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12x04 - The Darkest Evening

Posted: 01/05/24 11:29
by bunniefuu
Who's my handsome boy? Give us a smile.

TV: 'Time to batten down the hatches

'as the Met Office issues
a severe weather warning.

'Storm Alonso is set to strike
many areas of the UK this weekend.

'Red warnings for wind will cover
Wales, Northern Ireland

'and most of England from tomorrow
morning until 1pm on Sunday.'

Oh, no, we'll have to get cosy,
won't we?

Get Snuggy away
so the storm can't get us?

TV: '..flooding is likely for
locations mainly in the north east.

'Emergency services
are now on high alert.

'You are strongly advised not
to travel unless in an emergency.'






Oh, bloody Alonso!



Hello?! Hello! Anyone there?


What are you doing here
on your own, pet?

Hey, come on. I'm getting all wet here.


Hang on, hang on.
Oh, would you believe it.

- No signal.

Aye, I know...


Right... There we go, pet.


Hey, we've got no option, pet.

- You're gonna have to meet this lot.


- Come on, come on...
- Can I help you?

- Oh, Juliet. It's Vera!
- Vera?

It's been years.
What on Earth are you doing here?

- Is everything all right?
- Oh, unforeseen circumstances.

- I need to use your phone.
- Oh, right...

Well, yes. Erm, just... come in.

I'm sorry to gatecrash your party.

- Oh, er, it's, well, it's not a party.
- Oh, this is heavy.

Oh, is he, erm...?

Oh, I found him in a car
about a mile up the road.

What, alone?

Aye, which means there's someone
wandering around in this storm.

Oh, right. Er, yes,
well, that's very worrying.

Aye, it is worrying,
so I need to use your phone!

Well, come through.


Er, sorry, love, sorry. Sorry.

Erm, right. We've got a bit
of a situation, actually.

This is Vera, she's a police officer.

Hello, hello.

Vera has found this baby

- in an abandoned car.
- What?!

- Er, the phone, love?
- Oh, yes, erm...

Hey, could you cop hold?

Aye, just on the top road there.

- Is it OK?
- Well, I think so.

He's a bit stinky.

But there's one of those baby bag
thingies in my motor,

if someone could go get it?

- I'll do that.
- Yeah, it's not locked.

- And can you turn my lights off?
- Of course...

- And, er, here's the landline.
- Oh, thanks... I'll just, erm...



'Good evening, duty desk.'

Oh, hello, it's, er, DCI Vera Stanhope.

I need you to run
a vehicle registration check for me.


- Where is your mummy?

- And DOB?
- '2-6-61'.

- June '61?
- 'Yeah.'

- Right, thanks, love.
- 'No problem.'

- 'Hello?'
- Aiden, I'm not disturbing you, am I?

- 'Well...'
- Listen. I got stuck in the storm.

And I need you to get over to Kirkhill.

- Tonight? Everything OK?
- 'No.

'I've got an abandoned baby
and a lost grandad

'by the looks of things!
'But I've got a name.'

Ronald Browne,

'I can't go anywhere.
I mean, we've got a power cut

'and been absolutely battered.'

Yeah, well, I'm stuck up
over at Brockburn House.

- Where?
- 'Brockburn House!'

I told you when we were
working on that Culvert case,

me dad's family used to live here.
Well, they still do.

- 'The toffee-nosed lot.'
- Oh, yes.

- What, your cousin's place?
- Yeah, well, never mind all that.

- Are you saying you can't go to Kirkhill?
- 'I'm sorry, Ma'am.'

I've had a couple of beers tonight.

Oh, now he tells me!

Oh, I don't know. Excuse me.

- Where did you get to?
- I'm so sorry, erm...

- I wasn't...
- Who's that?

Vera is a cousin of Daddy.

- She's a police officer.
- Police?

Yes. We've got a bit of an emergency.

A baby's been abandoned on the top road.

A baby?

What, crawling down the hard shoulder?

- Can you come back in now?
- I shan't be too much longer.

- My husband, Marcus.
- HARRIET: Vera?

What on Earth are you doing here?

Didn't realise you were invited.

- Oh, I wasn't, Harriet.
- Oh? So you invited yourself!

Shame you didn't invite yourself
to Crispin's funeral.

Your own cousin!

Er, yes, Vera's run into a spot
of trouble in the storm, Mother.

- She found a baby all by himself.
- Good Lord!

Oh, I'll be out of here as soon
as possible, Harriet. Don't worry.

How have you been? Not still doing
that awful job, I hope?

- Oh, aye. Still working.
- Poor you.

Well, I could lounge around
all day, drinking gin,

- but that's not really my thing.
- No, of course.

I can see why Hector's drinking
could put you off altogether.

I heard you'd moved into
his cottage when he died.

I did, Harriet.

Well. Never mind.

Nice to see you.


Do any of you know a Ronald Browne?

- Just turned 60, lives in Kirkhill?
- Don't think so. Dorothy?

- No. Sorry.
- Er, cup of tea for Vera.

How about you, pet?

- Do you live down in the village?
- No, I live here.

Not "here" here, obviously.
I live on the estate.

Er, Heslop Farm, it's on the south edge.

Oh, right.

I'll just go and ask your
guests if they know this fella?

They won't.

They're not village people,
they're from the art world.

and artists don't live in villages?

Not Kirkhill, no.

Look here.

- It's Shakespeare.

That's what tonight is all about.

We're fundraising for developing
an arts village here at Brockburn.

Yeah, it was all Marcus's idea,

We're going to have a, a gallery
and an artists' retreat,

- and a theatre.
- Oh, jolly good.

Dad! Dad, what is it?

- There's a body.
- What, a body?

Hey, come and sit down, love.

- Thank you.
- All right.

Now, where, where's, where's this body?

It's on the side of the road.

- Between my place and... and here.
- Oh, my goodness!

And it's a man in his early 60s?

No, no, no. No, it's some woman.

It's a young woman.

Surely you haven't been here
all night in a raging storm?

Well, I wasn't gonna leave
the woman up here on her own, was I?

Well, I say woman.
She's little more than a teenager.

- What do you think happened?
- Don't know.

Hit by the debris?

Doesn't make sense.
Driver's door was wide open.

Why would she abandon her motor,
leaving the bairn inside?

- Any idea who she is?
- No.

Last night was a total write-off.

I'm sorry I couldn't get up to Kirkhill.

Nah, well, couldn't be helped.
Did you go on the way up?

- To Kirkhill?
- Ronald Browne.

I thought you'd want me straight here.

