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11x04 - As the Crow Flies

Posted: 01/05/24 11:10
by bunniefuu
[Suspenseful music]

[Heavy breathing]

- [Water trickling]
- [suspenseful music continues]

[Car engine revving]

[Tractor whirring]

[Suspenseful music continues]

[Gravel crunching]

[Steering wheel banging]

[School bell ringing]

[Teacher] Come on guys,
that's it, breaks over.

[Ominous music]

[Waves crashing]

[Ominous music continues]

[Heavy breathing]

[Ominous music continues]

[Thunder clapping]

[Waves crashing]

[Ominous music intensifies]

- [Dog barking]
- [birds cawing]

[Dog barking]

[Ominous music]

[Dog Walker] Bobby!

[Bobby panting]

Come here!

[Ominous music continues]

- Bobby!
- [Bobby barking]

[ominous music continues]

[Mysterious theme music]

[Car engine revving]

[Sheep baaing]

[Car horn beeping]

[Sheep baaing]

[Mysterious music continues]

[Seagulls squawking]

[Ominous music]

[Car door slams]

Dog walker found
her an hour ago.

Oh, well that makes more sense,

I thought you said
the victim had a dog.

Sorry, phone signal's terrible,

I was at the base of the cliff.

So where'd this dog
walker find her?

Bottom of the steps.

We got an ID?

Yeah, we just found a
bag, Elizabeth Swann,

mid-forties, teacher.

She was wearing a wedding
ring, so presumably married.

Looks like she fell down them.

Fell? Or was she pushed?

Well, steps are steep,
been raining nonstop,

they'd have been slippy.


- Oh!
- Oh!

Oh, you wasn't joking when
you said it was slippy.

Bet Mr Cheerful
loved all that rain.

[Camera clicking]

[Vera panting]

Well, I hope you can give
us something useful Malcolm,

not just excuses.

You do realise the rain
will have washed away

most of the forensic
evidence don't you?

Oh, well, I wouldn't have
thought you'd let a bit of

bad weather put you off, pet.

She's been dead 12 to 18
hours sometime between 8:00 AM

and 2:00 PM yesterday.

Can you tell us how she died?

Well, the marks on
her face suggest to me

that it was face
down for a start.

[Camera clicking]

So are you saying
somebody turned her over?

If I knew that right now,

I would have told
you, wouldn't I?

[Vera sighs]

She has considerable
bruising, her hands show

significant signs of injury.

She was obviously trying to
protect herself as she fell,

but as yet I haven't determined
precise cause of death.

Can you tell if she was pushed?

Not yet, I should be
able to establish that

when I get to examine her
more closely in the lab.

Was there any forensic
evidence at all?

After 16 Hours of rain
and Force 8 gales-

Oh, all right Malcolm, we
all know there was a storm!

[Vera sighs]

- [Seagulls squeaking]
- [suspenseful music]

Private, isn't it?

No one would know you were here.

Right, come on.

Do we have an address
for the family?

Yeah, it's a farm, just
outside of Brignall.

- [Suspenseful music]
- [engine revving]

Okay, thank you.

Elizabeth Swann was a deputy
head at Wellstead Academy,

which is about three miles
away from where she was found.

So what was a teacher
doing taking a long walk

at 11:00 AM on a
school day, hmm?

- [Car engine revving]
- [suspenseful music continues]

[Car doors slam]

[Door knocking]

[Tractor whirring]

Go on after him.


You like running, go on.

[Wheelbarrow squeaking]

[Ominous music]

[Cows mooing]

[Hay whooshing]

[Spade banging]


What do you want?

I'm sorry love, I'm
DCI. Vera Stanhope,

Northumberland and City Police.

I'm here about Elizabeth Swann.

What's happened?

Do you need Phil?

Phil? Is that a husband?

He's my son.

Well then Mrs. Swann,

I'm afraid I have bad news.

The kids loved her,
they'll be devastated.

Couldn't move for chocolate
at the end of term.

[Clock ticking]

Your son was in the army?

That's where he met Lizzy.

She were teaching at
the forces school.

When did he leave?

- About seven years ago.
- [door creaking]

He got injured.

What's happened?

Did she fall?


DCI Stanhope, I am so sorry
about your wife, Mr. Swann.

We don't know exactly
what happened,

but we do believe she
might not have been alone.

[Door clicks]

So someone pushed her?

Nope, I'm not saying that it
could have been an accident.

We're looking at
all possibilities.

Well, what did you
think when she didn't

come home yesterday?



She died, yesterday.

[Vera] Neither of you noticed?

It was just me and Phil,

we were flat out.

You didn't notice Mr. Swann?

I'm in the spare room.

I'm usually asleep by
the time she comes home.

It's easier.

So, she was alone all night?

Now, can you think
of anyone at all

who might've wanted to hurt her?

No, no, no, everybody loved her.

And is it significant
where she was found,

Wellstead Point?

I don't know.

She used to like to go
for a run before school,

you know, she'd
go there and back.

She wouldn't have been running.

She had her car.

Her car?

Do you recognise this
keyring Mr Swann?

That's Lizzy's, car
keys are missing.

I need to tell the girls.

The girls?

My daughters.

They're in Newcastle, Fern's
a live-in nanny there.

Zara's been staying
with her since Saturday.

Go on, we can send a
car to pick them up.

You don't tell 'em,

I need to tell 'em.

We need to be
together, excuse me.

Now, is it all right if I
take a look upstairs, pet?

[Suspenseful music]

[Door clicks]

[Suspenseful music continues]

Car's not been seen.

What do you make of them
not sleeping together?

Well, it makes sense
if he needs his sleep.

His clothes are still here.

Well, get forensics
onto that laptop.

[Car engine revving]

[Sombre music]

[Car doors slam]

[Phil] Girls, come to me.

Lets just leave 'em too it.

[Zara] Oh, dad!

[Phil] I know.

[Girls sobbing]

Come on.

[Sombre music continues]

[Phil sighs heavily]

I can't take it in, poor Lizzy.

Were you close?

She was one of my best friends,

we met at our last school and
came here to turn it round.

She was,

- she was amazing.
- Mm, aye.

Her family must be devastated.

I had no idea she was suicidal.



I just,

you said she was found at the
bottom of Wellstead Point,

with her suspension I-

Oh, she'd been suspended?

When did that happen?

Three days ago, Monday.

Did someone do this to her?

And why would you ask that?

There had been an issue.

What sort of issue?

She suspected one of the
parents of hurting their child.

I was away.

Lizzy reported it last
Friday to social services.

They started an investigation
over the weekend.

That sounds like she
was just doing her job.

Not exactly.

The father came in on Monday,
he was furious, livid.

After he left, I spoke to Lizzy,

she hadn't been accurate
with what she had said

to social services.

How do you mean?

She'd misrepresented
what the child had said

and taken no written records.

So you suspended her?


Why was she so hasty?

Because she was
worried about Omar.

She said she didn't care
she'd done it the wrong way,

but she had to do something.

Well, I think you better
give us this dads name, love.

If you wait five minutes,
you can meet him.

[Car door bangs]

Did you score any goals tonight?

