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Love Kills (2023)

Posted: 01/06/24 21:35
by bunniefuu
(dramatic music)

(dramatic music continues)

(dramatic music continues)

(dramatic music continues)

(dramatic music continues)

(dramatic music continues)

(dramatic music continues)

(dramatic music continues)

(dramatic music continues)

(glass shattering)

(engine humming)

(door clattering)

- f*ck him.

Does he know he's dealing with?

We agreed on a price

on those condos,

and they're going up with or

without his f*cking permission.

And you can tell Juan I will

personally fly down there

and shove my size-11

Gucci straight up his ass

if this deal goes sideways.

(door clattering)

- God, what the f*ck

are you doing here?

- I saw that shithead's

car wasn't in the driveway,

so I let myself in.

- You can't just walk

into someone else's house

whenever you feel

like it, you idiot.

- You are my daughter.

- Stepdaughter, and

that is not by choice.

- Your mother's in the car

f*cking worried sick about you.

She wants to know when

you're coming home.

- I am home.

- You guys are a bunch

of f*cking slobs.

- Get out.

- Cute panties.

- God, I said get out.

- Your mother and I are headed

to the Keys for the week.


- Oh, God, get

away from my stuff.

(hand thudding)

Is that where your

funeral's being held?

Because if it is,

then count me in.

Now, get the f*ck out.

- Listen to me,

you little bitch.

If you wanna keep getting

that money every month

from your mother,

which is my money,

we're gonna have to work

out a little arrangement.


- I'm curious what my mother

would think about that,

you pathetic perv.

- Do you think your

mother's gonna believe

an antidepressant,

pill-popping junkie,

who sits around all day

drawing broken hearts

and f*cking her geriatric

ex-con boyfriend?

- He's only 40, and he was

in prison a long time ago.

- He is ancient.

- You're disgusting.

+- You know what I

think is disgusting?

I think f*cking a

card-carrying member

of AARP falls into

that category.

- He's not a member of AARP.

What's AARP?

- I think your mother's gonna

believe her distinguished,


multi-millionaire boyfriend.

Your poor father

is probably rolling

around in his grave right now.

- Don't you f*cking dare

talking about my father.

- The man is dead three years.

Get over it.

- [Erin] Lindsey, What

the hell is going on?

- [Barry] Honey, I just asked

her to put on some clothes

and just wanted to know

when she was coming home.

- He's lying, mom.

He's a f*cking liar.

He came in here-

- We need to talk

to her doctor and see if

you can up her dosage.

These outbreaks have to stop.

- Wait.

- Mom, no, okay?

He came in here staring

at me all weird.

He was talking-

- Lindsey.

- about Dad again.

- Lindsey, Lindsey.

- When we get back from

the Keys, let's take a ride

to the doctor and see

if he can give you

something stronger than Prozac.

- It's him, mom.

It's not me.

- [Barry] Sweetheart,

I know it's been tough

since your father's been gone,

and I'm not trying

to replace him.

- Just get the f*ck out, God.

- Okay.

- Go, Mom.

(door slamming)

(Lindsey sighs)

(Lindsey sobbing)

(doorbell ringing)

(latch clicking)

- Hello, ma'am.

- Sorry, we don't want any.

- I'm not here to sell

anything but the gift of God.

(Lindsey sighs)

- The gift of God?

- You are a sinner.

- Well, my assh*le stepfather

and mother sure think so.

- Well, well, look,

I, I was a sinner.

And it wasn't until I met Simon

that God came down and

laid his hands upon me.

And, well, now, now,

I see the light.

He is the truth, you know.

- Look, my family's Jewish.

- What the f*ck does that

have to do with anything?

- Simon.

- So was Jesus Christ.

He was the king of Jews,

and he was also a sinner.

How 'bout we leave you

with something to read?

- What, the Bible?

- (laughs) No, no, ma'am,

just some scripture

I think you'll enjoy.

- Uh, speaking of enjoyment,

have you ever seen

"Jesus Christ Superstar"?

It, it's the movie,

not the play.

- Can't say it's on my

Netflix watch list, no.

- Well, I mean, it is a musical

about Jesus, Jesus. (laughs)

- Sounds very

entertaining, okay?

I'm making a mental

note right now, okay?

Got it.

- Oh, great, great.

Well, what we'll do is

check back with you,

and well, I mean,

maybe we can come over

and watch it together sometime.

- Look, if I promise to

read your stupid scripture

and watch your Jesus

Christ pop star thing,

will you please promise

to leave me alone?

- [Tabitha] Well, I'll promise

to come and check in on you,

that's for sure.

- No, no, that's okay.

Goodbye, thank you.

- but you might be lonely.

I, I, I don't mind being your-

- No.

- your spiritual-

- No.

- like, bestie.

Come on.

You know I'm right

(vocalist singing

in foreign language)

You know that I don't wanna

be with somebody less refined

Need more than love,

you ain't enough

Now sorry, gonna, got

away, gotta love, a love

Need a little crazy bitch,

a body, or your baby

Oh, (indistinct),

you're my one and only

Yeah, I'ma find,

make you mine, mine

Make me feel that

I, I, I, yeah

After I be losing all my

mind, mind, mind, yeah

You make me feel

that I, I, I, yeah

After I be losing all my

mind, mind, mind, yeah

Not only 'cause I've

been 'round the world

If you wanna play

low love Oh, oh, oh

Of love, if you wanna feel

the love, the love, love

Oh, you know I'm right

(vocalist singing

in foreign language)

You know that

(pills rattling)

I don't wanna be with

somebody less refined

Need more than love,

you ain't enough

Now, sorry, gonna, got

away, gotta love, a love

(bottle clanking)

Hurry, gonna, got away,

gotta love, a love

I, I, I, yeah

After be be losing all

my mind, mind, mind, yeah

You make me feel

that I, I, I, yeah

After be losing all my

mind, mind, mind, yeah

Not only 'cause I've

been 'round the world

(feet shuffling)

(bottle thudding)

- Hey, baby.

- When'd you start

to party without me?

(Lindsey laughs)

(gentle music)

You're amazing.

- No, you are.

- [Hunter] Damn, you

make me feel alive.

(lips smacking)

- Can I ask you a question

without you getting mad?

- Oh, God, what is it now?

- If I'm so amazing, then

why did you cheat on me?

- (sighs) Oh, my God,

babe, that was months ago,

and I didn't cheat on you.

- Really?

Then, what do you call

sticking your face

between a pair of

gigantic tits then?

