another lay?

(lover speaking softly)

(foreboding music intensifying)

(man yelling)

(couple shrieking)

(man yelling in

foreign language)

(woman laughing)

(man yelling in

foreign language)

(mellow cheerful music)

(birds chirping)

(woman laughing)

- Did you get everything?

- Got it.

(vehicle doors shutting)

(vehicle rumbling)

(traffic rumbling)

(horns honking)

(napkin rustling)

(man grunting)

(blows landing)

(minimal mischievous music)

- Welcome back to the

infamous Sex Games Challenge,

m*therf*cking nerds,

geeks, and dorks.

I'm your host with

the most, Vic Fears.

And today we have a very

special episode for you.

We're going, we're

gonna be going live

directly to Italy

with Rachel and Ryan,

who are there on vacation.

They prepared a little

vacation video for us to see,

but spoiler alert.

You know, you can put away

the Vaseline tissues for now.

It's not what you

think, m*therf*ckers.

Anyway, you may

know Rachel and Ryan

from previous challenges,

such as your mother knows, any

dog goes, and marathon blows.

But this time, they'll

take their sex game

to that next f*cking level

that very few ever get to.

But ah, can't spoiler

any shit right now.

So stay tuned, and we'll

be going live very soon.

For those viewers who are

tuning in for the first time,

or who suffer severe memory

loss from severe masturbation,

I recommend that you watch

the previous episodes

to realize just to what

extent these couples go to,

to degrade themselves

in front of you

for the cash prize.

Cash rules everything around

me, cream get the money.

Dollar, dollar

m*therf*cking bills, yo.

So the point is,

you f*cking

self-deprecating nerds

who haven't seen p*ssy

since p*ssy saw them,

stay tuned, buy massive

loads of f*cking

Johnson & Johnson Baby

Oil, and have fun.

Click on your donations.

'Cause without your

f*cking donations,

these people would

probably die of starvation.

'Cause all they do

is f*ck all day long.

No one works.

No one goes to f*cking

school for a better future.

These f*cking sexual

addicts need you,

chronic masturbators,

to survive.

Your donations are fundamental

to the Ultimate Sex Challenge.

Now, you may have seen them

jerk-off their classmates,

unbeknownst to their teacher,

with the hidden cameras.

You might've seen them

flashing in public elevators.

No sexual act is too low.

So how low will they go?

We will show you very soon.

We have a short

video to show you

from the last leg of Ryan and

Rachel's Euro trip f*ck-fest,

coming from Italy now.

But spoiler alert, it's

not what you think.

So you might wanna

wait on getting the

Vaseline and tissues,

you f*cking

sexually-depraved animals.

(lively cheerful music)

(lively cheerful

music continues)

(lively cheerful

music continues)

- [Ryan] So what do you want?

I, I never know what to order.


- Nah.

- Nah.

You think I need

better to eat a salad?

I'm, I'm sorry.

- You think I need a salad?

- Never said that.


- [Rachel] Pizza.

- Pizza.

- Again pizza?

- [Ryan] Really don't know.

- Buongiorno.

- Buongiorno.

(server speaking

foreign language)

(Ryan speaking foreign language)

(server speaking

foreign language)

- Ah, same.

(Ryan and server speaking

foreign language)

- Today we celebrate.

- And what are we

celebrating for?

- Our success in

the last challenge.

You were fantastic yesterday.

- Oh, honey, I love you.

- I love you more.

- Honey, listen to this.

For the lovers of the

extreme, a new challenge.

If you'll brave this, you'll

win the price of 10 grands.

- Ooh.

- The challenge is record

yourself in an act of love

inside of a royal palace.

- Mm-hm.

- The video must be

uploaded two days from now.

Good luck and may

the best couple wins.

- Well, we already won.

We're in Italy.

There are more

historic monuments here

than in the rest of the world.

And how hard can it be

to find a royal one?

- Perfect.



Find it, the nearest one is

half an hour away from here.

- They better prepare

the money bags.

We already won.

(lively upbeat music)

(server speaking

foreign language)

- [Ryan] Grazie.

(lively upbeat music continues)

(lively upbeat music continues)

(lively upbeat music continues)

(lively upbeat music continues)


Another closed one, seriously?

- Forget the prize.

What we do now?

- Don't worry, we'll

find another way, okay?

- Yeah, how?

- Don't know, check the

rules, see is there's

some kind of caveat

we can exploit.