Ah, bet you did.

[Aiden] Mr Hassan?


[Aiden] We're from
Northumberland City Police,

can we have a word?

-Go, go, go
-Come with me.

We're here to investigate
the death of Elizabeth Swann.

The death?

That's horrible.

We hear the two of you had words

at the start of this week.

I feel terrible about that now.

And I was upset about Omar.

I don't blame Mrs. Swann,
she was just doing her job.

When d'ya last see her?

Not since Monday.

Listen, I need to
take Omar somewhere,

I promised I'd take him
straight after school.

And where would that be?

To his mom's grave
to lay some flowers.

Oh, I'm sorry about that, love.

Well, we won't stop ya,
but we will be in touch.

I am sorry about Mrs. Swann.

[Door clicks]

[Suspenseful music]

The body of Elizabeth Swann,
known as Lizzy, aged 42,

a much loved teacher,
was found at the foot of

Wellstead Point yesterday.

It's thought she'd been
there approximately 18 hours.

Now, her bag was found
some 30 metres away

on the rocks and it
appears the contents are

present and correct, with
the exception of her car key.

And we've yet to locate her car.

Now, she hadn't been reported
missing because her husband

and mother-in-law were
working all hours,

flat out on the farm.

And hadn't noticed her
failure to return home.

And her work mates knew
she'd been suspended

for instigating a
child protection case

without following the
correct procedure.

Now, the child concerned is
a lad called Omar Hassan.

His father Mohammad Hassan,
he was absolutely livid

at the accusation and he
turned up at the school

to complain on Monday.

Yeah and we should check
to see if there's any truth

in the accusation.

Jac, get onto social services,
see what you can find out.

All right, Ma'am.

Now we know that was
someone else at the scene

because her body
had been turned over

and unlikely to have been by
the dog walker who found her.

Mark, how you doing
tracing her car?

No sign of it, it's not
showing up on any ANPR

in the last 36 hours,
it's just disappeared.

Yeah, well I doubt the
magicians involved.

See if this helps,
it's a car park ticket

I found in her bedroom.

It's from Monday, I'll
look into it, Ma'am.

Aye, good lad.

Now, Kenny, is there anything
in the family background

we should know about?

Er, clean as a whistle.

Phil Swann was pensioned out
of the army seven years ago

due to an injury caused by an
IED expl*si*n in Afghanistan.

And they gave him a
ribbon and he came back

to run the family
farm seven years ago.

Bad luck seems to have a
habit of following him.

I ran some checks, a
year ago his brother Ryan

died in a car crash and
Phil's daughter, Zara

was also badly injured in it.

Ooh, poor family, then this!

It's hard enough coming
back from one tragedy.

You'd think you'd notice if
your wife didn't come home

at night, wouldn't ya?

Now, if she wasn't
going to school,

where was she going, hmm?

Mark, find out, I
want her movements

for the last couple of weeks.

- Ma'am.
- [phone ringing]

Kenny, check her bank
records and phone records.

Jac, get onto forensics, have
they picked up her laptop?

[Phone bangs]

Was that Malcolm?

Yeah, he's ready for us.


[Door clicks]

Malcolm, what have you got?

Right, well, I've got
a fairly good idea

about what happened.

Well, I don't like
the sound of fairly.

Well, you can blame
the rain for that.

So, we found scuff marks
which matched her shoes

on these steps here.

So she was pushed?


I think she was climbing the
steps when someone grabbed her

bag from behind and we've
got significant corroborative

bruising here, I think
they pulled the bag so hard

that the buckle broke off,

leaving the corresponding
abrasion here.

The next injury she
sustained was a severe trauma

to the skull, there.

Was she hit?

No, I think the impact
of the bag breaking

swung her backwards, she hit
her head against the wall

where we found
fragments of her hair.

Most of the other injuries
she sustained are consistent

with her falling
down with steps,

but there are these bruises
here and also on the other arm.

Well, it looks like someone
grabbed hold of her.

You should be a detective.

So someone got hold of her...

And there was a tussle...

And deliberately pulled her

so that she fell over backwards.

Well, whatever happened,
they left her for dead.

[Suspenseful music]



Is that an older
bruise on her wrist?

Well spotted, yes, from a few
days ago, possibly a week.

We've run some tests, just
waiting for the results.

Well, lets have
those results ASAP.

So what actually k*lled her?

She died from a broken neck.

It would have been instantaneous

the moment she
reached the bottom.

No later than 1:30 PM.

So that's between
11:15 and 1:30.

Right, well that
narrows it down.

Thanks Malcolm.

You know me, I aim to please.

[Vera] No one likes
to show off, love.

[Door bangs]

[Car engine revving]

Oh, what clowns left that there?

- Oh.
- [car horn beeping]

[car door clicks]

- [Car door bangs]
- [cows mooing]

This your vehicle, sir?

I wouldn't go up to
the farm right now,

they've had some bad news.

You were with Phil in the army?

Northumberland and City Police.

We were in the same squad,

went to school
together too, Macca.

Sorry, Jamie McCarthy.

Ah, so you've heard
what's happened?

Came to see Phil
as soon as I heard.

I can't believe anyone would
do that to Lizzy it's ju...

Do what Mr. McCarthy?

Well, I dunno, I just
thought with all the police.

Ahh, gotcha.

Were you close to the deceased?

Close to the whole
family, 'cause of Phil.

You worked for Phil too?

No no, just rent
the barn off of him,

more of a favour really.

Checking to see it was
still dry after the storm,

that was some rain, eh?

Can you shift ya motor?

Course, sorry.

If I can do anything to
help, just let me know.

- [Engine starts]
- [engine revving]

[Suspenseful music]

Barely keeping it together.

That explains why they're
renting the barn out.

That's enough Rose, she's
not been dead two minutes,

just drop it!

Rose, this is the police,
they're finding out

what happened to Lizzy.

And you are?

Lizzy's sister-in-law,

or was, Rose Swann.

Ah, Phil's brother's wife, Ryan.

We just saw Phil's mate
down the lane, Macca.

Can you tell us about
Lizzy's movements

over the last week?

Same as normal.

Lizzy did long
hours at the school.

So what did she
do at the weekend?

She was at home
all day, Saturday.

On Sunday, we all went to
Ryan's memorial in Brignall.

Who else was at the memorial?

Lizzy, Phil, Moira, me.

A few men from work.

Were your niece's not there?

Zara and Fern?

They were too busy.

Are they still around?

Just started milking.

[Zara] You need to get back.

[Fern] I just think dad
might need us, you know?

[Zara] But you've
got work, I can stay.


I'm DCI Stanhope, I'm
heading the investigation

about your mam.

Don't tell my dad will
ya, about the cigarette?

Well, I think he's got bigger
things to worry about, pet.

How are you both doing?

It doesn't feel right,
being here without mam.

Dad said, you think
someone did this to her?

Oh, I'm looking at all
explanations, love.

Now, I've just seen
your Auntie Rose,

that why you're
hiding around here?

She can get a bit, intense.

She told us neither of
you went to Uncle Ryan's

memorial on Sunday.

Why's that?

