01x07 - Car Trouble

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister, Sister". Aired: September 6, 1995 – May 23, 1999.*
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Starring Tia and Tamera Mowry as identical twin sisters separated at birth who are reunited as teenagers.
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01x07 - Car Trouble

Post by bunniefuu »

- Oh, my gosh!
- There he is.

Which one is he?

- See the guy in
- the red sweater?

Wow! You're right, Tia.

He is cute.

- It's the guy
- behind him.

Ugh! He's to the curb.

He's not.

- -Tia.
- -Hi.

- Could you believe that
- social studies teacher today?

I mean, beauty

is completely subjective.

- Voltaire said...
- And I'm paraphrasing...

"ask a frog what beauty is,

and he will answer,

"two great bugged eyes,

a large flat mouth

and a slimy body."

- That's beautiful,
- Anthony.

Yeah. Makes me want

to go eat a fly.

I'm sorry.

I didn't introduce you two.

- Anthony,
- this is my sister tamera.

Tamera, Anthony.

Hi. Um...

- I wish I could
- stay and talk, Tia,

- But I have to get
- to a chess club meeting.

- Anthony's the captain
- of the chess team.

Get out of here!

Well, it was nice

meeting you, tamera.

Bye, Tia.

Bye, Anthony.

Isn't he great?

Usually, you only find

guys like that in band.

♪ Talk about a

two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew

how much I missed you ♪

- ♪ Talk about a
- two-way twister ♪

♪ No, it won't be

trouble-proof ♪

- ♪ never knew
- how much I missed you ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let... you... go ♪

- Ooh! Judy, you are going
- to be gorgeous in this dress.

- Girl, all the men
- are going to be after you.


Oh, yeah.

- If you want, I could
- just sew your phone number

- Right here in the back.
- Ooh!

Oh, I love what you

said today about beauty.

It was so profound.

Thank you.

- And remember,
- tell a friend.

That sounds great.

I'll see you then.

I just got a date.

I just sold my first original.

- I just got
- the last yogurt.

Wait a minute. What happened?

- You are all witness to
- the historical first sale

Of "dresses by Lisa."

Better get my autograph now

- 'cause I m going
- to get an attitude later.

That's great, Lisa.

- And I just got
- asked out by Anthony.

That's really great, Lisa.

- Thanks for inviting me
- to dinner.

You're welcome, Roger.

- But, actually,
- you invited yourself.

Thanks for not sending me home.

How do you like it, ray?

Oh, uh... it's exotic.

What is it?

Homemade menudo.

- I hope it's
- not too spicy.

Oh, no. It's, uh...

It's fine.


- Lisa, that's really cool
- about your dress.

Yeah. It's only the beginning.

The next thing I need to do

- is find a catchy slogan
- to pull the people in.

What about this?

"If you're curvy or busty,

see Lisa or Roger."


You are one desperate

child, Roger.

I have one. Okay.

"When you buy it from Lisa,

your savings increase-a."

Oh, I feel like

it's finally my turn.

- I think I'll put a big ad
- in the yellow pages

- And start designing
- my fall line.

Be careful, Lisa.

You don't want

to expand too fast.

- Ray, you don't have
- to rain on my parade.

- No, it's just that
- 90% of all the new businesses

- That expand
- too fast, fail.

Ray, you're drizzlin'.

Oh, no!


My nose.

Well, what about it?

I'm getting a pimple.

- Oh, well, don't worry, honey.
- Don't worry, now.

- I'm sure I've got something
- that can clear it up.

You could try this.

- By my date
- Saturday night,

- It's going to be the size
- of a cantaloupe.

Don't worry, Tia.

I'll always love you

no matter how deformed

you are.

Thanks, Roger.

Take it easy, Tia.

- If we attack this together,
- it won't have a chance.



- (Theme from mission impossible
- playing)

- -Clearasil.
- -Check.

- -Oxy-10.
- -Check.

- -Your mom's special zinc cream.
- -Check.

- -Brillo pad.
- -Brillo pad?

Just kidding.

Tia, we're going to

scare this pimple so bad

it's going to run down

and hide in your toe.

I hope so.

- Hey, it looks
- better already.

You think so?

And so, if anyone here

objects to the marriage

of these two fine young people,

let them speak now

or forever hold their peace.

I object!


On what grounds?

On the grounds

that this woman...

His bride-to-be... has a pimple!


A zit!


Pimple, pimple, pimple,

pimple, pimple, pimple!

Stop it!

- She's probably
- got dandruff, too.

- Dandruff, dandruff,
- dandruff, dandruff, dandruff!

♪ Pimple, pimple, pimple,

pimple, pimple ♪


♪ Pimple, pimple, pimple,

pimple, pimple, pimple ♪

- See, I really want it
- to be good.

I'm expanding my

already-flourishing business.

I want a full-page ad.

How much?


How much is a half-page?



I can get a pullout

in jet for half that.

Well, look,

can we make a deal?

How would you like to buy

a nice dress for your wife?

Oh, you're not married?

Well, how about one for you?

Oh, hi.

Come for another dress?