(Hunter laughs)

- A momentary lapse in judgment.

Anyway, I was at a strip club.

- What does that even mean?

- When in Rome, you know?

(Lindsey sighs)

Anyway, I was coerced.

- Coerced?

You do know what that

word means, right?

- Oh, I know what it means.

- 'Kay, then who was it then?

Who coerced you?

- A guy named Jack Daniels.

- (sighs) God, you're

such a f*cking assh*le.

(Hunter laughs)

I'm gonna take a shower.

- All right, but hurry up.

We got people coming

over in an hour.

- Shit.

- Oh, don't tell me you

forgot about the party.

- (sighs) I know.

I, I guess it was just the gin.

- No, gimme a break.

Every time there's a problem,

you either hit the bottle,

or you're popping pills.

What is it this time?

(Lindsey sighs)

- Look, I don't wanna

talk about it, okay?

(gentle music continues)

- You know, communication goes

a long way in a relationship.

You may wanna try it sometime.

(notebook rasping)

(paper rustling)

Time will save her

- [Lindsey] Were

you looking at this?

- What?

(notebook thudding)

- [Lindsey] Were you looking

through my sketch pad?

- Sorry, I didn't know

it was off limits.

It's not like it's a

diary or something.

And what's with all

the broken hearts

and the f*ck love crap?

What do you have

against love anyway?

I thought we were in love.

- I did, too.

- But what?

- Love is an antiquated emotion.

Look around you.

One minute, a couple's in love,

posting all over social media,

and the next, they're bashing

each other and breaking up.

(door clattering)

In today's world,

saying I love you is

like saying hello and goodbye.

It doesn't mean anything.

- Well, that's because

social media sucks,

and it makes people feel numb.

Your generation,

you guys don't know

how to deal with

everyday emotion.

Personally, I could

do without it.

Oh, and love still means

something to me, by the way.

- Really?

- Of course.

- But you've been

married twice before.

- So?

- So didn't you ever tell one

of them that you love them?

- Well, yeah, I did, of course,

but you know it's just-

- But what?

You didn't mean it?

(hand thudding)

- Hey, you are the

only girl that I love.

- You do understand how it

seems to me, though, right?

- (sighs) You don't

trust anybody.

That's the problem.

- People earn trust, and

when they violate it,

it takes time to get it back.

- Lindsey, you are the

only girl that I love.

- Okay, so what does

love mean to you?

(Hunter laughing)

- You're gonna ask me

the meaning of love?

- No, I'm asking you

your meaning of love.

- I don't know.

It's, uh, it's this

feeling you get, you know.

When you love somebody,

you just know.

- That's it?

That's your answer?

- [Hunter] Well, yeah.

- That f*cking sucked.

(Hunter laughs)

- [Hunter] What's

wrong with you?

- You just proved my

point that love's a joke.

- Babe, listen.

I am not going to cheat on you.

I am 40 years old.

You're gonna lecture me on love?

What was the last relationship

you had before us,

six months?

- That doesn't mean that

statistics are wrong.

50% of all marriages

end in divorce.

Do you know why?


- Okay.

- So I'm preparing myself

for the inevitable.

(Hunter laughs)

- What a miserable outlook.

Babe, I am not going

to cheat on you.

- I'm just being realistic,

and there are lots of

ways to cheat, okay,

not just physical.

- So what does love mean to you?

- It's pretty simple.

Love comes down to

two things, okay?

Discipline and loyalty.

If you truly love someone,

you'll have the discipline

to fight off any desires

that come your way.

Having the loyalty to do that

and stick with the one person

that you're invested in,

that is what it's all about.

- Babe, I'll be honest.

For somebody with minimal

relationship experience,

you do have a solid point.

The thing is, when you're

dealing with human emotion,

it's really not

that cut and dry.

- It is for me.

(Hunter laughs)

- Listen, I love you.

Can you grasp that concept?

- There's something

I need to know.

(suspenseful music)

- Okay, sh**t.

- Would you die for me?

- Yes.

- Good, because I

feel the same way.

But here's the real question.

- What is it?

- Would you k*ll for me?

- Yeah, I would k*ll for you.

I mean, we go camping,

a bear comes charging

outta the woods, you know

I'm gonna put two b*ll*ts

in that thing's head.

- Hunter.

- I got you, babe.

- Hunter, no.

Would you k*ll another

human being for me?

- Are you seriously

asking me that question?

(suspenseful music continues)

- [Lindsey] I want us to k*ll

someone at the party tonight.

- So let me get this straight.

You want me to k*ll someone

to prove my love to you?

Have you gone completely

batshit crazy?

This, this girl's

f*cking crazy, man.

f*cking dealing with this

bullshit all the time.

Now, she wants to

f*cking k*ll somebody.

I just f*cking,

(lid clanking)

my life's a f*cking

mess right now.

f*cking bullshit, man.

(bottle thudding)

(Hunter laughs)

Stupid f*cking bullshit,

every day something new.

(Hunter sighs)

(suspenseful music continues)

(Hunter gulps)

(Hunter exhales)

I can't k*ll anyone.

(Hunter sniffing)

Ah, you know what?

I'm gonna close my eyes.

(switch clicking)

Spin around.

If I finally hit a f*cking

bullseye after doing that,

I'm in.

If not, I am out.

(Hunter sniffing)

(feet shuffling)

(Hunter exhaling)

(dart thudding)

Ah, you gotta be kidding me.

I never get a bullseye.

Now, I get a bullseye?

This is f*cking bullshit, man.

(Hunter sighs)

(footsteps plodding)

- Hey.

Wow, well, you finally

got a bullseye.

- Yeah, finally got a bullseye.

I'm tired of the good times

in life dragging me down

I need a pick-me-up,

yeah, to get me up

Get me back on the ground

Oh, I miss the nights of doing

dumb shit out on the town

With my high school friends

- Dad, this is Lindsey

and her boyfriend, Hunter.

It's their party.

Figured I should

introduce you guys,

especially 'cause you and

Hunter are about the same age.

- Well, all right,

all right, all right.

- Nice to meet you.

- It's a pleasure.

- You look so familiar.

Do you go to the Publix

on Anderson Boulevard?

- Nah.

My assistant does all

my shopping for me,

whole foods,

plant-based, mostly.

Gotta keep this

bod looking fresh.

- Wow, assistant, must be nice.

- Oh, honey, I need my world,

it's all about appearances.

- You're a very interesting man.

- Well, all right,

all right, all right.