Zara's been with
me since Saturday,

I picked her up from here
took her back to Newcastle

to stay with me.

Oh, you're the live-in nanny?

Mm, been there for two years.

They're like family.

The house is huge and the
kids love having Zara there

and she needed to revise.

Oh, A levels?


She's got an offer to
study law at Durham.

Seems so trivial now.

Nah, no pet, that's not trivial.

No, eh, Mom didn't think so.

She was very proud.

So was that the last time you
saw your mam, on Saturday?

How'd she seem?


Said she'd missed me.

Just er, just like normal,

you know, just mam.

She mention school at all?

Well, I need to
talk to your dad.

Where can I find him?

In the top field,
I'll take you up.

It's okay, I'll go.

Ah no, not if it's tricky, love.

[Zara] It's fine.

I need to keep moving.

- [Gentle music]
- [cows mooing]

Ooh, look at this lot.

My mam always wanted a cow.

Are you okay, pet?

Just twinges.

Is that from the accident?


Ah, is that why you and Fern
didn't go to the memorial?

Ah, your Aunt Rose
said you were busy.

Gotta get two A's
and an A♪ for uni,

I'm always busy.

And how were things with
you and your mam, hmm?

Not easy being a teenager
out here in the sticks.


We'd been having
a few arguments.

Last month had
been a bit, tricky,

needed some time out.

I just feel so guilty.

What were you arguing about?

Just stuff,
anything, everything.

I miss her, we were
close, really close,

especially once Fern left.

[Tractor revving]

Well, here's your dad so,
I'll take it from here, love.

Now, listen, we're
doing everything we can

to find out what happened
to your mam, hmm.

[Gentle music]

What's happened?

What have you found?

We found out she was suspended
from school on Monday.

No, no, that's not right,

she's been going
to school every.

Not been in school since
quarter to 10, Monday morning.

So how'd she get suspended?

She was a bit hasty in reporting
a child protection case

to social services,
caused some problems.

So how were things at
home, besides being busy?

I mean, Zara said she and
her mam were arguing a lot.

Well, she's a teenager, it
comes with the territory.

I mean, it was intense,

they both needed
some breathing space,

so I suggested Zara go
and stay with her sister.

What were they arguing about?

I know Zara has
academic pressures.

Ah, it wasn't that.

Lizzy wasn't keen
on her boyfriend

and I can't say I was
his biggest fan either.


He's too old for her.

They're both on very
different paths.

Now, it'll burnout out, but
if we try to break it up

it'd only make them stronger.

So you thought you'd give
Zara some breathing space

from him too?

[Phil sighs]


Thanks love.

Is that Zara's boyfriend?

[Aiden] Greg, he turned up
not long after you left.

Phil said Lizzy
wasn't keen on him.

Well, neither are
Moira and Rose.

Moira said, "Family only."

She made him wait outside
until Zara showed up.

Ah, well, he is
four years older.

Well, three, she's nearly 18.

Four! And you wouldn't
be saying that

if you had a daughter
instead of a son.

Well, he was keen to be helpful.

Oh, that makes it okay
does it, if he's helpful?

I'm just saying he
answered all my questions.

[Ominous music]

- Now come on!
- [Vera clapping]

We need to establish
what our victim was doing

while she was suspended
from school, anything?

Mark, what about her car?

There's still no signs since
the day before she died,

but that car park ticket
you found was for Brignall,

I'm checking the ANPR for
the last couple of weeks.

Right, get on with that.


Have we heard back
from social services?

I've left four voicemails for
Omar Hassan's social worker,

Marti Kapp? Not got through yet.

Marti? Oh! She and I go
way back, I'll call her.

Kenny, did you do
the background check

on the lad's father?

Yeah, Mohammad Hassan, Mo,

he's a chef at a seaside
diner in Brignall

and he's got history.

He got sacked seven years ago

and he'd bricked his
employer's window.

So he has a temper, well,
that's good to know.

Brignall you say?

Well, maybe she
paid him a visit.

Ma'am, I've found a social
media group for parents

at Lizzy's school.

Mo posted some comments
about Lizzy on a thread

at the weekend.

He warned parents to
be careful of her,

said that she was a liar
and should be sacked.

That she'd accused him of
something that he didn't do.

So much for his
understanding act.

Now, another user
was stirring it.

"I believe in karma, bad
things come to bad people."

And he says, "Maybe sometimes
karma needs a helping hand."

Well, if that's not a
threat, I'll eat my hat.

Ring donut and an iced finger?

I am a cheap date.

So what do you want?

- Marti.
- [police sirens wailing]

I need an off the record chat.

I want all the information
you can give me

on Omar Hassan and his dad.

I don't wanna go in half cocked.

You think Mo had something
to do with Lizzy's death?

I don't know, he said
he didn't see her,

but I know my victim was
a teacher at his school

and they had words at the
beginning of the week.

Well, Omar was late for
school several times,

often in dirty clothes.

Lizzy sent a few emails,
concerned about neglect.

So, he's been on your
radar for awhile?

Lizzy reported, he regularly
came to school with bruises.

When I spoke to her last
week, she was agitated,

insisted we had to act,
convinced Omar was in real danger

from his dad.

Oh, maybe she was
right to be worried.

At first I thought Lizzy
was just covering herself,

but she got upset, angry,
went really over the top.

She knew when she reported it
we'd have to instigate a case,

she was, on a mission.

Well, she obviously
felt strongly.

What do you think of the fella?

He's defensive as you'd expect,

and Omar loves him but
then victims often do.


The thing is if Lizzy got
her reporting wrong...

The fella's innocent,
he's done nothing wrong.

Damned if you do.

And damned, if you do.

[Phone ringing]

Can you just hold on one sec?

I'll let you know if
I find anything else.

Thanks Marti.

Oh, and er, Vera,

two iced fingers
next time, yeah?

Hello, Marti Kapp speaking.

[Mo] Why are ya here?

[Vera] We said we'd be in touch.

Look, I had nothing to
do with what happened

with Mrs. Swann.

Then you won't mind us ruling
you out of our inquiries?

Where were you on Wednesday
between 11:15 AM and 1:30 PM?

I took Omar to the
hospital for some tests,

dropped him back off at
school at 11 and then came

back here to work.

When did you last
see Mrs. Swann?

Monday morning at the school.

She lied to them, told
them I'd hurt my son.

I've been to social
services, love.

Sometimes I know
Omar's late for school,

but that's because he
doesn't finish his breakfast

and I'm not gonna
send him out hungry.

He's a clumsy lad, just bruises
by just touching something,

you know?

Why didn't you get
it checked out?

I am, I'm seeing a consultant
and they're doing tests.

Well, maybe you should
have taken him sooner.

[Paper rustling]

What did you mean by this?

"Sometimes karma
needs a helping hand."

I was just sh**ting
my mouth off,

it doesn't mean I
wanted to hurt her.

Nah, just thr*aten
her online, eh?

I didn't hurt Mrs. Swann,
why would I do that

and risk losing my son.

[Bell ringing]

I need to work, please.

Oh, well, I'm not stopping ya.

He doesn't help
himself, does he?