- No, no, no.

Okay, um, if you're unable

to sh**t the video 'cause of

closed or crowded location,

the only way to

complete the challenge

is to go from riches to rags.

You have to find an

isolated location

with a creepy past full

of unsolved mysteries.

The prize for the

alternative solution

is of six grands instead of 10.

- That's fair.

Well, we are in

Italy, aren't we?

We'll find a place, the

outskirts of the towns

are full of strange

and creepy places.

Well, let me check.


Well, ah.

Black magic triangle.


Satanists, I'd rather not.

Devil's Bridge.

I'd rather not mess with him.

Forsaken Villas.

This may be the one.

Abandoned location in the Alps

located near the old

nuclear power plants.

The radiation levels are safe.

But in the '70s and

'80s, there have been

many lost people, and a lot

of work-related injuries.

Sounds good.

- It sounds dangerous.

- Oh, come on, I'm sure

it's because of the boss

who was kind of Scrooge

who didn't want to pay

for security checks.

Or some mobster who wanted

some sweetness to disappear.

Come on, we'll be fine.

- If you say so.


Let's go.

- Come on,

let's hop in the car.

(vehicle rumbling)

(foreboding minimal music)

(vehicle rumbling continues)

(bird chirping)

(vehicle approaching)

(foreboding music continues)

You know you always hear that

these little mountain towns

are full of strange,

creepy, interesting people.

I only see old geezers.

Only old people.

- Yeah.

Oh look, we get

to the cable car.

- Finally.

Again, and then once

again in the parking lot.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

(vehicle rumbling)

(birds chirping)

Mm, finally.

- It's strange weather.

Was sunny before.

Just a few minutes ago.

Now it's cloudy.

- We're in the mountains.

One minute might be sunny,

the next might be cloudy.

The next, might be raining.

Rain the next.

- Ew.

(door shutting)

- Okay.

Let's go.

- Yep.

(foreboding music)


Excuse me, sir, could you give

us some informations, please?

I'll take it as a yes.

We are trying to go to

the abandoned village.

Can you tell us if, is this the

right cable car to go there?

- Why?

- 'Cause it will be so

kind of you to tell us.

- Why you want to go there?

No one goes there.

Especially two city

losers like you.

- Excuse me.

We want to go there

because we want to go there.

And I think it's none

of your business.

- You're right.

It's not my business.

But you should listen to me.

No one goes there.

It's been decades now.

In the '70s,

this whole area was

nuclear power plants.

But then greed.

Greed changes everything.

Sooner or later,

hits you in the back.

There were a few accidents.

But for the community,

it was okay.

Few questions.

A lot of work, a lot of money.

Then people start dying.

It was the water.

(foreboding music)

Was the air.

All, the whole area

was quarantined.

People could not escape.

People start dying.

They were hunting each other.

People were dying.

Children were

with disease.

The death was all

around the mountains.

You should, you

should not go there.

Don't, don't go there.

Don't go there.

Don't go there.

- Charming, I think

we'll be on our way.

You've being very kind.

Have a lovely day.

- Wait, wait, wait!

Take this.

It's for the radiation.

If you hear it, run.

- Riveting, have a lovely

day, thank you kindly.

- Beware the hunters!




- Let me tell you, this

freaking thing doesn't work.

- Oh, don't worry,

we'll just look around.

We'll find something.

Can't be this far off.

- Well, we can always go back.

What can go wrong (chuckles)?

- [Ryan] We're pretty

high, aren't we?

- Yeah, we are.

- Just imagine

how it'd be too fall!

(Rachel screaming)

(Ryan laughing)

- Idiot.

(birds chirping)

- Well, now we walk.

- What?

Um, I'm not dressed up

for hiking in the woods,

you know?

- If you prefer,

we can just go back and

screw the challenge.

- No.

- Are you sure this

is the right way?

- I think so.

Before this freaking

thing stop working,

it says the place should be

one miles away from here.

- Fine, one place

is good as any other

to just land a tent

and do something.

(mellow cheerful music)

(mellow cheerful

music continues)


(voice echoing)

- Woo!

(voice echoing)

- Hey oh!

(voice echoing)

(grass rustling)

(mellow cheerful

music continues)

This is a nice one.

- Um, yeah.

- So how about we

plant the tent here

and start practicing

for our challenge.

(both giggling)

- Sounds nice.