One more Wild Turkey before

I hit the road in my Lincoln

and peace outta here.

- [Jeremy] Dad, do

you have a Volkswagen.

- Anyway, it's a pleasure

to make your acquaintance,

young lady.

(lips smacking)

Thank you kindly for

your hospitality.

- God, he's so smooth.

- Smooth?

He clearly has

psychological problems.

- It's the MS.

- Oh, I'm sorry.

I didn't know.

My uncle's got MS.

- No way, your uncle think

he's Matthew McConaughey?

- Matthew McConaughey, what

the hell are you talking about?

My uncle's got

multiple sclerosis.

- Oh, my dad has the other MS.

- There's another MS?

- McConaughey syndrome.

It's when someone thinks

they're Matthew McConaughey.

It's very popular in

Texas, well, certain parts.

- Jeremy, go away.

- But-

- Go.

Surrounded by nut jobs.

(upbeat music)

(Maci exhales)

Oh, my God, look

at those things.

- You're an assh*le.

(hands thudding)

- Where the hell are you going?

I feel like I'm

losing my mind

Is everybody in

the world blind

(door slamming)

(Lindsey exhales)

- What the f*ck?

Is that what you want?

You want her?

Well, you can have her

and her big f*cking tits

because Lindsey

doesn't need anyone,

not you, not you, and not you.

(upbeat music continues)

No one.

Lift off

(door clattering)

(feet shuffling)

- Sorry. Are you okay?

- I'm better than okay.

I'm Lindsey.

(footsteps plodding)

(door squeaking)

Oh, I'll just keep one open

The inferno will

stop smoking

You just gotta wait for

the flames to freeze

We'll give our love

another try at 32 degrees

I'll be honest

- Babe, I was just

gonna tell you.

- If you ever disrespect

me like that again,

I will take a knife,

and I will cut your

little testicles off.

Oh, I'll just keep one open

(lips smacking)

The inferno will

stop smoking

- Why would you say that?

- Because I'll do it.

- No, I mean, why

would you say little?

- Okay, okay, you

guys, quiet, quiet.

I have a toast.

Here's to testing negative,

(laughs) staying positive,

burying my face in

those big, beautiful,

bodacious tatas,

whoo. (laughing)

I declare today

National Tata Day.


(liquid sloshing)

(cups clattering)

(lips smacking)

(Trevor exhales)


(cups clattering)

(water splashing)

- God, she is so desperate.

(Trevor laughing)

- What makes you say that?

- (laughs) Look at her.

(both laughing)

God, I've never seen anyone

who has to be in a

relationship so badly.

You know she just broke up

with her boyfriend yesterday?

- Maybe she gets lonely.

A lotta people like to

be in a relationship.

- I just feel bad for her.

Trevor's a douche.

- Ah, the kid just

likes to have fun.

(burps erupting)

- No, he's a douche.

- Excuse me. (laughs)

- (laughing) Yeah, he is.

All right, the Jew crew made it.

I thought you yentas

weren't coming.

(hands smacking)

- Where are the f*cking

strippers and the blow?

- What?

- What, did you guys

lie about that, too?

Well, is there at least

some f*cking spinach dip?

- What's wrong with him?

- You know how hard it

is to get that bastard

out of his office?

We had to tell him the Beastie

Boys were playing here.

- (laughs) The Beastie Boys?

- He caught on, so we told him

you had some coke and strippers.

- And he liked that better.

- Such a degenerate. (laughs)

- Well, how's life in the

criminal defense world?

- Ah, you win some,

you lose some.

- We wanna be

criminal prosecutors.

- Prosecutors,

what the hell for?

- (laughing) 'Cause prosecutors

win 98% of their cases.

- Yeah, but they don't

make the cash you guys do.

- Yeah, but we lost the

last 32 cases we had,

not easy to get good clients.

(Hunter exhales)

- Damn.

Well, go get yourself a drink.

I'm sure everything's

gonna work out, bro.

You know where everything's at.

(snacks crunching)

(playful music)

- These are f*cking

good, f*cking good, bro.

(snacks crunching)

Holy shit, this f*cking dip

here is f*cking unbelievable.


(snacks crunching)

f*ck yeah.

The f*ck (mumbling)?

(mumbling) f*cking things,

f*cking m*therf*cker.

(snacks crunching)

Chips are f*cking good.

(snacks crunching)

(playful music continues)

f*cking amazing.


I love these chips.

(awe-inspiring music)

(festive music)

(Manny snoring)

(Maci laughing)

(festive music continues)

(Maci exhales)

- What's your name?

- They call me Manny.

- Oh.

(teeth clanking)

- That is the craziest

shit I have ever seen.

(Hunter laughs)

- Manny used to be the

quarterback in high school.

He'd fall asleep right

before throwing a touchdown.

People would go nuts.

- [Lindsey] When's the

last time you've seen him?

- Years.

We don't always get along.

- Look at that.

The kid's still got it.

- So how are you

guys brothers again?

- Half brothers, but

I got the good half.

- Same dad, different mom.

- And you're the same age?

- Actually, I'm a year older.

- Why do you look so shocked?

- Uh, just-

- Just what?

- He just looks so much younger.

- 'Cause I exfoliate

sometimes twice a day.

Have you tried Dior Capture?

It's so expensive

but so worth it.


- What? I don't see anything.

- Exactly, no wrinkles.

My mom gave me that

smooth Cuban skin.

(festive music continues)

- Where is your mother from?

- The hell is that

supposed to mean?

- Nothing, I'm

just curious, baby.

(Manny laughs)

- Hunter's mom is a Sasquatch.

(Manny snoring)

- A what?

- You know, a Bigfoot.

- (laughs) Bigfoot my ass.

(Manny laughing)

- Love you, bro.

Hey, I'm gonna get

back to the lady, okay?

Talk in a bit.

- Oh, I love him.

We are definitely

not k*lling him.

- Maybe we shouldn't

k*ll anybody.

- Well, I think we should

k*ll Maci or your fat friend

who ate all the dip.

You know, no, it should be Maci.

Can you imagine going through

life feeling so empty?

We can always get more dip.

- But how about,

instead of k*lling her,

we get her tickets to the

next Tony Robbins seminar?

- Who's Tony Robbins?

- Who's Tony Robbins?

Only the most influential

motivational speaker there is,

that's all.

- So he's like Harry Potter?

(Hunter laughs)

- How is Harry Potter

like Tony Robbins?