[Suspenseful music]

Why didn't you tell us
you've been pressured

to suspend Lizzy?

It was my decision.

[Aiden] So what changed?

I had to reevaluate
a few things.

So you already had your
own concerns about her?

Lizzy had made a few
decisions recently

that were a bit off.

She wasn't herself.

I saw Lizzy on Wednesday,
she came round the back

just after 10, said
she wanted to talk.

I wouldn't let her in, I told
her it wasn't appropriate

for her to be here.

You saw her the day she died

and you're only
just telling us now?

I know.

I'm sorry.

I just felt so guilty,
'cause I turned her away.

You said she'd been off.

Over the last few weeks
she'd been distracted

and emotional.

Was it anything to do
with Zara's boyfriend?

[Anika] Greg?


She thought Zara was spending
too much time with him,

but she hadn't
mentioned it again.

And how was she and her husband?

Lizzy found it claustrophobic
and felt trapped.

She said something about
wanting to get away, escape.

From the farm or her husband?

Just said, things had to change.

Now, according to the
headmistress Lizzy seemed troubled

for the past fortnight,
but apart from arguments

with her daughter, no one at
home seemed to notice anything.

Now, we know she was unhappy
about Zara's boyfriend,

Greg Stein, Kenny run a
background check on him.

Yes, Ma'am.

Jac, how are we doing
with her laptop?

The reports back from forensics.

Lizzy uploaded this
on Tuesday evening.

Oh, well, that photos
up in their kitchen.

Hang on,

no that's a photo of the photo,

you can see the
reflection of her windows.

Now why would she have done...?

She also downloaded several
statements on Monday,

savings, investments, bank.

Well, fair enough, she thought
she was gonna lose her job.

Well, on Tuesday she emptied
money from all the accounts

that she shared with
her husband into her own

personal account.

Did she?

Yeah, just over 4,000 pounds
and then she froze the rest.

Anika said that Lizzy
wanted to escape,

that could be her escape fund.

Well, there's that, or she
didn't trust her husband?

Jac, do a financial check
on the pair of them,

last six months.

I want everything.

Now Mark, how are we
doing with her movements?

ANPR pinged that she travelled
to Brignall on Tuesday

and Wednesday, but
nothing on Monday.

Yeah, but you-

Well, I've already checked
the CCTV for the car park,

it's just for show.

So why was she in Brignall?



Well, it's the nearest big town,

plenty of cafes to hang out in.

Now, we're meeting
Phil at the morgue,

Kenny get on to her
mobile provider,

I want those phone records
and remind them, please,

this is a m*rder inquiry.

Yes Ma'am.

[Sombre music]

[Door bangs]

[Sombre music continues]

[Zara sobs]

Can you look after her?

Where's Phil?

He's just left.

Look who's turned up.

[Footsteps thudding]

[Door bangs]

So I'm presuming
you've got news.

Well, it's not good.

I can confirm that
someone else was involved.

It seems likely that Lizzy
was pulled down the steps

after an altercation.

And I'm afraid we still
haven't found her car,

but we do know she
visited Brignall

on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Why would she go there?

Well, I was hoping you
could tell me that.

She have friends there?

Cafe? Favourite spot?

No, I mean Macca runs a
pub there on the seafront.

Oh, well that could be it then.

Were they close?

What do ya mean?

We met Macca in the
lane by the farm,

he told us he was a
friend of the family.

Yeah, but she wouldn't have
gone out of her way to see him

and if he had seen
her, he would've said.


Can you tell me why she
emptied your joint accounts

into her own personal one?

She did what?

She cleared out your joint
accounts day before she died,

you didn't know that?

Well why'd you
think she did that?

Financial problems?

I've no idea.

Look, I need to be
with my daughter.

Why are you walking
away from me?

[Suspenseful music]

[Aiden] Zara wasn't
happy he was here.

Mm, well, let's
keep an eye on him.

Ma'am, I've got Lizzy's
mobile phone records.

There's calls to
her bank, Anika,

daily calls with her daughters,

the last call she made was
10:20 Wednesday morning.

Phil says that Jamie
McCarthy lives in Brignall,

runs a pub.


Jac, run him through the system.

Full background check.

[Jac] Yes ma'am.

Ma'am, we've found Lizzy's car.

[Mechanic] Mrs. Swann called,

said two of the tyres were flat.

[Aiden] And you picked
her up from school?

[Mechanic] Aye, at
about quarter to 11,

said it would take 'til
four to sort the tyres out,

she said she'd come
by the garage later.

[Vera] Did you give
her a lift anywhere?

[Mechanic] Nah, she
said she'd walk.

Do you know where she went?

[Mechanic] Sorry, too busy
getting her car on me truck.

And how was she?

How do you think?

Peed off, two tyres were flat.

Car's over here waiting for her.

We've kept the tyres
for the insurance,

didn't look like an accident.

It was deliberate?


Hey, don't touch, love.

Get forensics in.

Oh, we've give it a
valet after the tyres.

You've done what?

Part of the service.

We never touched
the suitcase though.

The suitcase?

- [Suspenseful music]
- [trunk clicks]

So, a packed case,
was she legging it?

And her husband and
mother-in-law didn't even notice?

Well, that says a lot.

Where was she gonna stay?


maybe with that headmistress?

Perhaps that's why she turned
up at the school to see her,

got turned away.

But more importantly, who
was it sabotaged the car?

Stopped her from going, hmm?

[Car engine revving]

Right, Malcolm, what
have you got for us, hmm?

Twice in one day, lucky me.

Right, well, I've been looking
at the enhanced photographs

of Lizzy's wrist and it's very
clear that someone grabbed

it very hard indeed.

Aye, that's just as I thought.

Now, see if you can
impress me again, Malcolm,

what have you got
from these tyres?

Well, I wouldn't want you
to think I was showing off,

but I can confirm
it was deliberate.

The punctures were tiny,
something long sharp,

almost needle like.

Some needle, go through a tyre.

Well, whatever it was, they
would have gone down silently.

So whoever did this, just
wanted the car out of action,

needed her to be on foot?


More vulnerable.

What have you got
from the suitcase?

We only found her prints
on the handle and the lock,

but I had better
luck with the car.

We found two sets, one on
the passenger door handle

not in the system and another
set under the wheel arches,

presumably when they were
puncturing the tyres.

Oh, tell me they're on
the system, Malcolm.

They are on the system, Malcolm.

Can I have a name?

Mo Hassan.


Well, well, well.

Look, this is harassment!

I haven't done anything wrong!

This is harassment!

- [Dramatic music]
- [indistinct chatter]

[Glove box clatters]

[Dramatic music continues]



Brave of ya to refuse a
solicitor, Mr. Hassan.

I've got nothing to hide.

[Vera] No?


Now, two tyres on Lizzy
Swann's car were punctured

outside Wellstead Academy
the morning she died,

just a few minutes after
you signed your son

into school, late.

Which was just after 10,
not 11, like you said.

I got mixed up, you can't
hang a man for that.

I didn't touch her.

Oh, don't give me that, I
wasn't born yesterday, love.

And look what we found in the
glove compartment of your car.

Now these match the puncture
marks on Lizzy's tyres.