- Welcome back to the

Sex Game Challenge,

you m*therf*cking degenerate

sickos and sickettes.

I'm your host with the most,

Vic m*therf*cking Fierce.

Last time we tuned in, it

was getting kind of hot

in here because our

horny f*cking couple,

Rachel and Ryan, were

trying to break in

to the royal palace of

Turin for the grand prize

of 10 m*therf*cking

thousand dollars, U.S.

If you're lucky, I might

take off something else,

you know what I'm saying?

Nah, just joking.

Anyway, since that didn't go

down, some guard caught them.

Since that didn't go down,

since some f*cking

bastard guard caught them,

they decided to go for the

second grand prize of six K.

Which is, remember, huh?

To f*ck in a haunted town.

Now, I personally believe

in those m*therf*cking

ghouls and ghosts.

I don't know about you guys.

But the idea of them

watching as they get it on

kind of makes me, ah, eh.

You know what I'm saying?

Anyway, let's go.

Oh, we, we ah, we see

that Rachel finally

found some signal.

So let's go live to them

and get a little update

on their f*cking progress.

(birds chirping)

(stone tapping)

- Hello, guys, what's up?

So apparently we arrived

in this lost woods

for the challenge,

and we couldn't take

the challenge at the royal

palace because it was closed.

So tomorrow, we'll

do the challenge

in an abandoned village.


There, my big man

is planting the tent

for us tonight.

Hello, how's it going?

(stone tapping)

- f*ck.

- Oh, poor thing.

Oh no.

- f*ck.

- Poor, my little thing, no.

- Told ya, I would've met.

(birds chirping continues)

See, told ya.

- Guys, look, this is my man.

Mm-hm, he planted the tent.

So good.

- Bye.

- See you tomorrow.

(birds chirping continues)

(foreboding music)

(crickets warbling)

(creature skittering)

(device beeping faintly)



(Ryan groaning)

Wake up.

- What?

(Rachel speaking softly)

(Ryan groaning)

(tent rustling)

(zipper unzipping)

(device beeping)

(foreboding music)

(creature skittering)

- [Rachel] Hun.

- Wait here.

- Don't go.

- Don't worry, it's fine.

Okay, it's fine.

(device beeping)

(critters warbling)


Is anyone there?

(foreboding music)

(device beeping)

Is anyone there!

So we can have a

laugh together, right?

(device beeping)

(foreboding music continues)

(Rachel crying)

(menacing music)

(device beeping quicker)

(Rachel screaming)

(device beeping)


It's me.

Come here, come here.

(Rachel sobbing)

Hey, it's fine, it's fine.

It's all right, it's all right.

(device beeping)

Yeah yeah yeah yeah.

- Where were you?

- Just outside.

(Rachel crying)

I was just here,

I was just here.

- [Rachel] I was so scared.

- I'm here, okay?

I'm here.

It's fine.

Everything's fine.

(birds chirping)

(tent rustling)

(zipper unzipping)

(foreboding music)

Rachel, come here.

- Yeah?

What is this?

Don't, don't touch it!

Maybe it is the

thing we saw tonight.

(birds chirping continues)

I'm still shivering.

- Probably is just

some, some child

who thinks he's

funnier than he is.

- The weirdo, it's the

guy at the cable car.

He shouted something, but.

- There you have it.

Must be him, or his son.

They woke up in the night

and thought it would've been

so funny to pull a prank on us.

- What a f*cking sense of humor.

- Indeed.

- Honey, let's

finish this challenge

and go away from here ASAP.

- Indeed again.

Let's go.

(branches rattling)

- [Rachel] Ah.

- [Ryan] Hey, you okay?

- [Rachel] Yeah.

(foreboding music)

(birds chirping)

f*ck off the idea of

dressing up like this.

'Cause we are going

to Hollywood party.

- You're right.

But we have to do this

for the followers.

- Screw the followers.

If I have bristles under my

feet, you'll carry me, okay?

- Love, we have to keep going.

We barely have enough

money on our account to pay

for the gasoline

to go back home.

Also, I can already hear

the river, so we are close.

We find the right place.

We sh**t our video,

we win the challenge.

We win the six grands.

And we go back home.

Happy and rich, right?

- Yeah, you're right.

- Let's go.

(mellow cheerful music)

(birds chirping)

(mellow cheerful

music continues)

(mellow cheerful

music continues)

(traffic rumbling)

(horns honking)

- Welcome back to the ultimate

sexual online experience,

you chronic f*cking

degenerate masturbators.