- Haven't you ever seen

"Harry Potter and the

Deathly Hallows: Part 2,"

the one where Harry

destroys Voldemort?

- Mm, might've missed that one.

- Well, you said this Tony guy

is really motivating, right?

Well, I get motivated

and inspired

every time I see Harry

destroy Voldemort.

(Hunter laughs)

It's amazing.

- Yeah, not the same thing.

- I just wanna know

what it feels like.

- To k*ll Voldemort?

- Well, yeah, that too,

but mostly how it feels

to k*ll someone together.

Heard it's a crazy orgasm.

- You heard?

Who have you been talking to?

- You know what I mean.

You wanna go outside?

- Nah, think I'm just gonna

chill here and have a drink.

- 'Kay, see you soon.

(festive music continues)

(mellow music)

- [Maci] Hello,

handsome. (laughs)

- What are you doing?

- [Maci] Just came

to say hi. (laughs)

Oh, my God, this is a

really good party. (laughs)

- Yes, it is.

(mellow music continues)

- [Maci] Where's Lindsey?

- She went outside, but

she's like the Terminator.

She'll be back.

- Are you guys okay?

- Uh-huh.

- I don't know.

She seems really

preoccupied today.

(lips smacking)

Did she ever find out about us?

- There was no us.

It was one night.

(Maci laughing)

- Liar, you lying. (laughing)

- And if she ever did find

out, she would do something.

- Oh, come on.

Oh, my God, this song.

- You really shouldn't

be sitting here.

(Maci exhales)

- Why?

We are just friends.

- Because you know how

jealous Lindsey gets.

(lips smacking)

- Well, if you want

to party later,

I have some really

good blow in my purse.

- Okay.

(Maci laughs)

(Hunter exhaling)

Manny, Manny.

Get over here, man.

Get over here.

Get over here.

- I'm busy over here.

- Bro, I have a huge f*cking

problem, and I need help.

- What is it?

- Lindsey is f*cking nuts.

- Yeah, most hot girls are.

- No, I mean, batshit crazy,

off-her-rocker type of nuts.

- Yeah, no shit.

(hand thudding)

- No, you don't understand.

She wants me and her to

k*ll someone together.

- Wait.

What are you talking about?

- Exactly what I just said.

She wants me and her to

k*ll someone together

to prove our love

to one another.

Is that completely

f*cking insane?

- Hold on, hold on.

Lemme see if I understand this.

Your girlfriend wants you and

her to k*ll someone together

so that you can prove

your love to each other?

- Yes, that is exactly

what I'm telling you.

- Wow, that's, that's

a lot to digest.

(Hunter exhales)

I mean, that's one of

the most romantic things

I've ever heard.

- I know, right?

Wait, what?

- Yeah, I mean, yeah,

it's crazy, but you know,

there's a certain

Shakespearean element to it.

(Hunter laughs)

- Did you not just

hear what I said?

She wants us to k*ll someone,

as in m*rder, homicide,

life in prison.

- Yeah, yeah, I heard you,

and obviously, I'm not saying

you should do it.

I'm just saying you gotta

admit it's, uh, it's one

of the most romantic

things I've ever heard.

That's all I'm saying.

- Yeah, romantic, right, but

what the f*ck should I do?

- Well, just break up with her.

(Hunter laughs)

- Break up?

15 minutes ago, the

crazy bitch threatened

to cut my nuts off 'cause I

was staring at Maci's tits.

- You saw Maci's tits?

Did you touch 'em?

Are they fake? Are they real?

Oh, my God, I love

love big titties.

- Shut the f*ck up.

I have a serious problem here.

I did touch Maci's, but they

did look pretty spectacular.

- Yeah, I bet they did.

- They were so nice.

- Oh, my God.

- They were right in my face.

- I just wanna waterboard them.

(Hunter exhaling)

- God.

(lips fluttering)

Do it for me, bro.

- I got you.

- Do it for me.

- Well, I'm gonna go find her.

Don't worry about your girl.

Just she's crazy.

She's not gonna really

go through with it.

- Don't fall asleep.

- Yeah, I never do.

(mellow music continues)

- Holy shit, babe.

You just scared

the shit outta me.

Where were you?

- I was right over

there watching you.

- Wow, you're like a

chameleon, just blend right in.

How long were you

standing there for?

- So what were

you talking about?

- Nothing.

- Really?

'Cause I got sworn

I heard Maci's name.

- Maci?

No, I don't think so.

(mellow music continues)

- Why are you so nervous, babe?

Come here.

- Not nervous, just, just tired.

- Yeah?

- Mm-hmm.

You having fun?

- Lots of it.

- That's great.

I was thinking maybe we should

watch "Harry Potter: Part 2,"

the moment with Voldemort.

You like that movie, right?

We could watch it after tonight.

- You hate "Harry Potter."

I've tried to get you watch

it, like, 5,000 times.

You said no.

- No, it's not that.

I, I wanna broaden my horizons

a little bit more.

- Look, I think

we're just gonna be a little

bit busy with other stuff.

You know?

(mellow music continues)

You asleep?

- Huh?

No. Why?

- Does this weird thing

with your brother run

in the family or something?

- No. Why?

I fell asleep?

- I don't know.

You just.

- No, it can't be.

Anyway, uh, I think-

- What is wrong

with you right now?

- Nothing.

- Why are you acting so weird?

- I'm thirsty.

I think I need a drink.

That's what, I do,

maybe two, maybe a shot.

Could you get me a shot?

That'd be really helpful.


- Fine.

(partygoers chattering


(upbeat music)

- [Manny] Hi, can I

get a cosmo please?

- A cosmo for your date?

- [Manny] No, for me.

- Seriously?

- Yeah.

What's wrong with a cosmo?

- [Bartender] And for you?

- Put on a nice Wild

Turkey for me, babe.

- [Bartender] Gotcha.

(glasses clinking)

- There's a lot of fine

Bettys here tonight.

- What's a Betty?

- You know, honeys,

dimes, babes.

- Oh, yeah, there sure are.

- Hey, wait a second.

I know you, man.

You're the guy from

that Spanish dance show,

the one that would (snores)

nod off all the time.

- Yeah, that was me.

It was canceled a

few seasons ago.

- Oh, what was the

name of it again?

- In English, it translates

to "Dance Like You Mean It."

- Right, right, right.

Man, I used to jack off to

that show every Friday night,

mostly for the Latin babes

in them little shorts.

Say, I got a question for ya.

All the guy dancers on that

show, they were gay, right?