No. Actually, I came

to return this one.

Oh. I see.

Well, it certainly

is a beautiful dress.

- I bet you're
- gorgeous in it.

Oh, I don't know.

- It just didn't look
- as good as I thought.

- And I didn't buy it to
- leave it on the hanger.

I don't see why not.

- Most of my clothes are
- on their hangers right now.

Look. Is Lisa around?

Uh... uh...

I just want to return this

and get my $75 back.

Yeah. Well, why don't

I take care of this?

She may be a while.


Well, I'm really sorry

things didn't work out.

Well, tell a friend.

Uh... maybe not.


I am in business!



I got a quarter-page ad.

"Dresses by Lisa.

Just one from my rack,

and you'll always come back."

You're not lying.

- Do you think
- this will work?

Yeah, if you're getting ready

to Rob a bank.

My life is over.

Tia, I don't know what

you're worrying about.

- I mean, no one's even going
- to notice that pimple.

- He's going to hate me.
- He's going to look at me,

- And all he's going
- to see is a pimple.

A pimple with eyebrows.

Oh, no! That's Anthony!

What am I going to do?

Just go.

I can't let him

see me like this.

Wait a minute.

I got an idea.

- Tamera, you have
- to do me a big favor.

Oh, no.

- Come on.
- You gotta be me.

- You know, I'm really getting
- sick of this twin thing.


-Tia, I can't do that.

I don't even like this guy.

- Tamera, if you liked him,
- I wouldn't let you do it.

- -Tia.
- -Come on.

- If he sees me like this,
- he'll never ask me out again.

- What will we
- talk about?

- Anything. Art. Literature.
- Philosophy.

What will we

talk about?

Please don't make me beg.

- All right. All right.
- I'll do it.


I'm not going

to wear that, am I?



Oh. Yes?

It was a good movie, huh?

- Oh, seemed more
- like a book,

We had to do

so much reading;

- I thought you
- liked foreign films.

Oh, I do.

- I was just
- in the mood

For something lighter,

like a horror film.

Yeah, come

to think of it,

- didn't that one guy look
- like Freddy krueger?

- The guy with the
- weird eyes?

And the bad teeth.

- Yeah, you're right,
- he did.

- I kept waitin' for him
- to appear

In someone's nightmare.

Yeah, and say,

"sweet dreams, samurai."

- There's something different
- about you tonight, Tia.

Oh, there is?

Oh, well, I guess

I've been just going through

a lot of changes lately.

- Oh, do you still feel
- the same way

- About moving in
- with your sister?

I don't know.

What was I saying

about her again?

- Uh, you were sayin' how much you
- liked her and how great she is.

Oh, yeah, she's greater

than great.


- Tamera seemed kind of
- shallow when I met her.


Tamera is not shallow.

She's deep as the ocean.

Here are your cappuccinos.


I never had a

cappuccino before.

There's a first time

for everything.

I like it.

Um, got a little mustache.


I'm so embarrassed.

- Don't be. Don't be.
- I'm having a great time.

Better than chess?

Oh, yes, but chess

is a great game.

I never played.

Oh, well, it's simple.

I'll explain it to you.

- Um, here,
- give me your hand.


Okay, um, let's start

with the names of the pieces.

Okay, you have your pawns,

your rooks, your knights,

your bishop,

a king, and a...

And a queen.

Tell me more about the queen.


Um, the queen's the most

powerful piece on the board.

She can move

wherever she wants,

take whomever she wants.

She controls

all the men.

I like her.

I like her, too.

Lisa, what are you doing?


- I think I threw some fabric
- in the storage closet.

Uh, you know...

I, I was thinking

of something.


Um, babies.

Now, look, ray, I said

I'd live with you.

- I never said i'd
- live with you.

No, no, no, no,

I was talking about,

uh, baby clothes...

For your business.

You know, all those

baby boomers out there,

boomin' out

all those babies.

It's big business.


Yeah. Check this out.

"If babies are your passion,

then Lisa's got your fashion."

- Oh, I like
- your thinking, ray.

- How'd you like
- to be vice president

Of "dresses by Lisa,

toddler division"?

What are you looking for?

Oh, I thought

I heard something.

- Has tamera
- come home yet?


I mean, Tia.

Boy, even I get us confused.

Well, back to sleep.

Just a minute, Tia.



- You two girls
- switched places, huh?

Wait a minute.

- You mean tamera went
- on a date,

- And I didn't get a chance
- to grill the guy?

What's going on, Tia?

- I thought you really liked
- Anthony.

Well, I just didn't feel

like going, that's all.

All because

of this little zit?

- I didn't say anything
- about a zit.

Thank you for pointing it out.

Well, ray, how's

that foot taste?

No, no, let me talk

to her.

- I'm the reason
- she's upset.

Well, that's true.

- But, ray, stay away from any
- words that begin with "z"

Or rhyme with "dimple".

Mind if I sit down?

- Look, I'm not really good
- at this.

- Um, you know, I know we haven't
- known each other

But for a short time,

- but I want you
- to know I think

- You are a beautiful
- young lady.

- And I didn't mean
- to point out your, uh, um...