Last time we tuned in

to Rachel and Ryan,

they had very poor signal,

and they were looking for

an abandoned house in the

ghost cannibal town of Schultze

to perform their final

sexual challenge.

And any moment now, eh,

any moment now,

they'll be sending us

their final sex challenge tape.

So get the baby oil-Vaseline

tissues and donations ready,

because without your sweet

little contributions,

we wouldn't be here right now.

So thank you and

f*ck you very much.

(wind gusting)

(birds chirping)

(bird squawking)

(minimal foreboding music)

(Ryan sighing)

- There you have it.

Abandoned village.

- Uh-huh.

(minimal foreboding

music continues)

(insects warbling)

(bird chirping)

- But it is perfect

for, for the challenge.

I didn't exactly get

what happened here.

Just know that at once

a point, everyone left.

Intriguing, isn't it?

- Uh.


It's kind of scary.

Well, let's find small place

where to do the challenge.

- Let's go.

(insects warbling continues)

(foreboding music continues)

(bird chirping)

(foreboding music intensifying)

- [Rachel] This

one seems perfect.

(foreboding music continues)

(foreboding music continues)

(wood creaking)

(wood creaking continues)


- Hello there.

(wood creaking continues)

(wistful pensive music)

(wistful pensive

music continues)

(wood creaking continues)

(wistful pensive

music continues)

(insects warbling)

(unsettling music)

(foliage rustling)

(Rachel yelping)

You son of a-

- What was that?

- Hey!



Where the f*ck you

think you're going?

These f*cking creeps.


(unsettling music continues)

Come back here, you assh*le!


assh*le, where are you?

f*ck sake this.

(water rushing)

(foliage rustling)

f*cking assh*le.

Hey, where are you?

(foreboding music)

(water rushing continues)

(menacing music)


(insects warbling)

(menacing music continues)

(Ryan grunting)

- Ryan-

- Rachel.

- Where were you?

- We have to go.

- But don't ever leave me alone.

- No, no, no, we have to go now.

- What happened?

- I chased the thing

down to the river.

There was blood everywhere.

- Blood?

- We, I think someone

died there, we have to go now.


Gimme this.

Go, go, go, go.

Look here, let's go.

(foreboding music)

(insects warbling)

(bird chirping)

(foreboding music continues)

Where's the tent?

Where's the f*cking tent?

- No.

- f*ck.

- No.

- Must have been the thing.

- [Rachel] Honey, I'm exhausted.

- [Ryan] What are we going

to do now without our stuff?

(birds chirping)

(sticks breaking)

- Ryan, I heard the noise.

- Who was it?

- I, I, I don't know,

but we have to go.

- Come on.

- Can't stay here.

- The cable car

ain't far, come on.

(foreboding music)

(foreboding music continues)

No, no, no, no, no, no.



(foreboding music continues)


- There's no signal.

- Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.

We can, we can start walking

down the mountain, okay?

We find a house or a

farm, or who knows what.

And we'll ask for a phone.

All right, okay?

It's fine.

It's fine, okay, okay.

- Okay.

- Okay, let's go.

(traffic rumbling)

(horns honking)

- I don't know what happened.

We are suffering some

technical difficulties

it seems, because we

were told that the video

would be arriving shortly,

and, ah, it has not arrived.

Now, whether it's

the poor signal

they have in the ghost

town of Schultze, Italy,

or God knows what happened,

we don't know.

I see from the comments below

that there's great anticipation.

I see from the comments below.

Unfortunately, uh,

I, I am very sad.

I'm very, I'm, I

am more than sad.

I am aggressively

f*cking pissed off!

That this f*cking video

hasn't arrived yet.

Our viewers are there

with their cocks in hand

just waiting for

the f*cking thing

to be uploaded any second now.

The anticipation is

not only k*lling me,

but it's making me

extremely f*cking horny.

I'm gonna go and

ask my assistant

to f*cking jerk me

off in the moment

because I can't take

this shit no more.

I don't know what to say.

These things are not

supposed to happen.

It's not professional of them.

But hey, maybe they got

caught in a shit storm.

Maybe, ah, they couldn't

find the proper house.

Were f*cking on the street,

some neighbors saw them,

and shot them with a

f*cking salt air r*fle.

We don't know.

We don't know, the moment

we know, you have my word,

you have Vic Fierce's

f*cking word.