Right, wait here for forensics,
and then get up to the house

and get statements from the guests.

- Guests?
- Aye. There was a party last night.

What, they're still there?

Aye, you know,
they were stranded, like you were.

And get Jac and Mark up there,
and Kenny.

And ask someone at the house

if they've got a recent map
of the estate.

Right, and who should I ask?

You a detective or what?

Harriet or Juliet. They're my relatives.

- Where are you going?
- Kirkhill!

Now, listen, I'm sorry I didn't
answer your call last night,

I was well away.

So, you slept through
the racket of that storm?

I had my earphones in.

I'm listening to w*r And Peace.
Come on through.

Watch out for that step there.
Here you go.

- Er, sit yourself down.
- Er, well, you're all right.

Oh, right. Er, OK.
Er, so how can I help you?

Look, if this is about the car
not being taxed, well,

actually, it's not mine any more.
I've sold it, sort of thing.

Er, well, how do you mean
"sort of thing"?

Well, I didn't really use it.
Not since my wife died.

So, who did you sell it to?

Lorna, a girl in the village here.

She's by herself, so, you know,
I like to keep an eye on her.

Yeah, now, when you say
she's by herself...?

Well, with a little one, aye.

- And what's Lorna's surname?
- Falstone. Lorna Falstone.

Is everything all right? Is Lorna OK?

Ah, there's no easy way
to say this, love.

I'm afraid a body was discovered
up on the Brockburn Estate. And...

What, and you think it's Lorna?!

Your car was also found abandoned
on the perimeter of the estate.

Well, what, what about Thomas?
Her baby...

He's fine. He's safe.

Oh, I'm sorry, this must be a shock.

Were you very close to her?

Er, no, no... Not really.

Oh, so that was just from the sale
of the car?

Er, my, my wife was her old school
teacher, you know, years back...

- and I know her from art class.
- Art class?

Yeah, we meet every week,
but I didn't go this week,

so, erm, I posted the car keys
through on Thursday night.

So, how did she pay you?

Er, well, I said she could
give us it when she could.

Hang on.

You gave your car to a girl
you only vaguely knew? For free?

Well, I knew she would pay me,
when she could.

Well, how would you know that,
if you barely knew her?

Look... I...

I hardly used it,
and it wasn't worth much, so...

So, who are the other people
in this art group?

Oh, I don't know their names.

Erm, us oldies didn't really mix
with the young 'uns,

- erm... you'd have to ask Josh.
- Josh who?

Josh Heslop. He's the tutor.


Yeah, his... his family have got a farm
on the Brockburn estate,

like Lorna's.

- Her family live on the estate, too?
- Aye.

Ee, I cannot believe this.


Got some ID, Ma'am. Driving licence.

- Aye, Lorna Falstone.
- How'd you know that?

Ronnie Browne sold, or rather gave,
his car to her two days ago.

- Why would he do that?
- That's a good question.

I need someone to get over to Kirkhill,

I want his DNA and his prints.

He also told us that her parents
run a farm on the estate.

So maybe that's where she was heading.


Ooft... DCI Stanhope'll do.

Did she have a phone on her?

Afraid not,
but the injuries do tell a story.



Obviously, Storm Alonso may be
responsible for some of these marks,

but not all of them.
This here, for example.

It's actually bruising.
The scratches conceal it slightly.

- So she was att*cked?
- Yes.

- And strangled?
- Certainly looks like it.

But she also has a head injury,
which I'm quite interested in.

Well, could that not have been
caused by the storm, though?

- A falling branch?
- Possibly.

But I would say
it indicates a targeted blow.

She was definitely fighting
more than the elements last night.

Broken nails,
bruising around the wrists.

Unfortunately, we've lost
a lot of forensic evidence

due to the conditions,
but we'll see what we can process.

The measurements around the wound
suggest a blunt object

and if I'm not mistaken, there
are tiny bits of wood in her hair,

caught up in blood fragments.

Well, good luck matching
that particular w*apon.


Now, if you were a gambling man,

would you say she was strangled
or died from the blow to the head?

At this stage, I'd say the head wound.

The bruises are bad, but not so bad
to imply death by strangulation.

- OK. And what about time of death?
- I'd put it at around 9pm.

That's before I found the bairn.

OK, thanks, Paula.

We need to go talk to the parents.

- I don't understand.
- How do you know it's her?

Because we found this on her.

Look, I know this is difficult,
but can I ask you to confirm?

And can you confirm
if this is Lorna's son?

Where is he? Is he OK?

Now, he's fine, love. He's being
taken care of by social services.

But we can arrange for him
to be brought here if you prefer.

- Yes, please.
- Where's Lorna now?

She's at the mortuary.

Well, we need to ascertain
cause of death.

A... A post-mortem?

W-W-Where was she going? I mean,
why would she go out in that storm?

She... She hasn't even got a car.

Ah, well, she bought a car
from her friend... Ronnie Browne.

- Do either of you know him?
- Er, no, not really.

- So she wasn't on her way here?
- Er, no. I hadn't heard from her.

How about you, Mr Falstone?
Can you think of any reasons

why Lorna would have gone out
in the storm?

None whatsoever.

So, when did you last see her?

I didn't see Lorna.
Not on a regular basis.

Oh, any reason for that?

Not one in particular, no.

Well, of course we are gonna need
to talk to the baby's father.

Can you give us an address?

- Er... No.
- Afraid not.

Well, er...

do you not have a relationship
with him either?

Er... No.

- Neither of us do.
- Did Lorna?

Er... not that we know of, no.

OK, not to worry.

If you can just give us his name...


Because we don't know.

I need to get some air.

Aiden, why don't you step outside
with Mr Falstone?

No. I want to be alone, thanks.

Have you got any idea who the father is?

Er, I don't.

Er... Lorna's always been very...
private. Even with us.

She, erm...

..she moved out when she was 16.

- Alone? Or with a flatmate?
- No, alone.

No friends, left home when she was 16...

..the baby's father a mystery.

All a bit odd.

All right, now, listen up.
First things first.

Now, this case, these people
who own the Brockburn Estate...

They're distant rellies of yours,
aren't they, Ma'am?

Aye, they are, Kenny,
and as you well know,

I have a zero relationship with them.

Now, I've spoken to the ACC
and he's given me the go-ahead

to remain on the case,
he's not concerned.

- Is that all right with you, Kenny?
- Aye, fine.

So, what have we got?

I've got witness statements
from the house, Ma'am.

A map of the estate from Juliet.
She said to give you this as well.