- What? No, no.

I was on that show.

- I know.

That's why I'm asking you.

- What was your name again?

- The name's Harold, but

my friends call me Matthew.

- That's an interesting jump.

How do you go from

Harold to Matthew?

- Well, howdy doody.

How do you go from

the Earth to the Moon?

You just do.

You know, the only

thing I didn't like

about that show was

the actual dancing.

- What was wrong

with the dancing?

- You know, it was

sort of a woozy.

It was a little wazzy.

Uh, it just sucked.

(Manny laughing)

- You think you can

do better, Harold?

- Well, there's a difference

in thinking you're a champion

and knowing you are.

- What does that have

to do with anything?

- I don't know, man.

My life is a series of

commas, not periods.

- Are you quoting

Matthew McConaughey?

- Do you wanna boogie, mijo?

Because my dance

floor is inside.

- You ain't gotta ask me twice

as long as you don't

jerk off to me.

- I can't promise you anything.

The Butterfly,

uh-uh, that's old

Let me see the tootsee roll

Yeah, 1990 Quad

69 Boyz backed up by

the Quad City DJ's

One time, cotton

candy, sweetie go

Let me see the tootsee roll

- Pretty boy can move.

Come on, come on

Tootsee roll

Just make that tootsee roll

Here we go, here we go

Tootsee roll

Just make that tootsee roll

Yeah, yeah, roll

Tootsee roll

Let me see that tootsee roll

Get up and roll

Tootsee roll

And make that tootsee roll

To the left, to the left

To the right, to the right

To the front, to the front

To the back, to the back

Now, slide,

slide, baby, slide

Just slide, baby, slide

Just slide, baby, slide

Come on, come on


To the left, to the left

To the right, to the right

To the front, to the front

To the back, to the back

Now, dip, baby, dip

Come on, let's dip

Dip, baby, dip

Baby, dip, baby

Just dip, baby, dip

(Manny snoring)

Just dip, baby

Cotton candy, sweetie go,

let me see the tootsee roll

I don't know what

you've been told

It ain't the butterfly,

it's the tootsee roll

A brand new dance so

Grab a partner and

get on the dance floor

And work them

hips a little bit

Then, do that

dip a little bit

Oh, yeah, you got

it, no ifs, ands

Or buts about it

(Manny snoring)

And you over there,

with the long hair

Keep rolling that derriere

'Cause it ain't hard

Just a brand new dance

From the 1990 Quad

(Manny snoring)

69 is the place to be

Hey, yo, 'Ski,

what we came to see

Cotton candy, sweetie go,

let me see the tootsee roll

Here we go, come on

Tootsie roll

Come on, come on

Tootsie roll

Lemme see your tootsie roll

(crowd applauding)

- Okay, I have some names I

really think we should consider.

(suspenseful music)

- Babe, I've been doing

a lot of thinking,

and I want you to hear me out.

Don't you think it'll be smarter

if we waited to plan

this thing out better?

The last thing we

wanna do is get caught.

We'll never see

each other again.

- Why would we get caught?

- I don't know, bloody

glove left at Rockingham.

Cops have a way of finding shit.

- Who's Rockingham?

- Before your time.

- Well, I read that about 51%

of all murders never get solved.

- Do we really wanna

flip that coin?

Let's just wait, plan

this thing out better.

(suspenseful music continues)

- I knew you didn't love me.

(Hunter laughs)

- [Hunter] Oh, my God,

babe, I do love you,

regardless of how

hard you make it.

- What the hell is

that supposed to mean?

- [Hunter] I'm going

to get a drink.

(door squeaking)

(upbeat music)

(door clattering)

(can clanking)

- Come here.

- What the f*ck?

- Come here.

- What's going on?

- Don't get mad, all right,

but Matthew and I have been

discussing what's been going on.

- What are you talking about?

- You know, this whole

thing with your girl

and her wanting to, you

know. (clicks tongue)

- Are you outta your mind?

You told this crazy fucker?

(lighter clicking)

(upbeat music continues)

- News flash, I ain't crazy,

just selectively coherent.

(Hunter laughs)

- You hear this?

This is the guy you share

my personal business with,

the Matthew McConaughey guy?

Thanks for looking out, bro.

- Hey, Matthew has

some great ideas.

Tell him.

- I don't think he

can handle the truth.

- Just f*cking

tell him, Matthew.

(Harold exhales)

- Well, from what Manny tells

me, your girlfriend suffers

from borderline

personality disorder.

You familiar?

- Not really, but I think I'm

starting to figure it out.

- Well, it's not to

be taken lightly.

(Manny snoring)

People with this condition,

they have a hard time

dealing with everyday life.

They have self-image issues,

difficulty dealing

with emotions.

They have a problem

with relationships.

Is this ringing

any bells for ya?

- How the hell do

you know all this?

- That's not important.

What is important is that

your girlfriend is stopped.

People with this condition,

when in the manic phase,

they will do anything it

takes to follow through.

- So how do I stop her?

- Matthew thinks, (snoring)

(hand smacking)

Matthew thinks that

we should k*ll her.

- Are you outta

your f*cking mind?

That's my girlfriend

you're talking about.

- I know, right, but are you

willing to spend the rest

of your life in prison

for her or worse,

k*lling an innocent person

just because she's insecure?

- Well, when you

put it that way.

- There's no other

way to put it.

That bitch gotta die.

- I can't k*ll Lindsey.

- You don't have to.

I'll do it.

Just make her think that you're

going along with the plan.

When it comes time to decide

who to k*ll, you tell her

you wanna k*ll me.

(Manny snoring)

- Why you?

- Because

I'm Matthew f*cking McConaughey.

(energetic music)

- He hit, hit me.

(exhales) He hit me.

He hit me.

- Mom?

- Yeah.

Uh, he hit me, and he's,

he's gonna k*ll me.

He's literally outside.

- [Lindsey] Mom, what the

hell happened to your face?

- He hit me.

- Have you been drinking?

- So what?

- That piece of shit.

Barry, where are ya?

I'm gonna crack

your f*cking jaw.

- Erin, get

in the f*cking car now.

- [Erin] No.

- [Barry] Erin, get

the f*ck over here.

- No.

- Go away, Barry.

- [Barry] Shut up,

you f*cking whore.

- Barry, we are done.

You will never lay

your hands on me again.

- Oh, yeah?

You wanna play? Come on.

- [Hunter] That's wrong.

Do you hear me?

- Let go.

(knife slicing)

- Ow, howdy, howdy.