I just have one

word, like my balls,

I don't break them

for f*cking nobody.

You got me, one word, that,

my word, which is worth

its f*cking weight

in f*cking cock.

(hands slapping)

So, as we greatly anticipate

the arrival of Rachel and

Ryan's final sex challenge tape,

I have to address some

of the comments below.

Especially this one

comment from SugarCube69.

Complaining that the

show is not professional.

SugarCube69, you

f*cking degenerate

cock-sucking low life,

no-sex-having piece

of f*cking shit.

We see that you

contributed only 10 euros

in the past month, and

you've been masturbating

to our f*cking

show for 12 months.

That's not even f*cking

one Euro a month.

That's nothing.

You're f*cking nothing.

Your mom is nothing.

Your father is nothing,

you're f*cking disgusting.

You're a degenerate

f*cking cock-in-hand,



f*cking cock-sucking,


ball-snatching cockroach

up the ass f*cking shit.

I don't even have the f*cking

words to describe you.

I've been giving you the best

f*cking underground content

on the web.

You cock-sucking piece of shit

I've ever f*cking seen.

And this is the f*cking

thanks that you show me?

Because of a technical delay,

which has nothing

to do with the show.

Are you serious?

Actually, you know what?

SugarCube69, you've

been officially blocked.

Actually probably

didn't even see

the last of my f*cking sentence!

'Cause I already

blocked you midway

through the f*cking sentence.

f*ck you and the

hole you came from.


I'm interested in knowing

your own personal

sexual experiences.

Where's the craziest

place you ever f*cked?

And with who and why?

Is there a why?

Or are we just animals?

Drugged by a deep desire,

instinct-based desire,

to just procreate?

And society made shit

complicated for us.

You can't f*ck here,

you can't f*ck there.

You need permission.

The f*ck outta here.

So that's all for tonight's

masturbation session

on the world-famous

Sex Games Challenge.

My name, as you well know,

the host with the

most, the Vic Fears.

And everyone out there,

suck my f*cking d*ck.

(birds chirping)

- Honey.

- Uh?

- [Rachel] I'm exhausted.

- Come on, we just

have to find a phone.

Remember the challenge,

- Screw the challenge!

I just want to go home.

And take a shower.

And, and, and sleep

in a comfy bed

in a four-star hotel room.

(birds chirping continues)

- And how are we supposed

to pay for the stars,

and the room, and the bed

without the money

of the challenge?

- Just find a way to take

back my butt to town.

And I'll find a way

to earn some money.

In a way or another.

(birds chirping continues)

- There, you see?

A house already.

Nothing to worry about.

(foreboding music)

(birds chirping continues)

(foreboding music continues)

(foreboding music continues)

(foreboding music continues)

- Wait, what if the

creature sleeps here?

- We have to

get in, find a phone, get out.


(birds chirping continues)

(foreboding music continues)

(metal squeaking)

(metal squeaking)

Let's be quiet.

There might be someone here.

- What kind of a place is this?

(Rachel groaning)

(foreboding music continues)

The smell is atrocious.

(draw rattling)

(foreboding music continues)

(menacing music)

- [Ryan] Found something?

- [Rachel] Just dust.

(wood creaking)

(knob rattling)

It's locked.

- [Ryan] Let me try.

(knob rattling)

(door opening)

(Ryan grunting)

- [Rachel] Oh god.

- What the f*ck happened here?

(foreboding music)

(door shutting)

(Rachel yelping)

- Let's, I don't wanna be here.

Please, let's go.

- You're right.

Let's get out of here.

first we need to find a phone.

- f*ck the f*cking phone.

(something banging)

- f*ck, he's back.

(footstep reverberating)

(foreboding music continues)

- [Rachel] What do we do?

What do we do now?

(knob rattling)

- f*ck.

Over here.

(foreboding music)

(door shutting)

(something banging)

(bucket scraping)

(foreboding music continues)

(metal rattling)

(Rachel whimpering)

(bottles rattling)

(foreboding music continues)

(ominous music)

(Rachel yelping)

(foreboding music)

(foreboding music continues)

(creature growling)

(Rachel screaming)



(wood banging)

(wood banging)

(Ryan grunting)

Rachel, are you okay?

I don't (indistinct) again.

I can't free myself either.

The rope is too tight.