There were 30 people invited on Friday,

and they ended up staying over
due to the storm.

We interviewed them all
and took their DNA

before they went home in the morning.

The guests said that a Paul Blackstock

disappeared a couple of times,
but I'm following it up.

Yeah, OK. Thanks, Jac.

Now, as you all know,

I found a stranded baby
in the storm last night.

Thomas Falstone.

He'd been left unattended in a car
on the top road

next to Brockburn Estate.

The body of his mother, Lorna Falstone,

was later discovered by Nial Heslop.

Lorna's parents
have a farm on the estate.

Aye, but I'm ruling out the idea
that that's where she was heading.

Totally the wrong direction
and she didn't have that

sort of relationship.

There's also a Dorothy Elmsworth
lives on the estate.

It's a cottage attached to the house.

She's a friend of the family,
helps with running the estate.

Aye, I met her. Jac, did you go
up to the Heslop farm?

Apparently, the son, Joshua, teaches
art classes that Lorna attended.

Yeah. I got witness statements
from Nial and Nettie,

but Joshua was away teaching
at an artists' retreat.

- Yeah, well, get that corroborated.
- Yeah.

Now, then. Mark.

I want you to check out Marcus Branagh.

What was his life like before
he married into Brockburn.


"One touch of nature
makes the whole world kin."

Quote from Troilus And Cressida, Ma'am.

- What?
- Ulysses.


Now, then, listen. Very important,

vital, in fact, is to discover
the identity of the baby's father.

Now, let's collect any CCTV
that she might have been caught on.

I want her employment history,
college, friends, social media.

What was her average day like?

Now, who was the last person
to see her alive?

And why would she have gone out
in that storm?

Ah, well, definitely moving out.

Looks like.

Could be housing association
or local council.

- Certainly into her art.
- There's boxes of it.

Well, not just reading about it.

Take a look at this. What do you think?

I think Joshua Heslop's a good teacher.

And that is somehow familiar.

Maybe it's a copy of a famous painting?


Well, would you look at this.

It's a letter inviting her
to submit her art for an exhibition.

And look who it's signed by...
Marcus Branagh.

MARCUS: Juliet's out walking.
She'll be back soon.

Ah, actually, er,
it was you we came to see.

- What about?
- Er, did you write this letter

to Lorna Falstone?

- Who?
- Lorna Falstone.

The lass who was found dead
on the estate last night.

Oh, I see. I've never heard of her.

Oh, so, but that's your signature,
is it not?

Inviting her to submit her work
for your art project?

Well, yes, but I didn't send it.

- I don't do that kind of thing.
- What sort of thing?

Deal with the community arm
of the business.

So you didn't sign this letter?

Not personally, no.

Who does deal with the community arm?

Sophie Blackstock.
She's freelancing for us.

So you're telling me you've had
no connection with Lorna Falstone?

No. Why would I?

Well, for a kick-off,
her family lease land

and a farmhouse
from the Brockburn Estate.

Well, I know the name, I suppose.

You suppose?

You either know the name or you don't.

- Sorry, is there a problem, Detective?
- Aye, there's a problem.

We're investigating the death
of a young woman

and I'd like a little clarity.

I did not have a connection
with Lorna Falstone...

..but I do know the surname
from the estate.

Is that clear enough?

Now, if there's nothing else,
you must excuse me.

- There is something else.
- Right.

Sophie Blackstock's address, please.

You already have it. She was here
last night, with her husband, Paul.

- Paul Blackstock?
- Yes.

If he's married to your cousin,
that makes him your...

- Absolutely nothing to do with me.

- Right, the Blackstocks. Paula?
- 'Hi, Vera, the PM results are in.'

OK, we'll be right there.

- Post-mortem in?
- Aye.

Let's go there first.

Right, so I'm recording this
for my records. Is that OK?

- It's fine by me.
- Great.

- Just an unusual case this one.
- You said that about the last one.

Well, I treat all my cases as special,

but this one really is quite unusual.

In what way?

Well, I confirm the time of death
to be approximately 9pm.

The head injury...

- Is this the unusual bit?
- Partly,

because I got it wrong.
She didn't die from the head wounds.

- So she was strangled?
- No.

As I suspected,
although the larynx is damaged,

there is no fracture
to the hyoid bone in the neck.

- So how did she die?
- Cardiac arrest.

- A heart attack?
- Correct.

Deteriorated heart muscle, creating
larger chambers and weaker walls,

making pumping more difficult.

And is that the official
cause of death? Cardiac arrest?

Brought on by strangulation.
And then there's this.

Indicating where she
was initially att*cked.

Ah, cuckoo-pint.

- Correct term arum maculatum.
- Yeah, I know what it is!

You find it growing in woodlands
and hedgerows

like the section of road
where the car was parked.

We found residue on her clothes.

Indicating a struggle
next to her vehicle.

I think so.

Before she made her way through
the hedgerows and into the estate.

Aye, looking for help, the poor lass.

OK, thanks, Paula. Let me know
when you're ready for the parents.

'Mrs Blackstock,
according to Marcus Branagh, '

you wrote this letter to Laura Falstone.

Did you sign that for him?

The girl you found... was that Lorna?

Well, we're awaiting
formal identification, but...

we think so, yes. So did you know her?

I knew of her work. I invited her
to submit for the arts project.

Did either of you
leave the party last night?

We couldn't get out of the place!

Witnesses say that you, Paul,
disappeared a couple of times.

- To check on Lucy.
- Who's Lucy?

The dog.

It was the first time
we'd left her with the sitter.

So I went somewhere quiet to call her.

- And what time was this?
- Not sure.

Maybe you could check
your call register.

What happened to her?

Well, we are treating her death
as suspicious, love.

Here we are. 21:06, and again at 23:12.

Thank you.

I can't believe this.


Hi. Yeah. Great.

I'll see you soon.

That was Sarah.
I'm gonna collect the dog.

Is there anything at all you can tell us

that would help with our investigation?

I had met Lorna Falstone before.

Oh. When was this?

Three years ago.

It was at a clinic for eating disorders.

I wasn't being treated.

I was working there
as an arts therapist.

And what was your relationship
with her like?

Not close.
She was a very private person.

And what was her reaction
to your letter?

Initially, she seemed really excited,

but then I never heard back from her.

I just thought she'd changed her mind.

OK, love, can you give us
the details of this clinic?

- Bit over-the-top with the dog.
- You don't believe him?

I want you to verify those calls
with the dog sitter... and the dog.

- Since when do dogs have sitters?
- Oh, people do, Ma'am.