We also have your fingerprints
on two wheel arches.

You left her without a car,
knowing that she'd have to walk.

Well, she'd be easier to
follow on foot, wouldn't she?

Easier to have that quiet word?

Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute.

Look I did the tyres, okay,
but I did not follow her.

Nah, don't believe ya.

Did you try and make
her listen to ya, pet?

Try a bit too hard?

Wait, I didn't even
speak with her,

let alone k*ll her.

I, I, I did them and then
I went to work, ask them.

Oh, don't you worry
about that pet, we will.

You've got a bit of history
at lashing out, haven't ya?

Her tyres, your
old bosses windows,

leading off at school.

I didn't hurt her,
I wouldn't do that!

I wouldn't leave a
child without a mum.

Well, we've only got
your word for that

and so far you've told
us nothing but lies,

so I won't be holding my breath.

Can I have a solicitor, please?

Why did she go to
Wellstead Point?

Isolated? Good
place to be alone?

Local beauty spot?

Yeah, but there was
a storm brewing,

it's completely exposed,
she'd have got drenched.

Well, she obviously
didn't wanna go back home.

Yeah, well why not go
to a pub or a cafe?

There's two in Wellstead.

If she was k*lling time,
she'd look for somewhere

with a roof, hmm, keep
dry, wouldn't she?

Nah, she went to
Wellstead deliberately.

Now, our victim was extremely
upset on the morning she died

and she confided in the
headmistress that she needed

a friend and I think she
met one at Wellstead Point.

Now, if it wasn't
her, who was it?

Well, I tracked down
one of the unregistered

phone numbers and guess
who Lizzy was texting

on a regular basis?


Jimmy McCarthy.

Was she now?

Well, he said he
was close to her.

And Phil wasn't very
happy when we mentioned

old Macca was he?

Maybe they were closer
than he was letting on.

Kenny, you and Mark
get down to his pub,

see if any of the regulars
remember seeing Lizzy there.

Jac, what did you find?

He keeps a low profile,
not on social media.

There's a few newspaper
articles about him

supporting Lizzy's school.

What does he rent that
barn off of Phil for?

Do we know?

I can find out, I looked
into the farm's books,

it's solvent but only just.

For the last 18 months
it's been kept afloat

by Phil and Lizzy savings.

Well, I wonder if she knew that?

Maybe that's why she
withdrew the rest?


Sorry I'm late Ma'am,
I've just collected this.

Image from the dash cam of
a bus taken near Wellstead,

the morning Lizzy died.

You're kidding me?

[Suspenseful music]

[Door chains rattling]

Going somewhere pet?

- [Suspenseful music continues]
- [seagulls squawking]

This was taken near Wellstead
the morning Mrs. Swann died

and look at this.

[Aiden] She made
four calls to you

in the week that she died.

I didn't speak to her.

No? Well you called her
the night before she died,

spoke for three minutes.

[Table bangs]

Now this doesn't look
good for you, son.

I'd start collaborating.

I wanted to call a truce.

Ah, so you admit the two
of you had been fighting.

Not me, her and Zara, but
the arguing wasn't good

for Zara, I want
what's best for her,

same as a mom does,


And that involves Zara
spending all her time at yours

when she should
be revising, hmm?

Moving in together
at university.

Who told you that?

That's what her mam heard.

We're not, because
Zara doesn't want to,

but I wanted to talk to
her mum to clear the air.

I thought she'd have to
talk if we saw each other


Where'd you meet her?

Just off the lanes of the farm.

Did you force your
way into that car?


Are you sure?

She had the wrong idea about me.

I had to make her listen, I
know Zara's exams are important

all she does with
me is revising.

Yeah, of course she does.

We're not stupid.

You're the same as a her mam.

What, think I'm only
after one thing?

- [Zip scraping]
- [gentle music]

What's that?

True love waits.

You know and that might not
mean something to some people,

but it does to me.

I thought, I thought if,
I could talk to her mum,

explain, she'd stop
trying to break us up.

Made you angry did it?

Nah, look, she
was the angry one.

I told her she wasn't thinking
about what was best for Zara

and well, she lost it, said
there was stuff going on

I didn't even know about.

What stuff?

She kept saying that, that,

that things were gonna change,
that I had to give Zara space

it wasn't making much sense.

Made me promise to
keep away from Zara,

it's the only way
she'd calm down.

And then what?

And then she, erm...


She gave us a lift
to the bus stop.

I walked home, took the
coastal path, got home at one.

Hang on, you were
near Wellstead Point?


No, no, look, I
didn't see her there.

Did anybody else see you?

You should have
told us this Greg!

You said Zara spends all her
time at yours revising, hmm?


Why doesn't she do that at home?

She doesn't like it there.

I don't blame her mum
for not liking me,

Zara uses me as an
excuse half the time

to get out of stuff but,

I didn't k*ll Lizzy.

I spoke to her once
on the phone, once,

the rest of the time I
sent her to voicemail.

[Lizzy] Greg, if you love Zara

then just give her some space.

It's important she's
with her family.


[Aiden] Makes her real
again, doesn't it?

[Lizzy] There were
things going on

that you know nothing about.

It's not all about
you, you know just,

leave her alone, for God's sake!

What, what are they hiding?

Er, Ma'am, Marti Kapp's
here, she's got news.

Oh, right.

Now, is there any update
on Hassan's alibi?

Boss said he arrived
at work at 10:45

and stayed 'til three.

- Right.
- [Vera sighs]

So where is she?

Well, I left her
in the corridor.

Well, we're not allowed
to bring people in here.

- [Door clangs]
- [footsteps clattering]

You're gonna wanna to hear this.

What have you got?

A diagnosis on Omar.

He has juvenile osteoporosis
and a clotting disorder,

it's why he keeps
injuring himself.

Oh, that poor little lad.

So, dad's in the clear with you?

[Marti] Mmm.

And us.

We'll keep an eye on Omar,
work out a care package

with his dad.

I asked him about
being late for school.

Know what he said?

If he didn't eat his breakfast,

he got to spend more
time with his dad.

[Vera breathes heavily]

Do you wanna tell him?

[Door clicks]

[Gentle music]

[Window knocking]

Ten minutes.


Sorry, I've gotta to
make tea for the kids.

Aye, you're all right, love.

Now, I just wanted to ask ya,

what do you think of
your sister's boyfriend?



He's okay.

His heart's in the right place.

I don't think they'll last but,

he's been good for Zara.

He said Zara just uses him as
an excuse to not be at home.

I don't know, possibly.

So what's your excuse, hmm?

You left home at what, 16?

Er, 17.

- I was miserable there.
- [juice glugging]

Mam and Rose started fighting

the moment we lived with them.

Oh, so did your Aunt
Rose and Uncle Ryan

used to run the farm?

Until dad took it
on, by himself.

Ooh, well that must've
been claustrophobic,

especially if your mam
and Rose didn't get on.

Mam tried, she
really did, but Rose

hated us being there.

She couldn't stand mam,
she was jealous of her.

Why's that?

Mam was cleverer, had a career.

And of course, dad got the farm.

Him being the oldest.