That f*cking hurts.

(hand thudding)

(water splashing)

- These were $2,000 shoes.

- Yep, if I see you and

your slippers again,

I'll shove 'em straight

up your f*cking ass.

Now, get the f*ck outta here.

- You okay, dad?

- Yeah, it's just a stinger.

Look, I'm not even bleeding.

It's nothing a little

Wild Turkey can't fix.

You know, I had him

until you yelled.

- What are you talking about?

I yelled after you grabbed him.

- Nah, nah, nah, nah,

nah, as I recall it,

you yelled just as I

sprung like a tiger

going after its morning meal.

- Tony the Tiger?

- That is still a tiger.

- Babe, take your mother inside.

Get her cleaned up.

- She can do it herself.

Mom, there's an ice

pack in the freezer.

- What's wrong with you?

- The last time I saw my mother,

she wanted me to

get stronger meds.

She chose Barry over

me a long time ago.

- Babe, it's your mother.

- Seriously, I don't care.

She'd rather me be doped up

than have to deal with me.

(upbeat music)

(plastic rustling)

- Oh, that's good.

- Yeah, I bet.

So you gonna tell

me what happened?

- I don't even know.

One minute, we were on

our way to Key West.

The next minute, we were

standing in the middle

of the parking lot

screaming at each other.

Next thing I know, he hits me.

- You know he's a piece of shit.

I've been trying to tell

you that since you met him.

You never listened to me.

You never cared.

- That's not true.

- I'm not gonna talk

about this right now.

(Manny sighs)

- Mrs. Joseph, you okay?

- Yeah.

- Lindsey, do you need anything?

All right, well, if you

ladies need something,

lemme know, okay?

(hands thudding)

(mellow guitar music)

- [Harold] Hey, David Koresh,

you and your disciples

scram, all right?

Go light yourself on

fire someplace else.

Get the f*ck outta here.

Don't gimme attitude.

f*ck outta here.

(Harold grunting)

- Jesus, man.

Look, I'm not saying the

guy doesn't deserve it.

I mean, he stabbed

Matthew for Christ's sake,

and everyone saw that he did it.

I'm just saying,

if he disappears,

it's not gonna take the cops

long to figure out who did it.

- You ain't gotta

tell me that, bro.

I'm still trying to get

Lindsey to understand.

For some reason, she thinks

that cops have a hard

time solving murders.

- Look, she don't

have to understand.

Just stick to the

game plan, will you?

(Hunter laughs)

- Can't we just get through the

day without k*lling anybody?

- Well, you tell us.

(Hunter sighs)

- It's a f*cked-up

situation, man.

Either I k*ll someone

with my girlfriend,

or I k*ll my girlfriend.

There's gotta be an

option where nobody dies.

- Hunter, let me ask

you a serious question.

Do you think, for

some sick reason,

Lindsey won't try to

k*ll you one day, huh?

In your heart of hearts,

can you tell me that?

'Cause if you can, I say

we drop the whole thing.

- Pass me that shit.

- [Manny] There you go.

- I can't say that.

- Then, Operation Cataclysm

is in full effect.

(Hunter exhaling)

- What the f*ck is

Operation Cataclysm?

- It's a code name

for our game plan.

- When did you

come up with that?

- Well, originally, I

called it Operation Chaos.

But then I thought

Operation Cataclysm

just kinda sounded cooler.

I can change it back.

- Cataclysm's fine.

- Cataclysm sounds okay.

- Are you sure?

I haven't filed

the trademark yet.


- Matthew.

- I can change it

back to chaos, no, really.

- Matthew, I like Cataclysm.

- All right, so

here's the game plan.

Hunter, you're here.

Manny, you're here.

- Wait, why am I by the thumb?

Can't you, like,

draw it on your chest

so that way you

can use both hands?

- I don't need both hands.

- Personally, I think you

should draw it out on the floor

so we could all see.

- You can't see that?

- When you stick it

in my face, I can,

but I'd much rather

look at the floor

than the dirty

creases in your palm.

- Or the chest, I

mean, anything's

better than your palms.

I mean, my brother's right.

You should wash your hands, bro.

- Jesus Christ, the chest,

the floor, who gives a f*ck?

Let's just stick with the plan.

Can we at least agree on that?

- Damn.

- Jesus.

- You ain't gotta yell, bro.

(hand thudding)

- f*ck.

- Here, smoke some of

this and calm down.

(rambling Western music)

(door clattering)

- Hey, are you okay?

- None of you

f*cking people care.

Nobody does.

(rambling Western

music continues)

(footsteps plodding)

To all my friends.

Tonight, my friend,

the night has come

- You think he's okay?

- I don't know.

- Ah, f*cking loser.

(partygoers laughing)

(water sloshing)

The tune of his life

is like a forest fire

Fast and moving all the time

Only things that change

are the faces and names

(both laughing)

- Oh, my God, the

guy that was eating

all the food inside is trying

to drown himself in the jacuzzi.

- Hmm.

(water sloshing)

- Isn't anyone gonna

save me, anyone?

What's wrong with you people?

I'm drowning.

I'm a human being.


(crickets chirping)

(water sloshing)

(footsteps plodding)

- Man, I don't know what's

going on in your life,

but I know what it's like

to be an outcast in society.

Look at me.

I've been clinically

diagnosed with MS,

McConaughey syndrome.

I'm the founder of the Serial

Wackers Club of America.

So I see you.

The only advice I can

give you, brother,

is you just gotta keep

on living your life.

You gotta, yeah.

Bring it in here.

You're gonna be all right,

all right, all right.

(Friedman sobbing)

(hand thudding)

You're doing good.

Just get it all out.

Go ahead, go ahead.

Get it all out.

Pulling up with it,

what is you doing

Fixing to go

hard, hard, hard

Ice on my neck,

ice on my wrist

Head for the

squad, squad, squad

Know they gonna hate,

do what I tell 'em

Get on your job, job, job

Work, I'm smooth,

I got the moves

I swear to God,

God, God, hey

I just dropped

200 on a new wave


Pull up with that boop, boop

In blue thang

Pull up, pull up

Got the party bouncing

like the blue flame

Bounce, shouting

Backing up my style

when I through

Watch me too, too

- You, get us a

bottle of champagne,

and we can take this party

to the room. (laughing)

- Okay.

Watch me, watch me

Watch me too, watch me, ooh

I'm so fly, I'm so smooth

Mic check, I got the moves

Pull up in something

that ain't got a roof

I'm so high, I won't move

- See, that's what real

dancing looks like, playboy.