Got dog hotels. Doggy day care.
Doggy sleep overs...

That eating disorder
would explain the heart condition.

- Yeah, that must've been tough.
- Hmm.

I need you to get over to that
clinic first thing in the morning.

And talk to whoever it was
who treated her, in person.

Yes, Ma'am.

I'll be at the morgue, with the parents.

Oh, stay where you are, love.

- Is your husband not here?
- No.

He's looking after the baby.

Are you sure you're OK
to do this on your own?

- Are you not coming in with me?
- Oh, aye, I'll be there.

No, I meant without your husband.

I'm used to seeing Lorna on my own.


Did she suffer terribly?

No, I...
I don't think she suffered for long.

She died of a heart attack.

So she wasn't m*rder*d?

Well, the official cause of death
is heart failure,

but we are pursuing
a m*rder investigation.

I understand she had an eating disorder?


It was a long, hard battle.

- But she recovered?
- Physically, yeah.

She was so... strong, so... determined.

And the family?

Her and I were back on track. But...

..the relationship with her father...

Robert felt, erm...

..helpless, and Lorna felt... abandoned.

So you and her were back on track,

but you definitely don't know
who the baby's father is?

I didn't want to rock the boat
by asking.

- I just wanted to keep on seeing her.
- And you did carry on seeing her?

Every Friday afternoon, yeah.

But not this Friday past?

No. She cancelled.

- Did she say why?
- No.

And I never asked.

Why didn't I ask her?

Now, don't you go blaming yourself,

You've got that wee bairn
to take care of.

You grieve, aye,
but don't go feeling guilty, pet.

You didn't do this.

Thank you so much for taking
the time to see me yourself.

That's all right. Sorry to keep you
waiting, we've had a busy morning.

- Please, sit down, Detective.
- Thank you.

You mentioned Lorna Falstone?

I'm sorry to have to tell you
that Lorna died recently.

How? She was doing so well.

We're conducting an investigation
into her death.

Oh, God.

Can you confirm the dates
Lorna was a patient here?

Yeah, of course.

She was an inpatient
for eight months in 2019,

then she stayed as an outpatient.

- Was she fully recovered?
- Not fully.

The effects of an eating disorder
can be life long.

- How's her little boy? Is he OK?
- He's with his grandparents.


Well... that's good.

Did you personally work with Lorna?

I did.

When was the last
time you heard from her?

A couple of months.

Oh, so you stay in touch with patients

even after they've been discharged?

We always keep lines
of communication open.

There's no time limit on that.

And do the patients ever strike up
relationships? Romantic ones?

We don't endorse it,
but, yes, it does happen.

Was Lorna close to anyone in particular?

Yes, but sadly, we lost him...
which was tragic.

- Poor Nate.
- Who's Nate?


- Aiden?
- Guess whose brother

was also an inpatient
at Harton Hill Clinic?


'Paul Blackstock.'

Why didn't you tell us
you knew Lorna Falstone?

- You didn't ask.
- Well, why wait to be asked?

You heard her name, and you knew
she suffered a hideous death.

And is there a reason you didn't
tell us your brother and Lorna

were once in a relationship?

- It was hardly that.
- So, what was it, then?

One messed-up person messing up
another messed-up person even more.

So, to be clear,

your brother, Nate Blackstock,
and Lorna spent time together

at the Harton Hill Clinic?


So in your opinion,
who was messing up who?

- Why's it matter?
- Because Lorna's dead, love.

So is Nate!

Ah, now, he died three years ago, right?


So are you referring to Lorna
messing your brother up?


- She screwed with his head.
- So safe to say you didn't like her?

No, I did not.

What was the nature
of Nate's relationship with Lorna?

Haven't you already found this out
from the clinic?

- Nah, I wanna hear it from you.
- Ah, he was in love with her.

So, they were in
a romantic relationship?

No, it wasn't reciprocated.

Well, that's a rather
reductive way of looking at it.

It's the truth.

You seem angry.

- I am.
- At Lorna?

Am I supposed to just change
my feelings about the whole thing

because she's died?

- When did you last see Lorna Falstone?
- I don't know.

- Did you see her on Friday night?
- No.

Is that why you nipped
out from the party?

No! It was a coincidence
that we were at the party.

AIDEN: DCI Stanhope
has left the interview.

His story checks out.

I checked with his dog sitter,
and those calls were to her.

I also cross-referenced
the witness statements again,

and he did only leave the party
for a few minutes at a time.

No way he could've got to where
Lorna was found.

All right, well... thanks, Jac.

- Can I go now?
- No.

You said Lorna was "messed up".

- That's putting it nicely.
- What did you mean by that?

She was an expert
at pulling people into her drama,

whatever that might be.

- Well, such as?
- I don't know, changes every week, man.

She's signing herself out of the clinic,

her family aren't allowed to visit,
her dad's not her real dad.

- I mean, the list goes on...
- Hold on!

Are you saying Lorna thought Robert
wasn't her biological father?

That was one of many dramas, yes.

Banning her parents from visiting,

but letting another couple come
week in and week out.

Well, who were these other people?

An older couple.
Used to come and stay for hours.

An old teacher or something.
It felt a bit twisted to me.

Paul Blackstock clearly harboured
ill feeling towards Lorna.

He had motive, but I've ruled him out

because he couldn't have
got from the house

to where she was found and back again.

Just couldn't do it.

But what I am interested in
is this notion that Robert Falstone

isn't her biological father,

and whether it was Ronnie Browne
and his missus

who went to visit her at the clinic.

Er, Ma'am, I've actually got some
background on Ronnie Browne.

Now, he worked as a teacher
at Bamford High secondary school

for 20 years
before taking early retirement

to look after his wife in 2020.

But before he was a teacher,

he used to work as a grounds person
up at Brockburn Estate.

- He what?
- From 1990 until 1996.

So clearly he'd know the grounds...

..and the surrounding area
where the body was found.

Plus, if that was him
visiting her at the clinic,

when she wouldn't even see
her own parents...

KENNY: And he gave her his car.

I've just heard back
from Lorna's landlord, Ma'am.

She handed in her notice,

and then put down a deposit on a
new flat in Newcastle on Thursday.

Well, how could she afford that?
A single mum with no income.

Well, maybe good old Ronnie
coughed up again.

How well do you know Jill Falstone?

Lorna's mum? I do.. I don't.

So you've never had
a relationship with her?

- Wh-What, a romantic one?
- Aye.


With another woman?! No! God, no. Wha...