Well that'd been tough
on your Uncle Ryan.

He wanted to start his
own business anyway.

Dad gave him some money.

He left, set one up with Rose.

Ooh, that would've
made things easier.

It was hard for dad.

He had to do Ryan's work too,

but it made a big difference.

So, if things were now,
okay, why d'ya leave?

I was never going to uni,

thought I might as
well go and get a job.

Mam and me kept arguing.

We were okay once I left,

we were, we were close,
talked most days.

Now, the last time
your mam phoned ya,

did she say anything at all
that could be useful, hmm?


Just wanted to know
when Zara would be home,

mam was missing her.

[Gentle music]

I wish I could help
ya, but I can't.

Well, I'll leave you to it pet.


Now, your Aunt Rose, what's
the name of her business?

[Tractor whirring]

Ooh! Big operation.

We're very busy, all the
farmers locally use us.

So do you own all of this?

Those new sales.

Most of our business
involves small plant hire,

servicing and
maintenance contracts.

It's been very profitable,
found a real gap in the market.

Well, I can see you're
busy, so I'll be direct.

I hear you and Lizzy had
a difficult relationship.

That is direct, who said that?

Was is difficult?

Well, hard for it not to be.

She pushed us out, out
the farm, our home,

she got rid of us.

I thought you and your
husband wanted to leave.

And start again?

Moira said there
was no room for us,

that Phil had a
family to support.

Ryan worked his fingers
to the bone for his mam

and for what?

But Phil gave you
the start up money?

150 Grand?

Vine was worth double that.

Might have been Moira that said
go but it was Lizzy's idea.

She never liked Ryan,
just out for herself.

She wanted Phil to sell
up, Moira was furious.

Both knew Lizzy could twist
people round her little finger,

but that?

No, Ryan was the one that
looked after the farm,

'til Phil and his lot moved in.

I know she's dead,
but it's the truth.

So how did you and Lizzy
get on at the memorial

on Sunday?

Not well, I'm guessing.

We had words.

She was being
disrespectful, rude.

Didn't wanna have a
scene, so I took her off

for a private word.

Took her?

Did it get physical?

Did you grab her by the wrist?

I'd just scattered
my husband's ashes.

She was bored, didn't
even try to hide it.

So how'd it go when
you spoke to her, hmm?

She said sorry and
left soon after.

Where were you on Wednesday?

I was here,

ask anyone.

You know, I'm surprised
you're not talking to Phil,

they barely spoke on Sunday.

Lizzy must've fallen
off her pedestal.

Look, whatever that woman knows,

she's keeping it to herself.

Now, who knew Lizzy
was doing a runner?

Her husband has to be
part of the reason.

Rose said Lizzy wrapped people
round her little finger,

what she getting at?

Maybe there was someone else.

Maybe she was having an affair.

Well, long hours at
school, on her own,

it's a good cover story.

Jac, did you find
anything out about Phil

and his best mate McCarthy?

Yes Ma'am, McCarthy
started renting the barn

when the farm began to struggle.

He paid 600 pound a
month for the first year,

but he's paid nothing
for the last six months.

Well he said he was still
using it when we saw him.

Well, no one pays that
much has a favour.

What's he got in that barn?

Did you find anything
out at the pub?

Yeah, well, two
punters saw her there

on Tuesday afternoon.

Did they now?

Yeah, and Lizzy and
McCarthy had a blazing row.

He tells her to
keep her voice down

and then he follows
her out of the pub.

Oh, tell me you've
got it on CCTV.

Absolutely Ma'am,
got it right here.

And there she is.

[Suspenseful music]


- [Car doors banging]
- [seagulls squawking]

Thanks for your CCTV.

[Macca] Cheers, Ma'am

Now it shows you
and Lizzy arguing.

Why didn't you
tell us about that?

[Macca] Because it's got
nothing to do with you.


Now people had a habit
of trying to shut her up,

makes me wonder what it
was she was trying to say.

She wanted help with something
at school, but I couldn't.

Now, that's rubbish
and you know it.

She'd been suspended.

Now, you and Phil
are close right, hmm,

pair of you go way
back, same army squad?

Yeah, helps to
have a mate around,

civilian life isn't easy, so.

Were you close to Lizzy too?

You texted her almost
every other day.


What were the text's about?

Running times.

Lizzy started running
a few months back

and I was helping her,
giving her some coaching.

Hmm, did Phil know about that?

No, we didn't mention
it, didn't want him to

get the wrong idea.

Well, I imagine he'd
have got exactly

the same idea we got.

The texts were about running.

Hmm, well can I see 'em?

I've deleted them.

[Aiden scoffs]

Were you seeing her, hmm?

You're joking, right?

It's no joke, the
woman is dead, love.

Course I wasn't, Phil
was one of my best mates.

Okay, tell me about this
favour you're doing Phil,

renting his barn.

Well, it wasn't being used,

he needed some money and
I needed a place to store

some crap from here, so.

Are you still renting it?

[Macca] Yeah, I told you.

Yeah, how's that cash in hand?


Ooh, 600 quid a month,
that's a lot of money,

very generous.

Well, if it helps
him out, you know?


- [Ominous music]
- [footsteps clattering]

Get me a warrant to
search that barn.

On it.

[Ominous music continues]

[Car engines revving]

- [Tractor whirring]
- [suspenseful music]

[Tractor door bangs]

Well, go and look.


[lock snaps]

[lock jangling]

[Suspenseful music]

He's been growing there.

He's got some nerve.

When do you think McCarthy
cleared out that barn, hmm?

Before Lizzy died, I'll bet ya,

tying up his loose ends.

Do you think she knew
what was in there?

Well, she seemed
the sort of person

who'd have gone straight
to the police, doesn't she?

Maybe Phil was taking a cut?

I doubt that, if he we was,

he wouldn't have money problems.

And what the hell's
he doing here?

[Door banging]

I'll kick those doors in!

Open up!

[Window banging]

Let me in!

[Aiden] Mr. Swann!

Let me in!

- You're not making any sense.
- [Aiden] Mr. Swann!

What were you doing with Lizzy?

Mr. Swann, calm down.

What were you doing?

Phil, calm down.

What's he gotta do with Lizzy?

Well, leave it to us,
let me ask the questions.

Come on, we'll
take care of this.

[Vera] Now, go home!

[Pub door clicking]

[Aiden] Ma'am!

Look, being done for as*ault's

not gonna help anyone, is it?

Now go home, love.

Thanks, lucky you were here.

Aye, wasn't it just.

Now, we need to
have a little chat.

Now, we all know what
was in that barn,

one phone call and I can get
forensics in to prove it.

Or you can tell us about
your relationship with your

best mates wife, or has
Phil got that wrong as well?

Yeah, he's got that wrong,

me and Lizzy, we just,

we made each other
laugh, we got on,

but I'd never do that to
Phil, betray him like that,

he's a mate.

No, but you'd run a
cannabis farm in his barn

so not that much
of a mate, is he?

It's obvious, there
was something going on

between you and his misses,

the texts, the visits,
the training sessions,

helping out at school.

Good cover stories.

We weren't hiding anything.