You should takes some notes.

- You think you're actually

gonna jack off to her, too?

- Yeah, most likely.

Water my neck, water

Water my wrists, wrists

I'm on the wish list

I'm way ahead of my time

Special delivery on

- Are you double-fisting now?

- Huh?

Got you one.

- What is it?

- Vodka cranberry.

- Ah, it's so bitter.

- Yeah, maybe I

made it too strong.

- Where's your mother?

- Laying down.

I just dropped

200 on a new wave


Pull up with that boop, boop

In my blue thang

Pull up, pull up

(Hunter exhales)

- That's really bitter.

- Sorry.

- So wanna join the party?

Wait, too, wait,

watch me, too

Wait, too, holler, too,

wait, too, watch me, too

Wait, too, holler, too,

wait, too, watch me

- That drink is strong.

My lips are tingly.

- It wasn't the alcohol.

- What do you mean?

Why am I slurring my words?

- That's because I slipped

a little something special

into your drink.

- Special?

- I know how you love ecstasy.

- You put, put

ecstasy in my drink?

- (clicks tongue) Well,

it's kind of like ecstasy.

- Kinda like?

What do you mean?

- It's a bit of a

concoction I invented.

It's part ecstasy, part

Prozac, and part Pentothal.

- What the f*ck?

Isn't Pentothal the truth serum

that you see in the movie?

- Exactly.

- Why would you give it to me?

- Because I wanna know why you

and your f*cking brother

have been talking

to that weird Matthew

McConaughey guy.

What did you talk about?

- Would you just listen to me?

- Hunter, I need to know

that I can trust you

because without trust,

we have nothing.

So I'm gonna ask you again.

What did you talk about?

- Trust, just trust me.

(upbeat music)

(door clattering)

- Are you ready

for the world-famous baloney

pony, baby? (laughing)

Ready to hop on the pony,

see if you can last

the full eight seconds?

(Trevor sniffing)

Your hair smells

incredible, baby.

It's like a warm summer douche.

You know, thought your skin

would be a lot smoother.

- Boy.

(Trevor screaming)

Are you kidding me,

you little wussy?

Get over here, you

f*cking pervert.

Get back here.

(door clattering)

You're not getting away.

- Get off of me, lady.

- [Erin] 'Kay, you

wanna sleep in my room?

- Hey, no loving for you, baby.

- [Erin] Oh, please.

- Mom, what the f*ck?

Okay, I'll be right back.

(keys jangling)

- Hey.

(chair clattering)

What did she do to you?

- She put something in my drink.

She said it was like ecstasy.

- Like ecstasy,

what does that mean?

- No, Prozac.

- She gave you f*cking Prozac?

- The truth serum.

- Truth serum, what the f*ck?

- No, my man, it's

coming back to me.

She mixed it all together,

gave me all of them.

- Jesus Christ.

- Did you tell her anything?

- Can't feel my face,

I'm f*cking telling you.

- [Harold And Manny] Huh?

We can't understand you.

- Your mustache.

- Oh, God.

- The hair's so pretty.

And how do you keep so neat?

(hand thudding)

- Get a hold of yourself, man.

You're losing it.

- I'm on a concoction of

dr*gs that don't even exist.

- God.

Matthew, gimme a glass

of water, would you?

- Man, this is no time

to think of yourself.

- It's for him, you idiot.

- Oh.

- No, you idiot.

(water sloshing)

- Oh, shit.

- Yeah, are you awake?

- [Hunter] He soaked me.

- Yes, but are you awake now?

- I'm soaked with dr*gs.

- So we're gonna need some help.

I'm gonna call a couple of my

friends from my support group.

They're ex-cons, but

they're good guys.

I'm gonna call 'em right now.

(phone ringing)

(Hunter coughing)

- I feel like I'm

gonna throw up.

(festive music)

(door squeaking)

- All right, all right,

all right, welcome, guys.

So, Hunter, Manny, I'd like you

to meet Matthew Dallas

and Matthew Wolf.

These guys are from

my MS support group.

- [Manny] What

McConaughey are you?

- Uh, well, I'm what's known

as the universal McConaughey.

It's very rare.

Although my roots are planted

in "Dazed and Confused,"

I can become just

about any McConaughey

the universe tells me to be.

- Dazed and confused,

that's exactly how I feel.

- So how can we help you guys?

- Well, we're about to

launch Operation Cataclysm.

- Hold on right there.

Who named it

Operation Cataclysm?

- Ah, it was a

collective effort,

but, uh, I guess I'm

the one who named it.

- It's not bad, but I think

you could come up with something

way more McConaugheyish.

- Is that so?

- Something cooler.

- Like what?

(Matthew Dallas humming)

(fist thudding)

- What about Operation Chaos?

- Goddammit, we shoulda

went with Operation Chaos.

Shoulda went with my instincts.

- Doesn't matter

what we call it.

We could call it whatever

the f*ck we want, Matthew.

- I kinda like cataclysm.

It sounds tough.

- Not tougher than chaos.

- Oh, hold on, Wolf.

Just imagine you were being

convicted of murdering someone.

Let's just say this girl here.

Would you wanna be known

as the Chaos k*ller

or the Cataclysm k*ller?

Ooh, every time I say cataclysm,

I sound like Mike Tyson.

- You do have a point.

Sounds kind of lispy-

- Yeah.

- when it rolls

off the tongue.

- [Matthew Dallas And

Wolf] Cataclysm, cataclysm.

- Cataclysm, cataclysm.

- Clysm.


- Cataclysm.

- Clysm.

- Cataclysm.

- Shut the f*ck up.

Are you all completely

Looney Tunes?

- Yo, Hunter, I'd be careful

with the name calling.

- Why, are the Matthews

gonna kick my ass?

- I never told you why

they went to prison.

- Let me guess, identity theft.

- Nah, somebody picked

on 'em, called 'em names.

- Really?

What happened to the guy?

- Nobody knows.

You know the old saying,

no body, no crime.

- Oh, shit.

- [Harold] Oh, so

Operation Chaos it is.

Dallas, did you bring the piece?

- Never leave home without it.

- Shit just got real.

This is a real

sobering experience.

- Hey, Manny, Manny.

(Manny snoring)


- Hmm?

- Manny, can you go

chase everybody off?

- Yeah.

- When you see Lindsey, just

follow along with the plan.

Tell her you wanna speak

privately or some shit.