What, why, why would you think
a thing like that?

My wife and I
had a faithful and happy marriage.

Ah, well,
you told us you weren't close to Lorna.

- I wasn't.
- No?

So, how come you paid her regular visits

up at the Harton Hill Clinic?

Well, Elaine, my wife,
and her were pals.

Ah, now, seems to me
you were more than pals, love.

Seems you were very close.
Even after your missus passed.

- Is that what everyone's saying?
- It's what I'm saying.

Why don't you just give
us the full picture, Ronnie?

I am. I, I...

And you failed to mention
you used to be a groundsman

up at Brockburn.

Well, yeah. A long time ago.

Should I have mentioned that?
Is it relevant?

It's where Lorna's body was found.

Right, well...

I haven't been up there for years, man.

You know,
they're really not very nice people.

Yeah, well, be that as it may.

You led me to believe that she was
little more than an acquaintance,

and that's not true.

Yeah, well, I'm sor... I'm sorry, I
didn't know what to say. I panicked.


Look, people round here like to talk.

You know, if it got out that
I was close to Lorna and Thomas,

and, you know, I had something
to do with her death,

- well...
- What?

Well, they'd put it
all over the internet, man.

You know, gossiping and the like.
You know, it only takes one comment.

The lonely old man, friends with
the young single mum and her baby.

Is there anything else
you haven't told us?

Like what?

Like, do you know
who the baby's father is?

No! No, no, no.

Oh, well, let me put it like this.

Who do you suspect Thomas's father is?


her and Josh used to be very
friendly, so, I don't know.

You know, that's Lorna's business.

She always kept that side of her
life to herself and I didn't ask.

Well, what made you think
her and Joshua were friendly?

He always paid lots of attention
to her work in class.

Did you ever see them together
outside of the art classes?


- What, never?
- No, I didn't, honest.

I thought Jac verified
Josh Heslop's alibi?

- She did. She called the retreat.
- Well, double check it.

- I want specific timings.
- Yes, Ma'am.

And if this Ronnie fella
did work up at Brockburn,

the family must know him.

And you'd think finding
an abandoned baby in a car at night,

people'd give you straight answers,
wouldn't you?

- Never mind finding a dead body.
- So, where we heading?

Take a wild guess!

- Heslops.
- Right.

Ah, it's Nettie.

Ah, Nettie, love, erm...
Got a couple of questions for you.

- Now?
- Er, aye, now. Is that all right?

I mean, is it gonna take long?
Cos I've actually got a lot to do.

- Now, is Joshua home?
- No, he's still away.

- And when will he be back?
- Not sure.

- Well, when did he leave, exactly?
- Well, I really don't know.

He doesn't actually tell me
his every move.

Now, that party at Brockburn House,
did you leave at all?

- Before I turned up with the baby?
- No. Why?

We're just confirming
everyone's movements that night.

Well, I was busy serving guests
all night.

Did you know Lorna Falstone?

I mean, I knew her to look at,
but not to speak to.

Are you all right, pet?

Yeah, yeah...

Dad doesn't actually
like people being around.

- Ah, Mr Heslop. Er, DS Healy.
- Police? What have you done now?

- Nothing! They're just leaving.
- She needs sticking in jail

for that botch-up job that I've
just had to fix up, you know.

I mean, I did what you said!

Thinks she knows everything
there is to know.

She's only been doing it five minutes.

- But I actually did what you said.
- Kids, eh? Who'd have 'em?!

Thank you for the other night,
by the way,

when you came to the house.

No, no, no, you really helped.
With everything.

Ah, well, finding a dead body,
must've come as a bit of a shock.

Well, I appreciate it.

And I'm pretty sure that you saved me

from fainting in front of everyone,

Yeah. Is there, er,
something that we can help you with?

Well, er, we came to talk to your son,

but we understand Joshua's away
at the moment?

Yes. Er, he's teaching in Bragi Hall.

It's a posh, arty-type place, you know.

Makes Brockburn look modest, you know.

Is that everything, then?

Cos I need to get on with my jobs.

Aye, for now. But we may talk later.

Now, you need any support,
Mr Heslop, you just let us know.

Right, bye, love.

JAC: Oh, Ma'am, we've had
a call from Harton Hill Clinic.

Lorna left two voicemails
for her psychologist last week.

Last week? Why are we only
hearing about it now?

She didn't realise Lorna had called.

She's only just listened
and called us straight away.

- Have we got these messages?
- Er, yes, Ma'am.

'Jem, it's Lorna.
I, er, I need to ask a favour.

'I'm trying to move house
and I need a guarantor.

'I hope you don't mind me asking.
Could you give me a call, please?'

And the second one's quite different.

'Jemima, it's me again.
Don't worry, I'm all sorted now.

'My lovely friend Ronnie's
gonna give me the money

'and he says
he's happy to be my guarantor.

'I hope I didn't worry you too much.

'I'll let you know my new address
when I'm settled. Bye, bye, bye.'

Well, let's bring Mr Browne in.
See what other secrets he's keeping.


Mr Browne?

Need to talk to you.

Check upstairs.

Hello? Mr Browne?

Mr Browne.


What the...


He's not here.
Do you think he's done a runner?

Nah, his phone's still here.

Which means we can't track him.

Right, cancel all your plans.

Mark, I want the CCTV footage
from Kirkhill village,

covering the last two hours.

- Er, what's happened?
- Ronnie Browne's gone missing.

We've got an abandoned baby,

a dead mother,
and now a missing old fella.

Now, these have to be connected.
I want him found.

Meanwhile, Jac, get over to Bragi Hall

and talk to Joshua Heslop in person.

We need to know his exact movements.

Yes, Ma'am. I've also got Lorna's
financial records from the clinic.

Seems she had a wealthy benefactor.

£15,000 worth
for eating disorder treatment.

All from Crispin Stanhope's account.

Crispin Stanhope?

The payments were authorised
by Dorothy Elmsworth.

She handles the family's
financial affairs.


Sorry, Ma'am,
she didn't give the impression

she was involved that much.


- I wasn't expecting you.
- Is Dorothy here?

Er, no, she's in the cottage, I expect.

- Shall I call her?
- No, we'll get to her soon enough.

Now, at the party you told me
you didn't know Ronald Browne,

but we've subsequently discovered
he used to be your groundsman here,

for six years.

- Ron? The gardener?
- Aye, so you do know him?

Well, I know OF him.
He used to work here.

I wouldn't say that I KNEW him.

I had no idea that's who
you were referring to.


Well, don't tell me
he's responsible for this?