Yeah. I mean, no. No.

I mean, uh, look,

everybody's worried

- about something
- in their looks.

You, too?

- I know you may find this hard
- to believe,

But when I was your age,

I had braces.

Oh, I was so self-conscious.

- The metal kind
- with the head strap

- That made you look
- like a martian?


- The point is, you just can't sit
- in your room worried

About that, uh, uh... you know.

I wanted to go, but I was afraid

Anthony wouldn't like me.

Are you kidding me?

He's lucky

to be going out with you.

And if he can't see past

just one little, um, you know,

- then, then he doesn't deserve
- to have a date.

Anthony's not like that.

He doesn't care about looks.

He cares about who I am.

Oh, I guess "who I am"

messed up.

Yeah, happens

to everybody.

- But next time,
- you won't be so worried

About that, uh, uh...

You know.

I know.


Well, good.

Anyway, I guess,

uh, that's, that's zit.

That's it.

That's it.

- She's gonna be okay.
- I just gave her

- The benefits
- of my maturity.


All right, Mr. Maturity,

- I want to know, what was this
- dress doing in the closet?

- Well, I was going
- to tell you.

- The lady didn't like it,
- so I gave her her money back.

She didn t like it?

No. You were so excited,

- I, I didn't want to burst
- your bubble.

Oh, wait, wait, wait,

- who gave you permission
- to protect my bubble?

My bubble's

not in trouble.

I was just trying to help.

- If I m chokin' on a pork chop,
- you can give me the heimlich.

- Otherwise, I don't
- need your help.

- Lisa, would you
- just listen?

There's nothing to say.

- Oh, look, every business
- has its setbacks.

- You knew right from
- the beginning

- I was gonna fail,
- didn t you?

I'm one of your statistics.

Lisa, no, no, no.

You did not fail.

- Listen, success
- is one-percent inspiration

And 99% percent


Now let me tell you something.

You sweat with the best of 'em.

- Is this your
- pep talk, ray?

Lisa, you are very good.

You got a lot of talent.

Your stuff is, is unique.

It's creative.

It's distinctive.


- She gave you
- the dress back.

Now you can sell it again.

I can't sell this dress.

And why not?

Cause you own it now.

Thanks, ray.

Thanks for teaching me

how to play chess.

Thanks for explaining the rules

to American gladiators.

- No problem.
- I really had a good time.

I had a great time, too.

Great. See ya later then.

Yeah, I'll see ya later.





Uh, why don't we make later

Friday night, Tia?

Okay, sure.

I'd like that.






Bye, Tia.

See you Friday.

Bye, Anthony.


- Tamera, I've been waiting
- here forever!

How was my date?


Oh, it was great.

First we saw the Japanese film

in subtitles.

I like it.

- -No, you didn't like it.
- -Okay, no, I didn't.

And then you had

a cappuccino.

A cappuccino?

You loved it.

I loved it.

- And then he took you home
- and said good night and...

and that was it.

Oh, I had the best time!

Thank you!

Yeah, you really did.

Oh, I thought I heard somebody

down here.

Hi, Lisa.


Tamera, why the sad face?

You getting a pimple, too?


- Is it something
- you want to talk about?

Well, I have

this problem.

What kind of problem?

It has to do with a boy.

Is he a married boy?


Then what's the problem?

The problem is that I like a boy

- that a friend of mine likes,
- too.

Oh, been there.

My friend doesn't know that I

like him, and I really like him.

Oh, boy.

That's a tight spot, honey,

for you and your friend.

I know.

- I even have a chance to go out
- with him next Friday night,

But he thinks i'm...

It's a mess.

Oh, right.

- Some of the hardest times
- I've had is when

- A guy came between me
- and my friend.

You know what I mean?



- You don't want
- to hurt her,

- But you got
- your feelings, too.

- You got to figure out
- who's more important,

Your friend or the guy.

What should I do?

- Well, I hate to say this, honey,
- but it's one of those things

Where you have to make

your own decision.

Ooh, this is a mess!

-Tia, wake up.

-No, no!

What's wrong?

I dreamed my pimple was

destroying Tokyo.

Tia, remember what I told

you earlier about the date?

Yeah, why?

Well, there's one thing

I left out.



He asked you out again

next Friday night.

Ah, this is great!

What am I gonna wear?

- Why didn't you tell me
- right away?

I forgot, I guess.

A second date,

and it's also my first.

Now be honest, tamera.

- Now that you got to know
- Anthony,

Don't you think he's great?

Oh, yeah, he's great.

He's perfect for you.

- Well, you know,
- I still can't get over

- How you found this fabric
- so quickly.

- Let's just say
- I know a few shortcuts.

- Well, I'm gonna tell
- all my friends about you.

Thanks so much.

Oh, no, thank you.

- -Sure.
- -Okay, girls.

- -All right.
- -Bye-bye.

- -Let's go.
- -Wave bye-bye.

- Let me know
- how the recital goes.



Oh, and remember, "dresses by

Lisa fit pretty and snugly,

- but try to bring them back,
- and I will get ugly."

Have a nice day.
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