We'll take care of the rest.

You just get her back here.

- 'Kay, but one thing,

I have to be the one to do this.

I have to k*ll her myself.

Cannot let a stranger do this.

- Hey, if you want the

blood on your hands,

that's fine with us.

- They're on my

hands regardless.

- You gonna be able

to handle this?

- I have no choice.

Lindsey's my girl.

I can't let anybody

else do this.

(latch clicking)

(door squeaking)

- [Manny] All right,

everyone's gone.

- Where's Lindsey?

- [Manny] She's in the kitchen.

- What about her mother?

- [Manny] Uh, I

think she left, too.

So Lindsey is in the kitchen.

She's by herself, okay?

- Okay.

(door squeaking)

- You just let us

know when you're done.

The Matthews'll take care

of disposal and clean up.

- Okay.

- Hey, babe.

I was wondering where you were.

- I was just sh**ting

the shit with the guys.

- Why are you staring

at me like that?

(suspenseful music)

- We've been through

a lot, me and you.

- We definitely have.

- But lately, it's

just been difficult

with this whole

m*rder plot thing.

- Listen, I wanted to

talk to you about that.

- I'm sorry, baby.

The time for talking is over.

- What the f*ck are you doing?

Hunter, this is not funny.

Hunter, please don't

do this, please.

- Sorry, baby.

I loved you.

- Hunter.

(g*nsh*t blasting)

(suspenseful music continues)

(footsteps plodding)

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

- f*ck.

- Did you idiots really think

I was gonna k*ll my girlfriend?

Manny, you of all people

should know better.

- You double-crossing

piece of shit.

We were just trying

to help you, man.

- The only people in this

room that need help are

you crazy f*cking sick,

twisted McConaughey f*ckers.

You see, babe?

We didn't have to make a choice.

These idiots made

the choice for us.

- They sure did, baby.

- How are you gonna sh**t

us all with one g*n, genius?

- I was actually thinking

about that back in the bedroom.

Thankfully, you idiots

left us another g*n.

- What are you talking about?


- Django, Better Call Saul,

get the f*ck outta here.

- Sorry we couldn't help.

- Have a nice day, guy.

(hand thudding)

- All right, I'll see

you guys on Tuesday.

- To be completely

honest with you,

I started the day not

knowing who was gonna die.

As a matter of fact, I

didn't want to k*ll anybody,

but you morons

made it impossible.

What do you think, babe?

- Now, Manny brought

me into this thing

if that helps you decide.

- What the f*ck, Matthew?

- Well, it's true.

I was minding my own damn

business until you told me

about this stupid f*cking

m*rder plot thing.

I knew you were bad news.

I could tell by

the way you danced.

I could feel it.

- You rat bastard.

- Hmm, k*ll the Latin lover

or Matthew McConaughey?

Really is a tough choice.

If I had to pick, I say we k*ll-

(Hunter clicks tongue)

- I got an idea.

Eenie, meenie, miney, moe,

catch a tiger by its toe.

If he hollers, let him go,

eenie, meenie, miney, moe.

- No.

- [Hunter] I think I left

out a line somewhere.

- Here, I'll make it easy.

Let's k*ll your brother.

- Yes, I like this idea.

(hands smacking)

- Beat it, moron.

- All right, you don't

have to tell me twice.

Adios, muchacho.

- I hate you, Benedict Arnold.

- I guess this is the one time

you don't get the girl, brah.

(Manny snoring)

Hey, I'm talking over here.

My entire life, I've hated

that whole Rico Suave act.

You know, I never even

thought you were Cuban.

I always suspected

you were from Tijuana,

and all those bullshit

nicknames you had

when we were kids growing up,

the Latin Lover, the

Cuban m*ssile Crisis,

the Shawshank Redemption,

I don't even think

you saw the movie.

- It's Shawshank Invention,

okay, completely different.

- Yeah, whatever,

doesn't matter anymore.

What matters now is you

make peace with Jesus.

(Manny snoring)

We should just

sh**t him like this.

He won't even know

what happened.

(Manny laughing)

You do have pretty

teeth, though.

I'll give you that.

- You're not sh**ting

anyone today.

- [Hunter] Sorry you

feel that way, bro.

- (clicks tongue) Sorry

to break it to you,

but, uh, we only put

one b*llet in that g*n.

Lindsey and I knew you

didn't have what it takes.

You're too predictable.

(suspenseful music continues)

- Um, what is he talking about,

and why do you have

that g*n pointed at me?

Could you move it over please?

- Put the f*cking

g*n down, Hunter.

(suspenseful music continues)

(lips smacking)

- Oh.

What the f*ck is going on?

- Babe, I'm sorry, but I told

you it's all about trust.

(lips smacking)

I tried to explain the

meaning of loyalty to you,

but you just never got it.

I saw Maci on your lap.

- Mm-hmm.

- I see the way you

look at other girls.

- Ugh.

- You were never mine.

(suspenseful music continues)

- Maci sat on my lap.

- I just f*cking

said that, you idiot.

- Babe, you got this

completely wrong.

I love you.

- Yeah, I'm always

completely wrong.

And you have a funny way

of showing your love.

(g*nsh*t blasting)

(body thudding)

(Manny laughing)

- Damn.

Oh, yep, he's dead.

It's you and me now, whoa.

- I've been doing some thinking,

and the whole f*cking

playboy bullshit, (laughs)

I don't really like it.

- Don't listen to

my dead brother.

- Has nothing to do

with what he said.

It's just your whole thing.

It doesn't really do it for me.

- But you said you

wanted me, I was the one.

You wanted to move in together.

- I'm sorry, but

you failed the test.

- Test, what f*cking test?

- If you'd screw your own

brother over for a girl,

how could I ever trust you?

How could you ever be

loyal to me? (laughs)

It's all about loyalty.

- You really are a crazy bitch.

- I may be crazy, but

at least I'm not dead.

(g*nsh*t blasting)

(Manny groaning)

(plastic rustling)

(cereal rattling)

(suspenseful music continues)

(neighbors speaking


(suspenseful music continues)

(spoon clanking)

(cereal crunching)

(suspenseful music continues)

(heartbeat pulsating)

(film reel clattering)

I want us to k*ll

somebody tonight.

(heartbeat pulsating)

(brooding music)

She's dancing in the fields

And the sun is in her eyes

Thousands are

one in her eyes

So she stumbles

through the fields

She can't see,

though she tries

Should've worn her pendant

Now, she stumbles

Now, she cries