To think that anyone
connected to Brockburn

could have something to do
with this... terrible business.

And were you aware that your father
paid Lorna Falstone's medical bill?

- What?
- To the tune of £15,000.

Well, that's ridiculous.

Sorry, what am I looking at?

That's an invoice for Lorna's treatment

at the Harton Hill Clinic.

- What kind of clinic?
- Eating disorders.

Approved by Dorothy.

Now, why do you think
Crispin would have done that?

I have no idea.

- Really?
- No, of course not.

Juliet, can I remind you
this is a m*rder investigation.

Now, did you know Lorna?

Well, we all know each other
in some capacity.

Only we're looking into
the possibility...

..that Crispin was her father.

- Oh.
- You don't seem very surprised.

Well, do you think
that is a possibility?

This whole thing is a disaster.
Marcus is gonna be furious.

Do you think your father
could also be Lorna's father?

Well, I suppose it's a possibility.

You know as well as I do
he couldn't keep it in his pants.

Seems like that's as close
to straight answers

- as we'll get from her.
- Aye, right.

Call the station, and see if there's
any news on Ronnie Browne.

- Ma'am.
- Dorothy?

- Hello.
- I was just on my way to see you.

- Have you got a minute?
- Of course.

Erm... I understand
you acted for Crispin

regarding his financial matters.

That's right.

And you've approved payments
to the Harton Hill Clinic

to pay for Lorna Falstone's treatment?

I did.

Why would Crispin want you to do that?

He paid me to keep his finances
in order,

not to poke my nose
into his personal life.

Oh, so, it was a personal matter, then?

- I assumed.
- Hmm.

So, what else did you arrange for him?

- Many things.
- His will?

I did.

And was Lorna mentioned in the will?

No. Not officially.


Crispin wanted her
to have the Falstone farm.

So, if Lorna wasn't mentioned
in the will... do you know he wanted her
to have the farm?

There was a letter.
To me, as a trustee of his estate.

And do the family know
about that letter?

Marcus does. Not Harriet and Juliet.

Or at least we've never spoken about it.

Can I see it?

It went missing from my office
a couple of months ago.

I initially thought I'd mislaid it,
but then...

Harriet put the house on the market,

Actually, I believe it was Marcus
who pushed for that.


I've seen more of you these past days

than in the last 20 years!

Oh, more like 30.

Tell me you've found out
what's happened to that poor girl?

Ah, not yet, no.

I do worry. For you.

I'm sorry, Harriet, I'm not with you.

Well, what will people think

if you don't "crack the case",
as they say?

Well, people won't think anything,
cos we will crack the case.

I just hope being at Brockburn
isn't a distraction for you.

You know, a reminder of everything
you went through with Hector.

Oh, I've long since made my peace
with Hector.

I mean, no father's perfect, are they?

I suppose.

As I could see from those lovely photos

Juliet kindly sent over.

Really? That's nice.
Well, I'd better get on.

That's a good idea.

You've got some nerve, I tell you.

Coming up here,
asking if I'm Lorna's dad.

Look, I know it's not
the easiest of subjects...

"Easiest of subjects"?!

My daughter's lying on a slab,
and you want to delve into...

Don't, Robert.
They're just trying to do their job.

Their job is to find who k*lled Lorna.

And in order to do that,

we need to know every detail
of Lorna's life,

no matter how difficult.


Lorna's my daughter.

That's all there is to it.

Robert, come here.

Come and take him down for a nap.

And have one yourself, you're exhausted.

It's come to our attention

that Crispin Stanhope
paid Lorna's medical bills.


- Did you know that?
- I did.

Was Crispin Lorna's biological father?

It's possible, yes.

And did Lorna know?

She did.

And instead of blaming me,

she took it out on the person
who loved her most.


Maybe she was k*lled
because she had a stake

- in the whole Brockburn estate.

Jac, any news?

'Nobody's seen Ronnie Browne
since yesterday.'

Right. Well, keep me posted.

- Still nothing on Ronnie?
- No.

Maybe he hasn't legged it.

Maybe he knew something
about Crispin's letter,

and someone needed to shut him up
before we talked to him again.

Catrina, this is what happens

when suspicion and jealousy go to w*r

with reason and common sense.

I'm always telling DC Lockhart that.

Is there somewhere we can talk, pet?

- Do I need a solicitor?
- Well, I don't know. Do you?

I mean, you're not gonna try
and stitch me up?


Now, this arts centre at Brockburn.

What about it?

That's gonna cost an awful lot of money

to get up and running, isn't it?


Well, not a single person
that we interviewed at your party

planned to invest a single penny.

- People always say that.
- Do they?

Doesn't mean they can't be persuaded.

- Oh, the hard sell, eh?
- Needs must.

And whose idea was it to put
the Falstone farm on the market?

Er... I can't remember now.

And I assume all the proceeds from that

will be going towards this venture.

Yes. They will.

Well, it seems that's your only
solid capital investment.

Making it a crucial sale, right?

- Is that a crime?
- Ah, possibly.

Now, what do you know about a letter
from Crispin Stanhope

stating he wanted Lorna
to inherit the Falstone farm?

Nothing. Nothing at all.

Well, perverting the course
of justice is an offence, Marcus.

I don't know the details.

Ah, so you do know about the letter?

W-With all due respect,
I'm having a hard time understanding

what any of this has got to do with me.

Because if Lorna had a claim
in any way on that farm,

it would render your project
a non-starter and you know it.

But she didn't have a claim on it.

All the letter says is that he would
prefer the farm to go to Lorna.

Ah, you even know the details
of the letter?

Well, it doesn't matter,

because that's not what he said
in the will!


Do you know Ronnie Browne,
Kirkhill village?

No. Should I?

Where were you yesterday?

I was here, rehearsing.

It was too late
to get back to Brockburn.

- Anyone with you?
- A few colleagues.

- I was helping them with their lines.
- Oh, I see.

Ma'am, that was Aiden. We need to go.

Now, Ma'am.

Is that bruising?

It is indeed, and I don't even have
to open him up to confirm

that he was strangled to death.

Why not?

I'm trialling some new technology
for the big tech company.

Listen, it's going
to transform forensics.

We're a bit pushed for time, Paula,

having two murders now on our hands,

so is there anything useful
about where he was found?

Yes. It seems that he was rolled
down the bank and into the stream.

We found bike tracks at the top.

- What sort of bike?
- A quad bike.

- A quad bike?
- And we know who's got one of them.

- Aye, Nettie Heslop.

It's Jac.