(footsteps approaching)

(wood creaking)

(footsteps reverberating)

(menacing music)

(metal scraping)

(menacing music continues)

(menacing music continues)

(door creaking open)

(door shutting)

Rachel, are you okay?

- Hurry, let's get free

and run away from here.


- There are drawers

under the table.

Try and look, if you can find

a knife or, or something.

(tense music)

(wood sliding)

(metal reverberating)



Please cut loose.

(Ryan grunting)

The door.


(metal rattling)

Of course.

(metal jangling)

- Found this.

- [Ryan] Let's go.

(door rattling)

(wood banging)

(ominous music)

(Ryan grunting)

(ominous aggressive music)

(ominous aggressive

music continues)

(ominous aggressive

music continues)

(ominous aggressive

music continues)

(foreboding tense music)

(ominous aggressive music)

(ominous aggressive

music continues)

- No, I can't leave you behind!

(tense music)

- If you, if you want to

leave, you, you have to go.

That thing's an hunter.

And I'm loosing too much blood.

He'll track us down.

I'm, I'm wounded prey.

- No.

No no no.

- Hey hey, stay, stay here.

Okay, okay, I have an idea.

Okay, okay.

- [Ryan] What is it?

- Trust me.


(Ryan panting)

(birds chirping)

(Ryan grunting)

(foreboding music)

- Hey.

Hey, you assh*le.

I'm here.

(Ryan coughing)

(Ryan laughing)

(sinister music)

(Ryan gasping)

- Hey!


Say hello to my little friend.

(Rachel grunting)

(rock smacking)

(unsettling music)

(Rachel panting)


Hey, hey.

Please, hey, we did it.

Please, please.


(somber ethereal music)


Don't leave me please.

Please don't leave me.

Please, look at me.

(somber ethereal

music continues)

(Rachel screaming)

(somber ethereal

music continues)

(somber ethereal

music continues)

(somber ethereal

music continues)

(water flowing)

(somber ethereal

music continues)

(somber ethereal

music continues)

(somber ethereal

music continues)

(insects warbling)

(sinister music)

(crickets warbling)

(foreboding music)

(grass crunching)

(foreboding music continues)

(footsteps approaching)

(Rachel whimpering)

(ominous music)

(ominous music continues)

(man snarling)

(minimal mischievous music)

- Welcome back to

the m*therf*cking

Sex Games Challenge.

I'm your host with the most,

Vic m*therf*cking Fears.

And unfortunately, as

Shakespeares once said,

shit does happen.

And when it happens, uh, you

gotta make the most with it.

And on with the next one.

Show must go on.

So Ryan and Rachel,

last we heard from them,

they were headed to the

cannibalistic ghost town

of Schultze, Italy

for their, uh,

second grand prize of 6,000.

But something must

have happened.

The video never came through.

We hope they came,

because if you don't cum,

what's the point of

f*cking life, right?

You sexual sickos (chuckles).

Point being the show must go on.

So we're looking

for new participants

here on the very

famous casting couch,

if you know what I mean.

For the Sex Games Challenge.

Some of the new

challenges include

Golden Shower During Golden

Hour, for our film enthusiasts.

You know, the golden

hour is either

at sunset or dawn, where

the light is just perfect

to get peed on.

Having said this,

oh, we have the, uh,

the fan favorite request.

We must have a lot of

Fight Club enthusiasts

amongst our fellow masturbators.

The masturbating in the,

in the mashed potatoes,

the mashed potato

masturbation session

in a three-star restaurant.

Or more, you f*cking whore.

Because the point

is, it's too easy

to masturbate in the local diner

where they probably know you.

At midnight.

You wanna go in the jam-packed,

in the center of town,

restaurant, good Yelp reviews,

and find a way of getting to

the kitchen, and masturbate.

That's not as easy

as it may sound.

I know because I tried it a

few times in my earlier days.


Do you have what it takes?

Do you have what it

takes to be a winner

with your wiener?

Here on the Sex Games Challenge?

'Cause if you do,

send us your cock pics,

your p*ssy f*cking pics,

at the email address below,

and get ready to

blow for the show.

(mischievous music)

(mischievous music continues)

(mischievous music continues)

(mischievous music continues)

- [Woman] Oh yeah.

- [Man] Oh god, yes.

(man moaning)

(audio distorting)

(discordant music)

(unsettling music)

(unsettling music continues)

(unsettling music continues)

(unsettling music continues)

(unsettling music continues)

(unsettling music continues)