I reckon she wanted to
run away with ya, hmm?

Escape her life in the
mud, but you got cold feet,

is that why the pair
of you were arguing?

No, you have this all wrong.

We know she came to
Brignall two days in a row,

we can check your CCTV,
see if she came here.

Check it, she came once,

but there was nothing
going on between us.

So why were you arguing?

It was about Phil.

She found a parking ticket
in his pocket for Brignall

wanted to know if I'd seen him.

For last Monday?


[Vera] Had you seen him?


So why the argument,
Mr. McCarthy?

Look, I'm losing
my patience here!

She thought he was
having an affair.

An affair?

And is he?

Course not, Lizzy was
the love of his life,

he worshipped her.

So why was he in Brignall?

Seeing a friend.

This friend got a name?


Tina Callow.

[Tina] You still
haven't scored a goal,

- so come on.
- [car doors bang]

[Tina laughing]



Could I have a word, love?



Fancy a kick about?

Is that all right?

Er, yeah, you be a
good boy Vincent.

- [Footsteps clattering]
- [ball banging]

Ooh, one touch, here.

We were in the army
together, he's an old friend.

Ah, oh is that why he's
been paying your rent

for the last six months?

That's not a crime, is it?

No, no, very generous
for a fella who's skint.

Well, I needed help
and he's a good mate.

Oh, I think he's more
than that, isn't he pet?

Is he the father of your lad?

Well, I'll take that as a yes.

You still together?


[Tina sighs]

It only lasted a month and
then we came to our senses.

We were on tour together,

hundreds of miles
away from everyone,

We were both lonely.

Oh, well it happens.

And I'm guessing it
was after you split up,

that you found out
you were pregnant?

Phil didn't want a
new family with me,

he wanted his old one.

So why are you here in Brignall?

You're practically
on his doorstep.

I lost my job, my flat, I,

I didn't know who
else to turn to.

Did Lizzy come here on Tuesday?

Yeah, she saw me
and Phil outside

and waited for him to leave
and then barged her way in.

I don't know how
she got my address.

She thought we were
having an affair,

I said we weren't, but-

But she saw your lad and put
two and two together, hmm?

I told her nothing
was going on anymore,

but she didn't believe me.

What did Phil say when you
told him she'd been here?

I haven't told him.

Lizzy said she wanted
to talk to him herself.

[Suspenseful music]

[Car doors clicking]

Do you think Tina
could have done it?

- [Car door banging]
- No,

I don't think so somehow.

[Car door banging]

She said she was
at a job interview,

but you can get
Kenny to check that.

Here's what I think.

Maybe Phil got angry when
Lizzy confronted him, hmm?

Annoyed that she'd
come over here.

I mean, he wouldn't want
it coming out would he,

about Tina and the lad?

He'd need to explain to
Lizzy somewhere private,

out of his mam's ear shot.

And maybe things
got out of hand,

-He was checking the farm

boundaries and he
was working the field

on Wednesday morning, less than
a mile from Wellstead Point.

Ex-army, he could have got
there and back in half an hour,

- easy.
- [car ignition sparks]

[car engine revving]

[Suspenseful music]

[Tractor whirring]

So what did Lizzy say
to ya when she found out

about Tina and ya lad?


she didn't know.

But I'm not proud of it,

I live with that
guilt every day.

Tina needed help I wasn't
going to abandon them.

Lizzy didn't need to know
and I didn't tell her.

Well, I'm afraid she
worked it out pet,

because she found
your parking ticket,

the same as we did
and she followed ya.

She saw you there,
she saw the lad,

she met him!

Ya what?

Saw the three of you
together and after you left,

she doorstepped Tina.

Now you were there twice
last week, why was that?

I, erm,

Vincent had a
temperature on Monday

and I was worried about him.

Why didn't Lizzy say anything?

Well, I'd have thought
that was obvious,

she thought you
were still together.

What, so she died, not
knowing how much I loved her?

She also knew you'd used
the savings on the farm.

Did she confront you about that?

Yeah, on Monday.

That's why I was
in the spare room.

She said we couldn't
lose any more money

because it was for
university, for Zara.

She knew Macca had
paid cash in hand,

she just didn't know why.

After we argued, she
didn't want me near her,

that's why I didn't know.

I couldn't let
the farm go under,

you know, I'm meant to be a man,

I'm not meant to struggle.

Now, see if she talked
to ya about the money,

I can't believe she didn't
talk to you about Tina

and the lad.

Maybe she needed to be on
neutral ground, somewhere private,

somewhere where she could shout
at ya and not be overheard,

course you couldn't have
that chat at home, could ya?

And Wellstead Point's
not that far away

from where you were
farming on Wednesday.

Well, I didn't do
it, I wouldn't.

Well, maybe you didn't
mean to hurt her.

Maybe it was an accident.

I didn't see her
and we didn't speak.

I should never have
come back home,

it all went wrong
when we came back.

Ryan resented us being there,

and Lizzy and Rose, well,

nah, it was never gonna work.

Well, they were
pushed out, paid off.

It was Ryan's idea,

he'd been planning it for years.

I helped him out best I
could to start his business,

but then Fern was arguing
nonstop, before she left.

And then Zara had that accident.

When Ryan died?

Yeah, Ryan picked
Zara up after work.

Yeah, he was over the
limit, turned a bend,

he died on impact.

Zara was trapped for an hour.

Do you know the physio
takes six months?

Head takes longer.

I should have picked Zara up.

You know, Lizzy
never trusted Ryan.

[Door clicking]

Mark, can you pull
out the report

on Ryan Swann's accident, ASAP.

[Mark] Ma'am.

He seemed convincing enough.

Yeah, Kenny, Macca's alibi?

Rock-solid, he was an
auction in Brignall.

And then Greg was caught
on CCTV in Brignall

just after 11 o'clock and
Tina Callow's alibi stands up.

Right, what about Rose?

I've popped it on
your desk, Ma'am.

Yeah, thanks Mark.

Her alibi doesn't add up.

She was seen leaving work
between 11 and midday

on the day Lizzy died.

Oh, was she indeed?

Well, chase up any
employees you've missed.


Right, now bear with me, hmm?

Phil's just said, Lizzy
didn't trust Ryan,

now something is not right here.

And no one can
decide what it was

that was troubling Lizzy.

Was it Greg?

Young Omar? Rose? Her husband?

Well, maybe we've not been
looking in the right place.

And it's much closer to
home than we thought.

I need to talk to Zara.

Get your coat.

Eh, Zara, love.

Erm, I need to ask ya something,

tricky pet,

about the accident.

See I was looking
through the report

and I noticed your uncle didn't
take the direct route home,

took you one a detour.

Now, I know your mam
didn't trust Ryan.

Did you know he was drunk?

I realised when he
made a wrong turning,

only he hadn't got it wrong.

You thought it was deliberate?

He wanted to take you somewhere,

well, private was that it?

I didn't want to, but
he said that I did,

that, that I wanted it.

He was my uncle.

Ah, Zara, love.

He kept trying to grope me,

I pushed him off.

And then he hit the bend and...

Well, no wonder you didn't
wanna go to his memorial.