Er, Jac, you're on speaker phone.

'Ma'am. So, I've just left Bragi Hall.'


'Joshua Heslop didn't arrive
until late Thursday night.'

So his alibi checks out?

- 'To a point.'
- What do you mean?

'Well, he's covered for Lorna's death,

'but he left yesterday morning
at eleven o'clock,

'after a phone call from his sister.'

Right. Thanks, Jac.

So, Joshua leaves there at eleven.

Ronnie goes missing about two thirty.

Josh could have gone home in that time.

Aye, and could easily
have got over to Kirkhill!


Bit early for a party, innit?

Take a photo of these tyres
before we knock.

Can I help you?

Ah, Nettie, love. Is that Joshua home?

Yeah, must be.

Now, were you out on the quad bike
last night?

No. I mean, I don't think so.

What do you mean, you don't think so?

No, I wasn't.

Joshua Heslop?

DCI Stanhope, DS Healy.

We need to talk to you, love,
about Lorna Falstone.

Is there somewhere
we can chat in private, love?


Can you turn the music off, pet?
As soothing as it is.

SLURRING: Sorry about the mess.

- I'll find some chairs.

Before you left Bragi Hall yesterday

you received a call
from your sister. Is that correct?


Hmm. Well, what about?

Er, nothing. She just wanted to talk.

Did you talk about Lorna's death?

No. I mean, not really.
Obviously, we spoke about her.

What time did you get back here?

Not until late. After midnight.

Ah, but you left Bragi Hall at 11am,

What were you doing until midnight?

- Where were you?
- Nowhere. Just around.

Could you be more specific?

I went for a walk,
and then I went to the pub.


- Yeah.

Which pub?

The Crow's Nest.

What exactly was your relationship
with Lorna?

She came to my art classes in Kirkhill.

We were just good mates.

Are you the father of her baby?

No, I'm not Thomas's father.
Who told you that?

Ronald Browne suggested it.

Well, I don't know
why he'd say something like that.

So you knew him?

Er, yeah.
I think he's a really nice bloke.

He thought the world of Lorna.

Well, we're now also investigating
his death.

- Ronnie's dead?
- Yes.

Were you ever in
a romantic relationship with Lorna?

- I can't believe it. Both of 'em?
- Can you answer the question?

SNARLING: No, we were just
really good mates...

until she got pregnant,
and then we stopped doing stuff.

Stopped hanging out. Look, is that all?

I need to get some sleep.

Is that one of Lorna's paintings?


Where is that?

I don't know. It's something
she painted again and again.

Yeah. Is it a real place?

I don't know.


Anyway, Joshua, we're gonna send
someone to take a DNA sample,

and we will need to talk to you again,

so don't leave the area.

Didn't even ask how either of them died.

- No.
- Get his DNA off him.

Tell 'em I want it back ASAP.

Absolutely, Ma'am.

We're now looking at Joshua Heslop
as Ronnie Browne's k*ller.

And we're ruling out Marcus Branagh,

because he claimed he was working
with a colleague yesterday,

and unfortunately, yes,
that has been corroborated.

Now, we've spoken to Joshua,

and he told us he did have
a relationship with Lorna,

but claims it was platonic.

But Ronald Browne told us

he thought Joshua could possibly
be the baby's father.

Now, Joshua went to this Bragi Hall
retreat early Thursday evening,

so that rules him out of Lorna's m*rder,

but he left there yesterday morning
around 11am,

after receiving a call from his sister.

- What about?
- Nothing specific, he says.

Oh, so he could have k*lled Ronnie?

Ah, well, the timings fit.

Right, he claims that he was walking
and drinking alone

from the moment he got back
until late last night.

Yeah, so get over
to the Crow's Nest, Kenny,

that's where he said he went,
and see if that checks out.

Will do, Ma'am.

Maybe he thought Ronnie
had k*lled Lorna...

..and went there to confront him.

- Or even if he didn't think that,

he still could have gone there
to his house.

He knew Ronnie and Lorna were friends.

And, well, Joshua's a drinker,
he's hot-headed.

Maybe it was an accident,
things got out of hand.

Ma'am, Lorna's baby's missing.

Jill thinks he's been abducted.

Molotov cocktail, Ma'am.

The fire was started deliberately
in the barn.


You've got to find him!

OK, now tell me exactly what happened.

- Everything you can remember.
- We've done that! We've told them!

I'm sorry, pet,
but I need to hear it for myself.

Now, what time did you last see Thomas?

Oh, God!

It's OK. Jill, we've got
to go through it again.

We had our tea, I gave Thomas a bath

and Robert gave him his last bottle.

Yeah, he didn't finish it.
He... He went off after six ounces.

So I put him down just after six twenty.

What, into his cradle?
Now, was that upstairs?

Yes, in our room.

I went back five minutes later
to give him the rest,

but he was well away.

Six thirty-five. That was
the last time I checked up on him.

So at six thirty-five,
he was still there?


And that's when I saw the fire,
in the barn.

- And you both came over to the barn?
- Yes.

- And that's when someone must have...
- Yeah.

And when you got back, Thomas had gone?

- Yes.
- OK.

Now, do you know a Joshua Heslop?

Er, Heslop? Er... is he the chap
who was clearing up after the storm,

who lives on the estate?

No, his son. Josh.

Josh? No, no, I don't know him, why?

Now, are you sure
Lorna didn't mention a Joshua?

- Yes, I'm sure!
- OK, love.

Now, we need to take a look
around inside, so come on.

Let these people
get on with their job. Come on.

- Come on.
- Oh, God.

I think us going up there
has pushed Josh over the edge,

and he's panicked.

He's come down and snatched his son,

cos he thinks
it's the end of the road for him.

Panic and a baby,
that's not a good combo.

Where's he taken him?

I need to check something.

Look, I have to go now,

but DS Healy will stay,
and he'll take care of you, right?

Where are you going?

Just stay here. I'll be in touch.



'You've reached the voicemail
of Detective Sergeant Healy.'

Aiden, meet me at the Palaihora Lane.

It's just past the old school.


[g*nsh*t, VERA YELLS]

- 'Emergency dispatch.'
- I need backup, now!



Ma'am?! Are you OK?

- Have you been shot?

- Oh, don't start.
- What's happened?

I cracked my head on the wall.
We need to get up to the Heslops'.

- But you need first aid!
- Are you coming or what?

Oh, Jac. Search this place and get
an SFO team up to the Heslop farm.


Hold on, Ma'am.
We've got to wait for SFOs.


- They're saying 20 minutes.


Why do you always do that?
Why do you always stick up for him?

You lot don't care.
You never tell me the truth.

What's going on?

- Is Thomas OK, pet?
- Yeah.

Are you OK? Are you hurt?

Why's she got Lorna's baby?

Listen, love, why don't you
give Thomas to DS Healy here,

and we can talk about this?

Talk about what?
What haven't you told me?

- You haven't even been here, Josh.
- Let's just stay calm.

Now, then, whose is
the pick-up truck in the barn?


With the broken windshield.
Now, is it your dad's?


Is your dad here, love?
Is he in the house?

- Me dad?
- This isn't what you think it is.

I know, you don't have to protect
him any longer, love. It's over.

Now, you come with us. Come on.

- Dad, please.
- What are you doing?

Dad, just put the g*n down.

Now, listen to your daughter, Mr Heslop.

Why? It's over.
She just said so herself.

Oh, not for your children it's not,
Mr Heslop.

Not for Nettie, Joshua and Thomas
it's not.

What did you just say?

- Now, Nettie is leaving now...
- Dad?

She's leaving with my colleague.

Tell us. What did you do?

Shh. I never meant to hurt her.

You k*lled her?

You k*lled Lorna? You m*rder*d her!

Get her out!

- m*rder*r!



Hey, Joshua, put the g*n down.

- You make me sick!
- Go on. sh**t me.

Joshua. He's not worth it, pet!

Think! You can get through this, love.

I can't. I won't.

- You can, and you will.
- I loved her.

- I loved her.
- You k*lled her.

Joshua, if you sh**t, you'll be
as bad as him. You'll go to prison.

- Is that what you want?
- I don't understand.

I don't understand any of it.

Now, just,
just you give me the g*n, pet.

Just, just, just give me the g*n!

Nial Heslop, I'm arresting you
for the m*rder of Lorna Falstone

and Ronald Browne.

You do not have to say anything,
but it may harm your defence

if you do not mention, when questioned,

something you later rely on in court.

Anything you do say
may be given in evidence.

Come on.


Why didn't Nettie say something?

Oh, the lass was just keeping
her dad's secrets for him.

We've all done that.

Displaced sense of loyalty
make you believe anything.

- How did you find the lodge?
- Well, from her paintings.

Suddenly, the penny dropped.

Harley Lodge, my dad
used to take me there as a kid

when we came to visit the big house.

I always had in the back of my mind,

why were they being so secretive?

Mm? They're both young, free, single.

Why go sneaking about?
Doesn't make sense.

And then I realised

the only person
at the scene apart from yours truly,

who hadn't been eliminated,
was Nial Heslop.

And then when I saw that foliage
on the bumper of his pick-up,

well, that confirmed it to me.

It was the same as that found
on Lorna's body.


You know, I can't help thinking

when I found that bairn in the motor...

..if only I turned up sooner.

I'm sorry about the bump to the head.

The bump?

You took a shot at me!

I needed a-a-a dis...
distraction to get away.

Ah, well, I'd say I came off better
than Lorna and Ronnie.

I didn't mean it.

I didn't mean it, you know.

- k*lling Lorna or k*lling Ronnie?
- I didn't k*ll Lorna.

She collapsed.

Aye... while you were trying
to strangle her.

What was your relationship
with Lorna, exactly?

- Oh, me and Lorna?
- Mm.


..we, er... we wanted to be together.


Before Thomas was born...

..we used to meet up at that lodge...

..where no-one else could see us.

And she was, what, roughly
the same age as your daughter?

I don't know, didn't matter.
We had plans. A life...

..away from here.
Just... the two of us together.


Is that why she was running away
from you in a force ten gale?

Not me, no. That was because of him.

- "Him"? You mean Ronald Browne?
- Yeah.

Feeble excuse of a man.

Going on about, you know, how
she could be an artist and, er...

..look after Thomas on her own
terms. Didn't need anyone else.

He just wanted her for himself.

See, this... this... all of this.

It's all down to him. All of it.

Ah, well, newsflash, love.

Ronnie didn't know
you had anything to do with Lorna.

I went over to his place
to have it out with him,

and he was...
he was acting all innocent.

And that's when...

..he told me how fond he was of Lorna.

And that's why you k*lled an
innocent man, because he was fond?!

- I loved her! I loved her.

Why did you even go to his house?

Lorna was already dead.


No, no, no. She was dead because of him.

Mr Heslop, Ronald Browne
didn't k*ll Lorna...

you did.

No, no, no, no.

I couldn't let her take away my boy.

So, why didn't you go back
for your boy? Hmm?

After you'd chased his mam to her death?

Ah, you couldn't do that, could you,
draw attention to yourself?

No, you'd rather leave the bairn
to the mercy of the storm.

No, I would've gone back.

- I would've.
- So, why didn't you?

But when I saw Nettie was... was...

was holding him in the kitchen...
I just... didn't know what to do.

If you ask me,
they're all better off without you.

The loyalty that Nettie has shown you...


I'm her father.

She should be loyal to me.

Yeah, well,
that doesn't make you her master

any more than it did Lorna's.

Take him down.

Thanks for bringing
the rest of his things.

Ah, you're welcome, love.

And for finding him.

Are you OK? Your head...

Oh, this, it's nothing,
just throbs a bit.

And, erm... him?

What's gonna happen to him?

Well, hopefully,
he'll plead guilty as charged,

and then you can start
rebuilding your lives.

Oh... and we had the results
of the DNA test back.

Lorna was not related to the Stanhopes.

You are Thomas's biological grandfather.

Thanks. But none of that
ever really mattered to me.

Lorna was always mine.


Oh, I see they've taken
the "for sale" sign down.

Er, yes. Erm, Harriet called earlier.

They're not going to sell?

- They are.
- To us.

Ah, well, watch her, make sure
she gives you a fair price.

- Ta-ra.
- Bye-bye.

Thank you.

I can't believe it.

He actually came in here,
didn't he, Vera? Yeah...

And pretended to find her like that,

and all the time, he k*lled her himself?

- What a terrible person.
- Well, quite.

It's like something from a horror film.

Don't be so dramatic, Juliet.

Anyway, I just thought your people
would like to know

I did "crack the case".

Indeed. Job well done.

Was that a compliment, Harriet?

- Of course it is.

Oh, and we really didn't know
about Daddy's letter.

Yeah, I believe you.

Would you like to stay...
for a cup of tea, Vera?

Ah, thanks, Juliet, somewhere to be.

Well, don't be a stranger.