Do you tell anyone?

No, I was too ashamed.

You should have
told your mam, pet.

I did eventually,
'cause we were arguing.

She kept going on and
on about me seeing Greg,

said he was too old for me
and I should be concentrating

on my exams and I
couldn't help it,

it all came out.

So when was this, recently?

Two weeks ago.

She was so angry with me,
kept asking why I hadn't

told her before, why
I'd left it so long,

it was, it was
like she blamed me.

Well, of course she was angry,

with your Uncle Ryan, not you.

So how did you leave
it with your mam, hmm?

I said not to tell anyone,

I didn't want Rose to know,
I knew she's only blame me,

same with gran.

I didn't wanna get into trouble.

Mam wanted to say something,
but I made her promise not to,

not even to dad, I said, I
didn't wanna talk about it,

but she just kept
going on and on and...

Ah, so your dad
sent you to Ferns,

bit of breathing space.

I'm going back
there later today.

I don't like it
here without me mam.

I miss her.

Yeah, course ya do, pet.

And Zara, it took some guts
for you to tell us that.

Your Uncle Ryan was the
only one to blame, not you.

[Dramatic music]

[Aiden] That poor girl.

No wonder Lizzy went overboard

trying to protect young Omar,
she was riddled with guilt,

not protecting her daughter.

Heard Jac spoke to one
of Rose's employees.

Lizzy was there on Tuesday.

Went back for round two.

Got a habit of not telling
us the truth, Rose.

-I dunno what-
-Now, we've got

an eye witness, places
Lizzy at your work

the day before she died.

And guess what, she
also says you left work

the morning she was k*lled.

I went home, forgot
some invoices.

Really? Are you sure about that?

I told you, I went home.

I wouldn't lie!

Wouldn't ya?

Now this witness says
Lizzy was in your office

for 20 minutes.

Now why was she there?

To pick the argument
back up, hmm?

You gonna tell us what
this argument was about?

It's got nothing
to do with this.

Well, if your husband was
sexually assaulting his niece,

it's got everything
to do with it.

That was years ago,

it's all lies.

I've taken a
statement from Zara,

she said they crashed because
she was having to stop him

from assaulting her.

That's not true,
he didn't do that.

Nothing happened with Zara.

Now, you must have
wondered why they were on

that particular road
when they crashed,

it wasn't exactly the
quickest way home, now was it?

I thought he must've had
one too many, got confused.

Nah, you just didn't
wanna believe it

and that I can understand.

What was the argument
with Lizzy about?

She wanted me out the family,

said that she would make sure
none of them had anything

to do with me again.

It was years ago, you just
said, it was years ago.

Has this happened before?

This isn't fair, now he's
not here to defend himself.

Ryan's not a pervert,
it was her, Fern,

walking around in
a towel, parading,

she came onto him!

Ryan told me!

Yet we were the ones
that got thrown out!

Do you think Lizzy knew
it has happened before?

Of course she knew!

Why else were Ryan and Rose
turfed out of the farm, hmm?

And then Zara comes
along and says,

it's happened to her too.

Must have driven the
poor woman ballistic.

Well, I need to talk to Fern,
but she's not answering.

[Operator] The person
you are trying to call...

Oh, no, she's turned
her phone off.

[Car engine revving]

[Suspenseful music]

[Doorbell buzzing]

[Door clicking]

Oh, Zara, love.


Just need a quick
word with ya sister.

Well, she's taken
the kids out, why?

[Door clicking]

[Suspenseful music]

Don't worry girls,
we're just, erm,

going for a drive.

- [Car engine revving]
- [suspenseful music continues]

Why'd you wanna see her?

Look, love, erm,

aside from telling your mam,
did you confide in anyone else

about your Uncle Ryan?

Only Fern, it was last
Tuesday, she was great,

let me talk it out all night,
didn't wake up 'til noon.


She woke me up with eggy
bread, a special treat.

And where would she
have taken the kids?

She go to Wellstead Point?

Yeah, they love it there.


I'm sorry, love.

Ed, this is DS Healy, I need
a support unit dispatched

to Wellstead Point.

Suspect is IC1 female and
has two minors in her care.

And tell him no blues and two's,

God knows what state she's in.

[Suspenseful music]

Oh, she's here.

[Suspenseful music continues]

[Rocks clattering]

[Aiden] She looks scared.

Aye, she does.

You stay here.

Just wanna talk, love.

And I reckon you do too.

Hey, there's no need to
be scared of me, pet.

Look, why don't ya let DS
Healy take the bairns, hmm?

Then we can have a chat.

Think there might be some
chocolate in the car.

Go on.

[Aiden] This way, nice
and steady, come on.

Wish this weather would
make up his mind, don't you?

Micro climate.


I know what happened

with your Uncle Ryan and you.

Your Aunt Rose let it slip.

Rose thought I was lying.

Gran said dad couldn't know.

She said Uncle Ryan and
Rose would move out.

I wouldn't see him again.

You know, just brush
it under the carpet.

Oh, keep it secret.

Gran blamed me.

She was protecting Ryan,

not me,


I couldn't bear it there.

I couldn't breathe.

Ah, so you left and
I don't blame ya.

What about Zara, hmm?

I made mam swear
to never let Zara

be anywhere near
him, but she did

and then did exactly what
she did before, nothing.

Oh, no, she had it out
with you Aunt Rose, love,

about what happened.

I didn't know that.

Now you arranged to meet
your mam here on Wednesday,

didn't ya?

Mam was waiting for me here,

told her it had to
be somewhere private.

I'd wanted to talk, that's all.

Mam was already
upset when we met

and as soon as I
mentioned Ryan, she got,

she got annoyed.

Like she didn't
wanna talk about it,

you know, she just
wanted to talk about dad.

I grabbed hold of her,
you know, shook her,

told her to shut up, to listen.

She just walked away,
started up the steps.

She hadn't heard a word.

And I thought, I thought,
"I'm not having that,

you keeping it a secret again."

You know, "How dare
you walk away from me?"

I grabbed her bag
to stop her but,

but it broke

and, she, she...

[Fern sobs]

And I panicked

and I went home, tried
to, block it out.

Not easy to do that, is it?

You know, if Zara had
noticed something different

about me, anything, I'd
have said, but she didn't,

so I just...

You just swept it
under the carpet, hmm?

[Fern sobbing]

I lost it.

I'm gonna have to take
you into custody, love.

Come on.

[Fern sighs heavily]

Can I, can I ask
you for something?

Gran's not ever gonna tell dad,

but he needs to know, for Zara.

Can you tell him please?

Tell him, I'm sorry.

Fern said to tell ya,
it's time for there to be

no more secrets.

And I know your mam
wanted that too.

For things to change.

For everything to
be out in the open.

Come here.

[Zara sobbing]

I'm so sorry, love

[soft music]

[Door clicks]

I don't know what to say to her,

to either of 'em.

Well, you better think
of something, love,

'cause saying
nothing's a choice,

and a loud one at that.

You could start by saying sorry.

[Gentle music]

[Door clicks]

[Car door bangs]

[Car engine revving]

[Gentle music continues]

[Mysterious theme music]